
RFC3341 - The Application Exchange (APEX) Access Service

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group M. Rose

Request for Comments: 3341 Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.

Category: Standards Track G. Klyne

Clearswift Corporation

D. Crocker

Brandenburg InternetWorking

July 2002

The Application Exchange (APEX) Access Service

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This memo describes the Application Exchange (APEX) access service,

addressed as the well-known endpoint "apex=access". The access

service is used to control use of both the APEX "relaying mesh" and

other APEX services.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Use and Management of Access Information . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Querying Access Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2 Retrieval of Access Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.3 Update of Access Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3. Format of Access Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1 Finding the Appropriate Entry: Matching Owners and Actors . . 11

3.2 Creating and Updating Access Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4. The Access Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.1 Use of XML and MIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.2 The Query Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.3 The Get Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.4 The Set Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.5 The Reply Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5. Registration: The Access Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

6. The Access Service DTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

7. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

A. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

1. Introduction

This memo describes an access service that is built upon the APEX [1]

"relaying mesh". The APEX access service is used to control use of

both the relaying mesh and other APEX services.

APEX, at its core, provides a best-effort datagram service. Within

an administrative domain, all relays must be able to handle messages

for any endpoint within that domain. APEX services are logically

defined as endpoints but given their ubiquitous semantics they do not

necessarily need to be associated with a single physical endpoint.

As such, they may be provisioned co-resident with each relay within

an administrative domain, even though they are logically provided on

top of the relaying mesh, i.e.,

+----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +---------+


access presence report ...

service service service

+----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +---------+


APEX core


That is, applications communicate with an APEX service by exchanging

data with a "well-known endpoint" (WKE).

APEX applications communicate with the access service by exchanging

data with the well-known endpoint "apex=access" in the corresponding

administrative domain, e.g., "apex=access@example.com" is the

endpoint associated with the access service in the "example.com"

administrative domain.

Note that within a single administrative domain, the relaying mesh

makes use of the APEX access service in order to determine if an

originator is allowed to transmit data to a recipient (c.f., Step 5.3

of Section of [1]).

2. Use and Management of Access Information

Access information is organized around access entries, each of which


o an owner: an APEX address with which the entry is associated;

o an actor: an APEX address that is granted permission to perform

some action in the context of the owner;

o a list of actions; and,

o a timestamp indicating when the service last created or modified

the access entry.

The access entry for a given owner controls access to a potentially

large range of different APEX services, such as data delivery, access

control, and presence information. In addition, Section 4.5 of [1]

discusses APEX access policies that govern such activities as peer

authentication, message relaying, and so on.

Management of access information falls into three categories:

o applications may query the access service to see if one or more

actions are allowed;

o applications may retrieve access information associated with an

owner/actor combination; and,

o applications may modify (i.e., create, replace, or delete) access

information associated with an owner/actor combination.

Each is now described in turn.

2.1 Querying Access Information

When an application wants to determine whether one or more actions

are allowed for an owner/actor combination, it sends a "query"

element to the service, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

-- data ------->

appl. relay

<--------- ok --

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='fred@example.com' />

<recipient identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<query owner='fred@example.com' transID='1'


actions='core:data presence:subscribe' />



S: <ok />

The service immediately responds with either an allow or deny

operation containing the same transaction-identifier, where "allow"

means that all of the actions listed in the query are permitted,


+-------+ +-------+

<------- data --

relay access

-- ok ---------> svc.

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<recipient identity='fred@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<allow transID='1' />



S: <ok />


C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<recipient identity='fred@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<deny transID='1' />



S: <ok />

2.2 Retrieval of Access Information

When an application wants to retrieve the access entry associated

with an owner/actor combination (typically in preparation for

updating that access information), it sends a "get" element to the

service, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

-- data ------->

appl. relay

<--------- ok --

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='fred@example.com' />

<recipient identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<get transID='2'


actor='*@example.com' />



S: <ok />

The service immediately responds with a set operation containing the

access entry and the same transaction-identifier, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

<------- data --

relay access

-- ok ---------> svc.

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<recipient identity='fred@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<set transID='2'>

<access owner='fred@example.com'


actions='core:data presence:subscribe'

lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:02:00-08:00' />




S: <ok />

2.3 Update of Access Information

When an application wants to create or modify an access entry

associated with an owner/actor combination, it sends a "set" element

to the service containing the new access entry, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

-- data ------->

appl. relay

<--------- ok --

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='wilma@example.com' />

<recipient identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<set transID='1'>

<access owner='fred@example.com'


actions='core:data presence:subscribe'

lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:02:00-08:00' />




S: <ok />

Note that Step 4 of Section 4.4 requires that the "lastUpdate"

attribute of an access entry be supplied in order to update that

entry; accordingly, applications must successfully retrieve an access

entry prior to trying to modify that entry. (Naturally,

administrators should ensure that applications authorized to modify

an access entry are also authorized to retrieve that entry.)

The service immediately responds with a reply operation containing

the same transaction-identifier, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

<------- data --

relay access

-- ok ---------> svc.

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<recipient identity='wilma@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<reply code='250' transID='1' />



S: <ok />

Note that Steps 6.2 and 9.2 of Section 4.4 require that the access

service update the "lastUpdate" attribute of an access entry when it

is created or modified.

The service also immediately sends a set operation to the owner

attribute associated with the access entry, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

<------- data --

relay access

-- ok ---------> svc.

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<recipient identity='fred@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<set transID='1'>

<access owner='fred@example.com'


actions='core:data presence:subscribe'

lastUpdate='2000-05-14T23:02:00-08:00' />




S: <ok />

When an application wants to delete the access entry associated with

an owner/actor combination, it sends a "set" element to the service

omitting the permitted actions, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

-- data ------->

appl. relay

<--------- ok --

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='wilma@example.com' />

<recipient identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<set transID='2'>

<access owner='fred@example.com'


lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:02:00-08:00' />




S: <ok />

The service immediately responds with a reply operation containing

the same transaction-identifier, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

<------- data --

relay access

-- ok ---------> svc.

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<recipient identity='wilma@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<reply code='250' transID='2' />



S: <ok />

The service also immediately sends a set operation to the owner

attribute associated with the access entry, e.g.,

+-------+ +-------+

<------- data --

relay access

-- ok ---------> svc.

+-------+ +-------+

C: <data content='#Content'>

<originator identity='apex=access@example.com' />

<recipient identity='fred@example.com' />

<data-content Name='Content'>

<set transID='2'>

<access owner='fred@example.com'


lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:02:00-08:00' />




S: <ok />

Because there are no actions associated with this access entry, the

owner knows that the entry has been deleted.

Note that because access control supported limited wildcarding of

actors, deleting an access entry for a particular owner/actor

combination, may modify, rather than remove, permission. Because of

this, a special action, "all:none", is used.

For example, consider these two access entries:

<access owner='fred@example.com'


actions='core:data presence:subscribe presence:watch'

lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />

<access owner='fred@example.com'



lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />

Deleting the first access entry will not remove all permissions for

for the actor "barney@example.com".

Instead, the first access entry should be modified thusly:

<access owner='fred@example.com'



lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />

3. Format of Access Entries

Each administrative domain is responsible for maintaining one or more

"access entries" for each of its endpoints and associated

subaddresses (regardless of whether those addresses are currently

attached to the relaying mesh).

A separate access entry is required for each actor or group of actors

for whom access permission is specified. Section 6 defines the

syntax for access entries. Each access entry has an "owner"

attribute, an "actor" attribute, an "actions" attribute, a

"lastUpdate" attribute, and no content:

o the "owner" attribute specifies the address (endpoint or

subaddress) associated with the access entry;

o the "actor" attribute specifies an entity or group of entities for

whom access permissions are specified, as described below;

o the "actions" attribute specifies the permissions granted to the

actor in the context of the owner; and,

o the "lastUpdate" attribute specifies the date and time that the

service last created or modified the access entry.

An action is specified as a service/operation pair, e.g., the action

"presence:publish" refers to the "publish" operation of the

"presence" service. Two service values are reserved:

o "all" is used to refer to all services, e.g., "all:data"; and,

o "core" is used to refer to the service implemented by the relaying

mesh, e.g., the "core:data" permission is consulted by the

relaying mesh (c.f., Step 5.3 of Section of [1]).

Further, two operation values are reserved:

o "all" is used to refer to all operations, e.g., "presence:all";


o "none" is used to refer to no operations whatsoever, e.g.,


An actor is an APEX address and is specified using the "entity"

syntax specified in Section 2.2 of [1]. However, both the "local"

and "domain" parts may contain limited wildcarding:

o The "local" part is either:

* a literal string (e.g., "fred");

* a subaddress wildcard (e.g., "fred/*" or "apex=pubsub/*"); or,

* the value "apex=*", specifying all APEX services;

* the value "*", specifying any address other than an APEX


o The "domain" part is either:

* a FQDN (e.g., "example.com");

* a domain wildcard (e.g., "*.example.com"); or,

* the value "*", specifying all administrative domains.

Note that in the case of a domain wildcard, the wildcard itself

matches zero or more subdomains, e.g., "*.example.com" matches

"example.com", "foo.example.com", "bar.foo.example.com", and so


The following default entries are provided for each owner, but are

overridden by an eXPlicitly supplied entry with the same actor value:

actor='local@domain' actions='all:all'

actor='apex=*@domain' actions='all:all'

actor='apex=*@*' actions='core:data'

actor='*@*' actions='all:none'

where "local@domain" specifies the owner associated with the access


For example, the explicit entry

actor='*@*' actions='core:data'

allows endpoints from any domain to use the relaying mesh to send

data to the owner, but does not override the default entry for

"apex=*@domain", which allows all APEX services in the owner's domain

access to all actions.

APEX endpoint names can legitimately contain the character '*', but

access entries use '*' to indicate wildcarding. Accordingly, the

two-character sequence '\*' is used to avoid ambiguity in the "actor"

attribute. Similarly, to explicitly specify an endpoint name

containing '\' in the "actor" attribute, the two-character sequence

'\\' is used.

Note that this convention is used only for the "actor" attribute of

the "get" operation and of the "access" entry that appears in the

"set" operation; however, this convention is not used in the "query"

operation, as this operation does not allow wildcarding.

For example, to specify the endpoint named as "a\b*c@example.com" in

the "get" operation or in an "access" entry, the string

"a\\b\*c@example.com" is used; but in the "query" operation, the

string "a\b*c@example.com" is used. (Of course, as name allocation

is a local matter, these complications can be avoided by the simple

expedient of not using endpoint names containing '*' or '\'.)

3.1 Finding the Appropriate Entry: Matching Owners and Actors

The use of actor wildcarding makes it possible for several access

entries to apply for a given owner/actor combination. When

determining which access entry to use when responding to the query

operation, the algorithm is:

o Consider only those access entries that are associated with the

given owner.

o Consider only those access entries in which the actor value

matches the actor address in the query. If the wildcard character

('*') is present, then it a match is possible only if each

wildcard character can be replaced with a non-empty character

sequence (one or more characters) to oBTain a value identical to

the address in the query.

o Order those remaining access entries:

* Use the exactness of the match with the domain part of the

actor value as the primary key; and,

* Use the exactness of the match with the local part of the actor

value as the secondary key.

o When matching with the domain part, an exact match is the best

match; otherwise, the shorter the wildcard match, the higher the


For example, if the actor's domain is "bar.foo.example.com", a

match against an entry of "*.foo.example.com" is better than a

match against an entry of "*.example.com".

o When matching with the local part, an exact match is the best

match; otherwise, the shorter the wildcard match, the higher the

priority. This is true regardless of whether the wildcarding is

for subaddress or service. (Note that a local part with a

wildcard subaddress does not have a non-empty match with the same

local part without a subaddress.)

For example, consider these access entries:

<access owner='fred@example.com'



lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />

<access owner='fred@example.com'



lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />

<access owner='fred/appl=wb@example.com'



lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />

<access owner='fred@example.com'


actions='core:data presence:subscribe presence:watch'

lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />

<access owner='fred@example.com'



lastUpdate='2000-05-14T13:20:00-08:00' />


o For addresses within the "example.com" administrative domain:

* "fred", "wilma", and all APEX services within the "example.com"

administrative domain are allowed access to all operations for


* "mr.slate" is allowed access only to send data through the

relaying mesh to "fred@example.com";

* "barney/appl=wb" is allowed access only to send data to "fred/

appl=wb", a subaddress of "fred@example.com"; and,

* any other address within the "example.com" administrative

domain is allowed access to send data and invoke the

"subscribe" and "watch" operations of the APEX presence service

with respect to "fred@example.com".

o For any address outside the "example.com" administrative domain,

the address is allowed access to send data, regardless of whether

it is an APEX service.

Note that although the four default entries are always available, the

explicit entry for actor "*@*" overrides the corresponding default


3.2 Creating and Updating Access Entries

The get and set operations are provided as a basic mechanism for

creating and updating access rules, for which no special wildcard

processing is performed.

The actor value for an access entry may contain limited wildcard

characters which have special significance only when performing a

query operation (cf., Section 3.1). For the purposes of retrieving

and updating entries, actor values are treated simply as literal


4. The Access Service

Section 5 contains the APEX service registration for the access


o Within an administrative domain, the service is addressed using

the well-known endpoint of "apex=access".

o Section 6 defines the syntax of the operations exchanged with the


o A consumer of the service initiates communications by sending data

containing a query, get, or set operation.

o The service replies to these operations.

o When an access entry is changed, the service sends a notification

to the owner associated with the changed entry.

An implementation of the service must maintain information about

access entries in persistent storage.

Consult Section 6.1.1 of [1] for a discussion on the properties of

long-lived transaction-identifiers.

4.1 Use of XML and MIME

Section 4.1 of [1] describes how arbitrary MIME content is exchanged

as a BEEP [2] payload. For example, to transmit:

<data content='...'>

<originator identity='fred@example.com' />

<recipient identity='apex=access@example.com' />


where "..." refers to:

<query owner='fred@example.com' transID='1'


actions='core:data presence:subscribe' />

then the corresponding BEEP message might look like this:

C: MSG 1 2 . 42 1234

C: Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="boundary";

C: start="<1@example.com>";

C: type="application/beep+xml"


C: --boundary

C: Content-Type: application/beep+xml

C: Content-ID: <1@example.com>


C: <data content='cid:2@example.com'>

C: <originator identity='fred@example.com' />

C: <recipient identity='apex=access@example.com' />

C: </data>

C: --boundary

C: Content-Type: application/beep+xml

C: Content-ID: <2@example.com>


C: <query owner='fred@example.com' transID='1'

C: actor='barney@example.com'

C: actions='core:data presence:subscribe' />

C: --boundary--


or this:

C: MSG 1 1 . 42 267

C: Content-Type: application/beep+xml


C: <data content='#Content'>

C: <originator identity='fred@example.com' />

C: <recipient identity='apex=access@example.com' />

C: <data-content Name='Content'>

C: <query owner='fred@example.com' transID='1'

C: actor='barney@example.com'

C: actions='core:data presence:subscribe' />

C: </data-content>

C: </data>


4.2 The Query Operation

When an application wants to see if a particular operation is

allowed, it sends a "query" element to the service.

The "query" element has an "owner" attribute, an "actor" attribute,

an "actions" attribute, a "transID" attribute, and no content:

o the "owner" attribute specifies the address associated with the

access entry;

o the "actor" attribute specifies the address (without wildcarding)

for which access permissions are queried;

o the "actions" attribute specifies one or more actions for which

permission is queried; and,

o the "transID" attribute specifies the transaction-identifier

associated with this operation.

When the service receives a "query" element, we refer to the "owner"

attribute as the "subject". The service performs these steps:

1. If the subject is outside this administrative domain, a "reply"

element having code 553 is sent to the originator.

2. If the subject does not refer to a valid address, a "reply"

element having code 550 is sent to the originator.

3. If the subject's access entry matching the originator does not

contain an "access:query" token, a "reply" element having code 537

is sent to the originator.

4. The subject's access entry matching the actor attribute of the

query element is selected (cf., Section 3.1).

5. If all of the permissions in the "actions" attribute of the query

element are contained in the selected access entry, then an

"allow" element is sent to the originator.

6. Otherwise, a "deny" element is sent to the originator.

Regardless of whether an "allow", "deny", or "reply" element is sent

to the originator, the "transID" attribute is identical to the value

found in the "query" element sent by the originator.

4.3 The Get Operation

Prior to creating or updating an access entry for some owner/actor

combination, an application will usually need to retrieve any

existing access entry. It does so by sending a "get" element to the

service. In particular, a successful response returns a "lastUpdate"

value that is necessary when sending a subsequent "set" element.

The "get" element has an "owner" attribute, an "actor" attribute, a

"transID" attribute, and no content:

o the "owner" attribute specifies the address associated with the

access entry;

o the "actor" attribute specifies the address (with possible

wildcarding) for which access permissions are retrieved; and,

o the "transID" attribute specifies the transaction-identifier

associated with this operation.

When the service receives a "get" element, we refer to the "owner"

attribute as the "subject". The service performs these steps:

1. If the subject is outside this administrative domain, a "reply"

element having code 553 is sent to the originator.

2. If the subject does not refer to a valid address, a "reply"

element having code 550 is sent to the originator.

3. If the subject's access entry matching the originator does not

contain an "access:get" token, a "reply" element having code 537

is sent to the originator.

4. The subject's access entry whose "actor" attribute identically

matches the "actor" attribute of the "get" element is selected.

5. If no such entry exists, a "reply" element having code 551 is sent

to the originator.

6. Otherwise, a "set" element corresponding to the selected access

entry is sent to the originator.

Regardless of whether a "set" or "reply" element is sent to the

originator, the "transID" attribute is identical to the value found

in the "get" element sent by the originator.

4.4 The Set Operation

When an application wants to modify (i.e., create, replace, or

delete) the access entry associated with an owner/actor combination,

it sends a "set" element to the service.

The "set" element has a "transID" attribute, and contains an "access"


o the "transID" attribute specifies the transaction-identifier

associated with this operation; and,

o the "access" element contains the access entry to be created,

replaced, or deleted.

The "access" element has an "owner" attribute, an "actor" attribute,

an optional "actions" attribute, an optional "lastUpdate" attribute,

and no content:

o the "owner" attribute specifies the address associated with the

access entry;

o the "actor" attribute specifies the address (with possible

wildcarding) for which access permissions are specified;

o the "actions" attribute (present only to add or replace an entry)

specifies one or more actions for which permission is to be

determined; and,

o the "lastUpdate" attribute (present only to replace or delete an

entry) specifies the current timestamp of the access entry that is

to be replaced.

When the service receives a "set" element, we refer to the "owner"

attribute of the access element as the "subject". The service

performs these steps:

1. If the subject is outside this administrative domain, a "reply"

element having code 553 is sent to the originator.

2. If the subject does not refer to a valid address, a "reply"

element having code 550 is sent to the originator.

3. If the subject's access entry matching the originator does not

contain an "access:set" token, a "reply" element having code 537

is sent to the originator.

4. The subject's access entry whose "actor" attribute identically

matches the "actor" attribute of the "set" element is selected.

5. If no such entry exists and the "lastUpdate" attribute is present

in the supplied "set" element, a "reply" element having code 555

is sent to the originator.

6. If no such entry exists and the "lastUpdate" attribute is absent

in the supplied "set" element, then:

1. The access entry for the owner/actor combination is created

from the supplied "access" element.

2. The "lastUpdate" attribute of that access entry set to the

service's notion of the current date and time.

3. A "reply" element having code 250 is sent to the originator.

4. A "set" element corresponding to the newly-created access entry

is sent to the subject's address.

7. If the selected entry exists, but its "lastUpdate" attribute is

not semantically identical to the "lastUpdate" attribute of the

supplied "access" element, a "reply" element having code 555 is

sent to the originator.

8. If "actions" attribute of the supplied "access" element is not

present, then:

1. The selected entry is deleted.

2. A "reply" element having code 250 is sent to the originator.

3. A "set" element corresponding to the owner/actor combination,

but lacking an "actions" attribute is sent to the subject's


9. Otherwise:

1. The access entry for the owner/actor combination is updated

from the supplied "access" element.

2. The "lastUpdate" attribute of the updated access entry is set

to the service's notion of the current date and time (which

should be different from the "lastUpdate" value associated with

any replaced entry).

3. A "reply" element having code 250 is sent to the originator.

4. A "set" element corresponding to the newly-updated access entry

is sent to the subject's address.

When sending the "reply" element, the "transID" attribute is

identical to the value found in the "set" element sent by the


4.5 The Reply Operation

While processing operations, the service may respond with a "reply"

element. Consult Sections 10.2 and 6.1.2 of [1], respectively, for

the definition and an exposition of the syntax of the reply element.

5. Registration: The Access Service

Well-Known Endpoint: apex=access

Syntax of Messages Exchanged: c.f., Section 6

Sequence of Messages Exchanged: c.f., Section 4

Access Control Tokens: access:query, access:get, access:set

Contact Information: c.f., the "Authors' Addresses" section of this


6. The Access Service DTD


DTD for the APEX access service, as of 2001-06-19

Refer to this DTD as:







DTD data types:

entity syntax/reference example

====== ================ =======

access actor

ACTOR an ENDPOINT or a *@example.com


permitted actions

ACTIONS a list of access "core:any access:query"






Synopsis of the APEX access service

service WKE: apex=access

message exchanges:

consumer initiates service replies

================== ================

query allow, deny, or reply

get set or reply

set reply

service initiates consumer replies

================= ================

set (nothing)

access control:

token target

========== ======

access:query for "owner" of "access" element

access:get for "owner" of "access" element

access:set for "owner" of "access" element



<!ATTLIST query










<!ELEMENT set (access)>




<!ATTLIST allow



<!ATTLIST deny



access entries



<!ATTLIST access





7. Security Considerations

Consult [1]'s Section 11 for a discussion of security issues.

In addition, timestamps issued by the the access service may disclose

location information. If this information is considered sensitive,

the special timezone value "-00:00" may be used (after converting the

local time accordingly).


[1] Rose, M., Klyne, G. and D. Crocker, "The Application Exchange

Core", RFC3340, July 2002.

[2] Rose, M., "The Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol Core", RFC

3080, March 2001.

Authors' Addresses

Marshall T. Rose

Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.

POB 255268

Sacramento, CA 95865-5268


Phone: +1 916 483 8878

EMail: mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us

Graham Klyne

Clearswift Corporation

1310 Waterside

Arlington Business Park

Theale, Reading RG7 4SA


Phone: +44 11 8903 8903

EMail: Graham.Klyne@MIMEsweeper.com

David H. Crocker

Brandenburg Consulting

675 Spruce Drive

Sunnyvale, CA 94086


Phone: +1 408 246 8253

EMail: dcrocker@brandenburg.com

URI: http://www.brandenburg.com/

Appendix A. Acknowledgements

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of: Neil Cook,

Darren New, Chris Newman, Scott Pead, and Bob Wyman.

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







Funding for the RFCEditor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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