
RFC3321 - Signaling Compression (SigComp) - Extended Operations

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group H. Hannu

Request for Comments: 3321 J. Christoffersson

Category: Informational EriCsson

S. Forsgren

K.-C. Leung

Texas Tech University

Z. Liu


R. Price

Siemens/Roke Manor

January 2003

Signaling Compression (SigComp) - Extended Operations

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes how to implement certain mechanisms in

Signaling Compression (SigComp), RFC3320, which can significantly

improve the compression efficiency compared to using simple per-

message compression.

SigComp uses a Universal Decompressor Virtual Machine (UDVM) for

decompression, and the mechanisms described in this document are

possible to implement using the UDVM instrUCtions defined in RFC


Table of Contents

1. Introduction..................................................2

2. Terminology...................................................3

3. Architectural View of Feedback................................4

4. State Reference Model.........................................5

5. Extended Mechanisms...........................................6

6. Implications on SigComp......................................13

7. Security Considerations......................................17

8. IANA Considerations..........................................17

9. Acknowledgements.............................................17

10. Intellectual Property Right Considerations...................17

11. References...................................................17

12. Authors' Addresses...........................................18

13. Full Copyright Statement.....................................19

1. Introduction

This document describes how to implement mechanisms with [SIGCOMP] to

significantly improve the compression efficiency compared to per-

message compression.

One such mechanism is to use previously sent messages in the SigComp

compression process, referred to as dynamic compression. In order to

utilize information from previously sent messages, it is necessary

for a compressor to gain knowledge about the reception of these

messages. For a reliable transport, such as TCP, this is guaranteed.

For an unreliable transport however, the SigComp protocol can be used

to provide such a functionality itself. That functionality is

described in this document and is referred to as eXPlicit


Another mechanism that will improve the compression efficiency of

SigComp, especially when SigComp is applied to protocols that are of

request/response type, is shared compression. This involves using

received messages in the SigComp compression process. In particular

the compression of the first few messages will gain from shared

compression. Shared compression is described in this document.

For better understanding of this document the reader should be

familiar with the concept of [SIGCOMP].

2. Terminology

The reader should consult [SIGCOMP] for definitions of terminology,

since this document uses the same terminology. Further terminology

is defined below.


Entity that encodes application messages using a certain

compression algorithm and keeps track of state that can be used

for compression. The compressor is responsible for ensuring that

the messages it generates can be decompressed by the remote UDVM.


The decompressor is responsible for converting a SigComp message

into uncompressed data. Decompression functionality is provided

by the UDVM.

Dynamic compression

Compression relative to messages sent prior to the current

compressed message.

Explicit acknowledgement

Acknowledgement for a state. The acknowledgment is explicitly

sent from a decompressor to its remote compressor. The

acknowledgement should be piggybacked onto a SigComp message in

order not to create additional security risks.

Shared compression

Compression relative to messages received by the local endpoint

prior to the current compressed message.

Shared state

A state used for shared compression consists only of an

uncompressed message. This makes the state independent of the

compression algorithm.

State identifier

Reference used to Access a previously created item of state.

- shared_state_id

State identifier of a shared state.

- acked_state_id

State identifier of a state that is acknowledged as

successfully saved by the decompressor.

3. Architectural View of Feedback

SigComp has a request/response mechanism to provide feedback between

endpoints, see Figure 1. This particular functionality of SigComp is

used in this document to provide support for the mechanisms described

in this document.

+--------------------+ +--------------------+

Endpoint 1 Endpoint 2

+--------------+ +--------------+

Compressor 1 Decompressor 2

[------------+--+--------------+--+--] *

+--------^----+ +------------+

+------------+ +--v----------+

* [----+--+--------------+--+------]

Decompressor 1 Compressor 2

+--------------+ +--------------+

+--------------------+ +--------------------+

Figure 1. Architectural view

The feedback functionality of SigComp is used in this document to

provide a mechanism for a SigComp endpoint to confirm which states

have been established by its remote SigComp endpoint during the

lifetime of a SigComp compartment. The established state

confirmations are referred to as acknowledgments. Depending on the

established states this particular type of feedback may or may not be

used to increase the compression efficiency.

The following sections describe how the SigComp functionality of

providing feedback information is used to support the mechanisms

described in this document. Section 4 describes the state reference

model of SigComp. Section 5 continues with a general description of

the mechanisms and Section 6 describes the implications of some of

the mechanisms on basic SigComp.

4. State Reference Model

A UDVM may want to save the status of its memory, and this status is

referred to as a state. As explained in [SIGCOMP] a state save

request may or may not be granted by the application. For later

reference to a saved state, e.g., if the UDVM is to be loaded with

this state, a reference is needed to locate the specific state. This

reference is called a state identifier.

4.1. Overview of State Reference with Dynamic Compression

When compressor 1 compresses a message m it uses the information

corresponding to a SigComp state that its remote decompressor 2 has

established and acknowledged. If compressor 1 wishes to use the new

state for compression of later messages it must save the new state.

The new state contains information from the former state and from m.

When an acknowledgement is received for this new state, compressor 1

can utilize the new state in the compression process. Below is an

overview of the model together with an example of a message flow.

Saved state(s)

A state which is expected to be used for compression/decompression

of later messages.

Acked state(s)

An acked state is a saved state for which the compressor has

received an acknowledgement, i.e., the state has been established

at the remote decompressor. The compressor must only use states

that are established at the remote decompressor, otherwise a

decompression failure will occur. For this reason,

acknowledgements are necessary, at least for unreliable transport.

Compressor 1 Decompressor 2

+---+ +---+


+---+ +---+

Saved Acked Saved

State(s) State(s) State(s)


s0 s0 s0

s1=s0+m1 --m1(s0)-->

<--ack(s1) s0,s1

s0,s1 s0,s1

s0,s1 s0,s1 --m2(s1)--> (m2 Lost)


s0-s2 s0,s1

s3=s1+m3 --m3(s1)--> s0,s1

<--ack(s3) s0,s1,s3=s1+m3

s0-s3 s0,s1,s3

Figure 2. Example of message flow for dynamic compression

Legend: Message 1 compressed making use of state s0 is denoted

m1(s0). The notation s1=s0+m1 means that state s1 is created using

information from state s0 and message m1. ack(s1) means that the

creation of state s1 is acknowledged through piggybacking on a

message traveling in the reverse direction (which is not shown in the


5. Extended Mechanisms

The following subsections give a general description of the extended


5.1. Explicit Acknowledgement Scheme

For a compressor to be able to utilize a certain state it must know

that the remote decompressor has access to this state.

In the case where compressed messages can be lost or misordered on

the path between compressor and decompressor, an acknowledgement

scheme must be used to notify the remote compressor that a certain

state has been established.

Explicit acknowledgements can be initiated either by UDVM-code

uploaded to the decompressor by the remote compressor or by the

endpoint where the states have been established. These two cases

will be explained in more detail in the following two sections.

5.1.1. Remote Compressor Initiated Acknowledgements

This is the case when e.g., compressor 1 has uploaded UDVM bytecode

to decompressor 2. The UDVM bytecode will use the requested feedback

field in the announcement information and the returned feedback field

in the SigComp header to oBTain knowledge about established states at

endpoint 2.

Consider Figure 3. An event flow for successful use of remote

compressor initiated acknowledgements can be as follows:

(1): Compressor 1 saves e.g., state(A).

(2): The UDVM bytecode to initiate a state save for state(A) is

either carried in the compressed message, or can be retrieved by

decompressor 2 from a state already saved at endpoint 2.

(3): As compressor 1 is the initiator of this acknowledgement it can

use an arbitrary identifier to be returned to indicate that

state(A) has been established. The identifier needs to consist

of enough bits to avoid acknowledgement of wrong state.

To avoid padding of the feedback items and for simplicity a

minimum of 1 octet should be used for the identifier.

The identifier is placed at the location of the

requested_feedback_item [SIGCOMP].

The END-MESSAGE instruction is used to indicate the location of

the requested_feedback_item to the state handler.

(4): The requested feedback data is now called returned feedback data

as it is placed into the SigComp message at compressor 2.

(5): The returned feedback item is carried in the SigComp message

according to Figure 4: see Section 6.1 and [SIGCOMP].

(6): The returned feedback item is handled according to: Section 7


+--------------+ (2) +--------------+

Compressor 1 --------------------------->Decompressor 2

+------^-------+ +-------^------+

(1) (3)

+---v---+ +---v---+

State State

handler handler

+---^---+ +---^---+

(6) (4)

+------v-------+ (5) +-------v------+

Decompressor 1<--------------------------- Compressor 2

+--------------+ +--------------+

Figure 3. Simplified SigComp endpoints

5.1.2. Local Endpoint Initiated Acknowledgements

When explicit acknowledgements are provided by an endpoint, the

SigComp message will also carry acknowledgements, so-called

acked_state_id: see Section 2. Consider Figure 3, an event flow for

successful use of explicit endpoint initiated acknowledgements can be

as follows:

(1): Compressor 1 saves e.g., state(A).

(2): The UDVM bytecode to initiate a state save for state(A) is

either carried in the compressed message, or can be retrieved by

decompressor 2 from a state already saved at endpoint 2.

(3): A save state request for state(A) is passed to the state handler

using the END-MESSAGE instruction. The application may then

grant the state handler permission to save state(A): see


(4): Endpoint 2 decides to acknowledge state(A) to endpoint 1. The

state identifier (acked_state_id) for state(A) is placed in

the SigComp message sent from compressor 2 to decompressor 1.

(5): The UDVM bytecode to initiate (pass) the explicit

acknowledgement to endpoint 1 is either carried in the

compressed message, or can be retrieved by decompressor 1 from a

state already saved at endpoint 1.

(6): The acked_state_id for state(A) is passed to the state handler

by placing the acked_state_id at the location of the

"returned SigComp parameters" [SIGCOMP], whose location is given

to the state handler using the END-MESSAGE instruction.

Note: When the requested feedback length is non-zero endpoint

initiated acknowledgements should not be used, due to possible waste

of bandwidth. When deciding to implement this mechanism one should

consider whether this is worth the effort as all SigComp

implementations will support the feedback mechanism and thus have the

possibility to implement the mechanism of Section 5.1.1.

5.2. Shared Compression

To make use of shared compression a compressing endpoint saves the

uncompressed version of the compressed message as a state (shared

state). As described in Section 2 the reference to a shared state is

referred to as shared_state_id. The shared state's parameters

state_address and state_instruction must be set to zero. The

state_retention_priority must be set to 65535, and the other state

parameters are set according to [SIGCOMP]. This is because different

compression algorithms may be used to compress application messages

traveling in different directions. The shared state is also created

on a per-compartment basis, i.e., the shared state is stored in the

same memory as the states created by the particular remote

compressor. The choice of how to divide the state memory between

"ordinary" states and shared states is an implementation decision at

the compressor. Note that new shared state items must not be created

unless the compressor has made enough state memory available (as

decompression failure could occur if the shared state pushed existing

state out of the state memory buffer).

A compressing endpoint must also indicate to the remote compressor

that the shared state is available, but only if the local

decompressor can retrieve the shared state. The retrieval of the

shared state is done according to the state retrieval instruction of

the UDVM.

Consider Figure 3. An event flow for successful use of shared

compression can be as follows:

(1): Compressor 1 saves e.g., state(M), which is the uncompressed

version of the current application message to be compressed and


(2): The UDVM bytecode to indicate the presence of state(M) at

endpoint 1 is either carried in the compressed message, or can

be retrieved by decompressor 2 from a state already saved at

endpoint 2.

(3): The SHA-1 instruction is used at endpoint 2 to calculate the

shared_state_id for state(M). The indication is passed to the

state handler, by placing the shared identifier at the location

of the "returned SigComp parameters" [SIGCOMP]. The location of

the "returned SigComp parameters" is given to the state handler

using the END-MESSAGE instruction.

(4): If endpoint 2 uses shared compression, it compares the state

identifier values in the "returned SigComp parameters"

information with the value it has calculated for the current

decompressed message received from endpoint 1. If there is a

match then endpoint 2 uses the shared state together with the

state it would normally use if shared compression is not

supported to compress the next message.

(5): The UDVM bytecode that will use the shared state (state(M)) in

the decompression process at decompressor 1 is either carried

in the compressed message, or can be retrieved by decompressor 1

from a state already saved at endpoint 1.

5.3. Maintaining State Data Across Application Sessions

Usually, signaling protocols (e.g., SIP) employ the concept of

sessions. However, from the compression point of view, the messages

sent by the same source contain redundancies beyond the session

boundary. Consequently, it is natural to maintain the state data

from the same source across sessions so that high performance can be

achieved and maintained, with the overhead amortized over a much

longer period of time than one application session.

Maintaining states across application sessions can be achieved simply

by making the lifetime of a compartment longer than the time duration

of a single application session. Note that the states here are

referring to those stored on a per-compartment basis, not the locally

available states that are stored on a global basis (i.e., not

compartment specific).

5.4. Use of User-Specific Dictionary

The concept of the user-specific dictionary is based on the

observation that for protocols such as SIP, a given user/device

combination will produce some messages containing fields that are

always populated with the same data.

Take SIP as an example. Capabilities of the SIP endpoints are

communicated during session initiation, and tend not to change unless

the capabilities of the device change. Similarly, user-specific

information such as the user's URL, name, and e-mail address will

likely not change on a frequent basis, and will appear regularly in

SIP signaling exchanges involving a specific user.

Therefore, a SigComp compressor could include the user-specific

dictionary as part of the initial messages to the decompressor, even

before any time critical signaling messages are generated from a

particular application. This enables an increase in compression

efficiency once the messages start to flow.

Obviously, the user-specific dictionary is a state item that would be

good to have as a cross-session state: see Section 5.3.

5.5. Checkpoint State

The following mechanism can be used to avoid decompression failure

due to reference to a non-existent state. This may occur in three

cases: a) a state is not established at the remote SigComp endpoint

due to the loss of a SigComp message; b) a state is not established

due to insufficient memory; c) a state has been established but was

deleted later due to insufficient memory.

When a compressor sends a SigComp message that will create a new

state on the decompressor side, it can indicate that the newly

created state will be a checkpoint state by setting

state_retention_priority [SIGCOMP] to the highest value sent by the

same compressor. In addition, a checkpoint state must be explicitly

acknowledged by the receiving decompressor to the sending compressor.

Consider Figure 3. An event flow for this kind of state management

can be as follows:

(1): Compressor 1 saves e.g., state(A), which it would like to have

as a checkpoint state at decompressor 2.

(2): The UDVM bytecode to indicate the state priority ([SIGCOMP]

state_retention_priority) of state(A) and initiate a state save

for state(A) is either carried in the compressed message, or can

be retrieved by decompressor 2 from a state already saved at

endpoint 2.

(3): A save state request for state(A) is passed to the state handler

using the END-MESSAGE instruction, including the indication of

the state priority. The application grants the saving of

state(A): see [SIGCOMP].

(4): An acknowledgement for state(A) (the checkpoint state) is

returned to endpoint 2 using one of the mechanisms described in

Section 5.1.

Note: To avoid using a state that has been deleted due to

insufficient memory a compressor must keep track of the memory

available for saving states at the remote endpoint. The SigComp

parameter state_memory_size which is announced by the SigComp

feedback mechanism can be used to infer if a previous checkpoint

state has been deleted (by a later checkpoint state creation request)

due to lack of memory.

5.6. Implicit Deletion for Dictionary Update

Usually a state consists of two parts: UDVM bytecode and dictionary.

When dynamic compression is applied, new content needs to be added to

the dictionary. To keep an upper bound of the memory consumption

such as in the case for a low end mobile terminal, existing content

of the dictionary must be deleted to make room for the new content.

Instead of explicitly signaling which parts of the dictionary need to

be deleted on a per message basis, an implicit deletion approach may

be applied. Specifically, some parts of the dictionary are chosen to

be deleted according to a well-defined algorithm that is known and

applied in the same way at both compressor and decompressor. For

instance, the algorithm can be part of the predefined UDVM bytecode

that is agreed between the two SigComp endpoints. As input to the

algorithm, one provides the total number of bytes to be deleted. The

algorithm then specifies which parts of the dictionary are to be

deleted. Since the same algorithm is applied at both SigComp

endpoints, there is no need for explicit signaling on a per message

basis. This may lead to higher compression efficiency due to the

avoidance of

signaling overhead. It also means more robustness as there are no

signaling bits on the wire that are subject to possible transmission


6. Implications on SigComp

The extended features will have implications on the SigComp messages

sent between the compressor and its remote decompressor, and on how

to interpret e.g., returned SigComp parameters [SIGCOMP]. However,

except for the mandatory bytes of the SigComp messages [SIGCOMP], the

final message formats used are implementation issues. Note that an

implementation that does not make use of explicit acknowledgements

and/or shared compression is not affected, even if it receives this

kind of feedback.

6.1. Implications on SigComp Messages

To support the extended features, SigComp messages must carry the

indications and information addressed in Section 5. For example to

support shared compression and explicit acknowledgements the SigComp

messages need to convey the following information:

- The acked_state_id as described in Sections 2 and 5.1.

- The shared_state_id as described in Sections 2 and 5.2.

Figure 4 depicts the format of a SigComp message according to


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

1 1 1 1 1 T len 1 1 1 1 1 T 0

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

: returned feedback item : : returned feedback item :

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+


: partial state identifier : +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

code_len destination

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

: remaining SigComp message : : uploaded UDVM bytecode :

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

: remaining SigComp message :


Figure 4. Format of a SigComp message

The format of the field "remaining SigComp message" is an

implementation decision by the compressor which supplies the UDVM

bytecode. Therefore there is no need to specify a message format to

carry the information necessary for the extended features described

in this document.

Figure 5 depicts an example of what the "remaining SigComp message"

with support for shared compression and explicit acknowledgements,

could look like. Note that this is only an example; the format is an

implementation decision.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Format according to Figure 4

: except for the field called :

"remaining SigComp message" "remaining SigComp message" field

+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ --------

s a r Reserved


: shared_state_id* : Present if 's' is set


: acked_state_id* : Present if 'a' is set


: Rest of the SigComp message :


+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ --------------

Figure 5. Example of SigComp message for some of the extended


'r' : If set, then a state corresponding to the decompressed

version of this compressed message (shared state) was saved at

the compressor.

* : The length of the shared_state_id and acked_state_id fields

are of the same length as the partial state identifier.

6.2. Extended SigComp Announcement/Feedback Format

This section describes how the "returned_SigComp_parameters"

[SIGCOMP] information is interpreted to provide feedback according to

Section 5.1 and 5.2.

The partial_state_identifiers correspond to the hash_value for states

that have been established at the remote endpoint after the reception

of SigComp messages, i.e., these are acknowledgements for established

states and may be used for compression. The

partial_state_identifiers may also announce "global state" that is

not mapped to any particular compartment and is not established upon

the receipt of a SigComp message.

It is up to the implementation to deduce what kind of state each

partial_state_identifier refers to, e.g., an acknowledged state or a

shared state. In case a SigComp message that includes state

identifiers for shared states and/or acknowledged states is received

by a basic SigComp implementation, these identifiers will be ignored.

The I-bit of the requested feedback format is provided to switch off

the list of locally available state items. An endpoint that wishes

to receive shared_state_id must not set the I-bit to 1. The endpoint

storing shared states and sending the list of locally available

states to its remote endpoint must be careful when taking the

decision whether to exclude or include different types of the locally

available states (i.e., shared states or states of e.g., well-known

algorithms) from/to the list.

6.3. Acknowledgement Optimization

If shared compression is used between two endpoints (see Figure 1)

then there exists an optimization, which, if implemented, makes an

acked_state_id in the SigComp message unnecessary:

Compressor 1 saves a shared state(M), which is the uncompressed

version of the current compressed message (message m) to be sent.

Compressor 1 also sets bit 'r' (see Figure 5), to signal that

state(M) can be used by endpoint 2 in the compression process. The

acked_state_id for state(S), which was created at endpoint 2 upon the

decompression of message m, may not have to be explicitly placed in

the compressed messages from compressor 2 if the shared state(M) is

used in the compression process.

When endpoint 1 notices that shared state(M) is requested by

decompressor 1, it implicitly knows that state(S) was created at

endpoint 2. This follows since:

* Compressor 1 has instructed decompressor 2 to save state(S).

* The indication of shared state(M) would never have been received by

compressor 2 if state(S) had not been successfully saved, because

if a state save request is denied then the corresponding

announcement information is discarded by the state handler.

Note: Endpoint 1's state handler must maintain a mapping between

state(M) and state(S) for this optimization to work.

Note: The only state that is acknowledged by this feature is the

state that was created by combining the state used for compression of

the message and the message itself. For any other case the

acked_state_id has to be used.

Note: There is a possibility that state(S) is discarded due to lack

of state memory even though the announcement information is

successfully forwarded. This possibility must be taken into account

(otherwise a decompression failure may occur); this can be done by

using the SigComp parameter state_memory_size which is announced by

the SigComp feedback mechanism. The endpoint can use this parameter

to infer if a state creation request has failed due to lack of


7. Security Considerations

The features in this document are believed not to add any security

risks to the ones mentioned in [SIGCOMP].

8. IANA Considerations

This document does not require any IANA involvement.

9. Acknowledgements

Thanks to Carsten Bormann, Christopher Clanton, Miguel Garcia, Lars-

Erik Jonsson, Khiem Le, Mats Nordberg, Jonathan Rosenberg and Krister

Svanbro for valuable input.

10. Intellectual Property Right Considerations

The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in

regard to some or all of the specification contained in this

document. For more information consult the online list of claimed


11. References

[SIP] Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,

A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M. and E.

Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC3261,

June 2002.

[SIGCOMP] Price R., Bormann, C., Christoffersson, J., Hannu, H.,

Liu, Z. and J. Rosenberg, "Signaling Compression

(SigComp)", RFC3320, January 2003.

12. Authors' Addresses

Hans Hannu

Box 920

Ericsson AB

SE-971 28 Lulea, Sweden

Phone: +46 920 20 21 84

EMail: hans.hannu@epl.ericsson.se

Jan Christoffersson

Box 920

Ericsson AB

SE-971 28 Lulea, Sweden

Phone: +46 920 20 28 40

EMail: jan.christoffersson@epl.ericsson.se

Stefan Forsgren

EMail: StefanForsgren@alvishagglunds.se

Ka-Cheong Leung

Department of Computer Science

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX 79409-3104

United States of America

Phone: +1 806 742-3527

EMail: kcleung@cs.ttu.edu

Zhigang Liu

Nokia Research Center

6000 Connection Drive

Irving, TX 75039, USA

Phone: +1 972 894-5935

EMail: zhigang.c.liu@nokia.com

Richard Price

Roke Manor Research Ltd

Romsey, Hants, SO51 0ZN, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1794 833681

EMail: richard.price@roke.co.uk

13. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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