
RFC3386 - Network Hierarchy and Multilayer Survivability

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Network Working Group W. Lai, Ed.

Request for Comments: 3386 AT&T

Category: Informational D. McDysan, Ed.


November 2002

Network Hierarchy and Multilayer Survivability

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This document presents a proposal of the near-term and practical

requirements for network survivability and hierarchy in current

service provider environments.

Conventions used in this document



document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119 [2].

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion..............................................2

2. Terminology and Concepts..................................5

2.1 Hierarchy................................................6

2.1.1 Vertical Hierarchy.....................................5

2.1.2 Horizontal Hierarchy...................................6

2.2 Survivability Terminology................................6

2.2.1 Survivability..........................................7

2.2.2 Generic Operations.....................................7

2.2.3 Survivability Techniques...............................8

2.2.4 Survivability Performance..............................9

2.3 Survivability Mechanisms: Comparison....................10

3. Survivability............................................11

3.1 Scope...................................................11

3.2 Required initial set of survivability mechanisms........12

3.2.1 1:1 Path Protection with Pre-Established Capacity.....12

3.2.2 1:1 Path Protection with Pre-Planned Capacity.........13

3.2.3 Local Restoration.....................................13

3.2.4 Path Restoration......................................14

3.3 Applications Supported..................................14

3.4 Timing Bounds for Survivability Mechanisms..............15

3.5 Coordination Among Layers...............................16

3.6 Evolution Toward IP Over Optical........................17

4. Hierarchy Requirements...................................17

4.1 Historical Context......................................17

4.2 Applications for Horizontal Hierarchy...................18

4.3 Horizontal Hierarchy Requirements.......................19

5. Survivability and Hierarchy..............................19

6. Security Considerations..................................20

7. References...............................................21

8. Acknowledgments..........................................22

9. Contributing Authors.....................................22

Appendix A: Questions used to help develop requirements.....23

Editors' Addresses..........................................26

Full Copyright Statement....................................27

1. Introduction

This document is the result of the Network Hierarchy and

Survivability Techniques Design Team established within the Traffic

Engineering Working Group. This team collected and documented

current and near term requirements for survivability and hierarchy in

service provider environments. For clarity, an eXPanded set of

definitions is included. The team determined that there appears to

be a need to define a small set of interoperable survivability

approaches in packet and non-packet networks. Suggested approaches

include path-based as well as one that repairs connections in

proximity to the network fault. They operate primarily at a single

network layer. For hierarchy, there did not appear to be a driving

near-term need for work on "vertical hierarchy," defined as

communication between network layers such as Time Division

Multiplexed (TDM)/optical and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS).

In particular, instead of direct exchange of signaling and routing

between vertical layers, some looser form of coordination and

communication, such as the specification of hold-off timers, is a

nearer term need. For "horizontal hierarchy" in data networks, there

are several pressing needs. The requirement is to be able to set up

many Label Switched Paths (LSPs) in a service provider network with

hierarchical Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). This is necessary to

support layer 2 and layer 3 Virtual Private Network (VPN) services

that require edge-to-edge signaling across a core network.

This document presents a proposal of the near-term and practical

requirements for network survivability and hierarchy in current

service provider environments. With feedback from the working group

solicited, the objective is to help focus the work that is being

addressed in the TEWG (Traffic Engineering Working Group), CCAMP

(Common Control and Measurement Plane Working Group), and other

working groups. A main goal of this work is to provide some

expedience for required functionality in multi-vendor service

provider networks. The initial focus is primarily on intra-domain

operations. However, to maintain consistency in the provision of

end-to-end service in a multi-provider environment, rules governing

the operations of survivability mechanisms at domain boundaries must

also be specified. While such issues are raised and discussed, where

appropriate, they will not be treated in depth in the initial release

of this document.

The document first develops a set of definitions to be used later in

this document and potentially in other documents as well. It then

addresses the requirements and issues associated with service

restoration, hierarchy, and finally a short discussion of

survivability in hierarchical context.

Here is a summary of the findings:

A. Survivability Requirements

o need to define a small set of interoperable survivability

approaches in packet and non-packet networks

o suggested survivability mechanisms include

- 1:1 path protection with pre-established backup capacity (non-


- 1:1 path protection with pre-planned backup capacity (shared)

- local restoration with repairs in proximity to the network


- path restoration through source-based rerouting

o timing bounds for service restoration to support voice call cutoff

(140 msec to 2 sec), protocol timer requirements in premium data

services, and mission critical applications

o use of restoration priority for service differentiation

B. Hierarchy Requirements

B.1. Horizontally Oriented Hierarchy (Intra-Domain)

o ability to set up many LSPs in a service provider network with

hierarchical IGP, for the support of layer 2 and layer 3 VPN


o requirements for multi-area traffic engineering need to be

developed to provide guidance for any necessary protocol


B.2. Vertically Oriented Hierarchy

The following functionality for survivability is common on most

routing equipment today.

o near-term need is some loose form of coordination and

communication based on the use of nested hold-off timers, instead

of direct exchange of signaling and routing between vertical


o means for an upper layer to immediately begin recovery actions in

the event that a lower layer is not configured to perform recovery

C. Survivability Requirements in Horizontal Hierarchy

o protection of end-to-end connection is based on a concatenated set

of connections, each protected within their area

o mechanisms for connection routing may include (1) a network

element that participates on both sides of a boundary (e.g., OSPF

ABR) - note that this is a common point of failure; (2) a route


o need for inter-area signaling of survivability information (1) to

enable a "least common denominator" survivability mechanism at the

boundary; (2) to convey the success or failure of the service

restoration action; e.g., if a part of a "connection" is down on

one side of a boundary, there is no need for the other side to

recover from failures

2. Terminology and Concepts

2.1 Hierarchy

Hierarchy is a technique used to build scalable complex systems. It

is based on an abstraction, at each level, of what is most

significant from the details and internal structures of the levels

further away. This approach makes use of a general property of all

hierarchical systems composed of related subsystems that interactions

between subsystems decrease as the level of communication between

subsystems decreases.

Network hierarchy is an abstraction of part of a network's topology,

routing and signaling mechanisms. Abstraction may be used as a

mechanism to build large networks or as a technique for enforcing

administrative, topological, or geographic boundaries. For example,

network hierarchy might be used to separate the metropolitan and

long-haul regions of a network, or to separate the regional and

backbone sections of a network, or to interconnect service provider

networks (with BGP which reduces a network to an Autonomous System).

In this document, network hierarchy is considered from two


(1) Vertically oriented: between two network technology layers.

(2) Horizontally oriented: between two areas or administrative

subdivisions within the same network technology layer.

2.1.1 Vertical Hierarchy

Vertical hierarchy is the abstraction, or reduction in information,

which would be of benefit when communicating information across

network technology layers, as in propagating information between

optical and router networks.

In the vertical hierarchy, the total network functions are

partitioned into a series of functional or technological layers with

clear logical, and maybe even physical, separation between adjacent

layers. Survivability mechanisms either currently exist or are being

developed at multiple layers in networks [3]. The optical layer is

now becoming capable of providing dynamic ring and mesh restoration

functionality, in addition to traditional 1+1 or 1:1 protection. The

Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)/Synchronous Optical NETwork

(SONET) layer provides survivability capability with automatic

protection switching (APS), as well as self-healing ring and mesh

restoration architectures. Similar functionality has been defined in

the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Layer, with work ongoing to also

provide such functionality using MPLS [4]. At the IP layer,

rerouting is used to restore service continuity following link and

node outages. Rerouting at the IP layer, however, occurs after a

period of routing convergence, which may require a few seconds to

several minutes to complete [5].

2.1.2 Horizontal Hierarchy

Horizontal hierarchy is the abstraction that allows a network at one

technology layer, for instance a packet network, to scale. Examples

of horizontal hierarchy include BGP confederations, separate

Autonomous Systems, and multi-area OSPF.

In the horizontal hierarchy, a large network is partitioned into

multiple smaller, non-overlapping sub-networks. The partitioning

criteria can be based on topology, network function, administrative

policy, or service domain demarcation. Two networks at the *same*

hierarchical level, e.g., two Autonomous Systems in BGP, may share a

peer relation with each other through some loose form of coupling.

On the other hand, for routing in large networks using multi-area

OSPF, abstraction through the aggregation of routing information is

achieved through a hierarchical partitioning of the network.

2.2 Survivability Terminology

In alphabetical order, the following terms are defined in this


backup entity, same as protection entity (section 2.2.2)

extra traffic (section 2.2.2)

non-revertive mode (section 2.2.2)

normalization (section 2.2.2)

preemptable traffic, same as extra traffic (section 2.2.2)

preemption priority (section 2.2.4)

protection (section 2.2.3)

protection entity (section 2.2.2)

protection switching (section 2.2.3)

protection switch time (section 2.2.4)

recovery (section 2.2.2)

recovery by rerouting, same as restoration (section 2.2.3)

recovery entity, same as protection entity (section 2.2.2)

restoration (section 2.2.3)

restoration priority (section 2.2.4)

restoration time (section 2.2.4)

revertive mode (section 2.2.2)

shared risk group (SRG) (section 2.2.2)

survivability (section 2.2.1)

working entity (section 2.2.2)

2.2.1 Survivability

Survivability is the capability of a network to maintain service

continuity in the presence of faults within the network [6].

Survivability mechanisms such as protection and restoration are

implemented either on a per-link basis, on a per-path basis, or

throughout an entire network to alleviate service disruption at

affordable costs. The degree of survivability is determined by the

network's capability to survive single failures, multiple failures,

and equipment failures.

2.2.2 Generic Operations

This document does not discuss the sequence of events of how network

failures are monitored, detected, and mitigated. For more detail of

this ASPect, see [4]. Also, the repair process following a failure

is out of the scope here.

A working entity is the entity that is used to carry traffic in

normal operation mode. Depending upon the context, an entity can be

a channel or a transmission link in the physical layer, an Label

Switched Path (LSP) in MPLS, or a logical bundle of one or more LSPs.

A protection entity, also called backup entity or recovery entity, is

the entity that is used to carry protected traffic in recovery

operation mode, i.e., when the working entity is in error or has


Extra traffic, also referred to as preemptable traffic, is the

traffic carried over the protection entity while the working entity

is active. Extra traffic is not protected, i.e., when the protection

entity is required to protect the traffic that is being carried over

the working entity, the extra traffic is preempted.

A shared risk group (SRG) is a set of network elements that are

collectively impacted by a specific fault or fault type. For

example, a shared risk link group (SRLG) is the union of all the

links on those fibers that are routed in the same physical conduit in

a fiber-span network. This concept includes, besides shared conduit,

other types of compromise such as shared fiber cable, shared right of

way, shared optical ring, shared Office without power sharing, etc.

The span of an SRG, such as the length of the sharing for compromised

outside plant, needs to be considered on a per fault basis. The

concept of SRG can be extended to represent a "risk domain" and its

associated capabilities and summarization for traffic engineering

purposes. See [7] for further discussion.

Normalization is the sequence of events and actions taken by a

network that returns the network to the preferred state upon

completing repair of a failure. This could include the switching or

rerouting of affected traffic to the original repaired working

entities or new routes. Revertive mode refers to the case where

traffic is automatically returned to a repaired working entity (also

called switch back).

Recovery is the sequence of events and actions taken by a network

after the detection of a failure to maintain the required performance

level for existing services (e.g., according to service level

agreements) and to allow normalization of the network. The actions

include notification of the failure followed by two parallel

processes: (1) a repair process with fault isolation and repair of

the failed components, and (2) a reconfiguration process using

survivability mechanisms to maintain service continuity. In

protection, reconfiguration involves switching the affected traffic

from a working entity to a protection entity. In restoration,

reconfiguration involves path selection and rerouting for the

affected traffic.

Revertive mode is a procedure in which revertive action, i.e., switch

back from the protection entity to the working entity, is taken once

the failed working entity has been repaired. In non-revertive mode,

such action is not taken. To minimize service interruption, switch-

back in revertive mode should be performed at a time when there is

the least impact on the traffic concerned, or by using the make-

before-break concept.

Non-revertive mode is the case where there is no preferred path or it

may be desirable to minimize further disruption of the service

brought on by a revertive switching operation. A switch-back to the

original working path is not desired or not possible since the

original path may no longer exist after the occurrence of a fault on

that path.

2.2.3 Survivability Techniques

Protection, also called protection switching, is a survivability

technique based on predetermined failure recovery: as the working

entity is established, a protection entity is also established.

Protection techniques can be implemented by several architectures:

1+1, 1:1, 1:n, and m:n. In the context of SDH/SONET, they are

referred to as Automatic Protection Switching (APS).

In the 1+1 protection architecture, a protection entity is dedicated

to each working entity. The dual-feed mechanism is used whereby the

working entity is permanently bridged onto the protection entity at

the source of the protected domain. In normal operation mode,

identical traffic is transmitted simultaneously on both the working

and protection entities. At the other end (sink) of the protected

domain, both feeds are monitored for alarms and maintenance signals.

A selection between the working and protection entity is made based

on some predetermined criteria, such as the transmission performance

requirements or defect indication.

In the 1:1 protection architecture, a protection entity is also

dedicated to each working entity. The protected traffic is normally

transmitted by the working entity. When the working entity fails,

the protected traffic is switched to the protection entity. The two

ends of the protected domain must signal detection of the fault and

initiate the switchover.

In the 1:n protection architecture, a dedicated protection entity is

shared by n working entities. In this case, not all of the affected

traffic may be protected.

The m:n architecture is a generalization of the 1:n architecture.

Typically m <= n, where m dedicated protection entities are shared by

n working entities.

Restoration, also referred to as recovery by rerouting [4], is a

survivability technique that establishes new paths or path segments

on demand, for restoring affected traffic after the occurrence of a

fault. The resources in these alternate paths are the currently

unassigned (unreserved) resources in the same layer. Preemption of

extra traffic may also be used if spare resources are not available

to carry the higher-priority protected traffic. As initiated by

detection of a fault on the working path, the selection of a recovery

path may be based on preplanned configurations, network routing

policies, or current network status such as network topology and

fault information. Signaling is used for establishing the new paths

to bypass the fault. Thus, restoration involves a path selection

process followed by rerouting of the affected traffic from the

working entity to the recovery entity.

2.2.4 Survivability Performance

Protection switch time is the time interval from the occurrence of a

network fault until the completion of the protection-switching

operations. It includes the detection time necessary to initiate the

protection switch, any hold-off time to allow for the interworking of

protection schemes, and the switch completion time.

Restoration time is the time interval from the occurrence of a

network fault to the instant when the affected traffic is either

completely restored, or until spare resources are exhausted, and/or

no more extra traffic exists that can be preempted to make room.

Restoration priority is a method of giving preference to protect

higher-priority traffic ahead of lower-priority traffic. Its use is

to help determine the order of restoring traffic after a failure has

occurred. The purpose is to differentiate service restoration time

as well as to control Access to available spare capacity for

different classes of traffic.

Preemption priority is a method of determining which traffic can be

disconnected in the event that not all traffic with a higher

restoration priority is restored after the occurrence of a failure.

2.3 Survivability Mechanisms: Comparison

In a survivable network design, spare capacity and diversity must be

built into the network from the beginning to support some degree of

self-healing whenever failures occur. A common strategy is to

associate each working entity with a protection entity having either

dedicated resources or shared resources that are pre-reserved or

reserved-on-demand. According to the methods of setting up a

protection entity, different approaches to providing survivability

can be classified. Generally, protection techniques are based on

having a dedicated protection entity set up prior to failure. Such

is not the case in restoration techniques, which mainly rely on the

use of spare capacity in the network. Hence, in terms of trade-offs,

protection techniques usually offer fast recovery from failure with

enhanced availability, while restoration techniques usually achieve

better resource utilization.

A 1+1 protection architecture is rather expensive since resource

duplication is required for the working and protection entities. It

is generally used for specific services that need a very high


A 1:1 architecture is inherently slower in recovering from failure

than a 1+1 architecture since communication between both ends of the

protection domain is required to perform the switch-over operation.

An advantage is that the protection entity can optionally be used to

carry low-priority extra traffic in normal operation, if traffic

preemption is allowed. Packet networks can pre-establish a

protection path for later use with pre-planned but not pre-reserved

capacity. That is, if no packets are sent onto a protection path,

then no bandwidth is consumed. This is not the case in transmission

networks like optical or TDM where path establishment and resource

reservation cannot be decoupled.

In the 1:n protection architecture, traffic is normally sent on the

working entities. When multiple working entities have failed

simultaneously, only one of them can be restored by the common

protection entity. This contention could be resolved by assigning a

different preemptive priority to each working entity. As in the 1:1

case, the protection entity can optionally be used to carry

preemptable traffic in normal operation.

While the m:n architecture can improve system availability with small

cost increases, it has rarely been implemented or standardized.

When compared with protection mechanisms, restoration mechanisms are

generally more frugal as no resources are committed until after the

fault occurs and the location of the fault is known. However,

restoration mechanisms are inherently slower, since more must be done

following the detection of a fault. Also, the time it takes for the

dynamic selection and establishment of alternate paths may vary,

depending on the amount of traffic and connections to be restored,

and is influenced by the network topology, technology employed, and

the type and severity of the fault. As a result, restoration time

tends to be more variable than the protection switch time needed with

pre-selected protection entities. Hence, in using restoration

mechanisms, it is essential to use restoration priority to ensure

that service objectives are met cost-effectively.

Once the network routing algorithms have converged after a fault, it

may be preferable in some cases, to reoptimize the network by

performing a reroute based on the current state of the network and

network policies.

3. Survivability

3.1 Scope

Interoperable approaches to network survivability were determined to

be an immediate requirement in packet networks as well as in

SDH/SONET framed TDM networks. Not as pressing at this time were

techniques that would cover all-optical networks (e.g., where framing

is unknown), as the control of these networks in a multi-vendor

environment appeared to have some other hurdles to first deal with.

Also, not of immediate interest were approaches to coordinate or

explicitly communicate survivability mechanisms across network layers

(such as from a TDM or optical network to/from an IP network).

However, a capability should be provided for a network operator to

perform fault notification and to control the operation of

survivability mechanisms among different layers. This may require

the development of corresponding OAM functionality. However, such

issues and those related to OAM are currently outside the scope of

this document. (For proposed MPLS OAM requirements, see [8, 9]).

The initial scope is to address only "backhoe failures" in the

inter-office connections of a service provider network. A link

connection in the router layer is typically comprised of multiple

spans in the lower layers. Therefore, the types of network failures

that cause a recovery to be performed include link/span failures.

However, linecard and node failures may not need to be treated any

differently than their respective link/span failures, as a router

failure may be represented as a set of simultaneous link failures.

Depending on the actual network configuration, drop-side interface

(e.g., between a customer and an access router, or between a router

and an optical cross-connect) may be considered either inter-domain

or inter-layer. Another inter-domain scenario is the use of intra-

office links for interconnecting a metro network and a core network,

with both networks being administered by the same service provider.

Failures at such interfaces may be similarly protected by the

mechanisms of this section.

Other more complex failure mechanisms such as systematic control-

plane failure, configuration error, or breach of security are not

within the scope of the survivability mechanisms discussed in this

document. Network impairment such as congestion that results in

lower throughput are also not covered.

3.2 Required initial set of survivability mechanisms

3.2.1 1:1 Path Protection with Pre-Established Capacity

In this protection mode, the head end of a working connection

establishes a protection connection to the destination. There should

be the ability to maintain relative restoration priorities between

working and protection connections, as well as between different

classes of protection connections.

In normal operation, traffic is only sent on the working connection,

though the ability to signal that traffic will be sent on both

connections (1+1 Path for signaling purposes) would be valuable in

non-packet networks. Some distinction between working and protection

connections is likely, either through explicit objects, or preferably

through implicit methods such as general classes or priorities. Head

ends need the ability to create connections that are as failure

disjoint as possible from each other. This requires SRG information

that can be generally assigned to either nodes or links and

propagated through the control or management plane. In this

mechanism, capacity in the protection connection is pre-established,

however it should be capable of carrying preemptable extra traffic in

non-packet networks. When protection capacity is called into service

during recovery, there should be the ability to promote the

protection connection to working status (for non-revertive mode

operation) with some form of make-before-break capability.

3.2.2 1:1 Path Protection with Pre-Planned Capacity

Similar to the above 1:1 protection with pre-established capacity,

the protection connection in this case is also pre-signaled. The

difference is in the way protection capacity is assigned. With pre-

planned capacity, the mechanism supports the ability for the

protection capacity to be shared, or "double-booked". Operators need

the ability to provision different amounts of protection capacity

according to expected failure modes and service level agreements.

Thus, an operator may wish to provision sufficient restoration

capacity to handle a single failure affecting all connections in an

SRG, or may wish to provision less or more restoration capacity.

Mechanisms should be provided to allow restoration capacity on each

link to be shared by SRG-disjoint failures. In a sense, this is 1:1

from a path perspective; however, the protection capacity in the

network (on a link by link basis) is shared in a 1:n fashion, e.g.,

see the proposals in [10, 11]. If capacity is planned but not

allocated, some form of signaling could be required before traffic

may be sent on protection connections, especially in TDM networks.

The use of this approach improves network resource utilization, but

may require more careful planning. So, initial deployment might be

based on 1:1 path protection with pre-established capacity and the

local restoration mechanism to be described next.

3.2.3 Local Restoration

Due to the time impact of signal propagation, dynamic recovery of an

entire path may not meet the service requirements of some networks.

The solution to this is to restore connectivity of the link or span

in immediate proximity to the fault, e.g., see the proposals in [12,

13]. At a minimum, this approach should be able to protect against

connectivity-type SRGs, though protecting against node-based SRGs

might be worthwhile. Also, this approach is applicable to support

restoration on the inter-domain and inter-layer interconnection

scenarios using intra-office links as described in the Scope Section.

Head end systems must have some control as to whether their

connections are candidates for or excluded from local restoration.

For example, best-effort and preemptable traffic may be excluded from

local restoration; they only get restored if there is bandwidth

available. This type of control may require the definition of an

object in signaling.

Since local restoration may be suboptimal, a means for head end

systems to later perform path-level re-grooming must be supported for

this approach.

3.2.4 Path Restoration

In this approach, connections that are impacted by a fault are

rerouted by the originating network element upon notification of

connection failure. Such a source-based approach is efficient for

network resources, but typically takes longer to accomplish

restoration. It does not involve any new mechanisms. It merely is a

mention of another common approach to protecting against faults in a


3.3 Applications Supported

With service continuity under failure as a goal, a network is

"survivable" if, in the face of a network failure, connectivity is

interrupted for a "brief" period and then recovered before the

network failure ends. The length of this interrupted period is

dependent upon the application supported. Here are some typical

applications and considerations that drive the requirements for an

acceptable protection switch time or restoration time:

- Best-effort data: recovery of network connectivity by rerouting at

the IP layer would be sufficient

- Premium data service: need to meet TCP timeout or application

protocol timer requirements

- Voice: call cutoff is in the range of 140 msec to 2 sec (the time

that a person waits after interruption of the speech path before

hanging up or the time that a telephone switch will disconnect a


- Other real-time service (e.g., streaming, fax) where an

interruption would cause the session to terminate

- Mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate even brief

interruptions, for example, real-time financial transactions

3.4 Timing Bounds for Survivability Mechanisms

The approach to picking the types of survivability mechanisms

recommended was to consider a spectrum of mechanisms that can be used

to protect traffic with varying characteristics of survivability and

speed of protection/restoration, and then attempt to select a few

general points that provide some coverage across that spectrum. The

focus of this work is to provide requirements to which a small set of

detailed proposals may be developed, allowing the operator some

(limited) flexibility in approaches to meeting their design goals in

engineering multi-vendor networks. Requirements of different

applications as listed in the previous sub-section were discussed

generally, however none on the team would likely attest to the

scientific merit of the ability of the timing bounds below to meet

any specific application's needs. A few assumptions include:

1. Approaches in which protection switch without propagation of

information are likely to be faster than those that do require

some form of fault notification to some or all elements in a


2. Approaches that require some form of signaling after a fault will

also likely suffer some timing impact.

Proposed timing bounds for different survivability mechanisms are as

follows (all bounds are exclusive of signal propagation):

1:1 path protection with pre-established capacity: 100-500 ms

1:1 path protection with pre-planned capacity: 100-750 ms

Local restoration: 50 ms

Path restoration: 1-5 seconds

To ensure that the service requirements for different applications

can be met within the above timing bounds, restoration priority must

be implemented to determine the order in which connections are

restored (to minimize service restoration time as well as to gain

access to available spare capacity on the best paths). For example,

mission critical applications may require high restoration priority.

At the fiber layer, instead of specific applications, it may be

possible that priority be given to certain classifications of

customers with their traffic types enclosed within the customer

aggregate. Preemption priority should only be used in the event that

not all connections can be restored, in which case connections with

lower preemption priority should be released. Depending on a service

provider's strategy in provisioning network resources for backup,

preemption may or may not be needed in the network.

3.5 Coordination Among Layers

A common design goal for networks with multiple technological layers

is to provide the desired level of service in the most cost-effective

manner. Multilayer survivability may allow the optimization of spare

resources through the improvement of resource utilization by sharing

spare capacity across different layers, though further investigations

are needed. Coordination during recovery among different network

layers (e.g., IP, SDH/SONET, optical layer) might necessitate

development of vertical hierarchy. The benefits of providing

survivability mechanisms at multiple layers, and the optimization of

the overall approach, must be weighed with the associated cost and

service impacts.

A default coordination mechanism for inter-layer interaction could be

the use of nested timers and current SDH/SONET fault monitoring, as

has been done traditionally for backward compatibility. Thus, when

lower-layer recovery happens in a longer time period than higher-

layer recovery, a hold-off timer is utilized to avoid contention

between the different single-layer survivability schemes. In other

words, multilayer interaction is addressed by having successively

higher multiplexing levels operate at a protection/restoration time

scale greater than the next lowest layer. This can impact the

overall time to recover service. For example, if SDH/SONET

protection switching is used, MPLS recovery timers must wait until

SDH/SONET has had time to switch. Setting such timers involves a

tradeoff between rapid recovery and creation of a race condition

where multiple layers are responding to the same fault, potentially

allocating resources in an inefficient manner.

In other configurations where the lower layer does not have a

restoration capability or is not expected to protect, say an

unprotected SDH/SONET linear circuit, then there must be a mechanism

for the lower layer to trigger the higher layer to take recovery

actions immediately. This difference in network configuration means

that implementations must allow for adjustment of hold-off timer

values and/or a means for a lower layer to immediately indicate to a

higher layer that a fault has occurred so that the higher layer can

take restoration or protection actions.

Furthermore, faults at higher layers should not trigger restoration

or protection actions at lower layers [3, 4].

It was felt that the current approach to coordination of

survivability approaches currently did not have significant

operational shortfalls. These approaches include protecting traffic

solely at one layer (e.g., at the IP layer over linear WDM, or at the

SDH/SONET layer). Where survivability mechanisms might be deployed

at several layers, such as when a routed network rides a SDH/SONET

protected network, it was felt that current coordination approaches

were sufficient in many cases. One exception is the hold-off of MPLS

recovery until the completion of SDH/SONET protection switching as

described above. This limits the recovery time of fast MPLS

restoration. Also, by design, the operations and mechanisms within a

given layer tend to be invisible to other layers.

3.6 Evolution Toward IP Over Optical

As more pressing requirements for survivability and horizontal

hierarchy for edge-to-edge signaling are met with technical

proposals, it is believed that the benefits of merging (in some

manner) the control planes of multiple layers will be outlined. When

these benefits are self-evident, it would then seem to be the right

time to review whether vertical hierarchy mechanisms are needed, and

what the requirements might be. For example, a future requirement

might be to provide a better match between the recovery requirements

of IP networks with the recovery capability of optical transport.

One such proposal is described in [14].

4. Hierarchy Requirements

Efforts in the area of network hierarchy should focus on mechanisms

that would allow more scalable edge-to-edge signaling, or signaling

across networks with existing network hierarchy (such as multi-area

OSPF). This appears to be a more urgent need than mechanisms that

might be needed to interconnect networks at different layers.

4.1 Historical Context

One reason for horizontal hierarchy is functionality (e.g., metro

versus backbone). Geographic "islands" or partitions reduce the need

for interoperability and make administration and operations less

complex. Using a simpler, more interoperable, survivability scheme

at metro/backbone boundaries is natural for many provider network

architectures. In transmission networks, creating geographic islands

of different vendor equipment has been done for a long time because

multi-vendor interoperability has been difficult to achieve.

Traditionally, providers have to coordinate the equipment on either

end of a "connection," and making this interoperable reduces

complexity. A provider should be able to concatenate survivability

mechanisms in order to provide a "protected link" to the next higher

level. Think of SDH/SONET rings connecting to TDM DXCs with 1+1

line-layer protection between the ADM and the DXC port. The TDM

connection, e.g., a DS3, is protected but usually all equipment on

each SDH/SONET ring is from a single vendor. The DXC cross

connections are controlled by the provider and the ports are

physically protected resulting in a highly available design. Thus,

concatenation of survivability approaches can be used to cascade

across a horizontal hierarchy. While not perfect, it is workable in

the near to mid-term until multi-vendor interoperability is achieved.

While the problems associated with multi-vendor interoperability may

necessitate horizontal hierarchy as a practical matter in the near to

mid-term (at least this has been the case in TDM networks), there

should not be a technical reason for it in the standards developed by

the IETF for core networks, or even most access networks.

Establishing interoperability of survivability mechanisms between

multi-vendor equipment in core IP networks is urgently required to

enable adoption of IP as a viable core transport technology and to

facilitate the traffic engineering of future multi-service IP

networks [3].

Some of the largest service provider networks currently run a single

area/level IGP. Some service providers, as well as many large

enterprise networks, run multi-area Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

to gain increases in scalability. Often, this was from an original

design, so it is difficult to say if the network truly required the

hierarchy to reach its current size.

Some proposals on improved mechanisms to address network hierarchy

have been suggested [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. This document aims to

provide the concrete requirements so that these and other proposals

can first aim to meet some limited objectives.

4.2 Applications for Horizontal Hierarchy

A primary driver for intra-domain horizontal hierarchy is signaling

capabilities in the context of edge-to-edge VPNs, potentially across

traffic-engineered data networks. There are a number of different

approaches to layer 2 and layer 3 VPNs and they are currently being

addressed by different emerging protocols in the provider-provisioned

VPNs (e.g., virtual routers) and Pseudo Wire Edge-to-Edge Emulation

(PWE3) efforts based on either MPLS and/or IP tunnels. These may or

may not need explicit signaling from edge to edge, but it is a common

perception that in order to meet SLAs, some form of edge-to-edge

signaling may be required.

With a large number of edges (N), scalability is concerned with

avoiding the O(N^2) properties of edge-to-edge signaling. However,

the main issue here is not with the scalability of large amounts of

signaling, such as in O(N^2) meshes with a "connection" between every

edge-pair. This is because, even if establishing and maintaining

connections is feasible in a large network, there might be an impact

on core survivability mechanisms which would cause

protection/restoration times to grow with N^2, which would be

undesirable. While some value of N may be inevitable, approaches to

reduce N (e.g. to pull in from the edge to aggregation points) might

be of value.

Thus, most service providers feel that O(N^2) meshes are not

necessary for VPNs, and that the number of tunnels to support VPNs

would be within the scalability bounds of current protocols and

implementations. That may be the case, as there is currently a lack

of ability to signal MPLS tunnels from edge to edge across IGP

hierarchy, such as OSPF areas. This may require the development of

signaling standards that support dynamic establishment and

potentially the restoration of LSPs across a 2-level IGP hierarchy.

For routing scalability, especially in data applications, a major

concern is the amount of processing/state that is required in the

variety of network elements. If some nodes might not be able to

communicate and process the state of every other node, it might be

preferable to limit the information. There is one school of thought

that says that the amount of information contained by a horizontal

barrier should be significant, and that impacts this might have on

optimality in route selection and ability to provide global

survivability are accepted tradeoffs.

4.3 Horizontal Hierarchy Requirements

Mechanisms are required to allow for edge-to-edge signaling of

connections through a network. One network scenario includes medium

to large networks that currently have hierarchical interior routing

such as multi-area OSPF or multi-level Intermediate System to

Intermediate System (IS-IS). The primary context of this is edge-

to-edge signaling, which is thought to be required to assure the SLAs

for the layer 2 and layer 3 VPNs that are being carried across the

network. Another possible context would be edge-to-edge signaling in

TDM SDH/SONET networks with IP control, where metro and core networks

again might be in a hierarchical interior routing domain.

To support edge-to-edge signaling in the above network scenarios

within the framework of existing horizontal hierarchies, current

traffic engineering (TE) methods [20, 6] may need to be extended.

Requirements for multi-area TE need to be developed to provide

guidance for any necessary protocol extensions.

5. Survivability and Hierarchy

When horizontal hierarchy exists in a network technology layer, a

question arises as to how survivability can be provided along a

connection that crosses hierarchical boundaries.

In designing protocols to meet the requirements of hierarchy, an

approach to consider is that boundaries are either clean, or are of

minimal value. However, the concept of network elements that

participate on both sides of a boundary might be a consideration

(e.g., OSPF ABRs). That would allow for devices on either side to

take an intra-area approach within their region of knowledge, and for

the ABR to do this in both areas, and splice the two protected

connections together at a common point (granted it is a common point

of failure now). If the limitations of this approach start to appear

in operational settings, then perhaps it would be time to start

thinking about route-servers and signaling propagated directives.

However, one initial approach might be to signal through a common

border router, and to consider the service as protected as it

consists of a concatenated set of connections which are each

protected within their area. Another approach might be to have a

least common denominator mechanism at the boundary, e.g., 1+1 port

protection. There should also be some standardized means for a

survivability scheme on one side of such a boundary to communicate

with the scheme on the other side regarding the success or failure of

the recovery action. For example, if a part of a "connection" is

down on one side of such a boundary, there is no need for the other

side to recover from failures.

In summary, at this time, approaches as described above that allow

concatenation of survivability schemes across hierarchical boundaries

seem sufficient.

6. Security Considerations

The set of SRGs that are defined for a network under a common

administrative control and the corresponding assignment of these SRGs

to nodes and links within the administrative control is sensitive

information and needs to be protected. An SRG is an acknowledgement

that nodes and links that belong to an SRG are susceptible to a

common threat. An adversary with access to information contained in

an SRG could use that information to design an attack, determine the

scope of damage caused by the attack and, therefore, be used to

maximize the effect of an attack.

The label used to refer to a particular SRG must allow for an

encoding such that sensitive information such as physical location,

function, purpose, customer, fault type, etc. is not readily

discernable by unauthorized users.

SRG information that is propagated through the control and management

plane should allow for an encryption mechanism. An example of an

approach would be to use IPSEC [21] on all packets carrying SRG


7. References

[1] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP

9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] K. Owens, V. Sharma, and M. Oommen, "Network Survivability

Considerations for Traffic Engineered IP Networks", Work in


[4] V. Sharma, B. Crane, S. Makam, K. Owens, C. Huang, F.

Hellstrand, J. Weil, L. Andersson, B. Jamoussi, B. Cain, S.

Civanlar, and A. Chiu, "Framework for MPLS-based Recovery", Work

in Progress.

[5] M. Thorup, "Fortifying OSPF/ISIS Against Link Failure",


[6] Awduche, D., Chiu, A., Elwalid, A., Widjaja, I. and X. Xiao,

"Overview and Principles of Internet Traffic Engineering", RFC

3272, May 2002.

[7] S. Dharanikota, R. Jain, D. Papadimitriou, R. Hartani, G.

Bernstein, V. Sharma, C. Brownmiller, Y. Xue, and J. Strand,

"Inter-domain routing with Shared Risk Groups", Work in


[8] N. Harrison, P. Willis, S. Davari, E. Cuevas, B. Mack-Crane, E.

Franze, H. Ohta, T. So, S. Goldfless, and F. Chen, "Requirements

for OAM in MPLS Networks," Work in Progress.

[9] D. Allan and M. Azad, "A Framework for MPLS User Plane OAM,"

Work in Progress.

[10] S. Kini, M. Kodialam, T.V. Lakshman, S. Sengupta, and C.

Villamizar, "Shared Backup Label Switched Path Restoration,"

Work in Progress.

[11] G. Li, C. Kalmanek, J. Yates, G. Bernstein, F. Liaw, and V.

Sharma, "RSVP-TE Extensions For Shared-Mesh Restoration in

Transport Networks", Work in Progress.

[12] P. Pan (Editor), D.H. Gan, G. Swallow, J. Vasseur, D. Cooper, A.

Atlas, and M. Jork, "Fast Reroute Extensions to RSVP-TE for LSP

Tunnels", Work in Progress.

[13] A. Atlas, C. Villamizar, and C. Litvanyi, "MPLS RSVP-TE

Interoperability for Local Protection/Fast Reroute", Work in


[14] A. Chiu and J. Strand, "Joint IP/Optical Layer Restoration after

a Router Failure", Proc. OFC'2001, Anaheim, CA, March 2001.

[15] K. Kompella and Y. Rekhter, "Multi-area MPLS Traffic

Engineering", Work in Progress.

[16] G. Ash, et. al., "Requirements for Multi-Area TE", Work in


[17] A. Iwata, N. Fujita, G.R. Ash, and A. Farrel, "Crankback Routing

Extensions for MPLS Signaling", Work in Progress.

[18] C-Y Lee, A. Celer, N. Gammage, S. Ghanti, G. Ash, "Distributed

Route Exchangers", Work in Progress.

[19] C-Y Lee and S. Ghanti, "Path Request and Path Reply Message",

Work in Progress.

[20] Awduche, D., Malcolm, J., Agogbua, J., O'Dell, M. and J.

McManus, "Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS", RFC

2702, September 1999.

[21] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the

Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.

8. Acknowledgments

A lot of the direction taken in this document, and by the team in its

initial effort was steered by the insightful questions provided by

Bala Rajagoplan, Greg Bernstein, Yangguang Xu, and Avri Doria. The

set of questions is attached as Appendix A in this document.

After the release of the first draft, a number of comments were

received. Thanks to the inputs from Jerry Ash, Sudheer Dharanikota,

Chuck Kalmanek, Dan Koller, Lyndon Ong, Steve Plote, and Yong Xue.

9. Contributing Authors

Jim Boyle (PDNets), Rob Coltun (Movaz), Tim Griffin (AT&T), Ed Kern,

Tom Reddington (Lucent) and Malin Carlzon.

Appendix A: Questions used to help develop requirements

A. Definitions

1. In determining the specific requirements, the design team should

precisely define the concepts "survivability", "restoration",

"protection", "protection switching", "recovery", "re-routing"

etc. and their relations. This would enable the requirements doc

to describe precisely which of these will be addressed. In the

following, the term "restoration" is used to indicate the broad

set of policies and mechanisms used to ensure survivability.

B. Network types and protection modes

1. What is the scope of the requirements with regard to the types of

networks covered? Specifically, are the following in scope:

Restoration of connections in mesh optical networks (opaque or


Restoration of connections in hybrid mesh-ring networks

Restoration of LSPs in MPLS networks (composed of LSRs overlaid on

a transport network, e.g., optical)

Any other types of networks?

Is commonality of approach, or optimization of approach more


2. What are the requirements with regard to the protection modes to

be supported in each network type covered? (Examples of protection

modes include 1+1, M:N, shared mesh, UPSR, BLSR, newly defined

modes such as P-cycles, etc.)

3. What are the requirements on local span (i.e., link by link)

protection and end-to-end protection, and the interaction between

them? E.g.: what should be the granularity of connections for

each type (single connection, bundle of connections, etc).

C. Hierarchy

1. Vertical (between two network layers):

What are the requirements for the interaction between restoration

procedures across two network layers, when these features are

offered in both layers? (Example, MPLS network realized over pt-

to-pt optical connections.) Under such a case,

(a) Are there any criteria to choose which layer should provide


(b) If both layers provide survivability features, what are the

requirements to coordinate these mechanisms?

(c) How is lack of current functionality of cross-layer

coordination currently hampering operations?

(d) Would the benefits be worth additional complexity associated

with routing isolation (e.g. VPN, areas), security, address

isolation and policy / authentication processes?

2. Horizontal (between two areas or administrative subdivisions

within the same network layer):

(a) What are the criteria that trigger the creation of protocol or

administrative boundaries pertaining to restoration? (e.g.,

scalability? multi-vendor interoperability? what are the

practical issues?) multi-provider? Should multi-vendor

necessitate hierarchical separation?

When such boundaries are defined:

(b) What are the requirements on how protection/restoration is

performed end-to-end across such boundaries?

(c) If different restoration mechanisms are implemented on two

sides of a boundary, what are the requirements on their


What is the primary driver of horizontal hierarchy? (select one)

- functionality (e.g. metro -v- backbone)

- routing scalability

- signaling scalability

- current network architecture, trying to layer on TE on top

of an already hierarchical network architecture

- routing and signalling

For signalling scalability, is it

- manageability

- processing/state of network

- edge-to-edge N^2 type issue

For routing scalability, is it

- processing/state of network

- are you flat and want to go hierarchical

- or already hierarchical?

- data or TDM application?

D. Policy

1. What are the requirements for policy support during

protection/restoration, e.g., restoration priority, preemption,


E. Signaling Mechanisms

1. What are the requirements on the signaling transport mechanism

(e.g., in-band over SDH/SONET overhead bytes, out-of-band over an

IP network, etc.) used to communicate restoration protocol

messages between network elements? What are the bandwidth and

other requirements on the signaling channels?

2. What are the requirements on fault detection/localization

mechanisms (which is the prelude to performing restoration

procedures) in the case of opaque and transparent optical

networks? What are the requirements in the case of MPLS


3. What are the requirements on signaling protocols to be used in

restoration procedures (e.g., high priority processing, security,


4. Are there any requirements on the operation of restoration


F. Quantitative

1. What are the quantitative requirements (e.g., latency) for

completing restoration under different protection modes (for both

local and end-to-end protection)?

G. Management

1. What information should be measured/maintained by the control

plane at each network element pertaining to restoration events?

2. What are the requirements for the correlation between control

plane and data plane failures from the restoration point of view?

Editors' Addresses

Wai Sum Lai


200 Laurel Avenue

Middletown, NJ 07748, USA

Phone: +1 732-420-3712

EMail: wlai@att.com

Dave McDysan


22001 Loudoun County Pkwy

Ashburn, VA 20147, USA

EMail: dave.mcdysan@wcom.com

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