
RFC3357 - One-way Loss Pattern Sample Metrics

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. Koodli

Request for Comments: 3357 Nokia Research Center

Category: Informational R. Ravikanth


August 2002

One-way Loss Pattern Sample Metrics

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


Using the base loss metric defined in RFC2680, this document defines

two derived metrics "loss distance" and "loss period", and the

associated statistics that together capture loss patterns eXPerienced

by packet streams on the Internet. The Internet exhibits certain

specific types of behavior (e.g., bursty packet loss) that can affect

the performance seen by the users as well as the operators. The loss

pattern or loss distribution is a key parameter that determines the

performance observed by the users for certain real-time applications

sUCh as packet voice and video. For the same loss rate, two

different loss distributions could potentially produce widely

different perceptions of performance.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 3

2. Terminology 3

3. The Approach 3

4. Basic Definitions 4

5. Definitions for Samples of One-way Loss Distance, and One-way

Loss Period 5

5.1. Metric Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5.1.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream . . . . . . . 5

5.1.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream . . . . . . . . 5

5.2. Metric Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5.3. Metric Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5.3.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream . . . . . . . 5

5.3.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream . . . . . . . . 5

5.4. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5.4.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream . . . . . . . 6

5.4.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream . . . . . . . . 6

5.4.3. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5.5. Methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.6. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.7. Sampling Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.8. Errors and Uncertainties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6. Statistics 9

6.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Noticeable-Rate . . . . . . . . . . . 9

6.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

6.3. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Lengths . . . . . . . . . . . 10

6.4. Type-P-One-Way-Inter-Loss-Period-Lengths . . . . . . . . 10

6.5. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

7. Security Considerations 11

7.1. Denial of Service Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

7.2. Privacy / Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

7.3. Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

8. IANA Considerations 12

9. Acknowledgements 12

10. Normative References 12

11. Informative References 13

Authors' Addresses 14

Full Copyright Statement 15

1. Introduction

In certain real-time applications (such as packet voice and video),

the loss pattern or loss distribution is a key parameter that

determines the performance observed by the users. For the same loss

rate, two different loss distributions could potentially produce

widely different perceptions of performance. The impact of loss

pattern is also extremely important for non-real-time applications

that use an adaptive protocol such as TCP. Refer to [4], [5], [6],

[11] for evidence as to the importance and existence of loss

burstiness and its effect on packet voice and video applications.

Previously, the focus of the IPPM had been on specifying base metrics

such as delay, loss and connectivity under the framework described in

RFC2330. However, specific Internet behaviors can also be captured

under the umbrella of the IPPM framework, specifying new concepts

while reusing existing guidelines as much as possible. In this

document, we propose two derived metrics, called "loss distance" and

"loss period", with associated statistics, to capture packet loss

patterns. The loss period metric captures the frequency and length

(burstiness) of loss once it starts, and the loss distance metric

captures the spacing between the loss periods. It is important to

note that these metrics are derived based on the base metric Type-P-


2. Terminology



"silently ignore" in this document are to be interpreted as described

in BCP 14, RFC2119 [2].

3. The Approach

This document closely follows the guidelines specified in [3].

Specifically, the concepts of singleton, sample, statistic,

measurement principles, Type-P packets, as well as standard-formed

packets all apply. However, since the document proposes to capture

specific Internet behaviors, modifications to the sampling process

MAY be needed. Indeed, this is mentioned in [1], where it is noted

that alternate sampling procedures may be useful depending on

specific circumstances. This document proposes that the specific

behaviors be captured as "derived" metrics from the base metrics the

behaviors are related to. The reasons for adopting this position are

the following:

- it provides consistent usage of singleton metric definition for

different behaviors (e.g., a single definition of packet loss is

needed for capturing burst of losses, 'm out of n' losses etc.)

- it allows re-use of the methodologies specified for the singleton

metric with modifications whenever necessary

- it clearly separates few base metrics from many Internet behaviors

Following the guidelines in [3], this translates to deriving sample

metrics from the respective singletons. The process of deriving

sample metrics from the singletons is specified in [3], [1], and


In the following sections, we apply this approach to a particular

Internet behavior, namely the packet loss process.

4. Basic Definitions

Sequence number: Consecutive packets in a time series sample are

given sequence numbers that are consecutive

integers. This document does not specify exactly

how to associate sequence numbers with packets. The

sequence numbers could be contained within test

packets themselves, or they could be derived through

post-processing of the sample.

Bursty loss: The loss involving consecutive packets of a stream.

Loss Distance: The difference in sequence numbers of two successively

lost packets which may or may not be separated by

successfully received packets.

Example: In a packet stream, the packet with sequence number 20 is

considered lost, followed by the packet with sequence number

50. The loss distance is 30.

Loss period: Let P_i be the i'th packet. Define f(P_i) = 1 if P_i is

lost, 0 otherwise. Then, a loss period begins if

f(P_i) = 1 and f(P_(i-1)) = 0

Example: Consider the following sequence of lost (denoted by x) and

received (denoted by r) packets.

r r r x r r x x x r x r r x x x

Then, with `i' assigned as follows,

1 1 1 1 1 1

i: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5

f(P_i) is,

f(P_i): 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

and there are four loss periods in the above sequence beginning at

P_3, P_6, P_10, and P_13.

5. Definitions for Samples of One-way Loss Distance, and One-way Loss


5.1. Metric Names

5.1.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream

5.1.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream

5.2. Metric Parameters

Src, the IP address of a host

Dst, the IP address of a host

T0, a time

Tf, a time

lambda, a rate of any sampling method chosen in reciprocal of


5.3. Metric Units

5.3.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream

A sequence of pairs of the form <loss distance, loss>, where loss is

derived from the sequence of <time, loss> in [1], and loss distance

is either zero or a positive integer.

5.3.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream

A sequence of pairs of the form <loss period, loss>, where loss is

derived from the sequence of <time, loss> in [1], and loss period is

an integer.

5.4. Definitions

5.4.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream

When a packet is considered lost (using the definition in [1]), we

look at its sequence number and compare it with that of the

previously lost packet. The difference is the loss distance between

the lost packet and the previously lost packet. The sample would

consist of <loss distance, loss> pairs. This definition assumes that

sequence numbers of successive test packets increase monotonically by

one. The loss distance associated with the very first packet loss is

considered to be zero.

The sequence number of a test packet can be derived from the

timeseries sample collected by performing the loss measurement

according to the methodology in [1]. For example, if a loss sample

consists of <T0,0>, <T1,0>, <T2,1>, <T3,0>, <T4,0>, the sequence

numbers of the five test packets sent at T0, T1, T2, T3, and T4 can

be 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, or 100, 101, 102, 103 and 104

respectively, etc.

5.4.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream

We start a counter 'n' at an initial value of zero. This counter is

incremented by one each time a lost packet satisfies the definition

outlined in 4. The metric is defined as <loss period, loss> where

"loss" is derived from the sequence of <time, loss> in Type-P-One-

Way-Loss-Stream [1], and loss period is set to zero when "loss" is

zero in Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Stream, and loss period is set to 'n'

(above) when "loss" is one in Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Stream.

Essentially, when a packet is lost, the current value of "n"

indicates the loss period to which this packet belongs. For a packet

that is received successfully, the loss period is defined to be zero.

5.4.3. Examples

Let the following set of pairs represent a Type-P-One-Way-Loss-




where T1, T2,..,T10 are in increasing order.

Packets sent at T2, T5, T7, T9, T10 are lost. The two derived

metrics can be oBTained from this sample as follows.

(i) Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream:

Since packet 2 is the first lost packet, the associated loss distance

is zero. For the next lost packet (packet 5), loss distance is 5-2

or 3. Similarly, for the remaining lost packets (packets 7, 9, and

10) their loss distances are 2, 2, and 1 respectively. Therefore,

the Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream is:


(ii) The Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream:

The packet 2 sets the counter 'n' to 1, which is incremented by one

for packets 5, 7 and 9 according to the definition in 4. However,

for packet 10, the counter remains at 4, again satisfying the

definition in 4. Thus, the Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream is:


5.5. Methodologies

The same methodology outlined in [1] can be used to conduct the

sample experiments. A synopsis is listed below.

Generally, for a given Type-P, one possible methodology would proceed

as follows:

- Assume that Src and Dst have clocks that are synchronized with

each other. The degree of synchronization is a parameter of the

methodology, and depends on the threshold used to determine loss

(see below).

- At the Src host, select Src and Dst IP addresses, and form a test

packet of Type-P with these addresses.

- At the Dst host, arrange to receive the packet.

- At the Src host, place a timestamp in the prepared Type-P packet,

and send it towards Dst.

- If the packet arrives within a reasonable period of time, the

one-way packet-loss is taken to be zero.

- If the packet fails to arrive within a reasonable period of time,

the one-way packet-loss is taken to be one. Note that the

threshold of "reasonable" here is a parameter of the methodology.

5.6. Discussion

The Loss-Distance-Stream metric allows one to study the separation

between packet losses. This could be useful in determining a "spread

factor" associated with the packet loss rate. In conjunction, the

Loss-Period-Stream metric allows the study of loss burstiness for

each occurrence of loss. A single loss period of length 'n' can

account for a significant portion of the overall loss rate. Note

that it is possible to measure distance between loss bursts separated

by one or more successfully received packets. (Refer to Sections 6.4

and 6.5).

5.7. Sampling Considerations

The proposed metrics can be used independent of the particular

sampling method used. We note that Poisson sampling may not yield

appropriate values for these metrics for certain real-time

applications such as voice over IP, as well as to TCP-based

applications. For real-time applications, it may be more appropriate

to use the ON-OFF [10] model, in which an ON period starts with a

certain probability 'p', during which a certain number of packets are

transmitted with mean 'lambda-on' according to geometric distribution

and an OFF period starts with probability '1-p' and lasts for a

period of time based on exponential distribution with rate 'lambda-


For TCP-based applications, one may use the model proposed in [8].

See [9] for an application of the model.

5.8. Errors and Uncertainties

The measurement ASPects, including the packet size, loss threshold,

type of the test machine chosen etc, invariably influence the packet

loss metric itself and hence the derived metrics described in this

document. Thus, when making an assessment of the results pertaining

to the metrics outlined in this document, attention must be paid to

these matters. See [1] for a detailed consideration of errors and

uncertainties regarding the measurement of base packet loss metric.

6. Statistics

6.1. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Noticeable-Rate

Define loss of a packet to be "noticeable" [7] if the distance

between the lost packet and the previously lost packet is no greater

than delta, a positive integer, where delta is the "loss constraint".

Example: Let delta = 99. Let us assume that packet 50 is lost

followed by a bursty loss of length 3 starting from packet 125. All

the three losses starting from packet 125 are noticeable.

Given a Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream, this statistic can be

computed simply as the number of losses that violate some constraint

delta, divided by the number of losses. (Alternatively, it can also

be defined as the number of "noticeable losses" to the number of

successfully received packets). This statistic is useful when the

actual distance between successive losses is important. For example,

many multimedia codecs can sustain losses by "concealing" the effect

of loss by making use of past history information. Their ability to

do so degrades with poor history resulting from losses separated by

close distances. By choosing delta based on this sensitivity, one

can measure how "noticeable" a loss might be for quality purposes.

The noticeable loss requires a certain "spread factor" for losses in

the timeseries. In the above example where loss constraint is equal

to 99, a loss rate of one percent with a spread of 100 between losses

(e.g., 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 out of 500 packets) may be more

desirable for some applications compared to the same loss rate with a

spread that violates the loss constraint (e.g., 100, 175, 275, 290,

400: losses occurring at 175 and 290 violate delta = 99).

6.2. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Total

This represents the total number of loss periods, and can be derived

from the loss period metric Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream as


Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Total = maximum value of the first entry

of the set of pairs, <loss period, loss>, representing the loss

metric Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream.

Note that this statistic does not describe the duration of each loss

period itself. If this statistic is large, it does not mean that the

losses are more spread out than they are otherwise; one or more loss

periods may include bursty losses. This statistic is generally

useful in gathering first order approximation of loss spread.

6.3. Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Lengths

This statistic is a sequence of pairs <loss period, length>, with the

"loss period" entry ranging from 1 - Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-

Total. Thus the total number of pairs in this statistic equals

Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Total. In each pair, the "length" is

obtained by counting the number of pairs, <loss period, loss>, in the

metric Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream which have their first entry

equal to "loss period."

Since this statistic represents the number of packets lost in each

loss period, it is an indicator of burstiness of each loss period.

In conjunction with loss-period-total statistic, this statistic is

generally useful in observing which loss periods are potentially more

influential than others from a quality perspective.

6.4. Type-P-One-Way-Inter-Loss-Period-Lengths

This statistic measures distance between successive loss periods. It

takes the form of a set of pairs <loss period, inter-loss-period-

length>, with the "loss period" entry ranging from 1 - Type-P-One-

Way-Loss-Period-Total, and "inter-loss-period-length" is the loss

distance between the last packet considered lost in "loss period"

'i-1', and the first packet considered lost in "loss period" 'i',

where 'i' ranges from 2 to Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Total. The

"inter-loss-period-length" associated with the first "loss period" is

defined to be zero.

This statistic allows one to consider, for example, two loss periods

each of length greater than one (implying loss burst), but separated

by a distance of 2 to belong to the same loss burst if such a

consideration is deemed useful. When the Inter-Loss-Period-Length

between two bursty loss periods is smaller, it could affect the loss

concealing ability of multimedia codecs since there is relatively

smaller history. When it is larger, an application may be able to

rebuild its history which could dampen the effect of an impending

loss (period).

6.5. Examples

We continue with the same example as in Section 5.4.3. The three

statistics defined above will have the following values.

- Let delta = 2. In Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Distance-Stream


there are 3 loss distances that violate the delta of 2. Thus,

Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Noticeable-Rate = 3/5 ((number of noticeable

losses)/(number of total losses))

- In Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream


the largest of the first entry in the sequence of <loss

period,loss> pairs is 4. Thus,

Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Total = 4

- In Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream


the lengths of individual loss periods are 1, 1, 1 and 2

respectively. Thus,

Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Lengths =


- In Type-P-One-Way-Loss-Period-Stream


the loss periods 1 and 2 are separated by 3 (5-2), loss periods 2

and 3 are separated by 2 (7-5), and 3 and 4 are separated by 2

(9-7). Thus, Type-P-One-Way-Inter-Loss-Period-Lengths =


7. Security Considerations

Conducting Internet measurements raises both security and privacy

concerns. This document does not specify a particular implementation

of metrics, so it does not directly affect the security of the

Internet nor of applications which run on the Internet. However,

implementations of these metrics must be mindful of security and

privacy concerns.

The derived sample metrics in this document are based on the loss

metric defined in RFC2680 [1], and thus they inherit the security

considerations of that document. The reader should consult [1] for a

more detailed treatment of security considerations. Nevertheless,

there are a few things to highlight.

7.1. Denial of Service Attacks

The lambda specified in the Type-P-Loss-Distance-Stream and Type-P-

Loss-Period-Stream controls the rate at which test packets are sent,

and therefore if it is set inappropriately large, it could perturb

the network under test, cause congestion, or at worst be a denial-

of-service attack to the network under test. Legitimate measurements

must have their parameters selected carefully in order to avoid

interfering with normal traffic in the network.

7.2. Privacy / Confidentiality

Privacy of user data is not a concern, since the underlying metric is

intended to be implemented using test packets that contain no user

information. Even if packets contained user information, the derived

metrics do not release data sent by the user.

7.3. Integrity

Results could be perturbed by attempting to corrupt or disrupt the

underlying stream, for example adding extra packets that look just

like test packets. To ensure that test packets are valid and have

not been altered during transit, packet authentication and integrity

checks, such as a signed cryptographic hash, MAY be used.

8. IANA Considerations

Since this document does not define a specific protocol, nor does it

define any well-known values, there are no IANA considerations for

this document.

9. Acknowledgements

Matt Zekauskas provided insightful feedback and the text for the

Security Considerations section. Merike Kao helped revising the

Security Considerations and the Abstract to conform with RFC

guidelines. We thank both of them. Thanks to Guy Almes for

encouraging the work, and Vern Paxson for the comments during the

IETF meetings. Thanks to Steve Glass for making the presentation at

the Oslo meeting.

10. Normative References

[1] Almes, G., Kalindindi, S. and M. Zekauskas, "A One-way Packet

Loss Metric for IPPM", RFC2680, September 1999.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Paxson, V., Almes, G., Mahdavi, J. and M. Mathis, "Framework for

IP Performance Metrics", RFC2330, May 1998.

11. Informative References

[4] J.-C. Bolot and A. vega Garcia, "The case for FEC-based error

control for Packet Audio in the Internet", ACM Multimedia

Systems, 1997.

[5] M. S. Borella, D. Swider, S. Uludag, and G. B. Brewster,

"Internet Packet Loss: Measurement and Implications for End-

to-End QoS," Proceedings, International Conference on Parallel

Processing, August 1998.

[6] M. Handley, "An examination of MBONE performance", Technical

Report, USC/ISI, ISI/RR-97-450, July 1997

[7] R. Koodli, "Scheduling Support for Multi-tier Quality of Service

in Continuous Media Applications", PhD dissertation, Electrical

and Computer Engineering Department, University of

Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, September 1997.

[8] J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, J. Kurose and D. Towsley, "Modeling TCP

throughput: a simple model and its empirical validation", in

Proceedings of SIGCOMM'98, 1998.

[9] J. Padhye, J. Kurose, D. Towsley and R. Koodli, "A TCP-friendly

rate adjustment protocol for continuous media flows over best-

effort networks", short paper presentation in ACM SIGMETRICS'99.

Available as Umass Computer Science tech report from


[10] K. Sriram and W. Whitt, "Characterizing superposition arrival

processes in packet multiplexers for voice and data", IEEE

Journal on Selected Areas of Communication, pages 833-846,

September 1986,

[11] M. Yajnik, J. Kurose and D. Towsley, "Packet loss correlation in

the MBONE multicast network", Proceedings of IEEE Global

Internet, London, UK, November 1996.

Authors' Addresses

Rajeev Koodli

Communications Systems Lab

Nokia Research Center

313 Fairchild Drive

Mountain View, CA 94043


Phone: +1-650 625-2359

Fax: +1 650 625-2502

EMail: rajeev.koodli@nokia.com

Rayadurgam Ravikanth

Axiowave Networks Inc.

200 Nickerson Road

Marlborough, MA 01752


EMail: rravikanth@axiowave.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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