
RFC3448 - TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): Protocol Specification

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group M. Handley

Request for Comments: 3448 S. Floyd

Category: Standards Track ICIR

J. Padhye


J. Widmer

University of Mannheim

January 2003

TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC):

Protocol Specification

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document specifies TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC). TFRC is a

congestion control mechanism for unicast flows operating in a best-

effort Internet environment. It is reasonably fair when competing

for bandwidth with TCP flows, but has a mUCh lower variation of

throughput over time compared with TCP, making it more suitable for

applications such as telephony or streaming media where a relatively

smooth sending rate is of importance.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3. Protocol Mechanism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.1. TCP Throughput Equation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.2. Packet Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.2.1. Data Packets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.2.2. Feedback Packets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4. Data Sender Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.1. Measuring the Packet Size. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.2. Sender Initialization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.3. Sender behavior when a feedback packet is

received. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 8

4.4. EXPiration of nofeedback timer . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.5. Preventing Oscillations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.6. Scheduling of Packet Transmissions . . . . . . . . 11

5. Calculation of the Loss Event Rate (p). . . . . . . . . 12

5.1. Detection of Lost or Marked Packets. . . . . . . . 12

5.2. Translation from Loss History to Loss Events . . . 13

5.3. Inter-loss Event Interval. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.4. Average Loss Interval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.5. History Discounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6. Data Receiver Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6.1. Receiver behavior when a data packet is

received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

6.2. Expiration of feedback timer . . . . . . . . . . . 18

6.3. Receiver initialization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.3.1. Initializing the Loss History after the

First Loss Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

7. Sender-based Variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

8. Implementation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

9. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

11. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

12. Non-Normative References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

13. Authors' Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

14. Full Copyright Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

1. Introduction

This document specifies TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC). TFRC is a

congestion control mechanism designed for unicast flows operating in

an Internet environment and competing with TCP traffic [2]. Instead

of specifying a complete protocol, this document simply specifies a

congestion control mechanism that could be used in a transport

protocol such as RTP [7], in an application incorporating end-to-end

congestion control at the application level, or in the context of

endpoint congestion management [1]. This document does not discuss

packet formats or reliability. Implementation-related issues are

discussed only briefly, in Section 8.

TFRC is designed to be reasonably fair when competing for bandwidth

with TCP flows, where a flow is "reasonably fair" if its sending rate

is generally within a factor of two of the sending rate of a TCP flow

under the same conditions. However, TFRC has a much lower variation

of throughput over time compared with TCP, which makes it more

suitable for applications such as telephony or streaming media where

a relatively smooth sending rate is of importance.

The penalty of having smoother throughput than TCP while competing

fairly for bandwidth is that TFRC responds slower than TCP to changes

in available bandwidth. Thus TFRC should only be used when the

application has a requirement for smooth throughput, in particular,

avoiding TCP's halving of the sending rate in response to a single

packet drop. For applications that simply need to transfer as much

data as possible in as short a time as possible we recommend using

TCP, or if reliability is not required, using an Additive-Increase,

Multiplicative-Decrease (AIMD) congestion control scheme with similar

parameters to those used by TCP.

TFRC is designed for applications that use a fixed packet size, and

vary their sending rate in packets per second in response to

congestion. Some audio applications require a fixed interval of time

between packets and vary their packet size instead of their packet

rate in response to congestion. The congestion control mechanism in

this document cannot be used by those applications; TFRC-PS (for

TFRC-PacketSize) is a variant of TFRC for applications that have a

fixed sending rate but vary their packet size in response to

congestion. TFRC-PS will be specified in a later document.

TFRC is a receiver-based mechanism, with the calculation of the

congestion control information (i.e., the loss event rate) in the

data receiver rather in the data sender. This is well-suited to an

application where the sender is a large server handling many

concurrent connections, and the receiver has more memory and CPU

cycles available for computation. In addition, a receiver-based

mechanism is more suitable as a building block for multicast

congestion control.

2. Terminology

In this document, the key Words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED",


and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119

and indicate requirement levels for compliant TFRC implementations.

3. Protocol Mechanism

For its congestion control mechanism, TFRC directly uses a throughput

equation for the allowed sending rate as a function of the loss event

rate and round-trip time. In order to compete fairly with TCP, TFRC

uses the TCP throughput equation, which roughly describes TCP's

sending rate as a function of the loss event rate, round-trip time,

and packet size. We define a loss event as one or more lost or

marked packets from a window of data, where a marked packet refers to

a congestion indication from Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)


Generally speaking, TFRC's congestion control mechanism works as


o The receiver measures the loss event rate and feeds this

information back to the sender.

o The sender also uses these feedback messages to measure the

round-trip time (RTT).

o The loss event rate and RTT are then fed into TFRC's throughput

equation, giving the acceptable transmit rate.

o The sender then adjusts its transmit rate to match the calculated


The dynamics of TFRC are sensitive to how the measurements are

performed and applied. We recommend specific mechanisms below to

perform and apply these measurements. Other mechanisms are possible,

but it is important to understand how the interactions between

mechanisms affect the dynamics of TFRC.

3.1. TCP Throughput Equation

Any realistic equation giving TCP throughput as a function of loss

event rate and RTT should be suitable for use in TFRC. However, we

note that the TCP throughput equation used must reflect TCP's

retransmit timeout behavior, as this dominates TCP throughput at

higher loss rates. We also note that the assumptions implicit in the

throughput equation about the loss event rate parameter have to be a

reasonable match to how the loss rate or loss event rate is actually

measured. While this match is not perfect for the throughput

equation and loss rate measurement mechanisms given below, in

practice the assumptions turn out to be close enough.

The throughput equation we currently recommend for TFRC is a slightly

simplified version of the throughput equation for Reno TCP from [4].

Ideally we'd prefer a throughput equation based on SACK TCP, but no

one has yet derived the throughput equation for SACK TCP, and from

both simulations and experiments, the differences between the two

equations are relatively minor.

The throughput equation is:


X = ----------------------------------------------------------

R*sqrt(2*b*p/3) + (t_RTO * (3*sqrt(3*b*p/8) * p * (1+32*p^2)))


X is the transmit rate in bytes/second.

s is the packet size in bytes.

R is the round trip time in seconds.

p is the loss event rate, between 0 and 1.0, of the number of loss

events as a fraction of the number of packets transmitted.

t_RTO is the TCP retransmission timeout value in seconds.

b is the number of packets acknowledged by a single TCP


We further simplify this by setting t_RTO = 4*R. A more accurate

calculation of t_RTO is possible, but experiments with the current

setting have resulted in reasonable fairness with existing TCP

implementations [9]. Another possibility would be to set t_RTO =

max(4R, one second), to match the recommended minimum of one second

on the RTO [5].

Many current TCP connections use delayed acknowledgements, sending an

acknowledgement for every two data packets received, and thus have a

sending rate modeled by b = 2. However, TCP is also allowed to send

an acknowledgement for every data packet, and this would be modeled

by b = 1. Because many TCP implementations do not use delayed

acknowledgements, we recommend b = 1.

In future, different TCP equations may be substituted for this

equation. The requirement is that the throughput equation be a

reasonable approximation of the sending rate of TCP for conformant

TCP congestion control.

The parameters s (packet size), p (loss event rate) and R (RTT) need

to be measured or calculated by a TFRC implementation. The

measurement of s is specified in Section 4.1, measurement of R is

specified in Section 4.3, and measurement of p is specified in

Section 5. In the rest of this document all data rates are measured

in bytes/second.

3.2. Packet Contents

Before specifying the sender and receiver functionality, we describe

the contents of the data packets sent by the sender and feedback

packets sent by the receiver. As TFRC will be used along with a

transport protocol, we do not specify packet formats, as these depend

on the details of the transport protocol used.

3.2.1. Data Packets

Each data packet sent by the data sender contains the following


o A sequence number. This number is incremented by one for each

data packet transmitted. The field must be sufficiently large

that it does not wrap causing two different packets with the same

sequence number to be in the receiver's recent packet history at

the same time.

o A timestamp indicating when the packet is sent. We denote by ts_i

the timestamp of the packet with sequence number i. The

resolution of the timestamp should typically be measured in

milliseconds. This timestamp is used by the receiver to determine

which losses belong to the same loss event. The timestamp is also

echoed by the receiver to enable the sender to estimate the

round-trip time, for senders that do not save timestamps of

transmitted data packets. We note that as an alternative to a

timestamp incremented in milliseconds, a "timestamp" that

increments every quarter of a round-trip time would be sufficient

for determining when losses belong to the same loss event, in the

context of a protocol where this is understood by both sender and

receiver, and where the sender saves the timestamps of transmitted

data packets.

o The sender's current estimate of the round trip time. The

estimate reported in packet i is denoted by R_i. The round-trip

time estimate is used by the receiver, along with the timestamp,

to determine when multiple losses belong to the same loss event.

If the sender sends a coarse-grained "timestamp" that increments

every quarter of a round-trip time, as discussed above, then the

sender does not need to send its current estimate of the round

trip time.

3.2.2. Feedback Packets

Each feedback packet sent by the data receiver contains the following


o The timestamp of the last data packet received. We denote this by

t_recvdata. If the last packet received at the receiver has

sequence number i, then t_recvdata = ts_i. This timestamp is used

by the sender to estimate the round-trip time, and is only needed

if the sender does not save timestamps of transmitted data


o The amount of time elapsed between the receipt of the last data

packet at the receiver, and the generation of this feedback

report. We denote this by t_delay.

o The rate at which the receiver estimates that data was received

since the last feedback report was sent. We denote this by


o The receiver's current estimate of the loss event rate, p.

4. Data Sender Protocol

The data sender sends a stream of data packets to the data receiver

at a controlled rate. When a feedback packet is received from the

data receiver, the data sender changes its sending rate, based on the

information contained in the feedback report. If the sender does not

receive a feedback report for two round trip times, it cuts its

sending rate in half. This is achieved by means of a timer called

the nofeedback timer.

We specify the sender-side protocol in the following steps:

o Measurement of the mean packet size being sent.

o The sender behavior when a feedback packet is received.

o The sender behavior when the nofeedback timer expires.

o Oscillation prevention (optional)

o Scheduling of transmission on non-realtime operating systems.

4.1. Measuring the Packet Size

The parameter s (packet size) is normally known to an application.

This may not be so in two cases:

o The packet size naturally varies depending on the data. In this

case, although the packet size varies, that variation is not

coupled to the transmit rate. It should normally be safe to use

an estimate of the mean packet size for s.

o The application needs to change the packet size rather than the

number of packets per second to perform congestion control. This

would normally be the case with packet audio applications where a

fixed interval of time needs to be represented by each packet.

Such applications need to have a completely different way of

measuring parameters.

The second class of applications are discussed separately in a

separate document on TFRC-PS. For the remainder of this section we

assume the sender can estimate the packet size, and that congestion

control is performed by adjusting the number of packets sent per


4.2. Sender Initialization

To initialize the sender, the value of X is set to 1 packet/second

and the nofeedback timer is set to expire after 2 seconds. The

initial values for R (RTT) and t_RTO are undefined until they are set

as described below. The initial value of tld, for the Time Last

Doubled during slow-start, is set to -1.

4.3. Sender behavior when a feedback packet is received

The sender knows its current sending rate, X, and maintains an

estimate of the current round trip time, R, and an estimate of the

timeout interval, t_RTO.

When a feedback packet is received by the sender at time t_now, the

following actions should be performed:

1) Calculate a new round trip sample.

R_sample = (t_now - t_recvdata) - t_delay.

2) Update the round trip time estimate:

If no feedback has been received before

R = R_sample;


R = q*R + (1-q)*R_sample;

TFRC is not sensitive to the precise value for the filter constant q,

but we recommend a default value of 0.9.

3) Update the timeout interval:

t_RTO = 4*R.

4) Update the sending rate as follows:

If (p > 0)

Calculate X_calc using the TCP throughput equation.

X = max(min(X_calc, 2*X_recv), s/t_mbi);


If (t_now - tld >= R)

X = max(min(2*X, 2*X_recv), s/R);

tld = t_now;

Note that if p == 0, then the sender is in slow-start phase, where

it approximately doubles the sending rate each round-trip time

until a loss occurs. The s/R term gives a minimum sending rate

during slow-start of one packet per RTT. The parameter t_mbi is

64 seconds, and represents the maximum inter-packet bacKOFf

interval in the persistent absence of feedback. Thus, when p > 0

the sender sends at least one packet every 64 seconds.

5) Reset the nofeedback timer to expire after max(4*R, 2*s/X)


4.4. Expiration of nofeedback timer

If the nofeedback timer expires, the sender should perform the

following actions:

1) Cut the sending rate in half. If the sender has received feedback

from the receiver, this is done by modifying the sender's cached

copy of X_recv (the receive rate). Because the sending rate is

limited to at most twice X_recv, modifying X_recv limits the

current sending rate, but allows the sender to slow-start,

doubling its sending rate each RTT, if feedback messages resume

reporting no losses.

If (X_calc > 2*X_recv)

X_recv = max(X_recv/2, s/(2*t_mbi));


X_recv = X_calc/4;

The term s/(2*t_mbi) limits the backoff to one packet every 64

seconds in the case of persistent absence of feedback.

2) The value of X must then be recalculated as described under point

(4) above.

If the nofeedback timer expires when the sender does not yet have

an RTT sample, and has not yet received any feedback from the

receiver, then step (1) can be skipped, and the sending rate cut

in half directly:

X = max(X/2, s/t_mbi)

3) Restart the nofeedback timer to expire after max(4*R, 2*s/X)


Note that when the sender stops sending, the receiver will stop

sending feedback. This will cause the nofeedback timer to start to

expire and decrease X_recv. If the sender subsequently starts to

send again, X_recv will limit the transmit rate, and a normal

slowstart phase will occur until the transmit rate reaches X_calc.

If the sender has been idle since this nofeedback timer was set and

X_recv is less than four packets per round-trip time, then X_recv

should not be halved in response to the timer expiration. This

ensures that the allowed sending rate is never reduced to less than

two packets per round-trip time as a result of an idle period.

4.5. Preventing Oscillations

To prevent oscillatory behavior in environments with a low degree of

statistical multiplexing it is useful to modify sender's transmit

rate to provide congestion avoidance behavior by reducing the

transmit rate as the queuing delay (and hence RTT) increases. To do

this the sender maintains an estimate of the long-term RTT and

modifies its sending rate depending on how the most recent sample of

the RTT differs from this value. The long-term sample is R_sqmean,

and is set as follows:

If no feedback has been received before

R_sqmean = sqrt(R_sample);


R_sqmean = q2*R_sqmean + (1-q2)*sqrt(R_sample);

Thus R_sqmean gives the exponentially weighted moving average of the

square root of the RTT samples. The constant q2 should be set

similarly to q, and we recommend a value of 0.9 as the default.

The sender oBTains the base transmit rate, X, from the throughput

function. It then calculates a modified instantaneous transmit rate

X_inst, as follows:

X_inst = X * R_sqmean / sqrt(R_sample);

When sqrt(R_sample) is greater than R_sqmean then the queue is

typically increasing and so the transmit rate needs to be decreased

for stable operation.

Note: This modification is not always strictly required, especially

if the degree of statistical multiplexing in the network is high.

However, we recommend that it is done because it does make TFRC

behave better in environments with a low level of statistical

multiplexing. If it is not done, we recommend using a very low value

of q, such that q is close to or exactly zero.

4.6. Scheduling of Packet Transmissions

As TFRC is rate-based, and as operating systems typically cannot

schedule events precisely, it is necessary to be opportunistic about

sending data packets so that the correct average rate is maintained

despite the course-grain or irregular scheduling of the operating

system. Thus a typical sending loop will calculate the correct

inter-packet interval, t_ipi, as follows:

t_ipi = s/X_inst;

When a sender first starts sending at time t_0, it calculates t_ipi,

and calculates a nominal send time t_1 = t_0 + t_ipi for packet 1.

When the application becomes idle, it checks the current time, t_now,

and then requests re-scheduling after (t_ipi - (t_now - t_0))

seconds. When the application is re-scheduled, it checks the current

time, t_now, again. If (t_now > t_1 - delta) then packet 1 is sent.

Now a new t_ipi may be calculated, and used to calculate a nominal

send time t_2 for packet 2: t2 = t_1 + t_ipi. The process then

repeats, with each successive packet's send time being calculated

from the nominal send time of the previous packet.

In some cases, when the nominal send time, t_i, of the next packet is

calculated, it may already be the case that t_now > t_i - delta. In

such a case the packet should be sent immediately. Thus if the

operating system has coarse timer granularity and the transmit rate

is high, then TFRC may send short bursts of several packets separated

by intervals of the OS timer granularity.

The parameter delta is to allow a degree of flexibility in the send

time of a packet. If the operating system has a scheduling timer

granularity of t_gran seconds, then delta would typically be set to:

delta = min(t_ipi/2, t_gran/2);

t_gran is 10ms on many Unix systems. If t_gran is not known, a value

of 10ms can be safely assumed.

5. Calculation of the Loss Event Rate (p)

Obtaining an accurate and stable measurement of the loss event rate

is of primary importance for TFRC. Loss rate measurement is

performed at the receiver, based on the detection of lost or marked

packets from the sequence numbers of arriving packets. We describe

this process before describing the rest of the receiver protocol.

5.1. Detection of Lost or Marked Packets

TFRC assumes that all packets contain a sequence number that is

incremented by one for each packet that is sent. For the purposes of

this specification, we require that if a lost packet is

retransmitted, the retransmission is given a new sequence number that

is the latest in the transmission sequence, and not the same sequence

number as the packet that was lost. If a transport protocol has the

requirement that it must retransmit with the original sequence

number, then the transport protocol designer must figure out how to

distinguish delayed from retransmitted packets and how to detect lost


The receiver maintains a data structure that keeps track of which

packets have arrived and which are missing. For the purposes of

specification, we assume that the data structure consists of a list

of packets that have arrived along with the receiver timestamp when

each packet was received. In practice this data structure will

normally be stored in a more compact representation, but this is


The loss of a packet is detected by the arrival of at least three

packets with a higher sequence number than the lost packet. The

requirement for three subsequent packets is the same as with TCP, and

is to make TFRC more robust in the presence of reordering. In

contrast to TCP, if a packet arrives late (after 3 subsequent packets

arrived) in TFRC, the late packet can fill the hole in TFRC's

reception record, and the receiver can recalculate the loss event

rate. Future versions of TFRC might make the requirement for three

subsequent packets adaptive based on experienced packet reordering,

but we do not specify such a mechanism here.

For an ECN-capable connection, a marked packet is detected as a

congestion event as soon as it arrives, without having to wait for

the arrival of subsequent packets.

5.2. Translation from Loss History to Loss Events

TFRC requires that the loss fraction be robust to several consecutive

packets lost where those packets are part of the same loss event.

This is similar to TCP, which (typically) only performs one halving

of the congestion window during any single RTT. Thus the receiver

needs to map the packet loss history into a loss event record, where

a loss event is one or more packets lost in an RTT. To perform this

mapping, the receiver needs to know the RTT to use, and this is

supplied periodically by the sender, typically as control information

piggy-backed onto a data packet. TFRC is not sensitive to how the

RTT measurement sent to the receiver is made, but we recommend using

the sender's calculated RTT, R, (see Section 4.3) for this purpose.

To determine whether a lost or marked packet should start a new loss

event, or be counted as part of an existing loss event, we need to

compare the sequence numbers and timestamps of the packets that

arrived at the receiver. For a marked packet S_new, its reception

time T_new can be noted directly. For a lost packet, we can

interpolate to infer the nominal "arrival time". Assume:

S_loss is the sequence number of a lost packet.

S_before is the sequence number of the last packet to arrive with

sequence number before S_loss.

S_after is the sequence number of the first packet to arrive with

sequence number after S_loss.

T_before is the reception time of S_before.

T_after is the reception time of S_after.

Note that T_before can either be before or after T_after due to


For a lost packet S_loss, we can interpolate its nominal "arrival

time" at the receiver from the arrival times of S_before and S_after.


T_loss = T_before + ( (T_after - T_before)

* (S_loss - S_before)/(S_after - S_before) );

Note that if the sequence space wrapped between S_before and S_after,

then the sequence numbers must be modified to take this into account

before performing this calculation. If the largest possible sequence

number is S_max, and S_before > S_after, then modifying each sequence

number S by S' = (S + (S_max + 1)/2) mod (S_max + 1) would normally

be sufficient.

If the lost packet S_old was determined to have started the previous

loss event, and we have just determined that S_new has been lost,

then we interpolate the nominal arrival times of S_old and S_new,

called T_old and T_new respectively.

If T_old + R >= T_new, then S_new is part of the existing loss event.

Otherwise S_new is the first packet in a new loss event.

5.3. Inter-loss Event Interval

If a loss interval, A, is determined to have started with packet

sequence number S_A and the next loss interval, B, started with

packet sequence number S_B, then the number of packets in loss

interval A is given by (S_B - S_A).

5.4. Average Loss Interval

To calculate the loss event rate p, we first calculate the average

loss interval. This is done using a filter that weights the n most

recent loss event intervals in such a way that the measured loss

event rate changes smoothly.

Weights w_0 to w_(n-1) are calculated as:

If (i < n/2)

w_i = 1;


w_i = 1 - (i - (n/2 - 1))/(n/2 + 1);

Thus if n=8, the values of w_0 to w_7 are:

1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2

The value n for the number of loss intervals used in calculating the

loss event rate determines TFRC's speed in responding to changes in

the level of congestion. As currently specified, TFRC should not be

used for values of n significantly greater than 8, for traffic that

might compete in the global Internet with TCP. At the very least,

safe operation with values of n greater than 8 would require a slight

change to TFRC's mechanisms to include a more severe response to two

or more round-trip times with heavy packet loss.

When calculating the average loss interval we need to decide whether

to include the interval since the most recent packet loss event. We

only do this if it is sufficiently large to increase the average loss


Thus if the most recent loss intervals are I_0 to I_n, with I_0 being

the interval since the most recent loss event, then we calculate the

average loss interval I_mean as:

I_tot0 = 0;

I_tot1 = 0;

W_tot = 0;

for (i = 0 to n-1) {

I_tot0 = I_tot0 + (I_i * w_i);

W_tot = W_tot + w_i;


for (i = 1 to n) {

I_tot1 = I_tot1 + (I_i * w_(i-1));


I_tot = max(I_tot0, I_tot1);

I_mean = I_tot/W_tot;

The loss event rate, p is simply:

p = 1 / I_mean;

5.5. History Discounting

As described in Section 5.4, the most recent loss interval is only

assigned 1/(0.75*n) of the total weight in calculating the average

loss interval, regardless of the size of the most recent loss

interval. This section describes an optional history discounting

mechanism, discussed further in [3] and [9], that allows the TFRC

receiver to adjust the weights, concentrating more of the relative

weight on the most recent loss interval, when the most recent loss

interval is more than twice as large as the computed average loss


To carry out history discounting, we associate a discount factor DF_i

with each loss interval L_i, for i > 0, where each discount factor is

a floating point number. The discount array maintains the cumulative

history of discounting for each loss interval. At the beginning, the

values of DF_i in the discount array are initialized to 1:

for (i = 1 to n) {

DF_i = 1;


History discounting also uses a general discount factor DF, also a

floating point number, that is also initialized to 1. First we show

how the discount factors are used in calculating the average loss

interval, and then we describe later in this section how the discount

factors are modified over time.

As described in Section 5.4 the average loss interval is calculated

using the n previous loss intervals I_1, ..., I_n, and the interval

I_0 that represents the number of packets received since the last

loss event. The computation of the average loss interval using the

discount factors is a simple modification of the procedure in Section

5.4, as follows:

I_tot0 = I_0 * w_0

I_tot1 = 0;

W_tot0 = w_0

W_tot1 = 0;

for (i = 1 to n-1) {

I_tot0 = I_tot0 + (I_i * w_i * DF_i * DF);

W_tot0 = W_tot0 + w_i * DF_i * DF;


for (i = 1 to n) {

I_tot1 = I_tot1 + (I_i * w_(i-1) * DF_i);

W_tot1 = W_tot1 + w_(i-1) * DF_i;


p = min(W_tot0/I_tot0, W_tot1/I_tot1);

The general discounting factor, DF is updated on every packet arrival

as follows. First, the receiver computes the weighted average I_mean

of the loss intervals I_1, ..., I_n:

I_tot = 0;

W_tot = 0;

for (i = 1 to n) {

W_tot = W_tot + w_(i-1) * DF_i;

I_tot = I_tot + (I_i * w_(i-1) * DF_i);


I_mean = I_tot / W_tot;

This weighted average I_mean is compared to I_0, the number of

packets received since the last loss event. If I_0 is greater than

twice I_mean, then the new loss interval is considerably larger than

the old ones, and the general discount factor DF is updated to

decrease the relative weight on the older intervals, as follows:

if (I_0 > 2 * I_mean) {

DF = 2 * I_mean/I_0;



} else

DF = 1;

A nonzero value for THRESHOLD ensures that older loss intervals from

an earlier time of high congestion are not discounted entirely. We

recommend a THRESHOLD of 0.5. Note that with each new packet

arrival, I_0 will increase further, and the discount factor DF will

be updated.

When a new loss event occurs, the current interval shifts from I_0 to

I_1, loss interval I_i shifts to interval I_(i+1), and the loss

interval I_n is forgotten. The previous discount factor DF has to be

incorporated into the discount array. Because DF_i carries the

discount factor associated with loss interval I_i, the DF_i array has

to be shifted as well. This is done as follows:

for (i = 1 to n) {

DF_i = DF * DF_i;


for (i = n-1 to 0 step -1) {

DF_(i+1) = DF_i;


I_0 = 1;

DF_0 = 1;

DF = 1;

This completes the description of the optional history discounting

mechanism. We emphasize that this is an optional mechanism whose

sole purpose is to allow TFRC to response somewhat more quickly to

the sudden absence of congestion, as represented by a long current

loss interval.

6. Data Receiver Protocol

The receiver periodically sends feedback messages to the sender.

Feedback packets should normally be sent at least once per RTT,

unless the sender is sending at a rate of less than one packet per

RTT, in which case a feedback packet should be send for every data

packet received. A feedback packet should also be sent whenever a

new loss event is detected without waiting for the end of an RTT, and

whenever an out-of-order data packet is received that removes a loss

event from the history.

If the sender is transmitting at a high rate (many packets per RTT)

there may be some advantages to sending periodic feedback messages

more than once per RTT as this allows faster response to changing RTT

measurements, and more resilience to feedback packet loss. However,

there is little gain from sending a large number of feedback messages

per RTT.

6.1. Receiver behavior when a data packet is received

When a data packet is received, the receiver performs the following


1) Add the packet to the packet history.

2) Let the previous value of p be p_prev. Calculate the new value of

p as described in Section 5.

3) If p > p_prev, cause the feedback timer to expire, and perform the

actions described in Section 6.2

If p <= p_prev no action need be performed.

However an optimization might check to see if the arrival of the

packet caused a hole in the packet history to be filled and

consequently two loss intervals were merged into one. If this is

the case, the receiver might also send feedback immediately. The

effects of such an optimization are normally expected to be small.

6.2. Expiration of feedback timer

When the feedback timer at the receiver expires, the action to be

taken depends on whether data packets have been received since the

last feedback was sent.

Let the maximum sequence number of a packet at the receiver so far be

S_m, and the value of the RTT measurement included in packet S_m be

R_m. If data packets have been received since the previous feedback

was sent, the receiver performs the following steps:

1) Calculate the average loss event rate using the algorithm

described above.

2) Calculate the measured receive rate, X_recv, based on the packets

received within the previous R_m seconds.

3) Prepare and send a feedback packet containing the information

described in Section 3.2.2

4) Restart the feedback timer to expire after R_m seconds.

If no data packets have been received since the last feedback was

sent, no feedback packet is sent, and the feedback timer is restarted

to expire after R_m seconds.

6.3. Receiver initialization

The receiver is initialized by the first packet that arrives at the

receiver. Let the sequence number of this packet be i.

When the first packet is received:

o Set p=0

o Set X_recv = 0.

o Prepare and send a feedback packet.

o Set the feedback timer to expire after R_i seconds.

6.3.1. Initializing the Loss History after the First Loss Event

The number of packets until the first loss can not be used to compute

the sending rate directly, as the sending rate changes rapidly during

this time. TFRC assumes that the correct data rate after the first

loss is half of the sending rate when the loss occurred. TFRC

approximates this target rate by X_recv, the receive rate over the

most recent round-trip time. After the first loss, instead of

initializing the first loss interval to the number of packets sent

until the first loss, the TFRC receiver calculates the loss interval

that would be required to produce the data rate X_recv, and uses this

synthetic loss interval to seed the loss history mechanism.

TFRC does this by finding some value p for which the throughput

equation in Section 3.1 gives a sending rate within 5% of X_recv,

given the current packet size s and round-trip time R. The first

loss interval is then set to 1/p. (The 5% tolerance is introduced

simply because the throughput equation is difficult to invert, and we

want to reduce the costs of calculating p numerically.)

7. Sender-based Variants

It would be possible to implement a sender-based variant of TFRC,

where the receiver uses reliable delivery to send information about

packet losses to the sender, and the sender computes the packet loss

rate and the acceptable transmit rate. However, we do not specify

the details of a sender-based variant in this document.

The main advantages of a sender-based variant of TFRC would be that

the sender would not have to trust the receiver's calculation of the

packet loss rate. However, with the requirement of reliable delivery

of loss information from the receiver to the sender, a sender-based

TFRC would have much tighter constraints on the transport protocol in

which it is embedded.

In contrast, the receiver-based variant of TFRC specified in this

document is robust to the loss of feedback packets, and therefore

does not require the reliable delivery of feedback packets. It is

also better suited for applications such as streaming media from web

servers, where it is typically desirable to offload work from the

server to the client as much as possible.

The sender-based and receiver-based variants also have different

properties in terms of upgrades. For example, for changes in the

procedure for calculating the packet loss rate, the sender would have

to be upgraded in the sender-based variant, and the receiver would

have to be upgraded in the receiver-based variant.

8. Implementation Issues

This document has specified the TFRC congestion control mechanism,

for use by applications and transport protocols. This section

mentions briefly some of the few implementation issues.

For t_RTO = 4*R and b = 1, the throughput equation in Section 3.1 can

be expressed as follows:


X = --------

R * f(p)


f(p) = sqrt(2*p/3) + (12*sqrt(3*p/8) * p * (1+32*p^2)).

A table lookup could be used for the function f(p).

Many of the multiplications (e.g., q and 1-q for the round-trip time

average, a factor of 4 for the timeout interval) are or could be by

powers of two, and therefore could be implemented as simple shift


We note that the optional sender mechanism for preventing

oscillations described in Section 4.5 uses a square-root computation.

The calculation of the average loss interval in Section 5.4 involves

multiplications by the weights w_0 to w_(n-1), which for n=8 are:

1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2.

With a minor loss of smoothness, it would be possible to use weights

that were powers of two or sums of powers of two, e.g.,

1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25.

The optional history discounting mechanism described in Section 5.5

is used in the calculation of the average loss rate. The history

discounting mechanism is invoked only when there has been an

unusually long interval with no packet losses. For a more efficient

operation, the discount factor DF_i could be restricted to be a power

of two.

9. Security Considerations

TFRC is not a transport protocol in its own right, but a congestion

control mechanism that is intended to be used in conjunction with a

transport protocol. Therefore security primarily needs to be

considered in the context of a specific transport protocol and its

authentication mechanisms.

Congestion control mechanisms can potentially be exploited to create

denial of service. This may occur through spoofed feedback. Thus

any transport protocol that uses TFRC should take care to ensure that

feedback is only accepted from the receiver of the data. The precise

mechanism to achieve this will however depend on the transport

protocol itself.

In addition, congestion control mechanisms may potentially be

manipulated by a greedy receiver that wishes to receive more than its

fair share of network bandwidth. A receiver might do this by

claiming to have received packets that in fact were lost due to

congestion. Possible defenses against such a receiver would normally

include some form of nonce that the receiver must feed back to the

sender to prove receipt. However, the details of such a nonce would

depend on the transport protocol, and in particular on whether the

transport protocol is reliable or unreliable.

We expect that protocols incorporating ECN with TFRC will also want

to incorporate feedback from the receiver to the sender using the ECN

nonce [WES02]. The ECN nonce is a modification to ECN that protects

the sender from the accidental or malicious concealment of marked

packets. Again, the details of such a nonce would depend on the

transport protocol, and are not addressed in this document.

10. IANA Considerations

There are no IANA actions required for this document.

11. Acknowledgments

We would like to acknowledge feedback and discussions on equation-

based congestion control with a wide range of people, including

members of the Reliable Multicast Research Group, the Reliable

Multicast Transport Working Group, and the End-to-End Research Group.

We would like to thank Ken Lofgren, Mike Luby, Eduardo Urzaiz,

Vladica Stanisic, Randall Stewart, Shushan Wen, and Wendy Lee

(lhh@zsu.edu.cn) for feedback on earlier versions of this document,

and to thank Mark Allman for his extensive feedback from using the

document to produce a working implementation.

12. Informational References

[1] Balakrishnan, H., Rahul, H., and S. Seshan, "An Integrated

Congestion Management Architecture for Internet Hosts," Proc. ACM

SIGCOMM, Cambridge, MA, September 1999.

[2] Floyd, S., Handley, M., Padhye, J. and J. Widmer, "Equation-Based

Congestion Control for Unicast Applications", August 2000, Proc.


[3] Floyd, S., Handley, M., Padhye, J. and J. Widmer, "Equation-Based

Congestion Control for Unicast Applications: the Extended

Version", ICSI tech report TR-00-03, March 2000.

[4] Padhye, J., Firoiu, V., Towsley, D. and J. Kurose, "Modeling TCP

Throughput: A Simple Model and its Empirical Validation", Proc.


[5] Paxson V. and M. Allman, "Computing TCP's Retransmission Timer",

RFC2988, November 2000.

[6] Ramakrishnan, K., Floyd, S. and D. Black, "The Addition of

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", RFC3168,

September 2001.

[7] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R. and V. Jacobson, "RTP:

A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", RFC1889,

January 1996.

[8] Wetherall, D., Ely, D., N. Spring, S. Savage, and T. Anderson,

"Robust Congestion Signaling", IEEE International Conference on

Network Protocols, November 2001.

[9] Widmer, J., "Equation-Based Congestion Control", Diploma Thesis,

University of Mannheim, February 2000. URL


13. Authors' Addresses

Mark Handley


1947 Center St, Suite 600

Berkeley, CA 94708

EMail: mjh@icir.org

Sally Floyd


1947 Center St, Suite 600

Berkeley, CA 94708

EMail: floyd@icir.org

Jitendra Padhye

Microsoft Research

EMail: padhye@microsoft.com

Joerg Widmer

Lehrstuhl Praktische Informatik IV

Universitat Mannheim

L 15, 16 - Room 415

D-68131 Mannheim


EMail: widmer@informatik.uni-mannheim.de

14. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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