
RFC3432 - Network performance measurement with periodic streams

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Network Working Group V. Raisanen

Request for Comments: 3432 Nokia

Category: Standards Track G. Grotefeld


A. Morton

AT&T Labs

November 2002

Network performance measurement with periodic streams

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


This memo describes a periodic sampling method and relevant metrics

for assessing the performance of IP networks. First, the memo

motivates periodic sampling and addresses the question of its value

as an alternative to the Poisson sampling described in RFC2330. The

benefits include applicability to active and passive measurements,

simulation of constant bit rate (CBR) traffic (typical of multimedia

communication, or nearly CBR, as found with voice activity

detection), and several instances in which analysis can be

simplified. The sampling method avoids predictability by mandating

random start times and finite length tests. Following descriptions

of the sampling method and sample metric parameters, measurement

methods and errors are discussed. Finally, we give additional

information on periodic measurements, including security


Table of Contents

1. Conventions used in this document........................... 2

2. IntrodUCtion................................................ 3

2.1 Motivation.............................................. 3

3. Periodic Sampling Methodology............................... 4

4. Sample metrics for periodic streams......................... 5

4.1 Metric name............................................. 5

4.2 Metric parameters....................................... 5

4.3 High level description of the procedure to collect a

sample.................................................. 7

4.4 Discussion.............................................. 8

4.5 Additional Methodology ASPects.......................... 9

4.6 Errors and uncertainties................................ 9

4.7 Reporting............................................... 13

5. Additional discussion on periodic sampling.................. 14

5.1 Measurement applications................................ 15

5.2 Statistics calculable from one sample................... 18

5.3 Statistics calculable from multiple samples............. 18

5.4 Background conditions................................... 19

5.5 Considerations related to delay......................... 19

6. Security Considerations..................................... 19

6.1 Denial of Service Attacks............................... 19

6.2 User data confidentiality............................... 20

6.3 Interference with the metric............................ 20

7. IANA Considerations......................................... 20

8. Normative References........................................ 20

9. Informative References...................................... 21

10. Acknowledgments............................................. 21

11. Author's Addresses.......................................... 22

12. Full Copyright Statement.................................... 23

1. Conventions used in this document



document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119 [2].

Although RFC2119 was written with protocols in mind, the key words

are used in this document for similar reasons. They are used to

ensure that the results of measurements from two different

implementations are comparable, and to note instances in which an

implementation could perturb the network.

2. Introduction

This memo describes a sampling method and performance metrics

relevant to certain applications of IP networks. The original driver

for this work was Quality of Service of interactive periodic streams,

such as multimedia conferencing over IP, but the idea of periodic

sampling and measurement has wider applicability. Interactive

multimedia traffic is used as an example below to illustrate the


Transmitting equally sized packets (or mostly same-size packets)

through a network at regular intervals simulates a constant bit-rate

(CBR), or a nearly CBR multimedia bit stream. Hereafter, these

packets are called periodic streams. Cases of "mostly same-size

packets" may be found in applications that have multiple coding

methods (e.g. digitally coded comfort noise during silence gaps in


In the following sections, a sampling methodology and metrics are

presented for periodic streams. The measurement results may be used

in derivative metrics such as average and maximum delays. The memo

seeks to formalize periodic stream measurements to achieve comparable

results between independent implementations.

2.1 Motivation

As noted in the IPPM framework RFC2330 [3], a sample metric using

regularly spaced singleton tests has some limitations when considered

from a general measurement point of view: only part of the network

performance spectrum is sampled. However, some applications also

sample this limited performance spectrum and their performance may be

of critical interest.

Periodic sampling is useful for the following reasons:

* It is applicable to passive measurement, as well as active


* An active measurement can be configured to match the

characteristics of media flows, and simplifies the estimation of

application performance.

* Measurements of many network impairments (e.g., delay variation,

consecutive loss, reordering) are sensitive to the sampling

frequency. When the impairments themselves are time-varying (and

the variations are somewhat rare, yet important), a constant

sampling frequency simplifies analysis.

* Frequency Domain analysis is simplified when the samples are

equally spaced.

Simulation of CBR flows with periodic streams encourages dense

sampling of network performance, since typical multimedia flows have

10 to 100 packets in each second. Dense sampling permits the

characterization of network phenomena with short duration.

3. Periodic Sampling Methodology

The Framework RFC[3] points out the following potential problems

with Periodic Sampling:

1. The performance sampled may be synchronized with some other

periodic behavior, or the samples may be anticipated and the

results manipulated. Unpredictable sampling is preferred.

2. Active measurements can cause congestion, and periodic sampling

might drive congestion-aware senders into a synchronized state,

producing atypical results.

Poisson sampling produces an unbiased sample for the various IP

performance metrics, yet there are situations where alternative

sampling methods are advantageous (as discussed under Motivation).

We can prescribe periodic sampling methods that address the problems

listed above. Predictability and some forms of synchronization can

be mitigated through the use of random start times and limited stream

duration over a test interval. The periodic sampling parameters

produce bias, and judicious selection can produce a known bias of

interest. The total traffic generated by this or any sampling method

should be limited to avoid adverse affects on non-test traffic

(packet size, packet rate, and sample duration and frequency should

all be considered).

The configuration parameters of periodic sampling are:

+ T, the beginning of a time interval where a periodic sample is


+ dT, the duration of the interval for allowed sample start times.

+ T0, a time that MUST be selected at random from the interval

[T, T+dT] to start generating packets and taking measurements.

+ Tf, a time, greater than T0, for stopping generation of packets

for a sample (Tf may be relative to T0 if desired).

+ incT, the nominal duration of inter-packet interval, first bit to

first bit.

T0 may be drawn from a uniform distribution, or T0 = T + Unif(0,dT).

Other distributions may also be appropriate. Start times in

successive time intervals MUST use an independent value drawn from

the distribution. In passive measurement, the arrival of user media

flows may have sufficient randomness, or a randomized start time of

the measurement during a flow may be needed to meet this requirement.

When a mix of packet sizes is desired, passive measurements usually

possess the sequence and statistics of sizes in actual use, while

active measurements would need to reproduce the intended distribution

of sizes.

4. Sample metrics for periodic streams

The sample metric presented here is similar to the sample metric

Type-P-One-way-Delay-Poisson-Stream presented in RFC2679[4].

Singletons defined in [3] and [4] are applicable here.

4.1 Metric name


4.2 Metric parameters

4.2.1 Global metric parameters

These parameters apply in the following sub-sections (4.2.2, 4.2.3,

and 4.2.4).

Parameters that each Singleton usually includes:

+ Src, the IP address of a host

+ Dst, the IP address of a host

+ IPV, the IP version (IPv4/IPv6) used in the measurement

+ dTloss, a time interval, the maximum waiting time for a packet

before declaring it lost.

+ packet size p(j), the desired number of bytes in the Type-P

packet, where j is the size index.

Optional parameters:

+ PktType, any additional qualifiers (transport address)

+ Tcons, a time interval for consolidating parameters collected at

the measurement points.

While a number of applications will use one packet size (j = 1),

other applications may use packets of different sizes (j > 1).

Especially in cases of congestion, it may be useful to use packets

smaller than the maximum or predominant size of packets in the

periodic stream.

A topology where Src and Dst are separate from the measurement points

is assumed.

4.2.2 Parameters collected at the measurement point MP(Src)

Parameters that each Singleton usually includes:

+ Tstamp(Src)[i], for each packet [i], the time of the packet as

measured at MP(Src)

Additional parameters:

+ PktID(Src) [i], for each packet [i], a unique identification or

sequence number.

+ PktSi(Src) [i], for each packet [i], the actual packet size.

Some applications may use packets of different sizes, either because

of application requirements or in response to IP performance


4.2.3 Parameters collected at the measurement point MP(Dst)

+ Tstamp(Dst)[i], for each packet [i], the time of the packet as

measured at MP(Dst)

+ PktID(Dst) [i], for each packet [i], a unique identification or

sequence number.

+ PktSi(Dst) [i], for each packet [i], the actual packet size.

Optional parameters:

+ dTstop, a time interval, used to add to time Tf to determine when

to stop collecting metrics for a sample

+ PktStatus [i], for each packet [i], the status of the packet

received. Possible status includes OK, packet header corrupt,

packet payload corrupt, duplicate, fragment. The criteria to

determine the status MUST be specified, if used.

4.2.4 Sample Metrics resulting from combining parameters at MP(Src)

and MP(Dst)

Using the parameters above, a delay singleton would be calculated as


+ Delay [i], for each packet [i], the time interval

Delay[i] = Tstamp(Dst)[i] - Tstamp(Src)[i]

For the following conditions, it will not be possible to compute

delay singletons:

Spurious: There will be no Tstamp(Src)[i] time

Not received: There will be no Tstamp (Dst) [i]

Corrupt packet header: There will be no Tstamp (Dst) [i]

Duplicate: Only the first non-corrupt copy of the packet

received at Dst should have Delay [i] computed.

A sample metric for average delay is as follows

AveDelay = (1/N)Sum(from i=1 to N, Delay[i])

assuming all packets i= 1 through N have valid singletons.

A delay variation [5] singleton can also be computed:

+ IPDV[i], for each packet [i] except the first one, delay variation

between successive packets would be calculated as

IPDV[i] = Delay[i] - Delay [i-1]

IPDV[i] may be negative, zero, or positive. Delay singletons for

packets i and i-1 must be calculable or IPDV[i] is undefined.

An example metric for the IPDV sample is the range:

RangeIPDV = max(IPDV[]) - min(IPDV[])

4.3 High level description of the procedure to collect a sample

Beginning on or after time T0, Type-P packets are generated by Src

and sent to Dst until time Tf is reached with a nominal interval

between the first bit of successive packets of incT, as measured at

MP(Src). incT may be nominal due to a number of reasons: variation

in packet generation at Src, clock issues (see section 4.6), etc.

MP(Src) records the parameters above only for packets with timestamps

between and including T0 and Tf having the required Src, Dst, and any

other qualifiers. MP (Dst) also records for packets with time stamps

between T0 and (Tf + dTstop).

Optionally at a time Tf + Tcons (but eventually in all cases), the

data from MP(Src) and MP(Dst) are consolidated to derive the sample

metric results. To prevent stopping data collection too soon, dTcons

should be greater than or equal to dTstop. Conversely, to keep data

collection reasonably efficient, dTstop should be some reasonable

time interval (seconds/minutes/hours), even if dTloss is infinite or

extremely long.

4.4 Discussion

This sampling methodology is intended to quantify the delays and the

delay variation as experienced by multimedia streams of an

application. Due to the definitions of these metrics, packet loss

status is also recorded. The nominal interval between packets

assesses network performance variations on a specific time scale.

There are a number of factors that should be taken into account when

collecting a sample metric of Type-P-One-way-Delay-Periodic-Stream.

+ The interval T0 to Tf should be specified to cover a long enough

time interval to represent a reasonable use of the application

under test, yet not excessively long in the same context (e.g.

phone calls last longer than 100ms, but less than one week).

+ The nominal interval between packets (incT) and the packet size(s)

(p(j)) should not define an equivalent bit rate that exceeds the

capacity of the egress port of Src, the ingress port of Dst, or

the capacity of the intervening network(s), if known. There may

be exceptional cases to test the response of the application to

overload conditions in the transport networks, but these cases

should be strictly controlled.

+ Real delay values will be positive. Therefore, it does not make

sense to report a negative value as a real delay. However, an

individual zero or negative delay value might be useful as part of

a stream when trying to discover a distribution of the delay


+ Depending on measurement topology, delay values may be as low as

100 usec to 10 msec, whereby it may be important for Src and Dst

to synchronize very closely. GPS systems afford one way to

achieve synchronization to within several 10s of usec. Ordinary

application of NTP may allow synchronization to within several

msec, but this depends on the stability and symmetry of delay

properties among the NTP agents used, and this delay is what we

are trying to measure.

+ A given methodology will have to include a way to determine

whether a packet was lost or whether delay is merely very large

(and the packet is yet to arrive at Dst). The global metric

parameter dTloss defines a time interval such that delays larger

than dTloss are interpreted as losses. {Comment: For many

applications, the treatment of a large delay as infinite/loss will

be inconsequential. A TCP data packet, for example, that arrives

only after several multiples of the usual RTT may as well have

been lost.}

4.5 Additional Methodology Aspects

As with other Type-P-* metrics, the detailed methodology will depend

on the Type-P (e.g., protocol number, UDP/TCP port number, size,


4.6 Errors and uncertainties

The description of any specific measurement method should include an

accounting and analysis of various sources of error or uncertainty.

The Framework RFC[3] provides general guidance on this point, but we

note here the following specifics related to periodic streams and

delay metrics:

+ Error due to variation of incT. The reasons for this can be

uneven process scheduling, possibly due to CPU load.

+ Errors or uncertainties due to uncertainties in the clocks of the

MP(Src) and MP(Dst) measurement points.

+ Errors or uncertainties due to the difference between 'wire time'

and 'host time'.

4.6.1. Errors or uncertainties related to Clocks

The uncertainty in a measurement of one-way delay is related, in

part, to uncertainties in the clocks of MP(Src) and MP(Dst). In the

following, we refer to the clock used to measure when the packet was

measured at MP(Src) as the MP(Src) clock and we refer to the clock

used to measure when the packet was received at MP(Dst) as the

MP(Dst) clock. Alluding to the notions of synchronization, accuracy,

resolution, and skew, we note the following:

+ Any error in the synchronization between the MP(Src) clock and the

MP(Dst) clock will contribute to error in the delay measurement.

We say that the MP(Src) clock and the MP(Dst) clock have a

synchronization error of Tsynch if the MP(Src) clock is Tsynch

ahead of the MP(Dst) clock. Thus, if we know the value of Tsynch

exactly, we could correct for clock synchronization by adding

Tsynch to the uncorrected value of Tstamp(Dst)[i] - Tstamp(Src)


+ The resolution of a clock adds to uncertainty about any time

measured with it. Thus, if the MP(Src) clock has a resolution of

10 msec, then this adds 10 msec of uncertainty to any time value

measured with it. We will denote the resolution of the source

clock and the MP(Dst) clock as ResMP(Src) and ResMP(Dst),


+ The skew of a clock is not so much an additional issue as it is a

realization of the fact that Tsynch is itself a function of time.

Thus, if we attempt to measure or to bound Tsynch, this

measurement or calculation must be repeated periodically. Over

some periods of time, this function can be approximated as a

linear function plus some higher order terms; in these cases, one

option is to use knowledge of the linear component to correct the

clock. Using this correction, the residual Tsynch is made

smaller, but remains a source of uncertainty that must be

accounted for. We use the function Esynch(t) to denote an upper

bound on the uncertainty in synchronization. Thus, Tsynch(t) <=


Taking these items together, we note that naive computation

Tstamp(Dst)[i] - Tstamp(Src) [i] will be off by Tsynch(t) +/-

(ResMP(SRc) + ResMP(Dst)). Using the notion of Esynch(t), we note

that these clock-related problems introduce a total uncertainty of

Esynch(t)+ Rsource + Rdest. This estimate of total clock-related

uncertainty should be included in the error/uncertainty analysis of

any measurement implementation.

4.6.2. Errors or uncertainties related to wire time vs host time

We would like to measure the time between when a packet is measured

and time-stamped at MP(Src) and when it arrives and is time-stamped

at MP(Dst); we refer to these as "wire times." However, if

timestamps are applied by software on Src and Dst, then this software

can only directly measure the time between when Src generates the

packet just prior to sending the test packet and when Dst has started

to process the packet after having received the test packet; we refer

to these two points as "host times".

To the extent that the difference between wire time and host time is

accurately known, this knowledge can be used to correct for wire time

measurements. The corrected value more accurately estimates the

desired (host time) metric, and visa-versa.

To the extent, however, that the difference between wire time and

host time is uncertain, this uncertainty must be accounted for in an

analysis of a given measurement method. We denote by Hsource an

upper bound on the uncertainty in the difference between wire time of

MP(Src) and host time on the Src host, and similarly define Hdest for

the difference between the host time on the Dst host and the wire

time of MP(Dst). We then note that these problems introduce a total

uncertainty of Hsource+Hdest. This estimate of total wire-vs-host

uncertainty should be included in the error/uncertainty analysis of

any measurement implementation.

4.6.3. Calibration

Generally, the measured values can be decomposed as follows:

measured value = true value + systematic error + random error

If the systematic error (the constant bias in measured values) can be

determined, it can be compensated for in the reported results.

reported value = measured value - systematic error


reported value = true value + random error

The goal of calibration is to determine the systematic and random

error generated by the instruments themselves in as much detail as

possible. At a minimum, a bound ("e") should be found such that the

reported value is in the range (true value - e) to (true value + e)

at least 95 percent of the time. We call "e" the calibration error

for the measurements. It represents the degree to which the values

produced by the measurement instrument are repeatable; that is, how

closely an actual delay of 30 ms is reported as 30 ms. {Comment: 95

percent was chosen due to reasons discussed in [4], briefly

summarized as (1) some confidence level is desirable to be able to

remove outliers, which will be found in measuring any physical

property; (2) a particular confidence level should be specified so

that the results of independent implementations can be compared.}

From the discussion in the previous two sections, the error in

measurements could be bounded by determining all the individual

uncertainties, and adding them together to form:

Esynch(t) + ResMP(Src) + ResMP(Dst) + Hsource + Hdest

However, reasonable bounds on both the clock-related uncertainty

captured by the first three terms and the host-related uncertainty

captured by the last two terms should be possible by careful design

techniques and calibrating the instruments using a known, isolated,

network in a lab.

For example, the clock-related uncertainties are greatly reduced

through the use of a GPS time source. The sum of Esynch(t) +

ResMP(Src) + ResMP(Dst) is small, and is also bounded for the

duration of the measurement because of the global time source. The

host-related uncertainties, Hsource + Hdest, could be bounded by

connecting two instruments back-to-back with a high-speed serial link

or isolated LAN segment. In this case, repeated measurements are

measuring the same one-way delay.

If the test packets are small, such a network connection has a

minimal delay that may be approximated by zero. The measured delay

therefore contains only systematic and random error in the

instrumentation. The "average value" of repeated measurements is the

systematic error, and the variation is the random error. One way to

compute the systematic error, and the random error, to a 95%

confidence, is to repeat the experiment many times - at least

hundreds of tests. The systematic error would then be the median.

The random error could then be found by removing the systematic error

from the measured values. The 95% confidence interval would be the

range from the 2.5th percentile to the 97.5th percentile of these

deviations from the true value. The calibration error "e" could then

be taken to be the largest absolute value of these two numbers, plus

the clock-related uncertainty. {Comment: as described, this bound is

relatively loose since the uncertainties are added, and the absolute

value of the largest deviation is used. As long as the resulting

value is not a significant fraction of the measured values, it is a

reasonable bound. If the resulting value is a significant fraction

of the measured values, then more exact methods will be needed to

compute the calibration error.}

Note that random error is a function of measurement load. For

example, if many paths will be measured by one instrument, this might

increase interrupts, process scheduling, and disk I/O (for example,

recording the measurements), all of which may increase the random

error in measured singletons. Therefore, in addition to minimal load

measurements to find the systematic error, calibration measurements

should be performed with the same measurement load that the

instruments will see in the field.

We wish to reiterate that this statistical treatment refers to the

calibration of the instrument; it is used to "calibrate the meter

stick" and say how well the meter stick reflects reality.

4.6.4 Errors in incT

The nominal interval between packets, incT, can vary during either

active or passive measurements. In passive measurement, packet

headers may include a timestamp applied prior to most of the protocol

stack, and the actual sending time may vary due to processor

scheduling. For example, H.323 systems are required to have packets

ready for the network stack within 5 ms of their ideal time. There

may be additional variation from the network between the Src and the

MP(Src). Active measurement systems may encounter similar errors,

but to a lesser extent. These errors must be accounted for in some

types of analysis.

4.7 Reporting

The calibration and context in which the method is used MUST be

carefully considered, and SHOULD always be reported along with metric

results. We next present five items to consider: the Type-P of test

packets, the threshold of delay equivalent to loss, error

calibration, the path traversed by the test packets, and background

conditions at Src, Dst, and the intervening networks during a sample.

This list is not exhaustive; any additional information that could be

useful in interpreting applications of the metrics should also be


4.7.1. Type-P

As noted in the Framework document [3], the value of a metric may

depend on the type of IP packets used to make the measurement, or

"type-P". The value of Type-P-One-way-Periodic-Delay could change if

the protocol (UDP or TCP), port number, size, or arrangement for

special treatment (e.g., IP precedence or RSVP) changes. The exact

Type-P used to make the measurements MUST be reported.

4.7.2. Threshold for delay equivalent to loss

In addition, the threshold for delay equivalent to loss (or

methodology to determine this threshold) MUST be reported.

4.7.3. Calibration results

+ If the systematic error can be determined, it SHOULD be removed

from the measured values.

+ You SHOULD also report the calibration error, e, such that the

true value is the reported value plus or minus e, with 95%

confidence (see the last section.)

+ If possible, the conditions under which a test packet with finite

delay is reported as lost due to resource exhaustion on the

measurement instrument SHOULD be reported.

4.7.4. Path

The path traversed by the packets SHOULD be reported, if possible.

In general, it is impractical to know the precise path a given packet

takes through the network. The precise path may be known for certain

Type-P packets on short or stable paths. If Type-P includes the

record route (or loose-source route) option in the IP header, and the

path is short enough, and all routers on the path support record (or

loose-source) route, then the path will be precisely recorded.

This may be impractical because the route must be short enough. Many

routers do not support (or are not configured for) record route, and

use of this feature would often artificially worsen the performance

observed by removing the packet from common-case processing.

However, partial information is still valuable context. For example,

if a host can choose between two links (and hence two separate routes

from Src to Dst), then the initial link used is valuable context.

{Comment: For example, with one commercial setup, a Src on one NAP

can reach a Dst on another NAP by either of several different

backbone networks.}

5. Additional discussion on periodic sampling

Fig.1 illustrates measurements on multiple protocol levels that are

relevant to this memo. The user's focus is on transport quality

evaluation from the application point of view. However, to properly

separate the quality contribution of the operating system and codec

on packet voice, for example, it is beneficial to be able to measure

quality at the IP level [6]. Link layer monitoring provides a way of

accounting for link layer characteristics such as bit error rates.




transport <--


network <--


link <--




Fig. 1: Different possibilities for performing measurements: a

protocol view. Above, "application" refers to all layers above L4

and is not used in the OSI sense.

In general, the results of measurements may be influenced by

individual application requirements/responses related to the

following issues:

+ Lost packets: Applications may have varying tolerance to lost

packets. Another consideration is the distribution of lost

packets (i.e. random or bursty).

+ Long delays: Many applications will consider packets delayed

longer than a certain value to be equivalent to lost packets (i.e.

real time applications).

+ Duplicate packets: Some applications may be perturbed if duplicate

packets are received.

+ Reordering: Some applications may be perturbed if packets arrive

out of sequence. This may be in addition to the possibility of

exceeding the "long" delay threshold as a result of being out of


+ Corrupt packet header: Most applications will probably treat a

packet with a corrupt header as equivalent to a lost packet.

+ Corrupt packet payload: Some applications (e.g. digital voice

codecs) may accept corrupt packet payload. In some cases, the

packet payload may contain application specific forward error

correction (FEC) that can compensate for some level of corruption.

+ Spurious packet: Dst may receive spurious packets (i.e. packets

that are not sent by the Src as part of the metric). Many

applications may be perturbed by spurious packets.

Depending, e.g., on the observed protocol level, some issues listed

above may be indistinguishable from others by the application, it may

be important to preserve the distinction for the operators of Src,

Dst, and/or the intermediate network(s).

5.1 Measurement applications

This sampling method provides a way to perform measurements

irrespective of the possible QoS mechanisms utilized in the IP

network. As an example, for a QoS mechanism without hard guarantees,

measurements may be used to ascertain that the "best" class gets the

service that has been promised for the traffic class in question.

Moreover, an operator could study the quality of a cheap, low-

guarantee service implemented using possible slack bandwidth in other

classes. Such measurements could be made either in studying the

feasibility of a new service, or on a regular basis.

IP delivery service measurements have been discussed within the

International Telecommunications Union (ITU). A framework for IP

service level measurements (with references to the framework for IP

performance [3]) that is intended to be suitable for service planning

has been approved as I.380 [7]. ITU-T Recommendation I.380 covers

abstract definitions of performance metrics. This memo describes a

method that is useful, both for service planning and end-user testing

purposes, in both active and passive measurements.

Delay measurements can be one-way [3,4], paired one-way, or round-

trip [8]. Accordingly, the measurements may be performed either with

synchronized or unsynchronized Src/Dst host clocks. Different

possibilities are listed below.

The reference measurement setup for all measurement types is shown in

Fig. 2.

----------------< IP >--------------------

------- ------- -------- --------

Src MP MP Dst

------- (Src) (Dst) --------

------- --------

Fig. 2: Example measurement setup.

An example of the use of the method is a setup with a source host

(Src), a destination host (Dst), and corresponding measurement points

(MP(Src) and MP(Dst)) as shown in Figure 2. Separate equipment for

measurement points may be used if having Src and/or Dst conduct the

measurement may significantly affect the delay performance to be

measured. MP(Src) should be placed/measured close to the egress

point of packets from Src. MP(Dst) should be placed/measure close

to the ingress point of packets for Dst. "Close" is defined as a

distance sufficiently small so that application-level performance

characteristics measured (such as delay) can be expected to follow

the corresponding performance characteristic between Src and Dst to

an adequate accuracy. The basic principle here is that measurement

results between MP(Src) and MP(Dst) should be the same as for a

measurement between Src and Dst, within the general error margin

target of the measurement (e.g., < 1 ms; number of lost packets is

the same). If this is not possible, the difference between MP-MP

measurement and Src-Dst measurement should preferably be systematic.

The test setup just described fulfills two important criteria:

1) The test is made with realistic stream metrics, emulating - for

example - a full-duplex Voice over IP (VoIP) call.

2) Either one-way or round-trip characteristics may be oBTained.

It is also possible to have intermediate measurement points between

MP(Src) and MP(Dst), but that is beyond the scope of this document.

5.1.1 One way measurement

In the interests of specifying metrics that are as generally

applicable as possible, application-level measurements based on one-

way delays are used in the example metrics. The implication of

application-level measurement for bi-directional applications, such

as interactive multimedia conferencing, is discussed below.

Performing a single one-way measurement only yields information on

network behavior in one direction. Moreover, the stream at the

network transport level does not emulate accurately a full-duplex

multimedia connection.

5.1.2 Paired one way measurement

Paired one way delay refers to two multimedia streams: Src to Dst and

Dst to Src for the same Src and Dst. By way of example, for some

applications, the delay performance of each one way path is more

important than the round trip delay. This is the case for delay-

limited signals such as VoIP. Possible reasons for the difference

between one-way delays is different routing of streams from Src to

Dst vs. Dst to Src.

For example, a paired one way measurement may show that Src to Dst

has an average delay of 30ms, while Dst to Src has an average delay

of 120ms. To a round trip delay measurement, this example would look

like an average of 150ms delay. Without the knowledge of the

asymmetry, we might miss a problem that the application at either end

may have with delays averaging more than 100ms.

Moreover, paired one way delay measurement emulates a full-duplex

VoIP call more accurately than a single one-way measurement only.

5.1.3 Round trip measurement

From the point of view of periodic multimedia streams, round-trip

measurements have two advantages: they avoid the need of host clock

synchronization and they allow for a simulation of full-duplex

communication. The former aspect means that a measurement is easily

performed, since no special equipment or NTP setup is needed. The

latter property means that measurement streams are transmitted in

both directions. Thus, the measurement provides information on

quality of service as experienced by two-way applications.

The downsides of round-trip measurement are the need for more

bandwidth than a one-way test and more complex accounting of packet

loss. Moreover, the stream that is returning towards the original

sender may be more bursty than the one on the first "leg" of the

round-trip journey. The last issue, however, means in practice that

the returning stream may experience worse QoS than the out-going one,

and the performance estimates thus obtained are pessimistic ones.

The possibility of asymmetric routing and queuing must be taken into

account during an analysis of the results.

Note that with suitable arrangements, round-trip measurements may be

performed using paired one way measurements.

5.2 Statistics calculable from one sample

Some statistics may be particularly relevant to applications

simulated by periodic streams, such as the range of delay values

recorded during the sample.

For example, a sample metric generates 100 packets at MP(Src) with

the following measurements at MP(Dst):

+ 80 packets received with delay [i] <= 20 ms

+ 8 packets received with delay [i] > 20 ms

+ 5 packets received with corrupt packet headers

+ 4 packets from MP(Src) with no matching packet recorded at

MP(Dst) (effectively lost)

+ 3 packets received with corrupt packet payload and delay

[i] <= 20 ms

+ 2 packets that duplicate one of the 80 packets received correctly

as indicated in the first item

For this example, packets are considered acceptable if they are

received with less than or equal to 20ms delays and without corrupt

packet headers or packet payload. In this case, the percentage of

acceptable packets is 80/100 = 80%.

For a different application that will accept packets with corrupt

packet payload and no delay bounds (so long as the packet is

received), the percentage of acceptable packets is (80+8+3)/100 =


5.3 Statistics calculable from multiple samples

There may be value in running multiple tests using this method to

collect a "sample of samples". For example, it may be more

appropriate to simulate 1,000 two-minute VoIP calls rather than a

single 2,000 minute call. When considering a collection of multiple

samples, issues like the interval between samples (e.g. minutes,

hours), composition of samples (e.g. equal Tf-T0 duration, different

packet sizes), and network considerations (e.g. run different samples

over different intervening link-host combinations) should be taken

into account. For items like the interval between samples, the usage

pattern for the application of interest should be considered.

When computing statistics for multiple samples, more general

statistics (e.g. median, percentile, etc.) may have relevance with a

larger number of packets.

5.4 Background conditions

In many cases, the results may be influenced by conditions at Src,

Dst, and/or any intervening networks. Factors that may affect the

results include: traffic levels and/or bursts during the sample, link

and/or host failures, etc. Information about the background

conditions may only be available by external means (e.g. phone calls,

television) and may only become available days after samples are


5.5 Considerations related to delay

For interactive multimedia sessions, end-to-end delay is an important

factor. Too large a delay reduces the quality of the multimedia

session as perceived by the participants. One approach for managing

end-to-end delays on an Internet path involving heterogeneous link

layer technologies is to use per-domain delay quotas (e.g. 50 ms for

a particular IP domain). However, this scheme has clear

inefficiencies, and can over-constrain the problem of achieving some

end-to-end delay objective. A more flexible implementation ought to

address issues like the possibility of asymmetric delays on paths,

and sensitivity of an application to delay variations in a given

domain. There are several alternatives as to the delay statistic one

ought to use in managing end-to-end QoS. This question, although

very interesting, is not within the scope of this memo and is not

discussed further here.

6. Security Considerations

6.1 Denial of Service Attacks

This method generates a periodic stream of packets from one host

(Src) to another host (Dst) through intervening networks. This

method could be abused for denial of service attacks directed at Dst

and/or the intervening network(s).

Administrators of Src, Dst, and the intervening network(s) should

establish bilateral or multi-lateral agreements regarding the timing,

size, and frequency of collection of sample metrics. Use of this

method in excess of the terms agreed between the participants may be

cause for immediate rejection, discard of packets, or other

escalation procedures defined between the affected parties.

6.2 User data confidentiality

Active use of this method generates packets for a sample, rather than

taking samples based on user data, and does not threaten user data

confidentiality. Passive measurement must restrict attention to the

headers of interest. Since user payloads may be temporarily stored

for length analysis, suitable precautions MUST be taken to keep this

information safe and confidential.

6.3 Interference with the metric

It may be possible to identify that a certain packet or stream of

packets is part of a sample. With that knowledge at Dst and/or the

intervening networks, it is possible to change the processing of the

packets (e.g. increasing or decreasing delay) that may distort the

measured performance. It may also be possible to generate additional

packets that appear to be part of the sample metric. These

additional packets are likely to perturb the results of the sample


To discourage the kind of interference mentioned above, packet

interference checks, such as cryptographic hash, MAY be used.

7. IANA Considerations

Since this method and metric do not define a protocol or well-known

values, there are no IANA considerations in this memo.

8. Normative References

[1] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP

9, RFC2026, October 1996.

[2] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

[3] Paxson, V., Almes, G., Mahdavi, J. and M. Mathis, "Framework for

IP Performance Metrics", RFC2330, May 1998.

[4] Almes, G., Kalidindi, S. and M. Zekauskas, "A one-way delay

metric for IPPM", RFC2679, September 1999.

[5] Demichelis, C. and P. Chimento, "IP Packet Delay Variation

Metric for IP Performance Metrics (IPPM)", RFC3393, November


9. Informative References

[6] "End-to-end Quality of Service in TIPHON systems; Part 5: Quality

of Service (QoS) measurement methodologies", ETSI TS 101 329-5

V1.1.2, January 2002.

[7] International Telecommunications Union, "Internet protocol data

communication service _ IP packet transfer and availability

performance parameters", Telecommunications Sector

Recommendation I.380 (re-numbered Y.1540), February 1999.

[8] Almes, G., Kalidindi, S. and M. Zekauskas, "A round-trip delay

metric for IPPM", RFC2681, September 1999.

10. Acknowledgments

The authors wish to thank the chairs of the IPPM WG (Matt Zekauskas

and Merike Kaeo) for comments that have made the present document

more clear and focused. Howard Stanislevic and Will Leland have also

presented useful comments and questions. We also gratefully

acknowledge Henk Uijterwaal's continued challenge to develop the

motivation for this method. The authors have built on the

substantial foundation laid by the authors of the framework for IP

performance [3].

11. Author's Addresses

Vilho Raisanen

Nokia Networks

P.O. Box 300

FIN-00045 Nokia Group


Phone: +358 7180 8000

Fax: +358 9 4376 6852

EMail: Vilho.Raisanen@nokia.com

Glenn Grotefeld

Motorola, Inc.

1501 W. Shure Drive, MS 2F1

Arlington Heights, IL 60004 USA

Phone: +1 847 435-0730

Fax: +1 847 632-6800

EMail: g.grotefeld@motorola.com

Al Morton

AT&T Labs

Room D3 - 3C06

200 Laurel Ave. South

Middletown, NJ 07748 USA

Phone: +1 732 420 1571

Fax: +1 732 368 1192

EMail: acmorton@att.com

12. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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