
RFC3511 - Benchmarking Methodology for Firewall Performance

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group B. Hickman

Request for Comments: 3511 Spirent Communications

Category: Informational D. Newman

Network Test

S. Tadjudin

Spirent Communications

T. Martin

GVNW Consulting Inc

April 2003

Benchmarking Methodology for Firewall Performance

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document discusses and defines a number of tests that may be

used to describe the performance characteristics of firewalls. In

addition to defining the tests, this document also describes specific

formats for reporting the results of the tests.

This document is a prodUCt of the Benchmarking Methodology Working

Group (BMWG) of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4. Test setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4.1 Test Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4.2 Virtual Client/Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4.3 Test Traffic Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.4 DUT/SUT Traffic Flows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.5 Multiple Client/Server Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.6 Network Address Translation (NAT). . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.7 Rule Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.8 Web Caching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.9 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.10 TCP Stack Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5. Benchmarking Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.1 IP throughput. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5.2 Concurrent TCP Connection Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5.3 Maximum TCP Connection Establishment Rate. . . . . . . . 12

5.4 Maximum TCP Connection Tear Down Rate. . . . . . . . . . 14

5.5 Denial Of Service Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.6 HTTP Transfer Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5.7 Maximum HTTP Transaction Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5.8 Illegal Traffic Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5.9 IP Fragmentation Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.10 Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6.1 Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6.2 Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

7. Security Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Appendix A - HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) . . . . . . . . 31

Appendix B - Connection Establishment Time Measurements . . . . 31

Appendix C - Connection Tear Down Time Measurements . . . . . . 32

Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

1. Introduction

This document provides methodologies for the performance benchmarking

of firewalls. It covers four areas: forwarding, connection, latency

and filtering. In addition to defining tests, this document also

describes specific formats for reporting test results.

A previous document, "Benchmarking Terminology for Firewall

Performance" [1], defines many of the terms that are used in this

document. The terminology document SHOULD be consulted before

attempting to make use of this document.

2. Requirements

In this document, the Words that are used to define the significance

of each particular requirement are capitalized. These words are:

* "MUST" This word, or the words "REQUIRED" and "SHALL" mean that

the item is an absolute requirement of the specification.

* "SHOULD" This word or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" means that there

may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore this

item, but the full implications should be understood and the case

carefully weighed before choosing a different course.

* "MAY" This word or the adjective "OPTIONAL" means that this item

is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item

because a particular marketplace requires it or because it

enhances the product, for example; another vendor may omit the

same item.

An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more

of the MUST requirements. An implementation that satisfies all the

MUST and all the SHOULD requirements is said to be "unconditionally

compliant"; one that satisfies all the MUST requirements but not all

the SHOULD requirements is said to be "conditionally compliant".

3. Scope

Firewalls can control Access between networks. Usually, a firewall

protects a private network from public or shared network(s) to which

it is connected. A firewall can be as simple as a single device that

filters packets or as complex as a group of devices that combine

packet filtering and application-level proxy and network translation

services. This document focuses on benchmarking firewall

performance, wherever possible, independent of implementation.

4. Test Setup

Test configurations defined in this document will be confined to

dual-homed and tri-homed as shown in figure 1 and figure 2


Firewalls employing dual-homed configurations connect two networks.

One interface of the firewall is attached to the unprotected network

[1], typically the public network (Internet). The other interface is

connected to the protected network [1], typically the internal LAN.

In the case of dual-homed configurations, servers which are made

accessible to the public (Unprotected) network are attached to the

private (Protected) network.

+----------+ +----------+


Servers/ ---- ------ Servers/

Clients Clients

------- DUT/SUT --------

+----------+ +----------+

Protected +----------+ Unprotected

Network Network

Figure 1 (Dual-Homed)

Tri-homed [1] configurations employ a third segment called a

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). With tri-homed configurations, servers

accessible to the public network are attached to the DMZ. Tri-Homed

configurations offer additional security by separating server(s)

accessible to the public network from internal hosts.

+----------+ +----------+


Clients ---- ------ Servers/


+----------+ ------- DUT/SUT --------



Protected Unprotected

Network Network






Figure 2 (Tri-Homed)

4.1 Test Considerations

4.2 Virtual Clients/Servers

Since firewall testing may involve data sources which emulate

multiple users or hosts, the methodology uses the terms virtual

clients/servers. For these firewall tests, virtual clients/servers

specify application layer entities which may not be associated with a

unique physical interface. For example, four virtual clients may

originate from the same data source [1]. The test report MUST

indicate the number of virtual clients and virtual servers

participating in the test.

4.3 Test Traffic Requirements

While the function of a firewall is to enforce access control

policies, the criteria by which those policies are defined vary

depending on the implementation. Firewalls may use network layer,

transport layer or, in many cases, application-layer criteria to make

access-control decisions.

For the purposes of benchmarking firewall performance, this document

references HTTP 1.1 or higher as the application layer entity. The

methodologies MAY be used as a template for benchmarking with other

applications. Since testing may involve proxy based DUT/SUTs, HTTP

version considerations are discussed in appendix A.

4.4 DUT/SUT Traffic Flows

Since the number of interfaces are not fixed, the traffic flows will

be dependent upon the configuration used in benchmarking the DUT/SUT.

Note that the term "traffic flows" is associated with client-to-

server requests.

For Dual-Homed configurations, there are two unique traffic flows:

Client Server

------ ------

Protected -> Unprotected

Unprotected -> Protected

For Tri-Homed configurations, there are three unique traffic flows:

Client Server

------ ------

Protected -> Unprotected

Protected -> DMZ

Unprotected -> DMZ

4.5 Multiple Client/Server Testing

One or more clients may target multiple servers for a given

application. Each virtual client MUST initiate connections in a

round-robin fashion. For example, if the test consisted of six

virtual clients targeting three servers, the pattern would be as


Client Target Server (In order of request)

#1 1 2 3 1...

#2 2 3 1 2...

#3 3 1 2 3...

#4 1 2 3 1...

#5 2 3 1 2...

#6 3 1 2 3...

4.6 Network Address Translation (NAT)

Many firewalls implement network address translation (NAT) [1], a

function which translates private internet addresses to public

internet addresses. This involves additional processing on the part

of the DUT/SUT and may impact performance. Therefore, tests SHOULD

be ran with NAT disabled and NAT enabled to determine the performance

differential, if any. The test report MUST indicate whether NAT was

enabled or disabled.

4.7 Rule Sets

Rule sets [1] are a collection of access control policies that

determine which packets the DUT/SUT will forward and which it will

reject [1]. Since criteria by which these access control policies

may be defined will vary depending on the capabilities of the

DUT/SUT, the following is limited to providing guidelines for

configuring rule sets when benchmarking the performance of the


It is RECOMMENDED that a rule be entered for each host (Virtual

client). In addition, testing SHOULD be performed using different

size rule sets to determine its impact on the performance of the

DUT/SUT. Rule sets MUST be configured in a manner, such that, rules

associated with actual test traffic are configured at the end of the

rule set and not at the beginning.

The DUT/SUT SHOULD be configured to deny access to all traffic which

was not previously defined in the rule set. The test report SHOULD

include the DUT/SUT configured rule set(s).

4.8 Web Caching

Some firewalls include caching agents to reduce network load. When

making a request through a caching agent, the caching agent attempts

to service the response from its internal memory. The cache itself

saves responses it receives, such as responses for HTTP GET requests.

Testing SHOULD be performed with any caching agents on the DUT/SUT


4.9 Authentication

Access control may involve authentication processes such as user,

client or session authentication. Authentication is usually

performed by devices external to the firewall itself, such as an

authentication server(s) and may add to the latency of the system.

Any authentication processes MUST be included as part of connection

setup process.

4.10 TCP Stack Considerations

Some test instruments allow configuration of one or more TCP stack

parameters, thereby influencing the traffic flows which will be

offered and impacting performance measurements. While this document

does not attempt to specify which TCP parameters should be

configurable, any such TCP parameter(s) MUST be noted in the test

report. In addition, when comparing multiple DUT/SUTs, the same TCP

parameters MUST be used.

5. Benchmarking Tests

5.1 IP Throughput

5.1.1 Objective

To determine the throughput of network-layer data traversing the

DUT/SUT, as defined in RFC1242 [3]. Note that while RFC1242 uses

the term frames, which is associated with the link layer, the

procedure uses the term packets, since it is referencing the network


5.1.2 Setup Parameters

The following parameters MUST be defined:

Packet size - Number of bytes in the IP packet, exclusive of any

link layer header or checksums.

Test Duration - Duration of the test, eXPressed in seconds.

5.1.3 Procedure

The test instrument MUST offer unicast IP packets to the DUT/SUT at a

constant rate. The test MAY consist of either bi-directional or

unidirectional traffic; for example, an emulated client may offer a

unicast stream of packets to an emulated server, or the test

instrument may simulate a client/server exchange by offering

bidirectional traffic.

This test will employ an iterative search algorithm. Each iteration

will involve the test instrument varying the intended load until the

maximum rate, at which no packet loss occurs, is found. Since

backpressure mechanisms may be employed, resulting in the intended

load and offered load being different, the test SHOULD be performed

in either a packet based or time based manner as described in RFC

2889 [5]. As with RFC1242, the term packet is used in place of

frame. The duration of the test portion of each trial MUST be at

least 30 seconds.

It is RECOMMENDED to perform the throughput measurements with

different packet sizes. When testing with different packet sizes the

DUT/SUT configuration MUST remain the same.

5.1.4 Measurement Network Layer


Maximum offered load, expressed in either bits per second or

packets per second, at which no packet loss is detected. The bits

to be counted are in the IP packet (header plus payload); other

fields, such as link-layer headers and trailers, MUST NOT be

included in the measurement.

Forwarding Rate:

Forwarding rate, expressed in either bits per second or packets

per second, the device is observed to successfully forward to the

correct destination interface in response to a specified offered

load. The bits to be counted are in the IP packet (header plus

payload); other fields, such as link-layer headers and trailers,

MUST NOT be included in the measurement.

5.1.5 Reporting Format

The test report MUST note the packet size(s), test duration,

throughput and forwarding rate. In addition, the test report MUST

conform to the reporting requirements set in section 4, Test Setup.

If the test involved offering packets which target more than one

segment (Protected, Unprotected or DMZ), the report MUST identify the

results as an aggregate throughput measurement.

The throughput results SHOULD be reported in the format of a table

with a row for each of the tested packet sizes. There SHOULD be

columns for the packet size, the intended load, the offered load,

resultant throughput and forwarding rate for each test.

The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be saved in log

file which includes the packet size, test duration and for each


- Step Iteration

- Pass/Fail Status

- Total packets offered

- Total packets forwarded

- Intended load

- Offered load (If applicable)

- Forwarding rate

5.2 Concurrent TCP Connection Capacity

5.2.1 Objective

To determine the maximum number of concurrent TCP connections

supported through or with the DUT/SUT, as defined in RFC2647 [1].

This test is intended to find the maximum number of entries the

DUT/SUT can store in its connection table.

5.2.2 Setup Parameters

The following parameters MUST be defined for all tests: Transport-Layer Setup Parameters

Connection Attempt Rate:

The aggregate rate, expressed in connections per second, at which

TCP connection requests are attempted. The rate SHOULD be set at

or lower than the maximum rate at which the DUT/SUT can accept

connection requests.

Aging Time:

The time, expressed in seconds, the DUT/SUT will keep a connection

in its connection table after receiving a TCP FIN or RST packet. Application-Layer Setup Parameters

Validation Method:

HTTP 1.1 or higher MUST be used for this test for both clients and

servers. The client and server MUST use the same HTTP version.

Object Size:

Defines the number of bytes, excluding any bytes associated with

the HTTP header, to be transferred in response to an HTTP 1.1 or

higher GET request.

5.2.3 Procedure

This test will employ an iterative search algorithm to determine the

maximum number of concurrent TCP connections supported through or

with the DUT/SUT.

For each iteration, the aggregate number of concurrent TCP

connections attempted by the virtual client(s) will be varied. The

destination address will be that of the server or that of the NAT

proxy. The aggregate rate will be defined by connection attempt

rate, and will be attempted in a round-robin fashion (See 4.5).

To validate all connections, the virtual client(s) MUST request an

object using an HTTP 1.1 or higher GET request. The requests MUST be

initiated on each connection after all of the TCP connections have

been established.

When testing proxy-based DUT/SUTs, the virtual client(s) MUST request

two objects using HTTP 1.1 or higher GET requests. The first GET

request is required for connection time establishment [1]

measurements as specified in appendix B. The second request is used

for validation as previously mentioned. When comparing proxy and

non-proxy based DUT/SUTs, the test MUST be performed in the same


Between each iteration, it is RECOMMENDED that the test instrument

issue a TCP RST referencing each connection attempted for the

previous iteration, regardless of whether or not the connection

attempt was successful. The test instrument will wait for aging time

before continuing to the next iteration.

5.2.4 Measurements Application-Layer measurements

Number of objects requested

Number of objects returned Transport-Layer measurements

Maximum concurrent connections:

Total number of TCP connections open for the last successful

iteration performed in the search algorithm.

Minimum connection establishment time:

Lowest TCP connection establishment time measured, as defined in

appendix B.

Maximum connection establishment time:

Highest TCP connection establishment time measured, as defined in

appendix B.

Average connection establishment time:

The mean of all measurements of connection establishment times.

Aggregate connection establishment time:

The total of all measurements of connection establishment times.

5.2.5 Reporting Format

The test report MUST conform to the reporting requirements set in

section 4, Test Setup. Application-Layer Reporting:

The test report MUST note the object size, number of completed

requests and number of completed responses.

The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be reported in a

tabular format with a column for each iteration. There SHOULD be

rows for the number of requests attempted, number and percentage

requests completed, number of responses attempted, number and

percentage of responses completed. The table MAY be combined with

the transport-layer reporting, provided that the table identify this

as an application layer measurement.

Version information:

The test report MUST note the version of HTTP client(s) and

server(s). Transport-Layer Reporting:

The test report MUST note the connection attempt rate, aging time,

minimum TCP connection establishment time, maximum TCP connection

establishment time, average connection establishment time, aggregate

connection establishment time and maximum concurrent connections


The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be reported in

the format of a table with a column for each iteration. There SHOULD

be rows for the total number of TCP connections attempted, number and

percentage of TCP connections completed, minimum TCP connection

establishment time, maximum TCP connection establishment time,

average connection establishment time and the aggregate connection

establishment time.

5.3 Maximum TCP Connection Establishment Rate

5.3.1 Objective

To determine the maximum TCP connection establishment rate through or

with the DUT/SUT, as defined by RFC2647 [1]. This test is intended

to find the maximum rate the DUT/SUT can update its connection table.

5.3.2 Setup Parameters

The following parameters MUST be defined for all tests: Transport-Layer Setup Parameters

Number of Connections:

Defines the aggregate number of TCP connections that must be


Aging Time:

The time, expressed in seconds, the DUT/SUT will keep a connection

in it's state table after receiving a TCP FIN or RST packet. Application-Layer Setup Parameters

Validation Method:

HTTP 1.1 or higher MUST be used for this test for both clients and

servers. The client and server MUST use the same HTTP version.

Object Size:

Defines the number of bytes, excluding any bytes associated with

the HTTP header, to be transferred in response to an HTTP 1.1 or

higher GET request.

5.3.3 Procedure

This test will employ an iterative search algorithm to determine the

maximum rate at which the DUT/SUT can accept TCP connection requests.

For each iteration, the aggregate rate at which TCP connection

requests are attempted by the virtual client(s) will be varied. The

destination address will be that of the server or that of the NAT

proxy. The aggregate number of connections, defined by number of

connections, will be attempted in a round-robin fashion (See 4.5).

The same application-layer object transfers required for validation

and establishment time measurements as described in the concurrent

TCP connection capacity test MUST be performed.

Between each iteration, it is RECOMMENDED that the test instrument

issue a TCP RST referencing each connection attempted for the

previous iteration, regardless of whether or not the connection

attempt was successful. The test instrument will wait for aging time

before continuing to the next iteration.

5.3.4 Measurements Application-Layer measurements

Number of objects requested

Number of objects returned Transport-Layer measurements

Highest connection rate:

Highest rate, in connections per second, for which all connections

successfully opened in the search algorithm.

Minimum connection establishment time:

Lowest TCP connection establishment time measured, as defined in

appendix B.

Maximum connection establishment time:

Highest TCP connection establishment time measured, as defined in

appendix B.

Average connection establishment time:

The mean of all measurements of connection establishment times.

Aggregate connection establishment time:

The total of all measurements of connection establishment times.

5.3.5 Reporting Format

The test report MUST conform to the reporting requirements set in

section 4, Test Setup. Application-Layer Reporting:

The test report MUST note object size(s), number of completed

requests and number of completed responses.

The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be reported in a

tabular format with a column for each iteration. There SHOULD be

rows for the number of requests attempted, number and percentage

requests completed, number of responses attempted, number and

percentage of responses completed. The table MAY be combined with

the transport-layer reporting, provided that the table identify this

as an application layer measurement.

Version information:

The test report MUST note the version of HTTP client(s) and

server(s). Transport-Layer Reporting:

The test report MUST note the number of connections, aging time,

minimum TCP connection establishment time, maximum TCP connection

establishment time, average connection establishment time, aggregate

connection establishment time and highest connection rate measured.

The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be reported in

the format of a table with a column for each iteration. There SHOULD

be rows for the connection attempt rate, total number of TCP

connections attempted, total number of TCP connections completed,

minimum TCP connection establishment time, maximum TCP connection

establishment time, average connection establishment time and the

aggregate connection establishment time.

5.4 Maximum TCP Connection Tear Down Rate

5.4.1 Objective

To determine the maximum TCP connection tear down rate through or

with the DUT/SUT, as defined by RFC2647 [1].

5.4.2 Setup Parameters

Number of Connections:

Defines the number of TCP connections that will be attempted to be

torn down.

Aging Time:

The time, expressed in seconds, the DUT/SUT will keep a connection

in it's state table after receiving a TCP FIN or RST packet.

Close Method:

Defines method for closing TCP connections. The test MUST be

performed with either a three-way or four-way handshake. In a

four-way handshake, each side sends separate FIN and ACK messages.

In a three-way handshake, one side sends a combined FIN/ACK

message upon receipt of a FIN.

Close Direction:

Defines whether closing of connections are to be initiated from

the client or from the server.

5.4.3 Procedure

This test will employ an iterative search algorithm to determine the

maximum TCP connection tear down rate supported by the DUT/SUT. The

test iterates through different TCP connection tear down rates with a

fixed number of TCP connections.

In the case of proxy based DUT/SUTs, the DUT/SUT will itself receive

the ACK in response to issuing a FIN packet to close its side of the

TCP connection. For validation purposes, the virtual client or

server, whichever is applicable, MAY verify that the DUT/SUT received

the final ACK by re-transmitting the final ACK. A TCP RST should be

received in response to the retransmitted ACK.

Between each iteration, it is RECOMMENDED that the virtual client(s)

or server(s), whichever is applicable, issue a TCP RST referencing

each connection which was attempted to be torn down, regardless of

whether or not the connection tear down attempt was successful. The

test will wait for aging time before continuing to the next


5.4.4 Measurements

Highest connection tear down rate:

Highest rate, in connections per second, for which all TCP

connections were successfully torn down in the search algorithm.

The following tear down time [1] measurements MUST only include

connections for which both sides of the connection were successfully

torn down. For example, tear down times for connections which are

left in a FINWAIT-2 [8] state should not be included:

Minimum connection tear down time:

Lowest TCP connection tear down time measured as defined in

appendix C.

Maximum connection tear down time:

Highest TCP connection tear down time measured as defined in

appendix C.

Average connection tear down time:

The mean of all measurements of connection tear down times.

Aggregate connection tear down time:

The total of all measurements of connection tear down times.

5.4.5 Reporting Format

The test report MUST note the number of connections, aging time,

close method, close direction, minimum TCP connection tear down time,

maximum TCP connection tear down time, average TCP connection tear

down time and the aggregate TCP connection tear down time and highest

connection tear down rate measured. In addition, the test report MUST

conform to the reporting requirements set in section 4, Test Setup.

The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be reported in

the format of a table with a column for each iteration. There SHOULD

be rows for the number of TCP tear downs attempted, number and

percentage of TCP connection tear downs completed, minimum TCP

connection tear down time, maximum TCP connection tear down time,

average TCP connection tear down time, aggregate TCP connection tear

down time and validation failures, if required.

5.5 Denial Of Service Handling

5.5.1 Objective

To determine the effect of a denial of service attack on a DUT/SUT

TCP connection establishment and/or HTTP transfer rates. The denial

of service handling test MUST be run after oBTaining baseline

measurements from sections 5.3 and/or 5.6.

The TCP SYN flood attack exploits TCP's three-way handshake mechanism

by having an attacking source host generate TCP SYN packets with

random source addresses towards a victim host, thereby consuming that

host's resources.

5.5.2 Setup Parameters

Use the same setup parameters as defined in section 5.3.2 or 5.6.2,

depending on whether testing against the baseline TCP connection

establishment rate test or HTTP transfer rate test, respectfully.

In addition, the following setup parameters MUST be defined:

SYN attack rate:

Rate, expressed in packets per second, at which the server(s) or

NAT proxy address is targeted with TCP SYN packets.

5.5.3 Procedure

Use the same procedure as defined in section 5.3.3 or 5.6.3,

depending on whether testing against the baseline TCP connection

establishment rate or HTTP transfer rate test, respectfully. In

addition, the test instrument will generate TCP SYN packets targeting

the server(s) IP address or NAT proxy address at a rate defined by

SYN attack rate.

The test instrument originating the TCP SYN attack MUST be attached

to the unprotected network. In addition, the test instrument MUST

not respond to the SYN/ACK packets sent by target server or NAT proxy

in response to the SYN packet.

Some firewalls employ mechanisms to guard against SYN attacks. If

such mechanisms exist on the DUT/SUT, tests SHOULD be run with these

mechanisms enabled and disabled to determine how well the DUT/SUT can

maintain, under such attacks, the baseline connection establishment

rates and HTTP transfer rates determined in section 5.3 and section

5.6, respectively.

5.5.4 Measurements

Perform the same measurements as defined in section 5.3.4 or 5.6.4,

depending on whether testing against the baseline TCP connection

establishment rate test or HTTP transfer rate, respectfully.

In addition, the test instrument SHOULD track TCP SYN packets

associated with the SYN attack which the DUT/SUT forwards on the

protected or DMZ interface(s).

5.5.5 Reporting Format

The test SHOULD use the same reporting format as described in section

5.3.5 or 5.6.5, depending on whether testing against the baseline TCP

connection establishment rate test or HTTP transfer rate,


In addition, the report MUST indicate a denial of service handling

test, SYN attack rate, number of TCP SYN attack packets transmitted

and the number of TCP SYN attack packets forwarded by the DUT/SUT.

The report MUST indicate whether or not the DUT has any SYN attack

mechanisms enabled.

5.6 HTTP Transfer Rate

5.6.1 Objective

To determine the transfer rate of HTTP requested object traversing

the DUT/SUT.

5.6.2 Setup Parameters

The following parameters MUST be defined for all tests: Transport-Layer Setup Parameters

Number of connections:

Defines the aggregate number of connections attempted. The number

SHOULD be a multiple of the number of virtual clients

participating in the test.

Close Method:

Defines the method for closing TCP connections. The test MUST be

performed with either a three-way or four-way handshake. In a

four-way handshake, each side sends separate FIN and ACK messages.

In a three-way handshake, one side sends a combined FIN/ACK

message upon receipt of a FIN.

Close Direction:

Defines whether closing of connections are to be initiated from

the client or from the server. Application-Layer Setup Parameters

Session Type:

The virtual clients/servers MUST use HTTP 1.1 or higher. The

client and server MUST use the same HTTP version.

GET requests per connection:

Defines the number of HTTP 1.1 or higher GET requests attempted

per connection.

Object Size:

Defines the number of bytes, excluding any bytes associated with

the HTTP header, to be transferred in response to an HTTP 1.1 or

higher GET request.

5.6.3 Procedure

Each HTTP 1.1 or higher virtual client will request one or more

objects from an HTTP 1.1 or higher server using one or more HTTP GET

requests over each connection. The aggregate number of connections

attempted, defined by number of connections, MUST be evenly divided

among all of the participating virtual clients.

If the virtual client(s) make multiple HTTP GET requests per

connection, it MUST request the same object size for each GET

request. Multiple iterations of this test may be run with objects of

different sizes.

5.6.4 Measurements Application-Layer measurements

Average Transfer Rate :

The average transfer rate of the DUT/SUT MUST be measured and

shall be referenced to the requested object(s). The measurement

will start on transmission of the first bit of the first requested

object and end on transmission of the last bit of the last

requested object. The average transfer rate, in bits per second,

will be calculated using the following formula:


TRANSFER RATE (bit/s) = --------------------------


OBJECTS - Total number of objects successfully transferred across

all connections.

OBJECTSIZE - Object size in bytes

DURATION - Aggregate transfer time based on aforementioned time

references. Measurements at or below the Transport-Layer

The following measurements SHOULD be performed for each connection-

oriented protocol:

Goodput [1]:

Goodput as defined in section 3.17 of RFC2647. Measurements MUST

only reference the protocol payload, excluding any of the protocol

header. In addition, the test instrument MUST exclude any bits

associated with the connection establishment, connection tear

down, security associations [1] or connection maintenance [1].

Since connection-oriented protocols require that data be

acknowledged, the offered load [4] will be varying. Therefore,

the test instrument should measure the average forwarding rate

over the duration of the test. Measurement should start on

transmission of the first bit of the payload of the first datagram

and end on transmission of the last bit of the payload of the last


Number of bytes transferred - Total payload bytes transferred.

Number of Timeouts - Total number of timeout events.

Retransmitted bytes - Total number of retransmitted bytes.

5.6.5 Reporting Format

The test report MUST conform to the reporting requirements set in

section 4, Test Setup. Application-Layer reporting

The test report MUST note number of GET requests per connection and

object size(s).

The transfer rate results SHOULD be reported in tabular form with a

column for each of the object sizes tested. There SHOULD be a row

for the number and percentage of completed requests, number and

percentage of completed responses, and the resultant transfer rate

for each iteration of the test.

Failure analysis:

The test report SHOULD indicate the number and percentage of HTTP

GET request and responses that failed to complete.

Version information:

The test report MUST note the version of HTTP client(s) and

server(s). Transport-Layer and below reporting

The test report MUST note the number of connections, close method,

close direction and the protocol for which the measurement was made.

The results SHOULD be reported in tabular form for each of the HTTP

object sizes tested. There SHOULD be a row for the total bytes

transferred, total timeouts, total retransmitted bytes and and

resultant goodput. Note that total bytes refers to total datagram

payload bytes transferred. The table MAY be combined with the

application layer reporting, provided the table clearly identifies

the protocol for which the measurement was made.

Failure analysis:

The test report SHOULD indicate the number and percentage of

connection establishment failures as well as number and percentage

of TCP tear down failures.

It is RECOMMENDED that the report include a graph to plot the

distribution of both connection establishment failures and connection

tear down failures. The x coordinate SHOULD be the elapsed test

time, the y coordinate SHOULD be the number of failures for a given

sampling period. There SHOULD be two lines on the graph, one for

connection failures and one for tear down failures. The graph MUST

note the sampling period.

5.7 Maximum HTTP Transaction Rate

5.7.1 Objective

Determine the maximum transaction rate the DUT/SUT can sustain. This

test is intended to find the maximum rate at which users can access


5.7.2 Setup Parameters Transport-Layer Setup Parameters

Close Method:

Defines method for closing TCP connections. The test MUST be

performed with either a three-way or four-way handshake. In a

four-way handshake, each side sends separate FIN and ACK messages.

In a three-way handshake, one side sends a combined FIN/ACK

message upon receipt of a FIN.

Close Direction:

Defines whether closing of connections are to be initiated from

the client or from the server. Application-Layer Setup Parameters

Session Type:

HTTP 1.1 or higher MUST be used for this test. The client and

server MUST use the same HTTP version.

Test Duration:

Time, expressed in seconds, for which the virtual client(s) will

sustain the attempted GET request rate. It is RECOMMENDED that

the duration be at least 30 seconds.

Requests per connection:

Number of object requests per connection.

Object Size:

Defines the number of bytes, excluding any bytes associated with

the HTTP header, to be transferred in response to an HTTP 1.1 or

higher GET request.

5.7.3 Procedure

This test will employ an iterative search algorithm to determine the

maximum transaction rate that the DUT/SUT can sustain.

For each iteration, HTTP 1.1 or higher virtual client(s) will vary

the aggregate GET request rate offered to HTTP 1.1 or higher

server(s). The virtual client(s) will maintain the offered request

rate for the defined test duration.

If the virtual client(s) make multiple HTTP GET requests per

connection, it MUST request the same object size for each GET

request. Multiple tests MAY be performed with different object


5.7.4 Measurements

Maximum Transaction Rate:

The maximum rate at which all transactions, that is all

requests/responses cycles, are completed.

Transaction Time:

The test instrument SHOULD measure minimum, maximum and average

transaction times. The transaction time will start when the

virtual client issues the GET request and end when the requesting

virtual client receives the last bit of the requested object.

5.7.5 Reporting Format

The test report MUST conform to the reporting requirements set in

section 4, Test Setup. Application-Layer reporting

The test report MUST note the test duration, object size, requests

per connection, minimum transaction time, maximum transaction time,

average transaction time and maximum transaction rate measured

The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be reported in a

table format with a column for each iteration. There SHOULD be rows

for the GET request attempt rate, number of requests attempted,

number and percentage of requests completed, number of responses

attempted, number and percentage of responses completed, minimum

transaction time, average transaction time and maximum transaction


Version information:

The test report MUST note the version of HTTP client(s) and

server(s). Transport-Layer

The test report MUST note the close method, close direction, number

of connections established and number of connections torn down.

The intermediate results of the search algorithm MAY be reported in a

table format with a column for each iteration. There SHOULD be rows

for the number of connections attempted, number and percentage of

connections completed, number and percentage of connection tear downs

completed. The table MAY be combined with the application layer

reporting, provided the table identify this as transport layer


5.8 Illegal Traffic Handling

5.8.1 Objective

To characterize the behavior of the DUT/SUT when presented with a

combination of both legal and Illegal [1] traffic. Note that Illegal

traffic does not refer to an attack, but traffic which has been

explicitly defined by a rule(s) to drop.

5.8.2 Setup Parameters

Setup parameters will use the same parameters as specified in the

HTTP transfer rate test (Section 5.6.2). In addition, the following

setup parameters MUST be defined:

Illegal traffic percentage:

Percentage of HTTP 1.1 or higher connections which have been

explicitly defined in a rule(s) to drop.

5.8.3 Procedure

Each HTTP 1.1 or higher client will request one or more objects from

an HTTP 1.1 or higher server using one or more HTTP GET requests over

each connection. The aggregate number of connections attempted,

defined by number of connections, MUST be evenly divided among all of

the participating virtual clients.

The virtual client(s) MUST offer the connection requests, both legal

and illegal, in an evenly distributed manner. Many firewalls have

the capability to filter on different traffic criteria (IP addresses,

Port numbers, etc.). Multiple iterations of this test MAY be run

with the DUT/SUT configured to filter on different traffic criteria.

5.8.4 Measurements

The same measurements as defined in HTTP transfer rate test (Section

5.6.4) SHOULD be performed. Any forwarding rate measurements MUST

only include bits which are associated with legal traffic.

5.8.5 Reporting Format

Test reporting format SHOULD be the same as specified in the HTTP

transfer rate test (Section 5.6.5).

In addition, the report MUST note the percentage of illegal HTTP


Failure analysis:

Test report MUST note the number and percentage of illegal

connections that were allowed by the DUT/SUT.

5.9 IP Fragmentation Handling

5.9.1 Objective

To determine the performance impact when the DUT/SUT is presented

with IP fragmented traffic. IP packets which have been fragmented,

due to crossing a network that supports a smaller MTU (Maximum

Transmission Unit) than the actual IP packet, may require the

firewall to perform re-assembly prior to the rule set being applied.

While IP fragmentation is a common form of attack, either on the

firewall itself or on internal hosts, this test will focus on

determining how the additional processing associated with the re-

assembly of the packets have on the forwarding rate of the DUT/SUT.

RFC1858 addresses some fragmentation attacks that get around IP

filtering processes used in routers and hosts.

5.9.2 Setup Parameters

The following parameters MUST be defined. Non-Fragmented Traffic Parameters

Setup parameters will be the same as defined in the HTTP transfer

rate test (Sections and Fragmented Traffic Parameters

Packet size:

Number of bytes in the IP/UDP packet, exclusive of link-layer

headers and checksums, prior to fragmentation.


Maximum transmission unit, expressed in bytes. For testing

purposes, this MAY be configured to values smaller than the MTU

supported by the link layer.

Intended Load:

Intended load, expressed as percentage of media utilization.

5.9.3 Procedure

Each HTTP 1.1 or higher client will request one or more objects from

an HTTP 1.1 or higher server using one or more HTTP GET requests over

each connection. The aggregate number of connections attempted,

defined by number of connections, MUST be evenly divided among all of

the participating virtual clients. If the virtual client(s) make

multiple HTTP GET requests per connection, it MUST request the same

object size for each GET request.

A test instrument attached to the unprotected side of the network,

will offer a unidirectional stream of unicast fragmented IP/UDP

traffic, targeting a server attached to either the protected or DMZ

segment. The test instrument MUST offer the unidirectional stream

over the duration of the test, that is, duration over which the HTTP

traffic is being offered.

Baseline measurements SHOULD be performed with IP filtering deny

rule(s) to filter fragmented traffic. If the DUT/SUT has logging

capability, the log SHOULD be checked to determine if it contains the

correct information regarding the fragmented traffic.

The test SHOULD be repeated with the DUT/SUT rule set changed to

allow the fragmented traffic through. When running multiple

iterations of the test, it is RECOMMENDED to vary the MTU while

keeping all other parameters constant.

Then setup the DUT/SUT to the policy or rule set the manufacturer

required to be defined to protect against fragmentation attacks and

repeat the measurements outlined in the baseline procedures.

5.9.4 Measurements

Test instrument SHOULD perform the same measurements as defined in

HTTP test (Section 5.6.4).

Transmitted UDP/IP Packets:

Number of UDP packets transmitted by client.

Received UDP/IP Packets:

Number of UDP/IP Packets received by server.

5.9.5 Reporting Format Non-Fragmented Traffic

The test report SHOULD be the same as described in section 5.6.5.

Note that any forwarding rate measurements for the HTTP traffic

excludes any bits associated with the fragmented traffic which may be

forward by the DUT/SUT. Fragmented Traffic

The test report MUST note the packet size, MTU size, intended load,

number of UDP/IP packets transmitted and number of UDP/IP packets

forwarded. The test report SHOULD also note whether or not the

DUT/SUT forwarded the offered UDP/IP traffic fragmented.

5.10 Latency

5.10.1 Objective

To determine the latency of network-layer or application-layer data

traversing the DUT/SUT. RFC1242 [3] defines latency.

5.10.2 Setup Parameters

The following parameters MUST be defined: Network-layer Measurements

Packet size, expressed as the number of bytes in the IP packet,

exclusive of link-layer headers and checksums.

Intended load, expressed as percentage of media utilization.

Test duration, expressed in seconds.

The test instruments MUST generate packets with unique timestamp

signatures. Application-layer Measurements

Object Size:

Defines the number of bytes, excluding any bytes associated with

the HTTP header, to be transferred in response to an HTTP 1.1 or

higher GET request. The minimum object size supported by the

media SHOULD be used, but other object sizes MAY be used as well.

Connection type:

The test instrument MUST use one HTTP 1.1 or higher connection for

latency measurements.

Number of objects requested.

Number of objects transferred.

Test duration, expressed in seconds.

Test instruments MUST generate packets with unique timestamp


5.10.3 Network-layer procedure

A client will offer a unidirectional stream of unicast packets to a

server. The packets MUST use a connectionless protocol like IP or


The test instrument MUST offer packets in a steady state. As noted

in the latency discussion in RFC2544 [2], latency measurements MUST

be taken at the throughput level, that is, at the highest offered

load with zero packet loss. Measurements taken at the throughput

level are the only ones that can legitimately be termed latency.

It is RECOMMENDED that implementers use offered loads not only at the

throughput level, but also at load levels that are less than or

greater than the throughput level. To avoid confusion with existing

terminology, measurements from such tests MUST be labeled as delay

rather than latency.

It is RECOMMENDED to perform the latency measurements with different

packet sizes. When testing with different packet sizes the DUT/SUT

configuration MUST remain the same.

If desired, a step test MAY be used in which offered loads increment

or decrement through a range of load levels.

The duration of the test portion of each trial MUST be at least 30


5.10.4 Application layer procedure

An HTTP 1.1 or higher client will request one or more objects from an

HTTP 1.1 or higher server using one or more HTTP GET requests. If

the test instrument makes multiple HTTP GET requests, it MUST request

the same-sized object each time. Multiple iterations of this test

may be performed with objects of different sizes.

Implementers MAY configure the test instrument to run for a fixed

duration. In this case, the test instrument MUST report the number

of objects requested and returned for the duration of the test. For

fixed-duration tests it is RECOMMENDED that the duration be at least

30 seconds.

5.10.5 Measurements

Minimum delay:

The smallest delay incurred by data traversing the DUT/SUT at the

network layer or application layer, as appropriate.

Maximum delay:

The largest delay incurred by data traversing the DUT/SUT at the

network layer or application layer, as appropriate.

Average delay:

The mean of all measurements of delay incurred by data traversing

the DUT/SUT at the network layer or application layer, as


Delay distribution:

A set of histograms of all delay measurements observed for data

traversing the DUT/SUT at the network layer or application layer,

as appropriate.

5.10.6 Network-layer reporting format

The test report MUST note the packet size(s), offered load(s) and

test duration used. In addition, the test report MUST conform to the

reporting requirements set in section 4, Test Setup.

The latency results SHOULD be reported in the format of a table with

a row for each of the tested packet sizes. There SHOULD be columns

for the packet size, the intended rate, the offered rate, and the

resultant latency or delay values for each test.

5.10.7 Application-layer reporting format

The test report MUST note the object size(s) and number of requests

and responses completed. If applicable, the report MUST note the

test duration if a fixed duration was used. In addition, the test

report MUST conform to the reporting requirements set in section 4,

Test Setup.

The latency results SHOULD be reported in the format of a table with

a row for each of the object sizes. There SHOULD be columns for the

object size, the number of completed requests, the number of

completed responses, and the resultant latency or delay values for

each test.

Failure analysis:

The test report SHOULD indicate the number and percentage of HTTP

GET request or responses that failed to complete within the test


Version information:

The test report MUST note the version of HTTP client and server.

6. References

6.1 Normative References

[1] Newman, D., "Benchmarking Terminology for Firewall Devices", RFC

2647, August 1999.

[2] Bradner, S. and J. McQuaid, "Benchmarking Methodology for

Network Interconnect Devices", RFC2544, March 1999.

[3] Bradner, S., "Benchmarking Terminology for Network

Interconnection Devices", RFC1242, July 1991.

[4] Mandeville, R., "Benchmarking Terminology for LAN Switching

Devices", RFC2285, February 1998.

[5] Mandeville, R. and J. Perser, "Benchmarking Methodology for LAN

Switching Devices", RFC2889, August 2000.

6.2 Informative References

[6] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L.,

Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -

HTTP/1.1", RFC2616, June 1999.

[7] Clark, D., "IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithm", RFC815, July


[8] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC793,

September 1981.

7. Security Considerations

The primary goal of this document is to provide methodologies in

benchmarking firewall performance. While there is some overlap

between performance and security issues, assessment of firewall

security is outside the scope of this document.

APPENDIX A: HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)

The most common versions of HTTP in use today are HTTP/1.0 and

HTTP/1.1 with the main difference being in regard to persistent

connections. HTTP 1.0, by default, does not support persistent

connections. A separate TCP connection is opened up for each GET

request the client wants to initiate and closed after the requested

object transfer is completed. While some implementations HTTP/1.0

supports persistence through the use of a keep-alive, there is no

official specification for how the keep-alive operates. In addition,

HTTP 1.0 proxies do support persistent connection as they do not

recognize the connection header.

HTTP/1.1, by default, does support persistent connection and is

therefore the version that is referenced in this methodology. Proxy

based DUT/SUTs may monitor the TCP connection and after a timeout,

close the connection if no activity is detected. The duration of

this timeout is not defined in the HTTP/1.1 specification and will

vary between DUT/SUTs. If the DUT/SUT closes inactive connections,

the aging timer on the DUT SHOULD be configured for a duration that

exceeds the test time.

While this document cannot foresee future changes to HTTP and it

impact on the methodologies defined herein, such changes should be

accommodated for so that newer versions of HTTP may be used in

benchmarking firewall performance.

APPENDIX B: Connection Establishment Time Measurements

Some connection oriented protocols, such as TCP, involve an odd

number of messages when establishing a connection. In the case of

proxy based DUT/SUTs, the DUT/SUT will terminate the connection,

setting up a separate connection to the server. Since, in such

cases, the test instrument does not own both sides of the connection,

measurements will be made two different ways. While the following

describes the measurements with reference to TCP, the methodology may

be used with other connection oriented protocols which involve an odd

number of messages.

When testing non-proxy based DUT/SUTs , the establishment time shall

be directly measured and is considered to be from the time the first

bit of the first SYN packet is transmitted by the client to the time

the last bit of the final ACK in the three-way handshake is received

by the target server.

If the DUT/SUT is proxy based, the connection establishment time is

considered to be from the time the first bit of the first SYN packet

is transmitted by the client to the time the client transmits the

first bit of the first acknowledged TCP datagram (t4-t0 in the

following timeline).

t0: Client sends a SYN.

t1: Proxy sends a SYN/ACK.

t2: Client sends the final ACK.

t3: Proxy establishes separate connection with server.

t4: Client sends TCP datagram to server.

*t5: Proxy sends ACK of the datagram to client.

* While t5 is not considered part of the TCP connection

establishment, acknowledgement of t4 must be received for the

connection to be considered successful.

APPENDIX C: Connection Tear Down Time Measurements

While TCP connections are full duplex, tearing down of such

connections are performed in a simplex fashion, that is, FIN segments

are sent by each host/device terminating each side of the TCP


When making connection tear down times measurements, such

measurements will be made from the perspective of the entity, that

is, virtual client/server initiating the connection tear down

request. In addition, the measurement will be performed in the same

manner, independent of whether or not the DUT/SUT is proxy-based. The

connection tear down will be considered the interval between the

transmission of the first bit of the first TCP FIN packet transmitted

by the virtual client or server, whichever is applicable, requesting

a connection tear down to receipt of the last bit of the

corresponding ACK packet on the same virtual client/server interface.

Authors' Addresses

Brooks Hickman

Spirent Communications

26750 Agoura Road

Calabasas, CA 91302


Phone: + 1 818 676 2412



David Newman

Network Test Inc.

31324 Via Colinas, Suite 113

Westlake Village, CA 91362-6761


Phone: + 1 818 889-0011

EMail: dnewman@networktest.com

Saldju Tadjudin

Spirent Communications

26750 Agoura Road

Calabasas, CA 91302


Phone: + 1 818 676 2468

EMail: Saldju.Tadjudin@spirentcom.com

Terry Martin

GVNW Consulting Inc.

8050 SW Warm Springs Road

Tualatin Or. 97062


Phone: + 1 503 612 4422

EMail: tmartin@gvnw.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

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