
RFC3543 - Registration Revocation in Mobile IPv4

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group S. Glass

Request for Comments: 3543 Sun Microsystems

Category: Standards Track M. Chandra

Cisco Systems

August 2003

Registration Revocation in Mobile IPv4

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document defines a Mobile IPv4 Registration Revocation mechanism

whereby a mobility agent involved in providing Mobile IP services to

a mobile node can notify the other mobility agent providing Mobile IP

services to the same mobile node of the termination of this

registration. The mechanism is also usable by a home agent to notify

a co-located mobile node of the termination of its binding as well.

Moreover, the mechanism provides for this notification to be

acknowledged. A signaling mechanism already defined by the Mobile

IPv4 protocol is leveraged as a way to inform a mobile node of the

revocation of its binding.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion and Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. Registration Revocation Extensions and Messages. . . . . . . . 4

3.1. Advertising Registration Revocation Support. . . . . . . 5

3.2. Revocation Support Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.3. Registration Revocation Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.4. Registration Revocation Acknowledgment Message . . . . . 11

3.5. Replay Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4. Registration Revocation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1. Mobile Node Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.2. Registration Revocation Mechanism - Agent Notification . 17

4.2.1. Negotiating Revocation Support . . . . . . . . . 17

4.2.2. Home Domain Revoking a Registration. . . . . . . 19 Home Agent Responsibilities. . . . . . 19 Foreign Agent Responsibilities . . . . 20 'Direct' Co-located Mobile Node

Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.2.3. Foreign Domain Revoking a Registration . . . . . 21 Foreign Agent Responsibilities . . . . 21 Home Agent Responsibilities. . . . . . 22

4.2.4. Mobile Node Deregistering a Registration . . . . 23

4.3. Mobile IP Registration Bits in the Revocation Process. . 23

4.3.1. The 'R' Bit in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.3.2. The 'D' Bit in Use (co-located mobile nodes) . . 23

5. Error Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6. Security Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6.1. Agent Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6.2. Revocation Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

7. IANA Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

7.1. New Message Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

7.2. New Extension Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

7.3. New Error Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8.1. Normative (Numerical References) . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8.2. Informational (Alphabetical References). . . . . . . . . 28

Appendix A An Example of the New Messages in Use. . . . . . . . . 29

A.1. The Registration Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

A.2. The Revocation Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Appendix B Disparate Address, and Receiver Considerations . . . . 30

Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

1. Introduction and Applicability

Mobile IP [1] defines registration of a mobile node's location to

provide connectivity between the mobile node and its home domain,

facilitating communication between mobile nodes and any correspondent

node. At any time, either the home or foreign agent may wish to

cease servicing a mobile node, or for administrative reasons may no

longer be required to service a mobile node.

This document defines a general registration revocation mechanism for

Mobile IPv4, whereby a mobility agent can notify another mobility

agent (or a 'direct' co-located mobile node) of the termination of

mobility bindings. A mobility agent that receives a revocation

notification no longer has to provide services to the mobile node

whose registration has been revoked. A signaling mechanism already

defined by the Mobile IPv4 protocol [1] is leveraged as a way to

inform a mobile node of the revocation of its binding.

The registration revocation protocol provides the following


1. Timely release of Mobile IP resources. Resources being consumed

to provide Mobile IP services for a mobile node that has stopped

receiving Mobile IP services by one agent, can be reclaimed by the

other agent in a more timely fashion than if it had to wait for

the binding to eXPire. This also applies to the case in which a

mobile node roams away from a foreign agent to another foreign

agent. Notification to the previous foreign agent would allow it

to reclaim resources.

2. Accurate accounting. This has a favorable impact on resolving

accounting issues with respect to the length of mobility bindings

in both domains, as the actual end of the registration is relayed.

3. Earlier adoption of domain policy changes with regards to services

offered/required of a Mobile IP binding. For example, the home

domain may now require reverse tunnels [C], yet there are existing

bindings that do not use them. Without a revocation mechanism,

new services can only be put in place or removed as bindings are


4. Timely notification to a mobile node that it is no longer

receiving mobility services, thereby significantly shortening any

'black-hole' periods to facilitate a more robust recovery.

The revocation protocol is an active, yet unoBTrusive mechanism

allowing more timely communication between the three Mobile IP

entities in the various administrative domains. Since many mobile

nodes may not understand the concept of revocation, care has been

taken to ensure backwards compatibility with [1].

The registration revocation protocol does not replace the methods

described in [1] for Mobile IP deregistration, as the purpose of

these mechanisms is fundamentally different. Deregistration messages

are used by a mobile node to inform its home agent that it has e.g.,

roamed back to its home subnet, whereas revocation messages are used

between mobility agents to signal the termination of mobility

bindings. More specifically, the revocation message defined here is

NOT for use by 'direct' co-located mobile nodes that are terminating

their registration as deregistration messages are already sufficient

for this purpose. A 'direct' co-located mobile node, however, may

wish to process revocation messages as it is a useful mechanism to

trigger the re-negotiation of required services from the home domain.

2. Terminology

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the terminology used

in [1]. In addition, the following terms are defined:

'Direct' Co-located Mobile Node

A mobile node registering directly with its home agent, with the

'D' bit set in its registration request, and NOT registering

through a foreign agent.

Mobile IP Resources

Various functional elements allocated by a mobility agent to

support a Mobile IP binding, e.g., memory.

Mobile IP Services

Various responsibilities of a mobility agent in supporting a

mobile node as defined in [1], e.g., encapsulation of packets

addressed to a mobile node by a home agent, decapsulation of these

packets by a foreign agent for delivery to a mobile node, etc.

Mobility Agent

The home agent or foreign agent as specified in [1].


Premature termination of a mobility binding.



document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119 [3].

3. Registration Revocation Extensions and Messages

Registration revocation in Mobile IPv4 is accomplished via the


- Advertising Registration Revocation Support (Section 3.1.):

o A flag in the Agent Advertisement extension has been reserved

for agents to advertise their support of revocation messages.

- Revocation Support Extension (Section 3.2.):

o This extension is appended to a registration request or

registration reply by a mobility agent to indicate its support

of registration revocation.

o This extension is appended to a registration request by a

'direct' co-located mobile node to indicate its understanding

of revocation messages.

- Registration Revocation Message (Section 3.3.):

o A message sent by a mobility agent to inform another mobility

agent, or a 'direct' co-located mobile node, that it has

revoked the binding of a mobile node.

- Registration Revocation Acknowledgment Message (Section 3.4.):

o A message sent by mobility agents or 'direct' co-located mobile

nodes to indicate the receipt of a revocation message.

Security considerations related to the above messages and extensions

are covered in Section 6.

3.1. Advertising Registration Revocation Support

Mobility agents can advertise their support of registration

revocation with a modification to the Mobility Agent Advertisement

extension described in [1]. An 'X' bit is introduced to indicate an

agent's support for Registration Revocation.

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length Sequence Number


Registration Lifetime RBHFMGrTUX reserved


zero or more Care-of Addresses


X The mobility agent supports Registration Revocation

A foreign agent that sets the 'X' bit in an agent advertisement

extension MUST support registration revocation messages on that link,

specifically the Revocation Support Extension (section 3.2.),

Revocation Messages (section 3.3.), and Revocation Acknowledgment

(section 3.4.). It is not required that all agents advertising on

the same link support registration revocation, nor is it required

that an agent advertise this support on all of its links.

Note that using this information, a mobile node can select a foreign

agent that supports Registration Revocation. Should a mobile node

not understand this bit, it simply ignores it as per [1].

As a bit in the agent advertisement, use of the 'X' bit has no impact

on other messages, such as e.g., Challenge-Response [2].

3.2. Revocation Support Extension

The Mobile IP revocation support extension indicates support of

registration revocation, and so MUST be attached to a registration

request or registration reply by any entity that wants to receive

revocation messages. Normally, this is either a foreign agent, or a

home agent. However a 'direct' co-located mobile node MAY also

include a revocation support extension in its registration request.

A mobile node which is not co-located MUST NOT include a Revocation

Support Extension in its registration.

A foreign agent advertising the 'X' bit on the link on which the

registration request was received, and that has a security

relationship with the home agent identified in the same registration

request, MUST attach a revocation support extension to the forwarded

registration request. A home agent that receives a registration

request that does not contain a revocation extension SHOULD NOT

include a revocation support extension in the associated registration


The format of the revocation support extension is based on the Type-

Length-Value Extension Format given in [1] and is defined as follows:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Length I Reserved




Type 137


Length (in bytes, currently 6). Does NOT include Type

and Length fields (in accordance with section 1.9. of

[1]). This allows for a longer extension length should

more bits be required in the future.


Current 4-byte timestamp of the mobility agent or

'direct' co-located mobile node. This is used to

identify the ordering of registrations as they are

forwarded, how they relate to the sending of any

revocation messages, and to identify the approximate

offset between the clocks of the mobility agents

providing support for this binding, or between a 'direct'

co-located mobile node and its home agent.

'I' Bit

This bit is set to '1' by a mobility agent to indicate it

supports the use of the 'I' bit in revocation messages

(section 3.3.)

When sent by a foreign agent in a registration request:

If set to 1, the FA is willing to have the home agent use

the 'I' bit in the revocation process to determine

whether the mobile node should be informed of the

revocation or not.

If set to 0, indicates to the home agent that the foreign

agent will follow its own policy with regards to

informing the mobile node in the event of a revocation.

When sent by a home agent in response to a revocation

extension in which the 'I' bit was set to '1':

If set to 1, the home agent agrees to use the 'I' bit in

the revocation process to indicate to the foreign agent

whether or not the mobile node should be informed.

If set to 0, the home agent will not use the 'I' bit in

the revocation process, thereby yielding to the foreign

agent's default behavior with regard to informing the

mobile node.

To preserve the robustness of the protocol, the

recommended default behavior for a foreign agent is to

inform the mobile node of its revocation as described in

Section 4.1.


Reserved for future use. MUST be set to 0 on sending,

MUST be ignored on receiving.

When appearing in a registration request, or registration reply, the

Mobile IP revocation support extension MUST be protected either by a

foreign-home authentication extension, a mobile-home authentication

extension, or any other equivalent mechanism [1], e.g., via AAA [A],

[B], or perhaps IPsec. If the extension appearing in either of these

registration messages is NOT protected, the appropriate action as

described by [1] (Sections and Sections MUST be


Support of the 'I' bit is OPTIONAL. If a mobility agent does not

support the specified functionality, it MUST set the 'I' bit to zero.

Note that the home agent setting the 'I' bit to '1' in response to a

revocation extension from the foreign agent in which the 'I' bit was

set to '0' is undefined, and SHOULD NOT be done.

'I' bit support has been negotiated when both agents have set the 'I'

bit to '1' in their revocation support extensions.

It is important to note that this extension is skippable (i.e., if

the receiving mobility agent does not understand this extension, it

MUST skip it, and continue processing the remainder of the

registration request).

3.3. Registration Revocation Messages

A revocation message is sent by a mobility agent to inform another

mobility agent, or a 'direct' co-located mobile node, that it is

revoking the binding of a mobile node.

IP Fields:

Source Address In the case of the home agent issuing the

registration revocation, the address

registered with the care-of address as that

of the home agent (that is the address

identified as the home address of this


In the case of the foreign agent issuing the

registration revocation, the address

registered with the home agent as the care-of


Destination Address In the case of the home agent issuing the

registration revocation, the source address

of the last approved registration request for

this binding, i.e., the destination address

of the last registration reply indicating

success for this binding.

In the case of the foreign agent issuing the

registration revocation, the address

registered as that of the home agent by the

mobile node whose registration is being


UDP Fields:

Source Port variable

Destination Port 434

The UDP header is followed by the Mobile IP fields shown below:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Reserved AI Reserved


Home Address


Home Domain Address


Foreign Domain Address


Revocation Identifier






Type 7

Reserved MUST be sent as 0, ignored when received.

A Agent bit ('direction' bit).

This bit identifies the role of the agent sending the

revocation, that is the 'direction' of the revocation

message. This is useful for detecting reflection

attacks, particularly when symmetric keying is being


Set to '0' if the revoking agent is servicing this

binding as a foreign agent.

Set to '1' if the revoking agent is servicing this

binding as a home agent.

I Inform bit.

This bit MUST NOT be set to '1' unless 'I' bit support

was negotiated in the revocation extension messages

passed in the registration process, otherwise the results

can be unpredictable.

When sent by the home agent to a foreign agent:

Set to '0' to request that the mobile node SHOULD NOT be

informed of the revocation, or because the use of the 'I'

bit was not agreed upon.

Set to '1' to request that the mobile node be informed of

the revocation.

When sending a revocation message to a 'direct' co-

located mobile node, this bit is essentially irrelevant,

but SHOULD be set to '1'.

When sent by the foreign agent:

Set to '0' to indicate that the foreign agent is using

foreign domain policy as to whether or not the mobile

node should be informed of the revocation, or because 'I'

bit support was not agreed upon.

Set to '1' to ask the home agent if the mobile node

should be informed of the revocation.


MUST be sent as 0, ignored when received.

Home Address

The home IP address of the mobile node whose registration

is being revoked.

Foreign Domain Address

The relevant IP address in the foreign domain to identify

which binding is being revoked. This is one of the

following: (i) the foreign agent's IP address, or (ii)

the co-located care-of address.

Home Domain Address

The IP address of the home agent to identify which

binding is being revoked.

Revocation Identifier

Protects against replay attacks. The revoking agent MUST

insert its current 4-byte timestamp running off the same

clock as it is using to fill in the timestamp in its

revocation extensions. See section 3.5.

A registration revocation message MUST be protected by either a valid

authenticator as specified in [1], namely a home-foreign

authenticator, if the communication is between home and foreign

agents, or a mobile-home authenticator if the communication is being

sent from a home agent to a 'direct' co-located mobile node, or

another security mechanism at least as secure, and agreed upon by the

home and foreign domains, e.g., IPsec. If any agent, or 'direct'

co-located mobile node, receives a registration revocation message

that does not contain a valid authenticator, and is not adequately

protected, the revocation message MUST be ignored, and silently


A revocation message MUST NOT be sent for any registration that has

expired, and MAY only be sent prior to the expiration of a mobile

node's registration. Note, however, due to the nature of datagram

delivery, this does not guarantee these messages will arrive before

the natural expiration of any binding.

An agent MUST NOT send more than one revocation message or

registration message per second for the same binding. Note that this

updates [1] by including revocation messages in the rate limit

specified in [1], i.e., that an agent MUST NOT send more than one

registration message per second for the same binding.

An example of the use of revocation messages is given in Appendix A.

3.4. Registration Revocation Acknowledgment Message

A revocation acknowledgment message is sent by mobility agents or

'direct' co-located mobile nodes to indicate the successful receipt

of a revocation message.

IP fields:

Source Address Copied from the destination address of the

received registration revocation message for

which this registration revocation

acknowledgment message is being generated.

Destination Address Copied from the source address of the

received registration revocation message for

which this registration revocation

acknowledgment message is being generated.

UDP fields:

Source Port 434 (copied from the destination port of the

revocation message).

Destination Port Copied from the source port of the revocation


The UDP header is followed by the Mobile IP fields shown below:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Type Reserved I Reserved


Home Address


Revocation Identifier






Type 15


MUST be sent as 0, ignored when received.

I Inform bit.

The 'I' bit MUST NOT be set to '1' in the revocation

acknowledgment messages unless it was set to '1' in the

revocation message. If an agent receives a revocation

acknowledgment message in which the 'I' bit is set to

'1', but for which the revocation message being

acknowledged had the 'I' bit set to '0', the 'I' bit in

the revocation acknowledgment message MUST be ignored.

When sent by the home agent:

Set to '1' by the home agent to request the foreign agent

inform the mobile node of the revocation.

Set to '0' by the home agent to request the foreign agent

not inform the mobile node of the revocation.

When sent by a foreign agent:

Set to '1' to indicate to the home agent that the mobile

node was informed.

Set to '0' to indicate to the home agent that the foreign

agent used local policy to determine whether or not the

mobile node should be informed. For purposes of protocol

robustness, it is highly recommended that such a default

be set for the foreign agent to inform the mobile node of

the revocation.


MUST be sent as 0, ignored when received.

Home Address

The home address copied from the revocation message for

which this acknowledgment is being sent.

Revocation Identifier

Copied from the Revocation Identifier of the revocation

message for which this acknowledgment is being sent. See

Section 3.5.

A registration revocation acknowledgment message MUST be sent in

response to a valid and authenticated registration revocation


A registration acknowledgment message MUST be protected by either a

valid authenticator as specified in [1], namely a home-foreign

authenticator if the communication is between home and foreign

agents, or a mobile-home authenticator if the communication is

between home agent and 'direct' co-located mobile node, or another

security mechanism at least as secure and agreed upon by the home and

foreign domains, e.g., IPsec.

An example of the use of Revocation Acknowledgment Messages is given

in Appendix A.

3.5. Replay Protection

As registration revocation messages are designed to terminate service

for a mobile node, or multiple mobile nodes simultaneously, replay

protection is crucial to prevent denial of service attacks by

"malicious repeaters" - those who store datagrams with the intent of

replaying them at a later time, or by "malicious reflectors" - those

who reflect packets back at their original source (both a form of

"active" attack). See Section 6. for a discussion of these security


All Revocation Messages and Revocation Acknowledgment Messages MUST

be authenticated as well be replay-protected. The order in which

they are done, however, is up to implementation.

Replay protection is handled with a simple timestamp mechanism, using

a single 32-bit identifier field in the registration revocation

message, in conjunction with the home address field, to associate any

revocation acknowledgment messages with its revocation messages. To

do this:

- The revoking agent sets the 'A' bit to its agent-type, and the

Revocation Identifier field in the registration revocation message

to a valid 32-bit timestamp from the same clock it is using to set

the timestamp field of its revocation extensions included in

registration messages.

- Upon receipt of an authenticated revocation message, the receiving

agent (or 'direct' co-located mobile node) MUST check the value of

the 'A' bit, and Revocation Identifier to make sure this

revocation message is not a replay of an old revocation message

received from the same agent. The receiving agent MUST also check

that the message is not a reflection of a revocation message it

sent in relation to the identified binding. If the 'A' bit and

Identifier field imply this packet is a replay, the revocation

message MUST be silently discarded.

- When building a revocation acknowledgment message, the

acknowledging agent (or 'direct' co-located mobile node) copies

the values of the Home Address and Revocation Identifier fields

from the revocation message into the Home Address and the

Revocation Identifier of the revocation acknowledgment message.

This is so the revoking agent can match this revocation

acknowledgment to its corresponding revocation message.

- Upon receiving a valid revocation acknowledgment, the revoking

agent MUST check the Home Address and Identifier fields to make

sure they match those fields from a corresponding revocation

message it sent to the acknowledging agent. If not, this

revocation acknowledgment message MUST be silently discarded.

Note that since the Identifier in an incoming revocation message is a

32-bit timestamp, it is possible for an agent to check the validity

of the Identifier fields without having to remember all identifiers

sent by that corresponding agent.

Note: as it is possible for a mobile node to register at different

times with different home agents, and at different times with

different foreign agents, it is crucial that it not be required that

the Identifier fields be unique in messages from different agents as

there is no guarantee that clocks on different agents will be

synchronized. For example, if a mobile node has simultaneous

bindings with multiple foreign agents, and if revocation messages are

received by more than one such foreign agent "simultaneously", it is

possible the revocation message from one of these foreign agents may

contain Identifier fields that happen to match those of any or all

the other foreign agents. This MUST NOT result in any of these

revocation messages being ignored.

4. Registration Revocation Overview

Registration Revocation consists of two distinct pieces: a signaling

mechanism between tunnel endpoints, and a signaling mechanism between

foreign agent and mobile node. A 'direct' co-located mobile node MAY

implement revocation extensions and revocation acknowledgment in

order to receive and respond to revocation messages from its home

agent, however, a 'direct' co-located mobile node MUST NOT send a

revocation message as de-registration messages defined in [1] are

sufficient for this purpose.

For further discussion on security issues related to registration

revocation, refer to Section 6.

4.1. Mobile Node Notification

A mechanism which provides a foreign agent a way to actively notify a

mobile node that its binding has been reset already exists in [1],

though it has been overlooked for this purpose.

A brief overview of the mechanics of the sequence number in agent

advertisement from [1] is given so that the mechanism by which the

foreign agent 'implies' to the mobile node that its binding is no

longer active is clearly understood.

When a foreign agent begins sending agent advertisements, it starts

with a sequence number of 0, and [monotonically] increments the

sequence number with each subsequent agent advertisement. In order

for a mobile node to be able to distinguish between a foreign agent

that has simply exhausted the sequence number space from one which

has been reset, when the agent increments the sequence number counter

past its maximum value, it sets the sequence number to 256 instead of

rolling to 0 [1]. In this way, a mobile node would have to miss, at

that time, 256 advertisements in a row to mistake a reset as a roll-

over. Moreover, the lifetimes contained within an agent

advertisement should be set in such a way that when a mobile node

believes it has missed 3 beacons, the entry for this foreign agent

should time out, and if the mobile node is registered there, it

should send an agent solicitation [1]. If, however, an agent is

somehow reset, it will begin advertising with a sequence number of 0,

and the mobile node can presume this foreign agent has lost its

binding, and the mobile node SHOULD re-register to make sure it is

still obtaining Mobile IP services through this foreign agent.

Leveraging this mechanism, a foreign agent may consciously notify all

mobile nodes currently bound to it that it has "reset" all of their

bindings, even if the agent itself has not been reset, by simply

[re]setting the sequence number of the next agent advertisement to 0.

Moreover, a foreign agent may inform all mobile nodes currently bound

to it that they should re-register with a different foreign agent by

simultaneously setting the 'B' bit in the advertisement to 1,

indicating this foreign agent is busy and is not accepting new

registrations [1]. In these situations, any mobile node in

compliance with [1] will presume this foreign agent has lost its

binding, and must re-register if they wish to re-establish Mobile IP

functionality with their home subnet.

To indicate to any registered mobile node that its binding no longer

exists, the foreign agent with which the mobile node is registered

may unicast an agent advertisement with the sequence number set to 0

to the mobile node [1], [D]. Moreover, if such a foreign agent

wishes to indicate to the mobile node that its binding has been

revoked, and that the mobile node should not attempt to renew its

registration with it, the foreign agent MAY also set the 'B' bit to 1

in these agent advertisements, indicating it is busy, and is not

accepting new registrations [1]. All mobile nodes compliant with [1]

will understand that this means the agent is busy, and MAY either

immediately attempt to re-register with another agent in their

foreign agent cache, or MAY solicit for additional agents. In the

latter case, a foreign agent can optionally remember the mobile

node's binding was revoked, and respond to the solicit in the same

way, namely with the 'B' bit set to 1. It should be noted, though,

that since the foreign agent is likely to not be setting the 'B' bit

to 1 in its broadcasted agent advertisements (sent to the entire

link), the revoked mobile node, upon hearing this agent's multicast

agent advertisement without the 'B' bit set, may attempt to

[re]register with it. If this happens, depending on foreign domain

policy, the foreign agent can simply deny the mobile node with an

appropriate error code (e.g., "administratively prohibited"). At

this time, a mobile node can use foreign agent fallback to attempt to

register with a different foreign agent as described in [1].

Mobile nodes which understand the revocation mechanism described by

this document may understand that a unicast agent advertisement with

the sequence number reset to 0 could indicate a revocation, and may

attempt to re-register with the same foreign agent, or register with

a different foreign agent, or co-locate.

Agent Advertisements unicast to a mobile node MUST be sent as

described in [1] in addition to any methods currently in use on the

link to make them secure or authenticatable to protect from denial-

of-service attacks.

4.2. Registration Revocation Mechanism - Agent Notification

A foreign agent that is currently supporting registration revocation

on a link MUST set the 'X' bit in its Agent Advertisement Extensions

being sent on that link. This allows mobile nodes requiring

Registration Revocation services to register with those foreign

agents advertising its support.

4.2.1. Negotiation of Revocation Support

During the registration process, if the foreign agent wishes to

participate in revocation messages with the home domain, it MUST have

an existing security association with the home agent identified in

the registration request, and append a revocation support extension

(defined in Section 3.2.) to it. If the corresponding registration

reply from this home agent does not contain a revocation support

extension, the foreign agent SHOULD assume the home agent does not

understand registration revocation, or is unwilling to participate.

If this is unacceptable to the foreign agent, it MAY deny the

registration with e.g., "Administratively Prohibited". Note that in

this case, where a security association exists, as specified in [1],

both registration request and registration reply MUST still contain

home-foreign authenticators.

If a home agent wishes to be able to exchange revocation messages

with the foreign domain, it MUST have an existing security

association with the foreign agent who relayed the registration

request, and it MUST append a revocation support extension to the

registration reply. If the registration request from a foreign agent

did not contain a revocation support extension, the home agent SHOULD

assume the foreign agent does not understand registration revocation,

or is unwilling to participate specifically for this binding. If

this is unacceptable to the home agent, it MAY deny the registration

with e.g., "Administratively Prohibited". The home agent MAY include

a revocation support extension in the registration reply.

If a 'direct' co-located mobile node wishes to be informed of a

released binding by its home agent, it MUST insert a revocation

support extension into the registration request. If this is

acceptable to the home agent, it MUST include a revocation support

extension in its registration reply. Note that if this is not

acceptable, the home agent MAY deny the registration, or it MAY

simply not include a revocation support extension in its registration

reply indicating to the mobile node that it will not participate in

revocation for this binding. A home agent which receives a

registration request from a 'direct' co-located mobile node which

does not contain a revocation support extension MAY deny the

registration with e.g., "Administratively Prohibited" and also MAY or

MAY NOT include a revocation support extension in the registration


Note that a non-colocated mobile node MUST NOT insert a revocation

support extension into its registration request. If a foreign agent

receives such a registration request, it MUST silently discard it,

and MAY log it as a protocol error.

The 'I' bit in the revocation extension is used to indicate whether

or not the decision to inform the mobile node that its binding is

terminated will be left to the home agent. This functionality is

offered by the foreign agent, and accepted by the home agent. More

precisely, by sending a revocation extension attached to a

registration request in which the 'I' bit is set to 1, the foreign

agent is indicating to the home agent that it MAY leave the decision

to inform this mobile node that its registration is terminated up to

the home agent. (The term "MAY" is used here because it is

recognized that domain policy may change during the lifetime of any

registration). The home agent can acknowledge that it wishes to do

this by setting the 'I' bit to 1, or it can indicate it will not do

so by setting the 'I' bit to 0, in the revocation extension appearing

in the registration reply.

Revocation support is considered to be negotiated for a binding when

both sides have included a revocation support extension during a

successful registration exchange.

4.2.2. Home Domain Revoking/Releasing a Registration

The following section details the responsibilities of each party

depending on the functionality negotiated in the revocation support

extensions when the home domain is revoking a registration. Home Agent Responsibilities

In the case where a home agent is revoking a mobile node's binding,

and revocation support has been negotiated, the home agent MUST

notify the foreign domain address it is terminating the tunnel entry

point by sending a revocation message. Note that the foreign domain

address can either be the foreign agent care-of address, or the co-

located care-of address of a 'direct' co-located mobile node.

As a home agent, it MUST set the 'A' bit to '1', indicating this

packet is coming from the home agent servicing this binding.

When a revocation message is being sent to a foreign agent, and the

use of the 'I' bit was negotiated in the registration process, the

home agent MUST set the 'I' bit to 1 if the home agent would like the

foreign agent to inform the mobile node of the revocation.

Conversely, if the home agent does not want the mobile node notified,

it MUST set the 'I' bit to 0. Note that the home agent could also

set the 'I' bit to '0' because it knows the mobile node has

registered with a different foreign agent, and so there is no need

for the foreign agent to attempt a notification.

The home agent MUST set the Identifier field as defined in Section

3.5., and MUST include a valid authenticator as specified in Section


If the home agent does not receive a revocation acknowledgment

message within a reasonable amount of time, it MUST retransmit the

revocation message. How long the home agent waits to retransmit, and

how many times the message is retransmitted is limited by the

requirement that:

- every time the home agent is about to retransmit the revocation

message, it MUST update the value of the timestamp in the

revocation identifier with a current value from the same clock

used to generate the timestamps in the revocation extensions sent

to this foreign agent. Note that this also necessarily means

updating any fields derived using the revocation identifier (e.g.,

a home-foreign authenticator).

- the home agent MUST NOT send more than one revocation per second

for a particular binding,

- the time between retransmissions SHOULD fall-back in analogy with

the registration guidelines in [1], namely exponential bacKOFf,


- the home agent MUST NOT retransmit revocation messages beyond the

normal life of the binding identified by the revocation message. Foreign Agent Responsibilities

Upon receiving a registration revocation message, the foreign agent

MUST check that the validity of the authenticator, the 'A' bit, and

the identifier field against replay as defined by Section 3.5. The

foreign agent MUST also identify the binding described by the home

agent as being released using the information in the revocation

message, namely the addresses identified by the mobile node address,

the foreign domain address, the home domain address, as well as the

timestamp in the revocation message, and also the timestamp in the

last accepted registration message; revocations are only valid for

existing registrations, and so the timestamp of a registration MUST

precede the revocation message (note that both of those timestamps

were set by the same home agent). Upon locating the binding, the

foreign agent MUST revoke it, and MUST respond with a revocation

acknowledgment sent to the source address of the revocation message.

If the 'I' bit was negotiated, the foreign agent MUST check the value

of the 'I' bit in the revocation message and act accordingly.

If notifying the mobile node by the methods described in Section

4.1., the foreign agent MUST set the 'I' bit to '1' in the revocation

acknowledgment to be sent to the home agent, or if not notifying the

mobile node, the foreign agent MUST set the 'I' bit to '0'.

The foreign agent may discontinue all Mobile IP services by the

former binding at this time, and free up any resources that were

being used by it.

The foreign agent MUST then generate a revocation acknowledgment,

setting the Home Address and Identifier field in the revocation

acknowledgment message as described by Section 3.5., and protect it

with a valid authenticator as specified in Section 3.3. 'Direct' co-located mobile node Responsibilities

Upon receiving a revocation message, the 'direct' co-located mobile

node MUST validate the authenticator, and check the home address and

identifier specified in the revocation message for replay. If the

packet passes authentication, and the identifier reveals this

revocation to be new, the mobile node MUST verify that the

information contained in the revocation messages identifies the home

agent with which it has a current binding, that this binding

identifies correctly this mobile node and any foreign domain address

it is currently using. If the mobile node is able to identify such a

binding, the mobile node SHOULD first generate a revocation

acknowledgment message which MUST be sent to the IP source address of

the revocation message. The mobile node may then terminate any

reverse tunnel encapsulation [C] it is using to this home agent, and

consider its binding revoked, and free up any other resources

associated with the former binding.

4.2.3. Foreign Domain Revoking/Releasing a Registration

The following section details the responsibilities of each party

depending on the functionality negotiated in the revocation support

extensions when the foreign domain is revoking a registration. Note

that revocation support for a co-located mobile node registering via

a foreign agent (because the 'R' bit was set in the agent's

advertisement) is not supported. See Section 4.3.1. for details. Foreign Agent Responsibilities

If the use of the 'I' bit was negotiated, and the foreign domain

policy of informing the mobile node has not changed since the last

successful registration exchange, the foreign agent MUST NOT inform

any mobile node of its revocation at this time. Instead, the foreign

agent MUST set the 'I' bit to '1' in the revocation message, thereby

aSKINg the home agent to use the 'I' bit in the revocation

acknowledgment to indicate if it should notify the effected mobile

nodes. If the policy on the foreign domain was to not notify the

mobile node, or if it has changed since the most recent successful

registration, and the foreign agent is no longer able to use the 'I'

bit, the foreign agent MUST set the 'I' bit to '0', and follow the

policies of the foreign domain with regard to notifying the mobile


Note that the 'A' bit MUST be set to '0' to indicate that the

revocation message is coming from the foreign agent servicing this


Before transmitting the revocation message, the foreign agent MUST

set the revocation identifier as described by section 3.5., and MUST

include an authenticator as described by section 3.3.

If the foreign agent does not receive a revocation acknowledgment

message within a reasonable amount of time, it MUST retransmit the

revocation message. How long the foreign agent waits to retransmit,

and how many times the message is retransmitted is only limited by

the following specifications:

- every time the foreign agent is about to retransmit the revocation

message, it MUST update the value of the timestamp in the

revocation identifier with a current value from the same clock

used to generate the timestamps in the revocation extensions sent

to this home agent. Note that this also necessarily means

updating any fields derived using the revocation identifier (e.g.,

a home-foreign authenticator).

- MUST NOT send more than one revocation per second for a particular


- SHOULD set its retransmissions to fall-back in analogy with the

registration guidelines in [1], namely exponential backoff, and

- MUST NOT retransmit revocation messages beyond the normal life of

the binding identified by the revocation message. Home Agent Responsibilities

Upon receiving a registration revocation message, the home agent MUST

check the 'A' bit, and identifier field, as well as the

authenticator. If the packet is acceptable, the home agent MUST

locate the binding identified by the foreign agent as being released

using the information in the revocation message, namely the addresses

identified by the home address, the foreign domain address and the

home domain address fields. As revocations are only valid for

existing registrations, the timestamp of a registration MUST precede

the revocation message (note that both of those timestamps were set

by the same foreign agent). Since this binding is no longer active,

the home agent can free up any resources associated with the former

binding and discontinue all Mobile IP services for it.

Upon processing a valid registration revocation message, the home

agent MUST send a revocation acknowledgment to the IP source address

of the registration revocation message.

If use of the 'I' bit was negotiated, and the 'I' bit is set to '1'

in the revocation message, the home agent should decide if it wants

the mobile node informed of the revocation of this binding. If it

does want the mobile node informed, it MUST set the 'I' bit in the

revocation acknowledgment message to '1'. If it does not want the

mobile node informed, it MUST set the 'I' bit to '0'.

The home agent MUST set the Home Address, and Revocation Identifier

fields as described by Section 3.5., and protect the revocation

acknowledgment message with a valid authenticator as specified in

Section 3.3.

4.2.4. Mobile Node Deregistering a Registration

The cases where a mobile node is registered with its home agent,

whether it is registered directly with its home agent ('direct' co-

located mobile node), or registered via a foreign agent, and wishes

to terminate its own binding, the mobile node MUST NOT send a

revocation message, but SHOULD simply deregister the appropriate

care-of address with its home agent as described by [1].

4.3. Mobile IP Registration Bits in the Revocation Process

Several of the bits used in the registration process need special

consideration when using the revocation mechanism.

4.3.1. The 'R' Bit in Use

If the foreign agent wishes to be able to revoke a mobile node's

registration, it MUST set the 'R' bit in its agent advertisements.

(A foreign agent advertising the 'R' bit requests every mobile node,

even one that is co-located (and whose registration would otherwise

by-pass the foreign agent), to register with the foreign agent.)

However, in this case, the foreign agent SHOULD deny a registration

request as "Administratively Prohibited" from a mobile node that is

registering in a co-located fashion. The reason being that the

foreign agent will not be able to revoke the binding of a co-located

mobile node due to reasons outlined in Section 4.3.2.

How the foreign agent and/or foreign domain enforce the 'R' bit is

beyond the scope of this document.

4.3.2. The 'D' bit in Use

A mobile node registering directly with its home agent in a co-

located fashion with the 'D' bit set in its registration request is

supported in registration revocation. However, support for a co-

located mobile node (with the 'D' bit set in its registration

request) registering via a foreign agent is not supported for the

following reasons.

Registration requests where the 'D' bit is set, and which are relayed

through a foreign agent (e.g., due to the advertising of the 'R' bit)

should theoretically contain the foreign agent address as the source

address of the registration request when received by the home agent.

A home agent may conclude that the source address of this

registration request is not the same as the co-located care-of

address contained in the registration request, and is therefore

likely to be the address of the foreign agent. However, since there

is no way to guarantee that this IP source address is in fact an

address of the foreign agent servicing the mobile node, accepting a

revocation message from this IP source address may lead to a denial-

of-service attack by a man-in-the-middle on the mobile node.

Moreover, there is currently no method for the foreign agent

servicing the mobile node to identify itself to the home agent during

the Mobile IP registration phase. Even if a foreign agent could

identify itself, the co-located mobile node would also need to

authorize that this foreign agent is indeed the agent that is

providing it the Mobile IP services. This is to thwart a denial-of-

service attack on the mobile node by a foreign agent that has a

security association with the home agent, and is on the path between

the co-located mobile node and the home agent.

5. Error Codes

As the intent of a registration revocation message is not a request

to discontinue services, but is a notification that Mobile IP

services are discontinued, there are no new error codes.

6. Security Considerations

There are two potential vulnerabilities, one in the agent

advertisement mechanism, and one related to unauthorized revocation


6.1. Agent Advertisements

Although the mechanisms defined by this document do not introduce

this problem, it has been recognized that agent advertisements as

defined in [1] subject mobile nodes to a denial-of-service potential.

This is because the agent advertisement as defined in [1] may be

spoofed by other machines residing on the link. This makes it

possible for such nodes to trick the mobile node into believing its

registration has been revoked either by unicasting an advertisement

with a reset sequence number to the link-local address of the mobile

node, or by broadcasting it to the subnet, thereby tricking all

mobile nodes registered with a particular foreign agent into

believing all their registrations have been lost.

There has been some work in this working group and others (e.g.,

IPsec) to secure such router advertisements, though at the time of

this publication, no solutions have become common practice. To help

circumvent possible denial of service issues here, bringing their

potential for disruption to a minimum, mobile node implementors

should ensure that any agent advertisement which doesn't conform to a

strict adherence to [1], specifically those whose TTL is not 1, or

which do not emanate from the same link-address (when present) as

other agent advertisements supposedly from the same agent, or even

that of the last successful registration reply, be silently


6.2. Revocation Messages

As registration revocation, when performed, terminates Mobile IP

services being provided to the mobile node, it is crucial that all

security and replay protection mechanisms be verified before a

mobility agent believes that the other agent has revoked a binding.

Messages which are sent link-local (e.g., between mobile node and

foreign agent) MAY also be secured by methods outlined in [1], namely

the use of mobile-foreign authenticators, but these have no direct

relation to registration revocation.

RFC3344 [1] defines a security mechanism that MUST be used between

home agents and mobile nodes, and MAY used between home agents and

foreign agents, namely the use of authenticators. All foreign and

home agents MUST support protection of revocation messages via the

foreign-home authenticators defined in [1]. They MAY implement other

mechanisms of equal or greater strength; if such mechanisms are known

to be available to both parties, they MAY be used instead.

Revocation messages are at least as secure as registration messages

passed between home and foreign agents and containing home-foreign

authenticators as defined in [1]. Thus, there are no new security

threats introduced by the revocation mechanism other than those

present in [1] with respect to the compromise of the shared secret

which is used to generate the home-foreign authenticators.

That said, there are two types of active attacks which use messages

captured "in flight" by a man-in-the-middle between the home and

foreign agents - "malicious repeaters" and "malicious reflectors".

In the case of a "malicious repeater", a man-in-the-middle captures a

revocation message, then replays it to the same IP destination

address at a later time. Presuming the authenticator of the original

packet was deemed valid, without replay protection, the home-foreign

authenticator of the replayed packet will (again) pass

authentication. Note that since datagrams are not guaranteed to

arrive unduplicated, a replay may occur by "design".

In the case of a "malicious reflector," a man-in-the-middle captures

a revocation message, then returns it to its originator at a later

time. If the security association between home and foreign domains

uses a security association involving a (single) shared secret which

only protects the contents of the UDP portion of the packet (such as

home-foreign authenticators as defined by [1]), without replay

protection, the sender of the packet will also believe the revocation

message to be authentic.

The replay protection mechanism used by the revocation messages

defined by this document is designed to protect against both of these

active attacks. As a benefit, by using a 32-bit timestamp it can be

more quickly determined if revocation messages are replays, though

the reader is advised to use caution in this approach. An agent

which receives an authenticated revocation message can compare the

Identifier field to that of a previously received revocation message,

and if the timestamp in the new message is found to have been

generated after that of the time-stamp in the last revocation message

received, it can immediately be determined as not being a replay.

Note however that since datagrams are not guaranteed to arrive in

order, it should not be presumed that because the values contained in

an Identifier field are timestamps that they will necessarily be

increasing with each successive revocation message received. Should

an implementor decide to base his replay detection mechanism on

increasing timestamps, and therefore increasing Identifier values, a

suitable time window should be defined in which revocation messages

can be received. At worst, ignoring any revocation message should

result in the retransmission of another revocation message, this time

with timestamp later than the last one received.

Note that any registration request or reply can be replayed. With

the exchanging of time-stamps by agents in revocation extensions, an

agent should have a belief that such messages have been delivered in

a timely manner. For purposes of registration revocation, the

timeliness of a registration packet is simply based on the

granularity of each registration. Since [1] provides a replay

mechanism for the home agent to use, it has a way to tell if the

registration request being presented to it is new. The foreign

agent, however, has no such mechanism in place with the mobile node.

Foreign agents are advised to continue to consider registrations

'outstanding' until the associated registration reply is returned

from the home agent before using the information in any of its

visitor entries. Even so, this leaves the foreign agent open to a

potential denial of service attack in which registration requests and

replies are replayed by multiple nodes. When this happens, the

foreign agent could be lead to believe such registrations are active,

but with old information, which can have adverse effects on them, as

well as to the ability of that agent to successfully use the

procedures outlined in this document. Sufficient protection against

this scenario is offered by the challenge-response mechanism [2] by

which a foreign agent generates a live challenge to a mobile node for

the purposes of making sure, among other things, that the

registration request is not a replay.

7. IANA Considerations

This document defines an additional set of messages between the home

and foreign agent specific to the services being provided to the same

mobile node, or sub-set of mobile nodes. To ensure correct

interoperation based on this specification, IANA has reserved values

in the Mobile IP number space for two new message types, and a single

new extension.

7.1. New Message Types

The following message types are introduced by this specification:

Registration Revocation: A new Mobile IP control message, using UDP

port 434, type 7. This value has been taken from the same number

space as Mobile IP Registration Request (Type = 1), and Mobile IP

Registration Reply (Type = 3).

Registration Revocation Acknowledgment: A new Mobile IP control

message, using UDP port 434, type 15. This value has been taken from

the same number space as Mobile IP Registration Request (Type = 1),

and Mobile IP Registration Reply (Type = 3).

7.2. New Extension Values

The following extensions are introduced by this specification:

Revocation Support Extension: A new Mobile IP Extension, appended to

a Registration Request, or Registration Reply. The value assigned is

137. This extension is derived from the Extension number space. It

MUST be in the 'skippable' (128 - 255) range as defined in RFC3344.

7.3. New Error Codes

There are no new Mobile IP error codes introduced by this document.

8. References

8.1. Normative References (Numerical)

[1] Perkins, C., Ed., "IP Mobility Support for IPv4", RFC3344,

August 2002.

[2] Perkins, C. and P. Calhoun, "Mobile IPv4 Challenge/Response

Extensions", RFC3012, November 2000.

[3] Bradner, S., "Key Words for us in RFCs to Indicate Requirement

Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119, March 1997.

8.2. Informational References (Alphabetical)

[A] Glass, S., Hiller, T., Jacobs, S. and C. Perkins, "Mobile IP

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Requirements", RFC

2977, October 2000.

[B] Aboba, B., Calhoun, P., Glass, S., Hiller, T., McCann, P.,

Shiino, H., Walsh, P., Zorn, G., Dommety, G., Perkins, C., Patil,

B., Mitton, D., Manning, S., Beadles, M., Chen, X., Sivalingham,

S., Hameed, A., Munson, M., Jacobs, S., Lim, B., Hirschman, B.,

Hsu, R., Koo, H., Lipford, M., Campbell, E., Xu, Y., Baba, S. and

E. Jaques, "Criteria for Evaluating AAA Protocols for Network

Access", RFC2989, November 2000.

[C] Montenegro, G., Ed., "Reverse Tunneling for Mobile IP, revised",

RFC3024, January 2001.

[D] Deering, S., Ed., "ICMP Router Discovery Messages", RFC1256,

September 1991.

[E] Calhoun, P. and C. Perkins, "Mobile IP Network Access Identifier

Extension for IPv4", RFC2794, March 2000.

Appendix A: An Example of the Revocation Messages in Use

For clarity, the following example is meant to illustrate the use of

the new messages in the registration phase, and the revocation phase.

In this example, a foreign agent and home agent will negotiate

revocation during the registration phase. During the revocation

phase, the foreign agent will revoke the binding of a mobile node.

A.1. The Registration Phase

Consider a foreign agent that supports registration revocation, and

has a security association with a home agent to which it is

forwarding a registration request. The foreign agent will include

the revocation support extension after the mobile-home authenticator.

Assume that the foreign agent supports the use of the 'I' bit, and is

willing to let the home agent decide if the mobile node should be

informed of the revocation of its registration. Thus, the foreign

agent will set the 'I' bit to '1'. The foreign agent will append a

foreign-home authenticator to the registration request.

Upon receiving the registration request containing a revocation

extension, the home agent will include a revocation support extension

in the registration reply. Since the foreign agent set the 'I' bit

to '1' in its revocation extension, and the home agent supports the

use of the 'I' bit, the home agent will set the 'I' bit in its

registration extension to '1'. Additionally, the home agent will

append a home-foreign authenticator to the registration request.

Upon receiving the authenticated registration reply, the foreign

agent will check the revocation support extension and note that the

home agent wants to decide if the mobile node should be notified in

the event this registration is revoked, i.e., since the home agent

set the 'I' bit in the return revocation extension.

A.2. The Revocation Phase

The foreign agent revokes a mobile node's binding, and generates a

revocation message to be sent to the mobile node's home agent. Since

the 'I' bit was negotiated in the revocation extensions, and the

foreign agent is still willing to let the home agent indicate whether

this mobile node should be informed about the revocation, it will set

the 'I' bit to '1' in the revocation message. The foreign agent also

makes sure the 'A' bit is set to '0'.

The foreign agent will also place the address of the mobile node

whose registration it wishes to revoke in the home address field, the

address that the mobile node registered as the care-of address in the

foreign domain field, and the address registered as the home agent in

the home domain address field. The foreign agent will set the

Revocation Identifier to the current 32-bit timestamp, and append the

foreign-home authenticator.

Upon receiving the above revocation message, the home agent uses the

address identified as the foreign domain address to identify the

security association, and authenticate the revocation message. After

authenticating the message, the home agent will check to make sure

the 'A' bit and Identifier indicate that this revocation is not a

replay. The home agent then uses the mobile node home address,

foreign domain address, and home domain address to locate the mobile

node whose registration is being revoked.

Upon processing a valid registration revocation message, the home

agent generates a revocation acknowledgment message. Since the 'I'

bit was set to '1' in the revocation message and the home agent

wishes for the identified mobile node to be informed of the

revocation, it will set the 'I' bit in the revocation acknowledgment

to '1'. The home agent then copies the home address and the

Revocation Identifier field into the revocation acknowledgement. The

home agent protects the revocation acknowledgment with a home-foreign


Upon receiving a valid revocation acknowledgment (in which the

authenticator and Identifier fields are acceptable), the foreign

agent checks the state of the 'I' bit. Since the 'I' bit is set to

'1', the foreign agent will notify the mobile node of the revocation.

Appendix B: Disparate Address, and Receiver Considerations

Since the registration revocation message comes from a source address

that is topologically routable from the interface receiving the

datagram, the agents, by definition, are topologically connected (if

this were not the case, the initial registration mechanism would have

failed). If either are the ultimate hop from this topologically

connected region to one or more disparate address spaces, no problems

are foreseen. In order for the mobile node to have successfully

registered with its home agent, it MUST have provided to the network

(foreign agent) to which it is currently attached a routable address

of its home agent. Conversely, the care-of address being used by the

mobile node must also be topologically significant to the home agent

in order for the registration reply to have been received, and the

tunnel initiated. By definition, then, the home agent address and

the care-of address must each be significant, and either address must

form a unique pair in the context of this mobile node to both agents.

Another way of understanding this is that the tunnel endpoints are in

some way connected, and hence each are unique as far as the other end

is concerned. The address at the other end of the tunnel, in

combination with the address of the mobile node, must therefore form

a unique pair that can be identified by the agent receiving the

registration revocation message.

As an example, consider a mobile node who's home address lies in

disparate address space A behind its home agent. In the following

diagram, [*] indicates an interface of the entity in which it



Address Some topologically Address

Space C connected network Space A

We presume a binding for MN exists, and hence a tunnel between FA[b]

and HA[b] exists. Then, since the address assigned to MN[a] MUST be

unique in address space A, the pair {FA[b],MN[a]} is guaranteed to be

unique in the binding table of HA, and the pair {HA[b],MN[a]} is

guaranteed to be unique in the foreign agent's visitor list.

As a result, a home agent receiving a registration revocation message

and foreign-home authenticator for MN[a] from FA[b] is able to

determine the unique mobile node address being deregistered.

Conversely a foreign agent receiving a registration revocation

message and home-foreign authenticator for MN[a] from HA[b] is able

to determine the exact mobile node address being deregistered. For

this reason, if a foreign agent receives a registration revocation

message with the home domain field set to the zero address it MUST be

silently discarded. This is to prevent confusion in the case of

overlapping private addresses; when multiple mobile nodes are

registered via the same care-of address and coincidentally using the

same (disparate/private) home address, the home agent address

appearing in the home domain field is the only way a foreign agent

can discern the difference between these mobile nodes.


The authors would like to thank Rajesh Bhalla, Kent Leung, and Alpesh

Patel for their contributions to the concepts detailed in

draft-subbarao-mobileip-resource-00.txt, "Releasing Resources in

Mobile IP," from which the revocation support extension, and the

acknowledgment mechanism contained in this document were derived.

The authors would also like to thank Pete McCann for his discussions

on replay mechanisms, and security concerns, and Ahmad Muhanna for

pointing out a problem with the initial replay mechanism, which

eventually lead to the addition of a time stamp to the Revocation


The authors would also like to acknowledge Henrik Levkowetz for his

detailed review of the document, and Michael Thomas for his review of

the replay mechanism described herein.

Authors' Addresses

Steven M. Glass

Solaris Network Technologies

Sun Microsystems

1 Network Drive

Burlington, MA. 01801

Phone: +1.781.442.0000

Fax: +1.781.442.1706

EMail: steven.glass@sun.com

Madhavi W. Chandra

IOS Technologies Division

Cisco Systems

7025 Kit Creek Road

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Phone: +1.919.392.8387

EMail: mchandra@cisco.com

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

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Funding for the RFCEditor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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