
RFC3530 - Network File System (NFS) version 4 Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group S. Shepler

Request for Comments: 3530 B. Callaghan

Obsoletes: 3010 D. Robinson

Category: Standards Track R. Thurlow

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

C. Beame

Hummingbird Ltd.

M. Eisler

D. Noveck

Network Appliance, Inc.

April 2003

Network File System (NFS) version 4 Protocol

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


The Network File System (NFS) version 4 is a distributed filesystem

protocol which owes heritage to NFS protocol version 2, RFC1094, and

version 3, RFC1813. Unlike earlier versions, the NFS version 4

protocol supports traditional file Access while integrating support

for file locking and the mount protocol. In addition, support for

strong security (and its negotiation), compound operations, client

caching, and internationalization have been added. Of course,

attention has been applied to making NFS version 4 operate well in an

Internet environment.

This document replaces RFC3010 as the definition of the NFS version

4 protocol.

Key Words

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",


document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.1. Changes since RFC3010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.2. NFS version 4 Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.3. Inconsistencies of this Document with Section 18 . . 9

1.4. Overview of NFS version 4 Features . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4.1. RPC and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4.2. Procedure and Operation Structure. . . . . . 10

1.4.3. Filesystem Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Filehandle Types . . . . . . . . . 11 Attribute Types. . . . . . . . . . 12 Filesystem Replication and

Migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.4.4. OPEN and CLOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.4.5. File locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.4.6. Client Caching and Delegation. . . . . . . . 13

1.5. General Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2. Protocol Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.1. Basic Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.2. Structured Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3. RPC and Security Flavor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1. Ports and Transports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1.1. Client Retransmission Behavior . . . . . . . 24

3.2. Security Flavors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.1. Security mechanisms for NFS version 4. . . . 25 Kerberos V5 as a security triple . 25 LIPKEY as a security triple. . . . 26 SPKM-3 as a security triple. . . . 27

3.3. Security Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.3.1. SECINFO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.3.2. Security Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.4. Callback RPC Authentication. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4. Filehandles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.1. OBTaining the First Filehandle . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.1.1. Root Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.1.2. Public Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.2. Filehandle Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.2.1. General Properties of a Filehandle . . . . . 32

4.2.2. Persistent Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.2.3. Volatile Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.2.4. One Method of Constructing a

Volatile Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.3. Client Recovery from Filehandle EXPiration . . . . . 35

5. File Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5.1. Mandatory Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5.2. Recommended Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5.3. Named Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5.4. Classification of Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.5. Mandatory Attributes - Definitions . . . . . . . . . 39

5.6. Recommended Attributes - Definitions . . . . . . . . 41

5.7. Time Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5.8. Interpreting owner and owner_group . . . . . . . . . 47

5.9. Character Case Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5.10. Quota Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5.11. Access Control Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.11.1. ACE type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.11.2. ACE Access Mask. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.11.3. ACE flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5.11.4. ACE who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

5.11.5. Mode Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.11.6. Mode and ACL Attribute . . . . . . . . . . 57

5.11.7. mounted_on_fileid. . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

6. Filesystem Migration and Replication . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6.1. Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6.2. Migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

6.3. Interpretation of the fs_locations Attribute . . . . 60

6.4. Filehandle Recovery for Migration or Replication . . 61

7. NFS Server Name Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

7.1. Server Exports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

7.2. Browsing Exports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

7.3. Server Pseudo Filesystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

7.4. Multiple Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

7.5. Filehandle Volatility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

7.6. Exported Root. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

7.7. Mount Point Crossing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

7.8. Security Policy and Name Space Presentation. . . . . 64

8. File Locking and Share Reservations. . . . . . . . . . . . 65

8.1. Locking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

8.1.1. Client ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

8.1.2. Server Release of Clientid . . . . . . . . 69

8.1.3. lock_owner and stateid Definition. . . . . 69

8.1.4. Use of the stateid and Locking . . . . . . 71

8.1.5. Sequencing of Lock Requests. . . . . . . . 73

8.1.6. Recovery from Replayed Requests. . . . . . 74

8.1.7. Releasing lock_owner State . . . . . . . . 74

8.1.8. Use of Open Confirmation . . . . . . . . . 75

8.2. Lock Ranges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

8.3. Upgrading and Downgrading Locks. . . . . . . . . . . 76

8.4. Blocking Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

8.5. Lease Renewal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

8.6. Crash Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

8.6.1. Client Failure and Recovery. . . . . . . . 79

8.6.2. Server Failure and Recovery. . . . . . . . 79

8.6.3. Network Partitions and Recovery. . . . . . 81

8.7. Recovery from a Lock Request Timeout or Abort . . . 85

8.8. Server Revocation of Locks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

8.9. Share Reservations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

8.10. OPEN/CLOSE Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

8.10.1. Close and Retention of State

Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

8.11. Open Upgrade and Downgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

8.12. Short and Long Leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

8.13. Clocks, Propagation Delay, and Calculating Lease

Expiration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

8.14. Migration, Replication and State. . . . . . . . . . 90

8.14.1. Migration and State. . . . . . . . . . . . 90

8.14.2. Replication and State. . . . . . . . . . . 91

8.14.3. Notification of Migrated Lease . . . . . . 92

8.14.4. Migration and the Lease_time Attribute . . 92

9. Client-Side Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

9.1. Performance Challenges for Client-Side Caching. . . 93

9.2. Delegation and Callbacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

9.2.1. Delegation Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

9.3. Data Caching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

9.3.1. Data Caching and OPENs . . . . . . . . . . 98

9.3.2. Data Caching and File Locking. . . . . . . 99

9.3.3. Data Caching and Mandatory File Locking. . 101

9.3.4. Data Caching and File Identity . . . . . . 101

9.4. Open Delegation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

9.4.1. Open Delegation and Data Caching . . . . . 104

9.4.2. Open Delegation and File Locks . . . . . . 106

9.4.3. Handling of CB_GETATTR . . . . . . . . . . 106

9.4.4. Recall of Open Delegation. . . . . . . . . 109

9.4.5. Clients that Fail to Honor

Delegation Recalls . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

9.4.6. Delegation Revocation. . . . . . . . . . . 112

9.5. Data Caching and Revocation . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

9.5.1. Revocation Recovery for Write Open

Delegation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

9.6. Attribute Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

9.7. Data and Metadata Caching and Memory Mapped Files . 115

9.8. Name Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

9.9. Directory Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

10. Minor Versioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

11. Internationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

11.1. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cs type. . . . . 123

11.1.1. Intended applicability of the

nfs4_cs_prep profile . . . . . . . . . . . 123

11.1.2. Character repertoire of nfs4_cs_prep . . . 124

11.1.3. Mapping used by nfs4_cs_prep . . . . . . . 124

11.1.4. Normalization used by nfs4_cs_prep . . . . 124

11.1.5. Prohibited output for nfs4_cs_prep . . . . 125

11.1.6. Bidirectional output for nfs4_cs_prep. . . 125

11.2. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cis type . . . . 125

11.2.1. Intended applicability of the

nfs4_cis_prep profile. . . . . . . . . . . 125

11.2.2. Character repertoire of nfs4_cis_prep . . 125

11.2.3. Mapping used by nfs4_cis_prep . . . . . . 125

11.2.4. Normalization used by nfs4_cis_prep . . . 125

11.2.5. Prohibited output for nfs4_cis_prep . . . 126

11.2.6. Bidirectional output for nfs4_cis_prep . . 126

11.3. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_mixed type . . . 126

11.3.1. Intended applicability of the

nfs4_mixed_prep profile. . . . . . . . . . 126

11.3.2. Character repertoire of nfs4_mixed_prep . 126

11.3.3. Mapping used by nfs4_cis_prep . . . . . . 126

11.3.4. Normalization used by nfs4_mixed_prep . . 127

11.3.5. Prohibited output for nfs4_mixed_prep . . 127

11.3.6. Bidirectional output for nfs4_mixed_prep . 127

11.4. UTF-8 Related Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

12. Error Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

13. NFS version 4 Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

13.1. Compound Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

13.2. Evaluation of a Compound Request. . . . . . . . . . 135

13.3. Synchronous Modifying Operations. . . . . . . . . . 136

13.4. Operation Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

14. NFS version 4 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

14.1. Procedure 0: NULL - No Operation. . . . . . . . . . 136

14.2. Procedure 1: COMPOUND - Compound Operations . . . . 137

14.2.1. Operation 3: ACCESS - Check Access

Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

14.2.2. Operation 4: CLOSE - Close File . . . . . 142

14.2.3. Operation 5: COMMIT - Commit

Cached Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

14.2.4. Operation 6: CREATE - Create a

Non-Regular File Object . . . . . . . . . 147

14.2.5. Operation 7: DELEGPURGE -

Purge Delegations Awaiting Recovery . . . 150

14.2.6. Operation 8: DELEGRETURN - Return

Delegation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

14.2.7. Operation 9: GETATTR - Get Attributes . . 152

14.2.8. Operation 10: GETFH - Get Current

Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

14.2.9. Operation 11: LINK - Create Link to a

File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

14.2.10. Operation 12: LOCK - Create Lock . . . . 156

14.2.11. Operation 13: LOCKT - Test For Lock . . . 160

14.2.12. Operation 14: LOCKU - Unlock File . . . . 162

14.2.13. Operation 15: LOOKUP - Lookup Filename. . 163

14.2.14. Operation 16: LOOKUPP - Lookup

Parent Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

14.2.15. Operation 17: NVERIFY - Verify

Difference in Attributes . . . . . . . . 166

14.2.16. Operation 18: OPEN - Open a Regular

File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

14.2.17. Operation 19: OPENATTR - Open Named

Attribute Directory . . . . . . . . . . . 178

14.2.18. Operation 20: OPEN_CONFIRM -

Confirm Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

14.2.19. Operation 21: OPEN_DOWNGRADE -

Reduce Open File Access . . . . . . . . . 182

14.2.20. Operation 22: PUTFH - Set

Current Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . 184

14.2.21. Operation 23: PUTPUBFH -

Set Public Filehandle . . . . . . . . . . 185

14.2.22. Operation 24: PUTROOTFH -

Set Root Filehandle . . . . . . . . . . . 186

14.2.23. Operation 25: READ - Read from File . . . 187

14.2.24. Operation 26: READDIR -

Read Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

14.2.25. Operation 27: READLINK -

Read Symbolic Link. . . . . . . . . . . . 193

14.2.26. Operation 28: REMOVE -

Remove Filesystem Object. . . . . . . . . 195

14.2.27. Operation 29: RENAME -

Rename Directory Entry. . . . . . . . . . 197

14.2.28. Operation 30: RENEW - Renew a Lease . . . 200

14.2.29. Operation 31: RESTOREFH -

Restore Saved Filehandle. . . . . . . . . 201

14.2.30. Operation 32: SAVEFH - Save

Current Filehandle. . . . . . . . . . . . 202

14.2.31. Operation 33: SECINFO - Obtain

Available Security. . . . . . . . . . . . 203

14.2.32. Operation 34: SETATTR - Set Attributes. . 206

14.2.33. Operation 35: SETCLIENTID -

Negotiate Clientid. . . . . . . . . . . . 209

14.2.34. Operation 36: SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM -

Confirm Clientid. . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

14.2.35. Operation 37: VERIFY -

Verify Same Attributes. . . . . . . . . . 217

14.2.36. Operation 38: WRITE - Write to File . . . 218

14.2.37. Operation 39: RELEASE_LOCKOWNER -

Release Lockowner State . . . . . . . . . 223

14.2.38. Operation 10044: ILLEGAL -

Illegal operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

15. NFS version 4 Callback Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

15.1. Procedure 0: CB_NULL - No Operation . . . . . . . . 225

15.2. Procedure 1: CB_COMPOUND - Compound

Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

15.2.1. Operation 3: CB_GETATTR - Get

Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

15.2.2. Operation 4: CB_RECALL -

Recall an Open Delegation. . . . . . . . . 229

15.2.3. Operation 10044: CB_ILLEGAL -

Illegal Callback Operation . . . . . . . . 230

16. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

17. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

17.1. Named Attribute Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

17.2. ONC RPC Network Identifiers (netids). . . . . . . . 232

18. RPC definition file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

19. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

20. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

21. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

22. Authors' Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

22.1. Editor's Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

22.2. Authors' Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

23. Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

1. Introduction

1.1. Changes since RFC3010

This definition of the NFS version 4 protocol replaces or obsoletes

the definition present in [RFC3010]. While portions of the two

documents have remained the same, there have been substantive changes

in others. The changes made between [RFC3010] and this document

represent implementation experience and further review of the

protocol. While some modifications were made for ease of

implementation or clarification, most updates represent errors or

situations where the [RFC3010] definition were untenable.

The following list is not all inclusive of all changes but presents

some of the most notable changes or additions made:

o The state model has added an open_owner4 identifier. This was

done to accommodate Posix based clients and the model they use for

file locking. For Posix clients, an open_owner4 would correspond

to a file descriptor potentially shared amongst a set of processes

and the lock_owner4 identifier would correspond to a process that

is locking a file.

o Clarifications and error conditions were added for the handling of

the owner and group attributes. Since these attributes are string

based (as opposed to the numeric uid/gid of previous versions of

NFS), translations may not be available and hence the changes


o Clarifications for the ACL and mode attributes to address

evaluation and partial support.

o For identifiers that are defined as XDR opaque, limits were set on

their size.

o Added the mounted_on_filed attribute to allow Posix clients to

correctly construct local mounts.

o Modified the SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM operations to deal

correctly with confirmation details along with adding the ability

to specify new client callback information. Also added

clarification of the callback information itself.

o Added a new operation LOCKOWNER_RELEASE to enable notifying the

server that a lock_owner4 will no longer be used by the client.

o RENEW operation changes to identify the client correctly and allow

for additional error returns.

o Verify error return possibilities for all operations.

o Remove use of the pathname4 data type from LOOKUP and OPEN in

favor of having the client construct a sequence of LOOKUP

operations to achieive the same effect.

o Clarification of the internationalization issues and adoption of

the new stringprep profile framework.

1.2. NFS Version 4 Goals

The NFS version 4 protocol is a further revision of the NFS protocol

defined already by versions 2 [RFC1094] and 3 [RFC1813]. It retains

the essential characteristics of previous versions: design for easy

recovery, independent of transport protocols, operating systems and

filesystems, simplicity, and good performance. The NFS version 4

revision has the following goals:

o Improved access and good performance on the Internet.

The protocol is designed to transit firewalls easily, perform well

where latency is high and bandwidth is low, and scale to very

large numbers of clients per server.

o Strong security with negotiation built into the protocol.

The protocol builds on the work of the ONCRPC working group in

supporting the RPCSEC_GSS protocol. Additionally, the NFS version

4 protocol provides a mechanism to allow clients and servers the

ability to negotiate security and require clients and servers to

support a minimal set of security schemes.

o Good cross-platform interoperability.

The protocol features a filesystem model that provides a useful,

common set of features that does not unduly favor one filesystem

or operating system over another.

o Designed for protocol extensions.

The protocol is designed to accept standard extensions that do not

compromise backward compatibility.

1.3. Inconsistencies of this Document with Section 18

Section 18, RPC Definition File, contains the definitions in XDR

description language of the constructs used by the protocol. Prior

to Section 18, several of the constructs are reproduced for purposes

of explanation. The reader is warned of the possibility of errors in

the reproduced constructs outside of Section 18. For any part of the

document that is inconsistent with Section 18, Section 18 is to be

considered authoritative.

1.4. Overview of NFS version 4 Features

To provide a reasonable context for the reader, the major features of

NFS version 4 protocol will be reviewed in brief. This will be done

to provide an appropriate context for both the reader who is familiar

with the previous versions of the NFS protocol and the reader that is

new to the NFS protocols. For the reader new to the NFS protocols,

there is still a fundamental knowledge that is expected. The reader

should be familiar with the XDR and RPC protocols as described in

[RFC1831] and [RFC1832]. A basic knowledge of filesystems and

distributed filesystems is expected as well.

1.4.1. RPC and Security

As with previous versions of NFS, the External Data Representation

(XDR) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanisms used for the NFS

version 4 protocol are those defined in [RFC1831] and [RFC1832]. To

meet end to end security requirements, the RPCSEC_GSS framework

[RFC2203] will be used to extend the basic RPC security. With the

use of RPCSEC_GSS, various mechanisms can be provided to offer

authentication, integrity, and privacy to the NFS version 4 protocol.

Kerberos V5 will be used as described in [RFC1964] to provide one

security framework. The LIPKEY GSS-API mechanism described in

[RFC2847] will be used to provide for the use of user password and

server public key by the NFS version 4 protocol. With the use of

RPCSEC_GSS, other mechanisms may also be specified and used for NFS

version 4 security.

To enable in-band security negotiation, the NFS version 4 protocol

has added a new operation which provides the client a method of

querying the server about its policies regarding which security

mechanisms must be used for access to the server's filesystem

resources. With this, the client can securely match the security

mechanism that meets the policies specified at both the client and


1.4.2. Procedure and Operation Structure

A significant departure from the previous versions of the NFS

protocol is the introduction of the COMPOUND procedure. For the NFS

version 4 protocol, there are two RPC procedures, NULL and COMPOUND.

The COMPOUND procedure is defined in terms of operations and these

operations correspond more closely to the traditional NFS procedures.

With the use of the COMPOUND procedure, the client is able to build

simple or complex requests. These COMPOUND requests allow for a

reduction in the number of RPCs needed for logical filesystem

operations. For example, without previous contact with a server a

client will be able to read data from a file in one request by

combining LOOKUP, OPEN, and READ operations in a single COMPOUND RPC.

With previous versions of the NFS protocol, this type of single

request was not possible.

The model used for COMPOUND is very simple. There is no logical OR

or ANDing of operations. The operations combined within a COMPOUND

request are evaluated in order by the server. Once an operation

returns a failing result, the evaluation ends and the results of all

evaluated operations are returned to the client.

The NFS version 4 protocol continues to have the client refer to a

file or directory at the server by a "filehandle". The COMPOUND

procedure has a method of passing a filehandle from one operation to

another within the sequence of operations. There is a concept of a

"current filehandle" and "saved filehandle". Most operations use the

"current filehandle" as the filesystem object to operate upon. The

"saved filehandle" is used as temporary filehandle storage within a

COMPOUND procedure as well as an additional operand for certain


1.4.3. Filesystem Model

The general filesystem model used for the NFS version 4 protocol is

the same as previous versions. The server filesystem is hierarchical

with the regular files contained within being treated as opaque byte

streams. In a slight departure, file and directory names are encoded

with UTF-8 to deal with the basics of internationalization.

The NFS version 4 protocol does not require a separate protocol to

provide for the initial mapping between path name and filehandle.

Instead of using the older MOUNT protocol for this mapping, the

server provides a ROOT filehandle that represents the logical root or

top of the filesystem tree provided by the server. The server

provides multiple filesystems by gluing them together with pseudo

filesystems. These pseudo filesystems provide for potential gaps in

the path names between real filesystems. Filehandle Types

In previous versions of the NFS protocol, the filehandle provided by

the server was guaranteed to be valid or persistent for the lifetime

of the filesystem object to which it referred. For some server

implementations, this persistence requirement has been difficult to

meet. For the NFS version 4 protocol, this requirement has been

relaxed by introducing another type of filehandle, volatile. With

persistent and volatile filehandle types, the server implementation

can match the abilities of the filesystem at the server along with

the operating environment. The client will have knowledge of the

type of filehandle being provided by the server and can be prepared

to deal with the semantics of each. Attribute Types

The NFS version 4 protocol introduces three classes of filesystem or

file attributes. Like the additional filehandle type, the

classification of file attributes has been done to ease server

implementations along with extending the overall functionality of the

NFS protocol. This attribute model is structured to be extensible

such that new attributes can be introduced in minor revisions of the

protocol without requiring significant rework.

The three classifications are: mandatory, recommended and named

attributes. This is a significant departure from the previous

attribute model used in the NFS protocol. Previously, the attributes

for the filesystem and file objects were a fixed set of mainly UNIX

attributes. If the server or client did not support a particular

attribute, it would have to simulate the attribute the best it could.

Mandatory attributes are the minimal set of file or filesystem

attributes that must be provided by the server and must be properly

represented by the server. Recommended attributes represent

different filesystem types and operating environments. The

recommended attributes will allow for better interoperability and the

inclusion of more operating environments. The mandatory and

recommended attribute sets are traditional file or filesystem

attributes. The third type of attribute is the named attribute. A

named attribute is an opaque byte stream that is associated with a

directory or file and referred to by a string name. Named attributes

are meant to be used by client applications as a method to associate

application specific data with a regular file or directory.

One significant addition to the recommended set of file attributes is

the Access Control List (ACL) attribute. This attribute provides for

directory and file access control beyond the model used in previous

versions of the NFS protocol. The ACL definition allows for

specification of user and group level access control. Filesystem Replication and Migration

With the use of a special file attribute, the ability to migrate or

replicate server filesystems is enabled within the protocol. The

filesystem locations attribute provides a method for the client to

probe the server about the location of a filesystem. In the event of

a migration of a filesystem, the client will receive an error when

operating on the filesystem and it can then query as to the new file

system location. Similar steps are used for replication, the client

is able to query the server for the multiple available locations of a

particular filesystem. From this information, the client can use its

own policies to access the appropriate filesystem location.

1.4.4. OPEN and CLOSE

The NFS version 4 protocol introduces OPEN and CLOSE operations. The

OPEN operation provides a single point where file lookup, creation,

and share semantics can be combined. The CLOSE operation also

provides for the release of state accumulated by OPEN.

1.4.5. File locking

With the NFS version 4 protocol, the support for byte range file

locking is part of the NFS protocol. The file locking support is

structured so that an RPC callback mechanism is not required. This

is a departure from the previous versions of the NFS file locking

protocol, Network Lock Manager (NLM). The state associated with file

locks is maintained at the server under a lease-based model. The

server defines a single lease period for all state held by a NFS

client. If the client does not renew its lease within the defined

period, all state associated with the client's lease may be released

by the server. The client may renew its lease with use of the RENEW

operation or implicitly by use of other operations (primarily READ).

1.4.6. Client Caching and Delegation

The file, attribute, and directory caching for the NFS version 4

protocol is similar to previous versions. Attributes and directory

information are cached for a duration determined by the client. At

the end of a predefined timeout, the client will query the server to

see if the related filesystem object has been updated.

For file data, the client checks its cache validity when the file is

opened. A query is sent to the server to determine if the file has

been changed. Based on this information, the client determines if

the data cache for the file should kept or released. Also, when the

file is closed, any modified data is written to the server.

If an application wants to serialize access to file data, file

locking of the file data ranges in question should be used.

The major addition to NFS version 4 in the area of caching is the

ability of the server to delegate certain responsibilities to the

client. When the server grants a delegation for a file to a client,

the client is guaranteed certain semantics with respect to the

sharing of that file with other clients. At OPEN, the server may

provide the client either a read or write delegation for the file.

If the client is granted a read delegation, it is assured that no

other client has the ability to write to the file for the duration of

the delegation. If the client is granted a write delegation, the

client is assured that no other client has read or write access to

the file.

Delegations can be recalled by the server. If another client

requests access to the file in such a way that the access conflicts

with the granted delegation, the server is able to notify the initial

client and recall the delegation. This requires that a callback path

exist between the server and client. If this callback path does not

exist, then delegations can not be granted. The essence of a

delegation is that it allows the client to locally service operations

such as OPEN, CLOSE, LOCK, LOCKU, READ, WRITE without immediate

interaction with the server.

1.5. General Definitions

The following definitions are provided for the purpose of providing

an appropriate context for the reader.

Client The "client" is the entity that accesses the NFS server's

resources. The client may be an application which contains

the logic to access the NFS server directly. The client

may also be the traditional operating system client remote

filesystem services for a set of applications.

In the case of file locking the client is the entity that

maintains a set of locks on behalf of one or more

applications. This client is responsible for crash or

failure recovery for those locks it manages.

Note that multiple clients may share the same transport and

multiple clients may exist on the same network node.

Clientid A 64-bit quantity used as a unique, short-hand reference to

a client supplied Verifier and ID. The server is

responsible for supplying the Clientid.

Lease An interval of time defined by the server for which the

client is irrevocably granted a lock. At the end of a

lease period the lock may be revoked if the lease has not

been extended. The lock must be revoked if a conflicting

lock has been granted after the lease interval.

All leases granted by a server have the same fixed

interval. Note that the fixed interval was chosen to

alleviate the expense a server would have in maintaining

state about variable length leases across server failures.

Lock The term "lock" is used to refer to both record (byte-

range) locks as well as share reservations unless

specifically stated otherwise.

Server The "Server" is the entity responsible for coordinating

client access to a set of filesystems.

Stable Storage

NFS version 4 servers must be able to recover without data

loss from multiple power failures (including cascading

power failures, that is, several power failures in quick

succession), operating system failures, and hardware

failure of components other than the storage medium itself

(for example, disk, nonvolatile RAM).

Some examples of stable storage that are allowable for an

NFS server include:

1. Media commit of data, that is, the modified data has

been successfully written to the disk media, for

example, the disk platter.

2. An immediate reply disk drive with battery-backed on-

drive intermediate storage or uninterruptible power

system (UPS).

3. Server commit of data with battery-backed intermediate

storage and recovery software.

4. Cache commit with uninterruptible power system (UPS) and

recovery software.

Stateid A 128-bit quantity returned by a server that uniquely

defines the open and locking state provided by the server

for a specific open or lock owner for a specific file.

Stateids composed of all bits 0 or all bits 1 have special

meaning and are reserved values.

Verifier A 64-bit quantity generated by the client that the server

can use to determine if the client has restarted and lost

all previous lock state.

2. Protocol Data Types

The syntax and semantics to describe the data types of the NFS

version 4 protocol are defined in the XDR [RFC1832] and RPC [RFC1831]

documents. The next sections build upon the XDR data types to define

types and structures specific to this protocol.

2.1. Basic Data Types

Data Type Definition


int32_t typedef int int32_t;

uint32_t typedef unsigned int uint32_t;

int64_t typedef hyper int64_t;

uint64_t typedef unsigned hyper uint64_t;

attrlist4 typedef opaque attrlist4<>;

Used for file/directory attributes

bitmap4 typedef uint32_t bitmap4<>;

Used in attribute array encoding.

changeid4 typedef uint64_t changeid4;

Used in definition of change_info

clientid4 typedef uint64_t clientid4;

Shorthand reference to client identification

component4 typedef utf8str_cs component4;

Represents path name components

count4 typedef uint32_t count4;

Various count parameters (READ, WRITE, COMMIT)

length4 typedef uint64_t length4;

Describes LOCK lengths

linktext4 typedef utf8str_cs linktext4;

Symbolic link contents

mode4 typedef uint32_t mode4;

Mode attribute data type

nfs_cookie4 typedef uint64_t nfs_cookie4;

Opaque cookie value for READDIR

nfs_fh4 typedef opaque nfs_fh4<NFS4_FHSIZE>;

Filehandle definition; NFS4_FHSIZE is defined as 128

nfs_ftype4 enum nfs_ftype4;

Various defined file types

nfsstat4 enum nfsstat4;

Return value for operations

offset4 typedef uint64_t offset4;

Various offset designations (READ, WRITE,


pathname4 typedef component4 pathname4<>;

Represents path name for LOOKUP, OPEN and others

qop4 typedef uint32_t qop4;

Quality of protection designation in SECINFO

sec_oid4 typedef opaque sec_oid4<>;

Security Object Identifier

The sec_oid4 data type is not really opaque.

Instead contains an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER as used

by GSS-API in the mech_type argument to

GSS_Init_sec_context. See [RFC2743] for details.

seqid4 typedef uint32_t seqid4;

Sequence identifier used for file locking

utf8string typedef opaque utf8string<>;

UTF-8 encoding for strings

utf8str_cis typedef opaque utf8str_cis;

Case-insensitive UTF-8 string

utf8str_cs typedef opaque utf8str_cs;

Case-sensitive UTF-8 string

utf8str_mixed typedef opaque utf8str_mixed;

UTF-8 strings with a case sensitive prefix and

a case insensitive suffix.

verifier4 typedef opaque verifier4[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE];

Verifier used for various operations (COMMIT,



defined as 8.

2.2. Structured Data Types


struct nfstime4 {

int64_t seconds;

uint32_t nseconds;


The nfstime4 structure gives the number of seconds and nanoseconds

since midnight or 0 hour January 1, 1970 Coordinated Universal Time

(UTC). Values greater than zero for the seconds field denote dates

after the 0 hour January 1, 1970. Values less than zero for the

seconds field denote dates before the 0 hour January 1, 1970. In

both cases, the nseconds field is to be added to the seconds field

for the final time representation. For example, if the time to be

represented is one-half second before 0 hour January 1, 1970, the

seconds field would have a value of negative one (-1) and the

nseconds fields would have a value of one-half second (500000000).

Values greater than 999,999,999 for nseconds are considered invalid.

This data type is used to pass time and date information. A server

converts to and from its local representation of time when processing

time values, preserving as much accuracy as possible. If the

precision of timestamps stored for a filesystem object is less than

defined, loss of precision can occur. An adjunct time maintenance

protocol is recommended to reduce client and server time skew.


enum time_how4 {





union settime4 switch (time_how4 set_it) {


nfstime4 time;




The above definitions are used as the attribute definitions to set

time values. If set_it is SET_TO_SERVER_TIME4, then the server uses

its local representation of time for the time value.


struct specdata4 {

uint32_t specdata1; /* major device number */

uint32_t specdata2; /* minor device number */


This data type represents additional information for the device file

types NF4CHR and NF4BLK.


struct fsid4 {

uint64_t major;

uint64_t minor;


This type is the filesystem identifier that is used as a mandatory



struct fs_location4 {

utf8str_cis server<>;

pathname4 rootpath;



struct fs_locations4 {

pathname4 fs_root;

fs_location4 locations<>;


The fs_location4 and fs_locations4 data types are used for the

fs_locations recommended attribute which is used for migration and

replication support.


struct fattr4 {

bitmap4 attrmask;

attrlist4 attr_vals;


The fattr4 structure is used to represent file and directory


The bitmap is a counted array of 32 bit integers used to contain bit

values. The position of the integer in the array that contains bit n

can be computed from the expression (n / 32) and its bit within that

integer is (n mod 32).

0 1


count 31 .. 0 63 .. 32



struct change_info4 {

bool atomic;

changeid4 before;

changeid4 after;


This structure is used with the CREATE, LINK, REMOVE, RENAME

operations to let the client know the value of the change attribute

for the directory in which the target filesystem object resides.


struct clientaddr4 {

/* see struct rpcb in RFC1833 */

string r_netid<>; /* network id */

string r_addr<>; /* universal address */


The clientaddr4 structure is used as part of the SETCLIENTID

operation to either specify the address of the client that is using a

clientid or as part of the callback registration. The

r_netid and r_addr fields are specified in [RFC1833], but they are

underspecified in [RFC1833] as far as what they should look like for

specific protocols.

For TCP over IPv4 and for UDP over IPv4, the format of r_addr is the

US-ASCII string:


The prefix, "h1.h2.h3.h4", is the standard textual form for

representing an IPv4 address, which is always four octets long.

Assuming big-endian ordering, h1, h2, h3, and h4, are respectively,

the first through fourth octets each converted to ASCII-decimal.

Assuming big-endian ordering, p1 and p2 are, respectively, the first

and second octets each converted to ASCII-decimal. For example, if a

host, in big-endian order, has an address of 0x0A010307 and there is

a service listening on, in big endian order, port 0x020F (decimal

527), then the complete universal address is "".

For TCP over IPv4 the value of r_netid is the string "tcp". For UDP

over IPv4 the value of r_netid is the string "udp".

For TCP over IPv6 and for UDP over IPv6, the format of r_addr is the

US-ASCII string:


The suffix "p1.p2" is the service port, and is computed the same way

as with universal addresses for TCP and UDP over IPv4. The prefix,

"x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x6:x7:x8", is the standard textual form for

representing an IPv6 address as defined in Section 2.2 of [RFC2373].

Additionally, the two alternative forms specified in Section 2.2 of

[RFC2373] are also acceptable.

For TCP over IPv6 the value of r_netid is the string "tcp6". For UDP

over IPv6 the value of r_netid is the string "udp6".


struct cb_client4 {

unsigned int cb_program;

clientaddr4 cb_location;


This structure is used by the client to inform the server of its call

back address; includes the program number and client address.


struct nfs_client_id4 {

verifier4 verifier;

opaque id<NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT>;


This structure is part of the arguments to the SETCLIENTID operation.

NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT is defined as 1024.


struct open_owner4 {

clientid4 clientid;

opaque owner<NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT>;


This structure is used to identify the owner of open state.

NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT is defined as 1024.


struct lock_owner4 {

clientid4 clientid;

opaque owner<NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT>;


This structure is used to identify the owner of file locking state.

NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT is defined as 1024.


struct open_to_lock_owner4 {

seqid4 open_seqid;

stateid4 open_stateid;

seqid4 lock_seqid;

lock_owner4 lock_owner;


This structure is used for the first LOCK operation done for an

open_owner4. It provides both the open_stateid and lock_owner such

that the transition is made from a valid open_stateid sequence to

that of the new lock_stateid sequence. Using this mechanism avoids

the confirmation of the lock_owner/lock_seqid pair since it is tied

to established state in the form of the open_stateid/open_seqid.


struct stateid4 {

uint32_t seqid;

opaque other[12];


This structure is used for the various state sharing mechanisms

between the client and server. For the client, this data structure

is read-only. The starting value of the seqid field is undefined.

The server is required to increment the seqid field monotonically at

each transition of the stateid. This is important since the client

will inspect the seqid in OPEN stateids to determine the order of

OPEN processing done by the server.

3. RPC and Security Flavor

The NFS version 4 protocol is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

application that uses RPC version 2 and the corresponding eXternal

Data Representation (XDR) as defined in [RFC1831] and [RFC1832]. The

RPCSEC_GSS security flavor as defined in [RFC2203] MUST be used as

the mechanism to deliver stronger security for the NFS version 4


3.1. Ports and Transports

Historically, NFS version 2 and version 3 servers have resided on

port 2049. The registered port 2049 [RFC3232] for the NFS protocol

should be the default configuration. Using the registered port for

NFS services means the NFS client will not need to use the RPC

binding protocols as described in [RFC1833]; this will allow NFS to

transit firewalls.

Where an NFS version 4 implementation supports operation over the IP

network protocol, the supported transports between NFS and IP MUST be

among the IETF-approved congestion control transport protocols, which

include TCP and SCTP. To enhance the possibilities for

interoperability, an NFS version 4 implementation MUST support

operation over the TCP transport protocol, at least until such time

as a standards track RFCrevises this requirement to use a different

IETF-approved congestion control transport protocol.

If TCP is used as the transport, the client and server SHOULD use

persistent connections. This will prevent the weakening of TCP's

congestion control via short lived connections and will improve

performance for the WAN environment by eliminating the need for SYN


As noted in the Security Considerations section, the authentication

model for NFS version 4 has moved from machine-based to principal-

based. However, this modification of the authentication model does

not imply a technical requirement to move the TCP connection

management model from whole machine-based to one based on a per user

model. In particular, NFS over TCP client implementations have

traditionally multiplexed traffic for multiple users over a common

TCP connection between an NFS client and server. This has been true,

regardless whether the NFS client is using AUTH_SYS, AUTH_DH,

RPCSEC_GSS or any other flavor. Similarly, NFS over TCP server

implementations have assumed such a model and thus scale the

implementation of TCP connection management in proportion to the

number of expected client machines. It is intended that NFS version

4 will not modify this connection management model. NFS version 4

clients that violate this assumption can expect scaling issues on the

server and hence reduced service.

Note that for various timers, the client and server should avoid

inadvertent synchronization of those timers. For further discussion

of the general issue refer to [Floyd].

3.1.1. Client Retransmission Behavior

When processing a request received over a reliable transport such as

TCP, the NFS version 4 server MUST NOT silently drop the request,

except if the transport connection has been broken. Given such a

contract between NFS version 4 clients and servers, clients MUST NOT

retry a request unless one or both of the following are true:

o The transport connection has been broken

o The procedure being retried is the NULL procedure

Since reliable transports, such as TCP, do not always synchronously

inform a peer when the other peer has broken the connection (for

example, when an NFS server reboots), the NFS version 4 client may

want to actively "probe" the connection to see if has been broken.

Use of the NULL procedure is one recommended way to do so. So, when

a client experiences a remote procedure call timeout (of some

arbitrary implementation specific amount), rather than retrying the

remote procedure call, it could instead issue a NULL procedure call

to the server. If the server has died, the transport connection

break will eventually be indicated to the NFS version 4 client. The

client can then reconnect, and then retry the original request. If

the NULL procedure call gets a response, the connection has not

broken. The client can decide to wait longer for the original

request's response, or it can break the transport connection and

reconnect before re-sending the original request.

For callbacks from the server to the client, the same rules apply,

but the server doing the callback becomes the client, and the client

receiving the callback becomes the server.

3.2. Security Flavors

Traditional RPC implementations have included AUTH_NONE, AUTH_SYS,

AUTH_DH, and AUTH_KRB4 as security flavors. With [RFC2203] an

additional security flavor of RPCSEC_GSS has been introduced which

uses the functionality of GSS-API [RFC2743]. This allows for the use

of various security mechanisms by the RPC layer without the

additional implementation overhead of adding RPC security flavors.

For NFS version 4, the RPCSEC_GSS security flavor MUST be used to

enable the mandatory security mechanism. Other flavors, such as,

AUTH_NONE, AUTH_SYS, and AUTH_DH MAY be implemented as well.

3.2.1. Security mechanisms for NFS version 4

The use of RPCSEC_GSS requires selection of: mechanism, quality of

protection, and service (authentication, integrity, privacy). The

remainder of this document will refer to these three parameters of

the RPCSEC_GSS security as the security triple. Kerberos V5 as a security triple

The Kerberos V5 GSS-API mechanism as described in [RFC1964] MUST be

implemented and provide the following security triples.

column descriptions:

1 == number of pseudo flavor

2 == name of pseudo flavor

3 == mechanism's OID

4 == mechanism's algorithm(s)

5 == RPCSEC_GSS service

1 2 3 4 5


390003 krb5 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 DES MAC MD5 rpc_gss_svc_none

390004 krb5i 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 DES MAC MD5 rpc_gss_svc_integrity

390005 krb5p 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2 DES MAC MD5 rpc_gss_svc_privacy

for integrity,

and 56 bit DES

for privacy.

Note that the pseudo flavor is presented here as a mapping aid to the

implementor. Because this NFS protocol includes a method to

negotiate security and it understands the GSS-API mechanism, the

pseudo flavor is not needed. The pseudo flavor is needed for NFS

version 3 since the security negotiation is done via the MOUNT


For a discussion of NFS' use of RPCSEC_GSS and Kerberos V5, please

see [RFC2623].

Users and implementors are warned that 56 bit DES is no longer

considered state of the art in terms of resistance to brute force

attacks. Once a revision to [RFC1964] is available that adds support

for AES, implementors are urged to incorporate AES into their NFSv4

over Kerberos V5 protocol stacks, and users are similarly urged to

migrate to the use of AES. LIPKEY as a security triple

The LIPKEY GSS-API mechanism as described in [RFC2847] MUST be

implemented and provide the following security triples. The

definition of the columns matches the previous subsection "Kerberos

V5 as security triple"

1 2 3 4 5


390006 lipkey negotiated rpc_gss_svc_none

390007 lipkey-i negotiated rpc_gss_svc_integrity

390008 lipkey-p negotiated rpc_gss_svc_privacy

The mechanism algorithm is listed as "negotiated". This is because

LIPKEY is layered on SPKM-3 and in SPKM-3 [RFC2847] the

confidentiality and integrity algorithms are negotiated. Since

SPKM-3 specifies HMAC-MD5 for integrity as MANDATORY, 128 bit

cast5CBC for confidentiality for privacy as MANDATORY, and further

specifies that HMAC-MD5 and cast5CBC MUST be listed first before

weaker algorithms, specifying "negotiated" in column 4 does not

impair interoperability. In the event an SPKM-3 peer does not

support the mandatory algorithms, the other peer is free to accept or

reject the GSS-API context creation.

Because SPKM-3 negotiates the algorithms, subsequent calls to

LIPKEY's GSS_Wrap() and GSS_GetMIC() by RPCSEC_GSS will use a quality

of protection value of 0 (zero). See section 5.2 of [RFC2025] for an


LIPKEY uses SPKM-3 to create a secure channel in which to pass a user

name and password from the client to the server. Once the user name

and password have been accepted by the server, calls to the LIPKEY

context are redirected to the SPKM-3 context. See [RFC2847] for more

details. SPKM-3 as a security triple

The SPKM-3 GSS-API mechanism as described in [RFC2847] MUST be

implemented and provide the following security triples. The

definition of the columns matches the previous subsection "Kerberos

V5 as security triple".

1 2 3 4 5


390009 spkm3 negotiated rpc_gss_svc_none

390010 spkm3i negotiated rpc_gss_svc_integrity

390011 spkm3p negotiated rpc_gss_svc_privacy

For a discussion as to why the mechanism algorithm is listed as

"negotiated", see the previous section "LIPKEY as a security triple."

Because SPKM-3 negotiates the algorithms, subsequent calls to SPKM-

3's GSS_Wrap() and GSS_GetMIC() by RPCSEC_GSS will use a quality of

protection value of 0 (zero). See section 5.2 of [RFC2025] for an


Even though LIPKEY is layered over SPKM-3, SPKM-3 is specified as a

mandatory set of triples to handle the situations where the initiator

(the client) is anonymous or where the initiator has its own

certificate. If the initiator is anonymous, there will not be a user

name and password to send to the target (the server). If the

initiator has its own certificate, then using passwords is


3.3. Security Negotiation

With the NFS version 4 server potentially offering multiple security

mechanisms, the client needs a method to determine or negotiate which

mechanism is to be used for its communication with the server. The

NFS server may have multiple points within its filesystem name space

that are available for use by NFS clients. In turn the NFS server

may be configured such that each of these entry points may have

different or multiple security mechanisms in use.

The security negotiation between client and server must be done with

a secure channel to eliminate the possibility of a third party

intercepting the negotiation sequence and forcing the client and

server to choose a lower level of security than required or desired.

See the section "Security Considerations" for further discussion.

3.3.1. SECINFO

The new SECINFO operation will allow the client to determine, on a

per filehandle basis, what security triple is to be used for server

access. In general, the client will not have to use the SECINFO

operation except during initial communication with the server or when

the client crosses policy boundaries at the server. It is possible

that the server's policies change during the client's interaction

therefore forcing the client to negotiate a new security triple.

3.3.2. Security Error

Based on the assumption that each NFS version 4 client and server

must support a minimum set of security (i.e., LIPKEY, SPKM-3, and

Kerberos-V5 all under RPCSEC_GSS), the NFS client will start its

communication with the server with one of the minimal security

triples. During communication with the server, the client may

receive an NFS error of NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC. This error allows the

server to notify the client that the security triple currently being

used is not appropriate for access to the server's filesystem

resources. The client is then responsible for determining what

security triples are available at the server and choose one which is

appropriate for the client. See the section for the "SECINFO"

operation for further discussion of how the client will respond to

the NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC error and use SECINFO.

3.4. Callback RPC Authentication

Except as noted elsewhere in this section, the callback RPC

(described later) MUST mutually authenticate the NFS server to the

principal that acquired the clientid (also described later), using

the security flavor the original SETCLIENTID operation used.

For AUTH_NONE, there are no principals, so this is a non-issue.

AUTH_SYS has no notions of mutual authentication or a server

principal, so the callback from the server simply uses the AUTH_SYS

credential that the user used when he set up the delegation.

For AUTH_DH, one commonly used convention is that the server uses the

credential corresponding to this AUTH_DH principal:


where host and domain are variables corresponding to the name of

server host and directory services domain in which it lives such as a

Network Information System domain or a DNS domain.

Because LIPKEY is layered over SPKM-3, it is permissible for the

server to use SPKM-3 and not LIPKEY for the callback even if the

client used LIPKEY for SETCLIENTID.

Regardless of what security mechanism under RPCSEC_GSS is being used,

the NFS server, MUST identify itself in GSS-API via a


names are of the form:


For NFS, the "service" element is


Implementations of security mechanisms will convert nfs@hostname to

various different forms. For Kerberos V5 and LIPKEY, the following



For Kerberos V5, nfs/hostname would be a server principal in the

Kerberos Key Distribution Center database. This is the same

principal the client acquired a GSS-API context for when it issued

the SETCLIENTID operation, therefore, the realm name for the server

principal must be the same for the callback as it was for the


For LIPKEY, this would be the username passed to the target (the NFS

version 4 client that receives the callback).

It should be noted that LIPKEY may not work for callbacks, since the

LIPKEY client uses a user id/password. If the NFS client receiving

the callback can authenticate the NFS server's user name/password

pair, and if the user that the NFS server is authenticating to has a

public key certificate, then it works.

In situations where the NFS client uses LIPKEY and uses a per-host

principal for the SETCLIENTID operation, instead of using LIPKEY for

SETCLIENTID, it is RECOMMENDED that SPKM-3 with mutual authentication

be used. This effectively means that the client will use a

certificate to authenticate and identify the initiator to the target

on the NFS server. Using SPKM-3 and not LIPKEY has the following


o When the server does a callback, it must authenticate to the

principal used in the SETCLIENTID. Even if LIPKEY is used,

because LIPKEY is layered over SPKM-3, the NFS client will need to

have a certificate that corresponds to the principal used in the

SETCLIENTID operation. From an administrative perspective, having

a user name, password, and certificate for both the client and

server is redundant.

o LIPKEY was intended to minimize additional infrastructure

requirements beyond a certificate for the target, and the

expectation is that existing password infrastructure can be

leveraged for the initiator. In some environments, a per-host

password does not exist yet. If certificates are used for any

per-host principals, then additional password infrastructure is

not needed.

o In cases when a host is both an NFS client and server, it can

share the same per-host certificate.

4. Filehandles

The filehandle in the NFS protocol is a per server unique identifier

for a filesystem object. The contents of the filehandle are opaque

to the client. Therefore, the server is responsible for translating

the filehandle to an internal representation of the filesystem


4.1. Obtaining the First Filehandle

The operations of the NFS protocol are defined in terms of one or

more filehandles. Therefore, the client needs a filehandle to

initiate communication with the server. With the NFS version 2

protocol [RFC1094] and the NFS version 3 protocol [RFC1813], there

exists an ancillary protocol to obtain this first filehandle. The

MOUNT protocol, RPC program number 100005, provides the mechanism of

translating a string based filesystem path name to a filehandle which

can then be used by the NFS protocols.

The MOUNT protocol has deficiencies in the area of security and use

via firewalls. This is one reason that the use of the public

filehandle was introduced in [RFC2054] and [RFC2055]. With the use

of the public filehandle in combination with the LOOKUP operation in

the NFS version 2 and 3 protocols, it has been demonstrated that the

MOUNT protocol is unnecessary for viable interaction between NFS

client and server.

Therefore, the NFS version 4 protocol will not use an ancillary

protocol for translation from string based path names to a

filehandle. Two special filehandles will be used as starting points

for the NFS client.

4.1.1. Root Filehandle

The first of the special filehandles is the ROOT filehandle. The

ROOT filehandle is the "conceptual" root of the filesystem name space

at the NFS server. The client uses or starts with the ROOT

filehandle by employing the PUTROOTFH operation. The PUTROOTFH

operation instructs the server to set the "current" filehandle to the

ROOT of the server's file tree. Once this PUTROOTFH operation is

used, the client can then traverse the entirety of the server's file

tree with the LOOKUP operation. A complete discussion of the server

name space is in the section "NFS Server Name Space".

4.1.2. Public Filehandle

The second special filehandle is the PUBLIC filehandle. Unlike the

ROOT filehandle, the PUBLIC filehandle may be bound or represent an

arbitrary filesystem object at the server. The server is responsible

for this binding. It may be that the PUBLIC filehandle and the ROOT

filehandle refer to the same filesystem object. However, it is up to

the administrative software at the server and the policies of the

server administrator to define the binding of the PUBLIC filehandle

and server filesystem object. The client may not make any

assumptions about this binding. The client uses the PUBLIC

filehandle via the PUTPUBFH operation.

4.2. Filehandle Types

In the NFS version 2 and 3 protocols, there was one type of

filehandle with a single set of semantics. This type of filehandle

is termed "persistent" in NFS Version 4. The semantics of a

persistent filehandle remain the same as before. A new type of

filehandle introduced in NFS Version 4 is the "volatile" filehandle,

which attempts to accommodate certain server environments.

The volatile filehandle type was introduced to address server

functionality or implementation issues which make correct

implementation of a persistent filehandle infeasible. Some server

environments do not provide a filesystem level invariant that can be

used to construct a persistent filehandle. The underlying server

filesystem may not provide the invariant or the server's filesystem

programming interfaces may not provide access to the needed

invariant. Volatile filehandles may ease the implementation of

server functionality such as hierarchical storage management or

filesystem reorganization or migration. However, the volatile

filehandle increases the implementation burden for the client.

Since the client will need to handle persistent and volatile

filehandles differently, a file attribute is defined which may be

used by the client to determine the filehandle types being returned

by the server.

4.2.1. General Properties of a Filehandle

The filehandle contains all the information the server needs to

distinguish an individual file. To the client, the filehandle is

opaque. The client stores filehandles for use in a later request and

can compare two filehandles from the same server for equality by

doing a byte-by-byte comparison. However, the client MUST NOT

otherwise interpret the contents of filehandles. If two filehandles

from the same server are equal, they MUST refer to the same file.

Servers SHOULD try to maintain a one-to-one correspondence between

filehandles and files but this is not required. Clients MUST use

filehandle comparisons only to improve performance, not for correct

behavior. All clients need to be prepared for situations in which it

cannot be determined whether two filehandles denote the same object

and in such cases, avoid making invalid assumptions which might cause

incorrect behavior. Further discussion of filehandle and attribute

comparison in the context of data caching is presented in the section

"Data Caching and File Identity".

As an example, in the case that two different path names when

traversed at the server terminate at the same filesystem object, the

server SHOULD return the same filehandle for each path. This can

occur if a hard link is used to create two file names which refer to

the same underlying file object and associated data. For example, if

paths /a/b/c and /a/d/c refer to the same file, the server SHOULD

return the same filehandle for both path names traversals.

4.2.2. Persistent Filehandle

A persistent filehandle is defined as having a fixed value for the

lifetime of the filesystem object to which it refers. Once the

server creates the filehandle for a filesystem object, the server

MUST accept the same filehandle for the object for the lifetime of

the object. If the server restarts or reboots the NFS server must

honor the same filehandle value as it did in the server's previous

instantiation. Similarly, if the filesystem is migrated, the new NFS

server must honor the same filehandle as the old NFS server.

The persistent filehandle will be become stale or invalid when the

filesystem object is removed. When the server is presented with a

persistent filehandle that refers to a deleted object, it MUST return

an error of NFS4ERR_STALE. A filehandle may become stale when the

filesystem containing the object is no longer available. The file

system may become unavailable if it exists on removable media and the

media is no longer available at the server or the filesystem in whole

has been destroyed or the filesystem has simply been removed from the

server's name space (i.e., unmounted in a UNIX environment).

4.2.3. Volatile Filehandle

A volatile filehandle does not share the same longevity

characteristics of a persistent filehandle. The server may determine

that a volatile filehandle is no longer valid at many different

points in time. If the server can definitively determine that a

volatile filehandle refers to an object that has been removed, the

server should return NFS4ERR_STALE to the client (as is the case for

persistent filehandles). In all other cases where the server

determines that a volatile filehandle can no longer be used, it

should return an error of NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED.

The mandatory attribute "fh_expire_type" is used by the client to

determine what type of filehandle the server is providing for a

particular filesystem. This attribute is a bitmask with the

following values:


The value of FH4_PERSISTENT is used to indicate a

persistent filehandle, which is valid until the object is

removed from the filesystem. The server will not return

NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED for this filehandle. FH4_PERSISTENT is

defined as a value in which none of the bits specified

below are set.


The filehandle may expire at any time, except as

specifically excluded (i.e., FH4_NO_EXPIRE_WITH_OPEN).


May only be set when FH4_VOLATILE_ANY is set. If this bit

is set, then the meaning of FH4_VOLATILE_ANY is qualified

to exclude any expiration of the filehandle when it is



The filehandle will expire as a result of migration. If

FH4_VOL_ANY is set, FH4_VOL_MIGRATION is redundant.


The filehandle will expire during rename. This includes a

rename by the requesting client or a rename by any other

client. If FH4_VOL_ANY is set, FH4_VOL_RENAME is


Servers which provide volatile filehandles that may expire while open

(i.e., if FH4_VOL_MIGRATION or FH4_VOL_RENAME is set or if

FH4_VOLATILE_ANY is set and FH4_NOEXPIRE_WITH_OPEN not set), should

deny a RENAME or REMOVE that would affect an OPEN file of any of the

components leading to the OPEN file. In addition, the server should

deny all RENAME or REMOVE requests during the grace period upon

server restart.

Note that the bits FH4_VOL_MIGRATION and FH4_VOL_RENAME allow the

client to determine that expiration has occurred whenever a specific

event occurs, without an explicit filehandle expiration error from

the server. FH4_VOL_ANY does not provide this form of information.

In situations where the server will expire many, but not all

filehandles upon migration (e.g., all but those that are open),

FH4_VOLATILE_ANY (in this case with FH4_NOEXPIRE_WITH_OPEN) is a

better choice since the client may not assume that all filehandles

will expire when migration occurs, and it is likely that additional

expirations will occur (as a result of file CLOSE) that are separated

in time from the migration event itself.

4.2.4. One Method of Constructing a Volatile Filehandle

A volatile filehandle, while opaque to the client could contain:

[volatile bit = 1 server boot time slot generation number]

o slot is an index in the server volatile filehandle table

o generation number is the generation number for the table


When the client presents a volatile filehandle, the server makes the

following checks, which assume that the check for the volatile bit

has passed. If the server boot time is less than the current server

boot time, return NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED. If slot is out of range, return

NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE. If the generation number does not match, return


When the server reboots, the table is gone (it is volatile).

If volatile bit is 0, then it is a persistent filehandle with a

different structure following it.

4.3. Client Recovery from Filehandle Expiration

If possible, the client SHOULD recover from the receipt of an

NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED error. The client must take on additional

responsibility so that it may prepare itself to recover from the

expiration of a volatile filehandle. If the server returns

persistent filehandles, the client does not need these additional


For volatile filehandles, most commonly the client will need to store

the component names leading up to and including the filesystem object

in question. With these names, the client should be able to recover

by finding a filehandle in the name space that is still available or

by starting at the root of the server's filesystem name space.

If the expired filehandle refers to an object that has been removed

from the filesystem, obviously the client will not be able to recover

from the expired filehandle.

It is also possible that the expired filehandle refers to a file that

has been renamed. If the file was renamed by another client, again

it is possible that the original client will not be able to recover.

However, in the case that the client itself is renaming the file and

the file is open, it is possible that the client may be able to

recover. The client can determine the new path name based on the

processing of the rename request. The client can then regenerate the

new filehandle based on the new path name. The client could also use

the compound operation mechanism to construct a set of operations





Note that the COMPOUND procedure does not provide atomicity. This

example only reduces the overhead of recovering from an expired


5. File Attributes

To meet the requirements of extensibility and increased

interoperability with non-UNIX platforms, attributes must be handled

in a flexible manner. The NFS version 3 fattr3 structure contains a

fixed list of attributes that not all clients and servers are able to

support or care about. The fattr3 structure can not be extended as

new needs arise and it provides no way to indicate non-support. With

the NFS version 4 protocol, the client is able query what attributes

the server supports and construct requests with only those supported

attributes (or a subset thereof).

To this end, attributes are divided into three groups: mandatory,

recommended, and named. Both mandatory and recommended attributes

are supported in the NFS version 4 protocol by a specific and well-

defined encoding and are identified by number. They are requested by

setting a bit in the bit vector sent in the GETATTR request; the

server response includes a bit vector to list what attributes were

returned in the response. New mandatory or recommended attributes

may be added to the NFS protocol between major revisions by

publishing a standards-track RFCwhich allocates a new attribute

number value and defines the encoding for the attribute. See the

section "Minor Versioning" for further discussion.

Named attributes are accessed by the new OPENATTR operation, which

accesses a hidden directory of attributes associated with a file

system object. OPENATTR takes a filehandle for the object and

returns the filehandle for the attribute hierarchy. The filehandle

for the named attributes is a directory object accessible by LOOKUP

or READDIR and contains files whose names represent the named

attributes and whose data bytes are the value of the attribute. For


LOOKUP "foo" ; look up file

GETATTR attrbits

OPENATTR ; access foo's named attributes

LOOKUP "x11icon" ; look up specific attribute

READ 0,4096 ; read stream of bytes

Named attributes are intended for data needed by applications rather

than by an NFS client implementation. NFS implementors are strongly

encouraged to define their new attributes as recommended attributes

by bringing them to the IETF standards-track process.

The set of attributes which are classified as mandatory is

deliberately small since servers must do whatever it takes to support

them. A server should support as many of the recommended attributes

as possible but by their definition, the server is not required to

support all of them. Attributes are deemed mandatory if the data is

both needed by a large number of clients and is not otherwise

reasonably computable by the client when support is not provided on

the server.

Note that the hidden directory returned by OPENATTR is a convenience

for protocol processing. The client should not make any assumptions

about the server's implementation of named attributes and whether the

underlying filesystem at the server has a named attribute directory

or not. Therefore, operations such as SETATTR and GETATTR on the

named attribute directory are undefined.

5.1. Mandatory Attributes

These MUST be supported by every NFS version 4 client and server in

order to ensure a minimum level of interoperability. The server must

store and return these attributes and the client must be able to

function with an attribute set limited to these attributes. With

just the mandatory attributes some client functionality may be

impaired or limited in some ways. A client may ask for any of these

attributes to be returned by setting a bit in the GETATTR request and

the server must return their value.

5.2. Recommended Attributes

These attributes are understood well enough to warrant support in the

NFS version 4 protocol. However, they may not be supported on all

clients and servers. A client may ask for any of these attributes to

be returned by setting a bit in the GETATTR request but must handle

the case where the server does not return them. A client may ask for

the set of attributes the server supports and should not request

attributes the server does not support. A server should be tolerant

of requests for unsupported attributes and simply not return them

rather than considering the request an error. It is expected that

servers will support all attributes they comfortably can and only

fail to support attributes which are difficult to support in their

operating environments. A server should provide attributes whenever

they don't have to "tell lies" to the client. For example, a file

modification time should be either an accurate time or should not be

supported by the server. This will not always be comfortable to

clients but the client is better positioned decide whether and how to

fabricate or construct an attribute or whether to do without the


5.3. Named Attributes

These attributes are not supported by direct encoding in the NFS

Version 4 protocol but are accessed by string names rather than

numbers and correspond to an uninterpreted stream of bytes which are

stored with the filesystem object. The name space for these

attributes may be accessed by using the OPENATTR operation. The

OPENATTR operation returns a filehandle for a virtual "attribute

directory" and further perusal of the name space may be done using

READDIR and LOOKUP operations on this filehandle. Named attributes

may then be examined or changed by normal READ and WRITE and CREATE

operations on the filehandles returned from READDIR and LOOKUP.

Named attributes may have attributes.

It is recommended that servers support arbitrary named attributes. A

client should not depend on the ability to store any named attributes

in the server's filesystem. If a server does support named

attributes, a client which is also able to handle them should be able

to copy a file's data and meta-data with complete transparency from

one location to another; this would imply that names allowed for

regular directory entries are valid for named attribute names as


Names of attributes will not be controlled by this document or other

IETF standards track documents. See the section "IANA

Considerations" for further discussion.

5.4. Classification of Attributes

Each of the Mandatory and Recommended attributes can be classified in

one of three categories: per server, per filesystem, or per

filesystem object. Note that it is possible that some per filesystem

attributes may vary within the filesystem. See the "homogeneous"

attribute for its definition. Note that the attributes

time_access_set and time_modify_set are not listed in this section

because they are write-only attributes corresponding to time_access

and time_modify, and are used in a special instance of SETATTR.

o The per server attribute is:


o The per filesystem attributes are:

supp_attr, fh_expire_type, link_support, symlink_support,

unique_handles, aclsupport, cansettime, case_insensitive,

case_preserving, chown_restricted, files_avail, files_free,

files_total, fs_locations, homogeneous, maxfilesize, maxname,

maxread, maxwrite, no_trunc, space_avail, space_free, space_total,


o The per filesystem object attributes are:

type, change, size, named_attr, fsid, rdattr_error, filehandle,

ACL, archive, fileid, hidden, maxlink, mimetype, mode, numlinks,

owner, owner_group, rawdev, space_used, system, time_access,

time_backup, time_create, time_metadata, time_modify,


For quota_avail_hard, quota_avail_soft, and quota_used see their

definitions below for the appropriate classification.

5.5. Mandatory Attributes - Definitions

Name # DataType Access Description


supp_attr 0 bitmap READ The bit vector which

would retrieve all

mandatory and

recommended attributes

that are supported for

this object. The

scope of this

attribute applies to

all objects with a

matching fsid.

type 1 nfs4_ftype READ The type of the object

(file, directory,

symlink, etc.)

fh_expire_type 2 uint32 READ Server uses this to

specify filehandle

expiration behavior to

the client. See the

section "Filehandles"

for additional


change 3 uint64 READ A value created by the

server that the client

can use to determine

if file data,

directory contents or

attributes of the

object have been

modified. The server

may return the

object's time_metadata

attribute for this

attribute's value but

only if the filesystem

object can not be

updated more

frequently than the

resolution of


size 4 uint64 R/W The size of the object

in bytes.

link_support 5 bool READ True, if the object's

filesystem supports

hard links.

symlink_support 6 bool READ True, if the object's

filesystem supports

symbolic links.

named_attr 7 bool READ True, if this object

has named attributes.

In other words, object

has a non-empty named

attribute directory.

fsid 8 fsid4 READ Unique filesystem

identifier for the

filesystem holding

this object. fsid

contains major and

minor components each

of which are uint64.

unique_handles 9 bool READ True, if two distinct

filehandles guaranteed

to refer to two

different filesystem


lease_time 10 nfs_lease4 READ Duration of leases at

server in seconds.

rdattr_error 11 enum READ Error returned from

getattr during


filehandle 19 nfs_fh4 READ The filehandle of this

object (primarily for

readdir requests).

5.6. Recommended Attributes - Definitions

Name # Data Type Access Description


ACL 12 nfsace4<> R/W The access control

list for the object.

aclsupport 13 uint32 READ Indicates what types

of ACLs are

supported on the

current filesystem.

archive 14 bool R/W True, if this file

has been archived

since the time of

last modification

(deprecated in favor

of time_backup).

cansettime 15 bool READ True, if the server

is able to change

the times for a

filesystem object as

specified in a

SETATTR operation.

case_insensitive 16 bool READ True, if filename

comparisons on this

filesystem are case


case_preserving 17 bool READ True, if filename

case on this

filesystem are


chown_restricted 18 bool READ If TRUE, the server

will reject any

request to change

either the owner or

the group associated

with a file if the

caller is not a

privileged user (for

example, "root" in

UNIX operating

environments or in

windows 2000 the

"Take Ownership"


fileid 20 uint64 READ A number uniquely

identifying the file

within the


files_avail 21 uint64 READ File slots available

to this user on the


containing this

object - this should

be the smallest

relevant limit.

files_free 22 uint64 READ Free file slots on

the filesystem

containing this

object - this should

be the smallest

relevant limit.

files_total 23 uint64 READ Total file slots on

the filesystem

containing this


fs_locations 24 fs_locations READ Locations where this

filesystem may be

found. If the

server returns


as an error, this

attribute MUST be


hidden 25 bool R/W True, if the file is

considered hidden

with respect to the

Windows API.

homogeneous 26 bool READ True, if this

object's filesystem

is homogeneous,

i.e., are per


attributes the same

for all filesystem's


maxfilesize 27 uint64 READ Maximum supported

file size for the

filesystem of this


maxlink 28 uint32 READ Maximum number of

links for this


maxname 29 uint32 READ Maximum filename

size supported for

this object.

maxread 30 uint64 READ Maximum read size

supported for this


maxwrite 31 uint64 READ Maximum write size

supported for this

object. This

attribute SHOULD be

supported if the

file is writable.

Lack of this

attribute can

lead to the client

either wasting

bandwidth or not

receiving the best


mimetype 32 utf8<> R/W MIME body

type/subtype of this


mode 33 mode4 R/W UNIX-style mode and

permission bits for

this object.

no_trunc 34 bool READ True, if a name

longer than name_max

is used, an error be

returned and name is

not truncated.

numlinks 35 uint32 READ Number of hard links

to this object.

owner 36 utf8<> R/W The string name of

the owner of this


owner_group 37 utf8<> R/W The string name of

the group ownership

of this object.

quota_avail_hard 38 uint64 READ For definition see

"Quota Attributes"

section below.

quota_avail_soft 39 uint64 READ For definition see

"Quota Attributes"

section below.

quota_used 40 uint64 READ For definition see

"Quota Attributes"

section below.

rawdev 41 specdata4 READ Raw device

identifier. UNIX

device major/minor

node information.

If the value of

type is not


the value return


considered useful.

space_avail 42 uint64 READ Disk space in bytes

available to this

user on the


containing this

object - this should

be the smallest

relevant limit.

space_free 43 uint64 READ Free disk space in

bytes on the


containing this

object - this should

be the smallest

relevant limit.

space_total 44 uint64 READ Total disk space in

bytes on the


containing this


space_used 45 uint64 READ Number of filesystem

bytes allocated to

this object.

system 46 bool R/W True, if this file

is a "system" file

with respect to the

Windows API.

time_access 47 nfstime4 READ The time of last

access to the object

by a read that was

satisfied by the


time_access_set 48 settime4 WRITE Set the time of last

access to the

object. SETATTR

use only.

time_backup 49 nfstime4 R/W The time of last

backup of the


time_create 50 nfstime4 R/W The time of creation

of the object. This

attribute does not

have any relation to

the traditional UNIX

file attribute

"ctime" or "change


time_delta 51 nfstime4 READ Smallest useful

server time


time_metadata 52 nfstime4 READ The time of last


modification of the


time_modify 53 nfstime4 READ The time of last

modification to the


time_modify_set 54 settime4 WRITE Set the time of last

modification to the

object. SETATTR use


mounted_on_fileid 55 uint64 READ Like fileid, but if

the target

filehandle is the

root of a filesystem

return the fileid of

the underlying


5.7. Time Access

As defined above, the time_access attribute represents the time of

last access to the object by a read that was satisfied by the server.

The notion of what is an "access" depends on server's operating

environment and/or the server's filesystem semantics. For example,

for servers obeying POSIX semantics, time_access would be updated

only by the READLINK, READ, and READDIR operations and not any of the

operations that modify the content of the object. Of course, setting

the corresponding time_access_set attribute is another way to modify

the time_access attribute.

Whenever the file object resides on a writable filesystem, the server

should make best efforts to record time_access into stable storage.

However, to mitigate the performance effects of doing so, and most

especially whenever the server is satisfying the read of the object's

content from its cache, the server MAY cache access time updates and

lazily write them to stable storage. It is also acceptable to give

administrators of the server the option to disable time_access


5.8. Interpreting owner and owner_group

The recommended attributes "owner" and "owner_group" (and also users

and groups within the "acl" attribute) are represented in terms of a

UTF-8 string. To avoid a representation that is tied to a particular

underlying implementation at the client or server, the use of the

UTF-8 string has been chosen. Note that section 6.1 of [RFC2624]

provides additional rationale. It is expected that the client and

server will have their own local representation of owner and

owner_group that is used for local storage or presentation to the end

user. Therefore, it is expected that when these attributes are

transferred between the client and server that the local

representation is translated to a syntax of the form

"user@dns_domain". This will allow for a client and server that do

not use the same local representation the ability to translate to a

common syntax that can be interpreted by both.

Similarly, security principals may be represented in different ways

by different security mechanisms. Servers normally translate these

representations into a common format, generally that used by local

storage, to serve as a means of identifying the users corresponding

to these security principals. When these local identifiers are

translated to the form of the owner attribute, associated with files

created by such principals they identify, in a common format, the

users associated with each corresponding set of security principals.

The translation used to interpret owner and group strings is not

specified as part of the protocol. This allows various solutions to

be employed. For example, a local translation table may be consulted

that maps between a numeric id to the user@dns_domain syntax. A name

service may also be used to accomplish the translation. A server may

provide a more general service, not limited by any particular

translation (which would only translate a limited set of possible

strings) by storing the owner and owner_group attributes in local

storage without any translation or it may augment a translation

method by storing the entire string for attributes for which no

translation is available while using the local representation for

those cases in which a translation is available.

Servers that do not provide support for all possible values of the

owner and owner_group attributes, should return an error

(NFS4ERR_BADOWNER) when a string is presented that has no

translation, as the value to be set for a SETATTR of the owner,

owner_group, or acl attributes. When a server does accept an owner

or owner_group value as valid on a SETATTR (and similarly for the

owner and group strings in an acl), it is promising to return that

same string when a corresponding GETATTR is done. Configuration

changes and ill-constructed name translations (those that contain

aliasing) may make that promise impossible to honor. Servers should

make appropriate efforts to avoid a situation in which these

attributes have their values changed when no real change to ownership

has occurred.

The "dns_domain" portion of the owner string is meant to be a DNS

domain name. For example, user@ietf.org. Servers should accept as

valid a set of users for at least one domain. A server may treat

other domains as having no valid translations. A more general

service is provided when a server is capable of accepting users for

multiple domains, or for all domains, subject to security


In the case where there is no translation available to the client or

server, the attribute value must be constructed without the "@".

Therefore, the absence of the @ from the owner or owner_group

attribute signifies that no translation was available at the sender

and that the receiver of the attribute should not use that string as

a basis for translation into its own internal format. Even though

the attribute value can not be translated, it may still be useful.

In the case of a client, the attribute string may be used for local

display of ownership.

To provide a greater degree of compatibility with previous versions

of NFS (i.e., v2 and v3), which identified users and groups by 32-bit

unsigned uid's and gid's, owner and group strings that consist of

decimal numeric values with no leading zeros can be given a special

interpretation by clients and servers which choose to provide such

support. The receiver may treat such a user or group string as

representing the same user as would be represented by a v2/v3 uid or

gid having the corresponding numeric value. A server is not

obligated to accept such a string, but may return an NFS4ERR_BADOWNER

instead. To avoid this mechanism being used to subvert user and

group translation, so that a client might pass all of the owners and

groups in numeric form, a server SHOULD return an NFS4ERR_BADOWNER

error when there is a valid translation for the user or owner

designated in this way. In that case, the client must use the

appropriate name@domain string and not the special form for


The owner string "nobody" may be used to designate an anonymous user,

which will be associated with a file created by a security principal

that cannot be mapped through normal means to the owner attribute.

5.9. Character Case Attributes

With respect to the case_insensitive and case_preserving attributes,

each UCS-4 character (which UTF-8 encodes) has a "long descriptive

name" [RFC1345] which may or may not included the word "CAPITAL" or

"SMALL". The presence of SMALL or CAPITAL allows an NFS server to

implement unambiguous and efficient table driven mappings for case

insensitive comparisons, and non-case-preserving storage. For

general character handling and internationalization issues, see the

section "Internationalization".

5.10. Quota Attributes

For the attributes related to filesystem quotas, the following

definitions apply:


The value in bytes which represents the amount of additional

disk space that can be allocated to this file or directory

before the user may reasonably be warned. It is understood

that this space may be consumed by allocations to other files

or directories though there is a rule as to which other files

or directories.


The value in bytes which represent the amount of additional

disk space beyond the current allocation that can be allocated

to this file or directory before further allocations will be

refused. It is understood that this space may be consumed by

allocations to other files or directories.


The value in bytes which represent the amount of disc space

used by this file or directory and possibly a number of other

similar files or directories, where the set of "similar" meets

at least the criterion that allocating space to any file or

directory in the set will reduce the "quota_avail_hard" of

every other file or directory in the set.

Note that there may be a number of distinct but overlapping

sets of files or directories for which a quota_used value is

maintained (e.g., "all files with a given owner", "all files

with a given group owner", etc.).

The server is at liberty to choose any of those sets but should

do so in a repeatable way. The rule may be configured per-

filesystem or may be "choose the set with the smallest quota".

5.11. Access Control Lists

The NFS version 4 ACL attribute is an array of access control entries

(ACE). Although, the client can read and write the ACL attribute,

the NFSv4 model is the server does all access control based on the

server's interpretation of the ACL. If at any point the client wants

to check access without issuing an operation that modifies or reads

data or metadata, the client can use the OPEN and ACCESS operations

to do so. There are various access control entry types, as defined

in the Section "ACE type". The server is able to communicate which

ACE types are supported by returning the appropriate value within the

aclsupport attribute. Each ACE covers one or more operations on a

file or directory as described in the Section "ACE Access Mask". It

may also contain one or more flags that modify the semantics of the

ACE as defined in the Section "ACE flag".

The NFS ACE attribute is defined as follows:

typedef uint32_t acetype4;

typedef uint32_t aceflag4;

typedef uint32_t acemask4;

struct nfsace4 {

acetype4 type;

aceflag4 flag;

acemask4 access_mask;

utf8str_mixed who;


To determine if a request succeeds, each nfsace4 entry is processed

in order by the server. Only ACEs which have a "who" that matches

the requester are considered. Each ACE is processed until all of the

bits of the requester's access have been ALLOWED. Once a bit (see

below) has been ALLOWED by an ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE, it is no longer

considered in the processing of later ACEs. If an ACCESS_DENIED_ACE

is encountered where the requester's access still has unALLOWED bits

in common with the "access_mask" of the ACE, the request is denied.

However, unlike the ALLOWED and DENIED ACE types, the ALARM and AUDIT

ACE types do not affect a requester's access, and instead are for

triggering events as a result of a requester's access attempt.

Therefore, all AUDIT and ALARM ACEs are processed until end of the

ACL. When the ACL is fully processed, if there are bits in

requester's mask that have not been considered whether the server

allows or denies the access is undefined. If there is a mode

attribute on the file, then this cannot happen, since the mode's

MODE4_*OTH bits will map to EVERYONE@ ACEs that unambiguously specify

the requester's access.

The NFS version 4 ACL model is quite rich. Some server platforms may

provide access control functionality that goes beyond the UNIX-style

mode attribute, but which is not as rich as the NFS ACL model. So

that users can take advantage of this more limited functionality, the

server may indicate that it supports ACLs as long as it follows the

guidelines for mapping between its ACL model and the NFS version 4

ACL model.

The situation is complicated by the fact that a server may have

multiple modules that enforce ACLs. For example, the enforcement for

NFS version 4 access may be different from the enforcement for local

access, and both may be different from the enforcement for access

through other protocols such as SMB. So it may be useful for a

server to accept an ACL even if not all of its modules are able to

support it.

The guiding principle in all cases is that the server must not accept

ACLs that appear to make the file more secure than it really is.

5.11.1. ACE type

Type Description


ALLOW Explicitly grants the access defined in

acemask4 to the file or directory.

DENY Explicitly denies the access defined in

acemask4 to the file or directory.

AUDIT LOG (system dependent) any access

attempt to a file or directory which

uses any of the access methods specified

in acemask4.

ALARM Generate a system ALARM (system

dependent) when any access attempt is

made to a file or directory for the

access methods specified in acemask4.

A server need not support all of the above ACE types. The bitmask

constants used to represent the above definitions within the

aclsupport attribute are as follows:

const ACL4_SUPPORT_ALLOW_ACL = 0x00000001;

const ACL4_SUPPORT_DENY_ACL = 0x00000002;

const ACL4_SUPPORT_AUDIT_ACL = 0x00000004;

const ACL4_SUPPORT_ALARM_ACL = 0x00000008;

The semantics of the "type" field follow the descriptions provided


The constants used for the type field (acetype4) are as follows:

const ACE4_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000000;

const ACE4_ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000003;

Clients should not attempt to set an ACE unless the server claims

support for that ACE type. If the server receives a request to set

an ACE that it cannot store, it MUST reject the request with

NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP. If the server receives a request to set an ACE

that it can store but cannot enforce, the server SHOULD reject the


Example: suppose a server can enforce NFS ACLs for NFS access but

cannot enforce ACLs for local access. If arbitrary processes can run

on the server, then the server SHOULD NOT indicate ACL support. On

the other hand, if only trusted administrative programs run locally,

then the server may indicate ACL support.

5.11.2. ACE Access Mask

The access_mask field contains values based on the following:

Access Description


READ_DATA Permission to read the data of the file

LIST_DIRECTORY Permission to list the contents of a


WRITE_DATA Permission to modify the file's data

ADD_FILE Permission to add a new file to a


APPEND_DATA Permission to append data to a file

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY Permission to create a subdirectory to a


READ_NAMED_ATTRS Permission to read the named attributes

of a file

WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS Permission to write the named attributes

of a file

EXECUTE Permission to execute a file

DELETE_CHILD Permission to delete a file or directory

within a directory

READ_ATTRIBUTES The ability to read basic attributes

(non-acls) of a file

WRITE_ATTRIBUTES Permission to change basic attributes

(non-acls) of a file

DELETE Permission to Delete the file

READ_ACL Permission to Read the ACL

WRITE_ACL Permission to Write the ACL

WRITE_OWNER Permission to change the owner

SYNCHRONIZE Permission to access file locally at the

server with synchronous reads and writes

The bitmask constants used for the access mask field are as follows:

const ACE4_READ_DATA = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_LIST_DIRECTORY = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_WRITE_DATA = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_ADD_FILE = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_APPEND_DATA = 0x00000004;

const ACE4_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY = 0x00000004;

const ACE4_READ_NAMED_ATTRS = 0x00000008;

const ACE4_WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS = 0x00000010;

const ACE4_EXECUTE = 0x00000020;

const ACE4_DELETE_CHILD = 0x00000040;

const ACE4_READ_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000080;

const ACE4_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000100;

const ACE4_DELETE = 0x00010000;

const ACE4_READ_ACL = 0x00020000;

const ACE4_WRITE_ACL = 0x00040000;

const ACE4_WRITE_OWNER = 0x00080000;

const ACE4_SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000;

Server implementations need not provide the granularity of control

that is implied by this list of masks. For example, POSIX-based

systems might not distinguish APPEND_DATA (the ability to append to a

file) from WRITE_DATA (the ability to modify existing contents); both

masks would be tied to a single "write" permission. When such a

server returns attributes to the client, it would show both

APPEND_DATA and WRITE_DATA if and only if the write permission is


If a server receives a SETATTR request that it cannot accurately

implement, it should error in the direction of more restricted

access. For example, suppose a server cannot distinguish overwriting

data from appending new data, as described in the previous paragraph.

If a client submits an ACE where APPEND_DATA is set but WRITE_DATA is

not (or vice versa), the server should reject the request with

NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP. Nonetheless, if the ACE has type DENY, the

server may silently turn on the other bit, so that both APPEND_DATA

and WRITE_DATA are denied.

5.11.3. ACE flag

The "flag" field contains values based on the following descriptions.


Can be placed on a directory and indicates that this ACE should be

added to each new non-directory file created.


Can be placed on a directory and indicates that this ACE should be

added to each new directory created.


Can be placed on a directory but does not apply to the directory,

only to newly created files/directories as specified by the above

two flags.


Can be placed on a directory. Normally when a new directory is

created and an ACE exists on the parent directory which is marked

ACL4_DIRECTORY_INHERIT_ACE, two ACEs are placed on the new

directory. One for the directory itself and one which is an

inheritable ACE for newly created directories. This flag tells

the server to not place an ACE on the newly created directory

which is inheritable by subdirectories of the created directory.




ACE4_FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG (FAILED) flag bits relate only to


(ALARM) ACE types. If during the processing of the file's ACL,

the server encounters an AUDIT or ALARM ACE that matches the

principal attempting the OPEN, the server notes that fact, and the

presence, if any, of the SUCCESS and FAILED flags encountered in

the AUDIT or ALARM ACE. Once the server completes the ACL

processing, and the share reservation processing, and the OPEN

call, it then notes if the OPEN succeeded or failed. If the OPEN

succeeded, and if the SUCCESS flag was set for a matching AUDIT or

ALARM, then the appropriate AUDIT or ALARM event occurs. If the

OPEN failed, and if the FAILED flag was set for the matching AUDIT

or ALARM, then the appropriate AUDIT or ALARM event occurs.

Clearly either or both of the SUCCESS or FAILED can be set, but if

neither is set, the AUDIT or ALARM ACE is not useful.

The previously described processing applies to that of the ACCESS

operation as well. The difference being that "success" or

"failure" does not mean whether ACCESS returns NFS4_OK or not.

Success means whether ACCESS returns all requested and supported

bits. Failure means whether ACCESS failed to return a bit that

was requested and supported.


Indicates that the "who" refers to a GROUP as defined under UNIX.

The bitmask constants used for the flag field are as follows:

const ACE4_FILE_INHERIT_ACE = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_DIRECTORY_INHERIT_ACE = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE = 0x00000004;

const ACE4_INHERIT_ONLY_ACE = 0x00000008;


const ACE4_FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG = 0x00000020;

const ACE4_IDENTIFIER_GROUP = 0x00000040;

A server need not support any of these flags. If the server supports

flags that are similar to, but not exactly the same as, these flags,

the implementation may define a mapping between the protocol-defined

flags and the implementation-defined flags. Again, the guiding

principle is that the file not appear to be more secure than it

really is.

For example, suppose a client tries to set an ACE with


server does not support any form of ACL inheritance, the server

should reject the request with NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP. If the server

supports a single "inherit ACE" flag that applies to both files and

directories, the server may reject the request (i.e., requiring the

client to set both the file and directory inheritance flags). The

server may also accept the request and silently turn on the


5.11.4. ACE who

There are several special identifiers ("who") which need to be

understood universally, rather than in the context of a particular

DNS domain. Some of these identifiers cannot be understood when an

NFS client accesses the server, but have meaning when a local process

accesses the file. The ability to display and modify these

permissions is permitted over NFS, even if none of the access methods

on the server understands the identifiers.

Who Description


"OWNER" The owner of the file.

"GROUP" The group associated with the file.

"EVERYONE" The world.

"INTERACTIVE" Accessed from an interactive terminal.

"NETWORK" Accessed via the network.

"DIALUP" Accessed as a dialup user to the server.

"BATCH" Accessed from a batch job.

"ANONYMOUS" Accessed without any authentication.

"AUTHENTICATED" Any authenticated user (opposite of


"SERVICE" Access from a system service.

To avoid conflict, these special identifiers are distinguish by an

appended "@" and should appear in the form "xxxx@" (note: no domain

name after the "@"). For example: ANONYMOUS@.

5.11.5. Mode Attribute

The NFS version 4 mode attribute is based on the UNIX mode bits. The

following bits are defined:

const MODE4_SUID = 0x800; /* set user id on execution */

const MODE4_SGID = 0x400; /* set group id on execution */

const MODE4_SVTX = 0x200; /* save text even after use */

const MODE4_RUSR = 0x100; /* read permission: owner */

const MODE4_WUSR = 0x080; /* write permission: owner */

const MODE4_XUSR = 0x040; /* execute permission: owner */

const MODE4_RGRP = 0x020; /* read permission: group */

const MODE4_WGRP = 0x010; /* write permission: group */

const MODE4_XGRP = 0x008; /* execute permission: group */

const MODE4_ROTH = 0x004; /* read permission: other */

const MODE4_WOTH = 0x002; /* write permission: other */

const MODE4_XOTH = 0x001; /* execute permission: other */

Bits MODE4_RUSR, MODE4_WUSR, and MODE4_XUSR apply to the principal

identified in the owner attribute. Bits MODE4_RGRP, MODE4_WGRP, and

MODE4_XGRP apply to the principals identified in the owner_group

attribute. Bits MODE4_ROTH, MODE4_WOTH, MODE4_XOTH apply to any

principal that does not match that in the owner group, and does not

have a group matching that of the owner_group attribute.

The remaining bits are not defined by this protocol and MUST NOT be

used. The minor version mechanism must be used to define further bit


Note that in UNIX, if a file has the MODE4_SGID bit set and no

MODE4_XGRP bit set, then READ and WRITE must use mandatory file


5.11.6. Mode and ACL Attribute

The server that supports both mode and ACL must take care to

synchronize the MODE4_*USR, MODE4_*GRP, and MODE4_*OTH bits with the

ACEs which have respective who fields of "OWNER@", "GROUP@", and

"EVERYONE@" so that the client can see semantically equivalent access

permissions exist whether the client asks for owner, owner_group and

mode attributes, or for just the ACL.

Because the mode attribute includes bits (e.g., MODE4_SVTX) that have

nothing to do with ACL semantics, it is permitted for clients to

specify both the ACL attribute and mode in the same SETATTR

operation. However, because there is no prescribed order for

processing the attributes in a SETATTR, the client must ensure that

ACL attribute, if specified without mode, would produce the desired

mode bits, and conversely, the mode attribute if specified without

ACL, would produce the desired "OWNER@", "GROUP@", and "EVERYONE@"


5.11.7. mounted_on_fileid

UNIX-based operating environments connect a filesystem into the

namespace by connecting (mounting) the filesystem onto the existing

file object (the mount point, usually a directory) of an existing

filesystem. When the mount point's parent directory is read via an

API like readdir(), the return results are directory entries, each

with a component name and a fileid. The fileid of the mount point's

directory entry will be different from the fileid that the stat()

system call returns. The stat() system call is returning the fileid

of the root of the mounted filesystem, whereas readdir() is returning

the fileid stat() would have returned before any filesystems were

mounted on the mount point.

Unlike NFS version 3, NFS version 4 allows a client's LOOKUP request

to cross other filesystems. The client detects the filesystem

crossing whenever the filehandle argument of LOOKUP has an fsid

attribute different from that of the filehandle returned by LOOKUP.

A UNIX-based client will consider this a "mount point crossing".

UNIX has a legacy scheme for allowing a process to determine its

current working directory. This relies on readdir() of a mount

point's parent and stat() of the mount point returning fileids as

previously described. The mounted_on_fileid attribute corresponds to

the fileid that readdir() would have returned as described


While the NFS version 4 client could simply fabricate a fileid

corresponding to what mounted_on_fileid provides (and if the server

does not support mounted_on_fileid, the client has no choice), there

is a risk that the client will generate a fileid that conflicts with

one that is already assigned to another object in the filesystem.

Instead, if the server can provide the mounted_on_fileid, the

potential for client operational problems in this area is eliminated.

If the server detects that there is no mounted point at the target

file object, then the value for mounted_on_fileid that it returns is

the same as that of the fileid attribute.

The mounted_on_fileid attribute is RECOMMENDED, so the server SHOULD

provide it if possible, and for a UNIX-based server, this is

straightforward. Usually, mounted_on_fileid will be requested during

a READDIR operation, in which case it is trivial (at least for UNIX-

based servers) to return mounted_on_fileid since it is equal to the

fileid of a directory entry returned by readdir(). If

mounted_on_fileid is requested in a GETATTR operation, the server

should obey an invariant that has it returning a value that is equal

to the file object's entry in the object's parent directory, i.e.,

what readdir() would have returned. Some operating environments

allow a series of two or more filesystems to be mounted onto a single

mount point. In this case, for the server to obey the aforementioned

invariant, it will need to find the base mount point, and not the

intermediate mount points.

6. Filesystem Migration and Replication

With the use of the recommended attribute "fs_locations", the NFS

version 4 server has a method of providing filesystem migration or

replication services. For the purposes of migration and replication,

a filesystem will be defined as all files that share a given fsid

(both major and minor values are the same).

The fs_locations attribute provides a list of filesystem locations.

These locations are specified by providing the server name (either

DNS domain or IP address) and the path name representing the root of

the filesystem. Depending on the type of service being provided, the

list will provide a new location or a set of alternate locations for

the filesystem. The client will use this information to redirect its

requests to the new server.

6.1. Replication

It is expected that filesystem replication will be used in the case

of read-only data. Typically, the filesystem will be replicated on

two or more servers. The fs_locations attribute will provide the

list of these locations to the client. On first access of the

filesystem, the client should obtain the value of the fs_locations

attribute. If, in the future, the client finds the server

unresponsive, the client may attempt to use another server specified

by fs_locations.

If applicable, the client must take the appropriate steps to recover

valid filehandles from the new server. This is described in more

detail in the following sections.

6.2. Migration

Filesystem migration is used to move a filesystem from one server to

another. Migration is typically used for a filesystem that is

writable and has a single copy. The expected use of migration is for

load balancing or general resource reallocation. The protocol does

not specify how the filesystem will be moved between servers. This

server-to-server transfer mechanism is left to the server

implementor. However, the method used to communicate the migration

event between client and server is specified here.

Once the servers participating in the migration have completed the

move of the filesystem, the error NFS4ERR_MOVED will be returned for

subsequent requests received by the original server. The

NFS4ERR_MOVED error is returned for all operations except PUTFH and

GETATTR. Upon receiving the NFS4ERR_MOVED error, the client will

obtain the value of the fs_locations attribute. The client will then

use the contents of the attribute to redirect its requests to the

specified server. To facilitate the use of GETATTR, operations such

as PUTFH must also be accepted by the server for the migrated file

system's filehandles. Note that if the server returns NFS4ERR_MOVED,

the server MUST support the fs_locations attribute.

If the client requests more attributes than just fs_locations, the

server may return fs_locations only. This is to be expected since

the server has migrated the filesystem and may not have a method of

obtaining additional attribute data.

The server implementor needs to be careful in developing a migration

solution. The server must consider all of the state information

clients may have outstanding at the server. This includes but is not

limited to locking/share state, delegation state, and asynchronous

file writes which are represented by WRITE and COMMIT verifiers. The

server should strive to minimize the impact on its clients during and

after the migration process.

6.3. Interpretation of the fs_locations Attribute

The fs_location attribute is structured in the following way:

struct fs_location {

utf8str_cis server<>;

pathname4 rootpath;


struct fs_locations {

pathname4 fs_root;

fs_location locations<>;


The fs_location struct is used to represent the location of a

filesystem by providing a server name and the path to the root of the

filesystem. For a multi-homed server or a set of servers that use

the same rootpath, an array of server names may be provided. An

entry in the server array is an UTF8 string and represents one of a

traditional DNS host name, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address. It is not

a requirement that all servers that share the same rootpath be listed

in one fs_location struct. The array of server names is provided for

convenience. Servers that share the same rootpath may also be listed

in separate fs_location entries in the fs_locations attribute.

The fs_locations struct and attribute then contains an array of

locations. Since the name space of each server may be constructed

differently, the "fs_root" field is provided. The path represented

by fs_root represents the location of the filesystem in the server's

name space. Therefore, the fs_root path is only associated with the

server from which the fs_locations attribute was obtained. The

fs_root path is meant to aid the client in locating the filesystem at

the various servers listed.

As an example, there is a replicated filesystem located at two

servers (servA and servB). At servA the filesystem is located at

path "/a/b/c". At servB the filesystem is located at path "/x/y/z".

In this example the client accesses the filesystem first at servA

with a multi-component lookup path of "/a/b/c/d". Since the client

used a multi-component lookup to obtain the filehandle at "/a/b/c/d",

it is unaware that the filesystem's root is located in servA's name

space at "/a/b/c". When the client switches to servB, it will need

to determine that the directory it first referenced at servA is now

represented by the path "/x/y/z/d" on servB. To facilitate this, the

fs_locations attribute provided by servA would have a fs_root value

of "/a/b/c" and two entries in fs_location. One entry in fs_location

will be for itself (servA) and the other will be for servB with a

path of "/x/y/z". With this information, the client is able to

substitute "/x/y/z" for the "/a/b/c" at the beginning of its access

path and construct "/x/y/z/d" to use for the new server.

See the section "Security Considerations" for a discussion on the

recommendations for the security flavor to be used by any GETATTR

operation that requests the "fs_locations" attribute.

6.4. Filehandle Recovery for Migration or Replication

Filehandles for filesystems that are replicated or migrated generally

have the same semantics as for filesystems that are not replicated or

migrated. For example, if a filesystem has persistent filehandles

and it is migrated to another server, the filehandle values for the

filesystem will be valid at the new server.

For volatile filehandles, the servers involved likely do not have a

mechanism to transfer filehandle format and content between

themselves. Therefore, a server may have difficulty in determining

if a volatile filehandle from an old server should return an error of

NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED. Therefore, the client is informed, with the use

of the fh_expire_type attribute, whether volatile filehandles will

expire at the migration or replication event. If the bit

FH4_VOL_MIGRATION is set in the fh_expire_type attribute, the client

must treat the volatile filehandle as if the server had returned the

NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED error. At the migration or replication event in

the presence of the FH4_VOL_MIGRATION bit, the client will not

present the original or old volatile filehandle to the new server.

The client will start its communication with the new server by

recovering its filehandles using the saved file names.

7. NFS Server Name Space

7.1. Server Exports

On a UNIX server the name space describes all the files reachable by

pathnames under the root directory or "/". On a Windows NT server

the name space constitutes all the files on disks named by mapped

disk letters. NFS server administrators rarely make the entire

server's filesystem name space available to NFS clients. More often

portions of the name space are made available via an "export"

feature. In previous versions of the NFS protocol, the root

filehandle for each export is obtained through the MOUNT protocol;

the client sends a string that identifies the export of name space

and the server returns the root filehandle for it. The MOUNT

protocol supports an EXPORTS procedure that will enumerate the

server's exports.

7.2. Browsing Exports

The NFS version 4 protocol provides a root filehandle that clients

can use to obtain filehandles for these exports via a multi-component

LOOKUP. A common user experience is to use a graphical user

interface (perhaps a file "Open" dialog window) to find a file via

progressive browsing through a directory tree. The client must be

able to move from one export to another export via single-component,

progressive LOOKUP operations.

This style of browsing is not well supported by the NFS version 2 and

3 protocols. The client expects all LOOKUP operations to remain

within a single server filesystem. For example, the device attribute

will not change. This prevents a client from taking name space paths

that span exports.

An automounter on the client can obtain a snapshot of the server's

name space using the EXPORTS procedure of the MOUNT protocol. If it

understands the server's pathname syntax, it can create an image of

the server's name space on the client. The parts of the name space

that are not exported by the server are filled in with a "pseudo

filesystem" that allows the user to browse from one mounted

filesystem to another. There is a drawback to this representation of

the server's name space on the client: it is static. If the server

administrator adds a new export the client will be unaware of it.

7.3. Server Pseudo Filesystem

NFS version 4 servers avoid this name space inconsistency by

presenting all the exports within the framework of a single server

name space. An NFS version 4 client uses LOOKUP and READDIR

operations to browse seamlessly from one export to another. Portions

of the server name space that are not exported are bridged via a

"pseudo filesystem" that provides a view of exported directories

only. A pseudo filesystem has a unique fsid and behaves like a

normal, read only filesystem.

Based on the construction of the server's name space, it is possible

that multiple pseudo filesystems may exist. For example,

/a pseudo filesystem

/a/b real filesystem

/a/b/c pseudo filesystem

/a/b/c/d real filesystem

Each of the pseudo filesystems are considered separate entities and

therefore will have a unique fsid.

7.4. Multiple Roots

The DOS and Windows operating environments are sometimes described as

having "multiple roots". Filesystems are commonly represented as

disk letters. MacOS represents filesystems as top level names. NFS

version 4 servers for these platforms can construct a pseudo file

system above these root names so that disk letters or volume names

are simply directory names in the pseudo root.

7.5. Filehandle Volatility

The nature of the server's pseudo filesystem is that it is a logical

representation of filesystem(s) available from the server.

Therefore, the pseudo filesystem is most likely constructed

dynamically when the server is first instantiated. It is expected

that the pseudo filesystem may not have an on disk counterpart from

which persistent filehandles could be constructed. Even though it is

preferable that the server provide persistent filehandles for the

pseudo filesystem, the NFS client should expect that pseudo file

system filehandles are volatile. This can be confirmed by checking

the associated "fh_expire_type" attribute for those filehandles in

question. If the filehandles are volatile, the NFS client must be

prepared to recover a filehandle value (e.g., with a multi-component

LOOKUP) when receiving an error of NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED.

7.6. Exported Root

If the server's root filesystem is exported, one might conclude that

a pseudo-filesystem is not needed. This would be wrong. Assume the

following filesystems on a server:

/ disk1 (exported)

/a disk2 (not exported)

/a/b disk3 (exported)

Because disk2 is not exported, disk3 cannot be reached with simple

LOOKUPs. The server must bridge the gap with a pseudo-filesystem.

7.7. Mount Point Crossing

The server filesystem environment may be constructed in such a way

that one filesystem contains a directory which is 'covered' or

mounted upon by a second filesystem. For example:

/a/b (filesystem 1)

/a/b/c/d (filesystem 2)

The pseudo filesystem for this server may be constructed to look


/ (place holder/not exported)

/a/b (filesystem 1)

/a/b/c/d (filesystem 2)

It is the server's responsibility to present the pseudo filesystem

that is complete to the client. If the client sends a lookup request

for the path "/a/b/c/d", the server's response is the filehandle of

the filesystem "/a/b/c/d". In previous versions of the NFS protocol,

the server would respond with the filehandle of directory "/a/b/c/d"

within the filesystem "/a/b".

The NFS client will be able to determine if it crosses a server mount

point by a change in the value of the "fsid" attribute.

7.8. Security Policy and Name Space Presentation

The application of the server's security policy needs to be carefully

considered by the implementor. One may choose to limit the

viewability of portions of the pseudo filesystem based on the

server's perception of the client's ability to authenticate itself

properly. However, with the support of multiple security mechanisms

and the ability to negotiate the appropriate use of these mechanisms,

the server is unable to properly determine if a client will be able

to authenticate itself. If, based on its policies, the server

chooses to limit the contents of the pseudo filesystem, the server

may effectively hide filesystems from a client that may otherwise

have legitimate access.

As suggested practice, the server should apply the security policy of

a shared resource in the server's namespace to the components of the

resource's ancestors. For example:




The /a/b/c directory is a real filesystem and is the shared resource.

The security policy for /a/b/c is Kerberos with integrity. The

server should apply the same security policy to /, /a, and /a/b.

This allows for the extension of the protection of the server's

namespace to the ancestors of the real shared resource.

For the case of the use of multiple, disjoint security mechanisms in

the server's resources, the security for a particular object in the

server's namespace should be the union of all security mechanisms of

all direct descendants.

8. File Locking and Share Reservations

Integrating locking into the NFS protocol necessarily causes it to be

stateful. With the inclusion of share reservations the protocol

becomes substantially more dependent on state than the traditional

combination of NFS and NLM [XNFS]. There are three components to

making this state manageable:

o Clear division between client and server

o Ability to reliably detect inconsistency in state between client

and server

o Simple and robust recovery mechanisms

In this model, the server owns the state information. The client

communicates its view of this state to the server as needed. The

client is also able to detect inconsistent state before modifying a


To support Win32 share reservations it is necessary to atomically

OPEN or CREATE files. Having a separate share/unshare operation

would not allow correct implementation of the Win32 OpenFile API. In

order to correctly implement share semantics, the previous NFS

protocol mechanisms used when a file is opened or created (LOOKUP,

CREATE, ACCESS) need to be replaced. The NFS version 4 protocol has

an OPEN operation that subsumes the NFS version 3 methodology of

LOOKUP, CREATE, and ACCESS. However, because many operations require

a filehandle, the traditional LOOKUP is preserved to map a file name

to filehandle without establishing state on the server. The policy

of granting access or modifying files is managed by the server based

on the client's state. These mechanisms can implement policy ranging

from advisory only locking to full mandatory locking.

8.1. Locking

It is assumed that manipulating a lock is rare when compared to READ

and WRITE operations. It is also assumed that crashes and network

partitions are relatively rare. Therefore it is important that the

READ and WRITE operations have a lightweight mechanism to indicate if

they possess a held lock. A lock request contains the heavyweight

information required to establish a lock and uniquely define the lock


The following sections describe the transition from the heavy weight

information to the eventual stateid used for most client and server

locking and lease interactions.

8.1.1. Client ID

For each LOCK request, the client must identify itself to the server.

This is done in such a way as to allow for correct lock

identification and crash recovery. A sequence of a SETCLIENTID

operation followed by a SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM operation is required to

establish the identification onto the server. Establishment of

identification by a new incarnation of the client also has the effect

of immediately breaking any leased state that a previous incarnation

of the client might have had on the server, as opposed to forcing the

new client incarnation to wait for the leases to expire. Breaking

the lease state amounts to the server removing all lock, share

reservation, and, where the server is not supporting the

CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV claim type, all delegation state associated with

same client with the same identity. For discussion of delegation

state recovery, see the section "Delegation Recovery".

Client identification is encapsulated in the following structure:

struct nfs_client_id4 {

verifier4 verifier;

opaque id<NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT>;


The first field, verifier is a client incarnation verifier that is

used to detect client reboots. Only if the verifier is different

from that which the server has previously recorded the client (as

identified by the second field of the structure, id) does the server

start the process of canceling the client's leased state.

The second field, id is a variable length string that uniquely

defines the client.

There are several considerations for how the client generates the id


o The string should be unique so that multiple clients do not

present the same string. The consequences of two clients

presenting the same string range from one client getting an error

to one client having its leased state abruptly and unexpectedly


o The string should be selected so the subsequent incarnations

(e.g., reboots) of the same client cause the client to present the

same string. The implementor is cautioned against an approach

that requires the string to be recorded in a local file because

this precludes the use of the implementation in an environment

where there is no local disk and all file access is from an NFS

version 4 server.

o The string should be different for each server network address

that the client accesses, rather than common to all server network

addresses. The reason is that it may not be possible for the

client to tell if the same server is listening on multiple network

addresses. If the client issues SETCLIENTID with the same id

string to each network address of such a server, the server will

think it is the same client, and each successive SETCLIENTID will

cause the server to begin the process of removing the client's

previous leased state.

o The algorithm for generating the string should not assume that the

client's network address won't change. This includes changes

between client incarnations and even changes while the client is

stilling running in its current incarnation. This means that if

the client includes just the client's and server's network address

in the id string, there is a real risk, after the client gives up

the network address, that another client, using a similar

algorithm for generating the id string, will generate a

conflicting id string.

Given the above considerations, an example of a well generated id

string is one that includes:

o The server's network address.

o The client's network address.

o For a user level NFS version 4 client, it should contain

additional information to distinguish the client from other user

level clients running on the same host, such as a process id or

other unique sequence.

o Additional information that tends to be unique, such as one or

more of:

- The client machine's serial number (for privacy reasons, it is

best to perform some one way function on the serial number).

- A MAC address.

- The timestamp of when the NFS version 4 software was first

installed on the client (though this is subject to the

previously mentioned caution about using information that is

stored in a file, because the file might only be accessible

over NFS version 4).

- A true random number. However since this number ought to be

the same between client incarnations, this shares the same

problem as that of the using the timestamp of the software


As a security measure, the server MUST NOT cancel a client's leased

state if the principal established the state for a given id string is

not the same as the principal issuing the SETCLIENTID.

Note that SETCLIENTID and SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM has a secondary purpose

of establishing the information the server needs to make callbacks to

the client for purpose of supporting delegations. It is permitted to

change this information via SETCLIENTID and SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM

within the same incarnation of the client without removing the

client's leased state.

Once a SETCLIENTID and SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM sequence has successfully

completed, the client uses the shorthand client identifier, of type

clientid4, instead of the longer and less compact nfs_client_id4

structure. This shorthand client identifier (a clientid) is assigned

by the server and should be chosen so that it will not conflict with

a clientid previously assigned by the server. This applies across

server restarts or reboots. When a clientid is presented to a server

and that clientid is not recognized, as would happen after a server

reboot, the server will reject the request with the error

NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID. When this happens, the client must obtain a

new clientid by use of the SETCLIENTID operation and then proceed to

any other necessary recovery for the server reboot case (See the

section "Server Failure and Recovery").

The client must also employ the SETCLIENTID operation when it

receives a NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID error using a stateid derived from

its current clientid, since this also indicates a server reboot which

has invalidated the existing clientid (see the next section

"lock_owner and stateid Definition" for details).

See the detailed descriptions of SETCLIENTID and SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM

for a complete specification of the operations.

8.1.2. Server Release of Clientid

If the server determines that the client holds no associated state

for its clientid, the server may choose to release the clientid. The

server may make this choice for an inactive client so that resources

are not consumed by those intermittently active clients. If the

client contacts the server after this release, the server must ensure

the client receives the appropriate error so that it will use the

SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM sequence to establish a new identity.

It should be clear that the server must be very hesitant to release a

clientid since the resulting work on the client to recover from such

an event will be the same burden as if the server had failed and

restarted. Typically a server would not release a clientid unless

there had been no activity from that client for many minutes.

Note that if the id string in a SETCLIENTID request is properly

constructed, and if the client takes care to use the same principal

for each successive use of SETCLIENTID, then, barring an active

denial of service attack, NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE should never be


However, client bugs, server bugs, or perhaps a deliberate change of

the principal owner of the id string (such as the case of a client

that changes security flavors, and under the new flavor, there is no

mapping to the previous owner) will in rare cases result in


In that event, when the server gets a SETCLIENTID for a client id

that currently has no state, or it has state, but the lease has

expired, rather than returning NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE, the server MUST

allow the SETCLIENTID, and confirm the new clientid if followed by

the appropriate SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM.

8.1.3. lock_owner and stateid Definition

When requesting a lock, the client must present to the server the

clientid and an identifier for the owner of the requested lock.

These two fields are referred to as the lock_owner and the definition

of those fields are:

o A clientid returned by the server as part of the client's use of

the SETCLIENTID operation.

o A variable length opaque array used to uniquely define the owner

of a lock managed by the client.

This may be a thread id, process id, or other unique value.

When the server grants the lock, it responds with a unique stateid.

The stateid is used as a shorthand reference to the lock_owner, since

the server will be maintaining the correspondence between them.

The server is free to form the stateid in any manner that it chooses

as long as it is able to recognize invalid and out-of-date stateids.

This requirement includes those stateids generated by earlier

instances of the server. From this, the client can be properly

notified of a server restart. This notification will occur when the

client presents a stateid to the server from a previous


The server must be able to distinguish the following situations and

return the error as specified:

o The stateid was generated by an earlier server instance (i.e.,

before a server reboot). The error NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID should

be returned.

o The stateid was generated by the current server instance but the

stateid no longer designates the current locking state for the

lockowner-file pair in question (i.e., one or more locking

operations has occurred). The error NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID should be


This error condition will only occur when the client issues a

locking request which changes a stateid while an I/O request that

uses that stateid is outstanding.

o The stateid was generated by the current server instance but the

stateid does not designate a locking state for any active

lockowner-file pair. The error NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID should be


This error condition will occur when there has been a logic error

on the part of the client or server. This should not happen.

One mechanism that may be used to satisfy these requirements is for

the server to,

o divide the "other" field of each stateid into two fields:

- A server verifier which uniquely designates a particular server


- An index into a table of locking-state structures.

o utilize the "seqid" field of each stateid, such that seqid is

monotonically incremented for each stateid that is associated with

the same index into the locking-state table.

By matching the incoming stateid and its field values with the state

held at the server, the server is able to easily determine if a

stateid is valid for its current instantiation and state. If the

stateid is not valid, the appropriate error can be supplied to the


8.1.4. Use of the stateid and Locking

All READ, WRITE and SETATTR operations contain a stateid. For the

purposes of this section, SETATTR operations which change the size

attribute of a file are treated as if they are writing the area

between the old and new size (i.e., the range truncated or added to

the file by means of the SETATTR), even where SETATTR is not

explicitly mentioned in the text.

If the lock_owner performs a READ or WRITE in a situation in which it

has established a lock or share reservation on the server (any OPEN

constitutes a share reservation) the stateid (previously returned by

the server) must be used to indicate what locks, including both

record locks and share reservations, are held by the lockowner. If

no state is established by the client, either record lock or share

reservation, a stateid of all bits 0 is used. Regardless whether a

stateid of all bits 0, or a stateid returned by the server is used,

if there is a conflicting share reservation or mandatory record lock

held on the file, the server MUST refuse to service the READ or WRITE


Share reservations are established by OPEN operations and by their

nature are mandatory in that when the OPEN denies READ or WRITE

operations, that denial results in such operations being rejected

with error NFS4ERR_LOCKED. Record locks may be implemented by the

server as either mandatory or advisory, or the choice of mandatory or

advisory behavior may be determined by the server on the basis of the

file being accessed (for example, some UNIX-based servers support a

"mandatory lock bit" on the mode attribute such that if set, record

locks are required on the file before I/O is possible). When record

locks are advisory, they only prevent the granting of conflicting

lock requests and have no effect on READs or WRITEs. Mandatory

record locks, however, prevent conflicting I/O operations. When they

are attempted, they are rejected with NFS4ERR_LOCKED. When the

client gets NFS4ERR_LOCKED on a file it knows it has the proper share

reservation for, it will need to issue a LOCK request on the region

of the file that includes the region the I/O was to be performed on,

with an appropriate locktype (i.e., READ*_LT for a READ operation,

WRITE*_LT for a WRITE operation).

With NFS version 3, there was no notion of a stateid so there was no

way to tell if the application process of the client sending the READ

or WRITE operation had also acquired the appropriate record lock on

the file. Thus there was no way to implement mandatory locking.

With the stateid construct, this barrier has been removed.

Note that for UNIX environments that support mandatory file locking,

the distinction between advisory and mandatory locking is subtle. In

fact, advisory and mandatory record locks are exactly the same in so

far as the APIs and requirements on implementation. If the mandatory

lock attribute is set on the file, the server checks to see if the

lockowner has an appropriate shared (read) or exclusive (write)

record lock on the region it wishes to read or write to. If there is

no appropriate lock, the server checks if there is a conflicting lock

(which can be done by attempting to acquire the conflicting lock on

the behalf of the lockowner, and if successful, release the lock

after the READ or WRITE is done), and if there is, the server returns


For Windows environments, there are no advisory record locks, so the

server always checks for record locks during I/O requests.

Thus, the NFS version 4 LOCK operation does not need to distinguish

between advisory and mandatory record locks. It is the NFS version 4

server's processing of the READ and WRITE operations that introduces

the distinction.

Every stateid other than the special stateid values noted in this

section, whether returned by an OPEN-type operation (i.e., OPEN,

OPEN_DOWNGRADE), or by a LOCK-type operation (i.e., LOCK or LOCKU),

defines an access mode for the file (i.e., READ, WRITE, or READ-

WRITE) as established by the original OPEN which began the stateid

sequence, and as modified by subsequent OPENs and OPEN_DOWNGRADEs

within that stateid sequence. When a READ, WRITE, or SETATTR which

specifies the size attribute, is done, the operation is subject to

checking against the access mode to verify that the operation is

appropriate given the OPEN with which the operation is associated.

In the case of WRITE-type operations (i.e., WRITEs and SETATTRs which

set size), the server must verify that the access mode allows writing

and return an NFS4ERR_OPENMODE error if it does not. In the case, of

READ, the server may perform the corresponding check on the access

mode, or it may choose to allow READ on opens for WRITE only, to

accommodate clients whose write implementation may unavoidably do

reads (e.g., due to buffer cache constraints). However, even if

READs are allowed in these circumstances, the server MUST still check

for locks that conflict with the READ (e.g., another open specify

denial of READs). Note that a server which does enforce the access

mode check on READs need not explicitly check for conflicting share

reservations since the existence of OPEN for read access guarantees

that no conflicting share reservation can exist.

A stateid of all bits 1 (one) MAY allow READ operations to bypass

locking checks at the server. However, WRITE operations with a

stateid with bits all 1 (one) MUST NOT bypass locking checks and are

treated exactly the same as if a stateid of all bits 0 were used.

A lock may not be granted while a READ or WRITE operation using one

of the special stateids is being performed and the range of the lock

request conflicts with the range of the READ or WRITE operation. For

the purposes of this paragraph, a conflict occurs when a shared lock

is requested and a WRITE operation is being performed, or an

exclusive lock is requested and either a READ or a WRITE operation is

being performed. A SETATTR that sets size is treated similarly to a

WRITE as discussed above.

8.1.5. Sequencing of Lock Requests

Locking is different than most NFS operations as it requires "at-

most-one" semantics that are not provided by ONCRPC. ONCRPC over a

reliable transport is not sufficient because a sequence of locking

requests may span multiple TCP connections. In the face of

retransmission or reordering, lock or unlock requests must have a

well defined and consistent behavior. To accomplish this, each lock

request contains a sequence number that is a consecutively increasing

integer. Different lock_owners have different sequences. The server

maintains the last sequence number (L) received and the response that

was returned. The first request issued for any given lock_owner is

issued with a sequence number of zero.

Note that for requests that contain a sequence number, for each

lock_owner, there should be no more than one outstanding request.

If a request (r) with a previous sequence number (r < L) is received,

it is rejected with the return of error NFS4ERR_BAD_SEQID. Given a

properly-functioning client, the response to (r) must have been

received before the last request (L) was sent. If a duplicate of

last request (r == L) is received, the stored response is returned.

If a request beyond the next sequence (r == L + 2) is received, it is

rejected with the return of error NFS4ERR_BAD_SEQID. Sequence

history is reinitialized whenever the SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM

sequence changes the client verifier.

Since the sequence number is represented with an unsigned 32-bit

integer, the arithmetic involved with the sequence number is mod

2^32. For an example of modulo arithmetic involving sequence numbers

see [RFC793].

It is critical the server maintain the last response sent to the

client to provide a more reliable cache of duplicate non-idempotent

requests than that of the traditional cache described in [Juszczak].

The traditional duplicate request cache uses a least recently used

algorithm for removing unneeded requests. However, the last lock

request and response on a given lock_owner must be cached as long as

the lock state exists on the server.

The client MUST monotonically increment the sequence number for the


operations. This is true even in the event that the previous

operation that used the sequence number received an error. The only

exception to this rule is if the previous operation received one of




8.1.6. Recovery from Replayed Requests

As described above, the sequence number is per lock_owner. As long

as the server maintains the last sequence number received and follows

the methods described above, there are no risks of a Byzantine router

re-sending old requests. The server need only maintain the

(lock_owner, sequence number) state as long as there are open files

or closed files with locks outstanding.

LOCK, LOCKU, OPEN, OPEN_DOWNGRADE, and CLOSE each contain a sequence

number and therefore the risk of the replay of these operations

resulting in undesired effects is non-existent while the server

maintains the lock_owner state.

8.1.7. Releasing lock_owner State

When a particular lock_owner no longer holds open or file locking

state at the server, the server may choose to release the sequence

number state associated with the lock_owner. The server may make

this choice based on lease expiration, for the reclamation of server

memory, or other implementation specific details. In any event, the

server is able to do this safely only when the lock_owner no longer

is being utilized by the client. The server may choose to hold the

lock_owner state in the event that retransmitted requests are

received. However, the period to hold this state is implementation


In the case that a LOCK, LOCKU, OPEN_DOWNGRADE, or CLOSE is

retransmitted after the server has previously released the lock_owner

state, the server will find that the lock_owner has no files open and

an error will be returned to the client. If the lock_owner does have

a file open, the stateid will not match and again an error is

returned to the client.

8.1.8. Use of Open Confirmation

In the case that an OPEN is retransmitted and the lock_owner is being

used for the first time or the lock_owner state has been previously

released by the server, the use of the OPEN_CONFIRM operation will

prevent incorrect behavior. When the server observes the use of the

lock_owner for the first time, it will direct the client to perform

the OPEN_CONFIRM for the corresponding OPEN. This sequence

establishes the use of an lock_owner and associated sequence number.

Since the OPEN_CONFIRM sequence connects a new open_owner on the

server with an existing open_owner on a client, the sequence number

may have any value. The OPEN_CONFIRM step assures the server that

the value received is the correct one. See the section "OPEN_CONFIRM

- Confirm Open" for further details.

There are a number of situations in which the requirement to confirm

an OPEN would pose difficulties for the client and server, in that

they would be prevented from acting in a timely fashion on

information received, because that information would be provisional,

subject to deletion upon non-confirmation. Fortunately, these are

situations in which the server can avoid the need for confirmation

when responding to open requests. The two constraints are:

o The server must not bestow a delegation for any open which would

require confirmation.

o The server MUST NOT require confirmation on a reclaim-type open

(i.e., one specifying claim type CLAIM_PREVIOUS or


These constraints are related in that reclaim-type opens are the only

ones in which the server may be required to send a delegation. For

CLAIM_NULL, sending the delegation is optional while for

CLAIM_DELEGATE_CUR, no delegation is sent.

Delegations being sent with an open requiring confirmation are

troublesome because recovering from non-confirmation adds undue

complexity to the protocol while requiring confirmation on reclaim-

type opens poses difficulties in that the inability to resolve

the status of the reclaim until lease expiration may make it

difficult to have timely determination of the set of locks being

reclaimed (since the grace period may expire).

Requiring open confirmation on reclaim-type opens is avoidable

because of the nature of the environments in which such opens are

done. For CLAIM_PREVIOUS opens, this is immediately after server

reboot, so there should be no time for lockowners to be created,

found to be unused, and recycled. For CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV opens, we

are dealing with a client reboot situation. A server which supports

delegation can be sure that no lockowners for that client have been

recycled since client initialization and thus can ensure that

confirmation will not be required.

8.2. Lock Ranges

The protocol allows a lock owner to request a lock with a byte range

and then either upgrade or unlock a sub-range of the initial lock.

It is expected that this will be an uncommon type of request. In any

case, servers or server filesystems may not be able to support sub-

range lock semantics. In the event that a server receives a locking

request that represents a sub-range of current locking state for the

lock owner, the server is allowed to return the error

NFS4ERR_LOCK_RANGE to signify that it does not support sub-range lock

operations. Therefore, the client should be prepared to receive this

error and, if appropriate, report the error to the requesting


The client is discouraged from combining multiple independent locking

ranges that happen to be adjacent into a single request since the

server may not support sub-range requests and for reasons related to

the recovery of file locking state in the event of server failure.

As discussed in the section "Server Failure and Recovery" below, the

server may employ certain optimizations during recovery that work

effectively only when the client's behavior during lock recovery is

similar to the client's locking behavior prior to server failure.

8.3. Upgrading and Downgrading Locks

If a client has a write lock on a record, it can request an atomic

downgrade of the lock to a read lock via the LOCK request, by setting

the type to READ_LT. If the server supports atomic downgrade, the

request will succeed. If not, it will return NFS4ERR_LOCK_NOTSUPP.

The client should be prepared to receive this error, and if

appropriate, report the error to the requesting application.

If a client has a read lock on a record, it can request an atomic

upgrade of the lock to a write lock via the LOCK request by setting

the type to WRITE_LT or WRITEW_LT. If the server does not support

atomic upgrade, it will return NFS4ERR_LOCK_NOTSUPP. If the upgrade

can be achieved without an existing conflict, the request will

succeed. Otherwise, the server will return either NFS4ERR_DENIED or

NFS4ERR_DEADLOCK. The error NFS4ERR_DEADLOCK is returned if the

client issued the LOCK request with the type set to WRITEW_LT and the

server has detected a deadlock. The client should be prepared to

receive such errors and if appropriate, report the error to the

requesting application.

8.4. Blocking Locks

Some clients require the support of blocking locks. The NFS version

4 protocol must not rely on a callback mechanism and therefore is

unable to notify a client when a previously denied lock has been

granted. Clients have no choice but to continually poll for the

lock. This presents a fairness problem. Two new lock types are

added, READW and WRITEW, and are used to indicate to the server that

the client is requesting a blocking lock. The server should maintain

an ordered list of pending blocking locks. When the conflicting lock

is released, the server may wait the lease period for the first

waiting client to re-request the lock. After the lease period

expires the next waiting client request is allowed the lock. Clients

are required to poll at an interval sufficiently small that it is

likely to acquire the lock in a timely manner. The server is not

required to maintain a list of pending blocked locks as it is used to

increase fairness and not correct operation. Because of the

unordered nature of crash recovery, storing of lock state to stable

storage would be required to guarantee ordered granting of blocking


Servers may also note the lock types and delay returning denial of

the request to allow extra time for a conflicting lock to be

released, allowing a successful return. In this way, clients can

avoid the burden of needlessly frequent polling for blocking locks.

The server should take care in the length of delay in the event the

client retransmits the request.

8.5. Lease Renewal

The purpose of a lease is to allow a server to remove stale locks

that are held by a client that has crashed or is otherwise

unreachable. It is not a mechanism for cache consistency and lease

renewals may not be denied if the lease interval has not expired.

The following events cause implicit renewal of all of the leases for

a given client (i.e., all those sharing a given clientid). Each of

these is a positive indication that the client is still active and

that the associated state held at the server, for the client, is

still valid.

o An OPEN with a valid clientid.

o Any operation made with a valid stateid (CLOSE, DELEGPURGE,


READ, RENEW, SETATTR, WRITE). This does not include the special

stateids of all bits 0 or all bits 1.

Note that if the client had restarted or rebooted, the client

would not be making these requests without issuing the


SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM sequence (one that changes the

client verifier) notifies the server to drop the locking state

associated with the client. SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM never

renews a lease.

If the server has rebooted, the stateids (NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID

error) or the clientid (NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID error) will not be

valid hence preventing spurious renewals.

This approach allows for low overhead lease renewal which scales

well. In the typical case no extra RPC calls are required for lease

renewal and in the worst case one RPC is required every lease period

(i.e., a RENEW operation). The number of locks held by the client is

not a factor since all state for the client is involved with the

lease renewal action.

Since all operations that create a new lease also renew existing

leases, the server must maintain a common lease expiration time for

all valid leases for a given client. This lease time can then be

easily updated upon implicit lease renewal actions.

8.6. Crash Recovery

The important requirement in crash recovery is that both the client

and the server know when the other has failed. Additionally, it is

required that a client sees a consistent view of data across server

restarts or reboots. All READ and WRITE operations that may have

been queued within the client or network buffers must wait until the

client has successfully recovered the locks protecting the READ and

WRITE operations.

8.6.1. Client Failure and Recovery

In the event that a client fails, the server may recover the client's

locks when the associated leases have expired. Conflicting locks

from another client may only be granted after this lease expiration.

If the client is able to restart or reinitialize within the lease

period the client may be forced to wait the remainder of the lease

period before obtaining new locks.

To minimize client delay upon restart, lock requests are associated

with an instance of the client by a client supplied verifier. This

verifier is part of the initial SETCLIENTID call made by the client.

The server returns a clientid as a result of the SETCLIENTID

operation. The client then confirms the use of the clientid with

SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM. The clientid in combination with an opaque

owner field is then used by the client to identify the lock owner for

OPEN. This chain of associations is then used to identify all locks

for a particular client.

Since the verifier will be changed by the client upon each

initialization, the server can compare a new verifier to the verifier

associated with currently held locks and determine that they do not

match. This signifies the client's new instantiation and subsequent

loss of locking state. As a result, the server is free to release

all locks held which are associated with the old clientid which was

derived from the old verifier.

Note that the verifier must have the same uniqueness properties of

the verifier for the COMMIT operation.

8.6.2. Server Failure and Recovery

If the server loses locking state (usually as a result of a restart

or reboot), it must allow clients time to discover this fact and re-

establish the lost locking state. The client must be able to re-

establish the locking state without having the server deny valid

requests because the server has granted conflicting access to another

client. Likewise, if there is the possibility that clients have not

yet re-established their locking state for a file, the server must

disallow READ and WRITE operations for that file. The duration of

this recovery period is equal to the duration of the lease period.

A client can determine that server failure (and thus loss of locking

state) has occurred, when it receives one of two errors. The

NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID error indicates a stateid invalidated by a

reboot or restart. The NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID error indicates a

clientid invalidated by reboot or restart. When either of these are

received, the client must establish a new clientid (See the section

"Client ID") and re-establish the locking state as discussed below.

The period of special handling of locking and READs and WRITEs, equal

in duration to the lease period, is referred to as the "grace

period". During the grace period, clients recover locks and the

associated state by reclaim-type locking requests (i.e., LOCK

requests with reclaim set to true and OPEN operations with a claim

type of CLAIM_PREVIOUS). During the grace period, the server must

reject READ and WRITE operations and non-reclaim locking requests

(i.e., other LOCK and OPEN operations) with an error of


If the server can reliably determine that granting a non-reclaim

request will not conflict with reclamation of locks by other clients,

the NFS4ERR_GRACE error does not have to be returned and the non-

reclaim client request can be serviced. For the server to be able to

service READ and WRITE operations during the grace period, it must

again be able to guarantee that no possible conflict could arise

between an impending reclaim locking request and the READ or WRITE

operation. If the server is unable to offer that guarantee, the

NFS4ERR_GRACE error must be returned to the client.

For a server to provide simple, valid handling during the grace

period, the easiest method is to simply reject all non-reclaim

locking requests and READ and WRITE operations by returning the

NFS4ERR_GRACE error. However, a server may keep information about

granted locks in stable storage. With this information, the server

could determine if a regular lock or READ or WRITE operation can be

safely processed.

For example, if a count of locks on a given file is available in

stable storage, the server can track reclaimed locks for the file and

when all reclaims have been processed, non-reclaim locking requests

may be processed. This way the server can ensure that non-reclaim

locking requests will not conflict with potential reclaim requests.

With respect to I/O requests, if the server is able to determine that

there are no outstanding reclaim requests for a file by information

from stable storage or another similar mechanism, the processing of

I/O requests could proceed normally for the file.

To reiterate, for a server that allows non-reclaim lock and I/O

requests to be processed during the grace period, it MUST determine

that no lock subsequently reclaimed will be rejected and that no lock

subsequently reclaimed would have prevented any I/O operation

processed during the grace period.

Clients should be prepared for the return of NFS4ERR_GRACE errors for

non-reclaim lock and I/O requests. In this case the client should

employ a retry mechanism for the request. A delay (on the order of

several seconds) between retries should be used to avoid overwhelming

the server. Further discussion of the general issue is included in

[Floyd]. The client must account for the server that is able to

perform I/O and non-reclaim locking requests within the grace period

as well as those that can not do so.

A reclaim-type locking request outside the server's grace period can

only succeed if the server can guarantee that no conflicting lock or

I/O request has been granted since reboot or restart.

A server may, upon restart, establish a new value for the lease

period. Therefore, clients should, once a new clientid is

established, refetch the lease_time attribute and use it as the basis

for lease renewal for the lease associated with that server.

However, the server must establish, for this restart event, a grace

period at least as long as the lease period for the previous server

instantiation. This allows the client state obtained during the

previous server instance to be reliably re-established.

8.6.3. Network Partitions and Recovery

If the duration of a network partition is greater than the lease

period provided by the server, the server will have not received a

lease renewal from the client. If this occurs, the server may free

all locks held for the client. As a result, all stateids held by the

client will become invalid or stale. Once the client is able to

reach the server after such a network partition, all I/O submitted by

the client with the now invalid stateids will fail with the server

returning the error NFS4ERR_EXPIRED. Once this error is received,

the client will suitably notify the application that held the lock.

As a courtesy to the client or as an optimization, the server may

continue to hold locks on behalf of a client for which recent

communication has extended beyond the lease period. If the server

receives a lock or I/O request that conflicts with one of these

courtesy locks, the server must free the courtesy lock and grant the

new request.

When a network partition is combined with a server reboot, there are

edge conditions that place requirements on the server in order to

avoid silent data corruption following the server reboot. Two of

these edge conditions are known, and are discussed below.

The first edge condition has the following scenario:

1. Client A acquires a lock.

2. Client A and server experience mutual network partition, such

that client A is unable to renew its lease.

3. Client A's lease expires, so server releases lock.

4. Client B acquires a lock that would have conflicted with that

of Client A.

5. Client B releases the lock

6. Server reboots

7. Network partition between client A and server heals.

8. Client A issues a RENEW operation, and gets back a


9. Client A reclaims its lock within the server's grace period.

Thus, at the final step, the server has erroneously granted client

A's lock reclaim. If client B modified the object the lock was

protecting, client A will experience object corruption.

The second known edge condition follows:

1. Client A acquires a lock.

2. Server reboots.

3. Client A and server experience mutual network partition, such

that client A is unable to reclaim its lock within the grace


4. Server's reclaim grace period ends. Client A has no locks

recorded on server.

5. Client B acquires a lock that would have conflicted with that

of Client A.

6. Client B releases the lock.

7. Server reboots a second time.

8. Network partition between client A and server heals.

9. Client A issues a RENEW operation, and gets back a


10. Client A reclaims its lock within the server's grace period.

As with the first edge condition, the final step of the scenario of

the second edge condition has the server erroneously granting client

A's lock reclaim.

Solving the first and second edge conditions requires that the server

either assume after it reboots that edge condition occurs, and thus

return NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE for all reclaim attempts, or that the server

record some information stable storage. The amount of information

the server records in stable storage is in inverse proportion to how

harsh the server wants to be whenever the edge conditions occur. The

server that is completely tolerant of all edge conditions will record

in stable storage every lock that is acquired, removing the lock

record from stable storage only when the lock is unlocked by the

client and the lock's lockowner advances the sequence number such

that the lock release is not the last stateful event for the

lockowner's sequence. For the two aforementioned edge conditions,

the harshest a server can be, and still support a grace period for

reclaims, requires that the server record in stable storage

information some minimal information. For example, a server

implementation could, for each client, save in stable storage a

record containing:

o the client's id string

o a boolean that indicates if the client's lease expired or if there

was administrative intervention (see the section, Server

Revocation of Locks) to revoke a record lock, share reservation,

or delegation

o a timestamp that is updated the first time after a server boot or

reboot the client acquires record locking, share reservation, or

delegation state on the server. The timestamp need not be updated

on subsequent lock requests until the server reboots.

The server implementation would also record in the stable storage the

timestamps from the two most recent server reboots.

Assuming the above record keeping, for the first edge condition,

after the server reboots, the record that client A's lease expired

means that another client could have acquired a conflicting record

lock, share reservation, or delegation. Hence the server must reject

a reclaim from client A with the error NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE.

For the second edge condition, after the server reboots for a second

time, the record that the client had an unexpired record lock, share

reservation, or delegation established before the server's previous

incarnation means that the server must reject a reclaim from client A

with the error NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE.

Regardless of the level and approach to record keeping, the server

MUST implement one of the following strategies (which apply to

reclaims of share reservations, record locks, and delegations):

1. Reject all reclaims with NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE. This is superharsh,

but necessary if the server does not want to record lock state

in stable storage.

2. Record sufficient state in stable storage such that all known

edge conditions involving server reboot, including the two

noted in this section, are detected. False positives are

acceptable. Note that at this time, it is not known if there

are other edge conditions.

In the event, after a server reboot, the server determines that

there is unrecoverable damage or corruption to the the stable

storage, then for all clients and/or locks affected, the server


A mandate for the client's handling of the NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE error is

outside the scope of this specification, since the strategies for

such handling are very dependent on the client's operating

environment. However, one potential approach is described below.

When the client receives NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE, it could examine the

change attribute of the objects the client is trying to reclaim state

for, and use that to determine whether to re-establish the state via

normal OPEN or LOCK requests. This is acceptable provided the

client's operating environment allows it. In otherwords, the client

implementor is advised to document for his users the behavior. The

client could also inform the application that its record lock or

share reservations (whether they were delegated or not) have been

lost, such as via a UNIX signal, a GUI pop-up window, etc. See the

section, "Data Caching and Revocation" for a discussion of what the

client should do for dealing with unreclaimed delegations on client


For further discussion of revocation of locks see the section "Server

Revocation of Locks".

8.7. Recovery from a Lock Request Timeout or Abort

In the event a lock request times out, a client may decide to not

retry the request. The client may also abort the request when the

process for which it was issued is terminated (e.g., in UNIX due to a

signal). It is possible though that the server received the request

and acted upon it. This would change the state on the server without

the client being aware of the change. It is paramount that the

client re-synchronize state with server before it attempts any other

operation that takes a seqid and/or a stateid with the same

lock_owner. This is straightforward to do without a special re-

synchronize operation.

Since the server maintains the last lock request and response

received on the lock_owner, for each lock_owner, the client should

cache the last lock request it sent such that the lock request did

not receive a response. From this, the next time the client does a

lock operation for the lock_owner, it can send the cached request, if

there is one, and if the request was one that established state

(e.g., a LOCK or OPEN operation), the server will return the cached

result or if never saw the request, perform it. The client can

follow up with a request to remove the state (e.g., a LOCKU or CLOSE

operation). With this approach, the sequencing and stateid

information on the client and server for the given lock_owner will

re-synchronize and in turn the lock state will re-synchronize.

8.8. Server Revocation of Locks

At any point, the server can revoke locks held by a client and the

client must be prepared for this event. When the client detects that

its locks have been or may have been revoked, the client is

responsible for validating the state information between itself and

the server. Validating locking state for the client means that it

must verify or reclaim state for each lock currently held.

The first instance of lock revocation is upon server reboot or re-

initialization. In this instance the client will receive an error


proceed with normal crash recovery as described in the previous


The second lock revocation event is the inability to renew the lease

before expiration. While this is considered a rare or unusual event,

the client must be prepared to recover. Both the server and client

will be able to detect the failure to renew the lease and are capable

of recovering without data corruption. For the server, it tracks the

last renewal event serviced for the client and knows when the lease

will expire. Similarly, the client must track operations which will

renew the lease period. Using the time that each such request was

sent and the time that the corresponding reply was received, the

client should bound the time that the corresponding renewal could

have occurred on the server and thus determine if it is possible that

a lease period expiration could have occurred.

The third lock revocation event can occur as a result of

administrative intervention within the lease period. While this is

considered a rare event, it is possible that the server's

administrator has decided to release or revoke a particular lock held

by the client. As a result of revocation, the client will receive an

error of NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED. In this instance the client may

assume that only the lock_owner's locks have been lost. The client

notifies the lock holder appropriately. The client may not assume

the lease period has been renewed as a result of failed operation.

When the client determines the lease period may have expired, the

client must mark all locks held for the associated lease as

"unvalidated". This means the client has been unable to re-establish

or confirm the appropriate lock state with the server. As described

in the previous section on crash recovery, there are scenarios in

which the server may grant conflicting locks after the lease period

has expired for a client. When it is possible that the lease period

has expired, the client must validate each lock currently held to

ensure that a conflicting lock has not been granted. The client may

accomplish this task by issuing an I/O request, either a pending I/O

or a zero-length read, specifying the stateid associated with the

lock in question. If the response to the request is success, the

client has validated all of the locks governed by that stateid and

re-established the appropriate state between itself and the server.

If the I/O request is not successful, then one or more of the locks

associated with the stateid was revoked by the server and the client

must notify the owner.

8.9. Share Reservations

A share reservation is a mechanism to control access to a file. It

is a separate and independent mechanism from record locking. When a

client opens a file, it issues an OPEN operation to the server

specifying the type of access required (READ, WRITE, or BOTH) and the

type of access to deny others (deny NONE, READ, WRITE, or BOTH). If

the OPEN fails the client will fail the application's open request.

Pseudo-code definition of the semantics:

if (request.access == 0)

return (NFS4ERR_INVAL)


if ((request.access & file_state.deny))

(request.deny & file_state.access))


This checking of share reservations on OPEN is done with no exception

for an existing OPEN for the same open_owner.

The constants used for the OPEN and OPEN_DOWNGRADE operations for the

access and deny fields are as follows:

const OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_READ = 0x00000001;

const OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE = 0x00000002;

const OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_BOTH = 0x00000003;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_NONE = 0x00000000;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_READ = 0x00000001;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_WRITE = 0x00000002;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_BOTH = 0x00000003;

8.10. OPEN/CLOSE Operations

To provide correct share semantics, a client MUST use the OPEN

operation to obtain the initial filehandle and indicate the desired

access and what if any access to deny. Even if the client intends to

use a stateid of all 0's or all 1's, it must still obtain the

filehandle for the regular file with the OPEN operation so the

appropriate share semantics can be applied. For clients that do not

have a deny mode built into their open programming interfaces, deny

equal to NONE should be used.

The OPEN operation with the CREATE flag, also subsumes the CREATE

operation for regular files as used in previous versions of the NFS

protocol. This allows a create with a share to be done atomically.

The CLOSE operation removes all share reservations held by the

lock_owner on that file. If record locks are held, the client SHOULD

release all locks before issuing a CLOSE. The server MAY free all

outstanding locks on CLOSE but some servers may not support the CLOSE

of a file that still has record locks held. The server MUST return

failure, NFS4ERR_LOCKS_HELD, if any locks would exist after the


The LOOKUP operation will return a filehandle without establishing

any lock state on the server. Without a valid stateid, the server

will assume the client has the least access. For example, a file

opened with deny READ/WRITE cannot be accessed using a filehandle

obtained through LOOKUP because it would not have a valid stateid

(i.e., using a stateid of all bits 0 or all bits 1).

8.10.1. Close and Retention of State Information

Since a CLOSE operation requests deallocation of a stateid, dealing

with retransmission of the CLOSE, may pose special difficulties,

since the state information, which normally would be used to

determine the state of the open file being designated, might be

deallocated, resulting in an NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID error.

Servers may deal with this problem in a number of ways. To provide

the greatest degree assurance that the protocol is being used

properly, a server should, rather than deallocate the stateid, mark

it as close-pending, and retain the stateid with this status, until

later deallocation. In this way, a retransmitted CLOSE can be

recognized since the stateid points to state information with this

distinctive status, so that it can be handled without error.

When adopting this strategy, a server should retain the state

information until the earliest of:

o Another validly sequenced request for the same lockowner, that is

not a retransmission.

o The time that a lockowner is freed by the server due to period

with no activity.

o All locks for the client are freed as a result of a SETCLIENTID.

Servers may avoid this complexity, at the cost of less complete

protocol error checking, by simply responding NFS4_OK in the event of

a CLOSE for a deallocated stateid, on the assumption that this case

must be caused by a retransmitted close. When adopting this

approach, it is desirable to at least log an error when returning a

no-error indication in this situation. If the server maintains a

reply-cache mechanism, it can verify the CLOSE is indeed a

retransmission and avoid error logging in most cases.

8.11. Open Upgrade and Downgrade

When an OPEN is done for a file and the lockowner for which the open

is being done already has the file open, the result is to upgrade the

open file status maintained on the server to include the access and

deny bits specified by the new OPEN as well as those for the existing

OPEN. The result is that there is one open file, as far as the

protocol is concerned, and it includes the union of the access and

deny bits for all of the OPEN requests completed. Only a single

CLOSE will be done to reset the effects of both OPENs. Note that the

client, when issuing the OPEN, may not know that the same file is in

fact being opened. The above only applies if both OPENs result in

the OPENed object being designated by the same filehandle.

When the server chooses to export multiple filehandles corresponding

to the same file object and returns different filehandles on two

different OPENs of the same file object, the server MUST NOT "OR"

together the access and deny bits and coalesce the two open files.

Instead the server must maintain separate OPENs with separate

stateids and will require separate CLOSEs to free them.

When multiple open files on the client are merged into a single open

file object on the server, the close of one of the open files (on the

client) may necessitate change of the access and deny status of the

open file on the server. This is because the union of the access and

deny bits for the remaining opens may be smaller (i.e., a proper

subset) than previously. The OPEN_DOWNGRADE operation is used to

make the necessary change and the client should use it to update the

server so that share reservation requests by other clients are

handled properly.

8.12. Short and Long Leases

When determining the time period for the server lease, the usual

lease tradeoffs apply. Short leases are good for fast server

recovery at a cost of increased RENEW or READ (with zero length)

requests. Longer leases are certainly kinder and gentler to servers

trying to handle very large numbers of clients. The number of RENEW

requests drop in proportion to the lease time. The disadvantages of

long leases are slower recovery after server failure (the server must

wait for the leases to expire and the grace period to elapse before

granting new lock requests) and increased file contention (if client

fails to transmit an unlock request then server must wait for lease

expiration before granting new locks).

Long leases are usable if the server is able to store lease state in

non-volatile memory. Upon recovery, the server can reconstruct the

lease state from its non-volatile memory and continue operation with

its clients and therefore long leases would not be an issue.

8.13. Clocks, Propagation Delay, and Calculating Lease Expiration

To avoid the need for synchronized clocks, lease times are granted by

the server as a time delta. However, there is a requirement that the

client and server clocks do not drift excessively over the duration

of the lock. There is also the issue of propagation delay across the

network which could easily be several hundred milliseconds as well as

the possibility that requests will be lost and need to be


To take propagation delay into account, the client should subtract it

from lease times (e.g., if the client estimates the one-way

propagation delay as 200 msec, then it can assume that the lease is

already 200 msec old when it gets it). In addition, it will take

another 200 msec to get a response back to the server. So the client

must send a lock renewal or write data back to the server 400 msec

before the lease would expire.

The server's lease period configuration should take into account the

network distance of the clients that will be accessing the server's

resources. It is expected that the lease period will take into

account the network propagation delays and other network delay

factors for the client population. Since the protocol does not allow

for an automatic method to determine an appropriate lease period, the

server's administrator may have to tune the lease period.

8.14. Migration, Replication and State

When responsibility for handling a given file system is transferred

to a new server (migration) or the client chooses to use an alternate

server (e.g., in response to server unresponsiveness) in the context

of file system replication, the appropriate handling of state shared

between the client and server (i.e., locks, leases, stateids, and

clientids) is as described below. The handling differs between

migration and replication. For related discussion of file server

state and recover of such see the sections under "File Locking and

Share Reservations".

If server replica or a server immigrating a filesystem agrees to, or

is expected to, accept opaque values from the client that originated

from another server, then it is a wise implementation practice for

the servers to encode the "opaque" values in network byte order.

This way, servers acting as replicas or immigrating filesystems will

be able to parse values like stateids, directory cookies,

filehandles, etc. even if their native byte order is different from

other servers cooperating in the replication and migration of the


8.14.1. Migration and State

In the case of migration, the servers involved in the migration of a

filesystem SHOULD transfer all server state from the original to the

new server. This must be done in a way that is transparent to the

client. This state transfer will ease the client's transition when a

filesystem migration occurs. If the servers are successful in

transferring all state, the client will continue to use stateids

assigned by the original server. Therefore the new server must

recognize these stateids as valid. This holds true for the clientid

as well. Since responsibility for an entire filesystem is

transferred with a migration event, there is no possibility that

conflicts will arise on the new server as a result of the transfer of


As part of the transfer of information between servers, leases would

be transferred as well. The leases being transferred to the new

server will typically have a different expiration time from those for

the same client, previously on the old server. To maintain the

property that all leases on a given server for a given client expire

at the same time, the server should advance the expiration time to

the later of the leases being transferred or the leases already

present. This allows the client to maintain lease renewal of both

classes without special effort.

The servers may choose not to transfer the state information upon

migration. However, this choice is discouraged. In this case, when

the client presents state information from the original server, the

client must be prepared to receive either NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID or

NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID from the new server. The client should then

recover its state information as it normally would in response to a

server failure. The new server must take care to allow for the

recovery of state information as it would in the event of server


8.14.2. Replication and State

Since client switch-over in the case of replication is not under

server control, the handling of state is different. In this case,

leases, stateids and clientids do not have validity across a

transition from one server to another. The client must re-establish

its locks on the new server. This can be compared to the re-

establishment of locks by means of reclaim-type requests after a

server reboot. The difference is that the server has no provision to

distinguish requests reclaiming locks from those obtaining new locks

or to defer the latter. Thus, a client re-establishing a lock on the

new server (by means of a LOCK or OPEN request), may have the

requests denied due to a conflicting lock. Since replication is

intended for read-only use of filesystems, such denial of locks

should not pose large difficulties in practice. When an attempt to

re-establish a lock on a new server is denied, the client should

treat the situation as if his original lock had been revoked.

8.14.3. Notification of Migrated Lease

In the case of lease renewal, the client may not be submitting

requests for a filesystem that has been migrated to another server.

This can occur because of the implicit lease renewal mechanism. The

client renews leases for all filesystems when submitting a request to

any one filesystem at the server.

In order for the client to schedule renewal of leases that may have

been relocated to the new server, the client must find out about

lease relocation before those leases expire. To accomplish this, all

operations which implicitly renew leases for a client (i.e., OPEN,

CLOSE, READ, WRITE, RENEW, LOCK, LOCKT, LOCKU), will return the error

NFS4ERR_LEASE_MOVED if responsibility for any of the leases to be

renewed has been transferred to a new server. This condition will

continue until the client receives an NFS4ERR_MOVED error and the

server receives the subsequent GETATTR(fs_locations) for an access to

each filesystem for which a lease has been moved to a new server.

When a client receives an NFS4ERR_LEASE_MOVED error, it should

perform an operation on each filesystem associated with the server in

question. When the client receives an NFS4ERR_MOVED error, the

client can follow the normal process to obtain the new server

information (through the fs_locations attribute) and perform renewal

of those leases on the new server. If the server has not had state

transferred to it transparently, the client will receive either


as described above, and the client can then recover state information

as it does in the event of server failure.

8.14.4. Migration and the Lease_time Attribute

In order that the client may appropriately manage its leases in the

case of migration, the destination server must establish proper

values for the lease_time attribute.

When state is transferred transparently, that state should include

the correct value of the lease_time attribute. The lease_time

attribute on the destination server must never be less than that on

the source since this would result in premature expiration of leases

granted by the source server. Upon migration in which state is

transferred transparently, the client is under no obligation to re-

fetch the lease_time attribute and may continue to use the value

previously fetched (on the source server).

If state has not been transferred transparently (i.e., the client

sees a real or simulated server reboot), the client should fetch the

value of lease_time on the new (i.e., destination) server, and use it

for subsequent locking requests. However the server must respect a

grace period at least as long as the lease_time on the source server,

in order to ensure that clients have ample time to reclaim their

locks before potentially conflicting non-reclaimed locks are granted.

The means by which the new server obtains the value of lease_time on

the old server is left to the server implementations. It is not

specified by the NFS version 4 protocol.

9. Client-Side Caching

Client-side caching of data, of file attributes, and of file names is

essential to providing good performance with the NFS protocol.

Providing distributed cache coherence is a difficult problem and

previous versions of the NFS protocol have not attempted it.

Instead, several NFS client implementation techniques have been used

to reduce the problems that a lack of coherence poses for users.

These techniques have not been clearly defined by earlier protocol

specifications and it is often unclear what is valid or invalid

client behavior.

The NFS version 4 protocol uses many techniques similar to those that

have been used in previous protocol versions. The NFS version 4

protocol does not provide distributed cache coherence. However, it

defines a more limited set of caching guarantees to allow locks and

share reservations to be used without destructive interference from

client side caching.

In addition, the NFS version 4 protocol introduces a delegation

mechanism which allows many decisions normally made by the server to

be made locally by clients. This mechanism provides efficient

support of the common cases where sharing is infrequent or where

sharing is read-only.

9.1. Performance Challenges for Client-Side Caching

Caching techniques used in previous versions of the NFS protocol have

been successful in providing good performance. However, several

scalability challenges can arise when those techniques are used with

very large numbers of clients. This is particularly true when

clients are geographically distributed which classically increases

the latency for cache revalidation requests.

The previous versions of the NFS protocol repeat their file data

cache validation requests at the time the file is opened. This

behavior can have serious performance drawbacks. A common case is

one in which a file is only accessed by a single client. Therefore,

sharing is infrequent.

In this case, repeated reference to the server to find that no

conflicts exist is expensive. A better option with regards to

performance is to allow a client that repeatedly opens a file to do

so without reference to the server. This is done until potentially

conflicting operations from another client actually occur.

A similar situation arises in connection with file locking. Sending

file lock and unlock requests to the server as well as the read and

write requests necessary to make data caching consistent with the

locking semantics (see the section "Data Caching and File Locking")

can severely limit performance. When locking is used to provide

protection against infrequent conflicts, a large penalty is incurred.

This penalty may discourage the use of file locking by applications.

The NFS version 4 protocol provides more aggressive caching

strategies with the following design goals:

o Compatibility with a large range of server semantics.

o Provide the same caching benefits as previous versions of the NFS

protocol when unable to provide the more aggressive model.

o Requirements for aggressive caching are organized so that a large

portion of the benefit can be obtained even when not all of the

requirements can be met.

The appropriate requirements for the server are discussed in later

sections in which specific forms of caching are covered. (see the

section "Open Delegation").

9.2. Delegation and Callbacks

Recallable delegation of server responsibilities for a file to a

client improves performance by avoiding repeated requests to the

server in the absence of inter-client conflict. With the use of a

"callback" RPC from server to client, a server recalls delegated

responsibilities when another client engages in sharing of a

delegated file.

A delegation is passed from the server to the client, specifying the

object of the delegation and the type of delegation. There are

different types of delegations but each type contains a stateid to be

used to represent the delegation when performing operations that

depend on the delegation. This stateid is similar to those

associated with locks and share reservations but differs in that the

stateid for a delegation is associated with a clientid and may be

used on behalf of all the open_owners for the given client. A

delegation is made to the client as a whole and not to any specific

process or thread of control within it.

Because callback RPCs may not work in all environments (due to

firewalls, for example), correct protocol operation does not depend

on them. Preliminary testing of callback functionality by means of a

CB_NULL procedure determines whether callbacks can be supported. The

CB_NULL procedure checks the continuity of the callback path. A

server makes a preliminary assessment of callback availability to a

given client and avoids delegating responsibilities until it has

determined that callbacks are supported. Because the granting of a

delegation is always conditional upon the absence of conflicting

access, clients must not assume that a delegation will be granted and

they must always be prepared for OPENs to be processed without any

delegations being granted.

Once granted, a delegation behaves in most ways like a lock. There

is an associated lease that is subject to renewal together with all

of the other leases held by that client.

Unlike locks, an operation by a second client to a delegated file

will cause the server to recall a delegation through a callback.

On recall, the client holding the delegation must flush modified

state (such as modified data) to the server and return the

delegation. The conflicting request will not receive a response

until the recall is complete. The recall is considered complete when

the client returns the delegation or the server times out on the

recall and revokes the delegation as a result of the timeout.

Following the resolution of the recall, the server has the

information necessary to grant or deny the second client's request.

At the time the client receives a delegation recall, it may have

substantial state that needs to be flushed to the server. Therefore,

the server should allow sufficient time for the delegation to be

returned since it may involve numerous RPCs to the server. If the

server is able to determine that the client is diligently flushing

state to the server as a result of the recall, the server may extend

the usual time allowed for a recall. However, the time allowed for

recall completion should not be unbounded.

An example of this is when responsibility to mediate opens on a given

file is delegated to a client (see the section "Open Delegation").

The server will not know what opens are in effect on the client.

Without this knowledge the server will be unable to determine if the

access and deny state for the file allows any particular open until

the delegation for the file has been returned.

A client failure or a network partition can result in failure to

respond to a recall callback. In this case, the server will revoke

the delegation which in turn will render useless any modified state

still on the client.

9.2.1. Delegation Recovery

There are three situations that delegation recovery must deal with:

o Client reboot or restart

o Server reboot or restart

o Network partition (full or callback-only)

In the event the client reboots or restarts, the failure to renew

leases will result in the revocation of record locks and share

reservations. Delegations, however, may be treated a bit


There will be situations in which delegations will need to be

reestablished after a client reboots or restarts. The reason for

this is the client may have file data stored locally and this data

was associated with the previously held delegations. The client will

need to reestablish the appropriate file state on the server.

To allow for this type of client recovery, the server MAY extend the

period for delegation recovery beyond the typical lease expiration

period. This implies that requests from other clients that conflict

with these delegations will need to wait. Because the normal recall

process may require significant time for the client to flush changed

state to the server, other clients need be prepared for delays that

occur because of a conflicting delegation. This longer interval

would increase the window for clients to reboot and consult stable

storage so that the delegations can be reclaimed. For open

delegations, such delegations are reclaimed using OPEN with a claim

type of CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV. (See the sections on "Data Caching and

Revocation" and "Operation 18: OPEN" for discussion of open

delegation and the details of OPEN respectively).

A server MAY support a claim type of CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV, but if it

does, it MUST NOT remove delegations upon SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM, and

instead MUST, for a period of time no less than that of the value of

the lease_time attribute, maintain the client's delegations to allow

time for the client to issue CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV requests. The

server that supports CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV MUST support the DELEGPURGE


When the server reboots or restarts, delegations are reclaimed (using

the OPEN operation with CLAIM_PREVIOUS) in a similar fashion to

record locks and share reservations. However, there is a slight

semantic difference. In the normal case if the server decides that a

delegation should not be granted, it performs the requested action

(e.g., OPEN) without granting any delegation. For reclaim, the

server grants the delegation but a special designation is applied so

that the client treats the delegation as having been granted but

recalled by the server. Because of this, the client has the duty to

write all modified state to the server and then return the

delegation. This process of handling delegation reclaim reconciles

three principles of the NFS version 4 protocol:

o Upon reclaim, a client reporting resources assigned to it by an

earlier server instance must be granted those resources.

o The server has unquestionable authority to determine whether

delegations are to be granted and, once granted, whether they are

to be continued.

o The use of callbacks is not to be depended upon until the client

has proven its ability to receive them.

When a network partition occurs, delegations are subject to freeing

by the server when the lease renewal period expires. This is similar

to the behavior for locks and share reservations. For delegations,

however, the server may extend the period in which conflicting

requests are held off. Eventually the occurrence of a conflicting

request from another client will cause revocation of the delegation.

A loss of the callback path (e.g., by later network configuration

change) will have the same effect. A recall request will fail and

revocation of the delegation will result.

A client normally finds out about revocation of a delegation when it

uses a stateid associated with a delegation and receives the error

NFS4ERR_EXPIRED. It also may find out about delegation revocation

after a client reboot when it attempts to reclaim a delegation and

receives that same error. Note that in the case of a revoked write

open delegation, there are issues because data may have been modified

by the client whose delegation is revoked and separately by other

clients. See the section "Revocation Recovery for Write Open

Delegation" for a discussion of such issues. Note also that when

delegations are revoked, information about the revoked delegation

will be written by the server to stable storage (as described in the

section "Crash Recovery"). This is done to deal with the case in

which a server reboots after revoking a delegation but before the

client holding the revoked delegation is notified about the


9.3. Data Caching

When applications share access to a set of files, they need to be

implemented so as to take account of the possibility of conflicting

access by another application. This is true whether the applications

in question execute on different clients or reside on the same


Share reservations and record locks are the facilities the NFS

version 4 protocol provides to allow applications to coordinate

access by providing mutual exclusion facilities. The NFS version 4

protocol's data caching must be implemented such that it does not

invalidate the assumptions that those using these facilities depend


9.3.1. Data Caching and OPENs

In order to avoid invalidating the sharing assumptions that

applications rely on, NFS version 4 clients should not provide cached

data to applications or modify it on behalf of an application when it

would not be valid to obtain or modify that same data via a READ or

WRITE operation.

Furthermore, in the absence of open delegation (see the section "Open

Delegation") two additional rules apply. Note that these rules are

obeyed in practice by many NFS version 2 and version 3 clients.

o First, cached data present on a client must be revalidated after

doing an OPEN. Revalidating means that the client fetches the

change attribute from the server, compares it with the cached

change attribute, and if different, declares the cached data (as

well as the cached attributes) as invalid. This is to ensure that

the data for the OPENed file is still correctly reflected in the

client's cache. This validation must be done at least when the

client's OPEN operation includes DENY=WRITE or BOTH thus

terminating a period in which other clients may have had the

opportunity to open the file with WRITE access. Clients may

choose to do the revalidation more often (i.e., at OPENs

specifying DENY=NONE) to parallel the NFS version 3 protocol's

practice for the benefit of users assuming this degree of cache


Since the change attribute is updated for data and metadata

modifications, some client implementors may be tempted to use the

time_modify attribute and not change to validate cached data, so

that metadata changes do not spuriously invalidate clean data.

The implementor is cautioned in this approach. The change

attribute is guaranteed to change for each update to the file,

whereas time_modify is guaranteed to change only at the

granularity of the time_delta attribute. Use by the client's data

cache validation logic of time_modify and not change runs the risk

of the client incorrectly marking stale data as valid.

o Second, modified data must be flushed to the server before closing

a file OPENed for write. This is complementary to the first rule.

If the data is not flushed at CLOSE, the revalidation done after

client OPENs as file is unable to achieve its purpose. The other

ASPect to flushing the data before close is that the data must be

committed to stable storage, at the server, before the CLOSE

operation is requested by the client. In the case of a server

reboot or restart and a CLOSEd file, it may not be possible to

retransmit the data to be written to the file. Hence, this


9.3.2. Data Caching and File Locking

For those applications that choose to use file locking instead of

share reservations to exclude inconsistent file access, there is an

analogous set of constraints that apply to client side data caching.

These rules are effective only if the file locking is used in a way

that matches in an equivalent way the actual READ and WRITE

operations executed. This is as opposed to file locking that is

based on pure convention. For example, it is possible to manipulate

a two-megabyte file by dividing the file into two one-megabyte

regions and protecting access to the two regions by file locks on

bytes zero and one. A lock for write on byte zero of the file would

represent the right to do READ and WRITE operations on the first

region. A lock for write on byte one of the file would represent the

right to do READ and WRITE operations on the second region. As long

as all applications manipulating the file obey this convention, they

will work on a local filesystem. However, they may not work with the

NFS version 4 protocol unless clients refrain from data caching.

The rules for data caching in the file locking environment are:

o First, when a client obtains a file lock for a particular region,

the data cache corresponding to that region (if any cached data

exists) must be revalidated. If the change attribute indicates

that the file may have been updated since the cached data was

obtained, the client must flush or invalidate the cached data for

the newly locked region. A client might choose to invalidate all

of non-modified cached data that it has for the file but the only

requirement for correct operation is to invalidate all of the data

in the newly locked region.

o Second, before releasing a write lock for a region, all modified

data for that region must be flushed to the server. The modified

data must also be written to stable storage.

Note that flushing data to the server and the invalidation of cached

data must reflect the actual byte ranges locked or unlocked.

Rounding these up or down to reflect client cache block boundaries

will cause problems if not carefully done. For example, writing a

modified block when only half of that block is within an area being

unlocked may cause invalid modification to the region outside the

unlocked area. This, in turn, may be part of a region locked by

another client. Clients can avoid this situation by synchronously

performing portions of write operations that overlap that portion

(initial or final) that is not a full block. Similarly, invalidating

a locked area which is not an integral number of full buffer blocks

would require the client to read one or two partial blocks from the

server if the revalidation procedure shows that the data which the

client possesses may not be valid.

The data that is written to the server as a prerequisite to the

unlocking of a region must be written, at the server, to stable

storage. The client may accomplish this either with synchronous

writes or by following asynchronous writes with a COMMIT operation.

This is required because retransmission of the modified data after a

server reboot might conflict with a lock held by another client.

A client implementation may choose to accommodate applications which

use record locking in non-standard ways (e.g., using a record lock as

a global semaphore) by flushing to the server more data upon an LOCKU

than is covered by the locked range. This may include modified data

within files other than the one for which the unlocks are being done.

In such cases, the client must not interfere with applications whose

READs and WRITEs are being done only within the bounds of record

locks which the application holds. For example, an application locks

a single byte of a file and proceeds to write that single byte. A

client that chose to handle a LOCKU by flushing all modified data to

the server could validly write that single byte in response to an

unrelated unlock. However, it would not be valid to write the entire

block in which that single written byte was located since it includes

an area that is not locked and might be locked by another client.

Client implementations can avoid this problem by dividing files with

modified data into those for which all modifications are done to

areas covered by an appropriate record lock and those for which there

are modifications not covered by a record lock. Any writes done for

the former class of files must not include areas not locked and thus

not modified on the client.

9.3.3. Data Caching and Mandatory File Locking

Client side data caching needs to respect mandatory file locking when

it is in effect. The presence of mandatory file locking for a given

file is indicated when the client gets back NFS4ERR_LOCKED from a

READ or WRITE on a file it has an appropriate share reservation for.

When mandatory locking is in effect for a file, the client must check

for an appropriate file lock for data being read or written. If a

lock exists for the range being read or written, the client may

satisfy the request using the client's validated cache. If an

appropriate file lock is not held for the range of the read or write,

the read or write request must not be satisfied by the client's cache

and the request must be sent to the server for processing. When a

read or write request partially overlaps a locked region, the request

should be subdivided into multiple pieces with each region (locked or

not) treated appropriately.

9.3.4. Data Caching and File Identity

When clients cache data, the file data needs to be organized

according to the filesystem object to which the data belongs. For

NFS version 3 clients, the typical practice has been to assume for

the purpose of caching that distinct filehandles represent distinct

filesystem objects. The client then has the choice to organize and

maintain the data cache on this basis.

In the NFS version 4 protocol, there is now the possibility to have

significant deviations from a "one filehandle per object" model

because a filehandle may be constructed on the basis of the object's

pathname. Therefore, clients need a reliable method to determine if

two filehandles designate the same filesystem object. If clients

were simply to assume that all distinct filehandles denote distinct

objects and proceed to do data caching on this basis, caching

inconsistencies would arise between the distinct client side objects

which mapped to the same server side object.

By providing a method to differentiate filehandles, the NFS version 4

protocol alleviates a potential functional regression in comparison

with the NFS version 3 protocol. Without this method, caching

inconsistencies within the same client could occur and this has not

been present in previous versions of the NFS protocol. Note that it

is possible to have such inconsistencies with applications executing

on multiple clients but that is not the issue being addressed here.

For the purposes of data caching, the following steps allow an NFS

version 4 client to determine whether two distinct filehandles denote

the same server side object:

o If GETATTR directed to two filehandles returns different values of

the fsid attribute, then the filehandles represent distinct


o If GETATTR for any file with an fsid that matches the fsid of the

two filehandles in question returns a unique_handles attribute

with a value of TRUE, then the two objects are distinct.

o If GETATTR directed to the two filehandles does not return the

fileid attribute for both of the handles, then it cannot be

determined whether the two objects are the same. Therefore,

operations which depend on that knowledge (e.g., client side data

caching) cannot be done reliably.

o If GETATTR directed to the two filehandles returns different

values for the fileid attribute, then they are distinct objects.

o Otherwise they are the same object.

9.4. Open Delegation

When a file is being OPENed, the server may delegate further handling

of opens and closes for that file to the opening client. Any such

delegation is recallable, since the circumstances that allowed for

the delegation are subject to change. In particular, the server may

receive a conflicting OPEN from another client, the server must

recall the delegation before deciding whether the OPEN from the other

client may be granted. Making a delegation is up to the server and

clients should not assume that any particular OPEN either will or

will not result in an open delegation. The following is a typical

set of conditions that servers might use in deciding whether OPEN

should be delegated:

o The client must be able to respond to the server's callback

requests. The server will use the CB_NULL procedure for a test of

callback ability.

o The client must have responded properly to previous recalls.

o There must be no current open conflicting with the requested


o There should be no current delegation that conflicts with the

delegation being requested.

o The probability of future conflicting open requests should be low

based on the recent history of the file.

o The existence of any server-specific semantics of OPEN/CLOSE that

would make the required handling incompatible with the prescribed

handling that the delegated client would apply (see below).

There are two types of open delegations, read and write. A read open

delegation allows a client to handle, on its own, requests to open a

file for reading that do not deny read access to others. Multiple

read open delegations may be outstanding simultaneously and do not

conflict. A write open delegation allows the client to handle, on

its own, all opens. Only one write open delegation may exist for a

given file at a given time and it is inconsistent with any read open


When a client has a read open delegation, it may not make any changes

to the contents or attributes of the file but it is assured that no

other client may do so. When a client has a write open delegation,

it may modify the file data since no other client will be accessing

the file's data. The client holding a write delegation may only

affect file attributes which are intimately connected with the file

data: size, time_modify, change.

When a client has an open delegation, it does not send OPENs or

CLOSEs to the server but updates the appropriate status internally.

For a read open delegation, opens that cannot be handled locally

(opens for write or that deny read access) must be sent to the


When an open delegation is made, the response to the OPEN contains an

open delegation structure which specifies the following:

o the type of delegation (read or write)

o space limitation information to control flushing of data on close

(write open delegation only, see the section "Open Delegation and

Data Caching")

o an nfsace4 specifying read and write permissions

o a stateid to represent the delegation for READ and WRITE

The delegation stateid is separate and distinct from the stateid for

the OPEN proper. The standard stateid, unlike the delegation

stateid, is associated with a particular lock_owner and will continue

to be valid after the delegation is recalled and the file remains


When a request internal to the client is made to open a file and open

delegation is in effect, it will be accepted or rejected solely on

the basis of the following conditions. Any requirement for other

checks to be made by the delegate should result in open delegation

being denied so that the checks can be made by the server itself.

o The access and deny bits for the request and the file as described

in the section "Share Reservations".

o The read and write permissions as determined below.

The nfsace4 passed with delegation can be used to avoid frequent

ACCESS calls. The permission check should be as follows:

o If the nfsace4 indicates that the open may be done, then it should

be granted without reference to the server.

o If the nfsace4 indicates that the open may not be done, then an

ACCESS request must be sent to the server to obtain the definitive


The server may return an nfsace4 that is more restrictive than the

actual ACL of the file. This includes an nfsace4 that specifies

denial of all access. Note that some common practices such as

mapping the traditional user "root" to the user "nobody" may make it

incorrect to return the actual ACL of the file in the delegation


The use of delegation together with various other forms of caching

creates the possibility that no server authentication will ever be

performed for a given user since all of the user's requests might be

satisfied locally. Where the client is depending on the server for

authentication, the client should be sure authentication occurs for

each user by use of the ACCESS operation. This should be the case

even if an ACCESS operation would not be required otherwise. As

mentioned before, the server may enforce frequent authentication by

returning an nfsace4 denying all access with every open delegation.

9.4.1. Open Delegation and Data Caching

OPEN delegation allows much of the message overhead associated with

the opening and closing files to be eliminated. An open when an open

delegation is in effect does not require that a validation message be

sent to the server. The continued endurance of the "read open

delegation" provides a guarantee that no OPEN for write and thus no

write has occurred. Similarly, when closing a file opened for write

and if write open delegation is in effect, the data written does not

have to be flushed to the server until the open delegation is

recalled. The continued endurance of the open delegation provides a

guarantee that no open and thus no read or write has been done by

another client.

For the purposes of open delegation, READs and WRITEs done without an

OPEN are treated as the functional equivalents of a corresponding

type of OPEN. This refers to the READs and WRITEs that use the

special stateids consisting of all zero bits or all one bits.

Therefore, READs or WRITEs with a special stateid done by another

client will force the server to recall a write open delegation. A

WRITE with a special stateid done by another client will force a

recall of read open delegations.

With delegations, a client is able to avoid writing data to the

server when the CLOSE of a file is serviced. The file close system

call is the usual point at which the client is notified of a lack of

stable storage for the modified file data generated by the

application. At the close, file data is written to the server and

through normal accounting the server is able to determine if the

available filesystem space for the data has been exceeded (i.e.,

server returns NFS4ERR_NOSPC or NFS4ERR_DQUOT). This accounting

includes quotas. The introduction of delegations requires that a

alternative method be in place for the same type of communication to

occur between client and server.

In the delegation response, the server provides either the limit of

the size of the file or the number of modified blocks and associated

block size. The server must ensure that the client will be able to

flush data to the server of a size equal to that provided in the

original delegation. The server must make this assurance for all

outstanding delegations. Therefore, the server must be careful in

its management of available space for new or modified data taking

into account available filesystem space and any applicable quotas.

The server can recall delegations as a result of managing the

available filesystem space. The client should abide by the server's

state space limits for delegations. If the client exceeds the stated

limits for the delegation, the server's behavior is undefined.

Based on server conditions, quotas or available filesystem space, the

server may grant write open delegations with very restrictive space

limitations. The limitations may be defined in a way that will

always force modified data to be flushed to the server on close.

With respect to authentication, flushing modified data to the server

after a CLOSE has occurred may be problematic. For example, the user

of the application may have logged off the client and unexpired

authentication credentials may not be present. In this case, the

client may need to take special care to ensure that local unexpired

credentials will in fact be available. This may be accomplished by

tracking the expiration time of credentials and flushing data well in

advance of their expiration or by making private copies of

credentials to assure their availability when needed.

9.4.2. Open Delegation and File Locks

When a client holds a write open delegation, lock operations may be

performed locally. This includes those required for mandatory file

locking. This can be done since the delegation implies that there

can be no conflicting locks. Similarly, all of the revalidations

that would normally be associated with obtaining locks and the

flushing of data associated with the releasing of locks need not be


When a client holds a read open delegation, lock operations are not

performed locally. All lock operations, including those requesting

non-exclusive locks, are sent to the server for resolution.

9.4.3. Handling of CB_GETATTR

The server needs to employ special handling for a GETATTR where the

target is a file that has a write open delegation in effect. The

reason for this is that the client holding the write delegation may

have modified the data and the server needs to reflect this change to

the second client that submitted the GETATTR. Therefore, the client

holding the write delegation needs to be interrogated. The server

will use the CB_GETATTR operation. The only attributes that the

server can reliably query via CB_GETATTR are size and change.

Since CB_GETATTR is being used to satisfy another client's GETATTR

request, the server only needs to know if the client holding the

delegation has a modified version of the file. If the client's copy

of the delegated file is not modified (data or size), the server can

satisfy the second client's GETATTR request from the attributes

stored locally at the server. If the file is modified, the server

only needs to know about this modified state. If the server

determines that the file is currently modified, it will respond to

the second client's GETATTR as if the file had been modified locally

at the server.

Since the form of the change attribute is determined by the server

and is opaque to the client, the client and server need to agree on a

method of communicating the modified state of the file. For the size

attribute, the client will report its current view of the file size.

For the change attribute, the handling is more involved.

For the client, the following steps will be taken when receiving a

write delegation:

o The value of the change attribute will be obtained from the server

and cached. Let this value be represented by c.

o The client will create a value greater than c that will be used

for communicating modified data is held at the client. Let this

value be represented by d.

o When the client is queried via CB_GETATTR for the change

attribute, it checks to see if it holds modified data. If the

file is modified, the value d is returned for the change attribute

value. If this file is not currently modified, the client returns

the value c for the change attribute.

For simplicity of implementation, the client MAY for each CB_GETATTR

return the same value d. This is true even if, between successive

CB_GETATTR operations, the client again modifies in the file's data

or metadata in its cache. The client can return the same value

because the only requirement is that the client be able to indicate

to the server that the client holds modified data. Therefore, the

value of d may always be c + 1.

While the change attribute is opaque to the client in the sense that

it has no idea what units of time, if any, the server is counting

change with, it is not opaque in that the client has to treat it as

an unsigned integer, and the server has to be able to see the results

of the client's changes to that integer. Therefore, the server MUST

encode the change attribute in network order when sending it to the

client. The client MUST decode it from network order to its native

order when receiving it and the client MUST encode it network order

when sending it to the server. For this reason, change is defined as

an unsigned integer rather than an opaque array of octets.

For the server, the following steps will be taken when providing a

write delegation:

o Upon providing a write delegation, the server will cache a copy of

the change attribute in the data structure it uses to record the

delegation. Let this value be represented by sc.

o When a second client sends a GETATTR operation on the same file to

the server, the server obtains the change attribute from the first

client. Let this value be cc.

o If the value cc is equal to sc, the file is not modified and the

server returns the current values for change, time_metadata, and

time_modify (for example) to the second client.

o If the value cc is NOT equal to sc, the file is currently modified

at the first client and most likely will be modified at the server

at a future time. The server then uses its current time to

construct attribute values for time_metadata and time_modify. A

new value of sc, which we will call nsc, is computed by the

server, such that nsc >= sc + 1. The server then returns the

constructed time_metadata, time_modify, and nsc values to the

requester. The server replaces sc in the delegation record with

nsc. To prevent the possibility of time_modify, time_metadata,

and change from appearing to go backward (which would happen if

the client holding the delegation fails to write its modified data

to the server before the delegation is revoked or returned), the

server SHOULD update the file's metadata record with the

constructed attribute values. For reasons of reasonable

performance, committing the constructed attribute values to stable

storage is OPTIONAL.

As discussed earlier in this section, the client MAY return the

same cc value on subsequent CB_GETATTR calls, even if the file was

modified in the client's cache yet again between successive

CB_GETATTR calls. Therefore, the server must assume that the file

has been modified yet again, and MUST take care to ensure that the

new nsc it constructs and returns is greater than the previous nsc

it returned. An example implementation's delegation record would

satisfy this mandate by including a boolean field (let us call it

"modified") that is set to false when the delegation is granted,

and an sc value set at the time of grant to the change attribute

value. The modified field would be set to true the first time cc

!= sc, and would stay true until the delegation is returned or

revoked. The processing for constructing nsc, time_modify, and

time_metadata would use this pseudo code:

if (!modified) {

do CB_GETATTR for change and size;

if (cc != sc)

modified = TRUE;

} else {

do CB_GETATTR for size;


if (modified) {

sc = sc + 1;

time_modify = time_metadata = current_time;

update sc, time_modify, time_metadata into file's metadata;


return to client (that sent GETATTR) the attributes

it requested, but make sure size comes from what

CB_GETATTR returned. Do not update the file's metadata

with the client's modified size.

o In the case that the file attribute size is different than the

server's current value, the server treats this as a modification

regardless of the value of the change attribute retrieved via

CB_GETATTR and responds to the second client as in the last step.

This methodology resolves issues of clock differences between client

and server and other scenarios where the use of CB_GETATTR break


It should be noted that the server is under no obligation to use

CB_GETATTR and therefore the server MAY simply recall the delegation

to avoid its use.

9.4.4. Recall of Open Delegation

The following events necessitate recall of an open delegation:

o Potentially conflicting OPEN request (or READ/WRITE done with

"special" stateid)

o SETATTR issued by another client

o REMOVE request for the file

o RENAME request for the file as either source or target of the


Whether a RENAME of a directory in the path leading to the file

results in recall of an open delegation depends on the semantics of

the server filesystem. If that filesystem denies such RENAMEs when a

file is open, the recall must be performed to determine whether the

file in question is, in fact, open.

In addition to the situations above, the server may choose to recall

open delegations at any time if resource constraints make it

advisable to do so. Clients should always be prepared for the

possibility of recall.

When a client receives a recall for an open delegation, it needs to

update state on the server before returning the delegation. These

same updates must be done whenever a client chooses to return a

delegation voluntarily. The following items of state need to be

dealt with:

o If the file associated with the delegation is no longer open and

no previous CLOSE operation has been sent to the server, a CLOSE

operation must be sent to the server.

o If a file has other open references at the client, then OPEN

operations must be sent to the server. The appropriate stateids

will be provided by the server for subsequent use by the client

since the delegation stateid will not longer be valid. These OPEN

requests are done with the claim type of CLAIM_DELEGATE_CUR. This

will allow the presentation of the delegation stateid so that the

client can establish the appropriate rights to perform the OPEN.

(see the section "Operation 18: OPEN" for details.)

o If there are granted file locks, the corresponding LOCK operations

need to be performed. This applies to the write open delegation

case only.

o For a write open delegation, if at the time of recall the file is

not open for write, all modified data for the file must be flushed

to the server. If the delegation had not existed, the client

would have done this data flush before the CLOSE operation.

o For a write open delegation when a file is still open at the time

of recall, any modified data for the file needs to be flushed to

the server.

o With the write open delegation in place, it is possible that the

file was truncated during the duration of the delegation. For

example, the truncation could have occurred as a result of an OPEN

UNCHECKED with a size attribute value of zero. Therefore, if a

truncation of the file has occurred and this operation has not

been propagated to the server, the truncation must occur before

any modified data is written to the server.

In the case of write open delegation, file locking imposes some

additional requirements. To precisely maintain the associated

invariant, it is required to flush any modified data in any region

for which a write lock was released while the write delegation was in

effect. However, because the write open delegation implies no other

locking by other clients, a simpler implementation is to flush all

modified data for the file (as described just above) if any write

lock has been released while the write open delegation was in effect.

An implementation need not wait until delegation recall (or deciding

to voluntarily return a delegation) to perform any of the above

actions, if implementation considerations (e.g., resource

availability constraints) make that desirable. Generally, however,

the fact that the actual open state of the file may continue to

change makes it not worthwhile to send information about opens and

closes to the server, except as part of delegation return. Only in

the case of closing the open that resulted in obtaining the

delegation would clients be likely to do this early, since, in that

case, the close once done will not be undone. Regardless of the

client's choices on scheduling these actions, all must be performed

before the delegation is returned, including (when applicable) the

close that corresponds to the open that resulted in the delegation.

These actions can be performed either in previous requests or in

previous operations in the same COMPOUND request.

9.4.5. Clients that Fail to Honor Delegation Recalls

A client may fail to respond to a recall for various reasons, such as

a failure of the callback path from server to the client. The client

may be unaware of a failure in the callback path. This lack of

awareness could result in the client finding out long after the

failure that its delegation has been revoked, and another client has

modified the data for which the client had a delegation. This is

especially a problem for the client that held a write delegation.

The server also has a dilemma in that the client that fails to

respond to the recall might also be sending other NFS requests,

including those that renew the lease before the lease expires.

Without returning an error for those lease renewing operations, the

server leads the client to believe that the delegation it has is in


This difficulty is solved by the following rules:

o When the callback path is down, the server MUST NOT revoke the

delegation if one of the following occurs:

- The client has issued a RENEW operation and the server has

returned an NFS4ERR_CB_PATH_DOWN error. The server MUST renew

the lease for any record locks and share reservations the

client has that the server has known about (as opposed to those

locks and share reservations the client has established but not

yet sent to the server, due to the delegation). The server

SHOULD give the client a reasonable time to return its

delegations to the server before revoking the client's


- The client has not issued a RENEW operation for some period of

time after the server attempted to recall the delegation. This

period of time MUST NOT be less than the value of the

lease_time attribute.

o When the client holds a delegation, it can not rely on operations,

except for RENEW, that take a stateid, to renew delegation leases

across callback path failures. The client that wants to keep

delegations in force across callback path failures must use RENEW

to do so.

9.4.6. Delegation Revocation

At the point a delegation is revoked, if there are associated opens

on the client, the applications holding these opens need to be

notified. This notification usually occurs by returning errors for

READ/WRITE operations or when a close is attempted for the open file.

If no opens exist for the file at the point the delegation is

revoked, then notification of the revocation is unnecessary.

However, if there is modified data present at the client for the

file, the user of the application should be notified. Unfortunately,

it may not be possible to notify the user since active applications

may not be present at the client. See the section "Revocation

Recovery for Write Open Delegation" for additional details.

9.5. Data Caching and Revocation

When locks and delegations are revoked, the assumptions upon which

successful caching depend are no longer guaranteed. For any locks or

share reservations that have been revoked, the corresponding owner

needs to be notified. This notification includes applications with a

file open that has a corresponding delegation which has been revoked.

Cached data associated with the revocation must be removed from the

client. In the case of modified data existing in the client's cache,

that data must be removed from the client without it being written to

the server. As mentioned, the assumptions made by the client are no

longer valid at the point when a lock or delegation has been revoked.

For example, another client may have been granted a conflicting lock

after the revocation of the lock at the first client. Therefore, the

data within the lock range may have been modified by the other

client. Obviously, the first client is unable to guarantee to the

application what has occurred to the file in the case of revocation.

Notification to a lock owner will in many cases consist of simply

returning an error on the next and all subsequent READs/WRITEs to the

open file or on the close. Where the methods available to a client

make such notification impossible because errors for certain

operations may not be returned, more drastic action such as signals

or process termination may be appropriate. The justification for

this is that an invariant for which an application depends on may be

violated. Depending on how errors are typically treated for the

client operating environment, further levels of notification

including logging, console messages, and GUI pop-ups may be


9.5.1. Revocation Recovery for Write Open Delegation

Revocation recovery for a write open delegation poses the special

issue of modified data in the client cache while the file is not

open. In this situation, any client which does not flush modified

data to the server on each close must ensure that the user receives

appropriate notification of the failure as a result of the

revocation. Since such situations may require human action to

correct problems, notification schemes in which the appropriate user

or administrator is notified may be necessary. Logging and console

messages are typical examples.

If there is modified data on the client, it must not be flushed

normally to the server. A client may attempt to provide a copy of

the file data as modified during the delegation under a different

name in the filesystem name space to ease recovery. Note that when

the client can determine that the file has not been modified by any

other client, or when the client has a complete cached copy of file

in question, such a saved copy of the client's view of the file may

be of particular value for recovery. In other case, recovery using a

copy of the file based partially on the client's cached data and

partially on the server copy as modified by other clients, will be

anything but straightforward, so clients may avoid saving file

contents in these situations or mark the results specially to warn

users of possible problems.

Saving of such modified data in delegation revocation situations may

be limited to files of a certain size or might be used only when

sufficient disk space is available within the target filesystem.

Such saving may also be restricted to situations when the client has

sufficient buffering resources to keep the cached copy available

until it is properly stored to the target filesystem.

9.6. Attribute Caching

The attributes discussed in this section do not include named

attributes. Individual named attributes are analogous to files and

caching of the data for these needs to be handled just as data

caching is for ordinary files. Similarly, LOOKUP results from an

OPENATTR directory are to be cached on the same basis as any other

pathnames and similarly for directory contents.

Clients may cache file attributes obtained from the server and use

them to avoid subsequent GETATTR requests. Such caching is write

through in that modification to file attributes is always done by

means of requests to the server and should not be done locally and

cached. The exception to this are modifications to attributes that

are intimately connected with data caching. Therefore, extending a

file by writing data to the local data cache is reflected immediately

in the size as seen on the client without this change being

immediately reflected on the server. Normally such changes are not

propagated directly to the server but when the modified data is

flushed to the server, analogous attribute changes are made on the

server. When open delegation is in effect, the modified attributes

may be returned to the server in the response to a CB_RECALL call.

The result of local caching of attributes is that the attribute

caches maintained on individual clients will not be coherent.

Changes made in one order on the server may be seen in a different

order on one client and in a third order on a different client.

The typical filesystem application programming interfaces do not

provide means to atomically modify or interrogate attributes for

multiple files at the same time. The following rules provide an

environment where the potential incoherences mentioned above can be

reasonably managed. These rules are derived from the practice of

previous NFS protocols.

o All attributes for a given file (per-fsid attributes excepted) are

cached as a unit at the client so that no non-serializability can

arise within the context of a single file.

o An upper time boundary is maintained on how long a client cache

entry can be kept without being refreshed from the server.

o When operations are performed that change attributes at the

server, the updated attribute set is requested as part of the

containing RPC. This includes directory operations that update

attributes indirectly. This is accomplished by following the

modifying operation with a GETATTR operation and then using the

results of the GETATTR to update the client's cached attributes.

Note that if the full set of attributes to be cached is requested by

READDIR, the results can be cached by the client on the same basis as

attributes obtained via GETATTR.

A client may validate its cached version of attributes for a file by

fetching just both the change and time_access attributes and assuming

that if the change attribute has the same value as it did when the

attributes were cached, then no attributes other than time_access

have changed. The reason why time_access is also fetched is because

many servers operate in environments where the operation that updates

change does not update time_access. For example, POSIX file

semantics do not update access time when a file is modified by the

write system call. Therefore, the client that wants a current

time_access value should fetch it with change during the attribute

cache validation processing and update its cached time_access.

The client may maintain a cache of modified attributes for those

attributes intimately connected with data of modified regular files

(size, time_modify, and change). Other than those three attributes,

the client MUST NOT maintain a cache of modified attributes.

Instead, attribute changes are immediately sent to the server.

In some operating environments, the equivalent to time_access is

expected to be implicitly updated by each read of the content of the

file object. If an NFS client is caching the content of a file

object, whether it is a regular file, directory, or symbolic link,

the client SHOULD NOT update the time_access attribute (via SETATTR

or a small READ or READDIR request) on the server with each read that

is satisfied from cache. The reason is that this can defeat the

performance benefits of caching content, especially since an explicit

SETATTR of time_access may alter the change attribute on the server.

If the change attribute changes, clients that are caching the content

will think the content has changed, and will re-read unmodified data

from the server. Nor is the client encouraged to maintain a modified

version of time_access in its cache, since this would mean that the

client will either eventually have to write the access time to the

server with bad performance effects, or it would never update the

server's time_access, thereby resulting in a situation where an

application that caches access time between a close and open of the

same file observes the access time oscillating between the past and

present. The time_access attribute always means the time of last

access to a file by a read that was satisfied by the server. This

way clients will tend to see only time_access changes that go forward

in time.

9.7. Data and Metadata Caching and Memory Mapped Files

Some operating environments include the capability for an application

to map a file's content into the application's address space. Each

time the application accesses a memory location that corresponds to a

block that has not been loaded into the address space, a page fault

occurs and the file is read (or if the block does not exist in the

file, the block is allocated and then instantiated in the

application's address space).

As long as each memory mapped access to the file requires a page

fault, the relevant attributes of the file that are used to detect

access and modification (time_access, time_metadata, time_modify, and

change) will be updated. However, in many operating environments,

when page faults are not required these attributes will not be

updated on reads or updates to the file via memory access (regardless

whether the file is local file or is being access remotely). A

client or server MAY fail to update attributes of a file that is

being accessed via memory mapped I/O. This has several implications:

o If there is an application on the server that has memory mapped a

file that a client is also accessing, the client may not be able

to get a consistent value of the change attribute to determine

whether its cache is stale or not. A server that knows that the

file is memory mapped could always pessimistically return updated

values for change so as to force the application to always get the

most up to date data and metadata for the file. However, due to

the negative performance implications of this, such behavior is


o If the memory mapped file is not being modified on the server, and

instead is just being read by an application via the memory mapped

interface, the client will not see an updated time_access

attribute. However, in many operating environments, neither will

any process running on the server. Thus NFS clients are at no

disadvantage with respect to local processes.

o If there is another client that is memory mapping the file, and if

that client is holding a write delegation, the same set of issues

as discussed in the previous two bullet items apply. So, when a

server does a CB_GETATTR to a file that the client has modified in

its cache, the response from CB_GETATTR will not necessarily be

accurate. As discussed earlier, the client's obligation is to

report that the file has been modified since the delegation was

granted, not whether it has been modified again between successive

CB_GETATTR calls, and the server MUST assume that any file the

client has modified in cache has been modified again between

successive CB_GETATTR calls. Depending on the nature of the

client's memory management system, this weak obligation may not be

possible. A client MAY return stale information in CB_GETATTR

whenever the file is memory mapped.

o The mixture of memory mapping and file locking on the same file is

problematic. Consider the following scenario, where the page size

on each client is 8192 bytes.

- Client A memory maps first page (8192 bytes) of file X

- Client B memory maps first page (8192 bytes) of file X

- Client A write locks first 4096 bytes

- Client B write locks second 4096 bytes

- Client A, via a STORE instruction modifies part of its locked


- Simultaneous to client A, client B issues a STORE on part of

its locked region.

Here the challenge is for each client to resynchronize to get a

correct view of the first page. In many operating environments, the

virtual memory management systems on each client only know a page is

modified, not that a subset of the page corresponding to the

respective lock regions has been modified. So it is not possible for

each client to do the right thing, which is to only write to the

server that portion of the page that is locked. For example, if

client A simply writes out the page, and then client B writes out the

page, client A's data is lost.

Moreover, if mandatory locking is enabled on the file, then we have a

different problem. When clients A and B issue the STORE

instructions, the resulting page faults require a record lock on the

entire page. Each client then tries to extend their locked range to

the entire page, which results in a deadlock.

Communicating the NFS4ERR_DEADLOCK error to a STORE instruction is

difficult at best.

If a client is locking the entire memory mapped file, there is no

problem with advisory or mandatory record locking, at least until the

client unlocks a region in the middle of the file.

Given the above issues the following are permitted:

- Clients and servers MAY deny memory mapping a file they know there

are record locks for.

- Clients and servers MAY deny a record lock on a file they know is

memory mapped.

- A client MAY deny memory mapping a file that it knows requires

mandatory locking for I/O. If mandatory locking is enabled after

the file is opened and mapped, the client MAY deny the application

further access to its mapped file.

9.8. Name Caching

The results of LOOKUP and READDIR operations may be cached to avoid

the cost of subsequent LOOKUP operations. Just as in the case of

attribute caching, inconsistencies may arise among the various client

caches. To mitigate the effects of these inconsistencies and given

the context of typical filesystem APIs, an upper time boundary is

maintained on how long a client name cache entry can be kept without

verifying that the entry has not been made invalid by a directory

change operation performed by another client.

When a client is not making changes to a directory for which there

exist name cache entries, the client needs to periodically fetch

attributes for that directory to ensure that it is not being

modified. After determining that no modification has occurred, the

expiration time for the associated name cache entries may be updated

to be the current time plus the name cache staleness bound.

When a client is making changes to a given directory, it needs to

determine whether there have been changes made to the directory by

other clients. It does this by using the change attribute as

reported before and after the directory operation in the associated

change_info4 value returned for the operation. The server is able to

communicate to the client whether the change_info4 data is provided

atomically with respect to the directory operation. If the change

values are provided atomically, the client is then able to compare

the pre-operation change value with the change value in the client's

name cache. If the comparison indicates that the directory was

updated by another client, the name cache associated with the

modified directory is purged from the client. If the comparison

indicates no modification, the name cache can be updated on the

client to reflect the directory operation and the associated timeout

extended. The post-operation change value needs to be saved as the

basis for future change_info4 comparisons.

As demonstrated by the scenario above, name caching requires that the

client revalidate name cache data by inspecting the change attribute

of a directory at the point when the name cache item was cached.

This requires that the server update the change attribute for

directories when the contents of the corresponding directory is

modified. For a client to use the change_info4 information

appropriately and correctly, the server must report the pre and post

operation change attribute values atomically. When the server is

unable to report the before and after values atomically with respect

to the directory operation, the server must indicate that fact in the

change_info4 return value. When the information is not atomically

reported, the client should not assume that other clients have not

changed the directory.

9.9. Directory Caching

The results of READDIR operations may be used to avoid subsequent

READDIR operations. Just as in the cases of attribute and name

caching, inconsistencies may arise among the various client caches.

To mitigate the effects of these inconsistencies, and given the

context of typical filesystem APIs, the following rules should be


o Cached READDIR information for a directory which is not obtained

in a single READDIR operation must always be a consistent snapshot

of directory contents. This is determined by using a GETATTR

before the first READDIR and after the last of READDIR that

contributes to the cache.

o An upper time boundary is maintained to indicate the length of

time a directory cache entry is considered valid before the client

must revalidate the cached information.

The revalidation technique parallels that discussed in the case of

name caching. When the client is not changing the directory in

question, checking the change attribute of the directory with GETATTR

is adequate. The lifetime of the cache entry can be extended at

these checkpoints. When a client is modifying the directory, the

client needs to use the change_info4 data to determine whether there

are other clients modifying the directory. If it is determined that

no other client modifications are occurring, the client may update

its directory cache to reflect its own changes.

As demonstrated previously, directory caching requires that the

client revalidate directory cache data by inspecting the change

attribute of a directory at the point when the directory was cached.

This requires that the server update the change attribute for

directories when the contents of the corresponding directory is

modified. For a client to use the change_info4 information

appropriately and correctly, the server must report the pre and post

operation change attribute values atomically. When the server is

unable to report the before and after values atomically with respect

to the directory operation, the server must indicate that fact in the

change_info4 return value. When the information is not atomically

reported, the client should not assume that other clients have not

changed the directory.

10. Minor Versioning

To address the requirement of an NFS protocol that can evolve as the

need arises, the NFS version 4 protocol contains the rules and

framework to allow for future minor changes or versioning.

The base assumption with respect to minor versioning is that any

future accepted minor version must follow the IETF process and be

documented in a standards track RFC. Therefore, each minor version

number will correspond to an RFC. Minor version zero of the NFS

version 4 protocol is represented by this RFC. The COMPOUND

procedure will support the encoding of the minor version being

requested by the client.

The following items represent the basic rules for the development of

minor versions. Note that a future minor version may decide to

modify or add to the following rules as part of the minor version


1. Procedures are not added or deleted

To maintain the general RPC model, NFS version 4 minor versions

will not add to or delete procedures from the NFS program.

2. Minor versions may add operations to the COMPOUND and

CB_COMPOUND procedures.

The addition of operations to the COMPOUND and CB_COMPOUND

procedures does not affect the RPC model.

2.1 Minor versions may append attributes to GETATTR4args, bitmap4,

and GETATTR4res.

This allows for the expansion of the attribute model to allow

for future growth or adaptation.

2.2 Minor version X must append any new attributes after the last

documented attribute.

Since attribute results are specified as an opaque array of

per-attribute XDR encoded results, the complexity of adding new

attributes in the midst of the current definitions will be too


3. Minor versions must not modify the structure of an existing

operation's arguments or results.

Again the complexity of handling multiple structure definitions

for a single operation is too burdensome. New operations should

be added instead of modifying existing structures for a minor


This rule does not preclude the following adaptations in a minor


o adding bits to flag fields such as new attributes to GETATTR's

bitmap4 data type

o adding bits to existing attributes like ACLs that have flag


o extending enumerated types (including NFS4ERR_*) with new


4. Minor versions may not modify the structure of existing


5. Minor versions may not delete operations.

This prevents the potential reuse of a particular operation

"slot" in a future minor version.

6. Minor versions may not delete attributes.

7. Minor versions may not delete flag bits or enumeration values.

8. Minor versions may declare an operation as mandatory to NOT


Specifying an operation as "mandatory to not implement" is

equivalent to obsoleting an operation. For the client, it means

that the operation should not be sent to the server. For the

server, an NFS error can be returned as opposed to "dropping"

the request as an XDR decode error. This approach allows for

the obsolescence of an operation while maintaining its structure

so that a future minor version can reintroduce the operation.

8.1 Minor versions may declare attributes mandatory to NOT


8.2 Minor versions may declare flag bits or enumeration values as

mandatory to NOT implement.

9. Minor versions may downgrade features from mandatory to

recommended, or recommended to optional.

10. Minor versions may upgrade features from optional to recommended

or recommended to mandatory.

11. A client and server that support minor version X must support

minor versions 0 (zero) through X-1 as well.

12. No new features may be introduced as mandatory in a minor


This rule allows for the introduction of new functionality and

forces the use of implementation experience before designating a

feature as mandatory.

13. A client MUST NOT attempt to use a stateid, filehandle, or

similar returned object from the COMPOUND procedure with minor

version X for another COMPOUND procedure with minor version Y,

where X != Y.

11. Internationalization

The primary issue in which NFS version 4 needs to deal with

internationalization, or I18N, is with respect to file names and

other strings as used within the protocol. The choice of string

representation must allow reasonable name/string access to clients

which use various languages. The UTF-8 encoding of the UCS as

defined by [ISO10646] allows for this type of access and follows the

policy described in "IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages",


[RFC3454], otherwise know as "stringprep", documents a framework for

using Unicode/UTF-8 in networking protocols, so as "to increase the

likelihood that string input and string comparison work in ways that

make sense for typical users throughout the world." A protocol must

define a profile of stringprep "in order to fully specify the

processing options." The remainder of this Internationalization

section defines the NFS version 4 stringprep profiles. Much of

terminology used for the remainder of this section comes from


There are three UTF-8 string types defined for NFS version 4:

utf8str_cs, utf8str_cis, and utf8str_mixed. Separate profiles are

defined for each. Each profile defines the following, as required by


o The intended applicability of the profile

o The character repertoire that is the input and output to

stringprep (which is Unicode 3.2 for referenced version of


o The mapping tables from stringprep used (as described in section 3

of stringprep)

o Any additional mapping tables specific to the profile

o The Unicode normalization used, if any (as described in section 4

of stringprep)

o The tables from stringprep listing of characters that are

prohibited as output (as described in section 5 of stringprep)

o The bidirectional string testing used, if any (as described in

section 6 of stringprep)

o Any additional characters that are prohibited as output specific

to the profile

Stringprep discusses Unicode characters, whereas NFS version 4

renders UTF-8 characters. Since there is a one to one mapping from

UTF-8 to Unicode, where ever the remainder of this document refers to

to Unicode, the reader should assume UTF-8.

Much of the text for the profiles comes from [RFC3454].

11.1. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cs type

Every use of the utf8str_cs type definition in the NFS version 4

protocol specification follows the profile named nfs4_cs_prep.

11.1.1. Intended applicability of the nfs4_cs_prep profile

The utf8str_cs type is a case sensitive string of UTF-8 characters.

Its primary use in NFS Version 4 is for naming components and

pathnames. Components and pathnames are stored on the server's

filesystem. Two valid distinct UTF-8 strings might be the same after

processing via the utf8str_cs profile. If the strings are two names

inside a directory, the NFS version 4 server will need to either:

o disallow the creation of a second name if it's post processed form

collides with that of an existing name, or

o allow the creation of the second name, but arrange so that after

post processing, the second name is different than the post

processed form of the first name.

11.1.2. Character repertoire of nfs4_cs_prep

The nfs4_cs_prep profile uses Unicode 3.2, as defined in stringprep's

Appendix A.1

11.1.3. Mapping used by nfs4_cs_prep

The nfs4_cs_prep profile specifies mapping using the following tables

from stringprep:

Table B.1

Table B.2 is normally not part of the nfs4_cs_prep profile as it is

primarily for dealing with case-insensitive comparisons. However, if

the NFS version 4 file server supports the case_insensitive

filesystem attribute, and if case_insensitive is true, the NFS

version 4 server MUST use Table B.2 (in addition to Table B1) when

processing utf8str_cs strings, and the NFS version 4 client MUST

assume Table B.2 (in addition to Table B.1) are being used.

If the case_preserving attribute is present and set to false, then

the NFS version 4 server MUST use table B.2 to map case when

processing utf8str_cs strings. Whether the server maps from lower to

upper case or the upper to lower case is an implementation


11.1.4. Normalization used by nfs4_cs_prep

The nfs4_cs_prep profile does not specify a normalization form. A

later revision of this specification may specify a particular

normalization form. Therefore, the server and client can expect that

they may receive unnormalized characters within protocol requests and

responses. If the operating environment requires normalization, then

the implementation must normalize utf8str_cs strings within the

protocol before presenting the information to an application (at the

client) or local filesystem (at the server).

11.1.5. Prohibited output for nfs4_cs_prep

The nfs4_cs_prep profile specifies prohibiting using the following

tables from stringprep:

Table C.3

Table C.4

Table C.5

Table C.6

Table C.7

Table C.8

Table C.9

11.1.6. Bidirectional output for nfs4_cs_prep

The nfs4_cs_prep profile does not specify any checking of

bidirectional strings.

11.2. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cis type

Every use of the utf8str_cis type definition in the NFS version 4

protocol specification follows the profile named nfs4_cis_prep.

11.2.1. Intended applicability of the nfs4_cis_prep profile

The utf8str_cis type is a case insensitive string of UTF-8

characters. Its primary use in NFS Version 4 is for naming NFS


11.2.2. Character repertoire of nfs4_cis_prep

The nfs4_cis_prep profile uses Unicode 3.2, as defined in

stringprep's Appendix A.1

11.2.3. Mapping used by nfs4_cis_prep

The nfs4_cis_prep profile specifies mapping using the following

tables from stringprep:

Table B.1

Table B.2

11.2.4. Normalization used by nfs4_cis_prep

The nfs4_cis_prep profile specifies using Unicode normalization form

KC, as described in stringprep.

11.2.5. Prohibited output for nfs4_cis_prep

The nfs4_cis_prep profile specifies prohibiting using the following

tables from stringprep:

Table C.1.2

Table C.2.2

Table C.3

Table C.4

Table C.5

Table C.6

Table C.7

Table C.8

Table C.9

11.2.6. Bidirectional output for nfs4_cis_prep

The nfs4_cis_prep profile specifies checking bidirectional strings as

described in stringprep's section 6.

11.3. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_mixed type

Every use of the utf8str_mixed type definition in the NFS version 4

protocol specification follows the profile named nfs4_mixed_prep.

11.3.1. Intended applicability of the nfs4_mixed_prep profile

The utf8str_mixed type is a string of UTF-8 characters, with a prefix

that is case sensitive, a separator equal to '@', and a suffix that

is fully qualified domain name. Its primary use in NFS Version 4 is

for naming principals identified in an Access Control Entry.

11.3.2. Character repertoire of nfs4_mixed_prep

The nfs4_mixed_prep profile uses Unicode 3.2, as defined in

stringprep's Appendix A.1

11.3.3. Mapping used by nfs4_cis_prep

For the prefix and the separator of a utf8str_mixed string, the

nfs4_mixed_prep profile specifies mapping using the following table

from stringprep:

Table B.1

For the suffix of a utf8str_mixed string, the nfs4_mixed_prep profile

specifies mapping using the following tables from stringprep:

Table B.1

Table B.2

11.3.4. Normalization used by nfs4_mixed_prep

The nfs4_mixed_prep profile specifies using Unicode normalization

form KC, as described in stringprep.

11.3.5. Prohibited output for nfs4_mixed_prep

The nfs4_mixed_prep profile specifies prohibiting using the following

tables from stringprep:

Table C.1.2

Table C.2.2

Table C.3

Table C.4

Table C.5

Table C.6

Table C.7

Table C.8

Table C.9

11.3.6. Bidirectional output for nfs4_mixed_prep

The nfs4_mixed_prep profile specifies checking bidirectional strings

as described in stringprep's section 6.

11.4. UTF-8 Related Errors

Where the client sends an invalid UTF-8 string, the server should

return an NFS4ERR_INVAL error. This includes cases in which

inappropriate prefixes are detected and where the count includes

trailing bytes that do not constitute a full UCS character.

Where the client supplied string is valid UTF-8 but contains

characters that are not supported by the server as a value for that

string (e.g., names containing characters that have more than two

octets on a filesystem that supports Unicode characters only), the

server should return an NFS4ERR_BADCHAR error.

Where a UTF-8 string is used as a file name, and the filesystem,

while supporting all of the characters within the name, does not

allow that particular name to be used, the server should return the

error NFS4ERR_BADNAME. This includes situations in which the server

filesystem imposes a normalization constraint on name strings, but

will also include such situations as filesystem prohibitions of "."

and ".." as file names for certain operations, and other such


12. Error Definitions

NFS error numbers are assigned to failed operations within a compound

request. A compound request contains a number of NFS operations that

have their results encoded in sequence in a compound reply. The

results of successful operations will consist of an NFS4_OK status

followed by the encoded results of the operation. If an NFS

operation fails, an error status will be entered in the reply and the

compound request will be terminated.

A description of each defined error follows:

NFS4_OK Indicates the operation completed successfully.

NFS4ERR_ACCESS Permission denied. The caller does not have the

correct permission to perform the requested

operation. Contrast this with NFS4ERR_PERM,

which restricts itself to owner or privileged

user permission failures.

NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP An attribute specified is not supported by the

server. Does not apply to the GETATTR


NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED Due to administrator intervention, the

lockowner's record locks, share reservations,

and delegations have been revoked by the


NFS4ERR_BADCHAR A UTF-8 string contains a character which is

not supported by the server in the context in

which it being used.


NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE Illegal NFS filehandle. The filehandle failed

internal consistency checks.

NFS4ERR_BADNAME A name string in a request consists of valid

UTF-8 characters supported by the server but

the name is not supported by the server as a

valid name for current operation.

NFS4ERR_BADOWNER An owner, owner_group, or ACL attribute value

can not be translated to local representation.

NFS4ERR_BADTYPE An attempt was made to create an object of a

type not supported by the server.

NFS4ERR_BAD_RANGE The range for a LOCK, LOCKT, or LOCKU operation

is not appropriate to the allowable range of

offsets for the server.

NFS4ERR_BAD_SEQID The sequence number in a locking request is

neither the next expected number or the last

number processed.

NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID A stateid generated by the current server

instance, but which does not designate any

locking state (either current or superseded)

for a current lockowner-file pair, was used.

NFS4ERR_BADXDR The server encountered an XDR decoding error

while processing an operation.

NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE The SETCLIENTID operation has found that a

client id is already in use by another client.

NFS4ERR_DEADLOCK The server has been able to determine a file

locking deadlock condition for a blocking lock


NFS4ERR_DELAY The server initiated the request, but was not

able to complete it in a timely fashion. The

client should wait and then try the request

with a new RPC transaction ID. For example,

this error should be returned from a server

that supports hierarchical storage and receives

a request to process a file that has been

migrated. In this case, the server should start

the immigration process and respond to client

with this error. This error may also occur

when a necessary delegation recall makes

processing a request in a timely fashion


NFS4ERR_DENIED An attempt to lock a file is denied. Since

this may be a temporary condition, the client

is encouraged to retry the lock request until

the lock is accepted.

NFS4ERR_DQUOT Resource (quota) hard limit exceeded. The

user's resource limit on the server has been


NFS4ERR_EXIST File exists. The file specified already exists.

NFS4ERR_EXPIRED A lease has expired that is being used in the

current operation.

NFS4ERR_FBIG File too large. The operation would have caused

a file to grow beyond the server's limit.

NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED The filehandle provided is volatile and has

expired at the server.

NFS4ERR_FILE_OPEN The operation can not be successfully processed

because a file involved in the operation is

currently open.

NFS4ERR_GRACE The server is in its recovery or grace period

which should match the lease period of the


NFS4ERR_INVAL Invalid argument or unsupported argument for an

operation. Two examples are attempting a

READLINK on an object other than a symbolic

link or specifying a value for an enum field

that is not defined in the protocol (e.g.,


NFS4ERR_IO I/O error. A hard error (for example, a disk

error) occurred while processing the requested


NFS4ERR_ISDIR Is a directory. The caller specified a

directory in a non-directory operation.

NFS4ERR_LEASE_MOVED A lease being renewed is associated with a

filesystem that has been migrated to a new


NFS4ERR_LOCKED A read or write operation was attempted on a

locked file.

NFS4ERR_LOCK_NOTSUPP Server does not support atomic upgrade or

downgrade of locks.

NFS4ERR_LOCK_RANGE A lock request is operating on a sub-range of a

current lock for the lock owner and the server

does not support this type of request.

NFS4ERR_LOCKS_HELD A CLOSE was attempted and file locks would

exist after the CLOSE.


The server has received a request that

specifies an unsupported minor version. The

server must return a COMPOUND4res with a zero

length operations result array.

NFS4ERR_MLINK Too many hard links.

NFS4ERR_MOVED The filesystem which contains the current

filehandle object has been relocated or

migrated to another server. The client may

obtain the new filesystem location by obtaining

the "fs_locations" attribute for the current

filehandle. For further discussion, refer to

the section "Filesystem Migration or


NFS4ERR_NAMETOOLONG The filename in an operation was too long.

NFS4ERR_NOENT No such file or directory. The file or

directory name specified does not exist.

NFS4ERR_NOFILEHANDLE The logical current filehandle value (or, in

the case of RESTOREFH, the saved filehandle

value) has not been set properly. This may be

a result of a malformed COMPOUND operation

(i.e., no PUTFH or PUTROOTFH before an

operation that requires the current filehandle

be set).

NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE A reclaim of client state has fallen outside of

the grace period of the server. As a result,

the server can not guarantee that conflicting

state has not been provided to another client.

NFS4ERR_NOSPC No space left on device. The operation would

have caused the server's filesystem to exceed

its limit.

NFS4ERR_NOTDIR Not a directory. The caller specified a non-

directory in a directory operation.

NFS4ERR_NOTEMPTY An attempt was made to remove a directory that

was not empty.

NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP Operation is not supported.

NFS4ERR_NOT_SAME This error is returned by the VERIFY operation

to signify that the attributes compared were

not the same as provided in the client's


NFS4ERR_NXIO I/O error. No such device or address.

NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID A stateid which designates the locking state

for a lockowner-file at an earlier time was


NFS4ERR_OPENMODE The client attempted a READ, WRITE, LOCK or

SETATTR operation not sanctioned by the stateid

passed (e.g., writing to a file opened only for


NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL An illegal operation value has been specified

in the argop field of a COMPOUND or CB_COMPOUND


NFS4ERR_PERM Not owner. The operation was not allowed

because the caller is either not a privileged

user (root) or not the owner of the target of

the operation.

NFS4ERR_RECLAIM_BAD The reclaim provided by the client does not

match any of the server's state consistency

checks and is bad.


The reclaim provided by the client has

encountered a conflict and can not be provided.

Potentially indicates a misbehaving client.

NFS4ERR_RESOURCE For the processing of the COMPOUND procedure,

the server may exhaust available resources and

can not continue processing operations within

the COMPOUND procedure. This error will be

returned from the server in those instances of

resource exhaustion related to the processing

of the COMPOUND procedure.

NFS4ERR_RESTOREFH The RESTOREFH operation does not have a saved

filehandle (identified by SAVEFH) to operate


NFS4ERR_ROFS Read-only filesystem. A modifying operation was

attempted on a read-only filesystem.

NFS4ERR_SAME This error is returned by the NVERIFY operation

to signify that the attributes compared were

the same as provided in the client's request.

NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT An error occurred on the server which does not

map to any of the legal NFS version 4 protocol

error values. The client should translate this

into an appropriate error. UNIX clients may

choose to translate this to EIO.

NFS4ERR_SHARE_DENIED An attempt to OPEN a file with a share

reservation has failed because of a share


NFS4ERR_STALE Invalid filehandle. The filehandle given in the

arguments was invalid. The file referred to by

that filehandle no longer exists or access to

it has been revoked.

NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID A clientid not recognized by the server was

used in a locking or SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM


NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID A stateid generated by an earlier server

instance was used.

NFS4ERR_SYMLINK The current filehandle provided for a LOOKUP is

not a directory but a symbolic link. Also used

if the final component of the OPEN path is a

symbolic link.

NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL The encoded response to a READDIR request

exceeds the size limit set by the initial


NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC The security mechanism being used by the client

for the operation does not match the server's

security policy. The client should change the

security mechanism being used and retry the


NFS4ERR_XDEV Attempt to do an operation between different


13. NFS version 4 Requests

For the NFS version 4 RPC program, there are two traditional RPC

procedures: NULL and COMPOUND. All other functionality is defined as

a set of operations and these operations are defined in normal

XDR/RPC syntax and semantics. However, these operations are

encapsulated within the COMPOUND procedure. This requires that the

client combine one or more of the NFS version 4 operations into a

single request.

The NFS4_CALLBACK program is used to provide server to client

signaling and is constructed in a similar fashion as the NFS version

4 program. The procedures CB_NULL and CB_COMPOUND are defined in the

same way as NULL and COMPOUND are within the NFS program. The

CB_COMPOUND request also encapsulates the remaining operations of the

NFS4_CALLBACK program. There is no predefined RPC program number for

the NFS4_CALLBACK program. It is up to the client to specify a

program number in the "transient" program range. The program and

port number of the NFS4_CALLBACK program are provided by the client

as part of the SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM sequence. The program

and port can be changed by another SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM

sequence, and it is possible to use the sequence to change them

within a client incarnation without removing relevant leased client


13.1. Compound Procedure

The COMPOUND procedure provides the opportunity for better

performance within high latency networks. The client can avoid

cumulative latency of multiple RPCs by combining multiple dependent

operations into a single COMPOUND procedure. A compound operation

may provide for protocol simplification by allowing the client to

combine basic procedures into a single request that is customized for

the client's environment.

The CB_COMPOUND procedure precisely parallels the features of

COMPOUND as described above.

The basic structure of the COMPOUND procedure is:


tag minorversion numops op + args op + args op + args


and the reply's structure is:


last status tag numres status + op + results


The numops and numres fields, used in the depiction above, represent

the count for the counted array encoding use to signify the number of

arguments or results encoded in the request and response. As per the

XDR encoding, these counts must match exactly the number of operation

arguments or results encoded.

13.2. Evaluation of a Compound Request

The server will process the COMPOUND procedure by evaluating each of

the operations within the COMPOUND procedure in order. Each

component operation consists of a 32 bit operation code, followed by

the argument of length determined by the type of operation. The

results of each operation are encoded in sequence into a reply

buffer. The results of each operation are preceded by the opcode and

a status code (normally zero). If an operation results in a non-zero

status code, the status will be encoded and evaluation of the

compound sequence will halt and the reply will be returned. Note

that evaluation stops even in the event of "non error" conditions

such as NFS4ERR_SAME.

There are no atomicity requirements for the operations contained

within the COMPOUND procedure. The operations being evaluated as

part of a COMPOUND request may be evaluated simultaneously with other

COMPOUND requests that the server receives.

It is the client's responsibility for recovering from any partially

completed COMPOUND procedure. Partially completed COMPOUND

procedures may occur at any point due to errors such as

NFS4ERR_RESOURCE and NFS4ERR_DELAY. This may occur even given an

otherwise valid operation string. Further, a server reboot which

occurs in the middle of processing a COMPOUND procedure may leave the

client with the difficult task of determining how far COMPOUND

processing has proceeded. Therefore, the client should avoid overly

complex COMPOUND procedures in the event of the failure of an

operation within the procedure.

Each operation assumes a "current" and "saved" filehandle that is

available as part of the execution context of the compound request.

Operations may set, change, or return the current filehandle. The

"saved" filehandle is used for temporary storage of a filehandle

value and as operands for the RENAME and LINK operations.

13.3. Synchronous Modifying Operations

NFS version 4 operations that modify the filesystem are synchronous.

When an operation is successfully completed at the server, the client

can depend that any data associated with the request is now on stable

storage (the one exception is in the case of the file data in a WRITE

operation with the UNSTABLE option specified).

This implies that any previous operations within the same compound

request are also reflected in stable storage. This behavior enables

the client's ability to recover from a partially executed compound

request which may resulted from the failure of the server. For

example, if a compound request contains operations A and B and the

server is unable to send a response to the client, depending on the

progress the server made in servicing the request the result of both

operations may be reflected in stable storage or just operation A may

be reflected. The server must not have just the results of operation

B in stable storage.

13.4. Operation Values

The operations encoded in the COMPOUND procedure are identified by

operation values. To avoid overlap with the RPC procedure numbers,

operations 0 (zero) and 1 are not defined. Operation 2 is not

defined but reserved for future use with minor versioning.

14. NFS version 4 Procedures

14.1. Procedure 0: NULL - No Operation








Standard NULL procedure. Void argument, void response. This

procedure has no functionality associated with it. Because of

this it is sometimes used to measure the overhead of processing a

service request. Therefore, the server should ensure that no

unnecessary work is done in servicing this procedure.



14.2. Procedure 1: COMPOUND - Compound Operations


compoundargs -> compoundres


union nfs_argop4 switch (nfs_opnum4 argop) {

case <OPCODE>: <argument>;



struct COMPOUND4args {

utf8str_cs tag;

uint32_t minorversion;

nfs_argop4 argarray<>;



union nfs_resop4 switch (nfs_opnum4 resop){

case <OPCODE>: <result>;



struct COMPOUND4res {

nfsstat4 status;

utf8str_cs tag;

nfs_resop4 resarray<>;



The COMPOUND procedure is used to combine one or more of the NFS

operations into a single RPC request. The main NFS RPC program has

two main procedures: NULL and COMPOUND. All other operations use the

COMPOUND procedure as a wrapper.

The COMPOUND procedure is used to combine individual operations into

a single RPC request. The server interprets each of the operations

in turn. If an operation is executed by the server and the status of

that operation is NFS4_OK, then the next operation in the COMPOUND

procedure is executed. The server continues this process until there

are no more operations to be executed or one of the operations has a

status value other than NFS4_OK.

In the processing of the COMPOUND procedure, the server may find that

it does not have the available resources to execute any or all of the

operations within the COMPOUND sequence. In this case, the error

NFS4ERR_RESOURCE will be returned for the particular operation within

the COMPOUND procedure where the resource exhaustion occurred. This

assumes that all previous operations within the COMPOUND sequence

have been evaluated successfully. The results for all of the

evaluated operations must be returned to the client.

The server will generally choose between two methods of decoding the

client's request. The first would be the traditional one-pass XDR

decode, in which decoding of the entire COMPOUND precedes execution

of any operation within it. If there is an XDR decoding error in

this case, an RPC XDR decode error would be returned. The second

method would be to make an initial pass to decode the basic COMPOUND

request and then to XDR decode each of the individual operations, as

the server is ready to execute it. In this case, the server may

encounter an XDR decode error during such an operation decode, after

previous operations within the COMPOUND have been executed. In this

case, the server would return the error NFS4ERR_BADXDR to signify the

decode error.

The COMPOUND arguments contain a "minorversion" field. The initial

and default value for this field is 0 (zero). This field will be

used by future minor versions such that the client can communicate to

the server what minor version is being requested. If the server

receives a COMPOUND procedure with a minorversion field value that it

does not support, the server MUST return an error of

NFS4ERR_MINOR_VERS_MISMATCH and a zero length resultdata array.

Contained within the COMPOUND results is a "status" field. If the

results array length is non-zero, this status must be equivalent to

the status of the last operation that was executed within the

COMPOUND procedure. Therefore, if an operation incurred an error

then the "status" value will be the same error value as is being

returned for the operation that failed.

Note that operations, 0 (zero) and 1 (one) are not defined for the

COMPOUND procedure. Operation 2 is not defined but reserved for

future definition and use with minor versioning. If the server

receives a operation array that contains operation 2 and the

minorversion field has a value of 0 (zero), an error of

NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL, as described in the next paragraph, is returned

to the client. If an operation array contains an operation 2 and the

minorversion field is non-zero and the server does not support the

minor version, the server returns an error of


NFS4ERR_MINOR_VERS_MISMATCH error takes precedence over all other


It is possible that the server receives a request that contains an

operation that is less than the first legal operation (OP_ACCESS) or

greater than the last legal operation (OP_RELEASE_LOCKOWNER).

In this case, the server's response will encode the opcode OP_ILLEGAL

rather than the illegal opcode of the request. The status field in

the ILLEGAL return results will set to NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL. The

COMPOUND procedure's return results will also be NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL.

The definition of the "tag" in the request is left to the

implementor. It may be used to summarize the content of the compound

request for the benefit of packet sniffers and engineers debugging

implementations. However, the value of "tag" in the response SHOULD

be the same value as provided in the request. This applies to the

tag field of the CB_COMPOUND procedure as well.


Since an error of any type may occur after only a portion of the

operations have been evaluated, the client must be prepared to

recover from any failure. If the source of an NFS4ERR_RESOURCE error

was a complex or lengthy set of operations, it is likely that if the

number of operations were reduced the server would be able to

evaluate them successfully. Therefore, the client is responsible for

dealing with this type of complexity in recovery.


All errors defined in the protocol

14.2.1. Operation 3: ACCESS - Check Access Rights


(cfh), accessreq -> supported, accessrights


const ACCESS4_READ = 0x00000001;

const ACCESS4_LOOKUP = 0x00000002;

const ACCESS4_MODIFY = 0x00000004;

const ACCESS4_EXTEND = 0x00000008;

const ACCESS4_DELETE = 0x00000010;

const ACCESS4_EXECUTE = 0x00000020;

struct ACCESS4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

uint32_t access;



struct ACCESS4resok {

uint32_t supported;

uint32_t access;


union ACCESS4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

ACCESS4resok resok4;





ACCESS determines the access rights that a user, as identified by the

credentials in the RPC request, has with respect to the file system

object specified by the current filehandle. The client encodes the

set of access rights that are to be checked in the bit mask "access".

The server checks the permissions encoded in the bit mask. If a

status of NFS4_OK is returned, two bit masks are included in the

response. The first, "supported", represents the access rights for

which the server can verify reliably. The second, "access",

represents the access rights available to the user for the filehandle

provided. On success, the current filehandle retains its value.

Note that the supported field will contain only as many values as

were originally sent in the arguments. For example, if the client

sends an ACCESS operation with only the ACCESS4_READ value set and

the server supports this value, the server will return only

ACCESS4_READ even if it could have reliably checked other values.

The results of this operation are necessarily advisory in nature. A

return status of NFS4_OK and the appropriate bit set in the bit mask

does not imply that such access will be allowed to the file system

object in the future. This is because access rights can be revoked by

the server at any time.

The following access permissions may be requested:

ACCESS4_READ Read data from file or read a directory.

ACCESS4_LOOKUP Look up a name in a directory (no meaning for non-

directory objects).

ACCESS4_MODIFY Rewrite existing file data or modify existing

directory entries.

ACCESS4_EXTEND Write new data or add directory entries.

ACCESS4_DELETE Delete an existing directory entry.

ACCESS4_EXECUTE Execute file (no meaning for a directory).

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


In general, it is not sufficient for the client to attempt to deduce

access permissions by inspecting the uid, gid, and mode fields in the

file attributes or by attempting to interpret the contents of the ACL

attribute. This is because the server may perform uid or gid mapping

or enforce additional access control restrictions. It is also

possible that the server may not be in the same ID space as the

client. In these cases (and perhaps others), the client can not

reliably perform an access check with only current file attributes.

In the NFS version 2 protocol, the only reliable way to determine

whether an operation was allowed was to try it and see if it

succeeded or failed. Using the ACCESS operation in the NFS version 4

protocol, the client can ask the server to indicate whether or not

one or more classes of operations are permitted. The ACCESS

operation is provided to allow clients to check before doing a series

of operations which will result in an access failure. The OPEN

operation provides a point where the server can verify access to the

file object and method to return that information to the client. The

ACCESS operation is still useful for directory operations or for use

in the case the UNIX API "access" is used on the client.

The information returned by the server in response to an ACCESS call

is not permanent. It was correct at the exact time that the server

performed the checks, but not necessarily afterwards. The server can

revoke access permission at any time.

The client should use the effective credentials of the user to build

the authentication information in the ACCESS request used to

determine access rights. It is the effective user and group

credentials that are used in subsequent read and write operations.

Many implementations do not directly support the ACCESS4_DELETE

permission. Operating systems like UNIX will ignore the

ACCESS4_DELETE bit if set on an access request on a non-directory

object. In these systems, delete permission on a file is determined

by the access permissions on the directory in which the file resides,

instead of being determined by the permissions of the file itself.

Therefore, the mask returned enumerating which access rights can be

determined will have the ACCESS4_DELETE value set to 0. This

indicates to the client that the server was unable to check that

particular access right. The ACCESS4_DELETE bit in the access mask

returned will then be ignored by the client.














14.2.2. Operation 4: CLOSE - Close File


(cfh), seqid, open_stateid -> open_stateid


struct CLOSE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

seqid4 seqid

stateid4 open_stateid;



union CLOSE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

stateid4 open_stateid;





The CLOSE operation releases share reservations for the regular or

named attribute file as specified by the current filehandle. The

share reservations and other state information released at the server

as a result of this CLOSE is only associated with the supplied

stateid. The sequence id provides for the correct ordering. State

associated with other OPENs is not affected.

If record locks are held, the client SHOULD release all locks before

issuing a CLOSE. The server MAY free all outstanding locks on CLOSE

but some servers may not support the CLOSE of a file that still has

record locks held. The server MUST return failure if any locks would

exist after the CLOSE.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


Even though CLOSE returns a stateid, this stateid is not useful to

the client and should be treated as deprecated. CLOSE "shuts down"

the state associated with all OPENs for the file by a single

open_owner. As noted above, CLOSE will either release all file

locking state or return an error. Therefore, the stateid returned by

CLOSE is not useful for operations that follow.





















14.2.3. Operation 5: COMMIT - Commit Cached Data


(cfh), offset, count -> verifier


struct COMMIT4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

offset4 offset;

count4 count;



struct COMMIT4resok {

verifier4 writeverf;


union COMMIT4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

COMMIT4resok resok4;





The COMMIT operation forces or flushes data to stable storage for the

file specified by the current filehandle. The flushed data is that

which was previously written with a WRITE operation which had the

stable field set to UNSTABLE4.

The offset specifies the position within the file where the flush is

to begin. An offset value of 0 (zero) means to flush data starting

at the beginning of the file. The count specifies the number of

bytes of data to flush. If count is 0 (zero), a flush from offset to

the end of the file is done.

The server returns a write verifier upon successful completion of the

COMMIT. The write verifier is used by the client to determine if the

server has restarted or rebooted between the initial WRITE(s) and the

COMMIT. The client does this by comparing the write verifier

returned from the initial writes and the verifier returned by the

COMMIT operation. The server must vary the value of the write

verifier at each server event or instantiation that may lead to a

loss of uncommitted data. Most commonly this occurs when the server

is rebooted; however, other events at the server may result in

uncommitted data loss as well.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


The COMMIT operation is similar in operation and semantics to the

POSIX fsync(2) system call that synchronizes a file's state with the

disk (file data and metadata is flushed to disk or stable storage).

COMMIT performs the same operation for a client, flushing any

unsynchronized data and metadata on the server to the server's disk

or stable storage for the specified file. Like fsync(2), it may be

that there is some modified data or no modified data to synchronize.

The data may have been synchronized by the server's normal periodic

buffer synchronization activity. COMMIT should return NFS4_OK,

unless there has been an unexpected error.

COMMIT differs from fsync(2) in that it is possible for the client to

flush a range of the file (most likely triggered by a buffer-

reclamation scheme on the client before file has been completely


The server implementation of COMMIT is reasonably simple. If the

server receives a full file COMMIT request, that is starting at

offset 0 and count 0, it should do the equivalent of fsync()'ing the

file. Otherwise, it should arrange to have the cached data in the

range specified by offset and count to be flushed to stable storage.

In both cases, any metadata associated with the file must be flushed

to stable storage before returning. It is not an error for there to

be nothing to flush on the server. This means that the data and

metadata that needed to be flushed have already been flushed or lost

during the last server failure.

The client implementation of COMMIT is a little more complex. There

are two reasons for wanting to commit a client buffer to stable

storage. The first is that the client wants to reuse a buffer. In

this case, the offset and count of the buffer are sent to the server

in the COMMIT request. The server then flushes any cached data based

on the offset and count, and flushes any metadata associated with the

file. It then returns the status of the flush and the write

verifier. The other reason for the client to generate a COMMIT is

for a full file flush, such as may be done at close. In this case,

the client would gather all of the buffers for this file that contain

uncommitted data, do the COMMIT operation with an offset of 0 and

count of 0, and then free all of those buffers. Any other dirty

buffers would be sent to the server in the normal fashion.

After a buffer is written by the client with the stable parameter set

to UNSTABLE4, the buffer must be considered as modified by the client

until the buffer has either been flushed via a COMMIT operation or

written via a WRITE operation with stable parameter set to FILE_SYNC4

or DATA_SYNC4. This is done to prevent the buffer from being freed

and reused before the data can be flushed to stable storage on the


When a response is returned from either a WRITE or a COMMIT operation

and it contains a write verifier that is different than previously

returned by the server, the client will need to retransmit all of the

buffers containing uncommitted cached data to the server. How this

is to be done is up to the implementor. If there is only one buffer

of interest, then it should probably be sent back over in a WRITE

request with the appropriate stable parameter. If there is more than

one buffer, it might be worthwhile retransmitting all of the buffers

in WRITE requests with the stable parameter set to UNSTABLE4 and then

retransmitting the COMMIT operation to flush all of the data on the

server to stable storage. The timing of these retransmissions is

left to the implementor.

The above description applies to page-cache-based systems as well as

buffer-cache-based systems. In those systems, the virtual memory

system will need to be modified instead of the buffer cache.















14.2.4. Operation 6: CREATE - Create a Non-Regular File Object


(cfh), name, type, attrs -> (cfh), change_info, attrs_set


union createtype4 switch (nfs_ftype4 type) {

case NF4LNK:

linktext4 linkdata;

case NF4BLK:

case NF4CHR:

specdata4 devdata;

case NF4SOCK:

case NF4FIFO:

case NF4DIR:



struct CREATE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory for creation */

createtype4 objtype;

component4 objname;

fattr4 createattrs;



struct CREATE4resok {

change_info4 cinfo;

bitmap4 attrset; /* attributes set */


union CREATE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

CREATE4resok resok4;





The CREATE operation creates a non-regular file object in a directory

with a given name. The OPEN operation MUST be used to create a

regular file.

The objname specifies the name for the new object. The objtype

determines the type of object to be created: directory, symlink, etc.

If an object of the same name already exists in the directory, the

server will return the error NFS4ERR_EXIST.

For the directory where the new file object was created, the server

returns change_info4 information in cinfo. With the atomic field of

the change_info4 struct, the server will indicate if the before and

after change attributes were obtained atomically with respect to the

file object creation.

If the objname has a length of 0 (zero), or if objname does not obey

the UTF-8 definition, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL will be returned.

The current filehandle is replaced by that of the new object.

The createattrs specifies the initial set of attributes for the

object. The set of attributes may include any writable attribute

valid for the object type. When the operation is successful, the

server will return to the client an attribute mask signifying which

attributes were successfully set for the object.

If createattrs includes neither the owner attribute nor an ACL with

an ACE for the owner, and if the server's filesystem both supports

and requires an owner attribute (or an owner ACE) then the server

MUST derive the owner (or the owner ACE). This would typically be

from the principal indicated in the RPC credentials of the call, but

the server's operating environment or filesystem semantics may

dictate other methods of derivation. Similarly, if createattrs

includes neither the group attribute nor a group ACE, and if the

server's filesystem both supports and requires the notion of a group

attribute (or group ACE), the server MUST derive the group attribute

(or the corresponding owner ACE) for the file. This could be from the

RPC call's credentials, such as the group principal if the

credentials include it (such as with AUTH_SYS), from the group

identifier associated with the principal in the credentials (for

e.g., POSIX systems have a passwd database that has the group

identifier for every user identifier), inherited from directory the

object is created in, or whatever else the server's operating

environment or filesystem semantics dictate. This applies to the OPEN

operation too.

Conversely, it is possible the client will specify in createattrs an

owner attribute or group attribute or ACL that the principal

indicated the RPC call's credentials does not have permissions to

create files for. The error to be returned in this instance is

NFS4ERR_PERM. This applies to the OPEN operation too.


If the client desires to set attribute values after the create, a

SETATTR operation can be added to the COMPOUND request so that the

appropriate attributes will be set.


























14.2.5. Operation 7: DELEGPURGE - Purge Delegations Awaiting Recovery


clientid ->


struct DELEGPURGE4args {

clientid4 clientid;



struct DELEGPURGE4res {

nfsstat4 status;



Purges all of the delegations awaiting recovery for a given client.

This is useful for clients which do not commit delegation information

to stable storage to indicate that conflicting requests need not be

delayed by the server awaiting recovery of delegation information.

This operation should be used by clients that record delegation

information on stable storage on the client. In this case,

DELEGPURGE should be issued immediately after doing delegation

recovery on all delegations known to the client. Doing so will

notify the server that no additional delegations for the client will

be recovered allowing it to free resources, and avoid delaying other

clients who make requests that conflict with the unrecovered

delegations. The set of delegations known to the server and the

client may be different. The reason for this is that a client may

fail after making a request which resulted in delegation but before

it received the results and committed them to the client's stable


The server MAY support DELEGPURGE, but if it does not, it MUST NOT










14.2.6. Operation 8: DELEGRETURN - Return Delegation


(cfh), stateid ->


struct DELEGRETURN4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: delegated file */

stateid4 stateid;



struct DELEGRETURN4res {

nfsstat4 status;



Returns the delegation represented by the current filehandle and


Delegations may be returned when recalled or voluntarily (i.e.,

before the server has recalled them). In either case the client must

properly propagate state changed under the context of the delegation

to the server before returning the delegation.
















14.2.7. Operation 9: GETATTR - Get Attributes


(cfh), attrbits -> attrbits, attrvals


struct GETATTR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory or file */

bitmap4 attr_request;



struct GETATTR4resok {

fattr4 obj_attributes;


union GETATTR4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

GETATTR4resok resok4;





The GETATTR operation will obtain attributes for the filesystem

object specified by the current filehandle. The client sets a bit in

the bitmap argument for each attribute value that it would like the

server to return. The server returns an attribute bitmap that

indicates the attribute values for which it was able to return,

followed by the attribute values ordered lowest attribute number


The server must return a value for each attribute that the client

requests if the attribute is supported by the server. If the server

does not support an attribute or cannot approximate a useful value

then it must not return the attribute value and must not set the

attribute bit in the result bitmap. The server must return an error

if it supports an attribute but cannot obtain its value. In that

case no attribute values will be returned.

All servers must support the mandatory attributes as specified in the

section "File Attributes".

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.















14.2.8. Operation 10: GETFH - Get Current Filehandle


(cfh) -> filehandle





struct GETFH4resok {

nfs_fh4 object;


union GETFH4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

GETFH4resok resok4;





This operation returns the current filehandle value.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


Operations that change the current filehandle like LOOKUP or CREATE

do not automatically return the new filehandle as a result. For

instance, if a client needs to lookup a directory entry and obtain

its filehandle then the following request is needed.

PUTFH (directory filehandle)

LOOKUP (entry name)










14.2.9. Operation 11: LINK - Create Link to a File


(sfh), (cfh), newname -> (cfh), change_info


struct LINK4args {

/* SAVED_FH: source object */

/* CURRENT_FH: target directory */

component4 newname;



struct LINK4resok {

change_info4 cinfo;


union LINK4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

LINK4resok resok4;





The LINK operation creates an additional newname for the file

represented by the saved filehandle, as set by the SAVEFH operation,

in the directory represented by the current filehandle. The existing

file and the target directory must reside within the same filesystem

on the server. On success, the current filehandle will continue to

be the target directory. If an object exists in the target directory

with the same name as newname, the server must return NFS4ERR_EXIST.

For the target directory, the server returns change_info4 information

in cinfo. With the atomic field of the change_info4 struct, the

server will indicate if the before and after change attributes were

obtained atomically with respect to the link creation.

If the newname has a length of 0 (zero), or if newname does not obey

the UTF-8 definition, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL will be returned.


Changes to any property of the "hard" linked files are reflected in

all of the linked files. When a link is made to a file, the

attributes for the file should have a value for numlinks that is one

greater than the value before the LINK operation.

The statement "file and the target directory must reside within the

same filesystem on the server" means that the fsid fields in the

attributes for the objects are the same. If they reside on different

filesystems, the error, NFS4ERR_XDEV, is returned. On some servers,

the filenames, "." and "..", are illegal as newname.

In the case that newname is already linked to the file represented by

the saved filehandle, the server will return NFS4ERR_EXIST.

Note that symbolic links are created with the CREATE operation.





























14.2.10. Operation 12: LOCK - Create Lock


(cfh) locktype, reclaim, offset, length, locker -> stateid


struct open_to_lock_owner4 {

seqid4 open_seqid;

stateid4 open_stateid;

seqid4 lock_seqid;

lock_owner4 lock_owner;


struct exist_lock_owner4 {

stateid4 lock_stateid;

seqid4 lock_seqid;


union locker4 switch (bool new_lock_owner) {

case TRUE:

open_to_lock_owner4 open_owner;

case FALSE:

exist_lock_owner4 lock_owner;


enum nfs_lock_type4 {

READ_LT = 1,


READW_LT = 3, /* blocking read */

WRITEW_LT = 4 /* blocking write */


struct LOCK4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

bool reclaim;

offset4 offset;

length4 length;

locker4 locker;



struct LOCK4denied {

offset4 offset;

length4 length;

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

lock_owner4 owner;


struct LOCK4resok {

stateid4 lock_stateid;


union LOCK4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

LOCK4resok resok4;


LOCK4denied denied;





The LOCK operation requests a record lock for the byte range

specified by the offset and length parameters. The lock type is also

specified to be one of the nfs_lock_type4s. If this is a reclaim

request, the reclaim parameter will be TRUE;

Bytes in a file may be locked even if those bytes are not currently

allocated to the file. To lock the file from a specific offset

through the end-of-file (no matter how long the file actually is) use

a length field with all bits set to 1 (one). If the length is zero,

or if a length which is not all bits set to one is specified, and

length when added to the offset exceeds the maximum 64-bit unsigned

integer value, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL will result.

Some servers may only support locking for byte offsets that fit

within 32 bits. If the client specifies a range that includes a byte

beyond the last byte offset of the 32-bit range, but does not include

the last byte offset of the 32-bit and all of the byte offsets beyond

it, up to the end of the valid 64-bit range, such a 32-bit server

MUST return the error NFS4ERR_BAD_RANGE.

In the case that the lock is denied, the owner, offset, and length of

a conflicting lock are returned.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


If the server is unable to determine the exact offset and length of

the conflicting lock, the same offset and length that were provided

in the arguments should be returned in the denied results. The File

Locking section contains a full description of this and the other

file locking operations.

LOCK operations are subject to permission checks and to checks

against the access type of the associated file. However, the

specific right and modes required for various type of locks, reflect

the semantics of the server-exported filesystem, and are not

specified by the protocol. For example, Windows 2000 allows a write

lock of a file open for READ, while a POSIX-compliant system does


When the client makes a lock request that corresponds to a range that

the lockowner has locked already (with the same or different lock

type), or to a sub-region of such a range, or to a region which

includes multiple locks already granted to that lockowner, in whole

or in part, and the server does not support such locking operations

(i.e., does not support POSIX locking semantics), the server will

return the error NFS4ERR_LOCK_RANGE. In that case, the client may

return an error, or it may emulate the required operations, using

only LOCK for ranges that do not include any bytes already locked by

that lock_owner and LOCKU of locks held by that lock_owner

(specifying an exactly-matching range and type). Similarly, when the

client makes a lock request that amounts to upgrading (changing from

a read lock to a write lock) or downgrading (changing from write lock

to a read lock) an existing record lock, and the server does not

support such a lock, the server will return NFS4ERR_LOCK_NOTSUPP.

Such operations may not perfectly reflect the required semantics in

the face of conflicting lock requests from other clients.

The locker argument specifies the lock_owner that is associated with

the LOCK request. The locker4 structure is a switched union that

indicates whether the lock_owner is known to the server or if the

lock_owner is new to the server. In the case that the lock_owner is

known to the server and has an established lock_seqid, the argument

is just the lock_owner and lock_seqid. In the case that the

lock_owner is not known to the server, the argument contains not only

the lock_owner and lock_seqid but also the open_stateid and

open_seqid. The new lock_owner case covers the very first lock done

by the lock_owner and offers a method to use the established state of

the open_stateid to transition to the use of the lock_owner.
































14.2.11. Operation 13: LOCKT - Test For Lock


(cfh) locktype, offset, length owner -> {void, NFS4ERR_DENIED ->



struct LOCKT4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

offset4 offset;

length4 length;

lock_owner4 owner;



struct LOCK4denied {

offset4 offset;

length4 length;

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

lock_owner4 owner;


union LOCKT4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {


LOCK4denied denied;

case NFS4_OK:






The LOCKT operation tests the lock as specified in the arguments. If

a conflicting lock exists, the owner, offset, length, and type of the

conflicting lock are returned; if no lock is held, nothing other than

NFS4_OK is returned. Lock types READ_LT and READW_LT are processed

in the same way in that a conflicting lock test is done without

regard to blocking or non-blocking. The same is true for WRITE_LT


The ranges are specified as for LOCK. The NFS4ERR_INVAL and

NFS4ERR_BAD_RANGE errors are returned under the same circumstances as

for LOCK.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


If the server is unable to determine the exact offset and length of

the conflicting lock, the same offset and length that were provided

in the arguments should be returned in the denied results. The File

Locking section contains further discussion of the file locking


LOCKT uses a lock_owner4 rather a stateid4, as is used in LOCK to

identify the owner. This is because the client does not have to open

the file to test for the existence of a lock, so a stateid may not be


The test for conflicting locks should exclude locks for the current

lockowner. Note that since such locks are not examined the possible

existence of overlapping ranges may not affect the results of LOCKT.

If the server does examine locks that match the lockowner for the

purpose of range checking, NFS4ERR_LOCK_RANGE may be returned.. In

the event that it returns NFS4_OK, clients may do a LOCK and receive

NFS4ERR_LOCK_RANGE on the LOCK request because of the flexibility

provided to the server.




















14.2.12. Operation 14: LOCKU - Unlock File


(cfh) type, seqid, stateid, offset, length -> stateid


struct LOCKU4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

seqid4 seqid;

stateid4 stateid;

offset4 offset;

length4 length;



union LOCKU4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

stateid4 stateid;





The LOCKU operation unlocks the record lock specified by the

parameters. The client may set the locktype field to any value that

is legal for the nfs_lock_type4 enumerated type, and the server MUST

accept any legal value for locktype. Any legal value for locktype has

no effect on the success or failure of the LOCKU operation.

The ranges are specified as for LOCK. The NFS4ERR_INVAL and

NFS4ERR_BAD_RANGE errors are returned under the same circumstances as

for LOCK.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


If the area to be unlocked does not correspond exactly to a lock

actually held by the lockowner the server may return the error

NFS4ERR_LOCK_RANGE. This includes the case in which the area is not

locked, where the area is a sub-range of the area locked, where it

overlaps the area locked without matching exactly or the area

specified includes multiple locks held by the lockowner. In all of

these cases, allowed by POSIX locking semantics, a client receiving

this error, should if it desires support for such operations,

simulate the operation using LOCKU on ranges corresponding to locks

it actually holds, possibly followed by LOCK requests for the sub-

ranges not being unlocked.























14.2.13. Operation 15: LOOKUP - Lookup Filename


(cfh), component -> (cfh)


struct LOOKUP4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 objname;



struct LOOKUP4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

nfsstat4 status;



This operation LOOKUPs or finds a filesystem object using the

directory specified by the current filehandle. LOOKUP evaluates the

component and if the object exists the current filehandle is replaced

with the component's filehandle.

If the component cannot be evaluated either because it does not exist

or because the client does not have permission to evaluate the

component, then an error will be returned and the current filehandle

will be unchanged.

If the component is a zero length string or if any component does not

obey the UTF-8 definition, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL will be returned.


If the client wants to achieve the effect of a multi-component

lookup, it may construct a COMPOUND request such as (and obtain each


PUTFH (directory filehandle)

LOOKUP "pub"


LOOKUP "foo"


LOOKUP "bar"


NFS version 4 servers depart from the semantics of previous NFS

versions in allowing LOOKUP requests to cross mountpoints on the

server. The client can detect a mountpoint crossing by comparing the

fsid attribute of the directory with the fsid attribute of the

directory looked up. If the fsids are different then the new

directory is a server mountpoint. UNIX clients that detect a

mountpoint crossing will need to mount the server's filesystem. This

needs to be done to maintain the file object identity checking

mechanisms common to UNIX clients.

Servers that limit NFS access to "shares" or "exported" filesystems

should provide a pseudo-filesystem into which the exported

filesystems can be integrated, so that clients can browse the

server's name space. The clients' view of a pseudo filesystem will

be limited to paths that lead to exported filesystems.

Note: previous versions of the protocol assigned special semantics to

the names "." and "..". NFS version 4 assigns no special semantics

to these names. The LOOKUPP operator must be used to lookup a parent


Note that this operation does not follow symbolic links. The client

is responsible for all parsing of filenames including filenames that

are modified by symbolic links encountered during the lookup process.

If the current filehandle supplied is not a directory but a symbolic

link, the error NFS4ERR_SYMLINK is returned as the error. For all

other non-directory file types, the error NFS4ERR_NOTDIR is returned.




















14.2.14. Operation 16: LOOKUPP - Lookup Parent Directory


(cfh) -> (cfh)


/* CURRENT_FH: object */



struct LOOKUPP4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

nfsstat4 status;



The current filehandle is assumed to refer to a regular directory

or a named attribute directory. LOOKUPP assigns the filehandle for

its parent directory to be the current filehandle. If there is no

parent directory an NFS4ERR_NOENT error must be returned.

Therefore, NFS4ERR_NOENT will be returned by the server when the

current filehandle is at the root or top of the server's file tree.


As for LOOKUP, LOOKUPP will also cross mountpoints.

If the current filehandle is not a directory or named attribute

directory, the error NFS4ERR_NOTDIR is returned.













14.2.15. Operation 17: NVERIFY - Verify Difference in Attributes


(cfh), fattr -> -


struct NVERIFY4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

fattr4 obj_attributes;



struct NVERIFY4res {

nfsstat4 status;



This operation is used to prefix a sequence of operations to be

performed if one or more attributes have changed on some filesystem

object. If all the attributes match then the error NFS4ERR_SAME must

be returned.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


This operation is useful as a cache validation operator. If the

object to which the attributes belong has changed then the following

operations may obtain new data associated with that object. For

instance, to check if a file has been changed and obtain new data if

it has:

PUTFH (public)

LOOKUP "Foobar"

NVERIFY attrbits attrs

READ 0 32767

In the case that a recommended attribute is specified in the NVERIFY

operation and the server does not support that attribute for the

filesystem object, the error NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP is returned to the


When the attribute rdattr_error or any write-only attribute (e.g.,

time_modify_set) is specified, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL is returned to

the client.

















14.2.16. Operation 18: OPEN - Open a Regular File


(cfh), seqid, share_access, share_deny, owner, openhow, claim ->

(cfh), stateid, cinfo, rflags, open_confirm, attrset delegation


struct OPEN4args {

seqid4 seqid;

uint32_t share_access;

uint32_t share_deny;

open_owner4 owner;

openflag4 openhow;

open_claim4 claim;


enum createmode4 {





union createhow4 switch (createmode4 mode) {


case GUARDED4:

fattr4 createattrs;


verifier4 createverf;


enum opentype4 {




union openflag4 switch (opentype4 opentype) {


createhow4 how;




/* Next definitions used for OPEN delegation */

enum limit_by4 {



/* others as needed */


struct nfs_modified_limit4 {

uint32_t num_blocks;

uint32_t bytes_per_block;


union nfs_space_limit4 switch (limit_by4 limitby) {

/* limit specified as file size */


uint64_t filesize;

/* limit specified by number of blocks */


nfs_modified_limit4 mod_blocks;

} ;

enum open_delegation_type4 {





enum open_claim_type4 {






struct open_claim_delegate_cur4 {

stateid4 delegate_stateid;

component4 file;


union open_claim4 switch (open_claim_type4 claim) {


* No special rights to file. Ordinary OPEN of the specified file.



/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 file;


* Right to the file established by an open previous to server

* reboot. File identified by filehandle obtained at that time

* rather than by name.



/* CURRENT_FH: file being reclaimed */

open_delegation_type4 delegate_type;


* Right to file based on a delegation granted by the server.

* File is specified by name.



/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

open_claim_delegate_cur4 delegate_cur_info;

/* Right to file based on a delegation granted to a previous boot

* instance of the client. File is specified by name.



/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 file_delegate_prev;



struct open_read_delegation4 {

stateid4 stateid; /* Stateid for delegation*/

bool recall; /* Pre-recalled flag for

delegations obtained

by reclaim


nfsace4 permissions; /* Defines users who don't

need an ACCESS call to

open for read */


struct open_write_delegation4 {

stateid4 stateid; /* Stateid for delegation*/

bool recall; /* Pre-recalled flag for

delegations obtained

by reclaim


nfs_space_limit4 space_limit; /* Defines condition that

the client must check to

determine whether the

file needs to be flushed

to the server on close.


nfsace4 permissions; /* Defines users who don't

need an ACCESS call as

part of a delegated

open. */


union open_delegation4

switch (open_delegation_type4 delegation_type) {




open_read_delegation4 read;


open_write_delegation4 write;


const OPEN4_RESULT_CONFIRM = 0x00000002;

const OPEN4_RESULT_LOCKTYPE_POSIX = 0x00000004;

struct OPEN4resok {

stateid4 stateid; /* Stateid for open */

change_info4 cinfo; /* Directory Change Info */

uint32_t rflags; /* Result flags */

bitmap4 attrset; /* attributes on create */

open_delegation4 delegation; /* Info on any open

delegation */


union OPEN4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

/* CURRENT_FH: opened file */

OPEN4resok resok4;





OPEN resembles LOOKUP in that it generates a filehandle for the

client to use. Unlike LOOKUP though, OPEN creates server state on

the filehandle. In normal circumstances, the client can only release

this state with a CLOSE operation. CLOSE uses the current filehandle

to determine which file to close. Therefore the client MUST follow

every OPEN operation with a GETFH operation in the same COMPOUND

procedure. This will supply the client with the filehandle such that

CLOSE can be used appropriately.

Simply waiting for the lease on the file to expire is insufficient

because the server may maintain the state indefinitely as long as

another client does not attempt to make a conflicting access to the

same file.


The OPEN operation creates and/or opens a regular file in a directory

with the provided name. If the file does not exist at the server and

creation is desired, specification of the method of creation is

provided by the openhow parameter. The client has the choice of

three creation methods: UNCHECKED, GUARDED, or EXCLUSIVE.

If the current filehandle is a named attribute directory, OPEN will

then create or open a named attribute file. Note that exclusive

create of a named attribute is not supported. If the createmode is

EXCLUSIVE4 and the current filehandle is a named attribute directory,

the server will return EINVAL.

UNCHECKED means that the file should be created if a file of that

name does not exist and encountering an existing regular file of that

name is not an error. For this type of create, createattrs specifies

the initial set of attributes for the file. The set of attributes

may include any writable attribute valid for regular files. When an

UNCHECKED create encounters an existing file, the attributes

specified by createattrs are not used, except that when an size of

zero is specified, the existing file is truncated. If GUARDED is

specified, the server checks for the presence of a duplicate object

by name before performing the create. If a duplicate exists, an

error of NFS4ERR_EXIST is returned as the status. If the object does

not exist, the request is performed as described for UNCHECKED. For

each of these cases (UNCHECKED and GUARDED) where the operation is

successful, the server will return to the client an attribute mask

signifying which attributes were successfully set for the object.

EXCLUSIVE specifies that the server is to follow exclusive creation

semantics, using the verifier to ensure exclusive creation of the

target. The server should check for the presence of a duplicate

object by name. If the object does not exist, the server creates the

object and stores the verifier with the object. If the object does

exist and the stored verifier matches the client provided verifier,

the server uses the existing object as the newly created object. If

the stored verifier does not match, then an error of NFS4ERR_EXIST is

returned. No attributes may be provided in this case, since the

server may use an attribute of the target object to store the

verifier. If the server uses an attribute to store the exclusive

create verifier, it will signify which attribute by setting the

appropriate bit in the attribute mask that is returned in the


For the target directory, the server returns change_info4 information

in cinfo. With the atomic field of the change_info4 struct, the

server will indicate if the before and after change attributes were

obtained atomically with respect to the link creation.

Upon successful creation, the current filehandle is replaced by that

of the new object.

The OPEN operation provides for Windows share reservation capability

with the use of the share_access and share_deny fields of the OPEN

arguments. The client specifies at OPEN the required share_access

and share_deny modes. For clients that do not directly support

SHAREs (i.e., UNIX), the expected deny value is DENY_NONE. In the

case that there is a existing SHARE reservation that conflicts with

the OPEN request, the server returns the error NFS4ERR_SHARE_DENIED.

For a complete SHARE request, the client must provide values for the

owner and seqid fields for the OPEN argument. For additional

discussion of SHARE semantics see the section on 'Share


In the case that the client is recovering state from a server

failure, the claim field of the OPEN argument is used to signify that

the request is meant to reclaim state previously held.

The "claim" field of the OPEN argument is used to specify the file to

be opened and the state information which the client claims to

possess. There are four basic claim types which cover the various

situations for an OPEN. They are as follows:


For the client, this is a new OPEN

request and there is no previous state

associate with the file for the client.


The client is claiming basic OPEN state

for a file that was held previous to a

server reboot. Generally used when a

server is returning persistent

filehandles; the client may not have the

file name to reclaim the OPEN.


The client is claiming a delegation for

OPEN as granted by the server.

Generally this is done as part of

recalling a delegation.


The client is claiming a delegation

granted to a previous client instance;

used after the client reboots. The


If it does support CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV,


client's delegation state, and the

server MUST support the DELEGPURGE


For OPEN requests whose claim type is other than CLAIM_PREVIOUS

(i.e., requests other than those devoted to reclaiming opens after a

server reboot) that reach the server during its grace or lease

expiration period, the server returns an error of NFS4ERR_GRACE.

For any OPEN request, the server may return an open delegation, which

allows further opens and closes to be handled locally on the client

as described in the section Open Delegation. Note that delegation is

up to the server to decide. The client should never assume that

delegation will or will not be granted in a particular instance. It

should always be prepared for either case. A partial exception is

the reclaim (CLAIM_PREVIOUS) case, in which a delegation type is

claimed. In this case, delegation will always be granted, although

the server may specify an immediate recall in the delegation


The rflags returned by a successful OPEN allow the server to return

information governing how the open file is to be handled.

OPEN4_RESULT_CONFIRM indicates that the client MUST execute an

OPEN_CONFIRM operation before using the open file.

OPEN4_RESULT_LOCKTYPE_POSIX indicates the server's file locking

behavior supports the complete set of Posix locking techniques. From

this the client can choose to manage file locking state in a way to

handle a mis-match of file locking management.

If the component is of zero length, NFS4ERR_INVAL will be returned.

The component is also subject to the normal UTF-8, character support,

and name checks. See the section "UTF-8 Related Errors" for further


When an OPEN is done and the specified lockowner already has the

resulting filehandle open, the result is to "OR" together the new

share and deny status together with the existing status. In this

case, only a single CLOSE need be done, even though multiple OPENs

were completed. When such an OPEN is done, checking of share

reservations for the new OPEN proceeds normally, with no exception

for the existing OPEN held by the same lockowner.

If the underlying filesystem at the server is only accessible in a

read-only mode and the OPEN request has specified ACCESS_WRITE or

ACCESS_BOTH, the server will return NFS4ERR_ROFS to indicate a read-

only filesystem.

As with the CREATE operation, the server MUST derive the owner, owner

ACE, group, or group ACE if any of the four attributes are required

and supported by the server's filesystem. For an OPEN with the

EXCLUSIVE4 createmode, the server has no choice, since such OPEN

calls do not include the createattrs field. Conversely, if

createattrs is specified, and includes owner or group (or

corresponding ACEs) that the principal in the RPC call's credentials

does not have authorization to create files for, then the server may

return NFS4ERR_PERM.

In the case of a OPEN which specifies a size of zero (e.g.,

truncation) and the file has named attributes, the named attributes

are left as is. They are not removed.


The OPEN operation contains support for EXCLUSIVE create. The

mechanism is similar to the support in NFS version 3 [RFC1813]. As

in NFS version 3, this mechanism provides reliable exclusive

creation. Exclusive create is invoked when the how parameter is

EXCLUSIVE. In this case, the client provides a verifier that can

reasonably be expected to be unique. A combination of a client

identifier, perhaps the client network address, and a unique number

generated by the client, perhaps the RPC transaction identifier, may

be appropriate.

If the object does not exist, the server creates the object and

stores the verifier in stable storage. For filesystems that do not

provide a mechanism for the storage of arbitrary file attributes, the

server may use one or more elements of the object meta-data to store

the verifier. The verifier must be stored in stable storage to

prevent erroneous failure on retransmission of the request. It is

assumed that an exclusive create is being performed because exclusive

semantics are critical to the application. Because of the expected

usage, exclusive CREATE does not rely solely on the normally volatile

duplicate request cache for storage of the verifier. The duplicate

request cache in volatile storage does not survive a crash and may

actually flush on a long network partition, opening failure windows.

In the UNIX local filesystem environment, the expected storage

location for the verifier on creation is the meta-data (time stamps)

of the object. For this reason, an exclusive object create may not

include initial attributes because the server would have nowhere to

store the verifier.

If the server can not support these exclusive create semantics,

possibly because of the requirement to commit the verifier to stable

storage, it should fail the OPEN request with the error,


During an exclusive CREATE request, if the object already exists, the

server reconstructs the object's verifier and compares it with the

verifier in the request. If they match, the server treats the request

as a success. The request is presumed to be a duplicate of an

earlier, successful request for which the reply was lost and that the

server duplicate request cache mechanism did not detect. If the

verifiers do not match, the request is rejected with the status,


Once the client has performed a successful exclusive create, it must

issue a SETATTR to set the correct object attributes. Until it does

so, it should not rely upon any of the object attributes, since the

server implementation may need to overload object meta-data to store

the verifier. The subsequent SETATTR must not occur in the same

COMPOUND request as the OPEN. This separation will guarantee that

the exclusive create mechanism will continue to function properly in

the face of retransmission of the request.

Use of the GUARDED attribute does not provide exactly-once semantics.

In particular, if a reply is lost and the server does not detect the

retransmission of the request, the operation can fail with

NFS4ERR_EXIST, even though the create was performed successfully.

The client would use this behavior in the case that the application

has not requested an exclusive create but has asked to have the file

truncated when the file is opened. In the case of the client timing

out and retransmitting the create request, the client can use GUARDED

to prevent against a sequence like: create, write, create

(retransmitted) from occurring.

For SHARE reservations, the client must specify a value for

share_access that is one of READ, WRITE, or BOTH. For share_deny,

the client must specify one of NONE, READ, WRITE, or BOTH. If the

client fails to do this, the server must return NFS4ERR_INVAL.

Based on the share_access value (READ, WRITE, or BOTH) the client

should check that the requester has the proper access rights to

perform the specified operation. This would generally be the results

of applying the ACL access rules to the file for the current

requester. However, just as with the ACCESS operation, the client

should not attempt to second-guess the server's decisions, as access

rights may change and may be subject to server administrative

controls outside the ACL framework. If the requester is not

authorized to READ or WRITE (depending on the share_access value),

the server must return NFS4ERR_ACCESS. Note that since the NFS

version 4 protocol does not impose any requirement that READs and

WRITEs issued for an open file have the same credentials as the OPEN

itself, the server still must do appropriate access checking on the

READs and WRITEs themselves.

If the component provided to OPEN is a symbolic link, the error

NFS4ERR_SYMLINK will be returned to the client. If the current

filehandle is not a directory, the error NFS4ERR_NOTDIR will be









































14.2.17. Operation 19: OPENATTR - Open Named Attribute Directory


(cfh) createdir -> (cfh)


struct OPENATTR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

bool createdir;



struct OPENATTR4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: named attr directory*/

nfsstat4 status;



The OPENATTR operation is used to obtain the filehandle of the named

attribute directory associated with the current filehandle. The

result of the OPENATTR will be a filehandle to an object of type

NF4ATTRDIR. From this filehandle, READDIR and LOOKUP operations can

be used to obtain filehandles for the various named attributes

associated with the original filesystem object. Filehandles returned

within the named attribute directory will have a type of


The createdir argument allows the client to signify if a named

attribute directory should be created as a result of the OPENATTR

operation. Some clients may use the OPENATTR operation with a value

of FALSE for createdir to determine if any named attributes exist for

the object. If none exist, then NFS4ERR_NOENT will be returned. If

createdir has a value of TRUE and no named attribute directory

exists, one is created. The creation of a named attribute directory

assumes that the server has implemented named attribute support in

this fashion and is not required to do so by this definition.


If the server does not support named attributes for the current

filehandle, an error of NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP will be returned to the



















14.2.18. Operation 20: OPEN_CONFIRM - Confirm Open


(cfh), seqid, stateid-> stateid


struct OPEN_CONFIRM4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: opened file */

stateid4 open_stateid;

seqid4 seqid;



struct OPEN_CONFIRM4resok {

stateid4 open_stateid;


union OPEN_CONFIRM4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

OPEN_CONFIRM4resok resok4;





This operation is used to confirm the sequence id usage for the first

time that a open_owner is used by a client. The stateid returned

from the OPEN operation is used as the argument for this operation

along with the next sequence id for the open_owner. The sequence id

passed to the OPEN_CONFIRM must be 1 (one) greater than the seqid

passed to the OPEN operation from which the open_confirm value was

obtained. If the server receives an unexpected sequence id with

respect to the original open, then the server assumes that the client

will not confirm the original OPEN and all state associated with the

original OPEN is released by the server.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


A given client might generate many open_owner4 data structures for a

given clientid. The client will periodically either dispose of its

open_owner4s or stop using them for indefinite periods of time. The

latter situation is why the NFS version 4 protocol does not have an

explicit operation to exit an open_owner4: such an operation is of no

use in that situation. Instead, to avoid unbounded memory use, the

server needs to implement a strategy for disposing of open_owner4s

that have no current lock, open, or delegation state for any files

and have not been used recently. The time period used to determine

when to dispose of open_owner4s is an implementation choice. The

time period should certainly be no less than the lease time plus any

grace period the server wishes to implement beyond a lease time. The

OPEN_CONFIRM operation allows the server to safely dispose of unused

open_owner4 data structures.

In the case that a client issues an OPEN operation and the server no

longer has a record of the open_owner4, the server needs to ensure

that this is a new OPEN and not a replay or retransmission.

Servers must not require confirmation on OPENs that grant delegations

or are doing reclaim operations. See section "Use of Open

Confirmation" for details. The server can easily avoid this by

noting whether it has disposed of one open_owner4 for the given

clientid. If the server does not support delegation, it might simply

maintain a single bit that notes whether any open_owner4 (for any

client) has been disposed of.

The server must hold unconfirmed OPEN state until one of three events

occur. First, the client sends an OPEN_CONFIRM request with the

appropriate sequence id and stateid within the lease period. In this

case, the OPEN state on the server goes to confirmed, and the

open_owner4 on the server is fully established.

Second, the client sends another OPEN request with a sequence id that

is incorrect for the open_owner4 (out of sequence). In this case,

the server assumes the second OPEN request is valid and the first one

is a replay. The server cancels the OPEN state of the first OPEN

request, establishes an unconfirmed OPEN state for the second OPEN

request, and responds to the second OPEN request with an indication

that an OPEN_CONFIRM is needed. The process then repeats itself.

While there is a potential for a denial of service attack on the

client, it is mitigated if the client and server require the use of a

security flavor based on Kerberos V5, LIPKEY, or some other flavor

that uses cryptography.

What if the server is in the unconfirmed OPEN state for a given

open_owner4, and it receives an operation on the open_owner4 that has

a stateid but the operation is not OPEN, or it is OPEN_CONFIRM but

with the wrong stateid? Then, even if the seqid is correct, the

server returns NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID, because the server assumes the

operation is a replay: if the server has no established OPEN state,

then there is no way, for example, a LOCK operation could be valid.

Third, neither of the two aforementioned events occur for the

open_owner4 within the lease period. In this case, the OPEN state is

canceled and disposal of the open_owner4 can occur.


















14.2.19. Operation 21: OPEN_DOWNGRADE - Reduce Open File Access


(cfh), stateid, seqid, access, deny -> stateid


struct OPEN_DOWNGRADE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: opened file */

stateid4 open_stateid;

seqid4 seqid;

uint32_t share_access;

uint32_t share_deny;



struct OPEN_DOWNGRADE4resok {

stateid4 open_stateid;


union OPEN_DOWNGRADE4res switch(nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

OPEN_DOWNGRADE4resok resok4;





This operation is used to adjust the share_access and share_deny bits

for a given open. This is necessary when a given openowner opens the

same file multiple times with different share_access and share_deny

flags. In this situation, a close of one of the opens may change the

appropriate share_access and share_deny flags to remove bits

associated with opens no longer in effect.

The share_access and share_deny bits specified in this operation

replace the current ones for the specified open file. The

share_access and share_deny bits specified must be exactly equal to

the union of the share_access and share_deny bits specified for some

subset of the OPENs in effect for current openowner on the current

file. If that constraint is not respected, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL

should be returned. Since share_access and share_deny bits are

subsets of those already granted, it is not possible for this request

to be denied because of conflicting share reservations.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.

















14.2.20. Operation 22: PUTFH - Set Current Filehandle


filehandle -> (cfh)


struct PUTFH4args {

nfs_fh4 object;



struct PUTFH4res {


nfsstat4 status;



Replaces the current filehandle with the filehandle provided as an


If the security mechanism used by the requester does not meet the

requirements of the filehandle provided to this operation, the server



Commonly used as the first operator in an NFS request to set the

context for following operations.










14.2.21. Operation 23: PUTPUBFH - Set Public Filehandle


- -> (cfh)




struct PUTPUBFH4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: public fh */

nfsstat4 status;



Replaces the current filehandle with the filehandle that represents

the public filehandle of the server's name space. This filehandle

may be different from the "root" filehandle which may be associated

with some other directory on the server.

The public filehandle represents the concepts embodied in [RFC2054],

[RFC2055], [RFC2224]. The intent for NFS version 4 is that the

public filehandle (represented by the PUTPUBFH operation) be used as

a method of providing WebNFS server compatibility with NFS versions 2

and 3.

The public filehandle and the root filehandle (represented by the

PUTROOTFH operation) should be equivalent. If the public and root

filehandles are not equivalent, then the public filehandle MUST be a

descendant of the root filehandle.


Used as the first operator in an NFS request to set the context for

following operations.

With the NFS version 2 and 3 public filehandle, the client is able to

specify whether the path name provided in the LOOKUP should be

evaluated as either an absolute path relative to the server's root or

relative to the public filehandle. [RFC2224] contains further

discussion of the functionality. With NFS version 4, that type of

specification is not directly available in the LOOKUP operation. The

reason for this is because the component separators needed to specify

absolute vs. relative are not allowed in NFS version 4. Therefore,

the client is responsible for constructing its request such that the

use of either PUTROOTFH or PUTPUBFH are used to signify absolute or

relative evaluation of an NFS URL respectively.

Note that there are warnings mentioned in [RFC2224] with respect to

the use of absolute evaluation and the restrictions the server may

place on that evaluation with respect to how much of its namespace

has been made available. These same warnings apply to NFS version 4.

It is likely, therefore that because of server implementation

details, an NFS version 3 absolute public filehandle lookup may

behave differently than an NFS version 4 absolute resolution.

There is a form of security negotiation as described in [RFC2755]

that uses the public filehandle a method of employing SNEGO. This

method is not available with NFS version 4 as filehandles are not

overloaded with special meaning and therefore do not provide the same

framework as NFS versions 2 and 3. Clients should therefore use the

security negotiation mechanisms described in this RFC.





14.2.22. Operation 24: PUTROOTFH - Set Root Filehandle


- -> (cfh)




struct PUTROOTFH4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: root fh */

nfsstat4 status;



Replaces the current filehandle with the filehandle that represents

the root of the server's name space. From this filehandle a LOOKUP

operation can locate any other filehandle on the server. This

filehandle may be different from the "public" filehandle which may be

associated with some other directory on the server.


Commonly used as the first operator in an NFS request to set the

context for following operations.





14.2.23. Operation 25: READ - Read from File


(cfh), stateid, offset, count -> eof, data


struct READ4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

stateid4 stateid;

offset4 offset;

count4 count;



struct READ4resok {

bool eof;

opaque data<>;


union READ4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

READ4resok resok4;





The READ operation reads data from the regular file identified by the

current filehandle.

The client provides an offset of where the READ is to start and a

count of how many bytes are to be read. An offset of 0 (zero) means

to read data starting at the beginning of the file. If offset is

greater than or equal to the size of the file, the status, NFS4_OK,

is returned with a data length set to 0 (zero) and eof is set to

TRUE. The READ is subject to access permissions checking.

If the client specifies a count value of 0 (zero), the READ succeeds

and returns 0 (zero) bytes of data again subject to access

permissions checking. The server may choose to return fewer bytes

than specified by the client. The client needs to check for this

condition and handle the condition appropriately.

The stateid value for a READ request represents a value returned from

a previous record lock or share reservation request. The stateid is

used by the server to verify that the associated share reservation

and any record locks are still valid and to update lease timeouts for

the client.

If the read ended at the end-of-file (formally, in a correctly formed

READ request, if offset + count is equal to the size of the file), or

the read request extends beyond the size of the file (if offset +

count is greater than the size of the file), eof is returned as TRUE;

otherwise it is FALSE. A successful READ of an empty file will

always return eof as TRUE.

If the current filehandle is not a regular file, an error will be

returned to the client. In the case the current filehandle

represents a directory, NFS4ERR_ISDIR is return; otherwise,

NFS4ERR_INVAL is returned.

For a READ with a stateid value of all bits 0, the server MAY allow

the READ to be serviced subject to mandatory file locks or the

current share deny modes for the file. For a READ with a stateid

value of all bits 1, the server MAY allow READ operations to bypass

locking checks at the server.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


It is possible for the server to return fewer than count bytes of

data. If the server returns less than the count requested and eof is

set to FALSE, the client should issue another READ to get the

remaining data. A server may return less data than requested under

several circumstances. The file may have been truncated by another

client or perhaps on the server itself, changing the file size from

what the requesting client believes to be the case. This would

reduce the actual amount of data available to the client. It is

possible that the server may back off the transfer size and reduce

the read request return. Server resource exhaustion may also occur

necessitating a smaller read return.

If mandatory file locking is on for the file, and if the region

corresponding to the data to be read from file is write locked by an

owner not associated the stateid, the server will return the

NFS4ERR_LOCKED error. The client should try to get the appropriate

read record lock via the LOCK operation before re-attempting the

READ. When the READ completes, the client should release the record

lock via LOCKU.

























14.2.24. Operation 26: READDIR - Read Directory


(cfh), cookie, cookieverf, dircount, maxcount, attr_request ->

cookieverf { cookie, name, attrs }


struct READDIR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

nfs_cookie4 cookie;

verifier4 cookieverf;

count4 dircount;

count4 maxcount;

bitmap4 attr_request;



struct entry4 {

nfs_cookie4 cookie;

component4 name;

fattr4 attrs;

entry4 *nextentry;


struct dirlist4 {

entry4 *entries;

bool eof;


struct READDIR4resok {

verifier4 cookieverf;

dirlist4 reply;


union READDIR4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

READDIR4resok resok4;





The READDIR operation retrieves a variable number of entries from a

filesystem directory and returns client requested attributes for each

entry along with information to allow the client to request

additional directory entries in a subsequent READDIR.

The arguments contain a cookie value that represents where the

READDIR should start within the directory. A value of 0 (zero) for

the cookie is used to start reading at the beginning of the

directory. For subsequent READDIR requests, the client specifies a

cookie value that is provided by the server on a previous READDIR


The cookieverf value should be set to 0 (zero) when the cookie value

is 0 (zero) (first directory read). On subsequent requests, it

should be a cookieverf as returned by the server. The cookieverf

must match that returned by the READDIR in which the cookie was

acquired. If the server determines that the cookieverf is no longer

valid for the directory, the error NFS4ERR_NOT_SAME must be returned.

The dircount portion of the argument is a hint of the maximum number

of bytes of directory information that should be returned. This

value represents the length of the names of the directory entries and

the cookie value for these entries. This length represents the XDR

encoding of the data (names and cookies) and not the length in the

native format of the server.

The maxcount value of the argument is the maximum number of bytes for

the result. This maximum size represents all of the data being

returned within the READDIR4resok structure and includes the XDR

overhead. The server may return less data. If the server is unable

to return a single directory entry within the maxcount limit, the

error NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL will be returned to the client.

Finally, attr_request represents the list of attributes to be

returned for each directory entry supplied by the server.

On successful return, the server's response will provide a list of

directory entries. Each of these entries contains the name of the

directory entry, a cookie value for that entry, and the associated

attributes as requested. The "eof" flag has a value of TRUE if there

are no more entries in the directory.

The cookie value is only meaningful to the server and is used as a

"bookmark" for the directory entry. As mentioned, this cookie is

used by the client for subsequent READDIR operations so that it may

continue reading a directory. The cookie is similar in concept to a

READ offset but should not be interpreted as such by the client.

Ideally, the cookie value should not change if the directory is

modified since the client may be caching these values.

In some cases, the server may encounter an error while obtaining the

attributes for a directory entry. Instead of returning an error for

the entire READDIR operation, the server can instead return the

attribute 'fattr4_rdattr_error'. With this, the server is able to

communicate the failure to the client and not fail the entire

operation in the instance of what might be a transient failure.

Obviously, the client must request the fattr4_rdattr_error attribute

for this method to work properly. If the client does not request the

attribute, the server has no choice but to return failure for the

entire READDIR operation.

For some filesystem environments, the directory entries "." and ".."

have special meaning and in other environments, they may not. If the

server supports these special entries within a directory, they should

not be returned to the client as part of the READDIR response. To

enable some client environments, the cookie values of 0, 1, and 2 are

to be considered reserved. Note that the UNIX client will use these

values when combining the server's response and local representations

to enable a fully formed UNIX directory presentation to the


For READDIR arguments, cookie values of 1 and 2 should not be used

and for READDIR results cookie values of 0, 1, and 2 should not be


On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


The server's filesystem directory representations can differ greatly.

A client's programming interfaces may also be bound to the local

operating environment in a way that does not translate well into the

NFS protocol. Therefore the use of the dircount and maxcount fields

are provided to allow the client the ability to provide guidelines to

the server. If the client is aggressive about attribute collection

during a READDIR, the server has an idea of how to limit the encoded

response. The dircount field provides a hint on the number of

entries based solely on the names of the directory entries. Since it

is a hint, it may be possible that a dircount value is zero. In this

case, the server is free to ignore the dircount value and return

directory information based on the specified maxcount value.

The cookieverf may be used by the server to help manage cookie values

that may become stale. It should be a rare occurrence that a server

is unable to continue properly reading a directory with the provided

cookie/cookieverf pair. The server should make every effort to avoid

this condition since the application at the client may not be able to

properly handle this type of failure.

The use of the cookieverf will also protect the client from using

READDIR cookie values that may be stale. For example, if the file

system has been migrated, the server may or may not be able to use

the same cookie values to service READDIR as the previous server

used. With the client providing the cookieverf, the server is able

to provide the appropriate response to the client. This prevents the

case where the server may accept a cookie value but the underlying

directory has changed and the response is invalid from the client's

context of its previous READDIR.

Since some servers will not be returning "." and ".." entries as has

been done with previous versions of the NFS protocol, the client that

requires these entries be present in READDIR responses must fabricate


















14.2.25. Operation 27: READLINK - Read Symbolic Link


(cfh) -> linktext


/* CURRENT_FH: symlink */



struct READLINK4resok {

linktext4 link;


union READLINK4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

READLINK4resok resok4;





READLINK reads the data associated with a symbolic link. The data is

a UTF-8 string that is opaque to the server. That is, whether

created by an NFS client or created locally on the server, the data

in a symbolic link is not interpreted when created, but is simply


On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


A symbolic link is nominally a pointer to another file. The data is

not necessarily interpreted by the server, just stored in the file.

It is possible for a client implementation to store a path name that

is not meaningful to the server operating system in a symbolic link.

A READLINK operation returns the data to the client for

interpretation. If different implementations want to share access to

symbolic links, then they must agree on the interpretation of the

data in the symbolic link.

The READLINK operation is only allowed on objects of type NF4LNK.

The server should return the error, NFS4ERR_INVAL, if the object is

not of type, NF4LNK.















14.2.26. Operation 28: REMOVE - Remove Filesystem Object


(cfh), filename -> change_info


struct REMOVE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 target;



struct REMOVE4resok {

change_info4 cinfo;


union REMOVE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

REMOVE4resok resok4;





The REMOVE operation removes (deletes) a directory entry named by

filename from the directory corresponding to the current filehandle.

If the entry in the directory was the last reference to the

corresponding filesystem object, the object may be destroyed.

For the directory where the filename was removed, the server returns

change_info4 information in cinfo. With the atomic field of the

change_info4 struct, the server will indicate if the before and after

change attributes were obtained atomically with respect to the


If the target has a length of 0 (zero), or if target does not obey

the UTF-8 definition, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL will be returned.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


NFS versions 2 and 3 required a different operator RMDIR for

directory removal and REMOVE for non-directory removal. This allowed

clients to skip checking the file type when being passed a non-

directory delete system call (e.g., unlink() in POSIX) to remove a

directory, as well as the converse (e.g., a rmdir() on a non-

directory) because they knew the server would check the file type.

NFS version 4 REMOVE can be used to delete any directory entry

independent of its file type. The implementor of an NFS version 4

client's entry points from the unlink() and rmdir() system calls

should first check the file type against the types the system call is

allowed to remove before issuing a REMOVE. Alternatively, the

implementor can produce a COMPOUND call that includes a LOOKUP/VERIFY

sequence to verify the file type before a REMOVE operation in the

same COMPOUND call.

The concept of last reference is server specific. However, if the

numlinks field in the previous attributes of the object had the value

1, the client should not rely on referring to the object via a

filehandle. Likewise, the client should not rely on the resources

(disk space, directory entry, and so on) formerly associated with the

object becoming immediately available. Thus, if a client needs to be

able to continue to access a file after using REMOVE to remove it,

the client should take steps to make sure that the file will still be

accessible. The usual mechanism used is to RENAME the file from its

old name to a new hidden name.

If the server finds that the file is still open when the REMOVE


o The server SHOULD NOT delete the file's directory entry if the

file was opened with OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_WRITE or


o If the file was not opened with OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_WRITE or

OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_BOTH, the server SHOULD delete the file's

directory entry. However, until last CLOSE of the file, the

server MAY continue to allow access to the file via its























14.2.27. Operation 29: RENAME - Rename Directory Entry


(sfh), oldname, (cfh), newname -> source_change_info,



struct RENAME4args {

/* SAVED_FH: source directory */

component4 oldname;

/* CURRENT_FH: target directory */

component4 newname;



struct RENAME4resok {

change_info4 source_cinfo;

change_info4 target_cinfo;


union RENAME4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

RENAME4resok resok4;





The RENAME operation renames the object identified by oldname in the

source directory corresponding to the saved filehandle, as set by the

SAVEFH operation, to newname in the target directory corresponding to

the current filehandle. The operation is required to be atomic to

the client. Source and target directories must reside on the same

filesystem on the server. On success, the current filehandle will

continue to be the target directory.

If the target directory already contains an entry with the name,

newname, the source object must be compatible with the target:

either both are non-directories or both are directories and the

target must be empty. If compatible, the existing target is removed

before the rename occurs (See the IMPLEMENTATION subsection of the

section "Operation 28: REMOVE - Remove Filesystem Object" for client

and server actions whenever a target is removed). If they are not

compatible or if the target is a directory but not empty, the server

will return the error, NFS4ERR_EXIST.

If oldname and newname both refer to the same file (they might be

hard links of each other), then RENAME should perform no action and

return success.

For both directories involved in the RENAME, the server returns

change_info4 information. With the atomic field of the change_info4

struct, the server will indicate if the before and after change

attributes were obtained atomically with respect to the rename.

If the oldname refers to a named attribute and the saved and current

filehandles refer to different filesystem objects, the server will

return NFS4ERR_XDEV just as if the saved and current filehandles

represented directories on different filesystems.

If the oldname or newname has a length of 0 (zero), or if oldname or

newname does not obey the UTF-8 definition, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL

will be returned.


The RENAME operation must be atomic to the client. The statement

"source and target directories must reside on the same filesystem on

the server" means that the fsid fields in the attributes for the

directories are the same. If they reside on different filesystems,

the error, NFS4ERR_XDEV, is returned.

Based on the value of the fh_expire_type attribute for the object,

the filehandle may or may not expire on a RENAME. However, server

implementors are strongly encouraged to attempt to keep filehandles

from expiring in this fashion.

On some servers, the file names "." and ".." are illegal as either

oldname or newname, and will result in the error NFS4ERR_BADNAME. In

addition, on many servers the case of oldname or newname being an

alias for the source directory will be checked for. Such servers

will return the error NFS4ERR_INVAL in these cases.

If either of the source or target filehandles are not directories,

the server will return NFS4ERR_NOTDIR.



























14.2.28. Operation 30: RENEW - Renew a Lease


clientid -> ()


struct RENEW4args {

clientid4 clientid;



struct RENEW4res {

nfsstat4 status;



The RENEW operation is used by the client to renew leases which it

currently holds at a server. In processing the RENEW request, the

server renews all leases associated with the client. The associated

leases are determined by the clientid provided via the SETCLIENTID



When the client holds delegations, it needs to use RENEW to detect

when the server has determined that the callback path is down. When

the server has made such a determination, only the RENEW operation

will renew the lease on delegations. If the server determines the

callback path is down, it returns NFS4ERR_CB_PATH_DOWN. Even though

it returns NFS4ERR_CB_PATH_DOWN, the server MUST renew the lease on

the record locks and share reservations that the client has

established on the server. If for some reason the lock and share

reservation lease cannot be renewed, then the server MUST return an

error other than NFS4ERR_CB_PATH_DOWN, even if the callback path is

also down.

The client that issues RENEW MUST choose the principal, RPC security

flavor, and if applicable, GSS-API mechanism and service via one of

the following algorithms:

o The client uses the same principal, RPC security flavor -- and if

the flavor was RPCSEC_GSS -- the same mechanism and service that

was used when the client id was established via


o The client uses any principal, RPC security flavor mechanism and

service combination that currently has an OPEN file on the server.

I.e., the same principal had a successful OPEN operation, the

file is still open by that principal, and the flavor, mechanism,

and service of RENEW match that of the previous OPEN.

The server MUST reject a RENEW that does not use one the

aforementioned algorithms, with the error NFS4ERR_ACCESS.











14.2.29. Operation 31: RESTOREFH - Restore Saved Filehandle


(sfh) -> (cfh)


/* SAVED_FH: */



struct RESTOREFH4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: value of saved fh */

nfsstat4 status;



Set the current filehandle to the value in the saved filehandle. If

there is no saved filehandle then return the error NFS4ERR_RESTOREFH.


Operations like OPEN and LOOKUP use the current filehandle to

represent a directory and replace it with a new filehandle. Assuming

the previous filehandle was saved with a SAVEFH operator, the

previous filehandle can be restored as the current filehandle. This

is commonly used to obtain post-operation attributes for the

directory, e.g.,

PUTFH (directory filehandle)


GETATTR attrbits (pre-op dir attrs)

CREATE optbits "foo" attrs

GETATTR attrbits (file attributes)


GETATTR attrbits (post-op dir attrs)










14.2.30. Operation 32: SAVEFH - Save Current Filehandle


(cfh) -> (sfh)





struct SAVEFH4res {

/* SAVED_FH: value of current fh */

nfsstat4 status;



Save the current filehandle. If a previous filehandle was saved then

it is no longer accessible. The saved filehandle can be restored as

the current filehandle with the RESTOREFH operator.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.










14.2.31. Operation 33: SECINFO - Obtain Available Security


(cfh), name -> { secinfo }


struct SECINFO4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 name;



enum rpc_gss_svc_t {/* From RFC2203 */





struct rpcsec_gss_info {

sec_oid4 oid;

qop4 qop;

rpc_gss_svc_t service;


union secinfo4 switch (uint32_t flavor) {


rpcsec_gss_info flavor_info;




typedef secinfo4 SECINFO4resok<>;

union SECINFO4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

SECINFO4resok resok4;





The SECINFO operation is used by the client to obtain a list of valid

RPC authentication flavors for a specific directory filehandle, file

name pair. SECINFO should apply the same access methodology used for

LOOKUP when evaluating the name. Therefore, if the requester does

not have the appropriate access to LOOKUP the name then SECINFO must

behave the same way and return NFS4ERR_ACCESS.

The result will contain an array which represents the security

mechanisms available, with an order corresponding to server's

preferences, the most preferred being first in the array. The client

is free to pick whatever security mechanism it both desires and

supports, or to pick in the server's preference order the first one

it supports. The array entries are represented by the secinfo4

structure. The field 'flavor' will contain a value of AUTH_NONE,

AUTH_SYS (as defined in [RFC1831]), or RPCSEC_GSS (as defined in


For the flavors AUTH_NONE and AUTH_SYS, no additional security

information is returned. For a return value of RPCSEC_GSS, a

security triple is returned that contains the mechanism object id (as

defined in [RFC2743]), the quality of protection (as defined in

[RFC2743]) and the service type (as defined in [RFC2203]). It is

possible for SECINFO to return multiple entries with flavor equal to

RPCSEC_GSS with different security triple values.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.

If the name has a length of 0 (zero), or if name does not obey the

UTF-8 definition, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL will be returned.


The SECINFO operation is expected to be used by the NFS client when

the error value of NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC is returned from another NFS

operation. This signifies to the client that the server's security

policy is different from what the client is currently using. At this

point, the client is expected to obtain a list of possible security

flavors and choose what best suits its policies.

As mentioned, the server's security policies will determine when a

client request receives NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC. The operations which may

receive this error are: LINK, LOOKUP, OPEN, PUTFH, PUTPUBFH,


RENAME will only receive this error if the security used for the

operation is inappropriate for saved filehandle. With the exception

of READDIR, these operations represent the point at which the client

can instantiate a filehandle into the "current filehandle" at the

server. The filehandle is either provided by the client (PUTFH,

PUTPUBFH, PUTROOTFH) or generated as a result of a name to filehandle

translation (LOOKUP and OPEN). RESTOREFH is different because the

filehandle is a result of a previous SAVEFH. Even though the

filehandle, for RESTOREFH, might have previously passed the server's

inspection for a security match, the server will check it again on

RESTOREFH to ensure that the security policy has not changed.

If the client wants to resolve an error return of NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC,

the following will occur:

o For LOOKUP and OPEN, the client will use SECINFO with the same

current filehandle and name as provided in the original LOOKUP or

OPEN to enumerate the available security triples.

o For LINK, PUTFH, RENAME, and RESTOREFH, the client will use

SECINFO and provide the parent directory filehandle and object

name which corresponds to the filehandle originally provided by


o For PUTROOTFH and PUTPUBFH, the client will be unable to use the

SECINFO operation since SECINFO requires a current filehandle and

none exist for these two operations. Therefore, the client must

iterate through the security triples available at the client and

reattempt the PUTROOTFH or PUTPUBFH operation. In the unfortunate

event none of the MANDATORY security triples are supported by the

client and server, the client SHOULD try using others that support

integrity. Failing that, the client can try using AUTH_NONE, but

because such forms lack integrity checks, this puts the client at

risk. Nonetheless, the server SHOULD allow the client to use

whatever security form the client requests and the server

supports, since the risks of doing so are on the client.

The READDIR operation will not directly return the NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC

error. However, if the READDIR request included a request for

attributes, it is possible that the READDIR request's security triple

does not match that of a directory entry. If this is the case and

the client has requested the rdattr_error attribute, the server will

return the NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC error in rdattr_error for the entry.

See the section "Security Considerations" for a discussion on the

recommendations for security flavor used by SECINFO.

















14.2.32. Operation 34: SETATTR - Set Attributes


(cfh), stateid, attrmask, attr_vals -> attrsset


struct SETATTR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: target object */

stateid4 stateid;

fattr4 obj_attributes;



struct SETATTR4res {

nfsstat4 status;

bitmap4 attrsset;



The SETATTR operation changes one or more of the attributes of a

filesystem object. The new attributes are specified with a bitmap

and the attributes that follow the bitmap in bit order.

The stateid argument for SETATTR is used to provide file locking

context that is necessary for SETATTR requests that set the size

attribute. Since setting the size attribute modifies the file's

data, it has the same locking requirements as a corresponding WRITE.

Any SETATTR that sets the size attribute is incompatible with a share

reservation that specifies DENY_WRITE. The area between the old

end-of-file and the new end-of-file is considered to be modified just

as would have been the case had the area in question been specified

as the target of WRITE, for the purpose of checking conflicts with

record locks, for those cases in which a server is implementing

mandatory record locking behavior. A valid stateid should always be

specified. When the file size attribute is not set, the special

stateid consisting of all bits zero should be passed.

On either success or failure of the operation, the server will return

the attrsset bitmask to represent what (if any) attributes were

successfully set. The attrsset in the response is a subset of the

bitmap4 that is part of the obj_attributes in the argument.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


If the request specifies the owner attribute to be set, the server

should allow the operation to succeed if the current owner of the

object matches the value specified in the request. Some servers may

be implemented in a way as to prohibit the setting of the owner

attribute unless the requester has privilege to do so. If the server

is lenient in this one case of matching owner values, the client

implementation may be simplified in cases of creation of an object

followed by a SETATTR.

The file size attribute is used to request changes to the size of a

file. A value of 0 (zero) causes the file to be truncated, a value

less than the current size of the file causes data from new size to

the end of the file to be discarded, and a size greater than the

current size of the file causes logically zeroed data bytes to be

added to the end of the file. Servers are free to implement this

using holes or actual zero data bytes. Clients should not make any

assumptions regarding a server's implementation of this feature,

beyond that the bytes returned will be zeroed. Servers must support

extending the file size via SETATTR.

SETATTR is not guaranteed atomic. A failed SETATTR may partially

change a file's attributes.

Changing the size of a file with SETATTR indirectly changes the

time_modify. A client must account for this as size changes can

result in data deletion.

The attributes time_access_set and time_modify_set are write-only

attributes constructed as a switched union so the client can direct

the server in setting the time values. If the switched union

specifies SET_TO_CLIENT_TIME4, the client has provided an nfstime4 to

be used for the operation. If the switch union does not specify

SET_TO_CLIENT_TIME4, the server is to use its current time for the

SETATTR operation.

If server and client times differ, programs that compare client time

to file times can break. A time maintenance protocol should be used

to limit client/server time skew.

Use of a COMPOUND containing a VERIFY operation specifying only the

change attribute, immediately followed by a SETATTR, provides a means

whereby a client may specify a request that emulates the

functionality of the SETATTR guard mechanism of NFS version 3. Since

the function of the guard mechanism is to avoid changes to the file

attributes based on stale information, delays between checking of the

guard condition and the setting of the attributes have the potential

to compromise this function, as would the corresponding delay in the

NFS version 4 emulation. Therefore, NFS version 4 servers should

take care to avoid such delays, to the degree possible, when

executing such a request.

If the server does not support an attribute as requested by the

client, the server should return NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP.

A mask of the attributes actually set is returned by SETATTR in all

cases. That mask must not include attributes bits not requested to

be set by the client, and must be equal to the mask of attributes

requested to be set only if the SETATTR completes without error.































14.2.33. Operation 35: SETCLIENTID - Negotiate Clientid


client, callback, callback_ident -> clientid, setclientid_confirm


struct SETCLIENTID4args {

nfs_client_id4 client;

cb_client4 callback;

uint32_t callback_ident;



struct SETCLIENTID4resok {

clientid4 clientid;

verifier4 setclientid_confirm;


union SETCLIENTID4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

SETCLIENTID4resok resok4;


clientaddr4 client_using;





The client uses the SETCLIENTID operation to notify the server of its

intention to use a particular client identifier, callback, and

callback_ident for subsequent requests that entail creating lock,

share reservation, and delegation state on the server. Upon

successful completion the server will return a shorthand clientid

which, if confirmed via a separate step, will be used in subsequent

file locking and file open requests. Confirmation of the clientid

must be done via the SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM operation to return the

clientid and setclientid_confirm values, as verifiers, to the server.

The reason why two verifiers are necessary is that it is possible to

use SETCLIENTID and SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM to modify the callback and

callback_ident information but not the shorthand clientid. In that

event, the setclientid_confirm value is effectively the only


The callback information provided in this operation will be used if

the client is provided an open delegation at a future point.

Therefore, the client must correctly reflect the program and port

numbers for the callback program at the time SETCLIENTID is used.

The callback_ident value is used by the server on the callback. The

client can leverage the callback_ident to eliminate the need for more

than one callback RPC program number, while still being able to

determine which server is initiating the callback.


To understand how to implement SETCLIENTID, make the following

notations. Let:

x be the value of the client.id subfield of the SETCLIENTID4args


v be the value of the client.verifier subfield of the

SETCLIENTID4args structure.

c be the value of the clientid field returned in the

SETCLIENTID4resok structure.

k represent the value combination of the fields callback and

callback_ident fields of the SETCLIENTID4args structure.

s be the setclientid_confirm value returned in the

SETCLIENTID4resok structure.

{ v, x, c, k, s }

be a quintuple for a client record. A client record is

confirmed if there has been a SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM operation to

confirm it. Otherwise it is unconfirmed. An unconfirmed

record is established by a SETCLIENTID call.

Since SETCLIENTID is a non-idempotent operation, let us assume that

the server is implementing the duplicate request cache (DRC).

When the server gets a SETCLIENTID { v, x, k } request, it processes

it in the following manner.

o It first looks up the request in the DRC. If there is a hit, it

returns the result cached in the DRC. The server does NOT remove

client state (locks, shares, delegations) nor does it modify any

recorded callback and callback_ident information for client { x }.

For any DRC miss, the server takes the client id string x, and

searches for client records for x that the server may have

recorded from previous SETCLIENTID calls. For any confirmed record

with the same id string x, if the recorded principal does not

match that of SETCLIENTID call, then the server returns a


For brevity of discussion, the remaining description of the

processing assumes that there was a DRC miss, and that where the

server has previously recorded a confirmed record for client x,

the aforementioned principal check has successfully passed.

o The server checks if it has recorded a confirmed record for { v,

x, c, l, s }, where l may or may not equal k. If so, and since the

id verifier v of the request matches that which is confirmed and

recorded, the server treats this as a probable callback

information update and records an unconfirmed { v, x, c, k, t }

and leaves the confirmed { v, x, c, l, s } in place, such that t

!= s. It does not matter if k equals l or not. Any pre-existing

unconfirmed { v, x, c, *, * } is removed.

The server returns { c, t }. It is indeed returning the old

clientid4 value c, because the client apparently only wants to

update callback value k to value l. It's possible this request is

one from the Byzantine router that has stale callback information,

but this is not a problem. The callback information update is

only confirmed if followed up by a SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM { c, t }.

The server awaits confirmation of k via


The server does NOT remove client (lock/share/delegation) state

for x.

o The server has previously recorded a confirmed { u, x, c, l, s }

record such that v != u, l may or may not equal k, and has not

recorded any unconfirmed { *, x, *, *, * } record for x. The

server records an unconfirmed { v, x, d, k, t } (d != c, t != s).

The server returns { d, t }.

The server awaits confirmation of { d, k } via SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM

{ d, t }.

The server does NOT remove client (lock/share/delegation) state

for x.

o The server has previously recorded a confirmed { u, x, c, l, s }

record such that v != u, l may or may not equal k, and recorded an

unconfirmed { w, x, d, m, t } record such that c != d, t != s, m

may or may not equal k, m may or may not equal l, and k may or may

not equal l. Whether w == v or w != v makes no difference. The

server simply removes the unconfirmed { w, x, d, m, t } record and

replaces it with an unconfirmed { v, x, e, k, r } record, such

that e != d, e != c, r != t, r != s.

The server returns { e, r }.

The server awaits confirmation of { e, k } via


The server does NOT remove client (lock/share/delegation) state

for x.

o The server has no confirmed { *, x, *, *, * } for x. It may or may

not have recorded an unconfirmed { u, x, c, l, s }, where l may or

may not equal k, and u may or may not equal v. Any unconfirmed

record { u, x, c, l, * }, regardless whether u == v or l == k, is

replaced with an unconfirmed record { v, x, d, k, t } where d !=

c, t != s.

The server returns { d, t }.

The server awaits confirmation of { d, k } via SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM

{ d, t }. The server does NOT remove client

(lock/share/delegation) state for x.

The server generates the clientid and setclientid_confirm values and

must take care to ensure that these values are extremely unlikely to

ever be regenerated.







14.2.34. Operation 36: SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM - Confirm Clientid


clientid, verifier -> -



clientid4 clientid;

verifier4 setclientid_confirm;




nfsstat4 status;



This operation is used by the client to confirm the results from a

previous call to SETCLIENTID. The client provides the server

supplied (from a SETCLIENTID response) clientid. The server responds

with a simple status of success or failure.


The client must use the SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM operation to confirm the

following two distinct cases:

o The client's use of a new shorthand client identifier (as returned

from the server in the response to SETCLIENTID), a new callback

value (as specified in the arguments to SETCLIENTID) and a new

callback_ident (as specified in the arguments to SETCLIENTID)

value. The client's use of SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM in this case also

confirms the removal of any of the client's previous relevant

leased state. Relevant leased client state includes record locks,

share reservations, and where the server does not support the

CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV claim type, delegations. If the server


remove delegations for this client; relevant leased client state

would then just include record locks and share reservations.

o The client's re-use of an old, previously confirmed, shorthand

client identifier, a new callback value, and a new callback_ident

value. The client's use of SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM in this case MUST

NOT result in the removal of any previous leased state (locks,

share reservations, and delegations)

We use the same notation and definitions for v, x, c, k, s, and

unconfirmed and confirmed client records as introduced in the

description of the SETCLIENTID operation. The arguments to

SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM are indicated by the notation { c, s }, where c

is a value of type clientid4, and s is a value of type verifier4

corresponding to the setclientid_confirm field.

As with SETCLIENTID, SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM is a non-idempotent

operation, and we assume that the server is implementing the

duplicate request cache (DRC).

When the server gets a SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM { c, s } request, it

processes it in the following manner.

o It first looks up the request in the DRC. If there is a hit, it

returns the result cached in the DRC. The server does not remove

any relevant leased client state nor does it modify any recorded

callback and callback_ident information for client { x } as

represented by the shorthand value c.

For a DRC miss, the server checks for client records that match the

shorthand value c. The processing cases are as follows:

o The server has recorded an unconfirmed { v, x, c, k, s } record

and a confirmed { v, x, c, l, t } record, such that s != t. If

the principals of the records do not match that of the

SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM, the server returns NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE, and no

relevant leased client state is removed and no recorded callback

and callback_ident information for client { x } is changed.

Otherwise, the confirmed { v, x, c, l, t } record is removed and

the unconfirmed { v, x, c, k, s } is marked as confirmed, thereby

modifying recorded and confirmed callback and callback_ident

information for client { x }.

The server does not remove any relevant leased client state.

The server returns NFS4_OK.

o The server has not recorded an unconfirmed { v, x, c, *, * } and

has recorded a confirmed { v, x, c, *, s }. If the principals of

the record and of SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM do not match, the server

returns NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE without removing any relevant leased

client state and without changing recorded callback and

callback_ident values for client { x }.

If the principals match, then what has likely happened is that the

client never got the response from the SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM, and

the DRC entry has been purged. Whatever the scenario, since the

principals match, as well as { c, s } matching a confirmed record,

the server leaves client x's relevant leased client state intact,

leaves its callback and callback_ident values unmodified, and

returns NFS4_OK.

o The server has not recorded a confirmed { *, *, c, *, * }, and has

recorded an unconfirmed { *, x, c, k, s }. Even if this is a

retry from client, nonetheless the client's first

SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM attempt was not received by the server. Retry

or not, the server doesn't know, but it processes it as if were a

first try. If the principal of the unconfirmed { *, x, c, k, s }

record mismatches that of the SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM request the

server returns NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE without removing any relevant

leased client state.

Otherwise, the server records a confirmed { *, x, c, k, s }. If

there is also a confirmed { *, x, d, *, t }, the server MUST

remove the client x's relevant leased client state, and overwrite

the callback state with k. The confirmed record { *, x, d, *, t }

is removed.

Server returns NFS4_OK.

o The server has no record of a confirmed or unconfirmed { *, *, c,

*, s }. The server returns NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID. The server

does not remove any relevant leased client state, nor does it

modify any recorded callback and callback_ident information for

any client.

The server needs to cache unconfirmed { v, x, c, k, s } client

records and await for some time their confirmation. As should be

clear from the record processing discussions for SETCLIENTID and

SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM, there are cases where the server does not

deterministically remove unconfirmed client records. To avoid

running out of resources, the server is not required to hold

unconfirmed records indefinitely. One strategy the server might use

is to set a limit on how many unconfirmed client records it will

maintain, and then when the limit would be exceeded, remove the

oldest record. Another strategy might be to remove an unconfirmed

record when some amount of time has elapsed. The choice of the amount

of time is fairly arbitrary but it is surely no higher than the

server's lease time period. Consider that leases need to be renewed

before the lease time expires via an operation from the client. If

the client cannot issue a SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM after a SETCLIENTID

before a period of time equal to that of a lease expires, then the

client is unlikely to be able maintain state on the server during

steady state operation.

If the client does send a SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM for an unconfirmed

record that the server has already deleted, the client will get

NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID back. If so, the client should then start

over, and send SETCLIENTID to reestablish an unconfirmed client

record and get back an unconfirmed clientid and setclientid_confirm

verifier. The client should then send the SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM to

confirm the clientid.

SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM does not establish or renew a lease. However, if

SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM removes relevant leased client state, and that

state does not include existing delegations, the server MUST allow

the client a period of time no less than the value of lease_time

attribute, to reclaim, (via the CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV claim type of the

OPEN operation) its delegations before removing unreclaimed








14.2.35. Operation 37: VERIFY - Verify Same Attributes


(cfh), fattr -> -


struct VERIFY4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

fattr4 obj_attributes;



struct VERIFY4res {

nfsstat4 status;



The VERIFY operation is used to verify that attributes have a value

assumed by the client before proceeding with following operations in

the compound request. If any of the attributes do not match then the

error NFS4ERR_NOT_SAME must be returned. The current filehandle

retains its value after successful completion of the operation.


One possible use of the VERIFY operation is the following compound

sequence. With this the client is attempting to verify that the file

being removed will match what the client expects to be removed. This

sequence can help prevent the unintended deletion of a file.

PUTFH (directory filehandle)

LOOKUP (file name)

VERIFY (filehandle == fh)

PUTFH (directory filehandle)

REMOVE (file name)

This sequence does not prevent a second client from removing and

creating a new file in the middle of this sequence but it does help

avoid the unintended result.

In the case that a recommended attribute is specified in the VERIFY

operation and the server does not support that attribute for the

filesystem object, the error NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP is returned to the


When the attribute rdattr_error or any write-only attribute (e.g.,

time_modify_set) is specified, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL is returned to

the client.
















14.2.36. Operation 38: WRITE - Write to File


(cfh), stateid, offset, stable, data -> count, committed, writeverf


enum stable_how4 {





struct WRITE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

stateid4 stateid;

offset4 offset;

stable_how4 stable;

opaque data<>;



struct WRITE4resok {

count4 count;

stable_how4 committed;

verifier4 writeverf;


union WRITE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

WRITE4resok resok4;





The WRITE operation is used to write data to a regular file. The

target file is specified by the current filehandle. The offset

specifies the offset where the data should be written. An offset of

0 (zero) specifies that the write should start at the beginning of

the file. The count, as encoded as part of the opaque data

parameter, represents the number of bytes of data that are to be

written. If the count is 0 (zero), the WRITE will succeed and return

a count of 0 (zero) subject to permissions checking. The server may

choose to write fewer bytes than requested by the client.

Part of the write request is a specification of how the write is to

be performed. The client specifies with the stable parameter the

method of how the data is to be processed by the server. If stable

is FILE_SYNC4, the server must commit the data written plus all

filesystem metadata to stable storage before returning results. This

corresponds to the NFS version 2 protocol semantics. Any other

behavior constitutes a protocol violation. If stable is DATA_SYNC4,

then the server must commit all of the data to stable storage and

enough of the metadata to retrieve the data before returning. The

server implementor is free to implement DATA_SYNC4 in the same

fashion as FILE_SYNC4, but with a possible performance drop. If

stable is UNSTABLE4, the server is free to commit any part of the

data and the metadata to stable storage, including all or none,

before returning a reply to the client. There is no guarantee whether

or when any uncommitted data will subsequently be committed to stable

storage. The only guarantees made by the server are that it will not

destroy any data without changing the value of verf and that it will

not commit the data and metadata at a level less than that requested

by the client.

The stateid value for a WRITE request represents a value returned

from a previous record lock or share reservation request. The

stateid is used by the server to verify that the associated share

reservation and any record locks are still valid and to update lease

timeouts for the client.

Upon successful completion, the following results are returned. The

count result is the number of bytes of data written to the file. The

server may write fewer bytes than requested. If so, the actual number

of bytes written starting at location, offset, is returned.

The server also returns an indication of the level of commitment of

the data and metadata via committed. If the server committed all data

and metadata to stable storage, committed should be set to

FILE_SYNC4. If the level of commitment was at least as strong as

DATA_SYNC4, then committed should be set to DATA_SYNC4. Otherwise,

committed must be returned as UNSTABLE4. If stable was FILE4_SYNC,

then committed must also be FILE_SYNC4: anything else constitutes a

protocol violation. If stable was DATA_SYNC4, then committed may be

FILE_SYNC4 or DATA_SYNC4: anything else constitutes a protocol

violation. If stable was UNSTABLE4, then committed may be either


The final portion of the result is the write verifier. The write

verifier is a cookie that the client can use to determine whether the

server has changed instance (boot) state between a call to WRITE and

a subsequent call to either WRITE or COMMIT. This cookie must be

consistent during a single instance of the NFS version 4 protocol

service and must be unique between instances of the NFS version 4

protocol server, where uncommitted data may be lost.

If a client writes data to the server with the stable argument set to

UNSTABLE4 and the reply yields a committed response of DATA_SYNC4 or

UNSTABLE4, the client will follow up some time in the future with a

COMMIT operation to synchronize outstanding asynchronous data and

metadata with the server's stable storage, barring client error. It

is possible that due to client crash or other error that a subsequent

COMMIT will not be received by the server.

For a WRITE with a stateid value of all bits 0, the server MAY allow

the WRITE to be serviced subject to mandatory file locks or the

current share deny modes for the file. For a WRITE with a stateid

value of all bits 1, the server MUST NOT allow the WRITE operation to

bypass locking checks at the server and are treated exactly the same

as if a stateid of all bits 0 were used.

On success, the current filehandle retains its value.


It is possible for the server to write fewer bytes of data than

requested by the client. In this case, the server should not return

an error unless no data was written at all. If the server writes

less than the number of bytes specified, the client should issue

another WRITE to write the remaining data.

It is assumed that the act of writing data to a file will cause the

time_modified of the file to be updated. However, the time_modified

of the file should not be changed unless the contents of the file are

changed. Thus, a WRITE request with count set to 0 should not cause

the time_modified of the file to be updated.

The definition of stable storage has been historically a point of

contention. The following expected properties of stable storage may

help in resolving design issues in the implementation. Stable storage

is persistent storage that survives:

1. Repeated power failures.

2. Hardware failures (of any board, power supply, etc.).

3. Repeated software crashes, including reboot cycle.

This definition does not address failure of the stable storage module


The verifier is defined to allow a client to detect different

instances of an NFS version 4 protocol server over which cached,

uncommitted data may be lost. In the most likely case, the verifier

allows the client to detect server reboots. This information is

required so that the client can safely determine whether the server

could have lost cached data. If the server fails unexpectedly and

the client has uncommitted data from previous WRITE requests (done

with the stable argument set to UNSTABLE4 and in which the result

committed was returned as UNSTABLE4 as well) it may not have flushed

cached data to stable storage. The burden of recovery is on the

client and the client will need to retransmit the data to the server.

A suggested verifier would be to use the time that the server was

booted or the time the server was last started (if restarting the

server without a reboot results in lost buffers).

The committed field in the results allows the client to do more

effective caching. If the server is committing all WRITE requests to

stable storage, then it should return with committed set to

FILE_SYNC4, regardless of the value of the stable field in the

arguments. A server that uses an NVRAM accelerator may choose to

implement this policy. The client can use this to increase the

effectiveness of the cache by discarding cached data that has already

been committed on the server.

Some implementations may return NFS4ERR_NOSPC instead of

NFS4ERR_DQUOT when a user's quota is exceeded. In the case that the

current filehandle is a directory, the server will return

NFS4ERR_ISDIR. If the current filehandle is not a regular file or a

directory, the server will return NFS4ERR_INVAL.

If mandatory file locking is on for the file, and corresponding

record of the data to be written file is read or write locked by an

owner that is not associated with the stateid, the server will return

NFS4ERR_LOCKED. If so, the client must check if the owner

corresponding to the stateid used with the WRITE operation has a

conflicting read lock that overlaps with the region that was to be

written. If the stateid's owner has no conflicting read lock, then

the client should try to get the appropriate write record lock via

the LOCK operation before re-attempting the WRITE. When the WRITE

completes, the client should release the record lock via LOCKU.

If the stateid's owner had a conflicting read lock, then the client

has no choice but to return an error to the application that

attempted the WRITE. The reason is that since the stateid's owner had

a read lock, the server either attempted to temporarily effectively

upgrade this read lock to a write lock, or the server has no upgrade

capability. If the server attempted to upgrade the read lock and

failed, it is pointless for the client to re-attempt the upgrade via

the LOCK operation, because there might be another client also trying

to upgrade. If two clients are blocked trying upgrade the same lock,

the clients deadlock. If the server has no upgrade capability, then

it is pointless to try a LOCK operation to upgrade.





























14.2.37. Operation 39: RELEASE_LOCKOWNER - Release Lockowner State


lockowner -> ()



lock_owner4 lock_owner;




nfsstat4 status;



This operation is used to notify the server that the lock_owner is no

longer in use by the client. This allows the server to release

cached state related to the specified lock_owner. If file locks,

associated with the lock_owner, are held at the server, the error

NFS4ERR_LOCKS_HELD will be returned and no further action will be



The client may choose to use this operation to ease the amount of

server state that is held. Depending on behavior of applications at

the client, it may be important for the client to use this operation

since the server has certain obligations with respect to holding a

reference to a lock_owner as long as the associated file is open.

Therefore, if the client knows for certain that the lock_owner will

no longer be used under the context of the associated open_owner4, it











14.2.38. Operation 10044: ILLEGAL - Illegal operation


<null> -> ()




struct ILLEGAL4res {

nfsstat4 status;



This operation is a placeholder for encoding a result to handle the

case of the client sending an operation code within COMPOUND that is

not supported. See the COMPOUND procedure description for more


The status field of ILLEGAL4res MUST be set to NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL.


A client will probably not send an operation with code OP_ILLEGAL but

if it does, the response will be ILLEGAL4res just as it would be with

any other invalid operation code. Note that if the server gets an

illegal operation code that is not OP_ILLEGAL, and if the server

checks for legal operation codes during the XDR decode phase, then

the ILLEGAL4res would not be returned.



15. NFS version 4 Callback Procedures

The procedures used for callbacks are defined in the following

sections. In the interest of clarity, the terms "client" and

"server" refer to NFS clients and servers, despite the fact that for

an individual callback RPC, the sense of these terms would be

precisely the opposite.

15.1. Procedure 0: CB_NULL - No Operation








Standard NULL procedure. Void argument, void response. Even though

there is no direct functionality associated with this procedure, the

server will use CB_NULL to confirm the existence of a path for RPCs

from server to client.



15.2. Procedure 1: CB_COMPOUND - Compound Operations


compoundargs -> compoundres


enum nfs_cb_opnum4 {





union nfs_cb_argop4 switch (unsigned argop) {

case OP_CB_GETATTR: CB_GETATTR4args opcbgetattr;

case OP_CB_RECALL: CB_RECALL4args opcbrecall;

case OP_CB_ILLEGAL: void opcbillegal;


struct CB_COMPOUND4args {

utf8str_cs tag;

uint32_t minorversion;

uint32_t callback_ident;

nfs_cb_argop4 argarray<>;



union nfs_cb_resop4 switch (unsigned resop){

case OP_CB_GETATTR: CB_GETATTR4res opcbgetattr;

case OP_CB_RECALL: CB_RECALL4res opcbrecall;


struct CB_COMPOUND4res {

nfsstat4 status;

utf8str_cs tag;

nfs_cb_resop4 resarray<>;



The CB_COMPOUND procedure is used to combine one or more of the

callback procedures into a single RPC request. The main callback RPC

program has two main procedures: CB_NULL and CB_COMPOUND. All other

operations use the CB_COMPOUND procedure as a wrapper.

In the processing of the CB_COMPOUND procedure, the client may find

that it does not have the available resources to execute any or all

of the operations within the CB_COMPOUND sequence. In this case, the

error NFS4ERR_RESOURCE will be returned for the particular operation

within the CB_COMPOUND procedure where the resource exhaustion

occurred. This assumes that all previous operations within the

CB_COMPOUND sequence have been evaluated successfully.

Contained within the CB_COMPOUND results is a 'status' field. This

status must be equivalent to the status of the last operation that

was executed within the CB_COMPOUND procedure. Therefore, if an

operation incurred an error then the 'status' value will be the same

error value as is being returned for the operation that failed.

For the definition of the "tag" field, see the section "Procedure 1:

COMPOUND - Compound Operations".

The value of callback_ident is supplied by the client during

SETCLIENTID. The server must use the client supplied callback_ident

during the CB_COMPOUND to allow the client to properly identify the


Illegal operation codes are handled in the same way as they are

handled for the COMPOUND procedure.


The CB_COMPOUND procedure is used to combine individual operations

into a single RPC request. The client interprets each of the

operations in turn. If an operation is executed by the client and

the status of that operation is NFS4_OK, then the next operation in

the CB_COMPOUND procedure is executed. The client continues this

process until there are no more operations to be executed or one of

the operations has a status value other than NFS4_OK.








15.2.1. Operation 3: CB_GETATTR - Get Attributes


fh, attr_request -> attrmask, attr_vals


struct CB_GETATTR4args {

nfs_fh4 fh;

bitmap4 attr_request;



struct CB_GETATTR4resok {

fattr4 obj_attributes;


union CB_GETATTR4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

CB_GETATTR4resok resok4;





The CB_GETATTR operation is used by the server to obtain the

current modified state of a file that has been write delegated.

The attributes size and change are the only ones guaranteed to be

serviced by the client. See the section "Handling of CB_GETATTR"

for a full description of how the client and server are to interact

with the use of CB_GETATTR.

If the filehandle specified is not one for which the client holds a

write open delegation, an NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE error is returned.


The client returns attrmask bits and the associated attribute

values only for the change attribute, and attributes that it may

change (time_modify, and size).






15.2.2. Operation 4: CB_RECALL - Recall an Open Delegation


stateid, truncate, fh -> ()


struct CB_RECALL4args {

stateid4 stateid;

bool truncate;

nfs_fh4 fh;



struct CB_RECALL4res {

nfsstat4 status;



The CB_RECALL operation is used to begin the process of recalling an

open delegation and returning it to the server.

The truncate flag is used to optimize recall for a file which is

about to be truncated to zero. When it is set, the client is freed

of obligation to propagate modified data for the file to the server,

since this data is irrelevant.

If the handle specified is not one for which the client holds an open

delegation, an NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE error is returned.

If the stateid specified is not one corresponding to an open

delegation for the file specified by the filehandle, an

NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID is returned.


The client should reply to the callback immediately. Replying does

not complete the recall except when an error was returned. The

recall is not complete until the delegation is returned using a








15.2.3. Operation 10044: CB_ILLEGAL - Illegal Callback Operation


<null> -> ()




struct CB_ILLEGAL4res {

nfsstat4 status;



This operation is a placeholder for encoding a result to handle the

case of the client sending an operation code within COMPOUND that is

not supported. See the COMPOUND procedure description for more


The status field of CB_ILLEGAL4res MUST be set to NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL.


A server will probably not send an operation with code OP_CB_ILLEGAL

but if it does, the response will be CB_ILLEGAL4res just as it would

be with any other invalid operation code. Note that if the client

gets an illegal operation code that is not OP_ILLEGAL, and if the

client checks for legal operation codes during the XDR decode phase,

then the CB_ILLEGAL4res would not be returned.



16. Security Considerations

NFS has historically used a model where, from an authentication

perspective, the client was the entire machine, or at least the

source IP address of the machine. The NFS server relied on the NFS

client to make the proper authentication of the end-user. The NFS

server in turn shared its files only to specific clients, as

identified by the client's source IP address. Given this model, the

AUTH_SYS RPC security flavor simply identified the end-user using the

client to the NFS server. When processing NFS responses, the client

ensured that the responses came from the same IP address and port

number that the request was sent to. While such a model is easy to

implement and simple to deploy and use, it is certainly not a safe

model. Thus, NFSv4 mandates that implementations support a security

model that uses end to end authentication, where an end-user on a

client mutually authenticates (via cryptographic schemes that do not

expose passwords or keys in the clear on the network) to a principal

on an NFS server. Consideration should also be given to the

integrity and privacy of NFS requests and responses. The issues of

end to end mutual authentication, integrity, and privacy are

discussed as part of the section on "RPC and Security Flavor".

Note that while NFSv4 mandates an end to end mutual authentication

model, the "classic" model of machine authentication via IP address

checking and AUTH_SYS identification can still be supported with the

caveat that the AUTH_SYS flavor is neither MANDATORY nor RECOMMENDED

by this specification, and so interoperability via AUTH_SYS is not


For reasons of reduced administration overhead, better performance

and/or reduction of CPU utilization, users of NFS version 4

implementations may choose to not use security mechanisms that enable

integrity protection on each remote procedure call and response. The

use of mechanisms without integrity leaves the customer vulnerable to

an attacker in between the NFS client and server that modifies the

RPC request and/or the response. While implementations are free to

provide the option to use weaker security mechanisms, there are two

operations in particular that warrant the implementation overriding

user choices.

The first such operation is SECINFO. It is recommended that the

client issue the SECINFO call such that it is protected with a

security flavor that has integrity protection, such as RPCSEC_GSS

with a security triple that uses either rpc_gss_svc_integrity or

rpc_gss_svc_privacy (rpc_gss_svc_privacy includes integrity

protection) service. Without integrity protection encapsulating

SECINFO and therefore its results, an attacker in the middle could

modify results such that the client might select a weaker algorithm

in the set allowed by server, making the client and/or server

vulnerable to further attacks.

The second operation that should definitely use integrity protection

is any GETATTR for the fs_locations attribute. The attack has two

steps. First the attacker modifies the unprotected results of some

operation to return NFS4ERR_MOVED. Second, when the client follows up

with a GETATTR for the fs_locations attribute, the attacker modifies

the results to cause the client migrate its traffic to a server

controlled by the attacker.


responsible for the release of client state, it is imperative that

the principal used for these operations is checked against and match

the previous use of these operations. See the section "Client ID"

for further discussion.

17. IANA Considerations

17.1. Named Attribute Definition

The NFS version 4 protocol provides for the association of named

attributes to files. The name space identifiers for these attributes

are defined as string names. The protocol does not define the

specific assignment of the name space for these file attributes.

Even though the name space is not specifically controlled to prevent

collisions, an IANA registry has been created for the registration of

NFS version 4 named attributes. Registration will be achieved

through the publication of an Informational RFCand will require not

only the name of the attribute but the syntax and semantics of the

named attribute contents; the intent is to promote interoperability

where common interests exist. While application developers are

allowed to define and use attributes as needed, they are encouraged

to register the attributes with IANA.

17.2. ONC RPC Network Identifiers (netids)

The section "Structured Data Types" discussed the r_netid field and

the corresponding r_addr field of a clientaddr4 structure. The NFS

version 4 protocol depends on the syntax and semantics of these

fields to effectively communicate callback information between client

and server. Therefore, an IANA registry has been created to include

the values defined in this document and to allow for future expansion

based on transport usage/availability. Additions to this ONC RPC

Network Identifier registry must be done with the publication of an


The initial values for this registry are as follows (some of this

text is replicated from section 2.2 for clarity):

The Network Identifier (or r_netid for short) is used to specify a

transport protocol and associated universal address (or r_addr for

short). The syntax of the Network Identifier is a US-ASCII string.

The initial definitions for r_netid are:

"tcp" - TCP over IP version 4

"udp" - UDP over IP version 4

"tcp6" - TCP over IP version 6

"udp6" - UDP over IP version 6

Note: the '"' marks are used for delimiting the strings for this

document and are not part of the Network Identifier string.

For the "tcp" and "udp" Network Identifiers the Universal Address or

r_addr (for IPv4) is a US-ASCII string and is of the form:


The prefix, "h1.h2.h3.h4", is the standard textual form for

representing an IPv4 address, which is always four octets long.

Assuming big-endian ordering, h1, h2, h3, and h4, are respectively,

the first through fourth octets each converted to ASCII-decimal.

Assuming big-endian ordering, p1 and p2 are, respectively, the first

and second octets each converted to ASCII-decimal. For example, if a

host, in big-endian order, has an address of 0x0A010307 and there is

a service listening on, in big endian order, port 0x020F (decimal

527), then complete universal address is "".

For the "tcp6" and "udp6" Network Identifiers the Universal Address

or r_addr (for IPv6) is a US-ASCII string and is of the form:


The suffix "p1.p2" is the service port, and is computed the same way

as with universal addresses for "tcp" and "udp". The prefix,

"x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x6:x7:x8", is the standard textual form for

representing an IPv6 address as defined in Section 2.2 of [RFC2373].

Additionally, the two alternative forms specified in Section 2.2 of

[RFC2373] are also acceptable.

As mentioned, the registration of new Network Identifiers will

require the publication of an Information RFCwith similar detail as

listed above for the Network Identifier itself and corresponding

Universal Address.

18. RPC definition file


* Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998,1999,2000,2001,2002).

* All Rights Reserved.



* nfs4_prot.x



%#pragma ident "%W%"


* Basic typedefs for RFC1832 data type definitions


typedef int int32_t;

typedef unsigned int uint32_t;

typedef hyper int64_t;

typedef unsigned hyper uint64_t;


* Sizes


const NFS4_FHSIZE = 128;


const NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT = 1024;


* File types


enum nfs_ftype4 {

NF4REG = 1, /* Regular File */

NF4DIR = 2, /* Directory */

NF4BLK = 3, /* Special File - block device */

NF4CHR = 4, /* Special File - character device */

NF4LNK = 5, /* Symbolic Link */

NF4SOCK = 6, /* Special File - socket */

NF4FIFO = 7, /* Special File - fifo */

NF4ATTRDIR = 8, /* Attribute Directory */

NF4NAMEDATTR = 9 /* Named Attribute */



* Error status


enum nfsstat4 {

NFS4_OK = 0, /* everything is okay */

NFS4ERR_PERM = 1, /* caller not privileged */

NFS4ERR_NOENT = 2, /* no such file/directory */

NFS4ERR_IO = 5, /* hard I/O error */

NFS4ERR_NXIO = 6, /* no such device */

NFS4ERR_ACCESS = 13, /* access denied */

NFS4ERR_EXIST = 17, /* file already exists */

NFS4ERR_XDEV = 18, /* different filesystems */

/* Unused/reserved 19 */

NFS4ERR_NOTDIR = 20, /* should be a directory */

NFS4ERR_ISDIR = 21, /* should not be directory */

NFS4ERR_INVAL = 22, /* invalid argument */

NFS4ERR_FBIG = 27, /* file exceeds server max */

NFS4ERR_NOSPC = 28, /* no space on filesystem */

NFS4ERR_ROFS = 30, /* read-only filesystem */

NFS4ERR_MLINK = 31, /* too many hard links */

NFS4ERR_NAMETOOLONG = 63, /* name exceeds server max */

NFS4ERR_NOTEMPTY = 66, /* directory not empty */

NFS4ERR_DQUOT = 69, /* hard quota limit reached*/

NFS4ERR_STALE = 70, /* file no longer exists */

NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE = 10001,/* Illegal filehandle */

NFS4ERR_BAD_COOKIE = 10003,/* READDIR cookie is stale */

NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP = 10004,/* operation not supported */

NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL = 10005,/* response limit exceeded */

NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT = 10006,/* undefined server error */

NFS4ERR_BADTYPE = 10007,/* type invalid for CREATE */

NFS4ERR_DELAY = 10008,/* file "busy" - retry */

NFS4ERR_SAME = 10009,/* nverify says attrs same */

NFS4ERR_DENIED = 10010,/* lock unavailable */

NFS4ERR_EXPIRED = 10011,/* lock lease expired */

NFS4ERR_LOCKED = 10012,/* I/O failed due to lock */

NFS4ERR_GRACE = 10013,/* in grace period */

NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED = 10014,/* filehandle expired */

NFS4ERR_SHARE_DENIED = 10015,/* share reserve denied */

NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC = 10016,/* wrong security flavor */

NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE = 10017,/* clientid in use */

NFS4ERR_RESOURCE = 10018,/* resource exhaustion */

NFS4ERR_MOVED = 10019,/* filesystem relocated */

NFS4ERR_NOFILEHANDLE = 10020,/* current FH is not set */

NFS4ERR_MINOR_VERS_MISMATCH = 10021,/* minor vers not supp */

NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID = 10022,/* server has rebooted */

NFS4ERR_STALE_STATEID = 10023,/* server has rebooted */

NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID = 10024,/* state is out of sync */

NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID = 10025,/* incorrect stateid */

NFS4ERR_BAD_SEQID = 10026,/* request is out of seq. */

NFS4ERR_NOT_SAME = 10027,/* verify - attrs not same */

NFS4ERR_LOCK_RANGE = 10028,/* lock range not supported*/

NFS4ERR_SYMLINK = 10029,/* should be file/directory*/

NFS4ERR_RESTOREFH = 10030,/* no saved filehandle */

NFS4ERR_LEASE_MOVED = 10031,/* some filesystem moved */

NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP = 10032,/* recommended attr not sup*/

NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE = 10033,/* reclaim outside of grace*/

NFS4ERR_RECLAIM_BAD = 10034,/* reclaim error at server */

NFS4ERR_RECLAIM_CONFLICT = 10035,/* conflict on reclaim */

NFS4ERR_BADXDR = 10036,/* XDR decode failed */

NFS4ERR_LOCKS_HELD = 10037,/* file locks held at CLOSE*/

NFS4ERR_OPENMODE = 10038,/* conflict in OPEN and I/O*/

NFS4ERR_BADOWNER = 10039,/* owner translation bad */

NFS4ERR_BADCHAR = 10040,/* utf-8 char not supported*/

NFS4ERR_BADNAME = 10041,/* name not supported */

NFS4ERR_BAD_RANGE = 10042,/* lock range not supported*/

NFS4ERR_LOCK_NOTSUPP = 10043,/* no atomic up/downgrade */

NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL = 10044,/* undefined operation */

NFS4ERR_DEADLOCK = 10045,/* file locking deadlock */

NFS4ERR_FILE_OPEN = 10046,/* open file blocks op. */

NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED = 10047,/* lockowner state revoked */

NFS4ERR_CB_PATH_DOWN = 10048 /* callback path down */



* Basic data types


typedef uint32_t bitmap4<>;

typedef uint64_t offset4;

typedef uint32_t count4;

typedef uint64_t length4;

typedef uint64_t clientid4;

typedef uint32_t seqid4;

typedef opaque utf8string<>;

typedef utf8string utf8str_cis;

typedef utf8string utf8str_cs;

typedef utf8string utf8str_mixed;

typedef utf8str_cs component4;

typedef component4 pathname4<>;

typedef uint64_t nfs_lockid4;

typedef uint64_t nfs_cookie4;

typedef utf8str_cs linktext4;

typedef opaque sec_oid4<>;

typedef uint32_t qop4;

typedef uint32_t mode4;

typedef uint64_t changeid4;

typedef opaque verifier4[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE];


* Timeval


struct nfstime4 {

int64_t seconds;

uint32_t nseconds;


enum time_how4 {




union settime4 switch (time_how4 set_it) {


nfstime4 time;





* File access handle


typedef opaque nfs_fh4<NFS4_FHSIZE>;


* File attribute definitions



* FSID structure for major/minor


struct fsid4 {

uint64_t major;

uint64_t minor;



* Filesystem locations attribute for relocation/migration


struct fs_location4 {

utf8str_cis server<>;

pathname4 rootpath;


struct fs_locations4 {

pathname4 fs_root;

fs_location4 locations<>;



* Various Access Control Entry definitions



* Mask that indicates which Access Control Entries are supported.

* Values for the fattr4_aclsupport attribute.


const ACL4_SUPPORT_ALLOW_ACL = 0x00000001;

const ACL4_SUPPORT_DENY_ACL = 0x00000002;

const ACL4_SUPPORT_AUDIT_ACL = 0x00000004;

const ACL4_SUPPORT_ALARM_ACL = 0x00000008;

typedef uint32_t acetype4;


* acetype4 values, others can be added as needed.


const ACE4_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000000;

const ACE4_ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE = 0x00000003;


* ACE flag


typedef uint32_t aceflag4;


* ACE flag values


const ACE4_FILE_INHERIT_ACE = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_DIRECTORY_INHERIT_ACE = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE = 0x00000004;

const ACE4_INHERIT_ONLY_ACE = 0x00000008;


const ACE4_FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG = 0x00000020;

const ACE4_IDENTIFIER_GROUP = 0x00000040;


* ACE mask


typedef uint32_t acemask4;


* ACE mask values


const ACE4_READ_DATA = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_LIST_DIRECTORY = 0x00000001;

const ACE4_WRITE_DATA = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_ADD_FILE = 0x00000002;

const ACE4_APPEND_DATA = 0x00000004;

const ACE4_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY = 0x00000004;

const ACE4_READ_NAMED_ATTRS = 0x00000008;

const ACE4_WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS = 0x00000010;

const ACE4_EXECUTE = 0x00000020;

const ACE4_DELETE_CHILD = 0x00000040;

const ACE4_READ_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000080;

const ACE4_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000100;

const ACE4_DELETE = 0x00010000;

const ACE4_READ_ACL = 0x00020000;

const ACE4_WRITE_ACL = 0x00040000;

const ACE4_WRITE_OWNER = 0x00080000;

const ACE4_SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000;


* ACE4_GENERIC_READ -- defined as combination of






const ACE4_GENERIC_READ = 0x00120081;


* ACE4_GENERIC_WRITE -- defined as combination of








const ACE4_GENERIC_WRITE = 0x00160106;


* ACE4_GENERIC_EXECUTE -- defined as combination of






const ACE4_GENERIC_EXECUTE = 0x001200A0;


* Access Control Entry definition


struct nfsace4 {

acetype4 type;

aceflag4 flag;

acemask4 access_mask;

utf8str_mixed who;



* Field definitions for the fattr4_mode attribute


const MODE4_SUID = 0x800; /* set user id on execution */

const MODE4_SGID = 0x400; /* set group id on execution */

const MODE4_SVTX = 0x200; /* save text even after use */

const MODE4_RUSR = 0x100; /* read permission: owner */

const MODE4_WUSR = 0x080; /* write permission: owner */

const MODE4_XUSR = 0x040; /* execute permission: owner */

const MODE4_RGRP = 0x020; /* read permission: group */

const MODE4_WGRP = 0x010; /* write permission: group */

const MODE4_XGRP = 0x008; /* execute permission: group */

const MODE4_ROTH = 0x004; /* read permission: other */

const MODE4_WOTH = 0x002; /* write permission: other */

const MODE4_XOTH = 0x001; /* execute permission: other */


* Special data/attribute associated with

* file types NF4BLK and NF4CHR.


struct specdata4 {

uint32_t specdata1; /* major device number */

uint32_t specdata2; /* minor device number */



* Values for fattr4_fh_expire_type


const FH4_PERSISTENT = 0x00000000;

const FH4_NOEXPIRE_WITH_OPEN = 0x00000001;

const FH4_VOLATILE_ANY = 0x00000002;

const FH4_VOL_MIGRATION = 0x00000004;

const FH4_VOL_RENAME = 0x00000008;

typedef bitmap4 fattr4_supported_attrs;

typedef nfs_ftype4 fattr4_type;

typedef uint32_t fattr4_fh_expire_type;

typedef changeid4 fattr4_change;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_size;

typedef bool fattr4_link_support;

typedef bool fattr4_symlink_support;

typedef bool fattr4_named_attr;

typedef fsid4 fattr4_fsid;

typedef bool fattr4_unique_handles;

typedef uint32_t fattr4_lease_time;

typedef nfsstat4 fattr4_rdattr_error;

typedef nfsace4 fattr4_acl<>;

typedef uint32_t fattr4_aclsupport;

typedef bool fattr4_archive;

typedef bool fattr4_cansettime;

typedef bool fattr4_case_insensitive;

typedef bool fattr4_case_preserving;

typedef bool fattr4_chown_restricted;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_fileid;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_files_avail;

typedef nfs_fh4 fattr4_filehandle;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_files_free;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_files_total;

typedef fs_locations4 fattr4_fs_locations;

typedef bool fattr4_hidden;

typedef bool fattr4_homogeneous;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_maxfilesize;

typedef uint32_t fattr4_maxlink;

typedef uint32_t fattr4_maxname;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_maxread;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_maxwrite;

typedef utf8str_cs fattr4_mimetype;

typedef mode4 fattr4_mode;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_mounted_on_fileid;

typedef bool fattr4_no_trunc;

typedef uint32_t fattr4_numlinks;

typedef utf8str_mixed fattr4_owner;

typedef utf8str_mixed fattr4_owner_group;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_quota_avail_hard;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_quota_avail_soft;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_quota_used;

typedef specdata4 fattr4_rawdev;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_space_avail;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_space_free;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_space_total;

typedef uint64_t fattr4_space_used;

typedef bool fattr4_system;

typedef nfstime4 fattr4_time_access;

typedef settime4 fattr4_time_access_set;

typedef nfstime4 fattr4_time_backup;

typedef nfstime4 fattr4_time_create;

typedef nfstime4 fattr4_time_delta;

typedef nfstime4 fattr4_time_metadata;

typedef nfstime4 fattr4_time_modify;

typedef settime4 fattr4_time_modify_set;


* Mandatory Attributes



const FATTR4_TYPE = 1;


const FATTR4_CHANGE = 3;

const FATTR4_SIZE = 4;



const FATTR4_NAMED_ATTR = 7;

const FATTR4_FSID = 8;


const FATTR4_LEASE_TIME = 10;




* Recommended Attributes


const FATTR4_ACL = 12;


const FATTR4_ARCHIVE = 14;





const FATTR4_FILEID = 20;

const FATTR4_FILES_AVAIL = 21;

const FATTR4_FILES_FREE = 22;

const FATTR4_FILES_TOTAL = 23;


const FATTR4_HIDDEN = 25;



const FATTR4_MAXLINK = 28;

const FATTR4_MAXNAME = 29;

const FATTR4_MAXREAD = 30;

const FATTR4_MAXWRITE = 31;

const FATTR4_MIMETYPE = 32;

const FATTR4_MODE = 33;

const FATTR4_NO_TRUNC = 34;

const FATTR4_NUMLINKS = 35;

const FATTR4_OWNER = 36;

const FATTR4_OWNER_GROUP = 37;



const FATTR4_QUOTA_USED = 40;

const FATTR4_RAWDEV = 41;

const FATTR4_SPACE_AVAIL = 42;

const FATTR4_SPACE_FREE = 43;

const FATTR4_SPACE_TOTAL = 44;

const FATTR4_SPACE_USED = 45;

const FATTR4_SYSTEM = 46;

const FATTR4_TIME_ACCESS = 47;


const FATTR4_TIME_BACKUP = 49;

const FATTR4_TIME_CREATE = 50;

const FATTR4_TIME_DELTA = 51;


const FATTR4_TIME_MODIFY = 53;



typedef opaque attrlist4<>;


* File attribute container


struct fattr4 {

bitmap4 attrmask;

attrlist4 attr_vals;



* Change info for the client


struct change_info4 {

bool atomic;

changeid4 before;

changeid4 after;


struct clientaddr4 {

/* see struct rpcb in RFC1833 */

string r_netid<>; /* network id */

string r_addr<>; /* universal address */



* Callback program info as provided by the client


struct cb_client4 {

uint32_t cb_program;

clientaddr4 cb_location;



* Stateid


struct stateid4 {

uint32_t seqid;

opaque other[12];



* Client ID


struct nfs_client_id4 {

verifier4 verifier;

opaque id<NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT>;


struct open_owner4 {

clientid4 clientid;

opaque owner<NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT>;


struct lock_owner4 {

clientid4 clientid;

opaque owner<NFS4_OPAQUE_LIMIT>;


enum nfs_lock_type4 {

READ_LT = 1,


READW_LT = 3, /* blocking read */

WRITEW_LT = 4 /* blocking write */



* ACCESS: Check access permission


const ACCESS4_READ = 0x00000001;

const ACCESS4_LOOKUP = 0x00000002;

const ACCESS4_MODIFY = 0x00000004;

const ACCESS4_EXTEND = 0x00000008;

const ACCESS4_DELETE = 0x00000010;

const ACCESS4_EXECUTE = 0x00000020;

struct ACCESS4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

uint32_t access;


struct ACCESS4resok {

uint32_t supported;

uint32_t access;


union ACCESS4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

ACCESS4resok resok4;





* CLOSE: Close a file and release share reservations


struct CLOSE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

seqid4 seqid;

stateid4 open_stateid;


union CLOSE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

stateid4 open_stateid;





* COMMIT: Commit cached data on server to stable storage


struct COMMIT4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

offset4 offset;

count4 count;


struct COMMIT4resok {

verifier4 writeverf;


union COMMIT4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

COMMIT4resok resok4;





* CREATE: Create a non-regular file


union createtype4 switch (nfs_ftype4 type) {

case NF4LNK:

linktext4 linkdata;

case NF4BLK:

case NF4CHR:

specdata4 devdata;

case NF4SOCK:

case NF4FIFO:

case NF4DIR:



void; /* server should return NFS4ERR_BADTYPE */


struct CREATE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory for creation */

createtype4 objtype;

component4 objname;

fattr4 createattrs;


struct CREATE4resok {

change_info4 cinfo;

bitmap4 attrset; /* attributes set */


union CREATE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

CREATE4resok resok4;





* DELEGPURGE: Purge Delegations Awaiting Recovery


struct DELEGPURGE4args {

clientid4 clientid;


struct DELEGPURGE4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* DELEGRETURN: Return a delegation


struct DELEGRETURN4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: delegated file */

stateid4 deleg_stateid;


struct DELEGRETURN4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* GETATTR: Get file attributes


struct GETATTR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory or file */

bitmap4 attr_request;


struct GETATTR4resok {

fattr4 obj_attributes;


union GETATTR4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

GETATTR4resok resok4;





* GETFH: Get current filehandle


struct GETFH4resok {

nfs_fh4 object;


union GETFH4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

GETFH4resok resok4;





* LINK: Create link to an object


struct LINK4args {

/* SAVED_FH: source object */

/* CURRENT_FH: target directory */

component4 newname;


struct LINK4resok {

change_info4 cinfo;


union LINK4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

LINK4resok resok4;





* For LOCK, transition from open_owner to new lock_owner


struct open_to_lock_owner4 {

seqid4 open_seqid;

stateid4 open_stateid;

seqid4 lock_seqid;

lock_owner4 lock_owner;



* For LOCK, existing lock_owner continues to request file locks


struct exist_lock_owner4 {

stateid4 lock_stateid;

seqid4 lock_seqid;


union locker4 switch (bool new_lock_owner) {

case TRUE:

open_to_lock_owner4 open_owner;

case FALSE:

exist_lock_owner4 lock_owner;



* LOCK/LOCKT/LOCKU: Record lock management


struct LOCK4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

bool reclaim;

offset4 offset;

length4 length;

locker4 locker;


struct LOCK4denied {

offset4 offset;

length4 length;

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

lock_owner4 owner;


struct LOCK4resok {

stateid4 lock_stateid;


union LOCK4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

LOCK4resok resok4;


LOCK4denied denied;




struct LOCKT4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

offset4 offset;

length4 length;

lock_owner4 owner;


union LOCKT4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {


LOCK4denied denied;

case NFS4_OK:





struct LOCKU4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

nfs_lock_type4 locktype;

seqid4 seqid;

stateid4 lock_stateid;

offset4 offset;

length4 length;


union LOCKU4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

stateid4 lock_stateid;





* LOOKUP: Lookup filename


struct LOOKUP4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 objname;


struct LOOKUP4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

nfsstat4 status;



* LOOKUPP: Lookup parent directory


struct LOOKUPP4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

nfsstat4 status;



* NVERIFY: Verify attributes different


struct NVERIFY4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

fattr4 obj_attributes;


struct NVERIFY4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* Various definitions for OPEN


enum createmode4 {





union createhow4 switch (createmode4 mode) {


case GUARDED4:

fattr4 createattrs;


verifier4 createverf;


enum opentype4 {




union openflag4 switch (opentype4 opentype) {


createhow4 how;




/* Next definitions used for OPEN delegation */

enum limit_by4 {



/* others as needed */


struct nfs_modified_limit4 {

uint32_t num_blocks;

uint32_t bytes_per_block;


union nfs_space_limit4 switch (limit_by4 limitby) {

/* limit specified as file size */


uint64_t filesize;

/* limit specified by number of blocks */


nfs_modified_limit4 mod_blocks;

} ;


* Share Access and Deny constants for open argument


const OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_READ = 0x00000001;

const OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE = 0x00000002;

const OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_BOTH = 0x00000003;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_NONE = 0x00000000;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_READ = 0x00000001;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_WRITE = 0x00000002;

const OPEN4_SHARE_DENY_BOTH = 0x00000003;

enum open_delegation_type4 {





enum open_claim_type4 {






struct open_claim_delegate_cur4 {

stateid4 delegate_stateid;

component4 file;


union open_claim4 switch (open_claim_type4 claim) {


* No special rights to file. Ordinary OPEN of the specified file.



/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 file;


* Right to the file established by an open previous to server

* reboot. File identified by filehandle obtained at that time

* rather than by name.



/* CURRENT_FH: file being reclaimed */

open_delegation_type4 delegate_type;


* Right to file based on a delegation granted by the server.

* File is specified by name.



/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

open_claim_delegate_cur4 delegate_cur_info;

/* Right to file based on a delegation granted to a previous boot

* instance of the client. File is specified by name.



/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 file_delegate_prev;



* OPEN: Open a file, potentially receiving an open delegation


struct OPEN4args {

seqid4 seqid;

uint32_t share_access;

uint32_t share_deny;

open_owner4 owner;

openflag4 openhow;

open_claim4 claim;


struct open_read_delegation4 {

stateid4 stateid; /* Stateid for delegation*/

bool recall; /* Pre-recalled flag for

delegations obtained

by reclaim


nfsace4 permissions; /* Defines users who don't

need an ACCESS call to

open for read */


struct open_write_delegation4 {

stateid4 stateid; /* Stateid for delegation */

bool recall; /* Pre-recalled flag for

delegations obtained

by reclaim


nfs_space_limit4 space_limit; /* Defines condition that

the client must check to

determine whether the

file needs to be flushed

to the server on close.


nfsace4 permissions; /* Defines users who don't

need an ACCESS call as

part of a delegated

open. */


union open_delegation4

switch (open_delegation_type4 delegation_type) {




open_read_delegation4 read;


open_write_delegation4 write;



* Result flags


/* Client must confirm open */

const OPEN4_RESULT_CONFIRM = 0x00000002;

/* Type of file locking behavior at the server */

const OPEN4_RESULT_LOCKTYPE_POSIX = 0x00000004;

struct OPEN4resok {

stateid4 stateid; /* Stateid for open */

change_info4 cinfo; /* Directory Change Info */

uint32_t rflags; /* Result flags */

bitmap4 attrset; /* attribute set for create*/

open_delegation4 delegation; /* Info on any open

delegation */


union OPEN4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

/* CURRENT_FH: opened file */

OPEN4resok resok4;





* OPENATTR: open named attributes directory


struct OPENATTR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

bool createdir;


struct OPENATTR4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: named attr directory */

nfsstat4 status;



* OPEN_CONFIRM: confirm the open


struct OPEN_CONFIRM4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: opened file */

stateid4 open_stateid;

seqid4 seqid;


struct OPEN_CONFIRM4resok {

stateid4 open_stateid;


union OPEN_CONFIRM4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

OPEN_CONFIRM4resok resok4;





* OPEN_DOWNGRADE: downgrade the access/deny for a file


struct OPEN_DOWNGRADE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: opened file */

stateid4 open_stateid;

seqid4 seqid;

uint32_t share_access;

uint32_t share_deny;


struct OPEN_DOWNGRADE4resok {

stateid4 open_stateid;


union OPEN_DOWNGRADE4res switch(nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

OPEN_DOWNGRADE4resok resok4;





* PUTFH: Set current filehandle


struct PUTFH4args {

nfs_fh4 object;


struct PUTFH4res {


nfsstat4 status;



* PUTPUBFH: Set public filehandle


struct PUTPUBFH4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: public fh */

nfsstat4 status;



* PUTROOTFH: Set root filehandle


struct PUTROOTFH4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: root fh */

nfsstat4 status;



* READ: Read from file


struct READ4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

stateid4 stateid;

offset4 offset;

count4 count;


struct READ4resok {

bool eof;

opaque data<>;


union READ4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

READ4resok resok4;





* READDIR: Read directory


struct READDIR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

nfs_cookie4 cookie;

verifier4 cookieverf;

count4 dircount;

count4 maxcount;

bitmap4 attr_request;


struct entry4 {

nfs_cookie4 cookie;

component4 name;

fattr4 attrs;

entry4 *nextentry;


struct dirlist4 {

entry4 *entries;

bool eof;


struct READDIR4resok {

verifier4 cookieverf;

dirlist4 reply;


union READDIR4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

READDIR4resok resok4;





* READLINK: Read symbolic link


struct READLINK4resok {

linktext4 link;


union READLINK4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

READLINK4resok resok4;





* REMOVE: Remove filesystem object


struct REMOVE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 target;


struct REMOVE4resok {

change_info4 cinfo;


union REMOVE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

REMOVE4resok resok4;





* RENAME: Rename directory entry


struct RENAME4args {

/* SAVED_FH: source directory */

component4 oldname;

/* CURRENT_FH: target directory */

component4 newname;


struct RENAME4resok {

change_info4 source_cinfo;

change_info4 target_cinfo;


union RENAME4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

RENAME4resok resok4;





* RENEW: Renew a Lease


struct RENEW4args {

clientid4 clientid;


struct RENEW4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* RESTOREFH: Restore saved filehandle


struct RESTOREFH4res {

/* CURRENT_FH: value of saved fh */

nfsstat4 status;



* SAVEFH: Save current filehandle


struct SAVEFH4res {

/* SAVED_FH: value of current fh */

nfsstat4 status;



* SECINFO: Obtain Available Security Mechanisms


struct SECINFO4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: directory */

component4 name;



* From RFC2203


enum rpc_gss_svc_t {





struct rpcsec_gss_info {

sec_oid4 oid;

qop4 qop;

rpc_gss_svc_t service;


/* RPCSEC_GSS has a value of '6' - See RFC2203 */

union secinfo4 switch (uint32_t flavor) {


rpcsec_gss_info flavor_info;




typedef secinfo4 SECINFO4resok<>;

union SECINFO4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

SECINFO4resok resok4;





* SETATTR: Set attributes


struct SETATTR4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: target object */

stateid4 stateid;

fattr4 obj_attributes;


struct SETATTR4res {

nfsstat4 status;

bitmap4 attrsset;





struct SETCLIENTID4args {

nfs_client_id4 client;

cb_client4 callback;

uint32_t callback_ident;


struct SETCLIENTID4resok {

clientid4 clientid;

verifier4 setclientid_confirm;


union SETCLIENTID4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

SETCLIENTID4resok resok4;


clientaddr4 client_using;





clientid4 clientid;

verifier4 setclientid_confirm;



nfsstat4 status;



* VERIFY: Verify attributes same


struct VERIFY4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: object */

fattr4 obj_attributes;


struct VERIFY4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* WRITE: Write to file


enum stable_how4 {





struct WRITE4args {

/* CURRENT_FH: file */

stateid4 stateid;

offset4 offset;

stable_how4 stable;

opaque data<>;


struct WRITE4resok {

count4 count;

stable_how4 committed;

verifier4 writeverf;


union WRITE4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

WRITE4resok resok4;





* RELEASE_LOCKOWNER: Notify server to release lockowner



lock_owner4 lock_owner;



nfsstat4 status;



* ILLEGAL: Response for illegal operation numbers


struct ILLEGAL4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* Operation arrays


enum nfs_opnum4 {








OP_GETFH = 10,

OP_LINK = 11,

OP_LOCK = 12,

OP_LOCKT = 13,

OP_LOCKU = 14,




OP_OPEN = 18,




OP_PUTFH = 22,



OP_READ = 25,





OP_RENEW = 30,








OP_WRITE = 38,


OP_ILLEGAL = 10044


union nfs_argop4 switch (nfs_opnum4 argop) {

case OP_ACCESS: ACCESS4args opaccess;

case OP_CLOSE: CLOSE4args opclose;

case OP_COMMIT: COMMIT4args opcommit;

case OP_CREATE: CREATE4args opcreate;

case OP_DELEGPURGE: DELEGPURGE4args opdelegpurge;

case OP_DELEGRETURN: DELEGRETURN4args opdelegreturn;

case OP_GETATTR: GETATTR4args opgetattr;

case OP_GETFH: void;

case OP_LINK: LINK4args oplink;

case OP_LOCK: LOCK4args oplock;

case OP_LOCKT: LOCKT4args oplockt;

case OP_LOCKU: LOCKU4args oplocku;

case OP_LOOKUP: LOOKUP4args oplookup;

case OP_LOOKUPP: void;

case OP_NVERIFY: NVERIFY4args opnverify;

case OP_OPEN: OPEN4args opopen;

case OP_OPENATTR: OPENATTR4args opopenattr;

case OP_OPEN_CONFIRM: OPEN_CONFIRM4args opopen_confirm;

case OP_OPEN_DOWNGRADE: OPEN_DOWNGRADE4args opopen_downgrade;

case OP_PUTFH: PUTFH4args opputfh;

case OP_PUTPUBFH: void;

case OP_PUTROOTFH: void;

case OP_READ: READ4args opread;

case OP_READDIR: READDIR4args opreaddir;

case OP_READLINK: void;

case OP_REMOVE: REMOVE4args opremove;

case OP_RENAME: RENAME4args oprename;

case OP_RENEW: RENEW4args oprenew;

case OP_RESTOREFH: void;

case OP_SAVEFH: void;

case OP_SECINFO: SECINFO4args opsecinfo;

case OP_SETATTR: SETATTR4args opsetattr;

case OP_SETCLIENTID: SETCLIENTID4args opsetclientid;



case OP_VERIFY: VERIFY4args opverify;

case OP_WRITE: WRITE4args opwrite;



case OP_ILLEGAL: void;


union nfs_resop4 switch (nfs_opnum4 resop){

case OP_ACCESS: ACCESS4res opaccess;

case OP_CLOSE: CLOSE4res opclose;

case OP_COMMIT: COMMIT4res opcommit;

case OP_CREATE: CREATE4res opcreate;

case OP_DELEGPURGE: DELEGPURGE4res opdelegpurge;

case OP_DELEGRETURN: DELEGRETURN4res opdelegreturn;

case OP_GETATTR: GETATTR4res opgetattr;

case OP_GETFH: GETFH4res opgetfh;

case OP_LINK: LINK4res oplink;

case OP_LOCK: LOCK4res oplock;

case OP_LOCKT: LOCKT4res oplockt;

case OP_LOCKU: LOCKU4res oplocku;

case OP_LOOKUP: LOOKUP4res oplookup;

case OP_LOOKUPP: LOOKUPP4res oplookupp;

case OP_NVERIFY: NVERIFY4res opnverify;

case OP_OPEN: OPEN4res opopen;

case OP_OPENATTR: OPENATTR4res opopenattr;

case OP_OPEN_CONFIRM: OPEN_CONFIRM4res opopen_confirm;

case OP_OPEN_DOWNGRADE: OPEN_DOWNGRADE4res opopen_downgrade;

case OP_PUTFH: PUTFH4res opputfh;

case OP_PUTPUBFH: PUTPUBFH4res opputpubfh;

case OP_PUTROOTFH: PUTROOTFH4res opputrootfh;

case OP_READ: READ4res opread;

case OP_READDIR: READDIR4res opreaddir;

case OP_READLINK: READLINK4res opreadlink;

case OP_REMOVE: REMOVE4res opremove;

case OP_RENAME: RENAME4res oprename;

case OP_RENEW: RENEW4res oprenew;

case OP_RESTOREFH: RESTOREFH4res oprestorefh;

case OP_SAVEFH: SAVEFH4res opsavefh;

case OP_SECINFO: SECINFO4res opsecinfo;

case OP_SETATTR: SETATTR4res opsetattr;

case OP_SETCLIENTID: SETCLIENTID4res opsetclientid;



case OP_VERIFY: VERIFY4res opverify;

case OP_WRITE: WRITE4res opwrite;



case OP_ILLEGAL: ILLEGAL4res opillegal;


struct COMPOUND4args {

utf8str_cs tag;

uint32_t minorversion;

nfs_argop4 argarray<>;


struct COMPOUND4res {

nfsstat4 status;

utf8str_cs tag;

nfs_resop4 resarray<>;



* Remote file service routines


program NFS4_PROGRAM {

version NFS_V4 {


NFSPROC4_NULL(void) = 0;



} = 4;

} = 100003;


* NFS4 Callback Procedure Definitions and Program



* CB_GETATTR: Get Current Attributes


struct CB_GETATTR4args {

nfs_fh4 fh;

bitmap4 attr_request;


struct CB_GETATTR4resok {

fattr4 obj_attributes;


union CB_GETATTR4res switch (nfsstat4 status) {

case NFS4_OK:

CB_GETATTR4resok resok4;





* CB_RECALL: Recall an Open Delegation


struct CB_RECALL4args {

stateid4 stateid;

bool truncate;

nfs_fh4 fh;


struct CB_RECALL4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* CB_ILLEGAL: Response for illegal operation numbers


struct CB_ILLEGAL4res {

nfsstat4 status;



* Various definitions for CB_COMPOUND


enum nfs_cb_opnum4 {





union nfs_cb_argop4 switch (unsigned argop) {

case OP_CB_GETATTR: CB_GETATTR4args opcbgetattr;

case OP_CB_RECALL: CB_RECALL4args opcbrecall;

case OP_CB_ILLEGAL: void;


union nfs_cb_resop4 switch (unsigned resop){

case OP_CB_GETATTR: CB_GETATTR4res opcbgetattr;

case OP_CB_RECALL: CB_RECALL4res opcbrecall;

case OP_CB_ILLEGAL: CB_ILLEGAL4res opcbillegal;


struct CB_COMPOUND4args {

utf8str_cs tag;

uint32_t minorversion;

uint32_t callback_ident;

nfs_cb_argop4 argarray<>;


struct CB_COMPOUND4res {

nfsstat4 status;

utf8str_cs tag;

nfs_cb_resop4 resarray<>;



* Program number is in the transient range since the client

* will assign the exact transient program number and provide

* that to the server via the SETCLIENTID operation.


program NFS4_CALLBACK {

version NFS_CB {


CB_NULL(void) = 0;



} = 1;

} = 0x40000000;

19. Acknowledgements

The authors thank and acknowledge:

Neil Brown for his extensive review and comments of various

documents. Rick Macklem at the University of Guelph, Mike Frisch,

Sergey Klyushin, and Dan Trufasiu of Hummingbird Ltd., and Andy

Adamson, Bruce Fields, Jim Rees, and Kendrick Smith from the CITI

organization at the University of Michigan, for their implementation

efforts and feedback on the protocol specification. Mike Kupfer for

his review of the file locking and ACL mechanisms. Alan Yoder for

his input to ACL mechanisms. Peter Astrand for his close review of

the protocol specification. Ran Atkinson for his constant reminder

that users do matter.

20. Normative References

[ISO10646] "ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993. International

Standard -- Information technology --

Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character

Set (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and Basic

Multilingual Plane."

[RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control

Protocol", STD 7, RFC793, September 1981.

[RFC1831] Srinivasan, R., "RPC: Remote Procedure Call

Protocol Specification Version 2", RFC

1831, August 1995.

[RFC1832] Srinivasan, R., "XDR: External Data

Representation Standard", RFC1832, August


[RFC2373] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6

Addressing Architecture", RFC2373, July


[RFC1964] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API

Mechanism", RFC1964, June 1996.

[RFC2025] Adams, C., "The Simple Public-Key GSS-API

Mechanism (SPKM)", RFC2025, October 1996.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to

Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC

2119, March 1997.

[RFC2203] Eisler, M., Chiu, A. and L. Ling,

"RPCSEC_GSS Protocol Specification", RFC

2203, September 1997.

[RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character

Sets and Languages", BCP 19, RFC2277,

January 1998.

[RFC2279] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation

format of ISO 10646", RFC2279, January


[RFC2623] Eisler, M., "NFS Version 2 and Version 3

Security Issues and the NFS Protocol's Use

of RPCSEC_GSS and Kerberos V5", RFC2623,

June 1999.

[RFC2743] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service

Application Program Interface, Version 2,

Update 1", RFC2743, January 2000.

[RFC2847] Eisler, M., "LIPKEY - A Low Infrastructure

Public Key Mechanism Using SPKM", RFC2847,

June 2000.

[RFC3010] Shepler, S., Callaghan, B., Robinson, D.,

Thurlow, R., Beame, C., Eisler, M. and D.

Noveck, "NFS version 4 Protocol", RFC3010,

December 2000.

[RFC3454] Hoffman, P. and P. Blanchet, "Preparation

of Internationalized Strings

("stringprep")", RFC3454, December 2002.

[Unicode1] The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode

Standard, Version 3.0", Addison-Wesley

Developers Press, Reading, MA, 2000. ISBN


More information available at:


[Unicode2] "Unsupported Scripts" Unicode, Inc., The

Unicode Consortium, P.O. Box 700519, San

Jose, CA 95710-0519 USA, September 1999.



21. Informative References

[Floyd] S. Floyd, V. Jacobson, "The Synchronization

of Periodic Routing Messages," IEEE/ACM

Transactions on Networking, 2(2), pp. 122-

136, April 1994.

[Gray] C. Gray, D. Cheriton, "Leases: An Efficient

Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Distributed

File Cache Consistency," Proceedings of the

Twelfth Symposium on Operating Systems

Principles, p. 202-210, December 1989.

[Juszczak] Juszczak, Chet, "Improving the Performance

and Correctness of an NFS Server," USENIX

Conference Proceedings, USENIX Association,

Berkeley, CA, June 1990, pages 53-63.

Describes reply cache implementation that

avoids work in the server by handling

duplicate requests. More important, though

listed as a side-effect, the reply cache

aids in the avoidance of destructive non-

idempotent operation re-application --

improving correctness.

[Kazar] Kazar, Michael Leon, "Synchronization and

Caching Issues in the Andrew File System,"

USENIX Conference Proceedings, USENIX

Association, Berkeley, CA, Dallas Winter

1988, pages 27-36. A description of the

cache consistency scheme in AFS.

Contrasted with other distributed file


[Macklem] Macklem, Rick, "Lessons Learned Tuning the

4.3BSD Reno Implementation of the NFS

Protocol," Winter USENIX Conference

Proceedings, USENIX Association, Berkeley,

CA, January 1991. Describes performance

work in tuning the 4.3BSD Reno NFS

implementation. Describes performance

improvement (reduced CPU loading) through

elimination of data copies.

[Mogul] Mogul, Jeffrey C., "A Recovery Protocol for

Spritely NFS," USENIX File System Workshop

Proceedings, Ann Arbor, MI, USENIX

Association, Berkeley, CA, May 1992.

Second paper on Spritely NFS proposes a

lease-based scheme for recovering state of

consistency protocol.

[Nowicki] Nowicki, Bill, "Transport Issues in the

Network File System," ACM SIGCOMM

newsletter Computer Communication Review,

April 1989. A brief description of the

basis for the dynamic retransmission work.

[Pawlowski] Pawlowski, Brian, Ron Hixon, Mark Stein,

Joseph Tumminaro, "Network Computing in the

UNIX and IBM Mainframe Environment,"

Uniforum `89 Conf. Proc., (1989)

Description of an NFS server implementation

for IBM's MVS operating system.

[RFC1094] Sun Microsystems, Inc., "NFS: Network File

System Protocol Specification", RFC1094,

March 1989.

[RFC1345] Simonsen, K., "Character Mnemonics &

Character Sets", RFC1345, June 1992.

[RFC1813] Callaghan, B., Pawlowski, B. and P.

Staubach, "NFS Version 3 Protocol

Specification", RFC1813, June 1995.

[RFC3232] Reynolds, J., Editor, "Assigned Numbers:

RFC1700 is Replaced by an On-line

Database", RFC3232, January 2002.

[RFC1833] Srinivasan, R., "Binding Protocols for ONC

RPC Version 2", RFC1833, August 1995.

[RFC2054] Callaghan, B., "WebNFS Client

Specification", RFC2054, October 1996.

[RFC2055] Callaghan, B., "WebNFS Server

Specification", RFC2055, October 1996.

[RFC2152] Goldsmith, D. and M. Davis, "UTF-7 A Mail-

Safe Transformation Format of Unicode", RFC

2152, May 1997.

[RFC2224] Callaghan, B., "NFS URL Scheme", RFC2224,

October 1997.

[RFC2624] Shepler, S., "NFS Version 4 Design

Considerations", RFC2624, June 1999.

[RFC2755] Chiu, A., Eisler, M. and B. Callaghan,

"Security Negotiation for WebNFS" , RFC

2755, June 2000.

[Sandberg] Sandberg, R., D. Goldberg, S. Kleiman, D.

Walsh, B. Lyon, "Design and Implementation

of the Sun Network Filesystem," USENIX

Conference Proceedings, USENIX Association,

Berkeley, CA, Summer 1985. The basic paper

describing the SunOS implementation of the

NFS version 2 protocol, and discusses the

goals, protocol specification and trade-


[Srinivasan] Srinivasan, V., Jeffrey C. Mogul, "Spritely

NFS: Implementation and Performance of

Cache Consistency Protocols", WRL Research

Report 89/5, Digital Equipment Corporation

Western Research Laboratory, 100 Hamilton

Ave., Palo Alto, CA, 94301, May 1989. This

paper analyzes the effect of applying a

Sprite-like consistency protocol applied to

standard NFS. The issues of recovery in a

stateful environment are covered in


[XNFS] The Open Group, Protocols for Interworking:

XNFS, Version 3W, The Open Group, 1010 El

Camino Real Suite 380, Menlo Park, CA

94025, ISBN 1-85912-184-5, February 1998.

HTML version available:


22. Authors' Information

22.1. Editor's Address

Spencer Shepler

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

7808 Moonflower Drive

Austin, Texas 78750

Phone: +1 512-349-9376

EMail: spencer.shepler@sun.com

22.2. Authors' Addresses

Carl Beame

Hummingbird Ltd.

EMail: beame@bws.com

Brent Callaghan

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

17 Network Circle

Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone: +1 650-786-5067



Mike Eisler

5765 Chase Point Circle

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Phone: +1 719-599-9026

EMail: mike@eisler.com

David Noveck

Network Appliance

375 Totten Pond Road

Waltham, MA 02451

Phone: +1 781-768-5347

EMail: dnoveck@netapp.com

David Robinson

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

5300 Riata Park Court

Austin, TX 78727

Phone: +1 650-786-5088

EMail: david.robinson@sun.com

Robert Thurlow

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

500 Eldorado Blvd.

Broomfield, CO 80021

Phone: +1 650-786-5096

EMail: robert.thurlow@sun.com

23. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







Funding for the RFCEditor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
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