
RFC3520 - Session Authorization Policy Element

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group L-N. Hamer

Request for Comments: 3520 B. Gage

Category: Standards Track Nortel Networks

B. Kosinski

Invidi Technologies

H. Shieh

AT&T Wireless

April 2003

Session Authorization Policy Element

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes the representation of a session authorization

policy element for supporting policy-based per-session authorization

and admission control. The goal of session authorization is to allow

the exchange of information between network elements in order to

authorize the use of resources for a service and to co-ordinate

actions between the signaling and transport planes. This document

describes how a process on a system authorizes the reservation of

resources by a host and then provides that host with a session

authorization policy element which can be inserted into a resource

reservation protocol (e.g., the Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP)

PATH message) to facilitate proper and secure reservation of those

resources within the network. We describe the encoding of session

authorization information as a policy element conforming to the

format of a Policy Data object (RFC2750) and provide details

relating to operations, processing rules and error scenarios.

Table of Contents

1. Conventions used in this document..............................3

2. IntrodUCtion...................................................3

3. Policy Element for Session Authorization.......................4

3.1 Policy Data Object Format..................................4

3.2 Session Authorization Policy Element.......................4

3.3 Session Authorization Attributes...........................4

3.3.1 Authorizing Entity Identifier..........................6

3.3.2 Session Identifier.....................................7

3.3.3 Source Address.........................................7

3.3.4 Destination Address....................................9

3.3.5 Start time............................................10

3.3.6 End time..............................................11

3.3.7 Resources Authorized..................................11

3.3.8 Authentication data...................................12

4. Integrity of the AUTH_SESSION policy element..................13

4.1 Shared symmetric keys.....................................13

4.1.1 Operational Setting using shared symmetric keys.......13

4.2 Kerberos..................................................14

4.2.1. Operational Setting using Kerberos...................15

4.3 Public Key................................................16

4.3.1. Operational Setting for public key based

authentication.......................................16 X.509 V3 digital certificates.....................17 PGP digital certificates..........................17

5. Framework.....................................................18

5.1 The coupled model.........................................18

5.2 The associated model with one policy server...............18

5.3 The associated model with two policy servers..............19

5.4 The non-associated model..................................19

6. Message Processing Rules......................................20

6.1 Generation of the AUTH_SESSION by the authorizing entity..20

6.2 Message Generation (RSVP Host)............................20

6.3 Message Reception (RSVP-aware Router).....................20

6.4 Authorization (Router/PDP)................................21

7. Error Signaling...............................................22

8. IANA Considerations...........................................22

9. Security Considerations.......................................24

10. Acknowledgments..............................................24

11. Normative References.........................................25

12. Informative References.......................................27

13. Intellectual Property Statement..............................27

14. Contributors.................................................28

15. Authors' Addresses...........................................29

16. Full Copyright Statement.....................................30

1. Conventions used in this document



document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119


2. Introduction

RSVP [RFC-2205] is one example of a resource reservation protocol

that is used by a host to request specific services from the network

for particular application data streams or flows. RSVP requests will

generally result in resources being reserved in each router along the

data path. RSVP allows users to oBTain preferential Access to

network resources, under the control of an admission control

mechanism. Such admission control is often based on user or

application identity [RFC-3182], however, it is also valuable to

provide the ability for per-session admission control.

In order to allow for per-session admission control, it is necessary

to provide a mechanism for ensuring use of resources by a host has

been properly authorized before allowing the reservation of those

resources. In order to meet this requirement, there must be

information in the resource reservation message which may be used to

verify the validity of the reservation request. This can be done by

providing the host with a session authorization policy element which

is inserted into the resource reservation message and verified by the


This document describes the session authorization policy element

(AUTH_SESSION) used to convey information about the resources

authorized for use by a session. The host must obtain an

AUTH_SESSION element from an authorizing entity via a session

signaling protocol such as SIP [RFC-3261]. The host then inserts the

AUTH_SESSION element into the resource reservation message to allow

verification of the network resource request; in the case of RSVP,

this element MUST be encapsulated in the Policy Data object [RFC-

2750] of an RSVP PATH message. Network elements verify the request

and then process the resource reservation message based on admission


[RFC-3521] describes a framework in which a session authorization

policy element may be utilized to contain information relevant to the

network's decision to grant a reservation request.

3. Policy Element for Session Authorization

3.1 Policy Data Object Format

The Session Authorization policy element conforms to the format of a

POLICY_DATA object which contains policy information and is carried

by policy based admission protocols such as RSVP. A detailed

description of the POLICY_DATA object can be found in "RSVP

Extensions for Policy Control" [RFC-2750].

3.2 Session Authorization Policy Element

In this section we describe a policy element (PE) called session

authorization (AUTH_SESSION). The AUTH_SESSION policy element

contains a list of fields which describe the session, along with

other attributes.


Length P-Type = AUTH_SESSION


// Session Authorization Attribute List //


Length: 16 bits

The length of the policy element (including the Length and P-Type)

is in number of octets (MUST be in multiples of 4) and indicates

the end of the session authorization information block.

P-Type: 16 bits (Session Authorization Type)


The Policy element type (P-type) of this element. The Internet

Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) acts as a registry for policy

element types as described in [RFC-2750].

Session Authorization Attribute List: variable length

The session authorization attribute list is a collection of

objects which describes the session and provides other information

necessary to verify the resource reservation request. An initial

set of valid objects is described in Section 3.3.

3.3 Session Authorization Attributes

A session authorization attribute may contain a variety of

information and has both an attribute type and subtype. The

attribute itself MUST be a multiple of 4 octets in length, and any

attributes that are not a multiple of 4 octets long MUST be padded to

a 4-octet boundary. All padding bytes MUST have a value of zero.


Length X-Type SubType


Value ...


Length: 16 bits

The length field is two octets and indicates the actual length of

the attribute (including Length, X-Type and SubType fields) in

number of octets. The length does NOT include any bytes padding

to the value field to make the attribute a multiple of 4 octets


X-Type: 8 bits

Session authorization attribute type (X-Type) field is one octet.

IANA acts as a registry for X-Types as described in section 7,

IANA Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the

following X-Types:

1 AUTH_ENT_ID The unique identifier of the entity which

authorized the session.

2 SESSION_ID Unique identifier for this session.

3 SOURCE_ADDR Address specification for the session


4 DEST_ADDR Address specification for the session


5 START_TIME The starting time for the session.

6 END_TIME The end time for the session.

7 RESOURCES The resources which the user is authorized

to request.

8 AUTHENTICATION_DATA Authentication data of the session

authorization policy element.

SubType: 8 bits

Session authorization attribute sub-type is one octet in length.

The value of the SubType depends on the X-Type.

Value: variable length

The attribute specific information.

3.3.1 Authorizing Entity Identifier

AUTH_ENT_ID is used to identify the entity which authorized the

initial service request and generated the session authorization

policy element. The AUTH_ENT_ID may be represented in various

formats, and the SubType is used to define the format for the ID. The

format for AUTH_ENT_ID is as follows:


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




The following sub-types for AUTH_ENT_ID are defined. IANA acts as

a registry for AUTH_ENT_ID sub-types as described in section 7,

IANA Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the

following sub-types of AUTH_ENT_ID:

1 IPV4_ADDRESS IPv4 address represented in 32 bits

2 IPV6_ADDRESS IPv6 address represented in 128 bits

3 FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name as defined in

RFC1034 as an ASCII string.

4 ASCII_DN X.500 Distinguished name as defined in RFC

2253 as an ASCII string.

5 UNICODE_DN X.500 Distinguished name as defined in RFC

2253 as a UTF-8 string.

6 URI Universal Resource Identifier, as defined

in RFC2396.

7 KRB_PRINCIPAL Fully Qualified Kerberos Principal name

represented by the ASCII string of a

principal followed by the @ realm name as

defined in RFC1510 (e.g.,


8 X509_V3_CERT The Distinguished Name of the subject of

the certificate as defined in RFC2253 as a

UTF-8 string.

9 PGP_CERT The PGP digital certificate of the

authorizing entity as defined in RFC2440.


Contains the authorizing entity identifier.

3.3.2 Session Identifier

SESSION_ID is a unique identifier used by the authorizing entity to

identify the request. It may be used for a number of purposes,

including replay detection, or to correlate this request to a policy

decision entry made by the authorizing entity. For example, the

SESSION_ID can be based on simple sequence numbers or on a standard

NTP timestamp.


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




No subtypes for SESSION_ID are currently defined; this field MUST

be set to zero. The authorizing entity is the only network entity

that needs to interpret the contents of the SESSION_ID therefore

the contents and format are implementation dependent.


Contains the session identifier.

3.3.3 Source Address

SOURCE_ADDR is used to identify the source address specification of

the authorized session. This X-Type may be useful in some scenarios

to make sure the resource request has been authorized for that

particular source address and/or port.


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




The following sub types for SOURCE_ADDR are defined. IANA acts as

a registry for SOURCE_ADDR sub-types as described in section 7,

IANA Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the

following sub types for SOURCE_ADDR:

1 IPV4_ADDRESS IPv4 address represented in 32 bits

2 IPV6_ADDRESS IPv6 address represented in 128 bits

3 UDP_PORT_LIST list of UDP port specifications,

represented as 16 bits per list entry.

4 TCP_PORT_LIST list of TCP port specifications,

represented as 16 bits per list entry.


The OctetString contains the source address information.

In scenarios where a source address is required (see Section 5), at

least one of the subtypes 1 through 2 (inclusive) MUST be included in

every Session Authorization Data Policy Element. Multiple

SOURCE_ADDR attributes MAY be included if multiple addresses have

been authorized. The source address field of the resource

reservation datagram (e.g., RSVP PATH) MUST match one of the

SOURCE_ADDR attributes contained in this Session Authorization Data

Policy Element.

At most, one instance of subtype 3 MAY be included in every Session

Authorization Data Policy Element. At most, one instance of subtype

4 MAY be included in every Session Authorization Data Policy Element.

Inclusion of a subtype 3 attribute does not prevent inclusion of a

subtype 4 attribute (i.e., both UDP and TCP ports may be authorized).

If no PORT attributes are specified, then all ports are considered

valid; otherwise, only the specified ports are authorized for use.

Every source address and port list must be included in a separate

SOURCE_ADDR attribute.

3.3.4 Destination Address

DEST_ADDR is used to identify the destination address of the

authorized session. This X-Type may be useful in some scenarios to

make sure the resource request has been authorized for that

particular destination address and/or port.


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




The following sub types for DEST_ADDR are defined. IANA acts as a

registry for DEST_ADDR sub-types as described in section 7, IANA

Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the following

sub types for DEST_ADDR:

1 IPV4_ADDRESS IPv4 address represented in 32 bits

2 IPV6_ADDRESS IPv6 address represented in 128 bits

3 UDP_PORT_LIST list of UDP port specifications,

represented as 16 bits per list entry.

4 TCP_PORT_LIST list of TCP port specifications,

represented as 16 bits per list entry.


The OctetString contains the destination address specification.

In scenarios where a destination address is required (see Section 5),

at least one of the subtypes 1 through 2 (inclusive) MUST be included

in every Session Authorization Data Policy Element. Multiple

DEST_ADDR attributes MAY be included if multiple addresses have been

authorized. The destination address field of the resource

reservation datagram (e.g., RSVP PATH) MUST match one of the

DEST_ADDR attributes contained in this Session Authorization Data

Policy Element.

At most, one instance of subtype 3 MAY be included in every Session

Authorization Data Policy Element. At most, one instance of subtype

4 MAY be included in every Session Authorization Data Policy Element.

Inclusion of a subtype 3 attribute does not prevent inclusion of a

subtype 4 attribute (i.e., both UDP and TCP ports may be authorized).

If no PORT attributes are specified, then all ports are considered

valid; otherwise, only the specified ports are authorized for use.

Every destination address and port list must be included in a

separate DEST_ADDR attribute.

3.3.5 Start time

START_TIME is used to identify the start time of the authorized

session and can be used to prevent replay attacks. If the

AUTH_SESSION policy element is presented in a resource request, the

network SHOULD reject the request if it is not received within a few

seconds of the start time specified.


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




The following sub types for START_TIME are defined. IANA acts as

a registry for START_TIME sub-types as described in section 7,

IANA Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the

following sub types for START_TIME:

1 NTP_TIMESTAMP NTP Timestamp Format as defined in



The OctetString contains the start time.

3.3.6 End time

END_TIME is used to identify the end time of the authorized session

and can be used to limit the amount of time that resources are

authorized for use (e.g., in prepaid session scenarios).


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




The following sub types for END_TIME are defined. IANA acts as a

registry for END_TIME sub-types as described in section 7, IANA

Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the following

sub types for END_TIME:

1 NTP_TIMESTAMP NTP Timestamp Format as defined in



The OctetString contains the end time.

3.3.7 Resources Authorized

RESOURCES is used to define the characteristics of the authorized

session. This X-Type may be useful in some scenarios to specify the

specific resources authorized to ensure the request fits the

authorized specifications.


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




The following sub-types for RESOURCES are defined. IANA acts as a

registry for RESOURCES sub-types as described in section 7, IANA

Considerations. Initially, the registry contains the following

sub types for RESOURCES:

1 BANDWIDTH Maximum bandwidth (kbps) authorized.

2 FLOW_SPEC Flow spec specification as defined in RFC2205.

3 SDP SDP Media Descriptor as defined in RFC2327.

4 DSCP Differentiated services codepoint as defined in



The OctetString contains the resources specification.

In scenarios where a resource specification is required (see Section

5), at least one of the subtypes 1 through 4 (inclusive) MUST be

included in every Session Authorization Data Policy Element.

Multiple RESOURCE attributes MAY be included if multiple types of

resources have been authorized (e.g., DSCP and BANDWIDTH).

3.3.8 Authentication data

The AUTHENTICATION_DATA attribute contains the authentication data of

the AUTH_SESSION policy element and signs all the data in the policy


attribute has been included in the AUTH_SESSION policy element, it

MUST be the last attribute in the list. The algorithm used to

compute the authentication data depends on the AUTH_ENT_ID SubType

field. See Section 4 entitled Integrity of the AUTH_SESSION policy


A summary of AUTHENTICATION_DATA attribute format is described below.


Length X-Type SubType


OctetString ...



Length of the attribute, which MUST be > 4.




No sub types for AUTHENTICATION_DATA are currently defined. This

field MUST be set to 0.


The OctetString contains the authentication data of the


4. Integrity of the AUTH_SESSION policy element

This section describes how to ensure the integrity of the policy

element is preserved.

4.1 Shared symmetric keys

In shared symmetric key environments, the AUTH_ENT_ID MUST be of


URI. An example AUTH_SESSION policy element is shown below.


Length P-type = AUTH_SESSION


Length SESSION_ID zero


OctetString (The session identifier) ...




OctetString (The authorizing entity's Identifier) ...


Length AUTH DATA. zero




OctetString (Authentication data) ...


4.1.1 Operational Setting using shared symmetric keys

This assumes both the Authorizing Entity and the Network router/PDP

are provisioned with shared symmetric keys and with policies

detailing which algorithm to be used for computing the authentication

data along with the eXPected length of the authentication data for

that particular algorithm.

Key maintenance is outside the scope of this document, but

AUTH_SESSION implementations MUST at least provide the ability to

manually configure keys and their parameters locally. The key used

to produce the authentication data is identified by the AUTH_ENT_ID

field. Since multiple keys may be configured for a particular

AUTH_ENT_ID value, the first 32 bits of the AUTH_DATA field MUST be a

key ID to be used to identify the appropriate key. Each key must

also be configured with lifetime parameters for the time period

within which it is valid as well as an associated cryptographic

algorithm parameter specifying the algorithm to be used with the key.

At a minimum, all AUTH_SESSION implementations MUST support the

HMAC-MD5-128 [RFC-2104], [RFC-1321] cryptographic algorithm for

computing the authentication data. New algorithms may be added by

the IETF standards process.

It is good practice to regularly change keys. Keys MUST be

configurable such that their lifetimes overlap allowing smooth

transitions between keys. At the midpoint of the lifetime overlap

between two keys, senders should transition from using the current

key to the next/longer-lived key. Meanwhile, receivers simply accept

any identified key received within its configured lifetime and reject

those that are not.

4.2 Kerberos

In a Kerberos environment, the AUTH_ENT_ID MUST be of the subtype

KRB_PRINCIPAL. The KRB_PRINCIPAL field is defined as the Fully

Qualified Kerberos Principal name of the authorizing entity.

Kerberos [RFC-1510] authentication uses a trusted third party (the

Kerberos Distribution Center - KDC) to provide for authentication of

the AUTH_SESSION to a network server. It is assumed that a KDC is

present and both host and verifier of authentication information

(authorizing entity and router/PDP) implement Kerberos


An example of the Kerberos AUTH_DATA policy element is shown below.


Length P-type = AUTH_SESSION


Length SESSION_ID zero


OctetString (The session identifier) ...




OctetString (The principal@realm name) ...


4.2.1. Operational Setting using Kerberos

An authorizing entity is configured to construct the AUTH_SESSION

policy element that designates use of the Kerberos authentication

method (KRB_PRINCIPAL) as defined in RFC1510. Upon reception of the

resource reservation request, the router/PDP contacts the local KDC,

with a KRB_AS_REQ message, to request credentials for the authorizing

entity (principal@realm). In this request, the client (router/PDP)

sends (in cleartext) its own identity and the identity of the server

(the authorizing entity taken from the AUTH_ENT_ID field) for which

it is requesting credentials. The local KDC responds with these

credentials in a KRB_AS_REP message, encrypted in the client's key.

The credentials consist of 1) a "ticket" for the server and 2) a

temporary encryption key (often called a "session key"). The

router/PDP uses the ticket to access the authorizing entity with a

KRB_AP_REQ message. The session key (now shared by the router/PDP

and the authorizing entity) is used to authenticate the router/PDP,

and is used to authenticate the authorizing entity. The session key

is an encryption key and is also used to encrypt further

communication between the two parties. The authorizing entity

responds by sending a concatenated message of a KRB_AP_REP and a

KRB_SAFE. The KRB_AP_REP is used to authenticate the authorizing

entity. The KRB_SAFE message contains the authentication data in the

safe-body field. The authentication data must be either a 16 byte

MD5 hash or 20 byte SHA-1 hash of all data in the AUTH_SESSION policy

element up to the AUTHENTICATION_DATA (note that when using Kerberos

the AUTH_SESSION PE should not include AUTHENTICATION_DATA as this is

sent in the KRB_SAFE message). The router/PDP independently computes

the hash, and compares it with the received hash in the user-data

field of the KRB-SAFE-BODY [RFC-1510].

At a minimum, all AUTH_SESSION implementations using Kerberos MUST

support the Kerberos des-cbc-md5 encryption type [RFC-1510] (for

encrypted data in tickets and Kerberos messages) and the Kerberos

rsa-md5-des checksum type [RFC-1510] (for the KRB_SAFE checksum)

checksum. New algorithms may be added by the IETF standards process.

Triple-DES encryption is supported in many Kerberos implementations

(although not specified in [RFC-1510]), and SHOULD be used over

single DES.

For cases where the authorizing entity is in a different realm (i.e.,

administrative domain, organizational boundary), the router/PDP needs

to fetch a cross-realm Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) from its local

KDC. This TGT can be used to fetch authorizing entity tickets from

the KDC in the remote realm. Note that for performance

considerations, tickets are typically cached for extended periods.

4.3 Public Key

In a public key environment, the AUTH_ENT_ID MUST be of the subtypes:

X509_V3_CERT or PGP_CERT. The authentication data is used for

authenticating the authorizing entity. An example of the public key

AUTH_SESSION policy element is shown below.


Length P-type = AUTH_SESSION


Length SESSION_ID zero


OctetString (The session identifier) ...




OctetString (Authorizing entity Digital Certificate) ...


Length AUTH DATA. zero


OctetString (Authentication data) ...


4.3.1. Operational Setting for public key based authentication

Public key based authentication assumes the following:

- Authorizing entities have a pair of keys (private key and

public key).

- Private key is secured with the authorizing entity.

- Public keys are stored in digital certificates and a trusted

party, certificate authority (CA) issues these digital


- The verifier (PDP or router) has the ability to verify the

digital certificate.

Authorizing entity uses its private key to generate

AUTHENTICATION_DATA. Authenticators (router, PDP) use the

authorizing entity's public key (stored in the digital certificate)

to verify and authenticate the policy element. X.509 V3 digital certificates


MUST be generated following these steps:

- A Signed-data is constructed as defined in section 5 of CMS

[RFC-3369]. A digest is computed on the content (as specified in

section 6.1) with a signer-specific message-digest algorithm. The

certificates field contains the chain of authorizing entity's

X.509 V3 digital certificates. The certificate revocation list is

defined in the crls field. The digest output is digitally signed

following section 8 of RFC3447, using the signer's private key.

When the AUTH_ENT_ID is of type X509_V3_CERT, verification MUST be

done following these steps:

- Parse the X.509 V3 certificate to extract the distinguished name

of the issuer of the certificate.

- Certification Path Validation is performed as defined in section 6

of RFC3280.

- Parse through the Certificate Revocation list to verify that the

received certificate is not listed.

- Once the X.509 V3 certificate is validated, the public key of the

authorizing entity can be extracted from the certificate.

- Extract the digest algorithm and the length of the digested data

by parsing the CMS signed-data.

- The recipient independently computes the message digest. This

message digest and the signer's public key are used to verify the

signature value.

This verification ensures integrity, non-repudiation and data origin. PGP digital certificates


generated following these steps:

- AUTHENTICATION_DATA contains a Signature Packet as defined in

section 5.2.3 of RFC2440. In summary:

- Compute the hash of all data in the AUTH_SESSION policy element


- The hash output is digitally signed following section 8 of

RFC3447, using the signer's private key.

When the AUTH_ENT_ID is of type PGP_CERT, verification MUST be done

following these steps:

- Validate the certificate.

- Once the PGP certificate is validated, the public key of the

authorizing entity can be extracted from the certificate.

- Extract the hash algorithm and the length of the hashed data by

parsing the PGP signature packet.

- The recipient independently computes the message digest. This

message digest and the signer's public key are used to verify the

signature value.

This verification ensures integrity, non-repudiation and data origin.

5. Framework

[RFC-3521] describes a framework in which the AUTH_SESSION policy

element may be utilized to transport information required for

authorizing resource reservation for media flows. [RFC-3521]

introduces 4 different models:

1- the coupled model

2- the associated model with one policy server

3- the associated model with two policy servers

4- the non-associated model.

The fields that are required in an AUTH SESSION policy element

dependent on which of the models is used.

5.1 The coupled model

In the Coupled Model, the only information that MUST be included in

the policy element is the SESSION_ID; it is used by the Authorizing

Entity to correlate the resource reservation request with the media

authorized during session set up. Since the End Host is assumed to

be untrusted, the Policy Server SHOULD take measures to ensure that

the integrity of the SESSION_ID is preserved in transit; the exact

mechanisms to be used and the format of the SESSION_ID are

implementation dependent.

5.2 The associated model with one policy server

In this model, the contents of the AUTH_SESSION policy element MUST


- A session identifier - SESSION_ID. This is information that the

authorizing entity can use to correlate the resource reservation

request with the media authorized during session set up.

- The identity of the authorizing entity - AUTH_ENT_ID. This

information is used by the Edge Router to determine which

authorizing entity (Policy Server) should be used to solicit

resource policy decisions.

In some environments, an Edge Router may have no means for

determining if the identity refers to a legitimate Policy Server

within its domain. In order to protect against redirection of

authorization requests to a bogus authorizing entity, the

AUTH_SESSION MUST also include:

- AUTHENTICATION_DATA. This authentication data is calculated over

all other fields of the AUTH_SESSION policy element.

5.3 The associated model with two policy servers

The content of the AUTH_SESSION Policy Element is identical to the

associated model with one policy server.

5.4 The non-associated model

In this model, the AUTH_SESSION MUST contain sufficient information

to allow the Policy Server to make resource policy decisions

autonomously from the authorizing entity. The policy element is

created using information about the session by the authorizing

entity. The information in the AUTH_SESSION policy element MUST


- Calling party IP address or Identity (e.g., FQDN) - SOURCE_ADDR


- Called party IP address or Identity (e.g., FQDN) - DEST_ADDR


- The characteristics of (each of) the media stream(s) authorized

for this session - RESOURCES X-TYPE

- The authorization lifetime - START_TIME X-TYPE

- The identity of the authorizing entity to allow for validation of

the token in shared symmetric key and Kerberos schemes -


- The credentials of the authorizing entity in a public-key


- Authentication data used to prevent tampering with the


Furthermore, the AUTH_SESSION policy element MAY contain:

- The lifetime of (each of) the media stream(s) - END_TIME X-TYPE

- Calling party port number - SOURCE_ADDR X-TYPE

- Called party port number - DEST_ADDR X-TYPE

All AUTH_SESSION fields MUST match with the resource request. If a

field does not match, the request SHOULD be denied.

6. Message Processing Rules

6.1 Generation of the AUTH_SESSION by the authorizing entity

1. Generate the AUTH_SESSION policy element with the appropriate

contents as specified in section 5.

2. If authentication is needed, the entire AUTH_SESSION policy

element is constructed, excluding the length, type and subtype

fields of the AUTH_SESSION field. Note that the message MUST

include either a START_TIME or a SESSION_ID (See Section 9), to

prevent replay attacks. The output of the authentication

algorithm, plus appropriate header information, is appended to the

AUTH_SESSION policy element.

6.2 Message Generation (RSVP Host)

An RSVP message is created as specified in [RFC-2205] with the

following modifications.

1. RSVP message MUST contain at most one AUTH_SESSION policy element.

2. The AUTH SESSION policy element received from the authorizing

entity (Section 3.2) MUST be copied without modification into the


3. POLICY_DATA object (containing the AUTH_SESSION policy element) is

inserted in the RSVP message in the appropriate place.

6.3 Message Reception (RSVP-aware Router)

RSVP message is processed as specified in [RFC-2205] with following


1. If router is policy aware then it SHOULD send the RSVP message to

the PDP and wait for response. If the router is policy unaware

then it ignores the policy data objects and continues processing

the RSVP message.

2. Reject the message if the response from the PDP is negative.

3. Continue processing the RSVP message.

6.4 Authorization (Router/PDP)

1. Retrieve the AUTH_SESSION policy element. Check the PE type field

and return an error if the identity type is not supported.

2. Verify the message integrity.

- Shared symmetric key authentication: The Network router/PDP

uses the AUTH_ENT_ID field to consult a table keyed by that

field. The table should identify the cryptographic

authentication algorithm to be used along with the expected

length of the authentication data and the shared symmetric key

for the authorizing entity. Verify that the indicated length

of the authentication data is consistent with the configured

table entry and validate the authentication data.

- Public Key: Validate the certificate chain against the trusted

Certificate Authority (CA) and validate the message signature

using the public key.

- Kerberos Ticket: If the AUTH_ENT_ID is of subtype

KRB_PRINCIPAL, Request a ticket for the authorizing entity

(principal@realm) from the local KDC. Use the ticket to access

the authorizing entity and obtain authentication data for the


3. Once the identity of the authorizing entity and the validity of

the service request has been established, the authorizing

router/PDP MUST then consult its local policy tables (the contents

of which are a local matter) in order to determine whether or not

the specific request is authorized. To the extent to which these

access control decisions require supplementary information,

routers/PDPs MUST ensure that supplementary information is

obtained securely. An example of insecure access control

decisions would be if the authorizing party relies upon an

insecure database (such as DNS or a public LDAP Directory) and

authorizes with a certificate or an FQDN.

4. Verify the requested resources do not exceed the authorized QoS.

7. Error Signaling

If a PDP fails to verify the AUTH_SESSION policy element then it MUST

return a policy control failure (Error Code = 02) to the PEP. The

error values are described in [RFC-2205] and [RFC-2750]. Also the

PDP SHOULD supply a policy data object containing an AUTH_DATA Policy

Element with A-Type=POLICY_ERROR_CODE containing more details on the

Policy Control failure [RFC-3182]. If RSVP is being used, the PEP

MUST include this Policy Data object in the outgoing RSVP Error


8. IANA Considerations

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS], Standard

RSVP Policy Elements (P-type values) are assigned by IETF Consensus

action as described in [RFC-2750].

P-Type AUTH_SESSION is assigned the value 0x04.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS], session

authorization attribute types (X-Type)in the range 0-127 are

allocated through an IETF Consensus action; X-Type values between

128-255 are reserved for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

X-Type AUTH_ENT_ID is assigned the value 1.

X-Type SESSION_ID is assigned the value 2.

X-Type SOURCE_ADDR is assigned the value 3.

X-Type DEST_ADDR is assigned the value 4.

X-Type START_TIME is assigned the value 5.

X-Type END_TIME is assigned the value 6.

X-Type RESOURCES is assigned the value 7.

X-Type AUTHENTICATION_DATA is assigned the value 8.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

AUTH_ENT_ID SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated through

an IETF Consensus action; SubType values between 128-255 are

reserved for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

AUTH_ENT_ID SubType IPV4_ADDRESS is assigned the value 1.

SubType IPV6_ADDRESS is assigned the value 2.

SubType FQDN is assigned the value 3.

SubType ASCII_DN is assigned the value 4.

SubType UNICODE_DN is assigned the value 5.

SubType URI is assigned the value 6.

SubType KRB_PRINCIPAL is assigned the value 7.

SubType X509_V3_CERT is assigned the value 8.

SubType PGP_CERT is assigned the value 9.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

SOURCE_ADDR SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated through

an IETF Consensus action; SubType values between 128-255 are

reserved for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

SOURCE_ADDR SubType IPV4_ADDRESS is assigned the value 1.

SubType IPV6_ADDRESS is assigned the value 2.

SubType UDP_PORT_LIST is assigned the value 3.

SubType TCP_PORT_LIST is assigned the value 4.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

DEST_ADDR SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated through an

IETF Consensus action; SubType values between 128-255 are reserved

for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

DEST_ADDR SubType IPV4_ADDRESS is assigned the value 1.

SubType IPV6_ADDRESS is assigned the value 2.

SubType UDP_PORT_LIST is assigned the value 3.

SubType TCP_PORT_LIST is assigned the value 4.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

START_TIME SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated through an

IETF Consensus action; SubType values between 128-255 are

reserved for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

START_TIME SubType NTP_TIMESTAMP is assigned the value 1.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

END_TIME SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated through an

IETF Consensus action; SubType values between 128-255 are reserved

for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

END_TIME SubType NTP_TIMESTAMP is assigned the value 1.

Following the policies outlined in [IANA-CONSIDERATIONS],

RESOURCES SubType values in the range 0-127 are allocated through an

IETF Consensus action; SubType values between 128-255 are reserved

for Private Use and are not assigned by IANA.

RESOURCES SubType BANDWIDTH is assigned the value 1.

SubType FLOW_SPEC is assigned the value 2.

SubType SDP is assigned the value 3.

SubType DSCP is assigned the value 4.

9. Security Considerations

The purpose of this document is to describe a mechanism for session

authorization to prevent theft of service.

Replay attacks MUST be prevented. In the non-associated model, the

AUTH_SESSION policy element MUST include a START_TIME field and the

Policy Servers MUST support NTP to ensure proper clock

synchronization. Failure to ensure proper clock synchronization will

allow replay attacks since the clocks of the different network

entities may not be in-synch. The start time is used to verify that

the request is not being replayed at a later time. In all other

models, the SESSION_ID is used by the Policy Server to ensure that

the resource request successfully correlates with records of an

authorized session. If a AUTH_SESSION is replayed, it MUST be

detected by the policy server (using internal algorithms) and the

request MUST be rejected.

To ensure that the integrity of the policy element is preserved in

untrusted environments, the AUTHENTICATION_DATA attribute MUST be


In environments where shared symmetric keys are possible, they should

be used in order to keep the AUTH_SESSION policy element size to a

strict minimum. This is especially true in wireless environments

where the AUTH_SESSION policy element is sent

over-the-air. The shared symmetric keys authentication option MUST

be supported by all AUTH_SESSION implementations.

If shared symmetric keys are not a valid option, the Kerberos

authentication mechanism is reasonably well secured and efficient in

terms of AUTH_SESSION size. The AUTH_SESSION only needs to contain

the principal@realm name of the authorizing entity. This is much

more efficient than the PKI authentication option.

PKI authentication option provides a high level of security and good

scalability, however it requires the presence of credentials in the

AUTH_SESSION policy element which impacts its size.

10. Acknowledgments

We would like to thank Francois Audet, Don Wade, Hamid Syed, Kwok Ho

Chan and many others for their valuable comments. Special thanks to

Eric Rescorla who provided numerous comments and suggestions that

improved this document.

In addition, we would like to thank S. Yadav, et al., for their

efforts on RFC3182, as this document borrows from their work.

11. Normative References

[ASCII] Coded Character Set -- 7-Bit American Standard

Code for Information Interchange, ANSI X3.4-


[X.509-ITU] ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Information technology

Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory:

Authentication Framework Recommendation X.509

ISO/IEC 9594-8

[RFC-1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and

facilities", STD 13, RFC1034, November 1987.

[RFC-1305] Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol (Version 3)

Specification, Implementation, and Analysis",

RFC1305, March 1992.

[RFC-1321] Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm",

RFC1321, April 1992.

[RFC-1510] Kohl, J. and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network

Authentication Service (V5)", RFC1510,

September 1993.

[RFC-2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M. and R. Canetti,

"HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message

Authentication", RFC2104, February 1997.

[RFC-2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to

Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC2119,

March 1997.

[RFC-2205] Braden, R., Ed., Zhang, L., Berson, S., Herzog,

S. and S. Jamin, "Resource ReSerVation Protocol

(RSVP) - Version 1 Functional Specification",

RFC2205, September 1997.

[RFC-2209] Braden, R. and L. Zhang, "Resource ReSerVation

Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Message Processing

Rules", RFC2209, September 1997.

[RFC-2253] Wahl, M., Kille, S. and T. Howes , "UTF-8

String Representation of Distinguished Names",

RFC2253, December 1997.

[RFC-2279] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of

ISO 10646", RFC2279, January 1998.

[RFC-2327] Handley, M. and V. Jacobson, "SDP: Session

Description Protocol", RFC2327, October 1998.

[RFC-2396] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., Masinter, L.,

"Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic

Syntax", RFC2396, August 1998.

[RFC-2440] Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H. and R.

Thayer, "OpenPGP Message Format", RFC2440,

November 1998.

[RFC-2474] Nichols, K., Blake, S., Baker, F. and D. Black,

"Definition of the Differentiated Services

Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers",

RFC2474, December 1998.

[RFC-2750] Herzog, S., "RSVP Extensions for Policy

Control", RFC2750, January 2000.

[RFC-2753] Yavatkar, R., Pendarakis, D. and R. Guerin, "A

Framework for Policy-based Admission Control

RSVP", RFC2753, January 2000.

[RFC-3182] Yadav, S., Yavatkar, R., Pabbati, R., Ford, P.,

Moore, T., Herzog, S. and R. Hess, "Identity

Representation for RSVP", RFC3182, October


[RFC-3280] Housley, R., Polk, W., Ford, W. and D. Solo,

"Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure

Certificate and Certificate Revocation List

(CRL) Profile", RFC3280, April 2002.

[RFC-3369] Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax",

RFC3369, August 2002.

[RFC-3447] Jonsson, J. and B. Kaliski, "Public-Key

Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA

Cryptography Specifications Version 2.1", RFC

3447, February 2003.

[RFC-3521] Hamer, L.-N., Gage, B. and H. Shieh, "Framework

for Session Setup with Media Authorization",

RFC3521, April 2003.

12. Informative References

[IANA-CONSIDERATIONS] Alvestrand, H. and T. Narten, "Guidelines for

Writing an IANA Considerations Section in

RFCs", BCP 26, RFC2434, October 1998.

[RFC-3261] Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G.,

Johnston, A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R.,

Handley, M. and E. Schooler, "SIP: Session

Initiation Protocol", RFC3261, June 2002.

13. Intellectual Property Statement

The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any

intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to

pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in

this document or the extent to which any license under such rights

might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it

has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the

IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and

standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of

claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of

licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to

obtain a general license or permission for the use of such

proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can

be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.

The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any

copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary

rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice

this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive


14. Contributors

Matt Broda

Nortel Networks

EMail: mbroda@nortelnetworks.com

Louis LeVay

Nortel Networks

EMail: levay@nortelnetworks.com

Dennis Beard

Nortel Networks

EMail: beardd@nortelnetworks.com

Lawrence Dobranski

Nortel Networks

EMail: ldobran@nortelnetworks.com

15. Authors' Addresses

Louis-Nicolas Hamer

Nortel Networks

PO Box 3511 Station C

Ottawa, Ontario

Canada K1Y 4H7

Phone: +1 613.768.3409

EMail: nhamer@nortelnetworks.com

Brett Kosinski

Invidi Technologies

Edmonton, Alberta

Canada T5J 3S4



Bill Gage

Nortel Networks

PO Box 3511 Station C

Ottawa, Ontario

Canada K1Y 4H7

Phone: +1 613.763.4400

EMail: gageb@nortelnetworks.com

Hugh Shieh

AT&T Wireless

7277 164th Avenue NE

Redmond, WA

USA 98073-9761

Phone: +1 425.580.6898

EMail: hugh.shieh@attws.com

16. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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