
RFC3974-SMTP Operational Experience in Mixed IPv4v6 Environments

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group M. Nakamura

Request for Comments: 3974 Kyoto University

Category: Informational J. Hagino

IIJ Research Laboratory

January 2005

SMTP Operational EXPerience in Mixed IPv4/v6 Environments

Status of This Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

IESG Note:

The content of this RFC was at one time considered by the IETF, and

therefore it may resemble a current IETF work in progress or a

published IETF work. This RFC is not a candidate for any level of

Internet Standard. The IETF disclaims any knowledge of the fitness

of this RFC for any purpose, and in particular notes that the

decision to publish is not based on IETF review for sUCh things as

security, congestion control, or inappropriate interaction with

deployed protocols. The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this

document at its discretion. Readers of this RFC should exercise

caution in evaluating its value for implementation and deployment.

This document contains a specific interpretation of the applicability

of the MX processing algorithm in RFC 2821, Section 5, to dual-stack

environments. Implementors are cautioned that they must reference

RFC 2821 for the full algorithm; this document is not to be

considered a full restatement of RFC 2821, and, in case of ambiguity,

RFC 2821 is authoritative.


This document discusses SMTP operational experiences in IPv4/v6 dual

stack environments. As IPv6-capable SMTP servers are deployed, it

has become apparent that certain configurations of MX records are

necessary for stable dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) SMTP operation. This

document clarifies the existing problems in the transition period

between IPv4 SMTP and IPv6 SMTP. It also defines operational

requirements for stable IPv4/v6 SMTP operation.

This document does not define any new protocol.

1. Introduction

Delivery of mail messages to the final mail drop is not always done

by direct IP communication between the submitter and final receiver,

and there may be some intermediate hosts that relay the messages. So

it is difficult to know at message submission (also at receiver side)

that all intermediate relay hosts are properly configured. It is not

easy to configure all systems consistently since the DNS

configuration used by mail message delivery systems is more complex

than other Internet services. During the transition period from IPv4

to IPv6, more care should be applied to IPv4/v6 interoperability.

This document talks about SMTP operational experiences in IPv4/v6

dual stack environments. As IPv6-capable SMTP servers are deployed,

it has become apparent that certain configurations of MX records are

necessary for stable dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) SMTP operation.

This document does not discuss the problems encountered when the

sending MTA and the receiving MTA have no common protocol (e.g., the

sending MTA is IPv4-only while the receiving MTA is IPv6-only). Such

a situation can be resolved by making either side dual-stack or by

making either side use a protocol translator (see Appendix A on

issues with protocol translator).

2. Basic DNS Resource Record Definitions for Mail Routing

Mail messages on the Internet are typically delivered based on the

Domain Name System [Mockapetris]. MX RRs are looked up in DNS to

retrieve the names of hosts running MTAs associated with the domain

part of the mail address. DNS lookup uses IN class for both IPv4 and

IPv6, and similarly IN MX records will be used for mail routing for

both IPv4 and IPv6. Hosts which have IPv6 connectivity and also want

to have the mails delivered using IPv6 must define IPv6 addresses for

the host name as well as IPv4 addresses [Thomson].

An MX RR has two parameters, a preference value and the name of

destination host. The name of the destination host will be used to

look up an IP address to initiate an SMTP connection [Partridge].

For example, an IPv6-only site may have the following DNS


example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.example.org.

IN MX 10 mx10.example.org.

mx1.example.org. IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::1

mx10.example.org. IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::2

In the transition period from IPv4 to IPv6, there are many IPv4-only

sites, and such sites will not have mail interoperability with IPv6-

only sites. For the transition period, all mail domains should have

MX records such that MX targets with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses exist,


example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.example.org.

IN MX 10 mx10.example.org.

mx1.example.org. IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::1


mx10.example.org. IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::2


But, not every MX target may support dual-stack operation. Some host

entries may have only A RRs or AAAA RRs:

example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.example.org.

IN MX 10 mx10.example.org.

mx1.example.org. IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::1

mx10.example.org. IN A

The following sections discuss how the sender side should operate

with IPv4/v6 combined RRs (section 3), and how the receiver should

define RRs to maintain interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6

networks (section 4).

3. SMTP Sender Algorithm in a Dual-Stack Environment

In a dual-stack environment, MX records for a domain resemble the


example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.example.org.

IN MX 10 mx10.example.org.

mx1.example.org. IN A ; dual-stack

IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::1

mx10.example.org. IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::2 ; IPv6-only

For a single MX record, there are multiple possible final states,

including: (a) one or more A records for the IPv4 destination, (b)

one or more AAAA records for the IPv6 destination, (c) a mixture of A

and AAAA records. Because multiple MX records may be defined using

different preference values, multiple addresses must be traversed

based on multiple MXs. Domains without MX records and failure

recovery cases must be handled properly as well.

The algorithm for a dual-stack SMTP sender is basically the same as

that for an IPv4-only sender, but it now includes AAAA lookups of MX

records for SMTP-over-IPv6 delivery. IPv4/v6 dual stack destinations

should be treated just like multihomed destinations, as described in

RFC 2821 [Klensin], section 5. When there is no destination address

record found (i.e., the sender MTA is IPv4-only and there are no A

records available), the case should be treated just like MX records

without address records, and deliveries should fail.

; if the sender MTA is IPv4-only, email delivery to a.example.org

; should fail with the same error as deliveries to b.example.org.

a.example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.a.example.org.

mx1.a.example.org. IN AAAA 2001:db8:ffff::1 ; IPv6-only

b.example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.b.example.org. ; no address

An algorithm for a dual-stack SMTP sender is as follows:

(1) Lookup the MX record for the destination domain. If a CNAME

record is returned, go to the top of step (1) with replacing the

destination domain by the query's result. If any MX records are

returned, go to step (2) with the query's result (explicit MX).

If NODATA (i.e., empty answer with NOERROR(0) RCODE) is

returned, there is no MX record but the name is valid. Assume

that there is a record like "name. IN MX 0 name." (implicit MX)

and go to step (3). If HOST_NOT_FOUND (i.e., empty answer with

NXDOMAIN(3) RCODE) is returned, there is no such domain. Raise

a permanent email delivery failure. Finish. If SERVFAIL is

returned, retry after a certain period of time.

(2) Compare each host name in MX records with the names of the

sending host. If there is match, drop MX records which have an

equal or larger value than the lowest-preference matching MX

record (including itself). If multiple MX records remain, sort

the MX records in ascending order based on their preference

values. Loop over steps (3) to (9) on each host name in MX

records in a sequence. If no MX records remain, the sending

host must be the primary MX host. Other routing rules should be

applied. Finish.

(3) If the sending MTA has IPv4 capability, lookup the A records.

Keep the resulting addresses until step (5).

(4) If the sending MTA has IPv6 capability, lookup the AAAA records.

NOTE: IPv6 addresses for hosts defined by MX records may be

informed in an additional information section of the DNS

queries' result as well as IPv4 addresses. If there is no

additional address information for the MX hosts, separate

queries for A or AAAA records should be sent. There is no way

to query A and AAAA records at once in current DNS


(5) If there is no A and no AAAA record present, try the next MX

record (go to step (3)). Note that the next MX record could

have the same preference.

NOTE: If one or more address records are found, an

implementation may sort addresses based on the implementation's

preference of A or AAAA records. To encourage the transition

from IPv4 SMTP to IPv6 SMTP, AAAA records should take

precedence. The sorting may only reorder addresses from MX

records of the same preference. RFC 2821 section 5 paragraph 4

suggests randomization of destination addresses. Randomization

should only happen among A records, and among AAAA records (do

not mix A and AAAA records).

(6) For each of the addresses, loop over steps (7) to (9).

(7) Try to make a TCP connection to the destination's SMTP port

(25). The client needs to follow timeouts documented in RFC

2821 section If successful, go to step (9).

(8) If unsuccessful and there is another available address, try the

next available address. Go to step (7). If all addresses are

not reachable and if a list of MX records is being traversed,

try the next MX record (go to step (3)). If there is no list of

MX records, or if the end of the list of MX records has been

reached, raise a temporary email delivery failure. Finish.

(9) Attempt to deliver the email over the connection established, as

specified in RFC 2821. If a transient failure condition is

reported, try the next MX record (go to step (3)). If an error

condition is reported, raise a permanent email delivery error,

and do not try further MX records. Finish. If successful, SMTP

delivery has succeeded. Finish.

4. MX Configuration in the Recipient Domain

4.1. Ensuring Reachability for Both Protocol Versions

If a site has dual-stack reachability, the site should configure both

A and AAAA records for its MX hosts (NOTE: MX hosts can be outside of

the site). This will help both IPv4 and IPv6 senders in reaching the

site efficiently.

4.2. Reachability Between the Primary and Secondary MX

When registering MX records in a DNS database in a dual-stack

environment, reachability between MX hosts must be considered

carefully. Suppose all inbound email is to be gathered at the

primary MX host, "mx1.example.org.":

example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.example.org.

IN MX 10 mx10.example.org.

IN MX 100 mx100.example.org.

If "mx1.example.org" is an IPv6-only node, and the others are IPv4-

only nodes, there is no reachability between the primary MX host and

the other MX hosts. When email reaches one of the lower MX hosts, it

cannot be relayed to the primary MX host based on MX preferencing

mechanism. Therefore, mx1.example.org will not be able to collect

all the emails (unless there is another transport mechanism(s)

between lower-preference MX hosts and mx1.example.org).

; This configuration is troublesome.

; No secondary MX can reach mx1.example.org.

example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.example.org. ; IPv6-only

IN MX 10 mx10.example.org. ; IPv4-only

IN MX 100 mx100.example.org. ; IPv4-only

The easiest possible configuration is to configure the primary MX

host as a dual-stack node. By doing so, secondary MX hosts will have

no problem reaching the primary MX host.

; This configuration works well.

; The secondary MX hosts are able to relay email to the primary MX

; host without any problems.

example.org. IN MX 1 mx1.example.org. ; dual-stack

IN MX 10 mx10.example.org. ; IPv4-only

IN MX 100 mx100.example.org. ; IPv6-only

It may not be necessary for the primary MX host and lower MX hosts to

directly reach one another with IPv4 or IPv6 transport. For example,

it is possible to establish a routing path with UUCP or an IPv4/v6

translator. It is also possible to drop messages into a single

mailbox with shared storage using NFS or something else offered by a

dual-stack server. It is the receiver site's responsibility that all

messages delivered to MX hosts arrive at the recipient's mail drop.

In such cases, a dual-stack MX host may not be listed in the MX list.

5. Operational Experience

Many of the existing IPv6-ready MTA's appear to work in the way

documented in section 3.

There were, however, cases where IPv6-ready MTA's were confused by

broken DNS servers. When attempting to oBTain a canonical hostname,

some broken name servers return SERVFAIL (RCODE 2), a temporary

failure on AAAA record lookups. Upon this temporary failure, the

email is queued for a later attempt. In the interest of IPv4/v6

interoperability, these broken DNS servers should be fixed. A

document by Yasuhiro Morishita [Morishita] has more detail on

misconfigured/misbehaving DNS servers and their negative side


6. Open Issues

o How should scoped addresses (i.e., link-local addresses) in email

addresses be interpreted on MTA's? We suggest prohibiting the use

of IPv6 address literals in destination specification.

o A future specification of SMTP (revision of RFC 2821) should be

updated to include IPv6 concerns presented in this memo, such as

(1) the additional query of AAAA RRs where A RRs and/or MX RRs are

suggested, and (2) the ordering between IPv6 destination and IPv4


7. Security Considerations

It could be problematic if the route-addr email address format

[Crocker] (or "obs-route" address format in [Resnick]) is used across

multiple scope zones. MTAs would need to reject email with route-

addr email address formats that cross scope zone borders.

Appendix A. Considerations on Translators

IPv6-only MTA to IPv4-only MTA cases could use help from IPv6-to-IPv4

translators such as [Hagino]. Normally there are no special SMTP

considerations for translators needed. If there is SMTP traffic from

an IPv6 MTA to an IPv4 MTA over an IPv6-to-IPv4 translator, the IPv4

MTA will consider this normal IPv4 SMTP traffic.

Protocols like IDENT [St.Johns] may require special consideration

when translators are used. Also, there are MTAs which perform strict

checks on the SMTP HELO/EHLO "domain" parameter (perform

reverse/forward DNS lookups and see if the "domain" really associates

to the SMTP client's IP address). In such a case, we need a special

consideration when translators will be used (for instance, override

"domain" parameter by translator's FQDN/address).

Even without a translator, it seems that there are some MTA

implementations in the wild which send IPv6 address literals in a

HELO/EHLO message (like "HELO [IPv6:blah]"), even when it is using

IPv4 transport, or vice versa. If the SMTP peer is IPv4-only, it

won't understand the "[IPv6:blah]" syntax and mails won't go out of

the (broken) MTA. These implementations have to be corrected.

Normative References

[Mockapetris] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and

specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.

[Thomson] Thomson, S., Huitema, C., Ksinant, V., and M. Souissi,

"DNS Extensions to Support IP Version 6", RFC 3596,

October 2003.

[Partridge] Partridge, C., "Mail routing and the domain system",

STD 10, RFC 974, January 1986.

[Klensin] Klensin, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 2821,

April 2001.

[Crocker] Crocker, D., "Standard for the format of ARPA Internet

text messages", STD 11, RFC 822, August 1982.

[Resnick] Resnick, P., "Internet Message Format", RFC 2822, April


[Hagino] Hagino, J. and H. Snyder, "IPv6 Multihoming Support at

Site Exit Routers", RFC 3178, October 2001.

[St.Johns] Johns, M. St., "Identification Protocol", RFC 1413,

February 1993.

Informative References

[Morishita] Morishita, Y. and T. Jinmei, "Common Misbehavior

against DNS Queries for IPv6 Addresses", Work in

Progress, June 2003.


This document was written based on discussions with Japanese IPv6

users and help from the WIDE research group. Here is a (probably

incomplete) list of people who contributed to the document: Gregory

Neil Shapiro, Arnt Gulbrandsen, Mohsen Souissi, JJ Behrens, John C

Klensin, Michael A. Patton, Robert Elz, Dean Strik, Pekka Savola, and

Rob Austein.

Authors' Addresses


Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University

Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN

Fax: +81-75-753-7450

EMail: motonori@media.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Jun-ichiro itojun HAGINO

Research Laboratory, Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

1-105, Kanda Jinbo-cho,

Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101-0051, JAPAN

Phone: +81-3-5205-6464

Fax: +81-3-5205-6466

EMail: itojun@iijlab.net

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Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions

contained in BCP 78, and at www.rfc-editor.org, and except as set

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