
RFC4150-Transport Performance Metrics MIB

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group R. Dietz

Request for Comments: 4150 Hifn, Inc.

Category: Standards Track R. Cole


August 2005

Transport Performance Metrics MIB

Status of This Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)

for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.

In particular, it describes managed objects used for monitoring

selectable performance metrics and statistics derived from the

monitoring of network packets and sub-application level transactions.

The metrics can be defined through reference to existing IETF, ITU,

and other standards organizations' documents. The monitoring covers

both passive and active traffic generation sources.

Table of Contents

1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................2

2. Overview ........................................................2

2.1. Terms ......................................................5

2.2. Report Aggregation .........................................5

2.3. StrUCture of the MIB .......................................6

2.4. Statistics for Aggregation of Data: Conventions ............7

2.5. Relationship to the Remote Monitoring MIB ..................7

2.6. Relationship to RMON2-MIB Protocol Identifier Reference ....7

2.7. Relationship to Standards-Based Performance Metrics ........7

2.8. Relationship to Application Performance Measurement MIB ....8

3. Statistics Perspective ..........................................8

3.1. Statistics Structure ......................................10

3.2. Statistics Analysis .......................................11

4. Definitions ....................................................11

5. Acknowledgements ...............................................51

6. Security Considerations ........................................52

7. Normative References ...........................................53

8. Informative References .........................................54

1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework

For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current

Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of

RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

Managed objects are Accessed via a virtual information store, termed

the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally

accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the

Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB

module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,

RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580


2. Overview

This document continues the architecture created in the RMON2-MIB

[RFC2021] by providing a major feature upgrade, primarily by

providing new metrics and studies to assist in the analysis of

performance for sub-application transaction flows in the network, in

direct relationship to the transport of application layer protocols.

Performance-monitoring agents have been widely used to analyze the

parameters and metrics related to the perceived performance of

distributed applications and services in networks. The metrics

collected by these agents have ranged from basic response time to a

combination of metrics related to the loss and re-transmission of

datagrams and PDUs. Although the metrics are becoming more useful in

the implementation of service-level monitoring and troubleshooting

tools, the lack of a standard method to report these has limited the

deployment to very specific customer needs and areas.

This document is intended to create a general framework for the

collection and reporting of performance-related metrics on sub-

application level transaction flows in a network. The MIB in this

document is directly linked to the current RMON2-MIB [RFC2021], and

uses the Protocol Directory as a key component in reporting the

layering involved in the sub-application level transaction flows.

The specific objectives of this document are to:

+ Provide a drill-down capability to complement the user-perceived

monitoring defined within the Application Performance

Measurement MIB (APM-MIB) [RFC3729]. This capability is

intended to support trouble resolution, further characterization

of performance, and a finer granularity of monitoring

capabilities. The APM-MIB provides a method for retrieving

aggregated measurement data of the end-user's perception of

application-level performance. APM additionally provides

thresholding and associated alarms if the end-user perceived

performance degrades below defined thresholds. The Transport

Performance Metrics MIB (TPM-MIB) complements the APM-MIB

capabilities by monitoring sub-application level transaction

ASPects not typically perceived by the end-user. As an example,

APM-MIB provides response time statistics of a typical web-

browser application. This application typically consists of DNS

transactions, TCP connection establishment (or multiple

establishments), HTTP download of the base page, and multiple

downloads of the various embedded objects. Ideally, TPM-MIB

would provide statistics on the performance aspects of these

multiple sub-application level transactions.

+ Provide additional performance metrics and related statistics.

For troubleshooting and a finer granularity of performance

monitoring, it is useful to provide measurements of additional

metrics beyond those supported by the APM-MIB.

+ Support standards-based metrics and associated statistical

aggregation by defining methods to reference those standards.

The TPM-MIB provides a capability to describe metrics by

reference to appropriate IETF, ITU, or other standards bodies

defining metrics, including enterprise-specific standards

bodies. This capability is provided through the


Specifically, this MIB itself does not make references to metric

specifications of the IETF, ITU and other organizations.

Instead, it allows for the setup of the tpmMetricDefTable that

does reference such IETF, ITU, and other metric specifications,

and it allows pointers to such specifications to be dynamically

listed in this table. The following objects allow for that, and

the DESCRIPTION clauses (of the objects below) eXPlain how this

is done:

tpmMetricDefName OBJECT-TYPE

tpmMetricDefReference OBJECT-TYPE

tpmMetricDefGlobalID OBJECT-TYPE

The tpmMetricDefGlobalID object contains a reference to the

Object ID in a metrics registration MIB being developed in the

IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) Working Group at the IETF; e.g.,

the IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB [RFC4148], which defines the metric. For

metrics defined within the IPPM Working Group, which are

included in the IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB, this object is used to

reference those metrics directly. For metrics not included

within the IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB, the value of this object is set

to 0.0 for none.

Examples of appropriate references include the ITU-T

Recommendation Y.1540 [Y.1540] on IP packet transfer performance

metrics, and the IETF documents from the IPPM WG; e.g., RFC 2681

on the round trip delay metric [RFC2681] or RFC3393 on the delay

variation metric [RFC3393]. Others include RFC 2679 [RFC2679],

RFC2680 [RFC2680], and RFC3432 [RFC3432]. Although no specific

metric is mandatory, implementations should, at a minimum,

support a round-trip delay and a round-trip loss metric.

+ Provide (as an option) a table storing the measurements of the

metrics on a transaction by transaction basis. There are times

when it is useful to have access to the raw measurements. The

tpmCurReportTable optionally provides access to this capability.

Although this document outlines the basic measurements of performance

in regard to the transport of application flows, it does not attempt

to measure or provide a means to measure the actual perceived

performance of the application transactions or quality. The detailed

measurements of end-user-perceived performance are directly related

to this document and may be found in the APM-MIB [RFC3729].

The objects defined in this document are intended as an interface

between an RMON agent and an RMON management application and are not

intended for direct manipulation by humans. Although some users may

tolerate the direct display of some of these objects, few will

tolerate the complexity of manually manipulating objects to

accomplish row creation. These functions should be handled by the

management application.

2.1. Terms

This document uses some terms that need introduction:


A source of data for monitoring purposes. This term is used

exactly as defined in the RMON2-MIB [RFC2021].


A specific protocol encapsulation, as identified for monitoring

purposes. This term is used exactly as defined in the RMON

Protocol Identifiers document [RFC2895].

performance metric

A specific, measured reporting metric, as identified for

monitoring purposes. There can be several metrics reported by

an agent in the same implementation. The metrics are extensible

based on the agent implementation.


A network-based, high-level protocol performing useful work to

an end-user of an end-system. Typically, the application

performs multiple request/response transactions to complete its

work. E.g., a web application downloading a web page completes

DNS, TCP-connect, and multiple HTTP GET transactions prior to

completing its task.


Elemental request/response transactions comprising more complex

network-based applications. E.g., a transaction may include an

FTP get request and the file download in response.

2.2. Report Aggregation

This MIB module provides functions that aggregate measurements into

higher-level summaries identical to the aggregation defined in the

APM-MIB [RFC3729]. In addition to temporal aggregation of data, the

Textual Convention, TransactionAggregationType, is imported from the

APM-MIB, which specifies the nature of the spatial aggregation


2.3. Structure of the MIB

The objects are arranged in the following groups:

-- tpmCapabilitiesGroup

-- tpmAggregateReportsGroup

-- tpmCurrentReportsGroup

-- tpmExceptionReportsGroup

These groups are the basic units of conformance. If an agent

implements a group, then it must implement all objects in that group.

Although this section provides an overview of grouping and

conformance information for this MIB module, the authoritative

reference for such information is contained in the MODULE-COMPLIANCE

and OBJECT-GROUP macros later in this MIB module.

These groups are defined to provide a means of assigning object

identifiers, and to provide a method for implementers of managed

agents to know which objects they must implement.

2.3.1. The tpmCapabilitiesGroup

The tpmCapabilitiesGroup contains objects and tables that show the

measurement protocol and metric capabilities of the agent. This

group primarily consists of the tpmTransMetricDirTable and the


2.3.2. The tpmAggregateReportsGroup

The tpmAggregateReportsGroup is used to provide the collection of

aggregated statistical measurements for the configured report

intervals. The tpmAggregateReportsGroup consists of the

tpmAggrReportCntrlTable and the tpmAggrReportTable.

2.3.3. The tpmCurrentReportsGroup

The tpmCurrentReportsGroup is used to provide the collection of

uncompleted measurements for the current configured report for those

transactions caught in progress. A history of these transactions is

also maintained once the current transaction has been completed. The

tpmCurrentReportsGroup consists of the tpmCurReportTable and the

tpmCurReportSize object.

2.3.4. The tpmExceptionReportsGroup

The tpmExceptionReportsGroup is used to link immediate notifications

of transactions that exceed certain thresholds defined in the

apmExceptionGroup [RFC3729]. This group reports the aggregated sub-

application measurements for those applications exceeding thresholds.

The tpmExceptionReportsGroup consists of the tpmExcpReportTable.

2.4. Statistics for Aggregation of Data: Conventions

In order to measure the performance of traffic flows in a network,

the proper analysis of a set of statistics is required. Because a

large majority of the statistics have a basis of time, the use of a

simple statistical model is feasible. Therefore, the MIB definitions

within this document all use a basic set of statistical computed

values to assist in further analysis by a management application.

The remaining subsections in this section detail the common

structured features the are applied to the performance metrics in the

statistical format described above. The tpmMetricsDefTable

(discussed below) describes the set of metrics supported in this MIB


2.5. Relationship to the Remote Monitoring MIB

This document describes the implementation of an additional MIB for

the support of performance-related metrics within the framework of

the RMON2-MIB [RFC2021]. The objects and table defined in this MIB

module are an extension to the existing framework for the support of

both Client/Server and Server push-related applications and services.

2.6. Relationship to RMON2-MIB Protocol Identifier Reference

This document uses the Protocol Identifiers outlined in the current

Protocol Identifier Reference document, RFC 2895 [RFC2895]. The

protocol index values throughout the document are a direct reference

to the same relationship that exists between the RMON2-MIB [RFC2021]

and the Protocol Identifier Reference document, RFC 2895 [RFC2895].

An important extension of the Protocol Identification to application-

level verbs is found in RFC 3395 [RFC3395].

2.7. Relationship to Standards-Based Performance Metrics

This document uses the tpmMetricsDefTable to describe the metrics

supported by an instance of the TPM-MIB. The performance metric

index values throughout the document are a direct reference to the

metrics defined in that table. The table defines metrics by directly

referencing other standards that provide definitive descriptions of

the metric.

2.8. Relationship to Application Performance Measurement MIB

This document uses the apmReportControlIndex, appLocalIndex, and

apmReportIndex, as outlined in the current Application Performance

Measurement MIB [RFC3729]. These objects are used to create a

reference link for the purpose of reporting transaction flow details

on application-level measurements. As such, the TPM-MIB is designed

to provide a drill-down extension to the APM-MIB. Further, it draws

heavily on the ideas and designs laid out in the APM-MIB.

3. Statistics Perspective

When dealing with time-based measurements on application data

packets, ideally all the timestamps and related data could be stored

and forwarded for later analysis. However, when faced with thousands

of conversations per second on ever-faster networks, storing all the

data, even if compressed, would take too much processing, memory, and

manager download time to be practical.

It is important to note that in dealing with network data we will be

dealing with statistical populations and not samples. Statistics

books deal with both because the math is similar. In collecting

agent data, a population (i.e., all the data) must be processed.

Because of the nature of application protocols, just sampling some of

the packets will not give good results. Missing just one critical

packet, such as one that specified an ephemeral port on which data

will be transmitted or what application will be run, can cause much

valid data to be lost.

The time-based measurements the agent collects will come from

examining the entire group of data, i.e., the population. The

population will be finite. The agent will seek only to provide

information that will describe the actual data. Analysis of that

data will be left to the management station.

The simplest form of representing a group of data is by frequency

distributions, i.e., buckets. Statistics provides a great many ways

of analyzing this type of data, and there are some rules in creating

the buckets. First, the range needs to be known. Second, a bucket

size needs to be determined. Fixed bucket sizes are best, although

variable may be used if needed. However, the statistics texts tend

only to refer to operations of fixed-size buckets. This method of

describing data is expensive for an agent to implement. First, the

agent must process a great amount of data at a time. Storing the

data, determining the range, locating the buckets, and then filling

in the data after the fact takes a fair amount of storage and time.

Fixing the range and bucket sizes in the beginning can be

problematic, as the agent may have to adjust the values for each of

the applications it collects data on. Such numbers can be in the

thousands. Additional complexity arises in adding new protocols and

even in describing the buckets themselves to the management

application. This is the approach taken in the APM-MIB.

A complimentary approach is to provide frequency distribution

statistics. They describe aggregation such as mean and standard

deviation that can be oBTained by summation functions on the

individual data elements in a population. Analysis of the data

described by these functions has been thoroughly studied, and

interpretation of these values is available to anyone with an

introduction to statistics. In fact, frequency distributions are

routinely analyzed to generate these varied numbers, which are then

used for further analysis. Note that frequency distributions, by

their very nature, provide an exact characterization of the data.

Whereas buckets will introduce error factors that are not present

with direct analysis by summation-type formulas. Because the TPM-MIB

provides a drill-down capability to the APM MIB, it has to measure

and store much more information than the APM-MIB. For this reason,

and in order to complement the APM-MIB, the TPM-MIB relies on

statistical descriptions rather than a bucket description of the

measurement data.

The agent will provide data that can be used to calculate the most

basic and useful statistical aggregates. The agent will not perform

the calculations and will not provide the statistical measurement

directly. There are several reasons why this is not desired. The

first is that finding the final measurement can be expensive in terms

of computation and representation. There are divisions and square

roots, and the measurements are expressed as floating point values.

The second is that by providing the variables to the statistical

functions, those variables are scalable. It is possible to combine

smaller intervals into larger ones.

An example is the arithmetic mean or average. This is the sum of the

data divided by the number of data elements. The agent will provide

the sum of the x and the number of elements N. The management

station can perform the division to obtain the average. Given two

samples, they can be combined by adding the sum of the x's and by

adding the number of elements to get a combined sum and number of

elements. The average formula then works just the same. Also, the

sum of the x and the number of element variables are used in

calculating other statistical measurement values.

3.1. Statistics Structure

The data statistical elements, datum, of the metric have been chosen

to maximize the amount of data available while minimizing the amount

of memory needed to store the statistic and minimizing the CPU

processing requirement needed to generate the statistic.

The statistic data structure contains five unsigned integer datum.

N count of the number of data points for the metric

S(X) sum of all the data point values for the metric

S(X2) sum of all the data point values squared for the metric

Xmax maximum data point value for the metric

Xmin minimum data point value for the metric

S(I*X) sum of the data points multiplied by their order, i.e.,

= SUM from i=1 to N { i*X sub i}

A performance metric is used to describe events over a time interval.

The measurement points can be processed immediately into the

statistic and do not have to be stored for later processing. For

example, to count the number of events in a time interval, it is

sufficient to increment a counter for each event. It is not

necessary to cache all the events and then to count them at the end

of the interval. The statistic is also designed to be easily

scalable in terms of combining adjacent intervals. For example, if

an agent created a specific statistic every 30 seconds and a user

table interval was set to 60 seconds, the 60-second statistic could

be obtained by combining the two 30-second statistics. The following

rules will be applied when combining adjacent statistics.

N S(N)

S(X) S(S(X))

S(X2) S(S(X2))

Xmax MAX(Xmax)

Xmin MIN(Xmin)

S(I*X) S(I*X) + N*S(X) +S(I*X)

where the last two terms refer to the

statistics from the later 30 second period

and N is the count from the former 30 second


This structure gives a generic framework upon which the actual

performance statistics will be defined. Each specific statistical

definition must address the specific significance, if any, given to

each metric datum. While a specific metric definition should try to

conform to the generic framework, it is acceptable for a metric datum

to not be used, and to have no meaning, for a specific metric. In

such cases the datum will default to a 0 value.

3.2. Statistics Analysis

The actual meaning of a specific statistical datum is determined by

the definition of the specific statistic. The following is a

discussion of the operations and observations that can be performed

on a generic metric. This means that the following may or may not

apply and/or have meaning when applied to any specific metric.

The following observations and analysis techniques are not all

inclusive. Rather these are the ones we have come up with at the

time of writing this document.

+ Number.

+ Frequency.

+ The time interval is that specified in the control table. It

is not a metric datum, but it is associated with the metric


+ Maximum

+ Minimum

+ Range

+ Arithmetic Mean

+ Root Mean Square

+ Variance

+ Standard Deviation

+ Slope of a least-squares line

These are accessible from the statistical datum provided by this MIB


4. Definitions


-- RMON2-MIB extensions for the monitoring metrics related to the

-- performance of transporting traffic in networks.


-- TPM Metric Collection

-- * Application-to-Protocol transaction linkage

-- * Metric-to-Protocol linkage

-- * Metric study control

-- * Metrics for Client/Server Conversations





Counter32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI --[RFC2578]





StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC --[RFC2579]

rmon, OwnerString FROM RMON-MIB --[RFC2819]


ZeroBasedCounter32 FROM RMON2-MIB --[RFC2021]

ZeroBasedCounter64 FROM HCNUM-TC --[RFC2856]

AppLocalIndex, TransactionAggregationType,

RmonClientID, DataSourceOrZero,

apmAppDirAppLocalIndex, apmExceptionIndex,

apmReportGroup, apmExceptionGroup,

apmAppDirResponsivenessType FROM APM-MIB --[RFC3729]

SspmClockSource, SspmClockMaxSkew,

SspmMicroSeconds FROM SSPM-MIB; --[RFC4149]

-- Transaction Performance Monitoring MIB


LAST-UPDATED "200507280000Z" -- 28 July 2005



"E-mail: rmonmib@ietf.org

Subscribe: rmonmib-request@ietf.org

w/ msg body: subscribe rmonmib

Russell Dietz

Hifn, Inc.

Postal: 750 University Ave

Los Gatos, CA 95032-7695


Tel: +1 408 399-3623

Fax: +1 408 399-3501

E-mail: rdietz@hifn.com

Robert G. Cole

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Postal: MP2-170

11100 Johns Hopkins Road

Laurel, MD 20723-6099


Tel: +1 443 778-6951

E-mail: robert.cole@jhuapl.edu"


"This module defines extensions to the RMON2-MIB module

for the collection of Performance Metrics related to

application traffic in a network. In particular,

it describes managed objects used for monitoring

selectable performance metrics and statistics

derived from the monitoring of network packets and

sub-application level transactions.

In order to maintain the RMON 'look-and-feel', some of

the text from the RMON2 [RFC2021] and HC-RMON [RFC3273]

MIBs by Steve Waldbusser have been used in this MIB module.

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This version of

this MIB module is part of RFC 4150; see the RFC itself for

full legal notices."

REVISION "200507280000Z" -- 28 July 2005


"The original version of this MIB module,

published as RFC 4150."

::= { rmon 30 }


-- Object Identifier Assignments


tpmCapabilities OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmMIB 1 }

tpmReports OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmMIB 2 }

tpmConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmMIB 3 }

-- tpmAggrReportCntrlTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 1 }

-- tpmAggrReportTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 2 }

-- tpmCurReportTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 3 }

-- tpmCurReportSize OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 4 }

-- tpmExcpReportTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 5 }


-- Textual Conventions


TpmTransactionMetricIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION


STATUS current


"An index used to identify an entry in the

tpmTransMetricDir table uniquely. Each such entry defines

the protocol transaction and metric instance to be

monitored for a specific application."

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)



STATUS current


"An index that identifies through reference to a specific

performance metrics. The metrics are referenced

through their type (connect, delay, loss, etc.), their

directional characteristics (one-way, round trip, etc.),

their name, and their reference to a documented definition."

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)


-- The tpmCapabilitiesGroup


tpmClockResolution OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SspmMicroSeconds

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current

-- UNITS Microseconds


"A read-only variable indicating the resolution

of the measurements possible by this device."

::= { tpmCapabilities 1 }

tpmClockMaxSkew OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SspmClockMaxSkew

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current

-- UNITS Seconds


"A read-only variable indicating the maximum

offset error due to skew of the local clock

over the time interval 86400 seconds, in seconds."

::= { tpmCapabilities 2 }

tpmClockSource OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SspmClockSource

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"A read-only variable indicating the source of the clock.

This is provided to allow a user to determine how accurate

the timing mechanism is compared with other devices."

::= { tpmCapabilities 3 }

tpmTransMetricDirLastChange OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TimeStamp

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of sysUpTime at the time the

tpmTransMetricDirTable was last modified, through

modifications of the tpmTransMetricDirConfig object."

::= { tpmCapabilities 4 }

tpmTransMetricDirTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"This table is used to describe and link sets of

performance metrics and protocols to an entry in

the application directory. This table, with the

tpmMetricDefTable, describes the capability of

the agent to collection sub-application level

data related to each entry in the


This table lists the protocol transactions and their

corresponding performance metrics that this agent

has the capability to compute and collect, for the specified

application. There is one entry in this table for each such

application, protocol transaction, and metric combination

supported by this agent. The entries in this

table represent the metrics that are collected for each

protocol transaction that comprise the application.

The agent should boot up with this table pre-configured

with those combinations of applications, protocol

transactions, and metrics that it knows about and wishes to

monitor. Implementations must populate the table with all

possible application, protocol transaction, and metric

combinations and have the default configuration objects

set to supportedOff(2). This table does not support the

creation of new combinations by the management application.

The deletion of an entry in the apmAppDirectoryTable will

cause the removal of entries from this table. These entries

must be removed because the appLocalIndex value will no

longer be visible in the apmAppDirectoryTable. When an entry

is created in the apmAppDirectoryTable and the agent has the

ability to support metrics for these protocol transactions,

the appropriate entries must be made in the


::= { tpmCapabilities 5 }

tpmTransMetricDirEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TpmTransMetricDirEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the tpmTransMetricDirTable.

An example of the indexing of this entry is

tpmTransMetricDirConfig.5.2 where 5 is the

value of a valid and visible appLocalIndex object

in the appLocalDir table. The entries describe

the transaction and metric pairs monitored for this

application. The tpmTransMetricProtocolIndex

identifies the protocol transaction and the

tpmMetricDefIndex describes the metric monitored."

INDEX { tpmTransMetricAppLocalIndex, -- Application Index

tpmTransMetricIndex -- (Protocol,Metric) Index


::= { tpmTransMetricDirTable 1 }

TpmTransMetricDirEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

tpmTransMetricAppLocalIndex AppLocalIndex,

tpmTransMetricIndex TpmTransactionMetricIndex,

tpmTransMetricProtocolIndex Unsigned32,

tpmTransMetricMetricIndex Unsigned32,

tpmTransMetricDirConfig INTEGER


tpmTransMetricAppLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX AppLocalIndex

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index used to uniquely identify the application

with which the entries in the tpmTransMetricDir

table are associated."

::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 1 }

tpmTransMetricIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TpmTransactionMetricIndex

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index used to uniquely identify an entry in the

tpmTransMetricDir table. Each such entry defines

protocol transaction and metric instance

to be monitored for a specific application."

::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 2 }

tpmTransMetricProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The protocolDirLocalIndex of the particular transaction to

be analyzed when computing and generating the selected metric

for a specific application."

::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 3 }

tpmTransMetricMetricIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The tpmMetricDefinitionID of the particular metric to be


::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 4 }

tpmTransMetricDirConfig OBJECT-TYPE






MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"This object describes and configures the probe's support

for this performance metric in relationship to the

specified transaction and application. The agent

creates entries in this table for all metric

and transaction combinations that it can generate. Because

the probe will only populate this table with supported

entries, and the table cannot have entries added, the

notSupported(1) setting is only used to signify that other

configuration parameters are causing the agent currently not

to support the generation and collection of this metric for

the specified protocol and application. Also, the status of

this object will not change to notSupported(1) due to a

change to supportedOff(2) in the tpmMetricDir table.

If the value of this object is notSupported(1), the probe

will not perform computations for this performance metric and

transaction combination and will not allow this object to be

changed to any other value. If the value of this object is

supportedOn(3), the probe supports computations for this

performance metric and protocol and is configured to perform

the computations for this performance metric and protocol

combination for the application for all interfaces.

If the value of this object is supportedOff(2), the

probe supports computations for this performance

metric for the specified protocol, but is configured

not to perform the computations for this performance

metric and protocol for the application for any

interfaces. Whenever this value changes from

supportedOn(3) to supportedOff(2), the probe shall

cause the deletion of all entries in the tpmReportGroup

tables, for all appropriate studies configured in the


The value of this object must persist across reboots."

::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 5 }


-- TPM Metric Definitions Table


tpmMetricDefTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The tpmMetricDefTable describes the metrics

available to the TPM-MIB. The tpmMetricDefTable

can define metrics by referencing existing IETF,

ITU, and other standards organizations' documents,

including enterprise-specific documents.

Examples of appropriate references include the

ITU-T Recommendation Y.1540 [Y.1540] on IP

packet transfer performance metrics and the

IETF documents from the IPPM WG; e.g., RFC2681

on the round trip delay metric [RFC2681] or

RFC3393 on the delay variation metric [RFC3393].

Other examples include RFC2679 [RFC2679], RFC2680

[RFC2680], and RFC3432 [RFC3432]. Although no

specific metric is mandatory, implementations

should, at a minimum, support a round-trip delay

and a round-trip loss metric.

This table contains one row per metric supported by this

agent, and it should be populated during system


::= { tpmCapabilities 6 }

tpmMetricDefEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TpmMetricDefEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"Information about a particular metric."

INDEX { tpmMetricDefinitionID }

::= { tpmMetricDefTable 1 }

TpmMetricDefEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

tpmMetricDefinitionID TpmMetricDefID,

tpmMetricDefType INTEGER,

tpmMetricDefDirType INTEGER,

tpmMetricDefName SnmpAdminString,

tpmMetricDefReference SnmpAdminString,



tpmMetricDefinitionID OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The index for this entry. This object identifies

the particular metric in this MIB module."

::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 1 }

tpmMetricDefType OBJECT-TYPE







MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The basic type of metric indicated by this entry.

The value 'other(1)' indicates that this metric cannot be

characterized by any of the remaining enumerations specified

for this object.

The value 'connectMetric(2)' indicates that this metric

measures connectivity characteristics.

The value 'delayMetric(3)' indicates that this metric

measures delay characteristics.

The value 'lossMetric(4)' indicates that this metric

measures loss characteristics."

::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 2 }

tpmMetricDefDirType OBJECT-TYPE






MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The directional characteristics of the this metric.

The value 'oneWay(1)' indicates that this metric is measured

with some sort of unidirectional test.

The value 'twoWay(2)' indicates that this metric is measured

with some sort of bidirectional test.

The value 'multiWay(3)' indicates that this metric is

measured with some combination of unidirectional and/or

bidirectional tests."

::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 3 }

tpmMetricDefName OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The textual name of this metric. For example, if

this tpmMetricDefEntry identified the IPPM metric for

round trip delay, then this object should contain

the value, e.g., 'Type-P-Round-Trip-Delay'."

::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 4 }

tpmMetricDefReference OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains a reference to the document that

defines this metric. If this document is available online

via electronic download, then a de-referencable URL

should be specified in this object. The implementation

must support an HTTP URL type and may support additional

types of de-referencable URLs such as an FTP type.

For example, if this tpmMetricDefName identified the IPPM

metric 'Type-P-Round-Trip-Delay', then this object should

contain the value, e.g.,


::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 5 }

tpmMetricDefGlobalID OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains a reference to the Object ID

in a metrics registration MIB being developed

in the IPPM WG at the IETF; e.g., the

IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB [RFC4148], which defines the metric.

In the event that this metric has no corresponding

object identifier (OID) or until the IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB is

defined, then the value should be set to 0.0 for none."

::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 6 }


-- The tpmAggregateReportsGroup


tpmAggrReportCntrlTable OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The tpmAggrReportCntrlTable is the controlling entry

that manages the population of studies in the Transport

Aggregate Report for selected interfaces, metrics, and

transaction protocols and applications.

Note that this is not like the typical RMON

controlTable and dataTable in which each entry creates

its own data table. Each entry in this table enables the

creation of multiple data tables on a study basis. For each

interval, the study is updated in place, and the current

data content of the table becomes invalid.

The control table entries are persistent across

system reboots."

::= { tpmReports 1 }

tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"A conceptual row in the tpmAggrReportCntrlTable.

An example of the indexing of this entry is


INDEX { tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex }

::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlTable 1 }

TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlDataSource DataSourceOrZero,

tpmAggrReportCntrlAggrType TransactionAggregationType,

tpmAggrReportCntrlInterval Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlReqSize Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedSize Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlReqReports Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedReports Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlStartTime TimeStamp,

tpmAggrReportCntrlReportNumber Unsigned32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlInsertsDenied Counter32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlDroppedFrames Counter32,

tpmAggrReportCntrlOwner OwnerString,

tpmAggrReportCntrlStorageType StorageType,

tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus RowStatus


tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the

tpmAggrReportCntrlTable. Each such entry defines a unique

report whose results are placed in the tpmAggrReportTable on

behalf of this tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry."

::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 1 }

tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"This index associates this TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry directly

with an existing ApmReportControlEntry. This link is used

to synchronize reports in the associated tpmAggrReportTable.

A value of 0 (zero) enables an independent control table that

will report entries to tpmAggrReportTable based only on the

other objects in this table.

A non-zero value indicates that this row is defined through

the APM-MIB. In this case, all row objects are set to their

corresponding values in the APM-MIB. In the event that a

SET is issued to a row object, while the value of the

tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero, the agent

MUST respond as if the object of the SET command

had MAX-ACCESS of read-only.

This object may not be modified if the associated

tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 2 }

tpmAggrReportCntrlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX DataSourceOrZero

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The source of the data for TPM Reports generated on

behalf of this tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry.

If the measurement is being performed by a probe, this should

be set to the interface or port where data was received for

analysis. If the measurement isn't being performed by a

probe this should be set to the primary interface over which

the measurement is being performed. If the measurement isn't

being performed by a probe and there is no primary interface,

or if this information isn't known, this object should be

set to 0.0.

If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,

then this object is set to the corresponding

apmReportControlTable object in the APM-MIB [RFC3729].

This object may not be modified if the associated

tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 3 }

tpmAggrReportCntrlAggrType OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TransactionAggregationType


-- flows(1),

-- clients(2),

-- servers(3),

-- applications(4)

-- }

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The type of aggregation being performed for this set of


If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,

then this object should be set by the agent to the value

of the apmReportControlAggregationType object.

This object may not be modified if the associated

tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 4 }

tpmAggrReportCntrlInterval OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

UNITS "Seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The interval in seconds over which data is accumulated before

being aggregated into a report in the tpmAggrReportTable.

All reports with the same tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex will be

based on the same interval.

If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,

then this object should be set by the agent to the value

of the apmReportControlControlInterval object.

This object may not be modified if the associated

tpmReportAggregateCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."

DEFVAL { 3600 }

::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 5 }

tpmAggrReportCntrlReqSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32

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