
RFC1700 - Assigned Numbers

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group J. Reynolds

Request for Comments: 1700 J. Postel


Obsoletes RFCs: 1340, 1060, 1010, 990, 960, October 1994

943, 923, 900, 870, 820, 790, 776, 770,

762, 758,755, 750, 739, 604, 503, 433, 349

Obsoletes IENs: 127, 117, 93

Category: Standards Track


Status of this Memo

This memo is a status report on the parameters (i.e., numbers and

keyWords) used in protocols in the Internet community. Distribution

of this memo is unlimited.


This RFCis a snapshot of the ongoing process of the assignment of

protocol parameters for the Internet protocol suite. To make the

current information readily available the assignments are kept up-to-

date in a set of online text files. This RFChas been assembled by

catinating these files together with a minimum of formatting "glue".

The authors appologize for the somewhat rougher formatting and style

than is typical of most RFCs.

We eXPect that various readers will notice specific items that should be

corrected. Please send any specific corrections via email to



The files in this Directory document the currently assigned values for

several series of numbers used in network protocol implementations.


The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the central

coordinator for the assignment of unique parameter values for Internet

protocols. The IANA is chartered by the Internet Society (ISOC) and

the Federal Network Council (FNC) to act as the clearinghouse to

assign and coordinate the use of numerous Internet protocol


The Internet protocol suite, as defined by the Internet Engineering

Task Force (IETF) and its steering group (the IESG), contains numerous

parameters, such as internet addresses, domain names, autonomous

system numbers (used in some routing protocols), protocol numbers,

port numbers, management information base object identifiers,

including private enterprise numbers, and many others.

The common use of the Internet protocols by the Internet community

requires that the particular values used in these parameter fields be

assigned uniquely. It is the task of the IANA to make those unique

assignments as requested and to maintain a registry of the currently

assigned values.

Requests for parameter assignments (protocols, ports, etc.) should be

sent to <iana@isi.edu>.

Requests for SNMP network management private enterprise number

assignments should be sent to <iana-mib@isi.edu>.

The IANA is located at and operated by the Information Sciences

Institute (ISI) of the University of Southern California (USC).

If you are developing a protocol or application that will require the

use of a link, socket, port, protocol, etc., please contact the IANA

to receive a number assignment.

Joyce K. Reynolds

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

USC - Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, California 90292-6695

Electronic mail: IANA@ISI.EDU

Phone: +1 310-822-1511

Most of the protocols are documented in the RFCseries of notes. Some

of the items listed are undocumented. Further information on

protocols can be found in the memo, "Internet Official Protocol

Standards" (STD 1).

Data Notations

The convention in the documentation of Internet Protocols is to

express numbers in decimal and to picture data in "big-endian" order

[COHEN]. That is, fields are described left to right, with the most

significant octet on the left and the least significant octet on the


The order of transmission of the header and data described in this

document is resolved to the octet level. Whenever a diagram shows a

group of octets, the order of transmission of those octets is the

normal order in which they are read in English. For example, in the

following diagram the octets are transmitted in the order they are


0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8


9 10 11 12


Transmission Order of Bytes

Whenever an octet represents a numeric quantity the left most bit in the

diagram is the high order or most significant bit. That is, the bit

labeled 0 is the most significant bit. For example, the following

diagram represents the value 170 (decimal).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0


Significance of Bits

Similarly, whenever a multi-octet field represents a numeric quantity

the left most bit of the whole field is the most significant bit. When

a multi-octet quantity is transmitted the most significant octet is

transmitted first.

Special Addresses

There are five classes of IP addresses: Class A through Class E. Of

these, Classes A, B, and C are used for unicast addresses, Class D is

used for multicast addresses, and Class E addresses are reserved for

future use.

With the advent of classless addressing [CIDR1, CIDR2], the

network-number part of an address may be of any length, and the whole

notion of address classes becomes less important.

There are certain special cases for IP addresses. These special cases

can be concisely summarized using the earlier notation for an IP


IP-address ::= { <Network-number>, <Host-number> }


IP-address ::= { <Network-number>, <Subnet-number>,

<Host-number> }

if we also use the notation "-1" to mean the field contains all 1

bits. Some common special cases are as follows:

(a) {0, 0}

This host on this network. Can only be used as a source

address (see note later).

(b) {0, <Host-number>}

Specified host on this network. Can only be used as a

source address.

(c) { -1, -1}

Limited broadcast. Can only be used as a destination

address, and a datagram with this address must never be

forwarded outside the (sub-)net of the source.

(d) {<Network-number>, -1}

Directed broadcast to specified network. Can only be used

as a destination address.

(e) {<Network-number>, <Subnet-number>, -1}

Directed broadcast to specified subnet. Can only be used as

a destination address.

(f) {<Network-number>, -1, -1}

Directed broadcast to all subnets of specified subnetted

network. Can only be used as a destination address.

(g) {127, <any>}

Internal host loopback address. Should never appear outside

a host.


[COHEN] Cohen, D., "On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace", IEEE Computer

Magazine, October 1981.

[CIDR1] Fuller, V., T. Li, J. Yu, and K. Varadhan, "Classless

Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and

Aggregation Strategy", RFC1519, September 1993.

[CIDR2] Rekhter, Y., and T. Li, "An Architecture for IP Address

Allocation with CIDR", RFC1518, September 1993.


URL = ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/introduction


In the Internet Protocol (IP) [RFC791] there is a field to identify

the version of the internetwork general protocol. This field is 4

bits in size.

Assigned Internet Version Numbers

Decimal Keyword Version References

------- ------- ------- ----------

0 Reserved [JBP]

1-3 Unassigned [JBP]

4 IP Internet Protocol [RFC791,JBP]

5 ST ST Datagram Mode [RFC1190,JWF]

6 SIP Simple Internet Protocol [RH6]

7 TP/IX TP/IX: The Next Internet [RXU]

8 PIP The P Internet Protocol [PXF]


10-14 Unassigned [JBP]

15 Reserved [JBP]


[RFC791] Postel, J., ed., "Internet Protocol - DARPA Internet Program

Protocol Specification", STD 5, RFC791, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[RFC1190] Topolcic, C., Editor, "Experimental Internet Stream

Protocol, Version 2 (ST-II)", RFC1190, CIP Working Group,

October 1990.


[JPB] Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>


[RH6] Robert Hinden <Hinden@ENG.SUN.COM>

[RXU] Robert Ullmann <ariel@world.std.com>

[PXF] Paul Francis <francis@cactus.ntt.jp>

[RXC] Ross Callon <callon@wellfleet.com>


URL = ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/version-numbers


In the Internet Protocol (IP) [DDN], [RFC791] there is a field, called

Protocol, to identify the next level protocol. This is an 8 bit


Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers

Decimal Keyword Protocol References

------- ------- -------- ----------

0 Reserved [JBP]

1 ICMP Internet Control Message [RFC792,JBP]

2 IGMP Internet Group Management [RFC1112,JBP]

3 GGP Gateway-to-Gateway [RFC823,MB]

4 IP IP in IP (encasulation) [JBP]

5 ST Stream [RFC1190,IEN119,JWF]

6 TCP Transmission Control [RFC793,JBP]


8 EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol [RFC888,DLM1]

9 IGP any private interior gateway [JBP]

10 BBN-RCC-MON BBN RCC Monitoring [SGC]

11 NVP-II Network Voice Protocol [RFC741,SC3]




15 XNET Cross Net Debugger [IEN158,JFH2]

16 CHAOS Chaos [NC3]

17 UDP User Datagram [RFC768,JBP]

18 MUX Multiplexing [IEN90,JBP]

19 DCN-MEAS DCN Measurement Subsystems [DLM1]

20 HMP Host Monitoring [RFC869,RH6]

21 PRM Packet Radio Measurement [ZSU]


23 TRUNK-1 Trunk-1 [BWB6]

24 TRUNK-2 Trunk-2 [BWB6]

25 LEAF-1 Leaf-1 [BWB6]

26 LEAF-2 Leaf-2 [BWB6]

27 RDP Reliable Data Protocol [RFC908,RH6]

28 IRTP Internet Reliable Transaction [RFC938,TXM]

29 ISO-TP4 ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 [RFC905,RC77]

30 NETBLT Bulk Data Transfer Protocol [RFC969,DDC1]

31 MFE-NSP MFE Network Services Protocol [MFENET,BCH2]

32 MERIT-INP MERIT Internodal Protocol [HWB]

33 SEP Sequential Exchange Protocol [JC120]

34 3PC Third Party Connect Protocol [SAF3]

35 IDPR Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol [MXS1]


37 DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol [WXC]

38 IDPR-CMTP IDPR Control Message Transport Proto [MXS1]

39 TP++ TP++ Transport Protocol [DXF]

40 IL IL Transport Protocol [DXP2]

41 SIP Simple Internet Protocol [SXD]

42 SDRP Source Demand Routing Protocol [DXE1]

43 SIP-SR SIP Source Route [SXD]

44 SIP-FRAG SIP Fragment [SXD]

45 IDRP Inter-Domain Routing Protocol [Sue Hares]

46 RSVP Reservation Protocol [Bob Braden]

47 GRE General Routing Encapsulation [Tony Li]

48 MHRP Mobile Host Routing Protocol[David Johnson]

49 BNA BNA [Gary Salamon]

50 SIPP-ESP SIPP Encap Security Payload [Steve Deering]

51 SIPP-AH SIPP Authentication Header [Steve Deering]

52 I-NLSP Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA [GLENN]

53 SWIPE IP with Encryption [JI6]

54 NHRP NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol

55-60 Unassigned [JBP]

61 any host internal protocol [JBP]


63 any local network [JBP]


65 KRYPTOLAN Kryptolan [PXL1]

66 RVD MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol [MBG]

67 IPPC Internet Pluribus Packet Core [SHB]

68 any distributed file system [JBP]

69 SAT-MON SATNET Monitoring [SHB]

70 VISA VISA Protocol [GXT1]

71 IPCV Internet Packet Core Utility [SHB]

72 CPNX Computer Protocol Network Executive [DXM2]

73 CPHB Computer Protocol Heart Beat [DXM2]

74 WSN Wang Span Network [VXD]

75 PVP Packet Video Protocol [SC3]

76 BR-SAT-MON Backroom SATNET Monitoring [SHB]


78 WB-MON WIDEBAND Monitoring [SHB]


80 ISO-IP ISO Internet Protocol [MTR]






86 DGP Dissimilar Gateway Protocol [DGP,ML109]




90 Sprite-RPC Sprite RPC Protocol [SPRITE,BXW]

91 LARP Locus Address Resolution Protocol [BXH]

92 MTP Multicast Transport Protocol [SXA]

93 AX.25 AX.25 Frames [BK29]

94 IPIP IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol [JI6]

95 MICP Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. [JI6]

96 SCC-SP Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. [HXH]

97 ETHERIP Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation [RXH1]

98 ENCAP Encapsulation Header [RFC1241,RXB3]

99 any private encryption scheme [JBP]


101-254 Unassigned [JBP]

255 Reserved [JBP]


[CFTP] Forsdick, H., "CFTP", Network Message, Bolt Beranek and

Newman, January 1982.

[CISCO] Cisco Systems, "Gateway Server Reference Manual", Manual

Revision B, January 10, 1988.

[DDN] Feinler, E., Editor, "DDN Protocol Handbook", Network

Information Center, SRI International, December 1985.

[DGP] M/A-COM Government Systems, "Dissimilar Gateway Protocol

Specification, Draft Version", Contract no. CS901145,

November 16, 1987.

[ETHERNET] "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and

Physical Layer Specification", AA-K759B-TK, Digital

Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA. Also as: "The

Ethernet - A Local Area Network", Version 1.0, Digital

Equipment Corporation, Intel Corporation, Xerox

Corporation, September 1980. And: "The Ethernet, A Local

Area Network: Data Link Layer and Physical Layer

Specifications", Digital, Intel and Xerox, November 1982.

And: XEROX, "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link

Layer and Physical Layer Specification", X3T51/80-50,

Xerox Corporation, Stamford, CT., October 1980.

[IEN90] Cohen, D. and J. Postel, "Multiplexing Protocol", IEN 90,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 1979.

[IEN119] Forgie, J., "ST - A Proposed Internet Stream Protocol",

IEN 119, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, September 1979.

[IEN158] Haverty, J., "XNET Formats for Internet Protocol Version 4",

IEN 158, October 1980.

[MFENET] Shuttleworth, B., "A Documentary of MFENet, a National

Computer Network", UCRL-52317, Lawrence Livermore Labs,

Livermore, California, June 1977.

[PUP] Boggs, D., J. Shoch, E. Taft, and R. Metcalfe, "PUP: An

Internetwork Architecture", XEROX Palo Alto Research Center,

CSL-79-10, July 1979; also in IEEE Transactions on

Communication, Volume COM-28, Number 4, April 1980.

[SPRITE] Welch, B., "The Sprite Remote Procedure Call System",

Technical Report, UCB/Computer Science Dept., 86/302,

University of California at Berkeley, June 1986.

[RFC741] Cohen, D., "Specifications for the Network Voice Protocol",

RFC741, ISI/RR 7539, USC/Information Sciences Institute,

March 1976.

[RFC768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC768,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.

[RFC791] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol - DARPA Internet Program

Protocol Specification", STD 5, RFC791, DARPA, September


[RFC792] Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol - DARPA

Internet Program Protocol Specification", STD 5, RFC792,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA

Internet Program Protocol Specification", STD 7, RFC793,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

[RFC823] Hinden, R., and A. Sheltzer, "The DARPA Internet Gateway",

RFC823, BBN, September 1982.

[RFC869] Hinden, R., "A Host Monitoring Protocol", RFC869,

Bolt Beranek and Newman, December 1983.

[RFC888] Seamonson, L., and E. Rosen, "STUB" Exterior Gateway

Protocol", RFC888, BBN Communications Corporation,

January 1984.

[RFC905] International Standards Organization, "ISO Transport Protocol

Specification - ISO DP 8073", RFC905, April 1984.

[RFC908] Velten, D., R. Hinden, and J. Sax, "Reliable Data Protocol",

RFC908, BBN Communications Corporation, July 1984.

[RFC938] Miller, T., "Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol", RFC938,

ACC, February 1985.

[RFC969] Clark, D., M. Lambert, and L. Zhang, "NETBLT: A Bulk Data

Transfer Protocol", RFC969, MIT Laboratory for Computer

Science, December 1985.

[RFC1112] Deering, S., "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting",

STD 5, RFC1112, Stanford University, August 1989.

[RFC1190] Topolcic, C., Editor, "Experimental Internet Stream

Protocol, Version 2 (ST-II)", RFC1190, CIP Working Group,

October 1990.

[RFC1241] Woodburn, W., and D. Mills, " A Scheme for an Internet

Encapsulation Protocol: Version 1", RFC1241, SAIC,

University of Delaware, July 1991.

[RFC1583] Moy, J., "The OSPF Specification", RFC1583, Proteon,

March 1994.


[BCH2] Barry Howard <Howard@NMFECC.LLNL.GOV>

[BK29] Brian Kantor <


[BN7] <mystery contact>

[BWB6] Barry Boehm <boehm@ARPA.MIL>

[BXH] Brian Horn <---none--->

[BXW] Bruce Willins <---none--->

[DDC1] David Clark <ddc@LCS.MIT.EDU>

[DLM1] David Mills <Mills@HUEY.UDEL.EDU>

[DRC3] Dave Cheriton <cheriton@PESCADERO.STANFORD.EDU>

[DXE1] Deborah Estrin <estrin@usc.edu>

[DXF] Dirk Fromhein <df@watershed.com>

[DXM2] David Mittnacht <---none--->

[DXP2] Dave Presotto <presotto@reseach.att.co

[David Johnson] <mystery contact>

[GAL5] Guillermo A. Loyola <LOYOLA@IBM.COM>

[GLENN] K. Robert Glenn <glenn@osi.ncsl.nist.gov>

[GXC] Greg Chesson <Greg@SGI.COM>

[GXS] Guenther Schreiner <snmp-admin@ira.uka.de>

[GXT1] Gene Tsudik <tsudik@USC.EDU>

[HCF2] Harry Forsdick <Forsdick@BBN.COM>

[HWB] Hans-Werner Braun <HWB@MCR.UMICH.EDU>

[HXH] Howard Hart <hch@hybrid.com>

[JBP] Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

[JC120] <mystery contact>

[JFH2] Jack Haverty <jhaverty@Oracle.COM>

[JI6] John Ioannidis <ji@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU>

[JTM4] John Moy <jmoy@PROTEON.COM>


[JXS] Jim Stevens <Stevens@ISI.EDU>

[KATZ] Dave Katz <dkatz@cisco.com>

[MB] Mike Brescia <


[MBG] Michael Greenwald <Greenwald@SCRC-STONY-BROOK.SYMBOLICS.COM>

[ML109] Mike Little <little@MACOM4.ARPA>

[MTR] Marshall T. Rose <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

[MXS1] Martha Steenstrup <MSteenst@BBN.COM>

[NC3] J. Noel Chiappa <JNC@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>

[PK] Peter Kirstein <Kirstein@NSS.CS.UCL.AC.UK>

[PXL1] Paul Liu <---none--->

[RH6] Robert Hinden <Hinden@ENG.SUN.COM>

[RTB3] Bob Braden <


[RC77] <mystery contact>

[RWS4] Robert W. Scheifler <RWS@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>

[RXB3] Robert Woodburn <woody@cseic.saic.com>

[RXH1] Russ Housley <Russ_Housley.McLean_CSD@xerox.com>

[SAF3] Stuart A. Friedberg <stuart@CS.WISC.EDU>

[SC3] Steve Casner <casner@isi.edu

[SGC] Steve Chipman <Chipman@F.BBN.COM>

[SHB] Steven Blumenthal <BLUMENTHAL@VAX.BBN.COM>

[Sue Hares] Sue Hares <skh@merit.edu>

[SXA] Susie Armstrong <Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX.COM>

[SXD] Steve Deering <deering@PARC.XEROX.COM>

[Tony Li] Tony Li <tli@cisco.com>

[TXM] Trudy Miller <Trudy@ACC.COM>

[VXD] Victor Dafoulas <---none--->

[WM3] William Melohn <Melohn@SUN.COM>

[WXC] Wesley Craig <Wesley.Craig@terminator.cc.umich.edu>

[ZSU] Zaw-Sing Su <ZSu@TSCA.ISTC.SRI.>


URL = ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/protocol-numbers


The Well Known Ports are controlled and assigned by the IANA and on

most systems can only be used by system (or root) processes or by

programs executed by privileged users.

Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical

connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of

providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is

defined. This list specifies the port used by the server process as

its contact port. The contact port is sometimes called the

"well-known port".

To the extent possible, these same port assignments are used with the

UDP [RFC768].

The assigned ports use a small portion of the possible port numbers.

For many years the assigned ports were in the range 0-255. Recently,

the range for assigned ports managed by the IANA has been expanded to

the range 0-1023.

Port Assignments:

Keyword Decimal Description References

------- ------- ----------- ----------

0/tcp Reserved

0/udp Reserved

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

tcpmux 1/tcp TCP Port Service Multiplexer

tcpmux 1/udp TCP Port Service Multiplexer

# Mark Lottor <MKL@nisc.sri.com>

compressnet 2/tcp Management Utility

compressnet 2/udp Management Utility

compressnet 3/tcp Compression Process

compressnet 3/udp Compression Process

# Bernie Volz <VOLZ@PROCESS.COM>

# 4/tcp Unassigned

# 4/udp Unassigned

rje 5/tcp Remote Job Entry

rje 5/udp Remote Job Entry

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 6/tcp Unassigned

# 6/udp Unassigned

echo 7/tcp Echo

echo 7/udp Echo

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 8/tcp Unassigned

# 8/udp Unassigned

discard 9/tcp Discard

discard 9/udp Discard

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 10/tcp Unassigned

# 10/udp Unassigned

systat 11/tcp Active Users

systat 11/udp Active Users

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 12/tcp Unassigned

# 12/udp Unassigned

daytime 13/tcp Daytime

daytime 13/udp Daytime

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 14/tcp Unassigned

# 14/udp Unassigned

# 15/tcp Unassigned [was netstat]

# 15/udp Unassigned

# 16/tcp Unassigned

# 16/udp Unassigned

qotd 17/tcp Quote of the Day

qotd 17/udp Quote of the Day

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

msp 18/tcp Message Send Protocol

msp 18/udp Message Send Protocol

# Rina Nethaniel <---none--->

chargen 19/tcp Character Generator

chargen 19/udp Character Generator

ftp-data 20/tcp File Transfer [Default Data]

ftp-data 20/udp File Transfer [Default Data]

ftp 21/tcp File Transfer [Control]

ftp 21/udp File Transfer [Control]

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 22/tcp Unassigned

# 22/udp Unassigned

telnet 23/tcp Telnet

telnet 23/udp Telnet

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

24/tcp any private mail system

24/udp any private mail system

# Rick Adam <rick@UUNET.UU.NET>

smtp 25/tcp Simple Mail Transfer

smtp 25/udp Simple Mail Transfer

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 26/tcp Unassigned

# 26/udp Unassigned

nsw-fe 27/tcp NSW User System FE

nsw-fe 27/udp NSW User System FE

# Robert Thomas <BThomas@F.BBN.COM>

# 28/tcp Unassigned

# 28/udp Unassigned

msg-icp 29/tcp MSG ICP

msg-icp 29/udp MSG ICP

# Robert Thomas <BThomas@F.BBN.COM>

# 30/tcp Unassigned

# 30/udp Unassigned

msg-auth 31/tcp MSG Authentication

msg-auth 31/udp MSG Authentication

# Robert Thomas <BThomas@F.BBN.COM>

# 32/tcp Unassigned

# 32/udp Unassigned

dsp 33/tcp Display Support Protocol

dsp 33/udp Display Support Protocol

# Ed Cain <cain@edn-unix.dca.mil>

# 34/tcp Unassigned

# 34/udp Unassigned

35/tcp any private printer server

35/udp any private printer server

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 36/tcp Unassigned

# 36/udp Unassigned

time 37/tcp Time

time 37/udp Time

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

rap 38/tcp Route Access Protocol

rap 38/udp Route Access Protocol

# Robert Ullmann <ariel@world.std.com>

rlp 39/tcp Resource Location Protocol

rlp 39/udp Resource Location Protocol


# 40/tcp Unassigned

# 40/udp Unassigned

graphics 41/tcp Graphics

graphics 41/udp Graphics

nameserver 42/tcp Host Name Server

nameserver 42/udp Host Name Server

nicname 43/tcp Who Is

nicname 43/udp Who Is

mpm-flags 44/tcp MPM FLAGS Protocol

mpm-flags 44/udp MPM FLAGS Protocol

mpm 45/tcp Message Processing Module [recv]

mpm 45/udp Message Processing Module [recv]

mpm-snd 46/tcp MPM [default send]

mpm-snd 46/udp MPM [default send]

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

ni-ftp 47/tcp NI FTP

ni-ftp 47/udp NI FTP

# Steve Kille <S.Kille@isode.com>

auditd 48/tcp Digital Audit Daemon

auditd 48/udp Digital Audit Daemon

# Larry Scott <scott@zk3.dec.com>

login 49/tcp Login Host Protocol

login 49/udp Login Host Protocol

# Pieter Ditmars <pditmars@BBN.COM>

re-mail-ck 50/tcp Remote Mail Checking Protocol

re-mail-ck 50/udp Remote Mail Checking Protocol

# Steve Dorner <s-dorner@UIUC.EDU>

la-maint 51/tcp IMP Logical Address Maintenance

la-maint 51/udp IMP Logical Address Maintenance

# Andy Malis <malis_a@timeplex.com>

xns-time 52/tcp XNS Time Protocol

xns-time 52/udp XNS Time Protocol

# Susie Armstrong <Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX>

domain 53/tcp Domain Name Server

domain 53/udp Domain Name Server

# Paul Mockapetris <PVM@ISI.EDU>

xns-ch 54/tcp XNS Clearinghouse

xns-ch 54/udp XNS Clearinghouse

# Susie Armstrong <Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX>

isi-gl 55/tcp ISI Graphics Language

isi-gl 55/udp ISI Graphics Language

xns-auth 56/tcp XNS Authentication

xns-auth 56/udp XNS Authentication

# Susie Armstrong <Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX>

57/tcp any private terminal access

57/udp any private terminal access

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

xns-mail 58/tcp XNS Mail

xns-mail 58/udp XNS Mail

# Susie Armstrong <Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX>

59/tcp any private file service

59/udp any private file service

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

60/tcp Unassigned

60/udp Unassigned

ni-mail 61/tcp NI MAIL

ni-mail 61/udp NI MAIL

# Steve Kille <S.Kille@isode.com>

acas 62/tcp ACA Services

acas 62/udp ACA Services

# E. Wald <ewald@via.enet.dec.com>

# 63/tcp Unassigned

# 63/udp Unassigned

covia 64/tcp Communications Integrator (CI)

covia 64/udp Communications Integrator (CI)

# "Tundra" Tim Daneliuk

# <tundraix!tundra@clout.chi.il.us>

tacacs-ds 65/tcp TACACS-Database Service

tacacs-ds 65/udp TACACS-Database Service

# Kathy Huber <khuber@bbn.com>

sql*net 66/tcp Oracle SQL*NET

sql*net 66/udp Oracle SQL*NET

# Jack Haverty <jhaverty@ORACLE.COM>

bootps 67/tcp Bootstrap Protocol Server

bootps 67/udp Bootstrap Protocol Server

bootpc 68/tcp Bootstrap Protocol Client

bootpc 68/udp Bootstrap Protocol Client


tftp 69/tcp Trivial File Transfer

tftp 69/udp Trivial File Transfer

# David Clark <ddc@LCS.MIT.EDU>

gopher 70/tcp Gopher

gopher 70/udp Gopher

# Mark McCahill <mpm@boombox.micro.umn.edu>

netrjs-1 71/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-1 71/udp Remote Job Service

netrjs-2 72/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-2 72/udp Remote Job Service

netrjs-3 73/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-3 73/udp Remote Job Service

netrjs-4 74/tcp Remote Job Service

netrjs-4 74/udp Remote Job Service

# Bob Braden <


75/tcp any private dial out service

75/udp any private dial out service

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

deos 76/tcp Distributed External Object Store

deos 76/udp Distributed External Object Store

# Robert Ullmann <ariel@world.std.com>

77/tcp any private RJE service

77/udp any private RJE service

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

vettcp 78/tcp vettcp

vettcp 78/udp vettcp

# Christopher Leong <leong@kolmod.mlo.dec.com>

finger 79/tcp Finger

finger 79/udp Finger

# David Zimmerman <dpz@RUTGERS.EDU>

www-http 80/tcp World Wide Web HTTP

www-http 80/udp World Wide Web HTTP

# Tim Berners-Lee <timbl@nxoc01.cern.ch>

hosts2-ns 81/tcp HOSTS2 Name Server

hosts2-ns 81/udp HOSTS2 Name Server

# Earl Killian <EAK@MORDOR.S1.GOV>

xfer 82/tcp XFER Utility

xfer 82/udp XFER Utility

# Thomas M. Smith <tmsmith@esc.syr.ge.com>

mit-ml-dev 83/tcp MIT ML Device

mit-ml-dev 83/udp MIT ML Device

# David Reed <--none--->

ctf 84/tcp Common Trace Facility

ctf 84/udp Common Trace Facility

# Hugh Thomas <thomas@oils.enet.dec.com>

mit-ml-dev 85/tcp MIT ML Device

mit-ml-dev 85/udp MIT ML Device

# David Reed <--none--->

mfcobol 86/tcp Micro Focus Cobol

mfcobol 86/udp Micro Focus Cobol

# Simon Edwards <--none--->

87/tcp any private terminal link

87/udp any private terminal link

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

kerberos 88/tcp Kerberos

kerberos 88/udp Kerberos

# B. Clifford Neuman <bcn@isi.edu>

su-mit-tg 89/tcp SU/MIT Telnet Gateway

su-mit-tg 89/udp SU/MIT Telnet Gateway

# Mark Crispin <MRC@PANDA.COM>

dnsix 90/tcp DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map

dnsix 90/udp DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map

# Charles Watt <watt@sware.com>

mit-dov 91/tcp MIT Dover Spooler

mit-dov 91/udp MIT Dover Spooler

# Eliot Moss <EBM@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>

npp 92/tcp Network Printing Protocol

npp 92/udp Network Printing Protocol

# Louis Mamakos <louie@sayshell.umd.edu>

dcp 93/tcp Device Control Protocol

dcp 93/udp Device Control Protocol

# Daniel Tappan <Tappan@BBN.COM>

objcall 94/tcp Tivoli Object Dispatcher

objcall 94/udp Tivoli Object Dispatcher

# Tom Bereiter <--none--->

supdup 95/tcp SUPDUP

supdup 95/udp SUPDUP

# Mark Crispin <MRC@PANDA.COM>

dixie 96/tcp DIXIE Protocol Specification

dixie 96/udp DIXIE Protocol Specification

# Tim Howes <Tim.Howes@terminator.cc.umich.edu>

swift-rvf 97/tcp Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol

swift-rvf 97/udp Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol

# Maurice R. Turcotte

# <mailrus!uflorida!rm1!dnmrt%rmatl@uunet.UU.NET>

tacnews 98/tcp TAC News

tacnews 98/udp TAC News

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

metagram 99/tcp Metagram Relay

metagram 99/udp Metagram Relay

# Geoff Goodfellow <Geoff@FERNWOOD.MPK.CA.U>

newacct 100/tcp [unauthorized use]

hostname 101/tcp NIC Host Name Server

hostname 101/udp NIC Host Name Server

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

iso-tsap 102/tcp ISO-TSAP

iso-tsap 102/udp ISO-TSAP

# Marshall Rose <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

gppitnp 103/tcp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net

gppitnp 103/udp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net

acr-nema 104/tcp ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300

acr-nema 104/udp ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300

# Patrick McNamee <--none--->

csnet-ns 105/tcp Mailbox Name Nameserver

csnet-ns 105/udp Mailbox Name Nameserver

# Marvin Solomon <solomon@CS.WISC.EDU>

3com-tsmux 106/tcp 3COM-TSMUX

3com-tsmux 106/udp 3COM-TSMUX

# Jeremy Siegel <jzs@NSD.3Com.COM>

rtelnet 107/tcp Remote Telnet Service

rtelnet 107/udp Remote Telnet Service

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

snagas 108/tcp SNA Gateway Access Server

snagas 108/udp SNA Gateway Access Server

# Kevin Murphy <murphy@sevens.lkg.dec.com>

pop2 109/tcp Post Office Protocol - Version 2

pop2 109/udp Post Office Protocol - Version 2

# Joyce K. Reynolds <jkrey@isi.edu>

pop3 110/tcp Post Office Protocol - Version 3

pop3 110/udp Post Office Protocol - Version 3

# Marshall Rose <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

sunrpc 111/tcp SUN Remote Procedure Call

sunrpc 111/udp SUN Remote Procedure Call

# Chuck McManis <cmcmanis@sun.com>

mcidas 112/tcp McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol

mcidas 112/udp McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol

# Glenn Davis <davis@unidata.ucar.edu>

auth 113/tcp Authentication Service

auth 113/udp Authentication Service

# Mike St. Johns <stjohns@arpa.mil>

audionews 114/tcp Audio News Multicast

audionews 114/udp Audio News Multicast

# Martin Forssen <maf@dtek.chalmers.se>

sftp 115/tcp Simple File Transfer Protocol

sftp 115/udp Simple File Transfer Protocol

# Mark Lottor <MKL@nisc.sri.com>

ansanotify 116/tcp ANSA REX Notify

ansanotify 116/udp ANSA REX Notify

# Nicola J. Howarth <njh@ansa.co.uk>

uucp-path 117/tcp UUCP Path Service

uucp-path 117/udp UUCP Path Service

sqlserv 118/tcp SQL Services

sqlserv 118/udp SQL Services

# Larry Barnes <barnes@broke.enet.dec.com>

nntp 119/tcp Network News Transfer Protocol

nntp 119/udp Network News Transfer Protocol

# Phil Lapsley <phil@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU>

cfdptkt 120/tcp CFDPTKT

cfdptkt 120/udp CFDPTKT

# John Ioannidis <ji@close.cs.columbia.ed>

erpc 121/tcp Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call

erpc 121/udp Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call

# Jack O'Neil <---none--->

smakynet 122/tcp SMAKYNET

smakynet 122/udp SMAKYNET

# Mike O'Dowd <odowd@ltisun8.epfl.ch>

ntp 123/tcp Network Time Protocol

ntp 123/udp Network Time Protocol

# Dave Mills <Mills@HUEY.UDEL.EDU>

ansatrader 124/tcp ANSA REX Trader

ansatrader 124/udp ANSA REX Trader

# Nicola J. Howarth <njh@ansa.co.uk>

locus-map 125/tcp Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser

locus-map 125/udp Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser

# Eric Peterson <lcc.eric@SEAS.UCLA.EDU>

unitary 126/tcp Unisys Unitary Login

unitary 126/udp Unisys Unitary Login

# <feil@kronos.nisd.cam.unisys.com>

locus-con 127/tcp Locus PC-Interface Conn Server

locus-con 127/udp Locus PC-Interface Conn Server

# Eric Peterson <lcc.eric@SEAS.UCLA.EDU>

gss-xlicen 128/tcp GSS X License Verification

gss-xlicen 128/udp GSS X License Verification

# John Light <johnl@gssc.gss.com>

pwdgen 129/tcp Password Generator Protocol

pwdgen 129/udp Password Generator Protocol


cisco-fna 130/tcp cisco FNATIVE

cisco-fna 130/udp cisco FNATIVE

cisco-tna 131/tcp cisco TNATIVE

cisco-tna 131/udp cisco TNATIVE

cisco-sys 132/tcp cisco SYSMAINT

cisco-sys 132/udp cisco SYSMAINT

statsrv 133/tcp Statistics Service

statsrv 133/udp Statistics Service

# Dave Mills <Mills@HUEY.UDEL.EDU>

ingres-net 134/tcp INGRES-NET Service

ingres-net 134/udp INGRES-NET Service

# Mike Berrow <---none--->

loc-srv 135/tcp Location Service

loc-srv 135/udp Location Service

# Joe Pato <apollo!pato@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>

profile 136/tcp PROFILE Naming System

profile 136/udp PROFILE Naming System

# Larry Peterson <llp@ARIZONA.EDU>

netbios-ns 137/tcp NETBIOS Name Service

netbios-ns 137/udp NETBIOS Name Service

netbios-dgm 138/tcp NETBIOS Datagram Service

netbios-dgm 138/udp NETBIOS Datagram Service

netbios-ssn 139/tcp NETBIOS Session Service

netbios-ssn 139/udp NETBIOS Session Service

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

emfis-data 140/tcp EMFIS Data Service

emfis-data 140/udp EMFIS Data Service

emfis-cntl 141/tcp EMFIS Control Service

emfis-cntl 141/udp EMFIS Control Service

# Gerd Beling <GBELING@ISI.EDU>

bl-idm 142/tcp Britton-Lee IDM

bl-idm 142/udp Britton-Lee IDM

# Susie Snitzer <---none--->

imap2 143/tcp Interim Mail Access Protocol v2

imap2 143/udp Interim Mail Access Protocol v2

# Mark Crispin <MRC@PANDA.COM>

news 144/tcp NewS

news 144/udp NewS

# James Gosling <JAG@SUN.COM>

uaac 145/tcp UAAC Protocol

uaac 145/udp UAAC Protocol

# David A. Gomberg <gomberg@GATEWAY.MITRE.ORG>

iso-tp0 146/tcp ISO-IP0

iso-tp0 146/udp ISO-IP0

iso-ip 147/tcp ISO-IP

iso-ip 147/udp ISO-IP

# Marshall Rose <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

cronus 148/tcp CRONUS-SUPPORT

cronus 148/udp CRONUS-SUPPORT

# Jeffrey Buffun <jbuffum@APOLLO.COM>

aed-512 149/tcp AED 512 Emulation Service

aed-512 149/udp AED 512 Emulation Service

# Albert G. Broscius <


sql-net 150/tcp SQL-NET

sql-net 150/udp SQL-NET

# Martin Picard <<---none--->

hems 151/tcp HEMS

hems 151/udp HEMS

# Christopher Tengi <tengi@Princeton.EDU>

bftp 152/tcp Background File Transfer Program

bftp 152/udp Background File Transfer Program

# Annette DeSchon <DESCHON@ISI.EDU>

sgmp 153/tcp SGMP

sgmp 153/udp SGMP

# Marty Schoffstahl <schoff@NISC.NYSER.NET>

netsc-prod 154/tcp NETSC

netsc-prod 154/udp NETSC

netsc-dev 155/tcp NETSC

netsc-dev 155/udp NETSC

# Sergio Heker <heker@JVNCC.CSC.ORG>

sqlsrv 156/tcp SQL Service

sqlsrv 156/udp SQL Service

# Craig Rogers <Rogers@ISI.EDU>

knet-cmp 157/tcp KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol

knet-cmp 157/udp KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol


pcmail-srv 158/tcp PCMail Server

pcmail-srv 158/udp PCMail Server

# Mark L. Lambert <markl@PTT.LCS.MIT.EDU>

nss-routing 159/tcp NSS-Routing

nss-routing 159/udp NSS-Routing

# Yakov Rekhter <Yakov@IBM.COM>

sgmp-traps 160/tcp SGMP-TRAPS

sgmp-traps 160/udp SGMP-TRAPS

# Marty Schoffstahl <schoff@NISC.NYSER.NET>

snmp 161/tcp SNMP

snmp 161/udp SNMP

snmptrap 162/tcp SNMPTRAP

snmptrap 162/udp SNMPTRAP

# Marshall Rose <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

cmip-man 163/tcp CMIP/TCP Manager

cmip-man 163/udp CMIP/TCP Manager

cmip-agent 164/tcp CMIP/TCP Agent

smip-agent 164/udp CMIP/TCP Agent

# Amatzia Ben-Artzi <---none--->

xns-courier 165/tcp Xerox

xns-courier 165/udp Xerox

# Susie Armstrong <Armstrong.wbst128@XEROX.COM>

s-net 166/tcp Sirius Systems

s-net 166/udp Sirius Systems

# Brian Lloyd <---none--->

namp 167/tcp NAMP

namp 167/udp NAMP

# Marty Schoffstahl <schoff@NISC.NYSER.NET>

rsvd 168/tcp RSVD

rsvd 168/udp RSVD

# Neil Todd <mcvax!ist.co.uk!neil@UUNET.UU.NET>

send 169/tcp SEND

send 169/udp SEND

# William D. Wisner <wisner@HAYES.FAI.ALASKA.EDU>

print-srv 170/tcp Network PostScript

print-srv 170/udp Network PostScript

# Brian Reid <reid@DECWRL.DEC.COM>

multiplex 171/tcp Network Innovations Multiplex

multiplex 171/udp Network Innovations Multiplex

cl/1 172/tcp Network Innovations CL/1

cl/1 172/udp Network Innovations CL/1

# Kevin DeVault <<---none--->

xyplex-mux 173/tcp Xyplex

xyplex-mux 173/udp Xyplex


mailq 174/tcp MAILQ

mailq 174/udp MAILQ

# Rayan Zachariassen <rayan@AI.TORONTO.EDU>

vmnet 175/tcp VMNET

vmnet 175/udp VMNET

# Christopher Tengi <tengi@Princeton.EDU>

genrad-mux 176/tcp GENRAD-MUX

genrad-mux 176/udp GENRAD-MUX

# Ron Thornton <thornton@qm7501.genrad.com>

xdmcp 177/tcp X Display Manager Control Protocol

xdmcp 177/udp X Display Manager Control Protocol

# Robert W. Scheifler <RWS@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>

nextstep 178/tcp NextStep Window Server

NextStep 178/udp NextStep Window Server

# Leo Hourvitz <leo@NEXT.COM>

bgp 179/tcp Border Gateway Protocol

bgp 179/udp Border Gateway Protocol


ris 180/tcp Intergraph

ris 180/udp Intergraph

# Dave Buehmann <ingr!daveb@UUNET.UU.NET>

unify 181/tcp Unify

unify 181/udp Unify

# Vinod Singh <--none--->

audit 182/tcp Unisys Audit SITP

audit 182/udp Unisys Audit SITP

# Gil Greenbaum <gcole@nisd.cam.unisys.com>

ocbinder 183/tcp OCBinder

ocbinder 183/udp OCBinder

ocserver 184/tcp OCServer

ocserver 184/udp OCServer

# Jerrilynn Okamura <--none--->

remote-kis 185/tcp Remote-KIS

remote-kis 185/udp Remote-KIS

kis 186/tcp KIS Protocol

kis 186/udp KIS Protocol

# Ralph Droms <rdroms@NRI.RESTON.VA.US>

aci 187/tcp Application Communication Interface

aci 187/udp Application Communication Interface

# Rick Carlos <rick.ticipa.csc.ti.com>

mumps 188/tcp Plus Five's MUMPS

mumps 188/udp Plus Five's MUMPS

# Hokey Stenn <hokey@PLUS5.COM>

qft 189/tcp Queued File Transport

qft 189/udp Queued File Transport

# Wayne Schroeder <schroeder@SDS.SDSC.EDU>

gacp 190/tcp Gateway Access Control Protocol

cacp 190/udp Gateway Access Control Protocol

# C. Philip Wood <cpw@LANL.GOV>

prospero 191/tcp Prospero Directory Service

prospero 191/udp Prospero Directory Service

# B. Clifford Neuman <bcn@isi.edu>

osu-nms 192/tcp OSU Network Monitoring System

osu-nms 192/udp OSU Network Monitoring System


srmp 193/tcp Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol

srmp 193/udp Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol

# Ted J. Socolofsky <Teds@SPIDER.CO.UK>

irc 194/tcp Internet Relay Chat Protocol

irc 194/udp Internet Relay Chat Protocol

# Jarkko Oikarinen <jto@TOLSUN.OULU.FI>

dn6-nlm-aud 195/tcp DNSIX Network Level Module Audit

dn6-nlm-aud 195/udp DNSIX Network Level Module Audit

dn6-smm-red 196/tcp DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir

dn6-smm-red 196/udp DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir

# Lawrence Lebahn <DIA3@PAXRV-NES.NAVY.MIL>

dls 197/tcp Directory Location Service

dls 197/udp Directory Location Service

dls-mon 198/tcp Directory Location Service Monitor

dls-mon 198/udp Directory Location Service Monitor

# Scott Bellew <smb@cs.purdue.edu>

smux 199/tcp SMUX

smux 199/udp SMUX

# Marshall Rose <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

src 200/tcp IBM System Resource Controller

src 200/udp IBM System Resource Controller

# Gerald McBrearty <---none--->

at-rtmp 201/tcp AppleTalk Routing Maintenance

at-rtmp 201/udp AppleTalk Routing Maintenance

at-nbp 202/tcp AppleTalk Name Binding

at-nbp 202/udp AppleTalk Name Binding

at-3 203/tcp AppleTalk Unused

at-3 203/udp AppleTalk Unused

at-echo 204/tcp AppleTalk Echo

at-echo 204/udp AppleTalk Echo

at-5 205/tcp AppleTalk Unused

at-5 205/udp AppleTalk Unused

at-zis 206/tcp AppleTalk Zone Information

at-zis 206/udp AppleTalk Zone Information

at-7 207/tcp AppleTalk Unused

at-7 207/udp AppleTalk Unused

at-8 208/tcp AppleTalk Unused

at-8 208/udp AppleTalk Unused

# Rob Chandhok <chandhok@gnome.cs.cmu.edu>

tam 209/tcp Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol

tam 209/udp Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol

# Dan Bernstein <


z39.50 210/tcp ANSI Z39.50

z39.50 210/udp ANSI Z39.50

# Mark Needleman

# <mhnur%uccmvsa.bitnet@cornell.cit.cornell.edu>

914c/g 211/tcp Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal

914c/g 211/udp Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal

# Bill Harrell <---none--->

anet 212/tcp ATEXSSTR

anet 212/udp ATEXSSTR

# Jim Taylor <taylor@heart.epps.kodak.com>

ipx 213/tcp IPX

ipx 213/udp IPX

# Don Provan <donp@xlnvax.novell.com>

vmpwscs 214/tcp VM PWSCS

vmpwscs 214/udp VM PWSCS

# Dan Shia <dset!shia@uunet.UU.NET>

softpc 215/tcp Insignia Solutions

softpc 215/udp Insignia Solutions

# Martyn Thomas <---none--->

atls 216/tcp Access Technology License Server

atls 216/udp Access Technology License Server

# Larry DeLuca <henrik@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>

dbase 217/tcp dBASE Unix

dbase 217/udp dBASE Unix

# Don Gibson

# <sequent!aero!twinsun!ashtate.A-T.COM!dong@uunet.UU.NET>

mpp 218/tcp Netix Message Posting Protocol

mpp 218/udp Netix Message Posting Protocol

# Shannon Yeh <yeh@netix.com>

uarps 219/tcp Unisys ARPs

uarps 219/udp Unisys ARPs

# Ashok Marwaha <---none--->

imap3 220/tcp Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3

imap3 220/udp Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3


fln-spx 221/tcp Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth

fln-spx 221/udp Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth

rsh-spx 222/tcp Berkeley rshd with SPX auth

rsh-spx 222/udp Berkeley rshd with SPX auth

cdc 223/tcp Certificate Distribution Center

cdc 223/udp Certificate Distribution Center

# Kannan Alagappan <kannan@sejour.enet.dec.com>

# 224-241 Reserved

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 242/tcp Unassigned

# 242/udp Unassigned

sur-meas 243/tcp Survey Measurement

sur-meas 243/udp Survey Measurement

# Dave Clark <ddc@LCS.MIT.EDU>

# 244/tcp Unassigned

# 244/udp Unassigned

link 245/tcp LINK

link 245/udp LINK

dsp3270 246/tcp Display Systems Protocol

dsp3270 246/udp Display Systems Protocol

# Weldon J. Showalter <Gamma@MINTAKA.DCA.MIL>

# 247-255 Reserved

# Jon Postel <postel@isi.edu>

# 256-343 Unassigned

pdap 344/tcp Prospero Data Access Protocol

pdap 344/udp Prospero Data Access Protocol

# B. Clifford Neuman <bcn@isi.edu>

pawserv 345/tcp Perf Analysis Workbench

pawserv 345/udp Perf Analysis Workbench

zserv 346/tcp Zebra server

zserv 346/udp Zebra server

fatserv 347/tcp Fatmen Server

fatserv 347/udp Fatmen Server

csi-sgwp 348/tcp Cabletron Management Protocol

csi-sgwp 348/udp Cabletron Management Protocol

# 349-370 Unassigned

clearcase 371/tcp Clearcase

clearcase 371/udp Clearcase

# Dave LeBlang <leglang@atria.com>

ulistserv 372/tcp Unix Listserv

ulistserv 372/udp Unix Listserv

# Anastasios Kotsikonas <tasos@cs.bu.edu>

legent-1 373/tcp Legent Corporation

legent-1 373/udp Legent Corporation

legent-2 374/tcp Legent Corporation

legent-2 374/udp Legent Corporation

# Keith Boyce <---none--->

hassle 375/tcp Hassle

hassle 375/udp Hassle

# Reinhard Doelz <doelz@comp.bioz.unibas.ch>

nip 376/tcp Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto

nip 376/udp Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto

# Kenneth Dyke <kcd@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com>

tnETOS 377/tcp NEC Corporation

tnETOS 377/udp NEC Corporation

dsETOS 378/tcp NEC Corporation

dsETOS 378/udp NEC Corporation

# Tomoo Fujita <tf@arc.bs1.fc.nec.co.jp>

is99c 379/tcp TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client

is99c 379/udp TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client

is99s 380/tcp TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server

is99s 380/udp TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server

# Frank Quick <fquick@qualcomm.com>

hp-collector 381/tcp hp performance data collector

hp-collector 381/udp hp performance data collector

hp-managed-node 382/tcp hp performance data managed node

hp-managed-node 382/udp hp performance data managed node

hp-alarm-mgr 383/tcp hp performance data alarm manager

hp-alarm-mgr 383/udp hp performance data alarm manager

# Frank Blakely <frankb@hpptc16.rose.hp.com>

arns 384/tcp A Remote Network Server System

arns 384/udp A Remote Network Server System

# David Hornsby <djh@munnari.OZ.AU>

ibm-app 385/tcp IBM Application

ibm-app 385/tcp IBM Application

# Lisa Tomita <---none--->

asa 386/tcp ASA Message Router Object Def.

asa 386/udp ASA Message Router Object Def.

# Steve Laitinen <laitinen@brutus.aa.ab.com>

aurp 387/tcp Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.

aurp 387/udp Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.

# Chris Ranch <cranch@novell.com>

unidata-ldm 388/tcp Unidata LDM Version 4

unidata-ldm 388/udp Unidata LDM Version 4

# Glenn Davis <davis@unidata.ucar.edu>

ldap 389/tcp Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

ldap 389/udp Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

# Tim Howes <Tim.Howes@terminator.cc.umich.edu>

uis 390/tcp UIS

uis 390/udp UIS

# Ed Barron <---none--->

synotics-relay 391/tcp SynOptics SNMP Relay Port

synotics-relay 391/udp SynOptics SNMP Relay Port

synotics-broker 392/tcp SynOptics Port Broker Port

synotics-broker 392/udp SynOptics Port Broker Port

# Illan Raab <iraab@synoptics.com>

dis 393/tcp Data Interpretation System

dis 393/udp Data Interpretation System

# Paul Stevens <pstevens@chinacat.Metaphor.COM>

embl-ndt 394/tcp EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer

embl-ndt 394/udp EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer

# Peter Gad <peter@bmc.uu.se>

netcp 395/tcp NETscout Control Protocol

netcp 395/udp NETscout Control Protocol

# Anil Singhal <---none--->

netware-ip 396/tcp Novell Netware over IP

netware-ip 396/udp Novell Netware over IP

mptn 397/tcp Multi Protocol Trans. Net.

mptn 397/udp Multi Protocol Trans. Net.

# Soumitra Sarkar <sarkar@vnet.ibm.com>

kryptolan 398/tcp Kryptolan

kryptolan 398/udp Kryptolan

# Peter de Laval <pdl@sectra.se>

# 399/tcp Unassigned

# 399/udp Unassigned

work-sol 400/tcp Workstation Solutions

work-sol 400/udp Workstation Solutions

# Jim Ward <jimw@worksta.com>

ups 401/tcp Uninterruptible Power Supply

ups 401/udp Uninterruptible Power Supply

# Guenther Seybold <gs@hrz.th-darmstadt.de>

genie 402/tcp Genie Protocol

genie 402/udp Genie Protocol

# Mark Hankin <---none--->

decap 403/tcp decap

decap 403/udp decap

nced 404/tcp nced

nced 404/udp nced

ncld 405/tcp ncld

ncld 405/udp ncld

# Richard Jones <---none--->

imsp 406/tcp Interactive Mail Support Protocol

imsp 406/udp Interactive Mail Support Protocol

# John Myers <jgm+@cmu.edu>

timbuktu 407/tcp Timbuktu

timbuktu 407/udp Timbuktu

# Marc Epard <marc@waygate.farallon.com>

prm-sm 408/tcp Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.

prm-sm 408/udp Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.

prm-nm 409/tcp Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.

prm-nm 409/udp Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.

# B. Clifford Neuman <bcn@isi.edu>

decladebug 410/tcp DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol

decladebug 410/udp DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol

# Anthony Berent <berent@rdgeng.enet.dec.com>

rmt 411/tcp Remote MT Protocol

rmt 411/udp Remote MT Protocol

# Peter Eriksson <pen@lysator.liu.se>

synoptics-trap 412/tcp Trap Convention Port

synoptics-trap 412/udp Trap Convention Port

# Illan Raab <iraab@synoptics.com>

smsp 413/tcp SMSP

smsp 413/udp SMSP

infoseek 414/tcp InfoSeek

infoseek 414/udp InfoSeek

# Steve Kirsch <stk@frame.com>

bnet 415/tcp BNet

bnet 415/udp BNet

# Jim Mertz <JMertz+RV09@rvdc.unisys.com>

silverplatter 416/tcp Silverplatter

silverplatter 416/udp Silverplatter

# Peter Ciuffetti <petec@silverplatter.com>

onmux 417/tcp Onmux

onmux 417/udp Onmux

# Stephen Hanna <hanna@world.std.com>

hyper-g 418/tcp Hyper-G

hyper-g 418/udp Hyper-G

# Frank Kappe <fkappe@iicm.tu-graz.ac.at>

ariel1 419/tcp Ariel

ariel1 419/udp Ariel

# Jonathan Lavigne <BL.JPL@RLG.Stanford.EDU>

smpte 420/tcp SMPTE

smpte 420/udp SMPTE

# Si Becker <71362.22@CompuServe.COM>

ariel2 421/tcp Ariel

ariel2 421/udp Ariel

ariel3 422/tcp Ariel

ariel3 422/udp Ariel

# Jonathan Lavigne <BL.JPL@RLG.Stanford.EDU>

opc-job-start 423/tcp IBM Operations Planning and Control Start

opc-job-start 423/udp IBM Operations Planning and Control Start

opc-job-track 424/tcp IBM Operations Planning and Control Track

opc-job-track 424/udp IBM Operations Planning and Control Track

# Conny Larsson <cocke@VNET.IBM.COM>

icad-el 425/tcp ICAD

icad-el 425/udp ICAD

# Larry Stone <lcs@icad.com>

smartsdp 426/tcp smartsdp

smartsdp 426/udp smartsdp

# Alexander Dupuy <dupuy@smarts.com>

svrloc 427/tcp Server Location

svrloc 427/udp Server Location

# <veizades@ftp.com>

ocs_cmu 428/tcp OCS_CMU

ocs_cmu 428/udp OCS_CMU

ocs_amu 429/tcp OCS_AMU

ocs_amu 429/udp OCS_AMU

# Florence Wyman <wyman@peabody.plk.af.mil>

utmpsd 430/tcp UTMPSD

utmpsd 430/udp UTMPSD

utmpcd 431/tcp UTMPCD

utmpcd 431/udp UTMPCD

iasd 432/tcp IASD

iasd 432/udp IASD

# Nir Baroz <nbaroz@encore.com>

nnsp 433/tcp NNSP

nnsp 433/udp NNSP

# Rob Robertson <rob@gangrene.berkeley.edu>

mobileip-agent 434/tcp MobileIP-Agent

mobileip-agent 434/udp MobileIP-Agent

mobilip-mn 435/tcp MobilIP-MN

mobilip-mn 435/udp MobilIP-MN

# Kannan Alagappan <kannan@sejour.lkg.dec.com>

dna-cml 436/tcp DNA-CML

dna-cml 436/udp DNA-CML

# Dan Flowers <flowers@smaug.lkg.dec.com>

comscm 437/tcp comscm

comscm 437/udp comscm

# Jim Teague <teague@zso.dec.com>

dsfgw 438/tcp dsfgw

dsfgw 438/udp dsfgw

# Andy McKeen <mckeen@osf.org>

dASP 439/tcp dasp Thomas Obermair

dasp 439/udp dasp tommy@inlab.m.eunet.de

# Thomas Obermair <tommy@inlab.m.eunet.de>

sgcp 440/tcp sgcp

sgcp 440/udp sgcp

# Marshall Rose <mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us>

decvms-sysmgt 441/tcp decvms-sysmgt

decvms-sysmgt 441/udp decvms-sysmgt

# Lee Barton <barton@star.enet.dec.com>

cvc_hostd 442/tcp cvc_hostd

cvc_hostd 442/udp cvc_hostd

# Bill Davidson <billd@equalizer.cray.com>

https 443/tcp https MCom

https 443/udp https MCom

# Kipp E.B. Hickman <kipp@mcom.com>

snpp 444/tcp Simple Network Paging Protocol

snpp 444/udp Simple Network Paging Protocol

# [RFC1568]

microsoft-ds 445/tcp Microsoft-DS

microsoft-ds 445/udp Microsoft-DS

# Arnold Miller <arnoldm@microsoft.com>

ddm-rdb 446/tcp DDM-RDB

ddm-rdb 446/udp DDM-RDB

ddm-dfm 447/tcp DDM-RFM

ddm-dfm 447/udp DDM-RFM

ddm-byte 448/tcp DDM-BYTE

ddm-byte 448/udp DDM-BYTE

# Jan David Fisher <jdfisher@VNET.IBM.COM>

as-servermap 449/tcp AS Server Mapper

as-servermap 449/udp AS Server Mapper

# Barbara Foss <BGFOSS@rchvmv.vnet.ibm.com>

tserver 450/tcp TServer

tserver 450/udp TServer

# Harvey S. Schultz <hss@mtgzfs3.mt.att.com>

# 451-511 Unassigned

exec 512/tcp remote process execution;

# authentication performed using

# passwords and UNIX loppgin names

biff 512/udp used by mail system to notify users

# of new mail received; currently

# receives messages only from

# processes on the same machine

login 513/tcp remote login a la telnet;

# automatic authentication performed

# based on priviledged port numbers

# and distributed data bases which

# identify "authentication domains"

who 513/udp maintains data bases showing who's

# logged in to machines on a local

# net and the load average of the

# machine

cmd 514/tcp like exec, but automatic

# authentication is performed as for

# login server

syslog 514/udp

printer 515/tcp spooler

printer 515/udp spooler

# 516/tcp Unassigned

# 516/udp Unassigned

talk 517/tcp like tenex link, but across

# machine - unfortunately, doesn't

# use link protocol (this is actually

# just a rendezvous port from which a

# tcp connection is established)

talk 517/udp like tenex link, but across

# machine - unfortunately, doesn't

# use link protocol (this is actually

# just a rendezvous port from which a

tcp connection is established)

ntalk 518/tcp

ntalk 518/udp

utime 519/tcp unixtime

utime 519/udp unixtime

efs 520/tcp extended file name server

router 520/udp local routing process (on site);

# uses variant of Xerox NS routing

# information protocol

# 521-524 Unassigned

timed 525/tcp timeserver

timed 525/udp timeserver

tempo 526/tcp newdate

tempo 526/udp newdate

# 527-529 Unassigned

courier 530/tcp rpc

courier 530/udp rpc

conference 531/tcp chat

conference 531/udp chat

netnews 532/tcp readnews

netnews 532/udp readnews

netwall 533/tcp for emergency broadcasts

netwall 533/udp for emergency broadcasts

# 534-538 Unassigned

apertus-ldp 539/tcp Apertus Technologies Load Determination

apertus-ldp 539/udp Apertus Technologies Load Determination

uucp 540/tcp uucpd

uucp 540/udp uucpd

uucp-rlogin 541/tcp uucp-rlogin Stuart Lynne

uucp-rlogin 541/udp uucp-rlogin sl@wimsey.com

# 542/tcp Unassigned

# 542/udp Unassigned

klogin 543/tcp

klogin 543/udp

kshell 544/tcp krcmd

kshell 544/udp krcmd

# 545-549 Unassigned

new-rwho 550/tcp new-who

new-rwho 550/udp new-who

# 551-555 Unassigned

dsf 555/tcp

dsf 555/udp

remotefs 556/tcp rfs server

remotefs 556/udp rfs server

# 557-559 Unassigned

rmonitor 560/tcp rmonitord

rmonitor 560/udp rmonitord

monitor 561/tcp

monitor 561/udp

chshell 562/tcp chcmd

chshell 562/udp chcmd

# 563/tcp Unassigned

# 563/udp Unassigned

9pfs 564/tcp plan 9 file service

9pfs 564/udp plan 9 file service

whoami 565/tcp whoami

whoami 565/udp whoami

# 566-569 Unassigned

meter 570/tcp demon

meter 570/udp demon

meter 571/tcp udemon

meter 571/udp udemon

# 572-599 Unassigned

ipcserver 600/tcp Sun IPC server

ipcserver 600/udp Sun IPC server

nqs 607/tcp nqs

nqs 607/udp nqs

urm 606/tcp Cray Unified Resource Manager

urm 606/udp Cray Unified Resource Manager

# Bill Schiefelbein <schief@aspen.cray.com>

sift-uft 608/tcp Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer

sift-uft 608/udp Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer

# Rick Troth <troth@rice.edu>

npmp-trap 609/tcp npmp-trap

npmp-trap 609/udp npmp-trap

npmp-local 610/tcp npmp-local

npmp-local 610/udp npmp-local

npmp-gui 611/tcp npmp-gui

npmp-gui 611/udp npmp-gui

# John Barnes <jbarnes@crl.com>

ginad 634/tcp ginad

ginad 634/udp ginad

# Mark Crother <mark@eis.calstate.edu>

mdqs 666/tcp

mdqs 666/udp

doom 666/tcp doom Id Software

doom 666/tcp doom Id Software

# <ddt@idcube.idsoftware.com>

elcsd 704/tcp errlog copy/server daemon

elcsd 704/udp errlog copy/server daemon

entrustmanager 709/tcp EntrustManager

entrustmanager 709/udp EntrustManager

# Peter Whittaker <pww@bnr.ca>

netviewdm1 729/tcp IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client

netviewdm1 729/udp IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client

netviewdm2 730/tcp IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp

netviewdm2 730/udp IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp

netviewdm3 731/tcp IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp

netviewdm3 731/udp IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp

# Philippe Binet (phbinet@vnet.IBM.COM)

netgw 741/tcp netGW

netgw 741/udp netGW

netrcs 742/tcp Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.

netrcs 742/udp Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.

# Gordon C. Galligher <gorpong@ping.chi.il.us>

flexlm 744/tcp Flexible License Manager

flexlm 744/udp Flexible License Manager

# Matt Christiano

# <globes@matt@oliveb.atc.olivetti.com>

fujitsu-dev 747/tcp Fujitsu Device Control

fujitsu-dev 747/udp Fujitsu Device Control

ris-cm 748/tcp Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager

ris-cm 748/udp Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager

kerberos-adm 749/tcp kerberos administration

kerberos-adm 749/udp kerberos administration

rfile 750/tcp

loadav 750/udp

pump 751/tcp

pump 751/udp

qrh 752/tcp

qrh 752/udp

rrh 753/tcp

rrh 753/udp

tell 754/tcp send

tell 754/udp send

nlogin 758/tcp

nlogin 758/udp

con 759/tcp

con 759/udp

ns 760/tcp

ns 760/udp

rxe 761/tcp

rxe 761/udp

quotad 762/tcp

quotad 762/udp

cycleserv 763/tcp

cycleserv 763/udp

omserv 764/tcp

omserv 764/udp

webster 765/tcp

webster 765/udp

phonebook 767/tcp phone

phonebook 767/udp phone

vid 769/tcp

vid 769/udp

cadlock 770/tcp

cadlock 770/udp

rtip 771/tcp

rtip 771/udp

cycleserv2 772/tcp

cycleserv2 772/udp

submit 773/tcp

notify 773/udp

rpasswd 774/tcp

acmaint_dbd 774/udp

entomb 775/tcp

acmaint_transd 775/udp

wpages 776/tcp

wpages 776/udp

wpgs 780/tcp

wpgs 780/udp

concert 786/tcp Concert

concert 786/udp Concert

# Josyula R. Rao <jrrao@watson.ibm.com>

mdbs_daemon 800/tcp

mdbs_daemon 800/udp

device 801/tcp

device 801/udp

xtreelic 996/tcp Central Point Software

xtreelic 996/udp Central Point Software

# Dale Cabell <dacabell@smtp.xtree.com>

maitrd 997/tcp

maitrd 997/udp

busboy 998/tcp

puparp 998/udp

garcon 999/tcp

applix 999/udp Applix ac

puprouter 999/tcp

puprouter 999/udp

cadlock 1000/tcp

ock 1000/udp

1023/tcp Reserved

1024/udp Reserved

# IANA <iana@isi.edu>


The Registered Ports are not controlled by the IANA and on most

systems can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by

ordinary users.

Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical

connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of

providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is

defined. This list specifies the port used by the server process as

its contact port. While the IANA can not control uses of these ports

it does register or list uses of these ports as a convienence to the


To the extent possible, these same port assignments are used with the

UDP [RFC768].

The Registered Ports are in the range 1024-65535.

Port Assignments:

Keyword Decimal Description References

------- ------- ----------- ----------

1024/tcp Reserved

1024/udp Reserved

# IANA <iana@isi.edu>

blackjack 1025/tcp network blackjack

blackjack 1025/udp network blackjack

iad1 1030/tcp BBN IAD

iad1 1030/udp BBN IAD

iad2 1031/tcp BBN IAD

iad2 1031/udp BBN IAD

iad3 1032/tcp BBN IAD

iad3 1032/udp BBN IAD

# Andy Malis <malis_a@timeplex.com>

instl_boots 1067/tcp Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.

instl_boots 1067/udp Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.

instl_bootc 1068/tcp Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.

instl_bootc 1068/udp Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.

# David Arko <<darko@hpfcrn.fc.hp.com>

socks 1080/tcp Socks

socks 1080/udp Socks

# Ying-Da Lee <ylee@syl.dl.nec.com

ansoft-lm-1 1083/tcp Anasoft License Manager

ansoft-lm-1 1083/udp Anasoft License Manager

ansoft-lm-2 1084/tcp Anasoft License Manager

ansoft-lm-2 1084/udp Anasoft License Manager

nfa 1155/tcp Network File Access

nfa 1155/udp Network File Access

# James Powell <james@mailhost.unidata.com>

nerv 1222/tcp SNI R&D network

nerv 1222/udp SNI R&D network

# Martin Freiss <freiss.pad@sni.de>

hermes 1248/tcp

hermes 1248/udp

alta-ana-lm 1346/tcp Alta Analytics License Manager

alta-ana-lm 1346/udp Alta Analytics License Manager

bbn-mmc 1347/tcp multi media conferencing

bbn-mmc 1347/udp multi media conferencing

bbn-mmx 1348/tcp multi media conferencing

bbn-mmx 1348/udp multi media conferencing

sbook 1349/tcp Registration Network Protocol

sbook 1349/udp Registration Network Protocol

editbench 1350/tcp Registration Network Protocol

editbench 1350/udp Registration Network Protocol

# Simson L. Garfinkel <simsong@next.cambridge.ma.us>

equationbuilder 1351/tcp Digital Tool Works (MIT)

equationbuilder 1351/udp Digital Tool Works (MIT)

# Terrence J. Talbot <lexcube!tjt@bu.edu>

lotusnote 1352/tcp Lotus Note

lotusnote 1352/udp Lotus Note

# Greg Pflaum <iris.com!Greg_Pflaum@uunet.uu.net>

relief 1353/tcp Relief Consulting

relief 1353/udp Relief Consulting

# John Feiler <relief!jjfeiler@uu2.psi.com>

rightbrain 1354/tcp RightBrain Software

rightbrain 1354/udp RightBrain Software

# Glenn Reid <glann@rightbrain.com>

intuitive edge 1355/tcp Intuitive Edge

intuitive edge 1355/udp Intuitive Edge

# Montgomery Zukowski

# <monty@nextnorth.acs.ohio-state.edu>

cuillamartin 1356/tcp CuillaMartin Company

cuillamartin 1356/udp CuillaMartin Company

pegboard 1357/tcp Electronic PegBoard

pegboard 1357/udp Electronic PegBoard

# Chris Cuilla

# <balr!vpnet!cuilla!chris@clout.chi.il.us>

connlcli 1358/tcp CONNLCLI

connlcli 1358/udp CONNLCLI

ftsrv 1359/tcp FTSRV

ftsrv 1359/udp FTSRV

# Ines Homem de Melo <sidinf@brfapesp.bitnet>

mimer 1360/tcp MIMER

mimer 1360/udp MIMER

# Per Schroeder <Per.Schroder@mimer.se>

linx 1361/tcp LinX

linx 1361/udp LinX

# Steffen Schilke <---none--->

timeflies 1362/tcp TimeFlies

timeflies 1362/udp TimeFlies

# Doug Kent <mouthers@slugg@nwnexus.wa.com>

ndm-requester 1363/tcp Network DataMover Requester

ndm-requester 1363/udp Network DataMover Requester

ndm-server 1364/tcp Network DataMover Server

ndm-server 1364/udp Network DataMover Server

# Toshio Watanabe

# <watanabe@godzilla.rsc.spdd.ricoh.co.j>

adapt-sna 1365/tcp Network Software Associates

adapt-sna 1365/udp Network Software Associates

# Jeffery Chiao <714-768-401>

netware-csp 1366/tcp Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform

netware-csp 1366/udp Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform

# Laurie Lindsey <llindsey@novell.com>

dcs 1367/tcp DCS

dcs 1367/udp DCS

# Stefan Siebert <ssiebert@dcs.de>

screencast 1368/tcp ScreenCast

screencast 1368/udp ScreenCast

# Bill Tschumy <other!bill@uunet.UU.NET>

gv-us 1369/tcp GlobalView to Unix Shell

gv-us 1369/udp GlobalView to Unix Shell

us-gv 1370/tcp Unix Shell to GlobalView

us-gv 1370/udp Unix Shell to GlobalView

# Makoto Mita <mita@ssdev.ksp.fujixerox.co.jp>

fc-cli 1371/tcp Fujitsu Config Protocol

fc-cli 1371/udp Fujitsu Config Protocol

fc-ser 1372/tcp Fujitsu Config Protocol

fc-ser 1372/udp Fujitsu Config Protocol

# Ryuichi Horie <horie@spad.sysrap.cs.fujitsu.co.jp>

chromagrafx 1373/tcp Chromagrafx

chromagrafx 1373/udp Chromagrafx

# Mike Barthelemy <msb@chromagrafx.com>

molly 1374/tcp EPI Software Systems

molly 1374/udp EPI Software Systems

# Jim Vlcek <vlcek@epimbe.com>

bytex 1375/tcp Bytex

bytex 1375/udp Bytex

# Mary Ann Burt <bytex!ws054!maryann@uunet.UU.NET>

ibm-pps 1376/tcp IBM Person to Person Software

ibm-pps 1376/udp IBM Person to Person Software

# Simon Phipps <sphipps@vnet.ibm.com>

cichlid 1377/tcp Cichlid License Manager

cichlid 1377/udp Cichlid License Manager

# Andy Burgess <aab@cichlid.com>

elan 1378/tcp Elan License Manager

elan 1378/udp Elan License Manager

# Ken Greer <kg@elan.com>

dbreporter 1379/tcp Integrity Solutions

dbreporter 1379/udp Integrity Solutions

# Tim Dawson <tdawson%mspboss@uunet.UU.NET>

telesis-licman 1380/tcp Telesis Network License Manager

telesis-licman 1380/udp Telesis Network License Manager

# Karl Schendel, Jr. <wiz@telesis.com>

apple-licman 1381/tcp Apple Network License Manager

apple-licman 1381/udp Apple Network License Manager

# Earl Wallace <earlw@apple.com>

udt_os 1382/tcp

udt_os 1382/udp

gwha 1383/tcp GW Hannaway Network License Manager

gwha 1383/udp GW Hannaway Network License Manager

# J. Gabriel Foster <fop@gwha.com>

os-licman 1384/tcp Objective Solutions License Manager

os-licman 1384/udp Objective Solutions License Manager

# Donald Cornwell <don.cornwell@objective.com>

atex_elmd 1385/tcp Atex Publishing License Manager

atex_elmd 1385/udp Atex Publishing License Manager

# Brett Sorenson <bcs@atex.com>

checksum 1386/tcp CheckSum License Manager

checksum 1386/udp CheckSum License Manager

# Andreas Glocker <glocker@sirius.com>

cadsi-lm 1387/tcp Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM

cadsi-lm 1387/udp Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM

# Sulistio Muljadi

objective-dbc 1388/tcp Objective Solutions DataBase Cache

objective-dbc 1388/udp Objective Solutions DataBase Cache

# Donald Cornwell

iclpv-dm 1389/tcp Document Manager

iclpv-dm 1389/udp Document Manager

iclpv-sc 1390/tcp Storage Controller

iclpv-sc 1390/udp Storage Controller

iclpv-sas 1391/tcp Storage Access Server

iclpv-sas 1391/udp Storage Access Server

iclpv-pm 1392/tcp Print Manager

iclpv-pm 1392/udp Print Manager

iclpv-nls 1393/tcp Network Log Server

iclpv-nls 1393/udp Network Log Server

iclpv-nlc 1394/tcp Network Log Client

iclpv-nlc 1394/udp Network Log Client

iclpv-wsm 1395/tcp PC Workstation Manager software

iclpv-wsm 1395/udp PC Workstation Manager software

# A.P. Hobson <A.P.Hobson@bra0112.wins.icl.co.uk>

dvl-activemail 1396/tcp DVL Active Mail

dvl-activemail 1396/udp DVL Active Mail

audio-activmail 1397/tcp Audio Active Mail

audio-activmail 1397/udp Audio Active Mail

video-activmail 1398/tcp Video Active Mail

video-activmail 1398/udp Video Active Mail

# Ehud Shapiro <udi@wisdon.weizmann.ac.il>

cadkey-licman 1399/tcp Cadkey License Manager

cadkey-licman 1399/udp Cadkey License Manager

cadkey-tablet 1400/tcp Cadkey Tablet Daemon

cadkey-tablet 1400/udp Cadkey Tablet Daemon

# Joe McCollough <joe@cadkey.com>

goldleaf-licman 1401/tcp Goldleaf License Manager

goldleaf-licman 1401/udp Goldleaf License Manager

# John Fox <---none--->

prm-sm-np 1402/tcp Prospero Resource Manager

prm-sm-np 1402/udp Prospero Resource Manager

prm-nm-np 1403/tcp Prospero Resource Manager

prm-nm-np 1403/udp Prospero Resource Manager

# B. Clifford Neuman <bcn@isi.edu>

igi-lm 1404/tcp Infinite Graphics License Manager

igi-lm 1404/udp Infinite Graphics License Manager

ibm-res 1405/tcp IBM Remote Execution Starter

ibm-res 1405/udp IBM Remote Execution Starter

netlabs-lm 1406/tcp NetLabs License Manager

netlabs-lm 1406/udp NetLabs License Manager

dbsa-lm 1407/tcp DBSA License Manager

dbsa-lm 1407/udp DBSA License Manager

# Scott Shattuck <ss@dbsa.com>

sophia-lm 1408/tcp Sophia License Manager

sophia-lm 1408/udp Sophia License Manager

# Eric Brown <sst!emerald!eric@uunet.UU.net>

here-lm 1409/tcp Here License Manager

here-lm 1409/udp Here License Manager

# David Ison <here@dialup.oar.net>

hiq 1410/tcp HiQ License Manager

hiq 1410/udp HiQ License Manager

# Rick Pugh <rick@bilmillennium.com>

af 1411/tcp AudioFile

af 1411/udp AudioFile

# Jim Gettys <jg@crl.dec.com>

innosys 1412/tcp InnoSys

innosys 1412/udp InnoSys

innosys-acl 1413/tcp Innosys-ACL

innosys-acl 1413/udp Innosys-ACL

# Eric Welch <--none--->

ibm-mqseries 1414/tcp IBM MQSeries

ibm-mqseries 1414/udp IBM MQSeries

# Roger Meli <rmmeli%winvmd@vnet.ibm.com>

dbstar 1415/tcp DBStar

dbstar 1415/udp DBStar

# Jeffrey Millman <jcm@dbstar.com>

novell-lu6.2 1416/tcp Novell LU6.2

novell-lu6.2 1416/udp Novell LU6.2

# Peter Liu <--none--->

timbuktu-srv1 1417/tcp Timbuktu Service 1 Port

timbuktu-srv1 1417/tcp Timbuktu Service 1 Port

timbuktu-srv2 1418/tcp Timbuktu Service 2 Port

timbuktu-srv2 1418/udp Timbuktu Service 2 Port

timbuktu-srv3 1419/tcp Timbuktu Service 3 Port

timbuktu-srv3 1419/udp Timbuktu Service 3 Port

timbuktu-srv4 1420/tcp Timbuktu Service 4 Port

timbuktu-srv4 1420/udp Timbuktu Service 4 Port

# Marc Epard <marc@waygate.farallon.com>

gandalf-lm 1421/tcp Gandalf License Manager

gandalf-lm 1421/udp Gandalf License Manager

# gilmer@gandalf.ca

autodesk-lm 1422/tcp Autodesk License Manager

autodesk-lm 1422/udp Autodesk License Manager

# David Ko <dko@autodesk.com>

essbase 1423/tcp Essbase Arbor Software

essbase 1423/udp Essbase Arbor Software

hybrid 1424/tcp Hybrid Encryption Protocol

hybrid 1424/udp Hybrid Encryption Protocol

# Howard Hart <hch@hybrid.com>

zion-lm 1425/tcp Zion Software License Manager

zion-lm 1425/udp Zion Software License Manager

# David Ferrero <david@zion.com>

sas-1 1426/tcp Satellite-data Acquisition System 1

sas-1 1426/udp Satellite-data Acquisition System 1

# Bill Taylor <sais@ssec.wisc.edu>

mloadd 1427/tcp mloadd monitoring tool

mloadd 1427/udp mloadd monitoring tool

# Bob Braden <


informatik-lm 1428/tcp Informatik License Manager

informatik-lm 1428/udp Informatik License Manager

# Harald Schlangmann

# <schlangm@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>

nms 1429/tcp Hypercom NMS

nms 1429/udp Hypercom NMS

tpdu 1430/tcp Hypercom TPDU

tpdu 1430/udp Hypercom TPDU

# Noor Chowdhury <noor@hypercom.com>

rgtp 1431/tcp Reverse Gosip Transport

rgtp 1431/udp Reverse Gosip Transport

# <iwj10@cl.cam-orl.co.uk>

blueberry-lm 1432/tcp Blueberry Software License Manager

blueberry-lm 1432/udp Blueberry Software License Manager

# Steve Beigel <ublueb!steve@uunet.uu.net>

ms-sql-s 1433/tcp Microsoft-SQL-Server

ms-sql-s 1433/udp Microsoft-SQL-Server

ms-sql-m 1434/tcp Microsoft-SQL-Monitor

ms-sql-m 1434/udp Microsoft-SQL-Monitor

# Peter Hussey <peterhus@microsoft.com>

ibm-cics 1435/tcp IBM CISC

ibm-cics 1435/udp IBM CISC

# Geoff Meacock <gbibmswl@ibmmail.COM>

sas-2 1436/tcp Satellite-data Acquisition System 2

sas-2 1436/udp Satellite-data Acquisition System 2

# Bill Taylor <sais@ssec.wisc.edu>

tabula 1437/tcp Tabula

tabula 1437/udp Tabula

# Marcelo Einhorn

# <KGUNE%HUJIVM1.bitnet@taunivm.tau.ac.il>

eicon-server 1438/tcp Eicon Security Agent/Server

eicon-server 1438/udp Eicon Security Agent/Server

eicon-x25 1439/tcp Eicon X25/SNA Gateway

eicon-x25 1439/udp Eicon X25/SNA Gateway

eicon-slp 1440/tcp Eicon Service Location Protocol

eicon-slp 1440/udp Eicon Service Location Protocol

# Pat Calhoun <CALHOUN@admin.eicon.qc.ca>

cadis-1 1441/tcp Cadis License Management

cadis-1 1441/udp Cadis License Management

cadis-2 1442/tcp Cadis License Management

cadis-2 1442/udp Cadis License Management

# Todd Wichers <twichers@csn.org>

ies-lm 1443/tcp Integrated Engineering Software

ies-lm 1443/udp Integrated Engineering Software

# David Tong <David_Tong@integrated.mb.ca>

marcam-lm 1444/tcp Marcam License Management

marcam-lm 1444/udp Marcam License Management

# Therese Hunt <hunt@marcam.com>

proxima-lm 1445/tcp Proxima License Manager

proxima-lm 1445/udp Proxima License Manager

ora-lm 1446/tcp Optical Research Associates License Manager

ora-lm 1446/udp Optical Research Associates License Manager

apri-lm 1447/tcp Applied Parallel Research LM

apri-lm 1447/udp Applied Parallel Research LM

# Jim Dillon <jed@apri.com>

oc-lm 1448/tcp OpenConnect License Manager

oc-lm 1448/udp OpenConnect License Manager

# Sue Barnhill <snb@oc.com>

peport 1449/tcp PEport

peport 1449/udp PEport

# Qentin Neill <quentin@ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM>

dwf 1450/tcp Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility

dwf 1450/udp Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility

# Mike Bert <BERG_MIKE@tandem.com>

infoman 1451/tcp IBM Information Management

infoman 1451/udp IBM Information Management

# Karen Burns <---none--->

gtegsc-lm 1452/tcp GTE Government Systems License Man

gtegsc-lm 1452/udp GTE Government Systems License Man

# Mike Gregory <Gregory_Mike@msmail.iipo.gtegsc.com>

genie-lm 1453/tcp Genie License Manager

genie-lm 1453/udp Genie License Manager

# Paul Applegate <p.applegate2@genie.geis.com>

interhdl_elmd 1454/tcp interHDL License Manager

interhdl_elmd 1454/tcp interHDL License Manager

# Eli Sternheim eli@interhdl.com

esl-lm 1455/tcp ESL License Manager

esl-lm 1455/udp ESL License Manager

# Abel Chou <abel@willy.esl.com>

dca 1456/tcp DCA

dca 1456/udp DCA

# Jeff Garbers <jgarbers@netcom.com>

valisys-lm 1457/tcp Valisys License Manager

valisys-lm 1457/udp Valisys License Manager

# Leslie Lincoln <leslie_lincoln@valisys.com>

nrcabq-lm 1458/tcp Nichols Research Corp.

nrcabq-lm 1458/udp Nichols Research Corp.

# Howard Cole <hcole@tumbleweed.nrcabq.com>

proshare1 1459/tcp Proshare Notebook Application

proshare1 1459/udp Proshare Notebook Application

proshare2 1460/tcp Proshare Notebook Application

proshare2 1460/udp Proshare Notebook Application

# Robin Kar <Robin_Kar@ccm.hf.intel.com>

ibm_wrless_lan 1461/tcp IBM Wireless LAN

ibm_wrless_lan 1461/udp IBM Wireless LAN

# <flanne@vnet.IBM.COM>

world-lm 1462/tcp World License Manager

world-lm 1462/udp World License Manager

# Michael S Amirault <ambi@world.std.com>

nucleus 1463/tcp Nucleus

nucleus 1463/udp Nucleus

# Venky Nagar <venky@fafner.Stanford.EDU>

msl_lmd 1464/tcp MSL License Manager

msl_lmd 1464/udp MSL License Manager

# Matt Timmermans

pipes 1465/tcp Pipes Platform

pipes 1465/udp Pipes Platform mfarlin@peerlogic.com

# Mark Farlin <mfarlin@peerlogic.com>

oceansoft-lm 1466/tcp Ocean Software License Manager

oceansoft-lm 1466/udp Ocean Software License Manager

# Randy Leonard <randy@oceansoft.com>

csdmbase 1467/tcp CSDMBASE

csdmbase 1467/udp CSDMBASE

csdm 1468/tcp CSDM

csdm 1468/udp CSDM

# Robert Stabl <stabl@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>

aal-lm 1469/tcp Active Analysis Limited License Manager

aal-lm 1469/udp Active Analysis Limited License Manager

# David Snocken +44 (71)437-7009

uaiact 1470/tcp Universal Analytics

uaiact 1470/udp Universal Analytics

# Mark R. Ludwig <Mark-Ludwig@uai.com>

csdmbase 1471/tcp csdmbase

csdmbase 1471/udp csdmbase

csdm 1472/tcp csdm

csdm 1472/udp csdm

# Robert Stabl <stabl@informatik.uni-muenchen.de>

openmath 1473/tcp OpenMath

openmath 1473/udp OpenMath

# Garth Mayville <mayville@maplesoft.on.ca>

telefinder 1474/tcp Telefinder

telefinder 1474/udp Telefinder

# Jim White <Jim_White@spiderisland.com>

taligent-lm 1475/tcp Taligent License Manager

taligent-lm 1475/udp Taligent License Manager

# Mark Sapsford <Mark_Sapsford@@taligent.com>

clvm-cfg 1476/tcp clvm-cfg

clvm-cfg 1476/udp clvm-cfg

# Eric Soderberg <seric@cup.hp.com>

ms-sna-server 1477/tcp ms-sna-server

ms-sna-server 1477/udp ms-sna-server

ms-sna-base 1478/tcp ms-sna-base

ms-sna-base 1478/udp ms-sna-base

# Gordon Mangione <gordm@microsoft.com>

dberegister 1479/tcp dberegister

dberegister 1479/udp dberegister

# Brian Griswold <


pacerforum 1480/tcp PacerForum

pacerforum 1480/udp PacerForum

# Peter Caswell <pfc@pacvax.pacersoft.com>

airs 1481/tcp AIRS

airs 1481/udp AIRS

# Bruce Wilson, 905-771-6161

miteksys-lm 1482/tcp Miteksys License Manager

miteksys-lm 1482/udp Miteksys License Manager

# Shane McRoberts <mcroberts@miteksys.com>

afs 1483/tcp AFS License Manager

afs 1483/udp AFS License Manager

# Michael R. Pizolato <michael@afs.com>

confluent 1484/tcp Confluent License Manager

confluent 1484/udp Confluent License Manager

# James Greenfiel <jim@pa.confluent.com>

lansource 1485/tcp LANSource

lansource 1485/udp LANSource

# Doug Scott <lansourc@hookup.net>

nms_topo_serv 1486/tcp nms_topo_serv

nms_topo_serv 1486/udp nms_topo_serv

# Sylvia Siu <Sylvia_Siu@Novell.CO>

localinfosrvr 1487/tcp LocalInfoSrvr

localinfosrvr 1487/udp LocalInfoSrvr

# Brian Matthews <


docstor 1488/tcp DocStor

docstor 1488/udp DocStor

# Brian Spears <bspears@salix.com>

dmdocbroker 1489/tcp dmdocbroker

dmdocbroker 1489/udp dmdocbroker

# Razmik Abnous <abnous@documentum.com>

insitu-conf 1490/tcp insitu-conf

insitu-conf 1490/udp insitu-conf

# Paul Blacknell <paul@insitu.com>

anynetgateway 1491/tcp anynetgateway

anynetgateway 1491/udp anynetgateway

# Dan Poirier <poirier@VNET.IBM.COM>

stone-design-1 1492/tcp stone-design-1

stone-design-1 1492/udp stone-design-1

# Andrew Stone <andrew@stone.com>

netmap_lm 1493/tcp netmap_lm

netmap_lm 1493/udp netmap_lm

# Phillip Magson <philm@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU>

ica 1494/tcp ica

ica 1494/udp ica

# John Richardson, Citrix Systems

cvc 1495/tcp cvc

cvc 1495/udp cvc

# Bill Davidson <billd@equalizer.cray.com>

liberty-lm 1496/tcp liberty-lm

liberty-lm 1496/udp liberty-lm

# Jim Rogers <trane!jimbo@pacbell.com>

rfx-lm 1497/tcp rfx-lm

rfx-lm 1497/udp rfx-lm

# Bill Bishop <bil@rfx.rfx.com>

watcom-sql 1498/tcp Watcom-SQL

watcom-sql 1498/udp Watcom-SQL

# Rog Skubowius <rwskubow@ccnga.uwaterloo.ca>

fhc 1499/tcp Federico Heinz Consultora

fhc 1499/udp Federico Heinz Consultora

# Federico Heinz <federico@heinz.com>

vlsi-lm 1500/tcp VLSI License Manager

vlsi-lm 1500/udp VLSI License Manager

# Shue-Lin Kuo <shuelin@mdk.sanjose.vlsi.com>

sas-3 1501/tcp Satellite-data Acquisition System 3

sas-3 1501/udp Satellite-data Acquisition System 3

# Bill Taylor <sais@ssec.wisc.edu>

shivadiscovery 1502/tcp Shiva

shivadiscovery 1502/udp Shiva

# Jonathan Wenocur <jhw@Shiva.COM>

imtc-mcs 1503/tcp Databeam

imtc-mcs 1503/udp Databeam

# Jim Johnstone <jjohnstone@databeam.com>

evb-elm 1504/tcp EVB Software Engineering License Manager

evb-elm 1504/udp EVB Software Engineering License Manager

# B.G. Mahesh < mahesh@sett.com>

funkproxy 1505/tcp Funk Software, Inc.

funkproxy 1505/udp Funk Software, Inc.

# Robert D. Vincent <bert@willowpond.com>

# 1506-1523 Unassigned

ingreslock 1524/tcp ingres

ingreslock 1524/udp ingres

orasrv 1525/tcp oracle

orasrv 1525/udp oracle

prospero-np 1525/tcp Prospero Directory Service non-priv

prospero-np 1525/udp Prospero Directory Service non-priv

pdap-np 1526/tcp Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv

pdap-np 1526/udp Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv

# B. Clifford Neuman <bcn@isi.edu>

tlisrv 1527/tcp oracle

tlisrv 1527/udp oracle

coauthor 1529/tcp oracle

coauthor 1529/udp oracle

issd 1600/tcp

issd 1600/udp

nkd 1650/tcp

nkd 1650/udp

proshareaudio 1651/tcp proshare conf audio

proshareaudio 1651/udp proshare conf audio

prosharevideo 1652/tcp proshare conf video

prosharevideo 1652/udp proshare conf video

prosharedata 1653/tcp proshare conf data

prosharedata 1653/udp proshare conf data

prosharerequest 1654/tcp proshare conf request

prosharerequest 1654/udp proshare conf request

prosharenotify 1655/tcp proshare conf notify

prosharenotify 1655/udp proshare conf notify

# <gunner@ibeam.intel.com>

netview-aix-1 1661/tcp netview-aix-1

netview-aix-1 1661/udp netview-aix-1

netview-aix-2 1662/tcp netview-aix-2

netview-aix-2 1662/udp netview-aix-2

netview-aix-3 1663/tcp netview-aix-3

netview-aix-3 1663/udp netview-aix-3

netview-aix-4 1664/tcp netview-aix-4

netview-aix-4 1664/udp netview-aix-4

netview-aix-5 1665/tcp netview-aix-5

netview-aix-5 1665/udp netview-aix-5

netview-aix-6 1666/tcp netview-aix-6

netview-aix-6 1666/udp netview-aix-6

# Martha Crisson <CRISSON@ralvm12.vnet.ibm.com>

licensedaemon 1986/tcp cisco license management

licensedaemon 1986/udp cisco license management

tr-rsrb-p1 1987/tcp cisco RSRB Priority 1 port

tr-rsrb-p1 1987/udp cisco RSRB Priority 1 port

tr-rsrb-p2 1988/tcp cisco RSRB Priority 2 port

tr-rsrb-p2 1988/udp cisco RSRB Priority 2 port

tr-rsrb-p3 1989/tcp cisco RSRB Priority 3 port

tr-rsrb-p3 1989/udp cisco RSRB Priority 3 port


mshnet 1989/tcp MHSnet system

mshnet 1989/udp MHSnet system

# Bob Kummerfeld <bob@sarad.cs.su.oz.au>


stun-p1 1990/tcp cisco STUN Priority 1 port

stun-p1 1990/udp cisco STUN Priority 1 port

stun-p2 1991/tcp cisco STUN Priority 2 port

stun-p2 1991/udp cisco STUN Priority 2 port

stun-p3 1992/tcp cisco STUN Priority 3 port

stun-p3 1992/udp cisco STUN Priority 3 port


ipsendmsg 1992/tcp IPsendmsg

ipsendmsg 1992/udp IPsendmsg

# Bob Kummerfeld <bob@sarad.cs.su.oz.au>


snmp-tcp-port 1993/tcp cisco SNMP TCP port

snmp-tcp-port 1993/udp cisco SNMP TCP port

stun-port 1994/tcp cisco serial tunnel port

stun-port 1994/udp cisco serial tunnel port

perf-port 1995/tcp cisco perf port

perf-port 1995/udp cisco perf port

tr-rsrb-port 1996/tcp cisco Remote SRB port

tr-rsrb-port 1996/udp cisco Remote SRB port

gdp-port 1997/tcp cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol

gdp-port 1997/udp cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol

x25-svc-port 1998/tcp cisco X.25 service (XOT)

x25-svc-port 1998/udp cisco X.25 service (XOT)

tcp-id-port 1999/tcp cisco identification port

tcp-id-port 1999/udp cisco identification port

callbook 2000/tcp

callbook 2000/udp

dc 2001/tcp

wizard 2001/udp curry

globe 2002/tcp

globe 2002/udp

mailbox 2004/tcp

emce 2004/udp CCWS mm conf

berknet 2005/tcp

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