
RFC4081 - Security Threats for Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS)

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group H. Tschofenig

Request for Comments: 4081 D. Kroeselberg

Category: Informational Siemens

June 2005

Security Threats for Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS)

Status of This Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This threats document provides a detailed analysis of the security

threats relevant to the Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS) protocol

suite. It calls attention to, and helps with the understanding of,

various security considerations in the NSIS Requirements, Framework,

and Protocol proposals. This document does not describe

vulnerabilities of specific parts of the NSIS protocol suite.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion ....................................................2

2. Communications Models ...........................................3

3. Generic Threats .................................................7

3.1. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks ..................................8

3.2. Replay of Signaling Messages ..............................11

3.3. Injecting or Modifying Messages ...........................11

3.4. Insecure Parameter Exchange and Negotiation ...............12

4. NSIS-Specific Threat Scenarios .................................12

4.1. Threats during NSIS SA Usage ..............................13

4.2. Flooding ..................................................13

4.3. Eavesdropping and Traffic Analysis ........................15

4.4. Identity Spoofing .........................................15

4.5. Unprotected Authorization Information .....................17

4.6. Missing Non-Repudiation ...................................18

4.7. Malicious NSIS Entity .....................................19

4.8. Denial of Service Attacks .................................20

4.9. Disclosing the Network Topology ...........................21

4.10. Unprotected Session or Reservation Ownership .............21

4.11. Attacks against the NTLP .................................23

5. Security Considerations ........................................23

6. Contributors ...................................................24

7. Acknowledgements ...............................................24

8. References .....................................................25

8.1. Normative References ......................................25

8.2. Informative References ....................................25

1. Introduction

Whenever a new protocol is developed or existing protocols are

modified, threats to their security should be evaluated. To address

security in the NSIS working group, a number of steps have been


NSIS Analysis Activities (see [RSVP-SEC] and [SIG-ANAL])

Security Threats for NSIS

NSIS Requirements (see [RFC3726])

NSIS Framework (see [RFC4080])

NSIS Protocol Suite (see GIMPS [GIMPS], NAT/Firewall NSLP


This document identifies the basic security threats that need to be

addressed during the design of the NSIS protocol suite. Even if the

base protocol is secure, certain extensions may cause problems when

used in a particular environment.

This document cannot provide detailed threats for all possible NSIS

Signaling Layer Protocols (NSLPs). QoS [QOS-NSLP], NAT/Firewall

[NATFW-NSLP], and other NSLP documents need to provide a description

of their trust models and a threat assessment for their specific

application domain. This document aims to provide some help for the

subsequent design of the NSIS protocol suite. Investigations of

security threats in a specific architecture or context are outside

the scope of this document.

We use the NSIS terms defined in [RFC3726] and in [RFC4080].

2. Communications Models

The NSIS suite of protocols is envisioned to support various

signaling applications that need to install and/or manipulate state

at nodes along the data flow path through the network. As such, the

NSIS protocol suite involves the communication between different


This section offers terminology for common communication models that

are relevant to securing the NSIS protocol suite.

An abstract network topology with its administrative domains is shown

in Figure 1, and in Figure 2 the relationship between NSIS entities

along the path is shown. For illustrative reasons, only end-to-end

NSIS signaling is depicted, yet it might be used in other variations

as well. Signaling can start at any place and might terminate at any

other place within the network. Depending on the trust relationship

between NSIS entities and the traversed network parts, different

security problems arise.

The notion of trust and trust relationship used in this document is

informal and can best be captured by the definition provided in

Section 1.1 of [RFC3756]. For completeness we include the definition

of a trust relationship, which denotes a mutual a priori relationship

between the involved organizations or parties wherein the parties

believe that the other parties will behave correctly even in the


An important observation for NSIS is that a certain degree of trust

has to be placed into intermediate NSIS nodes along the path between

an NSIS Initiator and an NSIS Responder, specifically so that they

perform message processing and take the necessary actions. A

complete lack of trust between any of the participating entities will

cause NSIS signaling to fail.

Note that it is not possible to describe a trust model completely

without considering the details and behavior of the NTLP, the NSLP

(e.g., QoS NSLP), and the deployment environment. For example,

securing the communication between an end host (which acts as the

NSIS Initiator) and the first NSIS node (which might be in the

attached network or even a number of networks away) is impacted by

the trust relationships between these entities. In a corporate

network environment, a stronger degree of trust typically exists than

in an unmanaged network.

Figure 1 introduces convenient abbreviations for network parts with

similar properties: first-peer, last-peer, intra-domain, or


+------------------+ +---------------+ +------------------+

Administrative Intermediate Administrative

Domain A Domains Domain B

(Inter-domain Communication)


(Intra-domain (Intra-domain

Communication) Communication)

v v

+--------+---------+ +---------------+ +---------+--------+

^ ^

First Peer Communication Last Peer Communication

v v

+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+


Initiator Responder

+-----------+ +-----------+

Figure 1: Communication patterns in NSIS

First-Peer/Last-Peer Communication:

The end-to-end communication scenario depicted in Figure 1

includes the communication between the end hosts and their nearest

NSIS hops. "First-peer communications" refers to the peer-to-peer

interaction between a signaling message originator, the NSIS

Initiator (NI), and the first NSIS-aware entity along the path.

This "first-peer communications" commonly comes with specific

security requirements that are especially important for addressing

security issues between the end host (and a user) and the network

it is attached to.

To illustrate this, in roaming environments, it is difficult to

assume the existence of a pre-established security association

directly available for NSIS peers involved in first-peer

communications, because these peers cannot be assumed to have any

pre-existing relationship with each other. In contrast, in

enterprise networks usually there is a fairly strong

(pre-established) trust relationship between the peers.

Enterprise network administrators usually have some degree of

freedom to select the appropriate security protection and to

enforce it. The choice of selecting a security mechanism is

therefore often influenced by the infrastructure already

available, and per-session negotiation of security mechanisms is

often not required (although, in contrast, it is required in a

roaming environment).

Last-Peer communication is a variation of First-Peer communication

in which the roles are reversed.

Intra-Domain Communication:

After verification of the NSIS signaling message at the border of

an administrative domain, an NSIS signaling message traverses the

network within the same administrative domain to which the first

peer belongs. It might not be necessary to repeat the

authorization procedure of the NSIS initiator again at every NSIS

node within this domain. Key management within the administrative

domain might also be simpler.

Security protection is still required to prevent threats by

non-NSIS nodes in this network.

Inter-Domain Communication:

Inter-Domain communication deals with the interaction between

administrative domains. For some NSLPs (for example, QoS NSLP),

this interaction is likely to take place between neighboring

domains, whereas in other NSLPs (such as the NAT/Firewall NSLP),

the core network is usually not involved.

If signaling messages are conveyed transparently in the core

network (i.e., if they are neither intercepted nor processed in

the core network), then the signaling message communications

effectively takes place between Access networks. This might place

a burden on authorization handling and on the key management

infrastructure required between these access networks, which might

not know of each other in advance.

To refine the above differentiation based on the network parts that

NSIS signaling may traverse, we subsequently consider relationships

between involved entities. Because a number of NSIS nodes might

actively participate in a specific protocol exchange, a larger number

of possible relationships need to be analyzed than in other

protocols. Figure 2 illustrates possible relationships between the

entities involved in the NSIS protocol suite.


* *

+----+-----+ +----------+ +----+-----+

+-----+ NSIS +-------+ NSIS +--------+ NSIS +-----+

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3

+----------+ +----+-----+ +----------+




+--+--+-----+ +---------+-+

NSIS +//////////////////////////////////////////+ NSIS

Initiator Responder

+-----------+ +-----------+


-----: Peer-to-Peer Relationship

/////: End-to-End Relationship

*****: Middle-to-Middle Relationship

~~~~~: End-to-Middle Relationship

Figure 2: Possible NSIS Relationships

End-to-Middle Communications:

The scenario in which one NSIS entity involved is an end-entity

(Initiator or Responder) and the other entity is any intermediate

hop other than the immediately adjacent peer is typically called

the end-to-middle scenario (see Figure 2). A motivation for

including this scenario can, for example, be found in SIP


An example of end-to-middle interaction might be an eXPlicit

authorization from the NSIS Initiator to some intermediate node.

Threats specific to this scenario may be introduced by some

intermediate NSIS hops that are not allowed to eavesdrop or modify

certain objects.

Middle-to-Middle Communications:

Middle-to-middle communication refers to the exchange of

information between two non-neighboring NSIS nodes along the path.

Intermediate NSIS hops may have to deal with specific security

threats that do not involve the NSIS Initiator or the NSIS

Responder directly.

End-to-End Communications:

NSIS aims to signal information from an Initiator to some NSIS

nodes along the path to a data receiver. In the case of

end-to-end NSIS signaling, the last node is the NSIS Responder, as

it is the data receiver. The NSIS protocol suite is not an

end-to-end protocol used to exchange information purely between

end hosts.

Typically, it is not required to protect NSIS messages

cryptographically between the NSIS Initiator and the NSIS

Responder. Protecting the entire signaling message end-to-end

might not be feasible since intermediate NSIS nodes need to add,

inspect, modify, or delete objects from the signaling message.

3. Generic Threats

This section provides scenarios of threats that are applicable to

signaling protocols in general. Note that some of these scenarios

use the term "user" instead of "NSIS Initiator". This is mainly

because security protocols allow differentiation between entities

that are hosts and those that are users (based on the identifiers


For the following subsections, we use the general distinction in two

cases in which attacks may occur. These are according to the

separate steps, or phases, normally encountered when applying

protocol security (with, e.g., IPsec, TLS, Kerberos, or SSH).

Therefore, this section starts by briefly describing a motivation for

this separation.

Security protection of protocols is often separated into two steps.

The first step primarily provides entity authentication and key

establishment (which result in a persistent state often called a

security association), whereas the second step provides message

protection (some combination of data origin authentication, data

integrity, confidentiality, and replay protection) using the

previously established security association. The first step tends to

be more expensive than the second, which is the main reason for the

separation. If messages are transmitted infrequently, then these two

steps may be collapsed into a single and usually rather costly one.

One such example is e-mail protection via S/MIME. The two steps may

be tightly bound into a single protocol, as in TLS, or defined in

separate protocols, as with IKE and IPsec. We use this separation to

cover the different threats in more detail.

3.1. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

This section describes both security threats that exist if two peers

do not already share a security association or do not use security

mechanisms at all, and threats that are applicable when a security

association is already established.

Attacks during NSIS SA Establishment:

While establishing a security association, an adversary fools the

signaling message Initiator with respect to the entity to which it

has to authenticate. The Initiator authenticates to the man-in-

the-middle adversary, who is then able to modify signaling

messages to mount DoS attacks or to steal services that get billed

to the Initiator. In addition, the adversary may be able to

terminate the Initiator's NSIS messages and to inject messages to

a peer itself, thereby acting as the peer to the Initiator and as

the Initiator to the peer. As a result, the Initiator wrongly

believes that it is talking to the "real" network, whereas it is

actually attached to an adversary. For this attack to be

successful, pre-conditions that are described in the following

three cases have to hold:

Missing Authentication:

In the first case, this threat can be carried out because of

missing authentication between neighboring peers: without

authentication, an NI, NR, or NF is unable to detect an

adversary. However, in some practical cases, authentication

might be difficult to accomplish, either because the next peer

is unknown, because there are misbelieved trust relationships

in parts of the network, or because of the inability to

establish proper security protection (inter-domain signaling

messages, dynamic establishment of a security association,

etc.). If one of the communicating endpoints is unknown, then

for some security mechanisms it is either impossible or

impractical to apply appropriate security protection.

Sometimes network administrators use intra-domain signaling

messages without proper security. This configuration allows an

adversary on a compromised non-NSIS-aware node to interfere

with nodes running an NSIS signaling protocol. Note that this

type of threat goes beyond those caused by malicious NSIS nodes

(described in Section 4.7).

Unilateral Authentication:

In the case of unilateral authentication, the NSIS entity that

does not authenticate its peer is unable to discover a man-in-

the-middle adversary. Although mutual authentication of

signaling messages should take place between each peer

participating in the protocol operation, special attention is

given here to first-peer communications. Unilateral

authentication between an end host and the first peer (just

authenticating the end host) is still common today, but it

opens up many possibilities for man-in-the-middle attackers

impersonating either the end host or the (administrative domain

represented by the) first peer.

Missing or unilateral authentication, as described above, is

part of a general problem of network access with inadequate

authentication, and it should not be considered something

unique to the NSIS signaling protocol. Obviously, there is a

strong need to address this correctly in a future NSIS protocol

suite. The signaling protocols addressed by NSIS are different

from other protocols in which only two entities are involved.

Note that first-peer authentication is especially important

because a security breach there could impact nodes beyond the

entities directly involved (or even beyond a local network).

Finally, note that the signaling protocol should be considered

a peer-to-peer protocol, wherein the roles of Initiator and

Responder can be reversed at any time. Thus, unilateral

authentication is not particularly useful for such a protocol.

However, some form of asymmetry might be needed in the

authentication process, whereby one entity uses an

authentication mechanism different from that of the other one.

As an example, the combination of symmetric and asymmetric

cryptography should be mentioned.

Weak Authentication:

In the case of weak authentication, the threat can be carried

out because information transmitted during the NSIS SA

establishment process may leak passWords or allow offline

dictionary attacks. This threat is applicable to NSIS for the

process of selecting certain security mechanisms.

Finally, we conclude with a description of a man-in-the-middle (MITM)

attack during the discovery phase. This attack benefits from the

fact that NSIS nodes are likely to be unaware of the network

topology. Furthermore, an authorization problem might arise if an

NSIS QoS NSLP node pretends to be an NSIS NAT/Firewall-specific node

or vice versa.

An adversary might inject a bogus reply message, forcing the

discovery message initiator to start a messaging association

establishment with either an adversary or with another NSIS node that

is not along the path. Figure 3 describes the attack in more detail

for peer-to-peer addressed messages with a discovery mechanism. For

end-to-end addressed messages, the attack is also applicable,

particularly if the adversary is located along the path and able to

intercept the discovery message that traverses the adversary. The

man-in-the-middle adversary might redirect to another legitimate NSIS

node. A malicious NSIS node can be detected with the corresponding

security mechanisms, but a legitimate NSIS node that is not the next

NSIS node along the path cannot be detected without topology


+-----------+ Messaging Association

Message Adversary Establishment

Association +--->+ +<----------------+

Establish- +----+------+ (4)

ment IPx

(3) Discovery Reply v

(IPx) +---+-------+

v (2) NSIS

+------+-----+ /----------->+ Node B +--------

NSIS +<--+ / Discovery +-----------+

Node A +---------/ Request IPr

+------------+ (1)


Figure 3: MITM Attack during the Discovery Exchange

This attack assumes that the adversary is able to eavesdrop on the

initial discovery message sent by the sender of the discovery

message. Furthermore, we assume that the discovery reply message by

the adversary returns to the discovery message initiator faster than

the real response. This represents some race condition

characteristics if the next NSIS node is very close (in IP-hop terms)

to the initiator. Note that the problem is self-healing since the

discovery process is periodically repeated. If an adversary is

unable to mount this attack with every discovery message, then the

correct next NSIS node along the path will be discovered again. A

ping-pong behavior might be the consequence.

As shown in message step (2) in Figure 3, the adversary returns a

discovery reply message with its own IP address as the next NSIS-

aware node along the path. Without any additional information, the

discovery message initiator has to trust this information. Then a

messaging association is established with an entity at a given IP

address IPx (i.e., with the adversary) in step (3). The adversary

then establishes a messaging association with a further NSIS node and

forwards the signaling message. Note that the adversary might just

modify the Discovery Reply message to force NSIS Node A to establish

a messaging association with another NSIS node that is not along the

path. This can then be exploited by the adversary. The interworking

with NSIS-unaware NATs in particular might cause additional

unexpected problems.

As a variant of this attack, an adversary not able to eavesdrop on

transmitted discovery requests could flood a node with bogus

discovery reply messages. If the discovery message sender

accidentally accepts one of those bogus messages, then a MITM attack

as described in Figure 3 is possible.

3.2. Replay of Signaling Messages

This threat scenario covers the case in which an adversary

eavesdrops, collects signaling messages, and replays them at a later

time (or at a different place, or uses parts of them at a different

place or in a different way; e.g., cut-and-paste attacks). Without

proper replay protection, an adversary might mount man-in-the-middle,

denial of service, and theft of service attacks.

A more difficult attack (that may cause problems even if there is

replay protection) requires that the adversary crash an NSIS-aware

node, causing it to lose state information (sequence numbers,

security associations, etc.), and then replay old signaling messages.

This attack takes advantage of re-synchronization deficiencies.

3.3. Injecting or Modifying Messages

This type of threat involves integrity violations, whereby an

adversary modifies signaling messages (e.g., by acting as a

man-in-the-middle) in order to cause unexpected network behavior.

Possible actions an adversary might consider for its attack are

reordering, delaying, dropping, injecting, truncating, and otherwise

modifying messages.

An adversary may inject a signaling message requesting a large amount

of resources (possibly using a different user's identity). Other

resource requests may then be rejected. In combination with identity

spoofing, it is possible to carry out fraud. This attack is only

feasible in the absence of authentication and signaling message


Some threats directly related to these are described in Sections 4.4,

4.7, and 4.8.

3.4. Insecure Parameter Exchange and Negotiation

First, protocols may be useful in a variety of scenarios with

different security requirements. Second, different users (e.g., a

university, a hospital, a commercial enterprise, or a government

ministry) have inherently different security requirements. Third,

different parts of a network (e.g., within a building, across a

public carrier's network, or over a private microwave link) may need

different levels of protection. It is often difficult to meet these

(sometimes conflicting) requirements with a single security mechanism

or fixed set of security parameters, so often a selection of

mechanisms and parameters is offered. Therefore, a protocol is

required to agree on certain security mechanisms and parameters. An

insecure parameter exchange or security negotiation protocol can help

an adversary to mount a downgrading attack to force selection of

mechanisms weaker than those mutually desired. Thus, without binding

the negotiation process to the legitimate parties and protecting it,

an NSIS protocol suite might only be as secure as the weakest

mechanism provided (e.g., weak authentication), and the benefits of

defining configuration parameters and a negotiation protocol are


4. NSIS-Specific Threat Scenarios

This section describes eleven threat scenarios in terms of attacks on

and security deficiencies in the NSIS signaling protocol. A number

of security deficiencies might enable an attack. Fraud is an example

of an attack that might be enabled by missing replay protection,

missing protection of authorization tokens, identity spoofing,

missing authentication, and other deficiencies that help an adversary

steal resources. Different threat scenarios based on deficiencies

that could enable an attack are addressed in this section.

The threat scenarios are not independent. Some of them (e.g., denial

of service) are well-established security terms and, as such, need to

be addressed, but they are often enabled by one or more deficiencies

described under other scenarios.

4.1. Threats during NSIS SA Usage

Once a security association is established (and used) to protect

signaling messages, many basic attacks are prevented. However, a

malicious NSIS node is still able to perform various attacks as

described in Section 4.7. Replay attacks may be possible when an

NSIS node crashes, restarts, and performs state re-establishment.

Proper re-synchronization of the security mechanism must therefore be

provided to address this problem.

4.2. Flooding

This section describes attacks that allow an adversary to flood an

NSIS node with bogus signaling messages to cause a denial of service


We will discuss this threat at different layers in the NSIS protocol


Processing of Router Alert Options:

The processing of Router Alert Option (RAO) requires that a router

do some additional processing by intercepting packets with IP

options, which might lead to additional delay for legitimate

requests, or even rejection of some of them. A router being

flooded with a large number of bogus messages requires resources

before finding out that these messages have to be dropped.

If the protocol is based on using interception for message

delivery, this threat cannot be completely eliminated, but the

protocol design should attempt to limit the processing that has to

be done on the RAO-bearing packet so that it is as similar as

possible to that for an arbitrary packet addressed directly to one

of the router interfaces.

Attacks against the Transport Layer Protocol:

Certain attacks can be mounted against transport protocols by

flooding a node with bogus requests, or even to finish the

handshake phase to establish a transport layer association. These

types of threats are also addressed in Section 4.11.

Force NTLP to Do More Processing:

Some protocol fields might allow an adversary to force an NTLP

node to perform more processing. Additionally it might be

possible to interfere with the flow control or the congestion

control procedure. These types of threats are also addressed in

Section 4.11.

Furthermore, it might be possible to force the NTLP node to

perform some computations or signaling message exchanges by

injecting "trigger" events (which are unprotected).

Force NSLP to Do More Processing:

An adversary might benefit from flooding an NSLP node with

messages that must be stored (e.g., due to fragmentation handling)

before verifying the correctness of signaling messages.

Furthermore, causing memory allocation and computational efforts

might allow an adversary to harm NSIS entities. If a signaling

message contains, for example, a digital signature, then some

additional processing is required for the cryptographic

verification. An adversary can easily create a random bit

sequence instead of a digital signature to force an NSIS node into

heavy computation.

Idempotent signaling messages are particularly vulnerable to this

type of attack. The term "idempotent" refers to messages that

contain the same amount of information as the original message.

An example would be a refresh message that is equivalent to a

create message. This property allows a refresh message to create

state along a new path, where no previous state is available. For

this to work, specific classes of cryptographic mechanisms

supporting this behavior are needed. An example is a scheme based

on digital signatures, which, however, should be used with care

due to possible denial of service attacks.

Problems with the usage of public-key-based cryptosystems in

protocols are described in [AN97] and in [ALN00].

In addition to the threat scenario described above, an incoming

signaling message might trigger communication with third-party

nodes such as policy servers, LDAP servers, or AAA servers. If an

adversary is able to transmit a large number of signaling messages

(for example, with QoS reservation requests) with invalid

credentials, then the verifying node may not be able to process

other reservation messages from legitimate users.

4.3. Eavesdropping and Traffic Analysis

This section covers threats whereby an adversary is able to eavesdrop

on signaling messages. The signaling packets collected may allow

traffic analysis or be used later to mount replay attacks, as

described in Section 3.2. The eavesdropper might learn QoS

parameters, communication patterns, policy rules for firewall

traversal, policy information, application identifiers, user

identities, NAT bindings, authorization objects, network

configuration and performance information, and more.

An adversary's capability to eavesdrop on signaling messages might

violate a user's preference for privacy, particularly if unprotected

authentication or authorization information (including policies and

profile information) is exchanged.

Because the NSIS protocol signals messages through a number of nodes,

it is possible to differentiate between nodes actively participating

in the NSIS protocol and those that do not. For certain objects or

messages, it might be desirable to permit actively participating

intermediate NSIS nodes to eavesdrop. On the other hand, it might be

desirable that only the intended end points (NSIS Initiator and NSIS

Responder) be able to read certain other objects.

4.4. Identity Spoofing

Identity spoofing relevant for NSIS occurs in three forms: First,

identity spoofing can happen during the establishment of a security

association based on a weak authentication mechanism. Second, an

adversary can modify the flow identifier carried within a signaling

message. Third, it can spoof data traffic.

In the first case, Eve, acting as an adversary, may claim to be the

registered user Alice by spoofing Alice's identity. Eve thereby

causes the network to charge Alice for the network resources

consumed. This type of attack is possible if authentication is based

on a simple username identifier (i.e., in absence of cryptographic

authentication), or if authentication is provided for hosts, and

multiple users have access to a single host. This attack could also

be classified as theft of service.

In the second case, an adversary may be able to exploit the

established flow identifiers (required for QoS and NAT/FW NSLP).

These identifiers are, among others, IP addresses, transport protocol

type (UDP, TCP), port numbers, and flow labels (see [RFC1809] and

[RFC3697]). Modification of these flow identifiers allows

adversaries to exploit or to render ineffective quality of service

reservations or policy rules at middleboxes. An adversary could

mount an attack by modifying the flow identifier of a signaling


In the third case, an adversary may spoof data traffic. NSIS

signaling messages contain some sort of flow identifier that is

associated with a specified behavior (e.g., a particular flow

experiences QoS treatment or allows packets to traverse a firewall).

An adversary might, therefore, use IP spoofing and inject data

packets to benefit from previously installed flow identifiers.

We will provide an example of the latter threat. After NSIS nodes

along the path between the NSIS initiator and the NSIS receiver

processes a properly protected reservation request, transmitted by

the legitimate user Alice, a QoS reservation is installed at the

corresponding NSIS nodes (for example, the edge router). The flow

identifier is used for flow identification and allows data traffic

originated from a given source to be assigned to this QoS

reservation. The adversary Eve now spoofs Alice's IP address. In

addition, Alice's host may be crashed by the adversary with a denial

of service attack or may lose connectivity (for example, because of

mobility). If Eve is able to perform address spoofing, then she is

able to receive and transmit data (for example, RTP data traffic)

that receives preferential QoS treatment based on the previous

reservation. Depending on the installed flow identifier granularity,

Eve might have more possibilities to exploit the QoS reservation or a

pin-holed firewall. Assuming the soft state paradigm, whereby

periodic refresh messages are required, Alice's absence will not be

detected until a refresh message is required, forcing Eve to respond

with a protected signaling message. Again, this attack is applicable

not only to QoS traffic, but also to a Firewall control protocol,

with a different consequence.

The ability for an adversary to inject data traffic that matches a

certain flow identifier established by a legitimate user and to get

some benefit from injecting that traffic often also requires the

ability to receive the data traffic or to have one's correspondent

receive it. For example, an adversary in an unmanaged network

observes a NAT/Firewall signaling message towards a corporate

network. After the signaling message exchange was successful, the

user Alice is allowed to traverse the company firewall based on the

establish packet filter in order to contact her internal mail server.

Now, the adversary Eve, who was monitoring the signaling exchange, is

able to build a data packet towards this mail server that will pass

the company firewall. The packet will hit the mail server and cause

some actions, and the mail server will reply with some response

messages. Depending on the exact location of the adversary and the

degree of routing asymmetry, the adversary might even see the

response messages. Note that for this attack to work, Alice does not

need to participate in the exchange of signaling messages.

We could imagine using attributes of a flow identifier that is not

related to source and destination addresses. For example, we could

think of a flow identifier for which only the 21-bit Flow ID is used

(without source and destination IP address). Identity spoofing and

injecting traffic is much easier since a packet only needs to be

marked and an adversary can use a nearly arbitrary endpoint

identifier to achieve the desired result. Obviously, though, the

endpoint identifiers are not irrelevant, because the messages have to

hit some nodes in the network where NSIS signaling messages installed

state (in the above example, they would have to hit the same


Data traffic marking based on DiffServ is such an example. Whenever

an ingress router uses only marked incoming data traffic for

admission control procedures, various attacks are possible. These

problems have been known in the DiffServ community for a long time

and have been documented in various DiffServ-related documents. The

IPsec protection of DiffServ Code Points is described in Section 6.2

of [RFC2745]. Related security issues (for example denial of service

attacks) are described in Section 6.1 of the same document.

4.5. Unprotected Authorization Information

Authorization is an important criterion for providing resources such

as QoS reservations, NAT bindings, and pinholes through firewalls.

Authorization information might be delivered to the NSIS-

participating entities in a number of ways.

Typically, the authenticated identity is used to assist during the

authorization procedure (as described in [RFC3182], for example).

Depending on the chosen authentication protocol, certain threats may

exist. Section 3 discusses a number of issues related to this

approach when the authentication and key exchange protocol is used to

establish session keys for signaling message protection.

Another approach is to use some sort of authorization token. The

functionality and structure of such an authorization token for RSVP

is described in [RFC3520] and [RFC3521].

Achieving secure interaction between different protocols based on

authorization tokens, however, requires some care. By using such an

authorization token, it is possible to link state information between

different protocols. Returning an unprotected authorization token to

the end host might allow an adversary (for example, an eavesdropper)

to steal resources. An adversary might also use the token to monitor

communication patterns. Finally, an untrustworthy end host might

also modify the token content.

The Session/Reservation Ownership problem can also be regarded as an

authorization problem. Details are described in Section 4.10. In

enterprise networks, authorization is often coupled with membership

in a particular class of users or groups. This type of information

either can be delivered as part of the authentication and key

agreement procedure or has to be retrieved via separate protocols

from other entities. If an adversary manages to modify information

relevant to determining authorization or the outcome of the

authorization process itself, then theft of service might be


4.6. Missing Non-Repudiation

Signaling for QoS often involves three parties: the user, a network

that offers QoS reservations (referred to as "service provider") and

a third party that guarantees that the party making the reservation

actually receives a financial compensation (referred to as "trusted

third party").

In this context,"repudiation" refers to a problem where either the

user or the service provider later deny the existence or some

parameters (e.g., volume or price) of a QoS reservation towards the

trusted third party. Problems stemming from a lack of non-

repudiation appear in two forms:

Service provider's point-of-view:

A user may deny having issued a reservation request for which it

was charged. The service provider may then want to be able to

prove that a particular user issued the reservation request in


User's point-of-view:

A service provider may claim to have received a number of

reservation requests from a particular user. The user in question

may want to show that such reservation requests have never been

issued and may want to see correct service usage records for a

given set of QoS parameters.

In today's networks, non-repudiation is not provided. Therefore, it

might be difficult to introduce with NSIS signaling. The user has to

trust the network operator to meter the traffic correctly, to collect

and merge accounting data, and to ensure that no unforeseen problems

occur. If a signaling protocol with the non-repudiation property is

desired for establishing QoS reservations, then it certainly impacts

the protocol design.

Non-repudiation functionality places additional requirements on the

security mechanisms. Thus, a solution would normally increase the

overhead of a security solution. Threats related to missing non-

repudiation are only considered relevant in certain specific

scenarios and for specific NSLPs.

4.7. Malicious NSIS Entity

Network elements within a domain (intra-domain) experience a

different trust relationship with regard to the security protection

of signaling messages from that of edge NSIS entities. It is assumed

that edge NSIS entities are responsible for performing cryptographic

processing (authentication, integrity and replay protection,

authorization, and accounting) for signaling messages arriving from

the outside. This prevents unprotected signaling messages from

appearing within the internal network. If, however, an adversary

manages to take over an edge router, then the security of the entire

network is compromised. An adversary is then able to launch a number

of attacks, including denial of service; integrity violations; replay

and reordering of objects and messages; bundling of messages;

deletion of data packets; and various others. A rogue firewall can

harm other firewalls by modifying policy rules. The chain-of-trust

principle applied in peer-to-peer security protection cannot protect

against a malicious NSIS node. An adversary with access to an NSIS

router is also able to get access to security associations and to

transmit secured signaling messages. Note that even non-peer-to-peer

security protection might not be able to prevent this problem fully.

Because an NSIS node might issue signaling messages on behalf of

someone else (by acting as a proxy), additional problems need to be


An NSIS-aware edge router is a critical component that requires

strong security protection. A strong security policy applied at the

edge does not imply that other routers within an intra-domain network

do not need to verify signaling messages cryptographically. If the

chain-of-trust principle is deployed, then the security protection of

the entire path (in this case, within the network of a single

administrative domain) is only as strong as the weakest link. In the

case under consideration, the edge router is the most critical

component of this network, and it may also act as a security gateway

or firewall for incoming and outgoing traffic. For outgoing traffic,

this device has to implement the security policy of the local domain

and to apply the appropriate security protection.

For an adversary to mount this attack, either an existing NSIS-aware

node along the path has to be attacked successfully, or an adversary

must succeed in convincing another NSIS node to make it the next NSIS

peer (man-in-the-middle attack).

4.8. Denial of Service Attacks

A number of denial of service (DoS) attacks can cause NSIS nodes to

malfunction. Other attacks that could lead to DoS, such as man-in-

the-middle attacks, replay attacks, and injection or modification of

signaling messages, etc., are mentioned throughout this document.

Path Finding:

Some signaling protocols establish state (e.g., routing state) and

perform some actions (e.g., querying resources) at a number of

NSIS nodes without requiring authorization (or even proper

authentication) based on a single message (e.g., PATH message in


An adversary can utilize this fact to transmit a large number of

signaling messages to allocate state at nodes along the path and

to cause resource consumption.

An NSIS responder might not be able to determine the NSIS

initiator and might even tend to respond to such a signaling

message with a corresponding reservation message.

Discovery Phase:

Conveying signaling information to a large number of entities

along a data path requires some sort of discovery. This discovery

process is vulnerable to a number of attacks because it is

difficult to secure. An adversary can use the discovery

mechanisms to convince one entity to signal information to another

entity that is not along the data path, or to cause the discovery

process to fail. In the first case, the signaling protocol could

appear to continue correctly, except that policy rules are

installed at the incorrect firewalls or QoS resource reservations

take place at the wrong entities. For an end host, this means

that the protocol failed for unknown reasons.

Faked Error or Response Messages:

An adversary may be able to inject false error or response

messages as part of a DoS attack. This could be at the signaling

message protocol layer (NTLP), the layer of each client layer

protocol (e.g., QoS NSLP or NAT/Firewall NSLP), or the transport

protocol layer. An adversary might cause unexpected protocol

behavior or might succeed with a DoS attack. The discovery

protocol, especially, exhibits vulnerabilities with regard to this

threat scenario (see the above discussion on discovery). If no

separate discovery protocol is used and signaling messages are

addressed to end hosts only (with a Router Alert Option to

intercept message as NSIS aware nodes), an error message might be

used to indicate a path change. Such a design combines a

discovery protocol with a signaling message exchange protocol.

4.9. Disclosing the Network Topology

In some organizations or enterprises there is a desire not to reveal

internal network structure (or other related information) outside of

a closed community. An adversary might be able to use NSIS messages

for network mapping (e.g., discovering which nodes exist, which use

NSIS, what version, what resources are allocated, what capabilities

nodes along a path have, etc.). Discovery messages, traceroute,

diagnostic messages (see [RFC2745] for a description of diagnostic

message functionality for RSVP), and query messages, in addition to

record route and route objects, provide potential assistance to an

adversary. Thus, the requirement of not disclosing a network

topology might conflict with other requirements to provide means for

discovering NSIS-aware nodes automatically or to provide diagnostic

facilities (used for network monitoring and administration).

4.10. Unprotected Session or Reservation Ownership

Figure 4 shows an NSIS Initiator that has established state

information at NSIS nodes along a path as part of the signaling

procedure. As a result, Access Router 1, Router 3, and Router 4 (and

other nodes) have stored session-state information, including the

Session Identifier SID-x.

Session ID(SID-x)


+-----------------+ Router +------------>

Session ID(SID-x) 4

+---+----+ +--------+


+------+ 3 +*******

+---+----+ *


Session ID(SID-x) * Session ID(SID-x)

+---+----+ +---+----+

Access Access

Router Router

1 2

+---+----+ +---+----+


Session ID(SID-x) * Session ID(SID-x)

+----+------+ +----+------+

NSIS Adversary


+-----------+ +-----------+

Figure 4: Session or Reservation Ownership

The Session Identifier is included in signaling messages to reference

to the established state.

If an adversary were able to oBTain the Session Identifier (for

example, by eavesdropping on signaling messages), it would be able to

add the same Session Identifier SID-x to a new signaling message.

When the new signaling message hits Router 3 (as shown in Figure 4),

existing state information can be modified. The adversary can then

modify or delete the established reservation and cause unexpected

behavior for the legitimate user.

The source of the problem is that Router 3 (a cross-over router) is

unable to decide whether the new signaling message was initiated from

the owner of the session or reservation.

In addition, nodes other than the initial signaling message

originator are allowed to signal information during the lifetime of

an established session. As part of the protocol, any NSIS-aware node

along the path (and the path might change over time) could initiate a

signaling message exchange. It might, for example, be necessary to

provide mobility support or to trigger a local repair procedure. If

only the initial signaling message originator were allowed to trigger

signaling message exchanges, some protocol behavior would not be


If this threat scenario is not addressed, an adversary can launch

DoS, theft of service, and various other attacks.

4.11. Attacks against the NTLP

In [2LEVEL], a two-level architecture is proposed, that would split

an NSIS protocol into layers: a signaling message transport-specific

layer and an application-specific layer. This is further developed

in the NSIS Framework [RFC4080]. Most of the threats described in

this threat analysis are applicable to the NSLP application-specific

part (e.g., QoS NSLP). There are, however, some threats that are

applicable to the NTLP.

Network and transport layer protocols lacking protection mechanisms

are vulnerable to certain attacks, such as header manipulation, DoS,

spoofing of identities, session hijacking, unexpected aborts, etc.

Malicious nodes can attack the congestion control mechanism to force

NSIS nodes into a congestion avoidance state.

Threats that address parts of the NTLP that are not related to

attacks against the use of transport layer protocols are covered in

various sections throughout this document, such as Section 4.2.

If existing transport layer protocols are used for exchanging NSIS

signaling messages, security vulnerabilities known for these

protocols need to be considered. A detailed threat description of

these protocols is outside the scope of this document.

5. Security Considerations

This entire memo discusses security issues relevant for NSIS protocol

design. It begins by identifying the components of a network running

NSIS (Initiator, Responder, and different Administrative Domains

between them). It then considers five cases in which communications

take place between these components, and it examines the trust

relationships presumed to exist in each case: First-Peer

Communications, End-to-Middle Communications, Intra-Domain

Communications, Inter-Domain Communications, and End-to-End

Communications. This analysis helps determine the security needs and

the relative seriousness of different threats in the different cases.

The document points out the need for different protocol security

measures: authentication, key exchange, message integrity, replay

protection, confidentiality, authorization, and some precautions

against denial of service. The threats are subdivided into generic

ones (e.g., man-in-the-middle attacks, replay attacks, tampering and

forgery, and attacks on security negotiation protocols) and eleven

threat scenarios that are particularly applicable to the NSIS

protocol. Denial of service, for example, is covered in the

NSIS-specific section, not because it cannot be carried out against

other protocols, but because the methods used to carry out denial of

service attacks tend to be protocol specific. Numerous illustrative

examples provide insight into what can happen if these threats are

not mitigated.

This document repeatedly points out that not all of the threats are

equally serious in every context. It does attempt to identify the

scenarios in which security failures may have the highest impact.

However, it is difficult for the protocol designer to foresee all the

ways in which NSIS protocols will be used or to anticipate the

security concerns of a wide variety of likely users. Therefore, the

protocol designer needs to offer a full range of security

capabilities and ways for users to negotiate and select what they

need, on a case-by-case basis. To counter these threats, security

requirements have been listed in [RFC3726].

6. Contributors

We especially thank Richard Graveman, who provided text for the

security considerations section, as well as a detailed review of the


7. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank (in alphabetical order) Marcus Brunner, Jorge

Cuellar, Mehmet Ersue, Xiaoming Fu, and Robert Hancock for their

comments on an initial version of this document. Jorge and Robert

gave us an extensive list of comments and provided information on

additional threats.

Jukka Manner, Martin Buechli, Roland Bless, Marcus Brunner, Michael

Thomas, Cedric Aoun, John Loughney, Rene Soltwisch, Cornelia Kappler,

Ted Wiederhold, Vishal Sankhla, Mohan Parthasarathy, and Andrew

McDonald provided comments on more recent versions of this document.

Their input helped improve the content of this document. Roland

Bless, Michael Thomas, Joachim Kross, and Cornelia Kappler, in

particular, provided good proposals for regrouping and restructuring

the material.

A final review was given by Michael Richardson. We thank him for his

detailed comments.

8. References

8.1. Normative References

[RFC4080] Hancock, R., Karagiannis, G., Loughney, J., and S. van

den Bosch, "Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS): Framework",

RFC 4080, June 2005.

[RFC3726] Brunner, M., "Requirements for Signaling Protocols",

RFC 3726, April 2004.

8.2. Informative References

[ALN00] Aura, T., Leiwo, J., and P. Nikander, "Towards Network

Denial of Service Resistant Protocols, In Proceedings

of the 15th International Information Security

Conference (IFIP/SEC 2000), Beijing, China",

August 2000.

[AN97] Aura, T. and P. Nikander, "Stateless Connections", In

Proceedings of the International Conference on

Information and Communications Security (ICICS'97),

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1334, Springer",


[2LEVEL] Braden, R. and B. Lindell, "A Two-Level Architecture

for Internet Signaling", Work in Progress,

November 2002.

[RFC3697] Rajahalme, J., Conta, A., Carpenter, B., and S.

Deering, "IPv6 Flow Label Specification", RFC 3697,

March 2004.

[NATFW-NSLP] Stiemerling, M., "A NAT/Firewall NSIS Signaling Layer

Protocol (NSLP)", Work in Progress, February 2005.

[GIMPS] Schulzrinne, H., "GIMPS: General Internet Messaging

Protocol for Signaling", Work in Progress,

February 2005.

[QOS-NSLP] Bosch, S., Karagiannis, G., and A. McDonald, "NSLP for

Quality-of-Service signaling", Work in Progress,

February 2005.

[RSVP-SEC] Tschofenig, H., "RSVP Security Properties", Work in

Progress, February 2005.

[SIG-ANAL] Manner, J. and X. Fu, "Analysis of Existing Quality-

of-Service Signaling Protocols", RFC 4094, May 2005.

[RFC1809] Partridge, C., "Using the Flow Label Field in IPv6",

RFC 1809, June 1995.

[RFC2745] Terzis, A., Braden, B., Vincent, S., and L. Zhang,

"RSVP Diagnostic Messages", RFC 2745, January 2000.

[RFC3182] Yadav, S., Yavatkar, R., Pabbati, R., Ford, P., Moore,

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