Installation InstrUCtions
Oracle, MapViewer and Geospatial data
Download Oracle and MapViewer from
the database software: oracle10g rel2 standard edition for Microsoft Windows 'a'ena-7
The application server MapViewer: MapViewer kit and Quickstart
Install the oracle software and create the database
double click on the setup
Login to DB: installed in C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\mapdb
(DB installed on machine with static IP preferably)
login as SYS and conect as SYSDBA
Name: mapdb (this is the sid)
Passwd: ???
Create a DB
Administration tab
Tablespaces link
Create button
Object: maptablespace (name the tablespace)
Add button
mapdata (file on disk. created!)
Reuse same file 4G
Automatic extend 500MB
Create a user in DB mapsdb
Under "Users & Privileges" select:
Users [link] -> mapuser (<- this is the user name)
pass l
Default Tablespace: maptablespace (from above!)
Temporary Tablespace: temp
Roles link
Edit List link
Move "DBA" to the right (this user is dba)
Connecting to oracle:
Admin user name: SYS
Connect as SYSDBA
To login to admin oracle: http://localhost:1158/em Username: SYS, PassWord: ???, Connect As: SYSDBA
To login to mapsdb (our db) http://localhost:1158/em Username: mapuser, Password: l, Connect as: Normal
the following I don't use:
The iSQL*plus URL is: http://localhost:5560/isqlplus
The iSQL*plus DBA URL is: http://localhost:5560/isqlplus/dba
MapViewer Installation
unzip MapViewer QS (read readme file!! and fix the start.bat)
It is installed!
To start MapViewer execute the start.bat in the Directory where unziped
To login to MapViewer: http://localhost:8888
To create a password in Mapviewer, read its readme file
Configure MapViewer to use the right DB all the time.
edit the config file in MAPVIEWER_INSTALLATION\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\mapviewer\web\WEB-INF\conf
near the end of the file (see the tags there) place the following:
Note: map_data_source is the name that your app and Mapviewer use to refer to the db
Another note: in the passwd field place a ! so that mapviewer will encrypt the passwd next time MapViewer comes up.
Another note: below the map_data_source is simply a name such as my_dataSource.
<map_data_source name="maptablespace"
Import Data
some additional notes from Farshad search for Census 200 tuger (census)
the exacl URL where we downloaded the files is:
Use second pull down menu to select and download (GEORGIA).
County 2000
Line Features-Roads
Water Polygons
see cd for some of the files we have.
From: \oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\mapviewer\web\WEB-INF\lib
mvclient.jar (size 134K)
From: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\md\lib
sdoapi.jar (size 14K)
You need a patched sdoutl.jar. To get this go to:
dounload the Java Kit for the "Oracle Java Shapefile Converter"
In this page there is also a readme file.
The kit contains the PATCHED sdoutl.jar that you need to:
use to compile/execute your app
use to compile/execute the converter.
it also contains a sample converter file to convert Shape files (from ESRI) into SPATIAL files (oracle format).
From: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\jdbc\lib (where I installed oracle)
ojdbc14.jar (size 1501K)
Create Indexes in the database that the Mapviewer needs:
Note do this after you import the data in your db.
Log in to mapdb.
in "Object Name" enter GA_Counties (see the importer file on how it names this)
Actions -> create index
provide a name: COUNTY_GEOM_IDX
Click OK
Go back and click on the radio "Create index on one or more non-spatial columns"
County ....... value 1