Multi-Threading And COM
This article first appeared in The Delphi magazine, Issue 60 (August 2000).
Table Of Contents
In-Proc COM Object Threading Model
Inter-Apartment Interface Passing
IntroductionGrowing numbers of Delphi developers are now getting into COM. This can only be a good thing as COM has a growing significance in Windows development. COM is providing more and more of the underpinnings of many parts of Windows application development. Consequently we see a lot of COM information around in the Delphi publications. Some references are listed at the end of this article.
However, most information concentrates on dealing with COM in simple, non-threaded applications. Very little information exists on the subject of multi-threaded COM applications for the Delphi developer (although see Reference 1). Sure enough, there is quite a lot of printed information on the subject for C++ developers, but that is not entirely surprising.
This article tries to overcome this lack of information and attempts to provide an understanding of the concepts, terminology and issues involved in multi-threaded COM programming. It does not try and teach you safe multi-threaded programming which warrants a separate examination. Instead it assumes you have an appreciation of the general issues of multi-threaded programming, such as the necessity to protect or synchronise access to resources accessible from more than one thread. If not, you should investigate Windows synchronisation primitives such as mutexes, semaphores, events, critical sections (for example in References 6 and 7) and the Delphi TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer class.
Before we start on the subject, I should mention that Delphi 3 did not have built-in support for thread-safe COM objects. Delphi 4 added some support, although it needed a little hand-holding. Delphi 5 was the first version to automatically cater for thread-aware COM objects in the RTL.
ApartmentsNo, I’m not about to launch into some spiel about American city dwellings. Instead, an apartment is an important thread-related concept in COM. When you read about multi-threaded COM programming you might find it all rather confusing due to the constant references to various types of apartments, so I feel it prudent to start by investigating what an apartment is.
As Windows developers, you are probably reasonably comfortable about the way parts of applications are managed by Windows. When a program is launched, Windows creates a process "object" containing information about that process. I placed the word object in quotes because whilst it may well be stored as an object, programmers do not have access to it in such a form.
Each process object has a unique identifying number, or process identifier (a DWord or unsigned 32-bit number). Applications can also gain varying degrees of access to the process object by getting a handle to it, which is called a process handle (a THandle, which again is a 32-bit number).
When the program initiates any threads, be it the first (or primary) thread of an application, or additional (secondary) threads, Windows similarly manages them with thread objects. These contain the state information of the thread, or the thread’s context. These thread objects also have unique identifiers (thread identifiers) and can be accessed through a thread handle.
It perhaps should be mentioned at this point that the Delphi VCL is almost entirely not thread-safe. You should therefore use some form of synchronisation to access any VCL objects from any thread other than the primary thread. In a normal thread class (inherited from TThread), you would use the Synchronize method.
When an application thread creates a window, Windows also manages that via some internal data structure containing information about the window, which we refer to with a window handle (a HWnd or THandle).
Processes, threads and windows are fairly old hat as Windows-managed entities. Apartments, are not as common to most, despite any application that deals with COM containing at least one of them. Apartments also reside in an executable and are also managed by Windows, but we programmers do not have easy access to them via handles or identifiers. Nevertheless, they get created (by COM) and are managed for us by the OS.
The job of an apartment is to control how interface method calls are dispatched to COM objects in a multi-threaded environment. If a COM object has not been written with the ability to deal with simultaneous access from multiple threads (in other words is not thread safe) the apartment mechanism will ensure that the object receives only one method call at a time. If the object has been written to be thread-safe, the apartment permits simultaneous access from multiple threads.
Apartment TypesThe apartment therefore acts as a filter or funnel that ensures the COM object gets called in a manner that it can deal with. As was subtly implied by the previous paragraph there are two types of apartment. One that enforces serialised method calls (ensures only one method call executes at any time) and one that does not.
The first type is referred to as a Single-Threaded Apartment, or STA. Old Microsoft documentation referred to the STA model simply as the apartment-threaded model. The STA was introduced in Windows NT 3.51 and Windows 95. The second is called a Multi-Threaded Apartment, or MTA. The MTA model is also known as the free-threaded model. The MTA was introduced in Windows 95 with DCOM installed and in Windows NT 4.0.
In truth, there is also a third apartment type, the Thread-Neutral Apartment, or TNA, introduced by COM+ on Windows 2000, but I’ll ignore that for the time being in an attempt to keep things as simple as possible.
A COM object must belong to an apartment, be it an STA or an MTA. Moreover, it can only belong to one apartment. A COM object can advertise what type of apartment it is designed to work with by its threading model. Delphi’s COM Object Wizard allows you to choose your object’s threading model. In-process COM objects advertise their threading model in the Windows registry, as we will see later.
Any thread that accesses a COM object also belongs to exactly one apartment at a time. An apartment contains one or more threads in an application that can interact with COM (for example by calling COM object methods). If a thread in an apartment creates a COM object, that object belongs to the same apartment, although technically this may not always be the case.
An apartment can be shared by any number of COM objects which will all be accessible by clients in a manner dictated by the apartment type. Once instantiated, COM objects can never move to other apartments and so an apartment is part of the object’s identity.
An STA is so named because only one thread belongs to it. However an arbitrary number of threads can belong to an MTA. The enforced rule is that only threads in a COM object’s apartment are able to directly call its methods. If an object needs to be accessed by a thread in another apartment, either in the same or in a different process, the interface reference must be marshaled to the apartment. This concept will be detailed later.
Before moving on to the next section I must acknowledge that if this is all new to you, then it probably sounds very woolly, imprecise, up in the air and difficult to relate to. Also, all this nebulous talk of apartments with no real details may be prompting the popular Er, so what? response. This is perfectly understandable and fair enough.
As we proceed, real details will be revealed with the intention of solidifying this background information. If the first portion of this article makes little sense on the first run through, please be patient. Read it through to the end, then start at the beginning again. You should find that it all becomes much clearer when read through a second time.
It’s a chicken and egg situation really. You need the background information to appreciate the real details later, but you also need all those details in order to appreciate what the background is telling you. Take a deep breath. Now let’s get back to the story...
How Apartments Are CreatedWhilst a process must have at least one thread in order to work, it can have zero or more apartments. Remember that a thread that calls COM routines must belong to an apartment. Any thread can access COM objects with the caveat that the thread must initialise the Windows COM subsystem in order to do so. So an application with no apartments does not interact with COM.
The previous paragraph implies that a thread enters an apartment when COM is initialised by that thread (we will see later how the apartment type is determined). When a thread enters an apartment, COM ensures the apartment exists, creating it if need be.
COM stores information about the apartment in the TLS (the thread’s local storage area). If that thread then proceeds to create a COM object instance, that COM object belongs to that thread’s apartment. The thread leaves the apartment by shutting down COM before terminating.
An application is able to have at most one MTA but can have as few or as many STAs as you choose. Any thread that enters an STA creates a new apartment. Any thread that enters an MTA will either create the application’s sole MTA (if it is the first thread to enter it) or enter the existing MTA created by some other thread entering it earlier.
When you play with COM in Delphi, you might not realise it but COM is implicitly initialised in order for you to do so. Typically you will have ComObj in your uses clause, or maybe ComServ (which itself uses ComObj). The initialisation section of ComObj (in Delphi 4 and later) ensures that the project source’s Application.Initialize will cause COM to be initialised for your primary thread, and the finalisation section closes down COM.
This means that any Delphi application that uses ComObj or ComServ sets up some type of apartment. It also means that you must ensure that the Application.Initialize call remains at the beginning of the code in the project file (.DPR file) for this to work correctly.
The implication of all the above is that all COM applications are made up of one or more apartments, be they COM clients or COM servers. Any process that makes COM calls will involve at least one apartment.
In the case of a client talking to an out-of-process COM server, both the client and server will have at least one apartment (they each have at least one thread doing COM things).
With a client talking to an in-process server, there is only one process in the equation. Nominally you might assume that there would be one or more apartments. However, if the client apartment type does not match the thread capabilities of the COM object, COM will helpfully set up a thread of its own in a new apartment, thereby giving a minimum of at least two apartments (we will come back to this later).
Why Have Apartments?This is a good question to look at again at this point. What is the purpose of an apartment? Well, when you develop a COM object you are at liberty to either go to town building in thread safety at every appropriate point (synchronising access to any shared resources and so on) to enable your object to be safely accessed by many concurrent threads. Alternatively, you may choose to write your COM object in the normal thread-ignorant way, avoiding all the concurrency issues altogether. It’s your choice.
However, since registered COM objects can be accessed by any COM client application, single threaded or multi-threaded, thought needs to be given to what might happen. The client may, for example, have multiple threads of its own, each of which will make calls to the object. Or maybe there could be many client applications running, all of which communicate with the same COM object. Either way, if your COM object is not thread-safe, this could prove problematic. Or at least it could if COM didn’t solve the problem on your behalf.
If your COM object is not thread-safe, it should be created in a single threaded apartment. If it is thread-safe, it can be created in a multi-threaded apartment. In the case of a non thread-safe object in an STA, the apartment itself ensures that method calls come in one at a time from the various threads around the system regardless of how simultaneously the calls are made. On the other hand, an MTA does not control the order in which method calls arrive, leaving your thread-safe COM object able to service as many concurrent calls as it can.
How Does An STA Work?It is all very well claiming that an STA serialises COM object method calls, but it might help firm things up in your mind if you understand how this piece of magic is performed.
COM sets up a proxy object when a COM client wants to talk to a COM object in a different apartment or process (see Reference 5). The proxy is set up to look exactly like the target object so the client application is not made aware of the deception. The client’s interface reference actually points to the proxy.
In order for COM to do this, the type library that describes the interface must be registered so COM can learn how the interface is laid out. In DCOM applications, this means the server’s type library must be registered on the client machine.
When the client calls one of the COM object methods it actually talks to the proxy. The proxy then deals with communicating the method call across to the real object in the server. Since the proxy is associated with the COM object’s apartment, it knows whether method calls should be serialised or not. If the COM object resides in an STA then the proxy must somehow ensure that method calls arrive at the real object one at a time.
To do this, COM creates a hidden window for each STA. Each method call is translated into a Windows message (with all the pertinent parameter data packaged up in some way). The message is posted to the hidden thread window with PostThreadMessage, thereby ending up in the thread’s message queue along with any other calls to methods of this or other objects in the same STA. All method calls made by threads not belonging to the COM object’s STA are dealt with in this way.
There is a requirement that the thread in an STA have a message loop (or message pump) to sequentially pull out each message and send it to the target window’s window procedure. The primary thread of any Delphi application already has one of these tucked away in the Application object. It is this message loop that is responsible for taking all the usual user-generated mouse and keyboard messages and directing them to the right forms and controls. Any additional threads that wish to initialise COM and enter a new STA must also have a message loop (we will get onto the details later when we look at creating new STAs).
Since all the method calls end up as messages in a queue, the message loop will pull each message from the queue one at a time, and translate them into method calls one at a time. Each message is individually pulled from the queue and given to the hidden COM window’s window procedure, which extracts all the parameters and calls the object directly. Since the message loop is part of the STA’s thread this is perfectly permissible.
The fact that STA COM object method calls are made via a message queue and message loop inherently means that all STA COM object method calls will be serialised.
Figure 1 shows the surface view of several COM clients making simultaneous calls to an object in an STA in some other process. To the clients, things are very simple. They make method calls. The method calls execute. However, as explained above, things are more complex under the hood, in order to ensure the method calls occur one after another.
Figure 1: Three client processes simultaneously calling methods of an object in an STA

Figure 2 shows a more realistic view of things. Each client makes a method call through the supplied COM proxy object. The COM proxy posts a message into the server STA hidden COM window message queue. The message pump pulls each one out in turn, resulting in a method call, but each method is called from the STA’s single thread in a serial fashion.
Figure 2: What really happens when simultaneous STA method calls are made

Figure 3 shows WinSight displaying all the windows that are part of a simple COM client and server set-up (the server is an out-of-process executable).
Figure 3: WinSight showing the hidden STA windows

Each application has a TApplication window and a form window (normal for a Delphi application). However, since both the client and server processes initialise COM, they both have an apartment. COM creates a hidden window for each apartment with a window class of OleMainThreadWndClass 0x#####. The caption of each window is OleMainThreadWndName, implying the window corresponds to the main (indeed only) thread in each apartment, which in this case are both STAs.
The lower portion of Figure 3 shows a pair of messages involved in the STA to STA method call. The first message is posted to the server’s hidden COM window to produce a serialised method call. When it is complete, the second message is posted back to the client’s hidden window to allow it to continue. The client STA thread is effectively blocked by a COM-provided message loop until the method call returns and so the return message arrives.
So objects in any given STA will never suffer concurrent access since only one thread will ever be in the apartment. However, there can be multiple STAs in a process and so global data must still be protected with synchronisation of some sort, such as a semaphore, mutex or critical section.
How Does An MTA Work?This might not sound like such a sensible question right now. The idea with an MTA is that the objects within it can be called from many threads simultaneously, so what is there to know? Well at this point, remember the rule that was stated earlier: only threads in a COM object’s apartment are able to directly call its methods.
Consider a multi-threaded client application talking to a thread-safe object in an out-of-process server. The client asks COM to create the object, so COM starts the server whose main thread enters an MTA and creates the COM object. Since the client is in another process, COM then provides a proxy object to the client application.
Now several of the client’s threads, all of which are in an MTA, wish to call upon the object. However, those threads are not in the object’s apartment. They are in an apartment in the client. In fact the server only has one thread of its own. So what does COM do to help out? What it does is provide threads from the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) thread pool which then enter the server’s MTA. Each client call to one of the object’s methods is executed on one of these pooled threads. That way, it doesn’t matter how few explicitly created threads are running in the server.
Some liasing is still done with a hidden COM window during method calls, but the MTA threads need not have a message pump as calls are not being serialised. Figure 4 shows WinSight examining a client with an STA communicating with an MTA out-of-process object on Windows 95. You can see there are still messages posted back and forth, and that the MTA window has a different caption and has different behaviour. In fact it also has a different window class on other Win32 platforms.
Figure 4: A client STA window and a server MTA window

Of course, things are rather different with an in-process server. If an MTA client creates an object in an MTA server the MTA client threads will be permitted to directly call the object methods.
Since MTA object methods can be called concurrently on various threads, global data and instance data must be accessed with care, using synchronisation mechanisms. Care must also be taken with thread-local variables (those declared with threadvar rather than var). Since the MTA uses arbitrary threads from the RPC thread pool, each time a method is called, the thread-local variables will have different values. This can be useful in some situations, but is usually unexpected.
This point has a further, not necessarily obvious ramification. MTA-based objects cannot synchronise data access by holding locks that have thread affinity such as critical sections or mutexes. Since the thread that creates a mutex must be the same thread to release the mutex (and the same for a critical section), the arbitrary thread selection nature of an MTA prohibits their effectiveness, unless used entirely within a single method’s execution.
Choosing Apartment TypesTo initialise COM (and enter an apartment) a thread calls OleInitialize, CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx. CoInitialize and OleInitialize allow a thread to enter an STA. CoInitializeEx allows a thread to enter an STA if COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED is passed as the second parameter or an MTA if COINIT_MULTITHREADED is passed (the default).
Note that ComObj performs this sort of COM initialisation for the primary thread automatically by its inclusion in a uses clause. For other threads to do COM work, they must explicitly initialise COM (and therefore enter an apartment). So, for example, to initialise COM and allow a (non-primary) thread to enter an MTA, you could use the code in Listing 1.
Listing 1: Initialising COM for an MTA
ComObj, ActiveX;
if Assigned(ComObj.CoInitializeEx) then
OleCheck(ComObj.CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_MULTITHREADED))
CoInitializeEx only exists on Windows 95 if DCOM for Windows 95 has been installed, so care must be taken when calling it to ensure it exists. Notice the code fully qualifies the reference to the CoInitializeEx variable in ComObj to ensure the compiler doesn’t directly calling the routine via its import declaration in the ActiveX unit.
If it did, and the API was not available (which would be the case on Windows 95 without DCOM installed), an unpleasant fatal error would appear at program startup. If the CoInitializeEx API is not available, it falls back on CoInitialize.
A call to CoUninitialize causes a thread to exit its apartment and close down access to COM. This is done with consideration for pending COM calls that are stuck in a COM window message queue. If such messages are pending, COM enters a modal message loop dispatching those messages (but ignoring any non-COM messages) to ensure no COM method calls are lost.
COM client applications and out-of-process COM server applications use this approach to ensure that each thread that needs to access COM objects is in an appropriate apartment. But things are a little different for in-process COM servers (DLLs or OCXs).
Since DLLs are loaded into the address space of the calling application, and the code in a DLL is accessed on the client application’s thread, there might seem to be a possible conflict of thread awareness. If the DLL does not create threads of its own, how can it set up an appropriate apartment to ensure that calls are serialised (or not)?
One option would be for the DLL code to initialise COM regardless. However, a thread cannot actively be in two or more different apartment types at the same time, so if CoInitializeEx is called twice on one thread with different apartment type flags, the second call will cause an RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE error. So this is not an option.
In fact, DLLs must never initialise or shut down COM in their own initialisation or finalisation code. This is because of an issue with how Windows implicitly loads DLLs and may cause an infinite loop or Access Violation, particularly when using DCOM across multiple machines.
In-Proc COM Object Threading ModelThe answer is that COM has already thought of this. When an in-process server is registered, each COM object has an extra value added into its registry data by the class factory advertising the appropriate threading model. When COM loads the in-process server and prepares to create a COM object from it, it first checks the ThreadingModel registry value to see what threading support the object has. Based upon what it finds, it will do one of two things.
If the client thread’s apartment type matches the COM object’s advertised apartment support, it does nothing at all, allowing the client to talk directly to the object. However if the two apartment models clash, COM creates a thread of its own and enters an appropriate apartment for the COM object. The client thread is given a proxy and things go back to how they are with an out-of-process COM server.
Two COM objects that reside in the same process may belong to different apartments and therefore have different concurrency restrictions. This general arrangement caters for in-process servers with differing thread awareness to work together in the same process. A process with an MTA and one or more STAs is sometimes called a mixed-model process.
As you will hopefully be starting to appreciate, COM goes to a lot of trouble behind the scenes to ensure that client applications and COM objects avoid conflict and work in harmony.
ComObj And ApartmentsThe ComObj unit is quite canny about its initialisation code. It first checks to see whether the current module is a DLL or EXE. If it’s a DLL it does nothing. If it is an executable it makes use of a ComObj global variable called CoInitFlags to determine what to do next with regard to initialising COM. CoInitFlags is pre-set by COM object class factories based upon the threading models of the COM objects in the out of process server.
CoInitFlags defaults to -1, which means CoInitialize will be called causing the primary thread to enter an STA. Any COM objects that you create have associated class factories constructed in their unit initialisation sections. If the COM object’s threading model suggests it works in an MTA then CoInitFlags is set to COINIT_MULTITHREADED. If the COM object claims support for an STA then CoInitFlags is set to COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED (assuming it hasn’t already been set to COINIT_MULTITHREADED).
CoInitFlags can also be manually set in the project source before the call to Application.Initialize if you want to change the automatic value or set a specific value. For example, you may wish to add in the flag COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY using the or operator, which causes COM to optimise for speed rather than memory. To do this, add ComObj and ActiveX into the project file’s uses clause and insert this statement before Application.Initialize:
CoInitFlags := CoInitFlags or COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY;
Assuming CoInitializeEx can be found, CoInitFlags is passed to it, otherwise CoInitialize is called. Usefully, a procedural variable called CoInitializeEx is set to point to the routine if it exists (or nil if not). This variable was used in Listing 1.
Delphi 4 And CoInitFlagsIf you are using Delphi 4, you should be aware that CoInitFlags works a little differently. The class factories do not set this variable with appropriate flags, meaning that the job is left to you. You must assign the appropriate threading model flag to CoInitFlags before Application.Initialize in the project source file.
The COM Object WizardNow that we have some background on the subject, we should look at exactly what the Threading Model: attribute on the various COM-related wizards does. You can specify a target threading model when making a new COM object, Automation object, ActiveX control, ActiveForm and Active Server object. There are four options to choose from in Delphi 5: Single, Apartment, Free and Both, which are explained in Table 1.
Table 1: Available threading model options
Single. This attribute should be used in in-process servers only. Use of it in an out-of-process server will give the same result as Apartment. You use this if your whole server is completely unaware of thread issues and expects each of its objects to be accessed by the client’s primary (STA) thread that created it. It is really for backward compatibility as you are unable to have multiple apartments in the server. Client method calls are all serialised through the client STA.
The main client STA will receive an interface reference to the object, whereas any other STA threads will receive references to COM proxies.
Because single-threaded objects are loaded into the main client STA (the first STA created in the client), it is important that the main STA remain active until the process terminates.
The class factory for one of these objects will not add a ThreadingModel value into its registry data.
Apartment. This should be used for objects that are not thread-safe or re-entrant, but which can live in a multi-threaded server within an STA. In other words, whilst COM will ensure that method calls occur synchronously, the object must be careful to synchronise access to any global data in the server, as objects in other threads may access it simultaneously.
The class factory for an in-process server will add a ThreadingModel value of Apartment into the registry during registration. An out-of-process server sets CoInitFlags to COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED (if it is not already set to COINIT_MULTITHREADED).
ActiveX controls and other COM objects with a GUI are typically marked with this attribute. This allows the UI synchronisation to happen without effort on the part of the COM object developer.
Free. This should be used for objects that are thread-safe and re-entrant, and can reside in an MTA. COM will permit multiple threads to access the object simultaneously.
The class factory for an in-process server will add a ThreadingModel value of Free into the registry during registration. An out-of-process server sets CoInitFlags to COINIT_MULTITHREADED.
Objects used in DCOM systems are often marked with this attribute.
Both. Objects that are thread safe and can live in an MTA, but which can also work happily in an STA should use this attribute. This gives more flexibility than either of the two previous attributes.
The class factory for an in-process server will add a ThreadingModel value of Both into the registry during registration. An out-of-process server sets CoInitFlags to COINIT_MULTITHREADED. The implication of this is that specifying the Both-threading model only has any real impact in an in-process server.
Additional comments about this threading model are coming up.
Having specified a threading model for your object it is your responsibility to ensure your object adheres to that threading model.
Inter-Apartment Interface PassingIt’s been mentioned a couple of times now that COM objects can only be directly called from a thread in its apartment. Threads in other apartments must talk to a COM proxy which will be automatically created when the interface reference is marshaled across from the original thread.
It is an error for code in one thread to pass an interface reference directly to a thread in a different apartment. If the reference points to a COM proxy, an RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD error will be generated when a method call is made through it. If the reference is a direct pointer to the object, COM has no way to detect the problem but it is still an error.
Any interface reference that is received by a client application from an API call or method is valid for all threads in the caller’s apartment, regardless of whether it is a direct reference to the object or a reference to a COM proxy. So interface references can readily be passed between any threads in an MTA.
The question then arises as to how you pass an interface reference from a thread in one apartment to a thread in another apartment, or to put it in more COM-like terminology, how the interface reference is marshaled to the other thread. One way to marshal an interface reference is with the COM APIs CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream and CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream as described by Steve Teixeira (see Reference 5). These APIs work using a memory stream managed by COM. The first one adds the interface reference to the stream and the second one unmarshals an interface reference to a proxy object from the stream.
The only potential problem with these routines is they only allow you to unmarshal the interface reference into one thread. If you need to give your interface reference to several threads in various apartments, they are not really helpful. This is where the Global Interface Table, or GIT, comes in.
COM manages one GIT per process and it is accessed through the IGlobalInterfaceTable interface (see Listing 2 for an appropriate definition, which can be found in the GITIntf.pas unit). You can register an arbitrary interface pointer as globally accessible with the RegisterInterfaceInGlobal method, which returns a unique identifying number (a cookie). GetInterfaceFromGlobal is used by any thread in the process to access an interface reference using the appropriate cookie and RevokeInterfaceFromGlobal stops it being available.
Listing 2: The Global Interface Table interface
CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable : TGUID =
IGlobalInterfaceTable = interface(IUnknown)
function RegisterInterfaceInGlobal(pUnk: IUnknown;
const riid: TIID; out dwCookie: DWord): HResult; stdcall;
procedure RevokeInterfaceFromGlobal(
dwCookie: DWord); safecall;
function GetInterfaceFromGlobal(dwCookie: DWord;
const riid: TIID; out ppv): HResult; stdcall;
function GIT: IGlobalInterfaceTable;
GITIntf: IGlobalInterfaceTable = nil;
if not Assigned(GITIntf) then
GITIntf := CreateComObject(CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable) as
Result := GITIntf
The GIT requires Windows NT 4 with Service Pack 3 or later, Windows 95 with DCOM 1.2 (or possibly 1.1, as the Platform SDK refers to both versions) or Windows 98. Unfortunately Delphi 5 has no definition of this interface. Because of these various reasons the code presented in this article will use the API pair rather than the GIT.
Creating STAsIn the client application, the primary thread can enter an STA by simply adding ComObj into the uses clause, or by calling OleInitialize(nil) or CoInitialize(nil). Since the client’s primary thread already has a message pump, all requirements are then met. An out-of-process server with a user interface also has a message pump in the primary thread, which will have entered an STA upon startup thanks to ComObj.
The trickier part is making the server create additional STAs. Since COM objects in a server are ultimately instantiated by their class factory we will need to modify the class factory. Instead of creating objects on the same thread, the new class factory must create a new thread that enters a new STA and creates the object there.
There are three standard class factories that we can inherit from. TComObjectFactory creates COM objects that have no associated type information, TTypedComObjectFactory creates COM objects that do have type information (typically in a type library) and finally TAutoObjectFactory creates Automation objects. Arbitrarily, I will look specifically at TTypedComObjectFactory, which means I will need to test it with COM objects that have type information.
Each class factory implements the IClassFactory interface, which defines the CreateInstance method. It is this method that is responsible for bringing a COM object to life, so that is where the interesting code will be.
Listing 3 shows the factory class and the apartment thread class. When asked to instantiate a new COM object, the factory first checks that it is running in an out-of-process server and that the object claims to support the apartment threading model. Assuming this is the case it creates a new instance of the apartment thread class. It then has to wait until the secondary thread has created the COM object, which will be indicated by a Windows semaphore being released.
This will only work in Delphi 5 as Delphi 4’s class factory did not surface the threading model through a convenient property. For Delphi 4, you would need to modify the code to assume an apartment threading model, and then make sure that you only use it in conjunction with apartment-threaded COM objects.
Listing 3: A class factory that creates new STAs
TTypedComObjectFactory2 = class(TTypedComObjectFactory,
//Create the COM object in a separate thread
function CreateInstance(const UnkOuter: IUnknown;
const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
TApartmentThread = class(TThread)
FFactory: IClassFactory2;
FUnkOuter: IUnknown;
FIID: TGuid;
FSemaphore: THandle;
FStream: Pointer;
FCreateResult: HResult;
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create(Factory: IClassFactory2;
UnkOuter: IUnknown; IID: TGuid);
destructor Destroy; override;
property Semaphore: THandle read FSemaphore;
property CreateResult: HResult read FCreateResult;
property ObjStream: Pointer read FStream;
function TTypedComObjectFactory2.CreateInstance(
const UnkOuter: IUnknown; const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
//Verify we are not an in-proc server and
//that the object is STA-ready
if not IsLibrary and (ThreadingModel = tmApartment) then
//Create thread
with TApartmentThread.Create(Self, UnkOuter, IID) do
//Wait for thread to create the COM object
if WaitForSingleObject(Semaphore, INFINITE) =
Result := CreateResult;
if Result <> S_OK then Exit;
//If all is well, unmarshal interface from stream
Result := CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(
IStream(ObjStream), IID, Obj);
Result := E_FAIL
//In-proc servers and non-STA objects get created as normal
Result := inherited CreateInstance(UnkOuter, IID, Obj);
constructor TApartmentThread.Create(Factory: IClassFactory2;
UnkOuter: IUnknown; IID: TGuid);
inherited Create(True);
FFactory := Factory;
FUnkOuter := UnkOuter;
//Create the synchronisation device
FSemaphore := CreateSemaphore(nil, 0, 1, nil);
FreeOnTerminate := True;
//After setting all the thread attributes, let thread start
destructor TApartmentThread.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TApartmentThread.Execute;
Msg: TMsg;
Unk: IUnknown;
//Enter STA
//Create object
FCreateResult := FFactory.CreateInstanceLic(
FUnkOuter, nil, FIID, '', Unk);
FUnkOuter := nil;
FFactory := nil;
//Marshal interface reference into stream
if FCreateResult = S_OK then
FIID, Unk, IStream(FStream));
//Allow factory to read the interface reference
ReleaseSemaphore(FSemaphore, 1, nil);
if FCreateResult = S_OK then
//Start the message pump
while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
//See if the only connection to this object is ours
//If it is, then this thread's work is done
if Unk._Release = 1 then
Unk := nil;
//Leave the STA
// No exceptions should go unhandled
Whilst the factory is waiting, the thread enters an STA by initialising COM, then creates the COM object. Assuming nothing goes wrong, it marshals the interface reference into a memory stream and uses the semaphore to tell the factory that the object is ready. The factory can then read the interface reference (for a COM proxy) from the stream and pass it back to the client.
Whilst this is going on the STA thread starts a message loop, dispatching messages to the hidden COM window as they come in. It continues to do this until either a wm_Quit message arrives (whereby GetMessage returns False) or the COM object is found to be done with. This is the case when its reference count is at 1 (the only connection to it is the thread’s interface reference), at which point the thread terminates.
One point that should be made is that the implementation of _Release uses the InterlockedDecrement API. The Microsoft documentation states that on Windows 98 and NT it returns the decremented number. On Windows 95 it claims to return a positive number (assuming the decremented value is above zero) but not necessarily the actual decremented number, so the test may prove problematic.
A workaround used by a variety of people is to change the code to check for a value of 0 being returned from _Release on systems running under Windows 95, as shown in Listing 4. Tests have shown such a change to work well.
Listing 4: Making Listing 3 work on Windows 95
function FinalRefCount: Integer;
//Return 0 on Win95 (Windows version 4.0)
if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) and
(Win32MajorVersion = 4) and (Win32MinorVersion = 0) then
Result := 0
Result := 1
//The fixed code
if Unk._Release = FinalRefCount then
This class factory and STA thread class are very similar to the ones that can be found in the VCL’s VCLCom unit. This unit is used by the implementation units of remote data modules, MTS data modules and CORBA data modules. The idea of the unit is to overcome performance limitations when many clients try accessing apartment-threaded implementations of these COM objects by creating each apartment-threaded object in a separate STA.
Because of the aforementioned Windows 95 issue with the InterlockedDecrement API, you might therefore find that apartment-threaded MIDAS data modules may give the odd problem when hosted on Windows 95. If you encounter this issue, the most straightforward workaround is to move the server application to Windows NT, which has never suffered this problem.
A pair of simple projects that use the code in Listing 3 are supplied as MultipleSTAClient.dpr and MultipleSTAServer.dpr. They are set up as normal, with a COM object in the server project, but the new class factory unit (STAThread.pas) is used in the COM object implementation unit. Additionally, the reference to the normal class factory (TTypedComObjectFactory) in the unit’s initialisation section is replaced with a reference to TTypedComObjectFactory2 to allow the STAs to be created.
The client project can create up to seven instances of the COM object using a bunch of checkboxes. Figure 5 shows Delphi’s Threads Window displaying the server’s primary thread along with seven additional STA threads created by the class factory.
Figure 5: Multiple STAs in a process

This is not the best implementation by a long shot. If 35 objects are needed in quick succession, 35 new threads will be created in addition to the server’s primary STA thread, which might be a little excessive. Some form of thread pool would probably be advisable in a real application.
As you can see though, creating multiple STAs involves a little bit of fiddling around. Delphi does not hand you multiple STA support on a plate. There is also the problem that passing these interface references around requires marshaling which has an overhead (all those proxy objects being created). Having multiple threads in an MTA is much easier to achieve as those threads do not need a message pump.
Apartment InteractionBefore finishing off, we should summarise how various apartment types interact between clients and both in-process and out-of-process servers.
In the case of an out-of-process server, the client will always be given a proxy and so COM will always sit in-between. If the object is in an STA, COM serialises the calls. If the object is in an MTA, COM executes the client calls on RPC threads.
When the server is in-process, COM will interject between the client apartment and the server object only if there is a mismatch in threading support, otherwise it will allow the code in the client apartment thread to talk directly to the object. When COM does this form of interjection it uses another thread from the RPC thread pool and enters an appropriate apartment for the object. The client apartment gets a proxy.
Efficiency ConsiderationsWhen writing in-process COM objects you must consider not only how much time you will put into ensuring thread safety, but also issues of efficiency in inter-apartment communication.
Firstly, whilst STA-compliant objects are easier to write, if many clients call into them the calls will be serialised and may cause an unacceptable delay. This includes calls to multiple objects created within the same STA. Since there is only one thread in the STA all method calls to all objects will be serialised. Examples of where this might be the case include middle-tier COM servers or Web servers that have many client applications.
If the client applications all fire off method calls to the server application, the calls will all be executed one at a time, in series. Maybe taking the time to make your object thread-safe would be a good investment, thereby allowing multiple client calls to execute concurrently.
But if you take time to cover re-entrancy issues and protect instance data and decide to mark your object as MTA-compliant (using the Free attribute in the wizard), you should carefully consider which COM client application threads might call your object.
Out-of-process server objects will be called by clients that use COM proxies regardless of the client apartment, but in-process objects are a different matter. If many of the expected clients are to be STAs, then you will be getting many proxy objects created on your behalf and so a lot of implicit marshaling and thread-switching will occur.
The Both-Threading ModelIn this sort of scenario, it might be better to mark your object as Both in the wizard, meaning it will work both in an STA and an MTA. This removes COM’s obligation to make COM proxies and mean that your object can be created directly in the client STA or MTA, thereby increasing efficiency.
Beware that using this threading model for an in-process object must also be done with care and forethought. Firstly, the object must be written in a thread-safe manner because it can be directly instantiated in an MTA environment.
Secondly, you must be very careful about accepting any callback references (interface references to objects who call you and expect you to call them back at some point later) as method parameters.
Let’s say your object is created by an object in an MTA. Both your object and the creator are in the same apartment and so your creator has an interface to you, not to a proxy. It calls one of your methods passing a reference to itself, which will also be a direct pointer. It is not a problem for you to call one of your caller’s methods using this reference as you are both in the same apartment.
Now let’s say that the creator passes to another thread in the same MTA an interface reference to you. If that thread invokes a method that needs to call via the callback, this is still fine as both threads are in the same apartment. So where is the problem?
The problem comes in when the object is created in an STA. Again, the creator has a direct interface reference and if it calls one of your methods passing in a callback, this will also be a direct interface reference. No problem so far as there is only one apartment involved. But now let’s assume the creating thread marshals its interface reference to your object to another thread, which will be in another apartment. If your object uses the callback (which was not a proxy), we break one of the rules of COM. We are calling an STA object that lives in one thread from a completely different thread.
So to overcome this problem you must marshal any interface references that come into your object, but this is only necessary if you are in an STA. To do this in an MTA would lead to unnecessary marshaling, thanks to the proxy’s existence.
So the Both-threading model should really only be used for objects whose interface methods never receive callback interfaces as parameters. If there is any uncertainty, don’t use Both.
MTS, COM+ and Windows 2000When writing MTS objects, you can forget about the MTA model as it is incompatible with MTS. Instead, the STA model is favoured (each STA object is created in a new thread in a new STA). MTS uses the concept of an activity, which is a group of one or more objects that do something on behalf of a client. Each activity has one single logical thread running through it (which enforces call serialisation but without a Windows message queue), although the objects can be distributed across multiple processes.
Activities came about to help COM objects become more scaleable. STAs alone are not scaleable without a lot of work involved in pooling a number of STA threads. MTAs already pool a number of threads, but the concurrent access issue in conjunction with the lack of thread affinity (as discussed earlier) poses headaches for developers.
COM+, introduced in Windows 2000, introduces another threading model called the Thread-Neutral Apartment (TNA). Any process can have at most one TNA and in-process COM objects advertise a desire to run in a TNA with a ThreadingModel registry key of Neutral. A TNA is not a place where an object lives, but MTA and STA threads that create a TNA object get a proxy that allows method calls without involving a thread switch (which is therefore rather efficient).
A TNA object, therefore, allows its methods to execute on multiple threads, but only one thread will be executing any method of a given object instance at any time. It therefore does not require synchronisation of access to its instance data, unlike in an MTA.
For UI-less objects, TNA is the preferred model under COM+, although objects with a UI should still use STAs.
Together, MTS and COM+ provide advanced and efficient thread management along with pooling logic which enable developers to worry less about the low-level intricacies of COM threading.
At the time of writing, both Delphi and C++Builder are at version 5. C++Builder 5 supports developing COM+ objects and supports the TNA. You can assume that Delphi 6 will also have this support.
SummaryWell that’s it. It’s been a long ride, but hopefully you have hung on till the end and you now have a much better understanding of what COM does to help thread-safe code and thread-ignorant code to work together in harmony without any outside help. Next time someone drops the word apartment into a conversation about COM, feel free to join in.
ReferencesThese are some useful reference points for additional related information. Some of these have been mentioned in the article text.
http://www.techvanguards.com/com/com.htm. Binh Ly’s COM programming Web pages, containing much of the scarce information on advanced COM issues such as concurrency and callbacks.
Delphi COM Programming by Eric Harmon, published by Macmillan Technical Publishing. This book is a useful COM reference text, although it contains no information on COM threading issues.
Essential COM by Don Box, published by Addison-Wesley.
Effective COM by Don Box et al, published by Addison-Wesley.
COM Corner: More Callbacks by Steve Teixeira in The Delphi magazine, Issue 58 (June 2000). Discusses marshaling interfaces for callbacks.
Win32 Multithreaded Programming by Aaron Cohen, Mike Woodring, Ronald Pertruska, published by O’Reilly & Associates.
Multithreading Applications in Win32: The Complete Guide To Threads by Jim Beveridge and Robert Wiener, published by Addison-Wesley.
Microsoft Developer Network Library CD. There are many articles covering multi-threaded COM to be found on this library.
AcknowledgementsThanks are due to Danny Thorpe, Binh Ly, Roy Nelson, Guy Smith-Ferrier, Geoff Lawrence and Malcolm Matthews for feedback on this article.
About Brian Long
Brian Long used to work at Borland before they became Inprise, performing a number of duties all involving the development tools. Since leaving Borland just before Delphi 1 was released in January 1995, Brian has been offering training and consultancy services to the growing Borland Delphi and Borland C++Builder community. This involves working directly for clients and also for many training companies around the world (but mainly in the United Kingdom).
In his spare time Brian writes articles - he is a columnist for The Delphi Magazine but has also had articles published in Computing, Developers Review, The Delphi Developer's Journal and EXE Magazine. As well as having a Borland Pascal problem-solving book published in 1994, he contributed a few chapters to a 1996 Delphi book.
The only other skills Brian can offer at this time are juggling and the ability to make an inflatable origami paper frog.