升级到Delphi 6
原著:Borland Corporation
以下文章的内容取自Delphi 6附带的帮助文件。
版权所有Borland Corporation。
从Delphi 6中打开Delphi 5 (或更早版本)的工程,Delphi 会自动对其进行升级。以下将要介绍的是新版本中可能会对现有的Delphi工程带来潜在影响的一些改动。
When you load a Delphi 5 or earlier project into Delphi 6, it is automatically updated. The following topics describe changes that could potentially impact existing Delphi projects:
IDE issues
Automatic package name updates
Compatibility issues
Refer also to the What’s New for information on additional features that you may want to incorporate into your applications.
Compatibility issues
Following are general compatibility issues that may affect your Delphi applications:
一. 由于VCL体系结构的变化而引起的Provider和Client Dataset 的一些事件的变动
TCustomClientDataSet的引入,使得Delphi 5或早期版本中的事件处理机制做些变动。
事件类型 变化
TResolverErrorEvent 影响到provider的 OnUpDateError 事件。
TBeforeUpdateRecordEvent 影响到provider的 BeforeUpdateRecord事件。
TAfterUpdateRecordEvent 影响到provider的 AfterUpdateRecord事件。
TProviderDataEvent 影响到provider的 OnGetData and OnUpdateData事件。
TReconcileErrorEvent 影响到client dataset的 OnReconcileError 事件。
Provider, client dataset events affected by VCL hierarchy change
The introduction of TCustomClientDataSet requires changes to event handlers in Delphi 5 and earlier code.
Six events in five types are affected by the change to DBCLIENT.PAS. They are:
Type Event change
TResolverErrorEvent Affects the provider’s OnUpDateError event.
TBeforeUpdateRecordEvent Affects the provider’s BeforeUpdateRecord event.
TAfterUpdateRecordEvent Affects the provider’s AfterUpdateRecord event.
TProviderDataEvent Affects the provider’s OnGetData and OnUpdateData events.
TReconcileErrorEvent Affects the client dataset’s OnReconcileError event
In event handlers using the events noted above, you must replace TClientDataSet with TCustomClientDataSet.
二. 使用默认数据库登录的代码的变动
原先,将一个连接组件(比如 Tdatabase,TADOConnection,或TDCOMConnection)的LoginPrompt属性设置为True,则会有默认的登录对话框弹出。这一特性已经不再保留除非你在单元引用中增加一个引用DBLogDlg的语句。如果想要应用程序仍然能够弹出默认的登录对话框,务必加上 Use DBLogDlg这么一句,否则便不会有任何提示输入用户名和密码。
Code change required for default Database Login dialog
Previously, setting the LoginPrompt property of a connection component (such as TDatabase, TADOConnection, or TDCOMConnection) caused a default login dialog to appear. This is no longer the case unless you add to your uses clause. Applications that depend on the default login dialog must be edited to add DBLogDlg to the uses clause or they will not prompt for user name and password.