

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-08
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Manual Contents.w3 JMail


Dimac’s w3 JMail is being used by 400.000+ programmers worldwide.

w3 JMail is based on COM technology and can therefore be called from

most modern programming languages, though it has most of its users

in the ASP platform.

We are proud to present the latest version of w3 JMail, which now fea-tures

sending e-mails, receiving e-mails, encryption and mass mailing

with mailmerge. We believe we have made the best e-mail component

even better. We have taken all the input you have given us (and that’s

a lot!) and most of it has been implemented in this new version, in fact

we added some more stuff we thought was really cool.

What can you do with w3 JMail? A lot we say! The first thing you want

to do is to add some outgoing e-mail notifications from your web pages,

then move on to creating your own hotmail version using the brand new

POP3 feature in w3 JMail. Securing your e-mails with PGP is a natural

step into a safer communication and with the mailmerge function of w3

JMail you will be able to send newsletters to your customers without

investing in expensive list servers. All in all, w3 JMail will give you new

possibilities to create web applications which will rock!

Now, run the installation (which you probably already have done) and

get acquainted with the world’s most popular e-mail component!

The world’s most popular e-mail component!

Dimac Phone: +46 42 160200

Garnisonsgatan 25 A Fax: +46 42 160230

Box 222 28 Web site: http://www.dimac.net/

250 24 Helsingborg E-mail: info@dimac.net/.w3 JMail


Dimac’s w3 JMail 4.2 features a rewritten core and truckload of new features,

for example:

- The inner architecture of w3 JMail has been redesigned. E-mails are now

sent using the Message Object. Instead of just one object (jmail.smtpmail)

we now have more than 10 (!). For most of us jmail.message will do the trick.

Note that despite all this, w3 JMail 4 is 100% backwards compatible.

- Support for receiving e-mails from POP3 mail servers.

- You can make massive bulkmailings to thousands of thousands of reci-pients

using w3 JMails enque functions. To make it even snazzier, you can

personalize each e-mail with the mailmerge object.

- Encryption of your e-mails using the most popular encryption method, PGP


- Speedmailer, to send e-mails with just one function call.

So read on, get acquainted with the market’s most popular e-mail compo-nent;

Dimac’s w3 JMail.

What’s new?.w3 JMail



To use Dimac’s w3 JMail you must have the jmail.dll registered at your web

server. This is done by either running the installation program or by copying

the jmail.dll fi le to your web server and manually registering it with the com-mand

regsvr32 jmail.dll. Any previous installations of w3 JMail must fi rst be

removed, as described below. To run the installation you must have admini-strator

permissions on the web server.

Double click the w3JMail4.exe fi le to run the installation program. The instal-lation

will by default install at C:\Program Files\Dimac\w3JMail4\ together

with this manual and some example fi les. More example fi les are viewed at

our web site at http://tech.dimac.net. The installation will register the jmail.dll

fi le as a COM object.


Uninstall is available in the Add/Remove Programs in your settings folder.

You can also do this manually by unregistering the jmail.dll component (type

regsvr32 /U jmail.dll) and deleting the fi les..6

w3 JMail

Enqueue and MS Pickup Directory

When using Dimac’s w3 JMail as a mass mailer, you will use the method

nq(). nq() on the other hand uses the SMTP service provided by Microsoft

Internet Information Server (IIS).

The SMTP service has a directory where it polls for e-mails. It is called MS

Pickup directory and it is by default created as C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Pickup.

1. The MS SMTP service must be installed on the machine where w3 JMail

is to be used (or on a remote machine where w3 JMail can access its pickup

directory). Other SMTP servers can be used as well, if they support mail

delivery through a pickup directory.

2. The queueing function is dependant of w3 JMail being able to access

to mail servers’ pickup directory (often located in c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup,

depending on your installation). Therefore, the fi lesystem permissions some-times

have to be adjusted to allow the IIS guest account (IUSR) to access it.

3. Unless you are running MS Windows 2000 or later, you need to specify

the location for w3 JMail to fi nd the pickup directory. You can do this either

at runtime, like this:

Message.MsPickupdirectory = 0“c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup\”

or if you are using mailmerge:


You can also do it in your web server’s registry once and for all. Read more

about this in the chapter JMail registry settings.

4. For some installations, you will need to set read/write permissions for the

EVERYONE user in the pickup directory..7

w3 JMail

Note: only the Professional edition of w3 JMail includes PGP Encryption.

Enabling PGP Encryption with w3 JMail

As Dimac’s w3 JMail uses the worldwide renowned PGP to encrypt e-mails,

there are some preliminary steps to take before PGP support is enabled.

First an appropriate license and installation of the PGP software has to be

obtained. Useful internet links are http://www.nai.com, http://www.pgp.com and


PGP and its SDK dll (pgp_sdk.dll) must be installed on the machine where w3

JMail is to be used. Version 6.5.3 of PGP were used during development.

In order to use w3 JMail and PGP from ASP pages (assuming a Windows

NT/2000 system and IIS), the Internet Guest Account (most likely called IUSR

_your-computer-name-here) must have at least read/write access to the PGP

application and key ring fi les (where your encryption keys are stored). How-ever,

we recommend that you set these permissions for the EVERYONE user

as well. Check PGP confi guration for fi nding out where these fi les reside on

your machine.

PGP settings for each user on the system are typically stored in C:\Document

and Settings\[UserName]\Application Data\PGP on Windows 2000.

This means that the user who installed PGP, most likely the administrator,

should have the PGP confi guration fi les in his directory C:\Documents and

Settings\Administrator\Application Data\PGP\.

The IUSR account uses the folder “Default User” and therefore the needed

PGP application data has to be copied into that directory (C:\Document and

Settings\Default User\Application Data\PGP\).

The directories C:\Document and Settings\Default User\Application Data\PGPand sometimes also C:\Document and Settings\Administrator\Application DataPGP\ should have read/write permissions for the IUSR account. Replace

Administrator with the user name valid in this case.

This should be pretty much the same for NT4 systems, but the folders are

located in C:\WINNT\Profi les instead.

In most cases when encrypting e-mails with PGP using w3 JMail, the encryp-tion

key to be used is found by the e-mail addresses of the recipients. It is

however possible to specify one or more encryption keys to use. A key is speci-fi

ed either by an e-mail address “john@hisdomain.com” or a PGP key id (ex:

0xAABBCCDD). It is possible to supply multiple keys to w3 JMail by separat-ing

the identifi ers with a comma (ex: “john@hisdomain.com, 0xAABBCCDD,

george@hisdomain.com” ).

Regarding support: please note that since PGP is NOT a Dimac product,

support is not provided for problems directly related to the usage of PGP..w3 JMail


Getting started

This section is divided into four parts where you will get acquainted with

Dimac’s w3 JMail functions for sending e-mails, receiving e-mails, encrypting

e-mails and mass mailing personalized e-mails. All examples are shown in

VBscript, the most common scripting language among ASP developers.

Sending e-mails with Dimac w3 JMail

The example below shows how to get up and running with Dimac’s w3 JMail.

You will be shown how to create an e-mail by specifying the subject and body

and how to send it.

First of all we need to create an instance of the jmail.message object:

set msg = Server.CreateOBject( “JMail.Message” )

Now lets turn on logging to make any debugging easier:

msg.Logging = true

We need to provide a sender as well as a recipient:

msg.From = “john.doe@mydomain.com

msg.FromName = “John Doe”

msg.AddRecipient “lisa.simpson@springfi eld.com”

The addRecipient method can be used multiple times to add more than one

recipient. Also, it can take an optional parameter which specifi es the name of

the recipient:

msg.AddRecipient “deliveryboy@futurama.com”, “Fry”

msg.AddRecipient “theblob@southpark.com”, “Cartman”

Ok, now we should add a subject:

msg.Subject = “How are you?”

and a body. The example below also shows how to add carriage returns:

msg.Body = “This w3 JMail stuff rocks!” & vbCrLf

Another way to create the body of the e-mail is to use the appendText

method, which can be used multiple times to build the e-mail body:

msg.appendText “Here’s some text.”

msg.appendText “And here’ s some more”

There you go, the e-mail message is complete, now all we need is to send it.

To do that we need to enter the address of a valid mail server which accepts

incoming e-mails from your web server:

msg.Send( “mail.myDomain.com” )

That’s it! Once you have acquainted yourself with the basics of w3 JMail, you

can fi nd more elaborate examples at our tech site http://tech.dimac.net/..9

w3 JMail

Receiving e-mails with w3 JMail

Introducing with w3 JMail 4 is the ability to connect to POP3 servers and

receive e-mails.

This example will receive the fi rst e-mail in a given mailbox and display it on

the web page together with its attachments which in turn are saved to the

servers’ disc.

First of all we have to create an instance of the JMail.POP3 object:

Set pop3 = Server.CreateObject( “JMail.POP3” )

Then we need to connect to our POP3 server, providing a username and a


pop3.Connect “username”, “password”, “mail.mydomain.com”

Having connected to the mail server, we can now check how many e-mails

reside in the mailbox:

Response.Write( “You have “ & pop3.count &_

“ e-mails in your mailbox!<br><br>” )

If there are any messages, we will get the fi rst of them by using the Mes-sages


if pop3.count > 0 then

Set msg = pop3.Messages.item(1)

Note that the Messages collection starts 1 and not 0 as most other collec-tions

and arrays do. This is because it is the standard way in the world of

POP3 mail servers..10

w3 JMail

Ok, now we have an e-mail. The e-mail is an instance of the Message object

that we used earlier when we sent an e-mail. This means it has all the me-thods

and properties as the Message object has. What we want to do is to

iterate through the Recipients collection that holds (naturally) all the reci-pients

of the message and create a nicely formatted string we can use in our


ReTo = “”

ReCC = “”

Set Recipients = msg.Recipients

separator = “, “

For i = 0 To Recipients.Count - 1

If i = Recipients.Count - 1 Then

separator = “”

End If

Set re = Recipients.item(i)

If re.ReType = 0 Then

ReTo = ReTo & re.Name & “&nbsp;”& re.EMail &”””>” &_

re.EMail & separator


ReCC = ReTo & re.Name & “&nbsp;”& re.EMail &”””>” &_

re.EMail & separator

End If


Ok, that done, let us display our e-mail message:




Subject <%= msg.Subject %><br>

From <%= msg.FromName %><br>

Recipients To <%= ReTO %><br>

Recipients CC <%= ReCC %>



<pre><%= msg.Body %></pre>




After that we close our POP3 connection:


To make it even neater we could add handling of attachments and HTML

e-mails, that and much more are covered in the JMail.POP3 section later in

this manual..11

w3 JMail

Encrypting e-mails with w3 JMail

To use encryption with w3 JMail, you will need to install PGP on your web

server. This is explained in detail under section Enabling PGP Encryption

with Dimac w3 JMail at page 7.

To run this example, you must have a PGP key installed for the recipient at

your web server. You can learn more about to install PGP keys in your PGP


First start off with the code you created when you ran the fi rst w3 JMail exam-ple.

Then, right before the line that sends your e-mail:

msg.Send( “mail.myDomain.com” )

you insert the following:

jmail.PGPEncrypt = true

And that’s it! w3 JMail uses PGP to encrypt your e-mails with the PGP keys

installed at the web server. If the web server does not have PGP keys for the

recipients, w3 JMail will throw an error..12

w3 JMail

Note: only the Professional edition of w3 JMail includes massmailing and


Massmailing personalized e-mails with w3 JMail

A very common way to keep in touch with your web site visitors is to send

e-mails to them whenever you update your website. With w3 JMail mail-merge

functions you can personalize each e-mail with the recipient’s name

and other details that you have collected. Mailmerge works in the way that

you fi rst create a template from which you create the e-mails. The template

can contain any number of merge fi elds which are replaced with personal

information. For example, if the following were your template:

Hi %%name%%!

You have %%ordersCount%% orders in process.

You could easily see the merge fi elds as they begin and end with a double

percentage mark (%).

Now let us take a look at the example. First we will create a message object

that will serve as a template for the merge:

set msgTemplate = Server.CreateObject( “JMail.Message” )

msgTemplate.Subject = “Hi %%Name%%!”

msgTemplate.Body = “Hello %%Name%%, .... bla bla...”

msgTemplate.From = “me@myDomain.com

msgTemplate.FromName = “Mailinglist info!”

msgTemplate.AddRecipient “%%EMail%%”, “%%Name%%”

Note how we actually use merge fi elds in the recipient fi elds as well. There,

our message template is done. Next we create the mailmerge object:

set mMerge = Server.CreateObject( “JMail.MailMerge” )

mMerge.MailTemplate = msgTemplate

That was the fi rst part, now we need a group of recipients. In this example

we use an ADO recordset, however, it is possible to do it manually if you

have a list of recipients on a fi le or so. It is assumed that we already have

established a connection to our SQL server and that the connection is called


MyRS = sqlCon.execute(“SELECT name, email FROM ourCustomers”)

MMerge.BulkMerge myRS, false, “mail.myDomain.com”

As you see we enter our mail server address because the BulkMerge method

sends the e-mails as soon as it has merged them, thus you don’t need to use

the send() method..13

w3 JMail

The BulkMerge method can also be used in conjunction with w3 JMail’s

enque method. Just set the second parameter to TRUE, skip the last para-meter

and the e-mails will be enqued, which is most often the preferred way

to do it as massmailing can be a bulky operation (hence the name Bulk-Merge).

As BulkMerge sends e-mails as it merges, we are fi nished..w3 JMail


Object reference

JMail.POP3........................................................................................................... 15

JMail.Messages .................................................................................................. 17

JMail.Message .................................................................................................... 18

JMail.Headers ..................................................................................................... 27

JMail.Recipients ................................................................................................. 28

JMail.Recipient ................................................................................................... 29

JMail.Attachments............................................................................................... 30

JMail.Attachment ................................................................................................ 31

JMail.MailMerge .................................................................................................. 32

JMail.PGPKeys ................................................................................................... 33

JMail.PGPKeyInfo ............................................................................................... 34

JMail.SpeedMailer .............................................................................................. 35.15

w3 JMail


Connect(Username, Password, Server, Port) :

Opens the connection to the POP3 server. The Port argument is optional and defaults to 110.

mailbox.Connect “john”, “qwerty”, “mail.myDomain.com”

DeleteMessages() :

Deletes all messages from the mail server.


DeleteSingleMessage(MessageID) :

Deletes a single message on the mail server.

Mailbox.DeleteSingleMessage 1

Disconnect() :

Closes the connection to the server.


DownloadHeaders() :

Downloads all headers and adds them in the Messages collection.


DownloadMessages() :

Downloads all messages.


DownloadSingleHeader(MessageID) :

Downloads the headers of a single message, and adds them to the Messages collection.

Mailbox.DownloadSingleHeader 1

DownloadUnreadMessages() :

Downloads all unread (messages that have not been downloaded by ANY clientsoftware) e-mails. The

e-mails are added to the messages collection. Note this command has been removed from the POP3

specifi cation (RFC1725), so it may not be supported by all mail servers.


w3 JMail

GetLastUnreadMessage() : Integer

Returns the ID of the fi rst unread (message that has not been downloaded by ANY client software)

message. Return 0 if no messages has been accessed, -1 if this command is not supported by the

server. Note this command has been removed from the POP3 specifi cation (RFC1725), so it may not

be supported by all mail servers.

lastMessage = Mailbox.GetLastUnreadMessage

GetMessageUID(MessageID) : String

Returns the server’s unique id for this message.

Mailbox.GetMessageUID 1

Count() : Integer

Returns the number of messages on the POP3 server.

i = mailbox.Count

Log() : String

This is the log created by w3 JMail when logging is set to TRUE.

Response.Write( mailbox.Log )

Logging() : Boolean

Enables/Disables logging in w3 JMail. Default value is FALSE.

mailbox.Logging = true

Messages() : Pointer

Returns the Messages object through which you can access the messages.

set messages = mailbox.Messages

Size() : Integer

Returns the total size of your mailbox in bytes.

size = mailbox.Size.17

w3 JMail


Clear() :

Clears the collection. Note it will NOT remove ANY e-mails from your mail server.


Count() : Integer

Returns the number of messages in the collection.

i = Messages.Count

Item(Index) : Pointer

Returns a message object.

set msg = Messages.Item(0).18

w3 JMail


AddAttachment(FileName, isInline, ContentType) : String

Adds a fi le attachment to the message. If Inline is set to TRUE, the attachment will be added as an

inline attachment and addAttachment() returns the content id. This is only useful when sending HTML


Message.AddAttachment(“c:\autoexec.bat”) or cid = Message.AddAttachment(“myImage.gif”,


AddCustomAttachment(FileName, Data, isInline) : String

Adds a custom attachment. This can be used to attach “virtual fi les” like a generated text string or

certifi cate etc. If Inline is set to TRUE, the attachment will be added as an inline attachment and

addAttachment() returns the content id. This is only useful when sending HTML e-mails.

Message.AddCustomAttachment(“readme.txt”, “Contents of fi le”)

AddHeader(XHeader, Value) :

Adds a user defi ned X-header to the message.

Message.AddHeader “Originating-IP”,””

AddNativeHeader(Header, Value) :

Adds a header to the message.

Message.AddNativeHeader “MTA-Settings”, “route”

AddRecipient(emailAddress, recipientName, PGPKey) :

Adds a recipient to the message.

JMail.AddRecipient “info@dimac.net

AddRecipientBCC(emailAddress, PGPKey) :

Adds a blind carbon copy recipient to the message. AddRecipientBCC can be used multiple times for

several recipients. RecipientName is optional. PGPKey is optional, if not supplied and PGPencryption is

set to TRUE, it will default to emailAddress.

Message.AddRecipientBCC “info@dimac.net

AddRecipientCC(emailAddress, recipientName, PGPKey) :

Adds a carbon copy recipient to the message. AddRecipientCC can be used multiple times for several

recipients. RecipientName is optional. PGPKey is optional, if not supplied and PGPencryption is set to

TRUE, it will default to emailAddress.

Message.AddRecipientCC “info@dimac.net”.19

w3 JMail

AddURLAttachment(bstrURL, bstrAttachAs, isInline, bstrAuth) : String

Downloads and adds an attachment based on a URL. A seconds argument, “AttachAs”, is used for

specifying the fi lename that the attachment will receive in the message. If Inline is set to TRUE, the

attachment will be added as an inline attachment and addAttachment returns the content id. This is useful

when sending HTML e-mails. A last and optional argument is used for optional WWW-Authentication.


“w3jmail4.exe”) or Message.AddURLAttachment(“http://

download.dimac.net/jmail/w3jmail4.exe”, “w3jmail4.exe”,false, “myUserName:myPassword”)

or cid = Message.AddURLAttachment(“http://images.dimac.net/dimaclogo.gif”,

“dimaclogo.gif”,true )

AppendBodyFromFile(FileName) :

Clears the body of the message and replaces it with the contents of the fi le.

Message.AppendBodyFromFile “c:\mytext.txt”

AppendHTML(Text) :

Append “text” to HTMLBody of message.


AppendText(Text) :

Append “text” to body.

JMail.AppendText “Text appended to message Body”

Clear() :

Clears the message object, and gives you a new clean message.


ClearAttachments() :

Clears the list of attachments.


ClearCustomHeaders() :

Clears all custom headers.


ClearRecipients() :

Clear the recipient list.


w3 JMail

Close() :

Forces w3 JMail to close a cached connection to a mail server.


DecodeHeader(Header) : String

Decodes a message header.

Response.Write( Message.DecodeHeader( Headers[“ReplyTo”] ) )

ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL(bstrURL, bstrAuth) :

Downloads and adds e-mail addresses from a URL.

Message.ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL “http://duplo.org/generateEmailList.asp

GetMessageBodyFromURL(bstrURL, bstrAuth) :

Clears the body of the message and replaces it with the contents of the URL. The content type is

automaticly set to match the content type of the URL. The second argument (login and password) is


Message.GetMessageBodyFromURL “http://duplo.org/”, “login:password”

KeyInformation(keyIdentifi er) : Pointer

Returns a PGPKey object holding information for the keys matching the supplied identifi er.

keys = Message.KeyInformation(“charlie@hisdomain.com”)

LoadFromStream(Stream) :

Loads a message from a stream. Note the stream data must be compatible with the message format

described in RFC822.

Message.LoadFromStream myStream

LogCustomMessage(Message) :

Logs a custom user message to the w3 JMail log. This function works ONLY if logging is set to TRUE.

Message.LogCustomMessage “Hello world”

nq() :

Append the e-mail to the mail queue and returns.


w3 JMail

ParseMessage(MessageSource) :

Parses a message. MessageSource must be compatible with the message format described in RFC822.

Message.ParseMessage myHeaders & vbCrLf & myBody

SaveToStream(Stream) :

Saves the message source ( RFC822 compatible message ) to a stream.

Message.SaveToStream myStream

Send(mailServer, enque) : Boolean

Sends the message. Mail servers is a string with one or more hostnames separated by a

semicolon. A username and password can also be provided for each server in the format


Message.Send( “myMailServer” ),


SendToNewsGroup(ServerName, Newsgroups) :

Sends the message to Newsgroups (Separated by a “,”) using the NNTP server specifi ed.

SendToNewsGroup myNNTPServer, “alt.test, alt.test.test”

VerifyKeys(keyString) : Boolean

Returns TRUE if ALL the supplied keys where found in the local keyring.

JMail.VerifyKeys “recipient1@hisdomain.com,recipient2@hisdomain.com

About() : String

Some useful information.

Response.Write( Message.About )

Attachments() : Pointer

Returns the Attachments collection.

set attachments = Message.Attachments

Body() : String

Returns the message’s body.

Response.Write( Message.Body ) or Message.Body = “Hello world.”

BodyText() : String

Returns the entire raw unparsed body ( Text - Headers.Text ).

Response.Write( Message.BodyText ).22

w3 JMail

Charset() : String

The charset of the message. The default is “US-ASCII”.

Message.Charset = “US-ASCII”

ContentTransferEncoding() : String

Specifi es the content transfer encoding. The default is “Quoted-Printable”.

Message.ContentTransferEncoding = “base64”

ContentType() : String

Returns the Body’s Content-Type.

Response.Write( Message.ContentType )

Date() : Date

Returns the DateTime when the message was sent.

Response.Write( Message.Date )

DeferredDelivery() : Date

Sets deferred delivery of messages. If the mail server supports it the message won’t be delivered until

this date and time.

Message.DeferredDelivery = CDate( “2000-12-12” )

Encoding() : String

This can be used to change the default attachment encoding from base64. Valid options are “base64”

or “quoted-printable”.

Message.Encoding = “base64”

EncryptAttachments() : Boolean

Set to TRUE all attachments will be encrypted too if encryption is enabled.The default value is TRUE.

Message.EncryptAttachments = true

ErrorCode() : Integer

Contains the error code if message.silent is set to TRUE.

Response.Write( message.ErrorCode );

ErrorMessage() : String

Contains the error message if message.silent is set to TRUE.

Response.Write( message.ErrorMessage );.23

w3 JMail

ErrorSource() : String

Contains the error source if message.silent is set to TRUE.

Response.Write( message.ErrorSource );

From() : String

The sender’s e-mail address.

Response.Write( Message.From ) or Message.From = “kyle@twinpeaks.com

FromName() : String

The sender’s name.

Response.Write( Message.FromName ) or Message.FromName = “John Doe”

Headers() : Pointer

Returns the header’s object.

set Headers = Message.Headers

HTMLBody() : String

Used to set and get the HTML part of the message body (if any).

Message.HTMLBody = “<html><body>Hello<br></body></html>”

ISOEncodeHeaders() : Boolean

Encodes header strings according to iso-8859-1 character sets. The default is TRUE.

Message.ISOEncodeHeaders = false

Log() : String

This is the log created by w3 JMail when logging is set to TRUE.

Response.Write( Message.Log );

Logging() : Boolean

Enables/Disables logging in w3 JMail.

Message.Logging = true

MailData() : String

The raw maildata as the e-mail will look like when it is delivered.

Response.write( Message.MailData ).24

w3 JMail

MailDomain() : String

This can be used to override the EHLO/HELO statement to your mail server.

Message.Maildomain = “hello.world.com”

MailServerPassWord() : String

Used to specify the password for SMTP server authentication if the mail server requires a user to log in.

Message.MailServerPassword = “myPassword”

MailServerUserName() : String

Used to specify the username for SMTP server authentication if the mail server requires a user to log in.

Message.MailServerUserName = “myUserName”

MimeVersion() : String

Specifi es the mime version. The default is “1.0”.

Message.MimeVersion = “1.0”

MsPickupdirectory() : String

The path to the pickup directory of MS SMTP service. If you run MS windows 2000, w3 JMail will

autodetect the path from registry settings.

Message.MsPickupdirectory = “c:\myfolder”

PGPEncrypt() : Boolean

Set to TRUE, the e-mail will be encrypted when the message is sent, using PGP.

Message.PGPEncrypt = true

PGPPassphrase() : String

The PGP passphrase used when signing.

Message.PGPPassPhrase = true

PGPSign() : Boolean

Set to TRUE, the e-mail will be signed when the message is sent, using PGP.

Message.PGPSign = true

PGPSignkey() : String

An e-mail address or a PGP key id identifying the key to be used for signing.

Message.PGPSingKey = “charlie@hisdomain.com”.25

w3 JMail

Priority() : Byte

Returns the message’ priority. 3 is normal priority.

Response.Write( Message.Priority ) or Message.priority= 2

Recipients() : Pointer

Returns the Recipient’s collection.

set recipients = Message.Recipients

RecipientsString() : String

Readonly property of all recipients of this message.

Response.Write( Message.Recipients )

ReplyTo() : String

Specifi es an optional reply address.

Message.ReplyTo = “president@dimac.net

ReturnReceipt() : Boolean

Specifi es whether or not the sender requires a return receipt. The default value of the property is FALSE.

Message.ReturnReceipt = true

Silent() : Boolean

Set to TRUE, w3 JMail will not throw exceptions. Instead Message.send() will return TRUE or FALSE

depending on the success of the operation.

Message.silent = true

SimpleLayout() : Boolean

Set to TRUE to reduce the number of headers w3 JMail produces.

JMail.SimpleLayout = true

Size() : Integer

Returns the total size of the message in bytes.

Response.Write( Message.Size )

Subject() : String

The message’s subject.

Response.Write( Message.Subject ) or Message.subject = “w3 JMail is here!”.26

w3 JMail

Text() : String

Returns the entire message source.

Response.Write( Message.Text )

UsePipelining() : Boolean

Overrides if w3 JMail should use pipelining on a server that supports it.

Message.Pipelining = false

Version() : String

Returns version information.

Response.Write( Message.Version )

PGPDecode( DecodeBody, DecodeAttachments ) : Pointer

This method will decode the contents of the message object using PGP. It will decrypt the contents and

verify any signatures. A passphrase must be specifi ed for decryption. The two parameters allow for only

decoding parts of a message.

Set DecodeBody to TRUE to decrypt/ verify the text parts of the message (Body and HTMLBody). Set

DecodeAttachments to TRUE to decrypt/ verify the attachments of the message.

The return value is an PGPDecodeResults object, holding the results of the operation. PGP errors,

signature verifi cation status and other results for all decoded parts of the message are reported through

this object.

Example: Message.PGPPassPhrase = “mypassword”;

decodeResults = Message.PGPDecode( true, true );.27

w3 JMail


GetHeader(Headername) : String

Returns the value of HeaderName.

Response.Write( Headers.GetHeader( “X-Mailer” ) )

Text() : String

Returns all headers.

Response.Write( Headers.Text ).28

w3 JMail


Add(Value) :

Adds a recipient to the collection.

Recipients.Add re

Clear() :

Clears the collection.


Count() : Integer

Returns the number of recipients in the collection.

i = Recipients.Count

Item(Index) : Pointer

Returns a recipient object.

set re = Recipients.Item(0).29

w3 JMail


New(Name, EMail, recipientType) : Pointer

Creates a new recipient, whom you can add to the Recipients collection.

set re = Recipient.New( “Firstname Lastname”, “name@domain.com”, 0 )

EMail() : String

Returns the recipient’s e-mail.

Response.Write( Recipient.EMail )

Name() : String

Returns the recipient’s name.

Response.Write( Recipient.Name )

ReType() : Integer

Returns the recipient’s type ( To = 0, CC = 1, BCC = 2 ).

Response.Write( Recipient.ReType ).30

w3 JMail


Add(Attachment) :

Adds an attachments to the collection.

Attachments.Add( re )

Clear() :

Clears the collection.


Count() : Integer

Returns the number of attachments in the collection.

i = Attachments.Count

Item(Index) : Pointer

Returns an attachment object.

set attachment = Attachments.Item(0).31

w3 JMail


New(FileName, ContentType, Data) : Pointer

Creates a new attachment which you can add to the Attachments collection. If Data is specifi ed w3 JMail

creates a custom attachment containing the data, else it reads FileName from the disk.

set attachment = Attachment.New( “myAttachment.text”, “text/plain”, “this is my new

text fi le” )

SaveToFile(FileName) :

Saves the attachment to the disk.

Attachment.SaveToFile “c:\incomingAttachments\” & Attachment.Name

ContentType() : String

Returns the attachment’s ContentType.

Response.Write( Attachment.ContentType )

Data() : String

Returns the attachment’s data.

Response.Write( Attachment.Data )

isInline() : Boolean


Name() : String

Returns the attachment’s fi lename.

Response.Write( Attachment.Name )

Size() : Integer

Returns the attachment’s size.

Response.Write( Attachment.Size ).32

w3 JMail


BulkMerge(RecordSet, enque, Maildestination) :

Merges an entire recordset with mailTemplate and sends alternatively enques it. Mail server or pickup

directory is specifi ed in mail destination.

MailMerge.BulkMerge myRS, false, “mail.myDomain.com” or MailMerge.BulkMerge myRS,

true, “c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup”

Expand() : Pointer

Merges MailTemplate with user defi ned variables specifi ed in the Item property.


ExpandFromRecordSet(RecordSet) : Pointer

Merges one row from an ADO Recordset with MailTemplate.

set msg = MailMerge.ExpandFromRecordSet( myRS )

SetDebugMode(TestMailAddress, TestCount) :

Tells Mailmerge to enter debug mode. All recipients in your e-mails will be set to TestMailAddress,

TestCount e-mails will be sent to you.

MailMerge.SetDebugMode “myEMail@company.com”, 10

Item(VariableName) : String

Sets your merging variables manually. Note you can not combine this with recordset merges.

MailMerge.Item( “CustomerName” ) = “Lisa Nilsson”

MailTemplate() : Pointer

Sets your own created Message object (it will serve as a template in the merge process).

MailMerge.MailTemplate = myMsg

MergeAttachments() : Boolean

If set to TRUE, attachments will also be scanned for merge variables and be mailmerged.

MailMerge.MergeAttachments = True.33

w3 JMail


Count() : Integer

The number of keys in the collection.

Response.write( keys.Count )

Item(Index) : Pointer

Returns PGPKeyInfo objects from the collection.

key = keys.Item(0).34

w3 JMail


KeyCreationDate() : String

The date the key was created.

Response.write( keys.KeyCreationDate )

KeyID() : String

The id of the key.

Response.write( KeyID )

KeyUser() : String

The name of the user who created the key.

Response.write( keys.KeyUser ).35

w3 JMail


EnqueMail(FromEMail, RecipientEMails, Subject, Body, MsPickupdirectory) :

Places the e-mail in the mail queue. All data is provided through parameters.

SpeedMail.EnqueMail “me@mydomain.com”,”recipient@hisdomain.com”,”This is a


SendMail(FromEMail, RecipientEMails, Subject, Body, MailServers) :

Sends an e-mail with SMTP, all mail data is provided through parameters.

SpeedMail.SendMail “me@mydomain.com”,”recipient@hisdomain.com”,”This is a


SendXMLMail(XML) :

More info about ths function can be found at http://xml.dimac.net/namespace/jmail.

SpeedMailer.SendXMLMail XMLString.36

w3 JMail


This object holds the individual results from a PGPDecode() operation, for each part

of the message.

Body : Pointer

This property returns a PGPDecodeResult object for the message body.

HTMLBody : Pointer

This property returns a PGPDecodeResult object for the message html body.

Attachments : Pointer

This property returns a PGPDecodeResultCollection object. It is a collection holding PGPDecodeResult

object for each attachment in the message..37

w3 JMail


This object holds the results of a PGPDecode() operation.

SigningUsed : boolean

Returns true if the message part was signed, false otherwise.

EncryptionUsed : boolean

Returns true if the message part was encrypted, false otherwise.

SignatureGood : boolean

Returns true if the signature ( if any ) was successfully verifi ed, false otherwise.

Success : boolean

Returns true if the PGPDecode() operation fi nished without errors, false otherwise.

PGPErrorCode : integer

Returns the PGPError code. If no error occured, this will be 0. Use the property “Success” to determine

if the operation failed.

PGPErrorMsg : String

Returns a string describing the error code found in the “PGPErrorCode” property. If no error occured this

will contain an empty string. Use the property “Success” to determine if the operation failed..38

w3 JMail


This object is a collection holding PGPDecodeResult objects. The number of items

should equal the number of attachments.

long Count

Returns the number of items in this collection.

PGPDecodeResul Item( index )

Returns the item with the given index. The object returned corresponds with the attachment with the same

index in the Attachments collection in the message object..w3 JMail


Appendix: w3 JMail registry settings

The registry settings are automatically set when running the installation pro-gram.

You also have the possibility to set them manually.

All w3 JMail’s registry keys are located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE\Dimac\w3JMail4.


Valid values: “true” , “false”

default-value = true

This can be used to turn off the function AddAttachment( Filename ). You can

specify virtually any fi le on the server and attach it to an e-mail.


Valid values: “true” , “false”

default-value = true

Set to FALSE, the functions

- AddURLAttachment

- ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL

- GetMessageBodyFromURL

will be disabled.


Valid values: “true” , “false”

default-value = false

If w3 JMail is used from ASP pages and this value is set to TRUE, w3 JMail

will create an extra header in sent e-mails called “X-USER_IP” containing the

ip address of the computer requesting the ASP page.


Valid values: “true”, “false”

default-value = true

Set to FALSE, the POP3 support in w3 JMail will be disabled.


Valid values: “true”, “false”

default-value = true

Set to FALSE, the method “SendToNewsGroup” will be disabled..40

w3 JMail

‘Default Mailserver’

Valid values: a string representing the name/address of the desired default

mail server. If no default mail server is to be used then set the value to “” (an

empty string) or remove the string value.

default-value = “”

If this fi eld is present and not equals to “” (empty string) the name will be

used as mail server regardless of whatever mail server stated with w3 JMail

properties and methods.

‘Default Pickupdirectory’

Valid values: a string representing the path to use as pickup directory. Leaves

this fi eld blank or deletes it if you do not wish to use a default pickup direc-tory.

default-value = “”

If this fi eld is present and not equals to “” (empty string) the name will be used

as pickupdirectory regardless of whatever pickup directory stated in w3 JMail

properties and methods..w3 JMail


Software License Agreement and Limited Warranty

Notice to user:

Please read this License Carefully. This is a legal agreement between the end

user (“Licensee”) and DIMAC AB. The enclosed software and documentation

are licensed by DIMAC AB to the original individual customer for use only on

the terms described in this License Agreement (this ”License”). Opening the

enclosed CD envelope and/or using the Software indicates that the end user

accepts and agrees to comply with these terms.


(a) DIMAC AB hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, nontransferable,

license (without the ability to sublicense) to use this product and make one

copy of the Software in machine readable form for backup purposes.

(b) DIMAC AB retains title to the Software in all forms whatsoever.

(c) All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by DIMAC AB.


This license shall have no force or effect unless and until Licensee shall have

submitted to DIMAC AB all applicable license fees in full. All such fees are

exclusive of any taxes, duties, licenses, fees, excises or tariffs now or hereaf-ter

imposed on Licensee’s production, licensing, sale, transportation, import,

export or use of the Software or Licensee Programs, all of which shall be the

responsibility of Licensee.


(a) DIMAC AB warrants that for one (1) year following delivery of the Soft-ware

to Licensee, the Software, unless modified in any way by Licensee,

will perform substantially the functions described in any associated product

documentation provided by DIMAC AB. DIMAC AB does not warrant that the

Software will meet Licensee’s specific requirements or that operation of the

Software will be uninterrupted or error-free. DIMAC AB is not responsible for

any problem, including any problem which would otherwise be a breach of

warranty, caused by :

* Changes in the operating characteristics of computer hardware or computer

operating systems.

* Interaction of the Software with software not supplied or approved by DIMAC


* Accident, abuse or misapplication..42

w3 JMail

(b) DIMAC AB’s entire liability and Licensee’s sole remedy under the foregoing

warranty during the warranty period is that DIMAC AB shall, at its sole and

exclusive option, either use reasonable efforts to correct any reported devi-ation

from the relevant product documentation, replace the Software with

a functionally equivalent program or refund all license fees paid, in which

case, this License shall immediately terminate. Any repaired or replaced Soft-ware

will be rewarranted for an additional ninety (90) day period, unless sub-sequently

modified by Licensee.

(c) The Above warranties are exclusive and no other warranties are made

by DIMAC AB or its licensors, whether expressed or implied, including the

implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a Particular purpose, or non



Under no circumstances shall DIMAC AB be liable for any incidental, special

or consequential Damages, even if DIMAC AB has been advised of the possi-bility

of such damages.

In no event shall DIMAC AB’s total liability to Licensee for all damages, losses

and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or oth-erwise)

exceed the amount paid by Licensee for the Software.


(a) This License is effective until terminated. This License may be terminated

by the non defaulting party if either party materially fails to perform or comply

with this License or any provision hereof.

(b) Termination due to a breach of Section 6 shall be effective upon notice.

In all other cases termination shall be effective thirty (30) days after notice of

termination to the defaulting party if the defaults have not been cured within

such thirty (30) day period. The rights and remedies of the parties provided

herein shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and reme-dies

provided by law or this Agreement.

(c) Upon termination of this Agreement, all rights and licenses granted here-under

shall immediately terminate and all Software and other Proprietary

Information of DIMAC AB in the possession of Licensee or under its control,

shall be immediately returned to DIMAC AB. End user licenses properly

granted pursuant to this Agreement and prior to termination of this Agreement

shall not be diminished or abridged by the termination of this Agreement..43

w3 JMail


This Agreement is governed by Swedish law and you submit to the jurisdiction

of the Swedish court in relation to any matter or dispute arising hereunder.


The Software and Documentation:

* Was developed with no government funds.

* Is a trade secret of DIMAC AB for all purposes of the Freedom of

Information Act.

* Are “Commercial Items”, as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. §2.101,

consisting of “Commercial Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer

Software Documentation” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or

48 C.F.R. §227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48

C.F.R. §227.7202-1 through §227.7202-4, as applicable, The “Commercial

Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation”

are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (i) only as “Commercial

Items” and (ii) with only those rights granted to all other end users pursuant

to the terms and conditions herein.

For units of the Department of Defense (DOD), this Software is sold only with

“Restricted Rights” as that term is defined in the DOD Supplement to the

Federal Acquisition Regulations (“DFARS”) 52.227-7013 (c)(1)(ii) and use,

duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph

(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DF

ARS 52.227-7013. Manufacturer: DIMAC AB.

Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of Sweden.

Dimac Framfab AB, Garnisonsgatan 25 A, S-250 24 Helsingborg, Sweden

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