[ajax] Build an Anthem.NET [AJAX] Autosuggest Textbox #
he new ATLAS framework has an Autosuggest feature built in, but in this article I will focus on the Anthem.NET framework, reworking some very nice code that was originally submitted to the Anthem.NET Sourceforge repository as a suggested patch by J.C. Murphy. I've changed around the offering in order to make it more 'self - contained' and moved a lot of brand new data access code and related properties directly into the control. The sample control is presented here in both ASP.NET 1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0 versions, along with the entire source tree so that interested users can look at everything in Anthem.NET.
[.NET开发; 搜索技术; Lucene] DotLucene (Lucene.NET) + KStemmer + Searcharoo = great! #
The overall search engine is composed of three parts:1. A site crawler: In the past, I've built search engines that utilites the raw data inside our CMS, but a crawler seems to work better when you have a fair amount of dymaic content. I found a nice crawler in Searcharoo. It's a full search engine by itself, but since I wanted to use Lucene, I only used the crawler portion Searcharoo.2. An indexer: This is where Lucene.NET (or DotLucene) comes in. When Searharoo downloads a page, the text is sent to Lucene to index.3. A Stemmer: Lucene does a great job of indexing and searching, but it doesn't natively have the ability to search for derivatives of a stem word. For example, if a user seraches for 'tests', Lucene doesn't by default figure out the stem ('test' removing the plural 's') and then search for all words based on the stem ('test' 'testing' or 'tested'). But there is a port of KStemmer which handles all the stemming automagically handles stemming. Example http://www05.dts.edu/search/?q=tests
[人物; 微软] 看盖茨大叔是如何工作的 #
盖茨大叔可能是世界上最忙的人了吧(有人反对么?)对于大忙人来说,如何安排协调工作,实在太重要了。CNN 的 Money 频道搞了一个“How I work”栏目,定期邀请一些 BOSS 级的人物分享他们的工作技巧。4月4号,轮到Bill Gates 了。
[搜索技术; PDF] dotnet环境下从PDF文档中抽取Text文本的一些方法汇总 #
现在越来越多的网站使用了代理加速方式,比如 新浪、SOHU的新闻 都使用Squid做代理方式,利用多台服务器分流。Squid本身类似透明代理,会发送“HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR” ,HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR 中包括客户的IP地址,如果此时客户已经使用了一层透明代理,那么程序取的 “HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR” 就包括两个IP地址。(我遇到过3个IP地址的情况,4个的未遇到过)所以取“真正”IP地址的方式,还应该判断 “HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR” 中是否有“,”逗号,或者长度是否超长
当然,Web 2.0是一个极其广泛和深奥的话题,没有一个人能够列举出它的所有重点和特征。如果你对此充满了兴趣,请花一点时间来补充我没有提到的地方。我想这就是Web 2.0的参与性吧!
[.NET开发; iTextSharp; PDF] PDFToText with ITextSharp #
ITextSharp can be used to extract text from PDF files. The advantage over PDFBox C# version is the smaller size of the ITextSharp and the pure C# implementation This text extraction class is based on the algorithm in C from http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/ExtractPDFText.asp
首先成功利用数学方法解决自然语言处理问题的是语音和语言处理大师贾里尼克 (Fred Jelinek)。当时贾里尼克在 IBM 公司做学术休假 (Sabbatical Leave),领导了一批杰出的科学家利用大型计算机来处理人类语言问题。统计语言模型就是在那个时候提出的。