Hello all. It's nice to meet you all here. I got a lot of knowledge from csdn. now, I try to feed back some. the topic is about Generic Programming.
I paste a snippet to show how it works.
Everyone who has studied the book Think in C++ 2nd Edition knows the sample, trash collection, which is at the end of chapter 10, Design pattern.
Ok, let's begin with this.
the sample mentioned in Think in C++ using double dispatch to implement the design. and I use Generic Programming method to do the same thing.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Trash
class Paperbin;
class Glassbin;
class Paper:public Trash
typedef Paperbin aBin;
class Glass:public Trash
typedef Glassbin aBin;
class Paperbin:public vector<Paper>
class Glassbin:public vector<Glass>
template<int v>
struct Int2Type
template<class T, class U>
class Conversion
typedef char Small;
struct Big {char dummy[2];
static Small Test(U);
static Big Test(...);
static T MakeT();
enum{ exists=(sizeof(Test(MakeT()))==sizeof(Small))};
template<class Trashs, class Bin>
Add(Trashs trash, Bin bin)
cout<<Conversion<Trashs::aBin ,Bin>::exists<<endl;
_Add(trash,bin,Int2Type<Conversion<Trashs::aBin ,Bin>::exists >());
template<class Trash, class Bin>
_Add(Trash trash, Bin bin,Int2Type<true>)
cout<<"success adding"<<endl;
template<class Trash, class Bin>
_Add(Trash trash, Bin bin,Int2Type<false>)
cout<<"failed adding"<<endl;
int main()
Paper apaper;
Glass aglass;
Paperbin apaperbin;
Glassbin aglassbin;
return 0;
you can reach me by send me a email at bu3bu4@263.net.