2.0 - Design of the game游戏的设计
Before we get started with programming, we will design the game first.
2.1 - Basic idea基本的想法
The idea is to create a simple shuffle-puzzle. An image is divided in tiles which are mixed up, the goal of the game is to shuffle the tiles into place to make the image appear:
2.2 - Tiles window图块窗口
The window with the tiles will be an ownerdrawn static control, i.e. it's a static control, it just displays something, but it is drawn by the program itself. A bitmap of 200 x 200 pixels is used for the tiles. First, the bitmap is loaded, then the 3D-borders that represent the tiles are drawn over the bitmap. When drawing the tiles, the program finds out which part (tile) of the bitmap should be displayed on a specific tile position, then copied to an image buffer (the backbuffer). When all drawings are done, the backbuffer is copied to the static control and is displayed. The backbuffer prevents flickering when drawing the static control, because all drawing is first done invisible on the backbuffer, then the completed image is displayed on the static control.
2.3 - Tile positions and coordinates图块位置和坐标
The program uses different forms of tile positions and coordinates.
The tiles are indexed like this:
(when playing the game with numbers instead of a picture, they are numbered 1..16 of course)
There are three coordinate systems for the tiles: one in tile coordinates (0,1,2,3), one in real screen coordinates, relative to the left topmost pixel of the image above, and one in the static control coordinates, which includes margins to display the tiles in the center:
2.4 - Program flow程序流程
The basic program flow will be:
Display the tiles
The tiles are shuffled according to the difficulty level
One tile is removed (tile 16 at tilepos 15) (otherwise it would be hard to shuffle :)
When the user clicks on the static control, a procedure is called to find out which tile the user clicked on.
The program checks if the tile clicked on can move (i.e. if the empty tile is surrounding the clicked tile)
If not, it does nothing
If yes, it finds out how to move the tiles, does the move and updates the static control to display the change
It checks if the puzzle is solved, if yes the full image is displayed and statistics are shown.
A counter is incremented to count the number of moves the user has taken
A timer starts running when the user makes the first move to measure the amount of time the user took to solve the game
1. 显示图块
2. 根据难度,图块被打乱
3. 一个图块被移走(位于图块位置15的第十六块图块)(否则会很难移动的:)
4. 当用户点击静态控件时,一个过程被调用来找出用户点击了哪个图块。
5. 程序检查被点击的图块时是否可以移动(也就是,是否在点击了的图块周围有空白块)
6. 如果不可,什么事也不做
7. 如果可移动,它找出该怎样移动图块,作出移动并更新静态控件以显示改变。
8. 它检查图迷是否已经被解开,如果是在静态控件上显示完整的图片
9. 一个用于计算用户走的步数的计数器步增。
10. 在用户走出第一步时计时器开始走动了测量用户解决游戏用了多久。