[run2tech] Build Your Own Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 Cluster on Linux and FireWire #
Build Your Own Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 Cluster on Linux and FireWireby Jeffrey Hunter Learn how to set up and configure an Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 development cluster for less than US$1,800.
[Oracle] Installing Oracle Database 10g Release 2 on Linux x86 #
Installing Oracle Database 10g Release 2 on Linux x86by John Smiley Learn the basics of installing Oracle Database 10g Release 2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Novell SUSE Enterprise Linux, from the bare metal up (for evaluation purposes only).
[IIS、 Web Administration 、webapps] ASP.NET Web Services or .NET Remoting: How to Choose (Building Distributed Applications) #
Browser-based Web applications, in contrast, are loosely coupled and remarkably interoperable. They communicate using HTTP to exchange MIME-typed data in a wide range of formats. Web services adapt the traditional Web programming model for use from all sorts of applications, not just browser-based ones. They exchange SOAP messages using HTTP and other Internet protocols. Because Web services rely on industry standards, including HTTP, XML, SOAP and WSDL, to expose application functionality on the Internet, they are independent of programming language, platform and device.
[run2tech] Configuring Availability How-to Topics #
Configuring Availability How-to Topics This section contains topics that describe how to set up and use failover clustering features in SQL Server 2005:Failover Clustering How-to TopicsDatabase Mirroring How-to TopicsLog Shipping How-to Topics
[run2tech] Failover Clustering How-to Topics #
Failover Clustering How-to Topics The how-to topics in this section contain information about creating or maintaining a failover cluster. Before you create a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 failover cluster, you must configure Microsoft Cluster Services (MSCS) by using the Cluster Administrator.
[SQLSERVER 2000&2005] DB Mirroring VS. Clustered Failover Questions - MSDN Forums #
DB Mirroring VS. Clustered Failover Questions
[run2tech] Linux advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO #
Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control[Linux的高级路由和流量控制]
[Unix&Linux Platforms] Linux下缓存服务器的应用 | LinuxSir.Org #
[Sendmail、Qmail、Postfix MailSrv] 基于Linux和Postfix的邮件系统的web mail安装手册 | LinuxSir.Org #
本文介绍使用 Linux Postfix Cyrus-sasl Courier-imap Tmail3.0 spamassassin Clamav mailscanner ,来架构一个具有多域名,有邮件列表、webmail、防病毒、防垃圾邮件、web管理界面的邮件系统。
[SQLSERVER 2000&2005] 最详细的SQL注入相关的命令整理 #
[Windows Server 2003&Windows Vista] 下一代Windows命令行命名PowerShell - PChome.net #
代号Monad的微软下一代Windows命令行外壳工具和脚本语言工具已经得到了正式命名:Windows PowerShell。该工具有助于管理员实现对Windows桌面和服务器任务控制的自动化。
SQL Server 2005 中提供的教程可以帮助您了解 SQL Server 技术和开始项目。
[IIS、 Web Administration 、webapps] ASP.NET 编译工具 (Aspnet_compiler.exe) #
利用 ASP.NET 编译工具 (Aspnet_compiler.exe) 可以就地编译 ASP.NET Web 应用程序,也可以为部署到某个目标位置(例如成品服务器)编译 ASP.NET Web 应用程序。就地编译有助于提高应用程序的性能,因为在编译应用程序的过程中,最终用户可以避免第一次请求应用程序而导致的延迟。
生成高性能、可缩放的 Web 应用程序最重要的因素之一是能够在首次请求项时将这些项存储在内存中,不管它们是数据对象、页还是页的某些部分。可以将这些项存储在 Web 服务器上或请求流中的其他软件上,例如代理服务器或浏览器。使您能够避免重新创建满足先前请求的信息,尤其是那些需要大量处理器时间或资源的信息。这就是通常所说的缓存,它允许您使用多种技术跨 HTTP 请求存储页输出或应用程序数据并对其进行重复使用。这样,服务器不需要重新创建信息,从而节省了时间和资源。
[run2tech] ADO.NET连接池【整理:来源自网上】 - qdzx2008的专栏 #
[run2tech] SQL Server 2005盛宴系列-高可用性: #
在这个课程系列中我们将聚焦于SQL Server 2005的高可用性技术,以及如何应用这些技术来实现高度可靠和可用的数据应用系统。
[SQLSERVER 2000&2005] SQL2005数据库镜像 #
[SQLSERVER 2000&2005] AlachiSoft - Code Generator and O/R Mapper for ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, Oracle, DB2, SQLServer .. #
Caching greatly improves application performance because it reduces expensive trips to the database. But, if you want to use caching in your application, you must decide what to cache and where to put your caching code. The answer is simple. Cache your domain objects and put caching code inside your persistence classes.
[run2tech] LinuxDevCenter.com -- Managing Disk Space with LVM #
The Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is a mechanism for virtualizing disks. It can create 'virtual' disk partitions out of one or more physical hard drives, allowing you to grow, shrink, or move those partitions from drive to drive as your needs change. It also allows you to create larger partitions than you could achieve with a single drive.
IT客观指标在具备指标的基本特征的前提下,应该还有下列优势。没有偏见(因为是客观指标,当然不能有偏见了) 易于收集(这些数字通常是会计或管理系统的一部分) 可比性(这些数字大多数方便与其它公司的相似组织比较,或与行业的评价基准进行比较)
[meeting] CSDN重推软件下载频道 软件发布又有新阵地 #
CSDN重推软件下载频道 软件发布又有新阵地
[meeting] CSDN推出视频谈话节目--CSDN Live #
CSDN推出视频谈话节目--CSDN Live
[run2tech] 说说大型高并发高负载网站的系统架构 - 年华似水匆匆一瞥,多少岁月轻描淡写。 #
[run2tech] 网界网、DoNews、新浪联手Web 2.0网站安全培训 - DoNews.com #
国内首次Web 2.0网站安全优化免费培训活动将于2006年5月12号在北京举行,本次活动由网界网、Donews、新浪科技联合主办,邀请到了Cisco、微软、绿盟等国际国内领先厂商的网络安全专家,与众多Web 2.0网站的负责人一起交流有关服务器入侵、窃密、DDos攻击以及网站性能优化、数据备份等随时都有可能碰到的实际问题。