

王朝vb·作者佚名  2006-01-08
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  




Public Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function mciGetDeviceID Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciGetDeviceIDA" (ByVal lpstrName As String) As Long

Public Declare Function waveOutGetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, lpdwVolume As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long

Enum PlayTypeName

File = 1

CDAudio = 2

VCD = 3

RealPlay = 4

End Enum

Dim PlayType As PlayTypeName

Enum AudioSource

AudioStereo = 0 ' "stereo"

AudioLeft = 1 '"left"

AudioRight = 2 '"right"

End Enum

Dim hWndMusic As Long

Dim prevWndproc As Long




Public Function OpenURL(urlStr As String, Optional hwnd As Long) As Boolean

OpenMusic = False

Dim MciCommand As String

Dim DriverID As String



DriverID = GetDriverID(urlStr)

If DriverID = "RealPlayer" Then

PlayType = RealPlay

Exit Function

End If

MciCommand = "open " & urlStr & " type " & DriverID & " alias NOWMUSIC"

If DriverID = "AVIVideo" Or DriverID = "MPEGVideo" Or DriverID = "MPEGVideo2" Then

If hwnd <> 0 Then

MciCommand = MciCommand + " parent " & hwnd & " style child"

hWndMusic = GetWindowHandle

prevWndproc = GetWindowLong(hWndMusic, -4)

SetWindowLong hWndMusic, -4, AddressOf WndProc


MciCommand = MciCommand + " style overlapped "

End If

End If

RefInt = mciSendString(MciCommand, vbNull, 0, 0)

mciSendString "set NOWMUSIC time format milliseconds", vbNullString, 0, 0

If RefInt = 0 Then OpenMusic = True

End Function




Public Function OpenMusic(FileName As String, Optional hwnd As Long) As Boolean

OpenMusic = False

Dim ShortPathName As String * 255

Dim RefShortName As String

Dim RefInt As Long

Dim MciCommand As String

Dim DriverID As String



GetShortPathName FileName, ShortPathName, 255

RefShortName = Left(ShortPathName, InStr(1, ShortPathName, Chr(0)) - 1)


DriverID = GetDriverID(RefShortName)

If DriverID = "RealPlayer" Then

PlayType = RealPlay

Exit Function

End If

MciCommand = "open " & RefShortName & " type " & DriverID & " alias NOWMUSIC"

If DriverID = "AVIVideo" Or DriverID = "MPEGVideo" Or DriverID = "MPEGVideo2" Then

If hwnd <> 0 Then

MciCommand = MciCommand + " parent " & hwnd & " style child"

hWndMusic = GetWindowHandle

prevWndproc = GetWindowLong(hWndMusic, -4)

SetWindowLong hWndMusic, -4, AddressOf WndProc


MciCommand = MciCommand + " style overlapped "

End If

End If

RefInt = mciSendString(MciCommand, vbNull, 0, 0)

mciSendString "set NOWMUSIC time format milliseconds", vbNullString, 0, 0

If RefInt = 0 Then OpenMusic = True

End Function

Function WndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

If Msg = &H202 Then

MsgBox "OK"

End If

WndProc = CallWindowProc(prevWndproc, hwnd, Msg, wParam, lParam)

End Function




Public Function GetDriverID(ff As String) As String

Select Case UCase(Right(ff, 3))

Case "MID", "RMI", "IDI"

GetDriverID = "Sequencer"

Case "WAV"

GetDriverID = "Waveaudio"

Case "ASF", "ASX", "IVF", "LSF", "LSX", "P2V", "WAX", "WVX", ".WM", "WMA", "WMX", "WMP"

GetDriverID = "MPEGVideo2"

Case ".RM", "RAM", ".RA"

GetDriverID = "RealPlayer"

Case Else

GetDriverID = "MPEGVideo"

End Select

End Function




Public Function PlayMusic() As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

PlayMusic = False

RefInt = mciSendString("play NOWMUSIC", vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then PlayMusic = True

End Function




Public Function GetMusicLength() As Long

Dim RefStr As String * 80

mciSendString "status NOWMUSIC length", RefStr, 80, 0

GetMusicLength = Val(RefStr)

End Function




Public Function GetMusicPos() As Long

Dim RefStr As String * 80

mciSendString "status NOWMUSIC position", RefStr, 80, 0

GetMusicPos = Val(RefStr)

End Function




Public Function SetMusicPos(Position As Long) As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

SetMusicPos = False

RefInt = mciSendString("seek NOWMUSIC to " & Position, vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then SetMusicPos = True

End Function




Public Function PauseMusic() As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

PauseMusic = False

RefInt = mciSendString("pause NOWMUSIC", vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then PauseMusic = True

End Function




Public Function CloseMusic() As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

CloseMusic = False

RefInt = mciSendString("close NOWMUSIC", vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then CloseMusic = True

End Function




Public Function SetAudioSource(sAudioSource As AudioSource) As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

Dim strSource As String

Select Case sAudioSource

Case 1: strSource = "left"

Case 2: strSource = "right"

Case 0: strSource = "stereo"

End Select

SetAudioSource = False

RefInt = mciSendString("setaudio NOWMUSIC source to " & strSource, vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then SetAudioSource = True

End Function




Public Function PlayFullScreen() As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

PlayFullScreen = False

RefInt = mciSendString("play NOWMUSIC fullscreen", vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then PlayFullScreen = True

End Function




Public Function SetVolume(Volume As Long) As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

SetVolume = False

RefInt = mciSendString("setaudio NOWMUSIC volume to " & Volume, vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then SetVolume = True

End Function




Public Function SetSpeed(Speed As Long) As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

SetSpeed = False

RefInt = mciSendString("set NOWMUSIC speed " & Speed, vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then SetSpeed = True

End Function




Public Function SetAudioOnOff(AudioOff As Boolean) As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

Dim OnOff As String

SetAudioOff = False

If AudioOff Then OnOff = "off" Else OnOff = "on"

RefInt = mciSendString("setaudio NOWMUSIC " & OnOff, vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then SetAudioOff = True

End Function




Public Function SetWindowShow(WindowOff As Boolean) As Boolean

Dim RefInt As Long

Dim OnOff As String

SetWindowShow = False

If WindowOff Then OnOff = "show" Else OnOff = "hide"

RefInt = mciSendString("window NOWMUSIC state " & OnOff, vbNull, 0, 0)

If RefInt = 0 Then SetWindowShow = True

End Function




Public Function IsPlaying() As Boolean

Dim sl As String * 255

mciSendString "status NOWMUSIC mode", sl, Len(sl), 0

If Left(sl, 7) = "playing" Or Left(sl, 2) = "播放" Then

IsPlaying = True


IsPlaying = False

End If

End Function




Public Function GetWindowHandle() As Long

Dim RefStr As String * 160

mciSendString "status NOWMUSIC window handle", RefStr, 80, 0

GetWindowHandle = Val(RefStr)

End Function




Public Function GetDeviceID() As Long

GetDeviceID = mciGetDeviceID("NOWMUSIC")

End Function

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