AllocHandle: OUT OF PRIVATE HANDLES! -- pid 000039F8 Handles used so far 6399, Maximum handles = 16446, error = 0x107
View docView = config.app_db.getView("ALLDOC");
Document middleDoc;
Document curDoc = docView.getFirstDocument();
Vector cal = new Vector();
while (curDoc != null){
middleDoc = docView.getNextDocument(curDoc);
cal = session.evaluate(config.arc_create_fomular, curDoc);
if (cal.get(0).toString().equals("1.0")){
correspond += 1;
curDoc = middleDoc;
if (correspond >= config.maxArchive) break;
Each document opened in an agent allocates a private handle. When the document is closed by the agent, the handle is freed. Loops can be tricky. If the document isn't closed after processing, a handle will be allocated for every document processed in the loop.
This isn't a concern in small databases with few documents processed, but in larger databases, it can become an issue.
Java has no knowlege of the heavyweight back-end Domino Objects, only the lightweight Java objects representing them. Garbage collection has no effect on Domino Objects unless you first explicitly recycle them.
View docView = config.app_db.getView("ALLDOC");
Document middleDoc;
Document curDoc = docView.getFirstDocument();
Vector cal = new Vector();
while (curDoc != null){
middleDoc = docView.getNextDocument(curDoc);
cal = session.evaluate(config.arc_delete_fomular, curDoc);
if (cal.get(0).toString().equals("1.0")){
correspond += 1;
curDoc = null;
curDoc = middleDoc;
middleDoc = null;
if (correspond >= config.maxArchive) break;