The Eolas '906 patent backgrounder
The Eolas patent and companyPatent 5,838,906 description (issued Nov. 17. 1998)
Google News tracker for Eolas The Eolas/Microsoft '906 patent lawsuitEolas sues Microsoft for infringement of patent for fundamental Web Browser technology that makes "Plug-ins" and "applets" possible, Feb., 2, 1999
Patent infringement case not going Microsoft's way, Inforworld, Jan. 8, 2001
Web patent suit against Microsoft goes to trial, Infoworld, Dec. 20, 2002
UC, Eolas win verdict against Microsoft in Web browser case; Federal jury awards $520.6 million in damages, Aug. 11, 2003
Jury Finds Microsoft Infringed Patent, Washington Post, Aug. 12, 2003
Questions and Answers about UC/Eolas patent infringement suit against Microsoft, Aug. 12, 2003
Report of W3C AdHoc Meeting, 19 August 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA
W3C Holds Ad Hoc Meeting on Recent Court Decision, Launches Public Discussion List
Little-known inventor's resolve led to triumph over Microsoft, Baltimore Sun, Aug. 31, 2003
Patent case may bring Internet Explorer changes, IDG News Service, Sept. 1, 2003 Early history of the Eolas '906 patent (1994-1996)Eolas acquires commercial rights to key World Wide Web patent, Aug. 21, 1995
Patent War Pending Over 'Applets', Inter@ctive Week, Aug. 28, 1995
Email list messages posted by Mike Doyle of Eolas
Email list messages posted by Pei Wei
Eolas releases Spynergy Tclet/Weblet dev. platform, Nov. 11, 1996 Pei Wei's ViolaWWW project: Was it prior art?Pei Wei's home page
WWW Browsers: Extensibility Issues, Stanford University, Sept. 20-21, 1994
Message from Pei Wei about the Eolas pending patent, Aug. 21, 1995
Mike Doyle of Eolas responds to Pei Wei, Aug. 21, 1995
Pei Wei responds to Mike Doyle, Aug. 21, 1995
Public demonstration of ViolaWWW on July 28, 1993 in Cambridge, Mass.
Judge's ruling on the early history of Eolas vs. Viola Other patent lawsuits involving MicrosoftMicrosoft Loses Patent Suit [Stac Electronics], Associated Press, Feb. 23, 1994.
Microsoft, Wang Resolve Lawsuit Over Patent Infringement, Associated Press, Apr. 12, 1995
Microsoft Faces Patent Lawsuit [Thomas D. Peterson], Internet News, Apr. 8, 1999
AT&T sues Microsoft over speech patent, Network World Fusion, June 4, 2001
InterTrust to use patent against Microsoft, CNET, June 26, 2001
Microsoft sued over e-commerce patent [Network Commerce], ComputerWorld, Mar. 26, 2002
Microsoft settles suit with Immersion, CNET, July 28, 2003 Other patents related to Web browsers and EmailCookies: Persistent client state in a hypertext transfer protocol based client-server system, June 30, 1998
Cascading Style Sheets: Style sheets for publishing system, January 12, 1999
Email Web bugs: Method and system for remotely sensing the file formats processed by an E-mail client, Sept. 10, 2002