这篇文章翻译自SGI的网站,原文名为Introduction to Stand Template Library,链接为http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/.我看后感觉对于理解一些相关概念和学习STL很有帮助就把它翻译过来了,是中英文对照的,因为我也不敢保证完全能表达原文意思,只是按自己的理解翻译出来了,希望对大家能有点帮助.
标准模板库,或者STL,是一个包含容器类(container classes),算法(algorithms),和迭代器(iterator)的C++类库.它提供了许多计算机科学中的基本算法和数据结构.STL是一个泛型库,也就是说它的组件都是大量参数化了的(heavily parameterized):STL中的几乎每个组件都是一个模板.在开始使用STL之前,你应当确信你明白C++中的模板是如何运作的.
vector<int> v(3); //声明一个有三个元素的vector
v[0] = 7;
v[1] = v[0]+3;
v[2] = v[0]+v[1]; //v[0]=7,v[1]=10,v[2]=17
reverse(v.begin(),v.end()); //v[0]=17,v[1]=10,v[2]=7
double A[8] = {1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7};
for(int I = 0;i < 6;i++)
cout << “A[“ << I << “]=” << A[i];
The answer is that the arguments to reverse are iterators, which are a generalization of pointers. Pointers themselves are iterators, which is why it is possible to reverse the elements of a C array. Similarly, vector declares the nested types iterator and const_iterator. In the example above, the type returned by v.begin() and v.end() is vector<int>::iterator. There are also some iterators, such as istream_iterator and ostream_iterator, that aren't associated with containers at all.
答案就是reverse的参数为iterators,它是指针的一个泛化(generalization).指针自身就是是迭代器(iterator),所以才有可能反转一个C数组的元素.相似的,vector声明了内嵌类型(nested type)iterator和const_iterator.在上面的例子中,v.begin()和v.end()所返回的类型是vector<int>::iterator.还有一些迭代器(iterators),例如istream_iterator和ostream_iterator与容器根本就没有关联.
Iterators are the mechanism that makes it possible to decouple algorithms from containers: algorithms are templates, and are parameterized by the type of iterator, so they are not restricted to a single type of container. Consider, for example, how to write an algorithm that performs linear search through a range. This is the STL's find algorithm.
template <class InputIterator, class T>
InputIterator find(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T& value) {
while (first != last && *first != value) ++first;
return first;
Template<class InputIterator, class T>
InputIterator find(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T& value) {
While(first != last && *fist != value) ++first;
Return first;
Find takes three arguments: two iterators that define a range, and a value to search for in that range. It examines each iterator in the range [first, last), proceeding from the beginning to the end, and stops either when it finds an iterator that points to value or when it reaches the end of the range.
First and last are declared to be of type InputIterator, and InputIterator is a template parameter. That is, there isn't actually any type called InputIterator: when you call find, the compiler substitutes the actual type of the arguments for the formal type parameters InputIterator and T. If the first two arguments to find are of type int* and the third is of type int, then it is as if you had called the following function.
int* find(int* first, int* last, const int& value) {
while (first != last && *first != value) ++first;
return first;
int* find(int* first, int* last, const int& value) {
while (first != last && *first != value) ++first;
return first;
Concepts and Modeling
One very important question to ask about any template function, not just about STL algorithms, is what the set of types is that may correctly be substituted for the formal template parameters. Clearly, for example, int* or double* may be substituted for find's formal template parameter InputIterator. Equally clearly, int or double may not: find uses the expression *first, and the dereference operator makes no sense for an object of type int or of type double. The basic answer, then, is that find implicitly defines a set of requirements on types, and that it may be instantiated with any type that satisfies those requirements. Whatever type is substituted for InputIterator must provide certain operations: it must be possible to compare two objects of that type for equality, it must be possible to increment an object of that type, it must be possible to dereference an object of that type to obtain the object that it points to, and so on.
Find isn't the only STL algorithm that has such a set of requirements; the arguments to for_each and count, and other algorithms, must satisfy the same requirements. These requirements are sufficiently important that we give them a name: we call such a set of type requirements a concept, and we call this particular concept Input Iterator. We say that a type conforms to a concept, or that it is a model of a concept, if it satisfies all of those requirements. We say that int* is a model of Input Iterator because int* provides all of the operations that are specified by the Input Iterator requirements.
Concepts are not a part of the C++ language; there is no way to declare a concept in a program, or to declare that a particular type is a model of a concept. Nevertheless, concepts are an extremely important part of the STL. Using concepts makes it possible to write programs that cleanly separate interface from implementation: the author of find only has to consider the interface specified by the concept Input Iterator, rather than the implementation of every possible type that conforms to that concept. Similarly, if you want to use find, you need only to ensure that the arguments you pass to it are models of Input Iterator. This is the reason why find and reverse can be used with lists, vectors, C arrays, and many other types: programming in terms of concepts, rather than in terms of specific types, makes it possible to reuse software components and to combine components together.