最后是游戏的定时问题。所有的游戏事实上都是在一个时间大循环里面定时接收输入信息更新状态的程序,我们的小游戏都不例外。老实说,我写这个游戏大部分的思考时间就浪费在如何实现游戏定时这里。Excel的VBA中与定时有关的只有onTime函数,没有其他相关函数提供了,onTime函数可以实现某一事件在指定时间发生,但只能以秒为最小单位,对我们要在一秒内更新数十次信息的小游戏不适合,我们只能另找方法。用过VB的人都知道VB控件中有个定时控件,用它来实现游戏定时是最好的,但在Excel中却没有,难道我要把VB中的定时控件移植到VBA中?这也是个很值得研究的课题,但是我想到了另外的方法。VB的程序员都知道要想VB程序发挥大作用一定离不开调用系统的API,于是我查看了系统相关API的帮助,发现系统API中实现相应功能的有settimer与killtimer函数,具体定义和用法大家可以参考相关帮助,但从字面大家都已经可以知道它们就是我们要找的东西了。那么现在的问题就是如何在vba环境下调用系统API。心想微软称vba就是office中的vb,那么在vba中调用系统API应该也与在VB中的一样。一试,呵呵,果然非虚,这微软真不是盖的(后在msdn中发现ms office vba从2000版本开始支持调用系统API,大家可以拓展office应用了)。
' 熟悉VB的程序员知道首先是对调用系统API的声明
Public Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long
' 定义数据结构
Type pos_
row As Long
col As Long
End Type
Public timerset As Long ' SetTimer函数的返回值,用以标记已存在的Timer,KillTimer以此为参数销毁所标记的Timer
Public gaming As Boolean
Public pulsed As Boolean
Public head_movement As Long '蛇头新移动方向标志,1、2、3、4代表右上左下
Public tail_movement As Long '蛇尾移动方向标志,意义同上
Public oldhead_movement As Long '蛇头旧有移动方向标志
Dim tailmove As Boolean '蛇尾移动标志
Dim origin_size As Long '贪吃蛇原始大小
Public score As Long
Dim steps As Long
Dim clean As Boolean
Dim sth As pos_
Dim headrow As Long '蛇头所在行位置
Dim headcol As Long '蛇头所在列位置
Dim tailrow As Long '蛇尾所在行位置
Dim tailcol As Long '蛇尾所在列位置
Dim startpos As pos_ '贪吃蛇起始位置
Dim color As Long
Const left As Long = 5 '游戏区域左边边界
Const right As Long = 30 '游戏区域右边边界
Const top As Long = 3 '游戏区域上边边界
Const bottom As Long = 25 '游戏区域下边边界
Function main() '主函数
gaming = False
If Worksheets.Count < 2 Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
ElseIf (MsgBox("Do you want to run it in a new blank worksheet ?", vbOKCancel, "?????") = vbOK) Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End If
Load UserForm1 '引入窗体
End Function
Function game_initial() '游戏初始化函数
color = 5
If Not gaming Then
Cells.ColumnWidth = 1
Cells.RowHeight = 10
Range(Cells(top, left), Cells(top, right)).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Range(Cells(top + 1, left), Cells(bottom - 1, left)).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Range(Cells(bottom, left), Cells(bottom, right)).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Range(Cells(top + 1, right), Cells(bottom - 1, right)).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Range(Cells(top + 1, left + 1), Cells(bottom - 1, right - 1)).Font.ColorIndex = color
End If
origin_size = 5
tail_movement = 1
head_movement = 1
oldhead_movement = head_movement
startpos.row = (top + bottom) \ 2 'initialized as 16
startpos.col = (left + right) \ 2 'initailized as 20
pulsed = False
tailmove = True
headrow = startpos.row
headcol = startpos.col
tailrow = startpos.row
tailcol = startpos.col - origin_size + 1
clean = True
steps = 0
score = 0
For i = 0 To origin_size - 1
Cells(startpos.row, startpos.col - i).Interior.ColorIndex = color
Next i
gaming = True
End Function
Sub snake_move()
If gaming Then
Dim nextcol As Long
Dim nextrow As Long
If clean Then
steps = steps + 1
If steps >= 6 Then
steps = 0
sth.row = Int((bottom - top) * Rnd) + top + 1
sth.col = Int((right - left) * Rnd) + left + 1
Do While sth.row >= bottom
sth.row = sth.row - (bottom - top) + 1
Do While sth.col >= right
sth.col = sth.col - (right - left) + 1
Cells(sth.row, sth.col) = "*"
clean = False
End If
End If
tailmove = True
If oldhead_movement <> head_movement Then
If Abs(oldhead_movement - head_movement) <> 2 Then
oldhead_movement = head_movement
Cells(headrow, headcol) = head_movement '当方向改变时在蛇头当前单元格记下前进方向,待蛇尾运行至此时可以按正确方向前进。本来应该用个数组记录,但我懒得再琢磨了。
End If
End If
Select Case oldhead_movement
Case 1 'right
nextrow = headrow
nextcol = headcol + 1
Case 2 'up
nextcol = headcol
nextrow = headrow - 1
Case 3 'left
nextrow = headrow
nextcol = headcol - 1
Case 4 'down
nextcol = headcol
nextrow = headrow + 1
End Select
If nextcol = left Then
nextcol = right - 1
ElseIf nextcol = right Then
nextcol = left + 1
End If
If nextrow = top Then
nextrow = bottom - 1
ElseIf nextrow = bottom Then
nextrow = top + 1
End If
If Cells(nextrow, nextcol).Interior.ColorIndex = color Then '蛇头碰到蛇身了,游戏结束
Call game_over: Exit Sub
End If
If Cells(nextrow, nextcol) = "*" Then
Call score_
Cells(nextrow, nextcol).ClearContents
End If
Cells(nextrow, nextcol).Interior.ColorIndex = color
headrow = nextrow
headcol = nextcol
If tailmove Then
Select Case tail_movement
Case 1 'right
nextrow = tailrow
nextcol = tailcol + 1
Case 2 'up
nextrow = tailrow - 1
nextcol = tailcol
Case 3 'left
nextrow = tailrow
nextcol = tailcol - 1
Case 4 'down
nextcol = tailcol
nextrow = tailrow + 1
End Select
If nextcol = left Then
nextcol = right - 1
ElseIf nextcol = right Then
nextcol = left + 1
End If
If nextrow = top Then
nextrow = bottom - 1
ElseIf nextrow = bottom Then
nextrow = top + 1
End If
If Cells(nextrow, nextcol) <> 0 Then
If (Asc(Cells(nextrow, nextcol)) <> 42) Then
tail_movement = Cells(nextrow, nextcol)
Cells(nextrow, nextcol).ClearContents
End If
End If
Cells(tailrow, tailcol).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
tailrow = nextrow
tailcol = nextcol
End If
End If
End Sub
Function game_over()
If timerset <> 0 Then
timerset = KillTimer(0, timerset)
pulsed = False
End If
If MsgBox("Game over...temporarily. Try again?", vbOKCancel, "?????") = vbOK Then
Range(Cells(top + 1, left + 1), Cells(bottom - 1, right - 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
Range(Cells(top + 1, left + 1), Cells(bottom - 1, right - 1)).ClearContents
Call game_initial
Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
gaming = False
SendKeys "%{F4}" '这句很关键,当引入窗体后要在程序中退出窗体就要用Alt+F4
End If
End Function
Function score_()
clean = True
score = score + 50
tailmove = False
UserForm1.Label2.Caption = "Now you have the score of " + Str(score)
End Function
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() '窗体初始化事件
Call game_initial
If gaming Then
UserForm1.Label1.Caption = "NO PLAY , NO GAME"
UserForm1.Label2.Caption = "Arrow keys to move. P key to pause the game E key to end the game"
UserForm1.Label1.Caption = "Something happened !"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) '响应窗体KeyDown事件
If gaming Then
If Not pulsed Then
pulsed = True
timerset = SetTimer(0, 0, 150, AddressOf snake_move) '启动定时器,这里时间间隔为150毫秒,大家可以加入一些代码用来实现越来越快的游戏速度
UserForm1.Label2.Caption = "Arrow keys to move. P key to pause the game E key to end the game"
End If
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyUp
head_movement = 2
Case vbKeyDown
head_movement = 4
Case vbKeyLeft
head_movement = 3
Case vbKeyRight
head_movement = 1
Case vbKeyP '这里是通过销毁定时器实现游戏暂停
If timerset <> 0 Then
timerset = KillTimer(0, timerset)
pulsed = False
End If
UserForm1.Label2.Caption = "Game paused. Any key to resume. "
Case vbKeyE
Call game_over
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() '窗体销毁事件,这里是通过主程序发出Alt+F4按键事件引发
If timerset <> 0 Then
timerset = KillTimer(0, timerset)
pulsed = False
End If
MsgBox ("You have finished the game with the score of " + Str(score))
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call main
End Sub