class splash {
var $gui = null;
var $times = null;
function splash() {
$this->gui = array(); // 初始化
$this->times = 0;
* 运行主程序
function run() {
$this->gui['splash'] = &new GtkWindow(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
$this->gui['splash']->set_usize(365, 221);
$this->gui['vbox'] = &new GtkVbox(false, 0);
// load pixmap
list($pixmap, $mask) = Gdk::pixmap_create_from_xpm($this->gui['splash']->window, null, 'splash.xpm');
$splash = &new GtkPixmap($pixmap, $mask);
// add the image to the box
// load loading label
$this->gui['loading'] = &new GtkLabel();
// add the loading label to the box
// add the box to the window
* Loging ...
function loading() {
$this->times ++;
$this->gui['loading']->set_text('Loading .' . str_repeat('.', $this->times));
// 刷新屏幕
while (gtk::events_pending()) gtk::main_iteration();
$loadingid = Gtk::timeout_add(1000, array(&$this, 'loading'));
// 运行4次退出
if($this->times > 4) {
$splash = &new splash();