'Set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=(local);UID=sa;PWD=1230;DATABASE=Music"
'set rs = mp.Execute("select * from MusicList",conn,29)
'while not rs.eof
' response.write rs2("MusicName")&"<br>"
' rs2.MoveNext
Class MyPage
private MyPage_Conn,MyPage_StrSql,MyPage_TotalStrSql,MyPage_RS,MyPage_TotalRS
private MyPage_PageSize
private MyPage_PageAbsolute,MyPage_PageTotal,MyPage_RecordTotal
private MyPage_Url
public property let conn(strConn)
set MyPage_Conn = strConn
end property
public property let PageSize(intPageSize)
MyPage_PageSize = Cint(intPageSize)
end property
public function PageExecute(strSql)
MyPage_PageAbsolute = MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest()
MyPage_TotalStrSql = FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql(strSql)
set MyPage_TotalRS = MyPage_Conn.execute(MyPage_TotalStrSql)
MyPage_RecordTotal = MyPage_TotalRS("total")
MyPage_PageTotal = Cint(MyPage_RecordTotal/MyPage_PageSize)
MyPage_StrSql = FormatMyPage_StrSql(strSql)
set MyPage_RS = MyPage_Conn.execute(MyPage_StrSql)
dim i
i = 0
while not MyPage_RS.eof and i<(MyPage_PageAbsolute-1)*MyPage_PageSize
i = i + 1
set PageExecute = MyPage_RS
end function
public function Execute(strSql,strConn,intPageSize)
conn = strConn
PageSize = intPageSize
set Execute = PageExecute(strSql)
end function
public function pageDispaly()
MyPage_Url = ReadMyPage_Url
firstPageTag = "<font face=webdings>9</font>" '|<<
LastPageTag = "<font face=webdings>:</font>" '>>|
previewPageTag = "<font face=webdings>7</font>" '<<
nextPageTag = "<font face=webdings>8</font>" '>>
dim strAnd
if instr(MyPage_Url,"?")=0 then
strAnd = "?"
strAnd = "&"
end if
response.write "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"
response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td align=left>"
response.write "页次:"&MyPage_PageAbsolute&"/"&MyPage_PageTotal&"页 "
response.write "主题数:"&MyPage_RecordTotal
response.write "</td>"
response.write "<td align=right>"
response.write "分页:"
if MyPage_PageAbsolute>10 then
response.write "<a href='"&MyPage_Url&strAnd&"MyPage_PageNo=1'>"&firstPageTag&"</a>"
response.write "<a
response.write firstPageTag
response.write previewPageTag
end if
response.write " "
dim CurrentStartPage,i
i = 1
if Cint(MyPage_PageAbsolute) mod 10=0 then
CurrentStartPage = CurrentStartPage - 10
end if
while i<11 and CurrentStartPage<MyPage_PageTotal+1
if CurrentStartPage < 10 then
FormatCurrentStartPage = "0" & CurrentStartPage
FormatCurrentStartPage = CurrentStartPage
end if
response.write "<a
href='"&MyPage_Url&strAnd&"MyPage_PageNo="&CurrentStartPage&"'>"&FormatCurrentStartPage&"</a> "
i = i + 1
CurrentStartPage = CurrentStartPage + 1
if MyPage_PageAbsolute<(MyPage_PageTotal-10) then
response.write "<a
response.write "<a
response.write nextPageTag
response.write LastPageTag
end if
response.write ""
response.write "</td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "</table>"
end function
public function GetPageNo()
GetPageNo = cint(MyPage_PageAbsolute)
end function
public function GetPageCount()
GetPageCount = cint(MyPage_PageTotal)
end function
public function GetPageNoName()
GetPageNoName = "MyPage_PageNo"
end function
public function GetPageSize()
GetPageSize = MyPage_PageSize
end function
public function GetRecordTotal()
GetRecordTotal = MyPage_RecordTotal
end function
private function FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql(strSql)
FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql = "select count(*) as total "
FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql = FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql & Mid(strSql,instr(strSql,"from"))
FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql = Mid(FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql,1,instr(FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql&"order by","order
end function
private function FormatMyPage_StrSql(strSql)
FormatMyPage_StrSql = replace(strSql,"select","select top "&(MyPage_PageAbsolute*Cint(MyPage_PageSize)))
end function
private function MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest()
if request("MyPage_PageNo")="" then
MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest = 1
if IsNumeric(request("MyPage_PageNo")) then
MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest = request("MyPage_PageNo")
MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest = 1
end if
end if
end function
private function ReadMyPage_Url()
ReadMyPage_Url = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
if Request.QueryString<>"" then
ReadMyPage_Url = ReadMyPage_Url & "?" & Request.QueryString
end if
set re = new RegExp
re.Pattern = "[&|?]MyPage_PageNo=\d+?"
re.IgnoreCase = true
re.multiLine = true = true
Set Matches = re.Execute(ReadMyPage_Url)
For Each Match in Matches
tmpMatch = Match.Value
ReadMyPage_Url = replace(ReadMyPage_Url,tmpMatch,"")
end function
end Class
' rs.MoveNext
Class MyPage
private MyPage_Conn,MyPage_StrSql,MyPage_TotalStrSql,MyPage_RS,MyPage_TotalRS
private MyPage_PageSize
private MyPage_PageAbsolute,MyPage_PageTotal,MyPage_RecordTotal
private MyPage_Url
public property let conn(strConn)
set MyPage_Conn = strConn
end property
public property let PageSize(intPageSize)
MyPage_PageSize = Cint(intPageSize)
end property
public function PageExecute(strSql)
MyPage_PageAbsolute = MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest()
MyPage_TotalStrSql = FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql(strSql)
set MyPage_TotalRS = MyPage_Conn.execute(MyPage_TotalStrSql)
MyPage_RecordTotal = MyPage_TotalRS("total")
MyPage_PageTotal = Cint(MyPage_RecordTotal/MyPage_PageSize)
MyPage_StrSql = FormatMyPage_StrSql(strSql)
set MyPage_RS = MyPage_Conn.execute(MyPage_StrSql)
dim i
i = 0
while not MyPage_RS.eof and i9" '|:" '|
previewPageTag = "7" '8" '
dim strAnd
if instr(MyPage_Url,"?")=0 then
strAnd = "?"
strAnd = "&"
end if
response.write ""
response.write ""
response.write ""
response.write "页次:"&MyPage_PageAbsolute&"/"&MyPage_PageTotal&"页?"
response.write "主题数:"&MyPage_RecordTotal
response.write "
response.write ""
response.write "分页:"
if MyPage_PageAbsolute10 then
response.write ""&firstPageTag&""
response.write ""&previewPageTag&""
response.write firstPageTag
response.write previewPageTag
end if
response.write "?"
dim CurrentStartPage,i
i = 1
if Cint(MyPage_PageAbsolute) mod 10=0 then
CurrentStartPage = CurrentStartPage - 10
end if
while i"&FormatCurrentStartPage&"?"
i = i + 1
CurrentStartPage = CurrentStartPage + 1
if MyPage_PageAbsolute"&nextPageTag&""
response.write ""&LastPageTag&""
response.write nextPageTag
response.write LastPageTag
end if
response.write ""
response.write "
response.write ""
response.write ""
end function
public function GetPageNo()
GetPageNo = cint(MyPage_PageAbsolute)
end function
public function GetPageCount()
GetPageCount = cint(MyPage_PageTotal)
end function
public function GetPageNoName()
GetPageNoName = "MyPage_PageNo"
end function
public function GetPageSize()
GetPageSize = MyPage_PageSize
end function
public function GetRecordTotal()
GetRecordTotal = MyPage_RecordTotal
end function
private function FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql(strSql)
FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql = "select count(*) as total "
FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql = FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql & Mid(strSql,instr(strSql,"from"))
FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql = Mid(FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql,1,instr(FormatMyPage_TotalStrSql&"order by","order by")-1)
end function
private function FormatMyPage_StrSql(strSql)
FormatMyPage_StrSql = replace(strSql,"select","select top "&(MyPage_PageAbsolute*Cint(MyPage_PageSize)))
end function
private function MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest()
if request("MyPage_PageNo")="" then
MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest = 1
if IsNumeric(request("MyPage_PageNo")) then
MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest = request("MyPage_PageNo")
MyPage_PageAbsoluteRequest = 1
end if
end if
end function
private function ReadMyPage_Url()
ReadMyPage_Url = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
if Request.QueryString"" then
ReadMyPage_Url = ReadMyPage_Url & "?" & Request.QueryString
end if
set re = new RegExp
re.Pattern = "[&|?]MyPage_PageNo=\d+?"
re.IgnoreCase = true
re.multiLine = true = true
Set Matches = re.Execute(ReadMyPage_Url)
For Each Match in Matches
tmpMatch = Match.Value
ReadMyPage_Url = replace(ReadMyPage_Url,tmpMatch,"")
end function
end Class