#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct stu{
char a[20];
double k;
int r,i,w,u;
w = 0,u = 0;
cout <<"Please the importation number:\n";//输入捐款人数
cin >> i;
stu* ps = new stu[i];
for(r = 0;r < i;r++)
cout << "name:\n";
cin.get((*ps).a,20); //输入捐款人名字
cout << "money:\n";
cin >> (*ps).k; // 输入捐款人的款数
ps = ps - i;
cout << "The importance contributes money the person:\n";//重要捐款人
for(r = 0;r < i; r++)
if ((*ps).k > 10000)//如果捐款人款数多于10000那就是重要捐款人
cout << "name:\n";
cout << (*ps).a << "\n";
cout << "Number:\n";//款数
cout << (*ps).k << "\n";
ps=ps + 1;
ps = ps - w;
cout << "It is other to contribute money the person:\n";//其他捐款人
for(r = 0;r < i; r++)
cout << "name:\n";
cout << (*ps).a << "\n";
cout << "Number:\n";//款数
cout << (*ps).k << "\n";
ps=ps + 1;
if (w == 0)
cout << "The importance contributes money the person:\n";//如果用户输入没有重要捐款人输出NONE
cout << "none";
if (u == 0)
cout << "It is other to contribute money the person:\n";//如果用户输入没有其它捐款人输出NONE
cout << "none";
int q;
cin >> q;
delete [] ps;
return 0;