PHP 5.0.2 & PHP 4.39 版本更新
23 Sep 2004, PHP 5.0.2
- Added new boolean (fourth) parameter to array_slice() that turns on the
preservation of keys in the returned array. (Derick)
- Added the sorting flag SORT_LOCALE_STRING to the sort() functions which makes
them sort based on the current locale. (Derick)
- Added interface_exists() and make class_exists() only return true for real
classes. (Andrey)
- Added PHP_EOL constant that contains the OS way of representing newlines.
(Paul Hudson, Derick)
- Implemented periodic PCRE compiled regexp cache cleanup, to avoid memory
exhaustion. (Andrei)
- Renamed SoapClient->__call() to SoapClinet->__soapCall(). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug with raw_post_data not getting set (Brian)
- Fixed a file-descriptor leak with phpinfo() and other 'special' URLs (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #30209 (ReflectionClass::getMethod() lowercases attribute).
- Fixed bug #30182 (SOAP module processing WSDL file dumps core). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #30045 (Cannot pass big integers (> 2147483647) in SOAP requests).
- Fixed bug #29985 (unserialize()/ __PHP_Incomplete_class does not report
correctly class name). (Marcus, Tony)
- Fixed bug #29945 (simplexml_load_file URL limitation 255 char). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #29873 (No defines around pcntl_*priority definitions). (Derick)
- Fixed bug #29844 (SOAP doesn't return the result of a valid SOAP request).
- Fixed bug #29842 (soapclient return null value). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29839 (incorrect convert (xml:lang to lang)). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29830 (SoapServer::setClass() should not export non-public
methods). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29828 (Interfaces no longer work). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #29821 (Fixed possible crashes in convert_uudecode() on invalid
data). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29808 (array_count_values() breaks with numeric strings). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29805 (HTTP Authentication Issues). (Uwe Schindler)
- Fixed bug #29795 (SegFault with Soap and Amazon's Web Services). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29737 (ip2long should return -1 if IP is and FALSE
on error). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #29711 (Changed ext/xml to default to UTF-8 output). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #29678 (opendir() with ftp:// wrapper segfaults if path does not
have trailing slash). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29657 (xml_* functions throw non descriptive error).
(Christian, Rob)
- Fixed bug #29656 (segfault on result and statement properties). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #29566 (foreach/string handling strangeness (crash)). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29447 (Reflection API issues). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #29296 (Added sslv2 and sslv3 transports). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #29283 (Invalid statement handle in mysqli on execute). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #29913 (parse_url() is now binary safe). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27994 (segfault with Soapserver when WSDL-Cache is enabled).
- Fixed bug #27791 (Apache 2.0 SAPI build against Apache 2 HEAD). (Joe Orton,
- Fixed bug #26737 (private/protected properties not serialized when user
declared method __sleep() exists). E_NOTICE thrown when __sleep() returns
name of non-existing member. (Andrey, Curt)
22 Sep 2004, Version 4.3.9
- GPC input processing fixes (Stefano Di Paola, Rasmus, Stefan)
- Implemented periodic PCRE compiled regexp cache cleanup, to avoid memory
exhaustion. (Andrei)
- Fixed bug with raw_post_data not getting set (Brian)
- Fixed a file-descriptor leak with phpinfo() and other 'special' URLs (Zeev)
- Rewritten UNIX and Windows install help files. (Documentation Team)
- Updated PCRE to provide better error handling in certain cases. (Andrei)
- NSAPI: added "bucket" parameter to list of non-php.ini-keys of php4_execute
for doing performance stats without warnings in server-log. (Uwe Schindler)
- Fixed leap year checking with idate(). (Christian Schneider, Derick)
- Fixed strip_tags() to correctly handle '\0' characters. (Stefan)
- Fixed funny forking effect in FastCGI when PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN was not set.
- Fixed bug #30050 (Possible crash inside php_shutdown_config()).
(Ilia, nw at softwarekombinat dot de)
- Fixed bug #29882 (isset crashes on arrays). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #29753 (mcal_fetch_event() allows 2nd argument to be optional).
(Ilia, Vrana)
- Fixed bug #29727 (Added missing CURL authentication directives). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29719 (fgetcsv() has problem parsing strings ending with escaped
enclosures). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29607 (highlighting code with HEREDOC produces invalid output).
- Fixed bug #29599 (domxml_error segfaults another apache module). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #29594 (Use PHP's own tmpfile() implementation). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29581 (Typo inside php.ini comments for mysql.trace_mode). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29493 (extract(array, EXTR_REFS) misbehaves with elements referred
twice or more times). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #29443 (Sanity check for wbmp detection). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29369 (Uploaded files with ' or " in their names get their names
truncated at those characters). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29349 (imagecreatefromstring() crashes with external GD library).
(Ilia, adconrad at debian dot org)
- Fixed bug #29333 (output_buffering+trans_sess_id can corrupt output). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29226 (ctype_* functions missing validation of numeric string
representations). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29209 (imap_fetchbody() doesn't check message index).
(Ilia, tony2001 at phpclub dot net)
- Fixed bug #29116 (Zend constant warning uses memory after free).
(Marcus, jdolecek at NetBSD dot org)
- Fixed bug #29114 (Potential double free in php_stat). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #29075 (strnatcmp() incorrectly handles whitespace).
(Curt, Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29049 (array sorting via user function/method does not
validate it). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29038 (extract() with EXTR_PREFIX_SAME prefixes empty strings).
- Fixed bug #29034 (wordwrap() returns a boolean when passed empty string).
- Fixed bug #28974 (overflow in array_slice(), array_splice(), substr,
substr_replace(), strspn(), strcspn()). (Andrey)
- Fixed bug #28897 (ibase: -1 returned as -0.000 for 64-bit scaled int). (Ard)
- Fixed bug #28879 (Implicit/Explicit array creation inconsistency when using
Resources, Arrays, or Objects as indices). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #28878 (Setting of inikey's in obj.conf fails). (Uwe Schindler)
- Fixed bug #28868 (Internal wrapper registry not thread safe). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #28818 (Apache 2 sapis do not export st_dev).
(xuefer at 21cn dot com, Ilia).
- Fixed bug #28800 (strings beginning with "inf" improperly converted). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28723 (Fixed mbstring config.m4 to work on OSes where test
command does not support -e parameter). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28692 (\0 in Authenticate header passed via safe_mode). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28670 (WWW-Authentication header mangling with PCRE in safe_mode
adds extra spaces). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28668 (glob() does not work with relative paths on Windows). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28649 (Proper glob() return value on Linux when there are no
matches). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28633 (sprintf incorrectly adding padding to floats). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28627 (When multiple MySQL links are used default link is leaked).
(gavin at ipalsoftware dot com, Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28525 (gmp_powm() does not work with hexadecimal string modulo
represented as a string). (pickett at sumu dot org, Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28512 (Allocate enough space to store MSSQL data). (Frank)
- Fixed bug #28466 (mbstring_convert_variables() array separation problem).
- Fixed bug #28175 (Allow bundled GD to compile against freetype 2.1.2).
(Elf, Ilia)