Java Class
1) ClassName VersionInfo History Copyright
2) Package
3) Import ( J2SE -> J2EE/J2ME -> Third Party Libs -> Self Common -> Self Specific)
4) Class Documentation for Javadoc
5) Class / Interface Statement
6) Class Implementation Detail Implementation
7) Static Variable (Public->Protected->Private)
8) Instance Variable (Public->Protected->Private)
9) Constructors (No-arg constructor first)
10) Methods (Grouped by accessibility or functionality)
Naming Convention
Package: All lower-case com.scs.common.reuse.searchDAO (Don't use *)
Class: StringBuffer, InputStream
Method: getAccountId(), getUrlString()
Constants: All upper-case with underscore MAX_INTEGER
File Naming Convention (Pay attention to -- and _ )
Java/JSP File: small_fox.jsp/java
XML: use - instead of _ for all xml elements