

王朝system·作者佚名  2006-01-09
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  



# Useful Linux Commands

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Jerry Fleming, 2004-09-13



# show system load in ascii art


# simple watcher


# send process to bg like C-Z does


# execute a command by someone else


# change to another user(default: super user)


# change to another group


# process information


#show uid and gid


# gnu interactive tools process status


# tar ball size restricted

tar cvzpf - mytarfile.tar.gz | split -d -b 500m

cat x* > mytarfile.tar.gz

# save man page and info to file

man tcsh | col -b > tcsh.txt

info tcsh -o tcsh.txt -s

# join two files

cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq # (unique) lines in both files

cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -d # (duplicated) lines in both files

cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -u # lines only in one file

# show system info

cat /proc/cpuinfo # CPU (i.e. vendor, Mhz, flags like mmx)

cat /proc/interrupts # interruptions

cat /proc/ioports # ioports

cat /proc/meminfo # mem used, free, swap size

cat /proc/partitions # all partitions on all devices

cat /proc/pci # PCI devices

cat /proc/swaps # all swaps

cat /proc/version # equal to: uname -r

uname -a

# shwo (and kill) processes using filename

fuser filename

fuser -k filename

# show netbios name of a host

nbtscan -r

# show ip of host with netbios name


# send a message to win host (Messenger service on NT and WinPopup on '98)

smbclient -M NETBIOS

# useful on linux and windows

netstat -nap

# who am i


echo $USER



who am i


# change properties of a file



# show the size of a dir

du -sh dirname

# reh hat version info

cat /proc/version

cat /etc/redhat-release

cat /etc/issue

# what is running on port 22

lsof -i :22

# rename a host




# show the size of pwd

du --max-depth=0 -h

# calculate the sum of first column in myfile

gawk 'BEGIN{sum=0;} sum = sum+ $1; END{print sum;}' myfile

# mysqldump synopsis

mysqldump -Q -p --opt -B aiqing avo geofuture leidi17 lizi17 phpmyadmin qiti swy 新COM > dbdump

mysqldump -Q -p --opt -B fiveone > fiveonedump

mysqldump -Q -p --opt -B newcom > newcomdump

mysqldump -Q -p --opt -B mysql > mysqldump

# update a database from update log files

ls -1 -t -r file_name.[0-9]* | xargs cat | mysql

# update a MySQL server from the binary log

mysqlbinlog log-file | mysql -h server_name

# mysql charset and collation

mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('jerry');

query("SET character_set_results = big5") ;

query("SET collation_connection = big5_chinese_ci ");

query("SET character_set_client = big5 ");

query("SET character_set_connection = big5 ");

mysql> SET character-set-client = x;

mysql> SET character-set-results = x;

mysql> SET character-set-connection = x;

# to encode one script do:

php -q encoder.php -f input.php -o output.php

# to encode directory do:

php -q encoder.php -rcf input_dir -o output_dir

# eigth modes of operation for tar

create extract list append update concatenate delete compare

# copy contents of a dir from one disk to another

cd sourcedir; tar -cf - . | (cd targetdir; tar -xf -)

# write raw data of kernel image to a floppy

dd if=babylinux.img of=/dev/fd0

cat babylinux.img >/dev/fd0

# set default editor ~/.muttrc

set editor="vi -c ':0;/^$'"

# set bash command line to vi mode

set -o vi

# set vim macros

:map <BS> X

:set ww=h,l,b,s

inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:w %<CR>

noremap <ESC> :w %<CR>

map <Space> ^F

set ww=h,l,b,s

colorscheme murphy

noremap <F1> :!python %<CR>

inoremap ( ()<ESC>i

inoremap [ []<ESC>i

inoremap { {}<ESC>i

inoremap ' ''<ESC>i

inoremap " ""<ESC>i

inoremap $_S $_SERVER['']<ESC>hi

inoremap $_G $_GET['']<ESC>hi

inoremap $_P $_POST['']<ESC>hi

inoremap $_R $_REQUEST['']<ESC>hi

inoremap $_C $_COOKIE['']<ESC>hi

# change multiline text with the (visually) selected in vim


# change absolute path to be relatvie w/ vim


# start chinese input method IME

export LC_ALL=zh_CN.GB2312

export XMODIFIERS=@im=Chinput

chinput &

# change default IME

im-switch -m xim

# start X server


# start X term on display 0

xauth add :0 . `mcookie`

xterm -display :0 &


# mount an iso file as virtual cdrom

mount -o iocharset=gb2312

mount -t msdos

mount -t iso9660 -o loop ./my.iso /mnt/iso

# mount and display Unicode file names

mount -t iso9660 -o loop codepage=cp950 iocharset=cp950 ./my.iso /mnt/iso

# mount shared dir over samba

mount.smb //host/sharename /mnt/directory/ -o username=guest,password=xxxxx,fmask=0,dmask=0,rw

mount -t smbfs -o username=guest //hostname/sharefile /path/to

# fetch all mails and do not delete the old ones from a remote mail server

fetchmail -u shaojiachao@5117.com -ak mail.5117.com

# convert image

convert -draw "image Over 10,20 0,0 logo.gif" 256.gif 256.jpg

# make a mirror of 8617.cn

wget -F --tries=30 -nd -P8617 -E -k -m -p -D www.8617.cn http://www.8617.cn

# change the color of command line (add to .bashrc)

PS1="\[\e[33;41m\][\u@devserver \w]\[\e[32;40m\]\[\e[01m\]#\[\e[0m\]"

# also works, but first command line maybe shortened to 70% of the screen width

PS1="\e[33;41m[\u@ \w]\e[32;40m\e[01m#\e[0m"

# pack a whole dir

tar cvfz xx.tar.gz ./* --exclude=dir1 --exclude=dir2

tar cvf - ./* | gzip -qc > back.tgz

# restore mysql db from a dump file

mysql -p < db.dump

# decoding error for chinese in Linux 8.0

export LC_ALL=en_US

export LANG=C

# control vsftpd

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart

# a simple editor like WPS driven by hot keys ( ^KH for help)


# Midnight Commander, like Norton Commander in DOS

# hot keys at screen bottom of the (diplayed as 1, 2 etc) stards for F1, F2 etc


# a powerful ftp client, supporting wild cat and download of a whole dir

# anonymous login:

ncftp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

# a ftp tool with bash like job control, command completion and more


# an powerful email client


# get version info of kernel

uname -a

guname # in X

# screenshot for text terminal

cat /dev/vcsX >screenshot # X stands for the no. of terminal (?)

script screen.log # exit to stop

# run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty

nohup command &

# make the shell a login shell with su

su - root

# print the name of the terminal



# display brief info on a bash built-in command

help command



rwho -a





# show the amount of time since the last reboot


# check what distribution you are using

# (displayed on login, therefore it functions like /etc/motd )

cat /etc/issue

# (mnemonic: disk free) print disk info about all the filesystems

df -h # in human-readable form

# (mnemonic: disk usage) print detailed disk usage

du / -bh | more # for each subdirectory under PWD in human legible form

# show cpu info stored in /proc/cpu

cat /proc/cpuinfo

# list the interrupts in use (maybe useful before setting up new hardware)

cat /proc/interrupts

# Linux version and other info

cat /proc/version

# show the types of filesystems currently in use

cat /proc/filesystems

# show the setup of printers

cat /etc/printcap |more

# show the current user environment (in full)


# print kernel messages

# (so-called kernel ring buffer in /var/log/dmesg after bootup)

dmesg | less

# display all the configurable Linux kernel parameters.

sysctl -a |more

# lock a local (text mode) terminal.


# html editor in X ternimal


# spell check an ASCII text file

# AbiWord, WordPerfect, StarOffice come with as-you-type spellchecking


ispell filename

# look up the dictionary on your system (/usr/share/dict/words) for thermo*

look thermo




# start another X-window session on the display 1 (default opened on display 0)

startx -- :1 &

# receive files using the Zmodem, Ymodem, or Xmodem protocol


unarj e filename.arj

lha e filename.lha

uudecode -o outputfile filename

ar -x my_archive.a file1 file2

# run any command when the system load is low, CTRL-D to end

# (if logout, the process will keep running and the result will be emailed)


# kill programs by name

killall program_name

# check and control the printers (? to see the list of available commands)


# show the content of the printer queue


# remove a printing job

lprm job_number

# execute my_command repeatedly at 60-second intervals (default to 2 seconds)

watch -n 60 my_command


netconf # a subset of linuxconf


# automatically determines and configures hardware

# (disable it if having mysterious problems with your mouse)


# set the timezone for your system.

# UTC, Coordinated Universal Time, once called GMT, Greenwich Mean Time

# timestamps of files are always in UTC and displayed locally with time zone


# set linux system date and time to 2000-12-31 23:57

date 123123572000

# set your computer hardware clock from the current linux system time


# list files opened on your system


# tune up your parallel ports



tksysv # X-based

# a tool to check/enable/disable system services

/sbin/chkconfig --level 123456 kudzu off

# to list all the services started/stopped under all runlevels, I use:

chkconfig --list | more

service --status-all

service wu-ftpd start

service smb restart

# check and fix the symbolic links

symlinks -r -cds /

# re-create the bindings and the cache for the loader of dynamic libraries ld

# usually after an installation (automatically done in bootup)


# (mnemonic: make node) manually create a device file

mknod /dev/fd0 b 2 0

# restore the "audio" device that somehow screwed up

/dev/MAKEDEV audio

# hard drive partitioning utility, menu-based, easier than fdisk

cfdisk /dev/hda

# list the partition tables (including extended partitions) for all drives

sfdisk -l -x |more

# a partition manipulation Linux (ext2), and DOS (FAT and FAT32)

# (creation, destroying, moving, copying, shrinking, and extending)

parted /dev/hda

# perform a low-level formatting of a floppy, high density

# then make a Linux filesystem (-t ext2), checking/marking bad blocks (-c )

# making the filesystem is an equivalent to the high-level formatting

fdformat /dev/fd0H1440 # default 1440 kB, see ls /dev/fd0

mkfs -c -t ext2 /dev/fd0

# check a high-density floppy for bad blocks, does not modify the floppy

badblocks /dev/fd01440 1440

# umount it so that the data is not erased!

umount /dev/hda8

badblocks -n /dev/hda8

# mount back

mount /dev/hda8

# marks badblock

e2fsck -c /dev/hda8

init 1 # switch linux to single user mode, same as below

linux sigle # for grub prompt

# check and repair a filesystem (in runlevel 1)

fsck -t ext2 /dev/hda2

# adjust the tuneable parameter of an ext2 filesystem to ext3

tune2fs -j /dev/hda2

# (mnemonic: data duplicator, like DISKCOPY for DOS)

# create an image of a floppy to floppy_image in pwd

dd if=/dev/fd0H1440 of=floppy_image

# copy floppy_image to another floppy disk

dd if=floppy_image of=/dev/fd0H1440

mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.4.2-3

userdel user_name

groupadd group_name

chgrp friends my_file

chmod g=rw,o= my_file




# change the your information as displayed by finger

# (mnemonic: change full name)


# set the password expiry for login_name (mnemonic: change age)

chage -M 100 login_name

quota username

setquota username

quotaon /dev/hda

quotaoff /dev/hda

# run command with su

sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now

# verify the integrity of the password and group files.



rpm -ivh package_name-version.platform.rpm

route -n

host host_to_find

nslookup host_to_find

dig ip_to_find

traceroute host_to_trace

mtr host_to_trace

# status of a networked MS Windows host (with an NetBIOS name

nmblookup -A ip_address # like nbtstat for DOS

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ipfwadm-wrapper -F -p deny

ipfwadm-wrapper -F -a m -S xxx.xxx.xxx.0/24 -D

ipchains -L

iptables -L


netstat | more

nmap ip_number

# eject or close other removable media, defaults to cdrom

eject -vn -t /dev/sda4

# read the content of a file for you

festival --tts my_file.txt

# give me a description of an image file my_picture,

# format, type, class, size in pixels, number of colours, size in bytes, etc

identify -verbose my_picture

# restore a screwed-up terminal to default (remove funny chars after cat)


# reboot


# scroll terminal output up/down



# change to the previous/next X-server resolution



# kill the window I am going to click


# kill the current X-windows server


# send [End-of-File] to the current process or log out


# stop the transfer to the terminal.


# resume the transfer to the terminal (when the terminal stops responding)


# send the current process to the background.


# walk through windows



# walk through desktops



# show the table of processes, kill any or send other signals to them


# access the K-menu, equivalent to MS Windows Start menu


# emulate the mouse using the arrow keys on the keyboard


# drag (any part of) a window to move it


# take a snapshot of the current window into the clipboard


# take a snapshot of the entire desktop into the clipboard


# lock the desktop


# toggle hide/show the desktop

# (great to hide the Solitaire game when your boss walks in)


# kernel level key combinations

# meant for debugging purposes and in an emergency (mostly developers)


# enabled/disabled by setting the relevant kernel variable to 1/0

echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq

# kill all processes, including X, known as Secure Access Key SAK


# send the TERM signal to all running processes except init, exit after confirm


# send KILL signal to all processes except init (powerful than <Alt><SysRq><e>

# but some process may exit abnormally)


# send the KILL signal to all processes, including init


# run an emergency sync (cache write) on all mounted filesystems

# (to prevent data loss)


# remount all mounted filesystems as read-only (like <Alt><SysRq><s>,

# but, if successful, fsck won't check all filesystems after reboot)


# turn off keyboard raw mode

# (useful when X session hangs: afterward, <CTRL><ALT><DEL>)


# reboot immediately without syncing or unmounting your disks


# shut the system off


# dump the current registers and flags to your console


# dump a list of current tasks and their information to your console


# dump memory info to your console


# set the console log level


# display help

<Alt><SysRq><h> # also, any other unsupported <Alt><SysRq><key>

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