Latest News - October, 3rd 2004:
New Linux, Windows and Solaris versions of XAMPP
Again it's time for new XAMPP releases. New versions of Apache, PHP, and phpMyAdmin forced us to get up again and do our work. All XAMPP versions now contain Apache 2.0.52, PHP 5.0.2 and phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl1.
XAMPP Windows 1.4.9
Apache HTTPD 2.0.52, MySQL 4.0.21, PHP 5.0.2 + 4.3.9 + PEAR + Switch, MiniPerl 5.8.3, mod_ssl 2.0.51, Openssl 0.9.7d, PHPMyAdmin 2.6.0 pl1, Webalizer 2.01-10, Mercury Mail Transport System für Win32 und NetWare Systems v4.01a, FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.3, SQLite 2.8.15, ADODB 4.52, Zend Optimizer 2.5.3. For Windows 98, 2000, XP.
See also
XAMPP Linux 1.4.9a 34 MB Apache 2.0.52, MySQL 4.0.21, PHP 5.0.2 & 4.3.9 & PEAR + SQLite 2.8.9 + multibyte (mbstring) support, Perl 5.8.4, ProFTPD 1.2.10, phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl1, OpenSSL 0.9.7d, GD 2.0.1, Freetype2 2.1.7, libjpeg 6b, libpng 1.2.7, gdbm 1.8.0, zlib 1.1.4, expat 1.2, Sablotron 1.0, libxml 2.4.26, Ming 0.2a, Webalizer 2.01, pdf class 009e, ncurses 5.8, mod_perl 1.99_13, FreeTDS 0.62.4, gettext 0.11.5, IMAP C-Client 2002b, OpenLDAP (client) 2.2.13, mcrypt 2.5.7, mhash 0.8.18, Turck MMCache 2.4.6, cURL 7.10.7, libxslt 1.1.8, phpSQLiteAdmin 0.2
MD5 checsum: 4e853c535ced4e707cbfa6e59c0fc4e2
Many people know from their own experience that it's not easy to install an Apache web server and it gets harder if you want to add MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start.
The distribution for Linux systems (tested for SuSE, RedHat, Mandrake and Debian) contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, GD, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, gdbm, zlib, expat, Sablotron, libxml, Ming, Webalizer, pdf class, ncurses, mod_perl, FreeTDS, gettext, mcrypt, mhash, Turck MMCache, SQLite and IMAP C-Client.
The distribution for Windows 98, NT, 2000 and XP contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP + PEAR, Perl, mod_php, mod_perl, mod_ssl, OpenSSL, phpMyAdmin, Webalizer, Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v3.32, JpGraph, FileZilla FTP Server, mcrypt, Turck MMCache, SQLite, and WEB-DAV + mod_auth_mysql.
The distribution for Solaris SPARC (developed and tested under Solaris 8) contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, zlib, expat, Ming, Webalizer, pdf class. This version of XAMPP is still in the first steps of development. Use at you own risk!
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