首先看一下Delegate的原始类,它是由Mike Chambers写的。
class com.macromedia.mesh.events.EventProxy
private var receiverObj:Object;
private var funcName:String;
-receiverObj : the receiverObj in which the event will be called
-the function name to be called in response to the event
function EventProxy(receiverObj:Object, funcName:String)
this.receiverObj = receiverObj;
this.funcName = funcName;
//this is called before the event is broadcast by the components
private function handleEvent(eventObj:Object):Void
//if not function name has been defined
if(funcName == undefined)
//pass the call to the event name method
//pass the call to the specified method name
很明显它只能用在V2组件上面,因为只有组件在addEvenListenr(eventTypeName,proxyInstance )定义之后,发生了eventTypeName事件时自动执行proxyInstance(EventProxy类的实例)的handleEvent事件。其它非V2组件的其它类如XML,MovieClip或者自己定义类的对象都不能执行这个代理。我认为Mike Chambers在写这个类的时候,就是针对组件的事件来考虑的。当然这也可以在他的那篇关于Delegate的文章上看得出来,所以这会误导读者。使读者认为Delegate只为组件服务。
而Macromedia官方发布的Delegate类是由Mike Chambers的EventProxy类改进得出来的。与EventProxy有两点不同,首先Delegate.create返回的是一个函数,而非像EventProxy 实例化出来的对象;其次就是Delegate针对的不仅仅是组件,还包括其它类的实例。这些可以在上篇中看到。现在来研究一下Delegate的代码:
The Delegate class creates a function wrapper to let you run a function in the context
of the original object, rather than in the context of the second object, when you pass a
function from one object to another.
class mx.utils.Delegate extends Object
Creates a functions wrapper for the original function so that it runs
in the provided context.
@parameter obj Context in which to run the function.
@paramater func Function to run.
static function create(obj:Object, func:Function):Function
var f = function()
var target = arguments.callee.target;
var func = arguments.callee.func;
return func.apply(target, arguments);
f.target = obj;
f.func = func;
return f;
function Delegate(f:Function)
func = f;
private var func:Function;
function createDelegate(obj:Object):Function
return create(obj, func);
static function create(obj:Object, func:Function):Function
var f:Function = proxy;
f.target = obj;
f.func = func;
return f;
static function proxy()
var target = arguments.callee.target;
var func = arguments.callee.func;
return func.apply(target, arguments);
var target = arguments.callee.target;
var func = arguments.callee.func;
f.target = obj;
f.func = func;
var a:Object = new Object();
a.c = new Object();
var b = a.c;
a.c.d = 100
create返回了一个代理函数f,这个f 在create完的时候没有执行。直到这个函数被调用的时候才执行。而组件也就是在click事件发生后调用这个函数的,所以会执行。