1 get the data from the from
2 check the relationship between the objects
the typical example is :
a class with the children, with the one-to-one class, with the parent class (means a many-to-one parent)
with the children
children are in an array
with the one-to-one class
a one-to-one class has one direct fk, if the fk is in this class then this class is a child
else is a parent.
with the parent
a many-to-one parent must exits in the database not need to save here. just search from db.
1,the 'parent' with be submit in this object, need to search it out first.
2,set the parent back to the object.
3,if this is a 'one2one' parent:
set the child to null,save the object, reset the object to one2one child. save child.
when reset the object the setter method should specify the id property.
4,if this is a 'one2one' child:
search the parent,reset the parent to the object,save this.
5,give the children the object,save every child.
3 redirect to the toadd action, prepare a new add.
4 a file submit with the data, rules:
must have a form-property "_logoImgFile"
if the user is multi recodes
must have a form-property "_logoImgFile[]"
the user must override the deal with file methods.
but i don't set the value to the ref field, it shoud be done at the beforeSaveXXX() method.
#set ($form = $action.getForm())
#* create multi records (multi record) *#
#macro(createMultiRecords $field)
protected void createMultiRecords${util.getMethodByProperty($field.getProperty())}(${field.getClassType()}[] ${field.getProperty()}s){
#* a multi records with no parent *#
for (int i=0;i<${field.getProperty()}s.length;i++) {
$field.getClassType() ${field.getProperty()} = ${field.getProperty()}s[i];
#foreach ($parent in $util.getManyToOne($field.getClassType()))
$parent.getClassType() $parent.getProperty() = ${field.getProperty()}.${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($parent.getColumnProperty())}();
if ($parent.getProperty()!=null && ${parent.getProperty()}.getId()!=null) {
$parent.getProperty() = (${parent.getClassType()})${parent.getProperty()}.searchByKey();
#* create children marco *#
#macro(createChildren $field)
protected void createChildren${util.getMethodByProperty($field.getColumnProperty())}(${field.getClassType()}[] ${field.getColumnProperty()}s){
## a multi records with parent ##
#set($parent = $field.getParent())
$parent.getClassType() $parent.getProperty() = this.getEntity${util.getMethodByProperty($parent.getProperty())}();
#if ($util.isManyToMany($field))
## the many2many type should be records that already persist ##
List ${field.getColumnProperty()}list = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0;i<${field.getColumnProperty()}s.length;i++) {
$field.getClassType() ${field.getColumnProperty()} = ${field.getColumnProperty()}s[i];
${field.getColumnProperty()} = (${field.getClassType()})${field.getColumnProperty()}.searchByKey();
## the many2one type should be a blank object not persist ##
for (int i=0;i<${field.getColumnProperty()}s.length;i++) {
$field.getClassType() ${field.getColumnProperty()} = ${field.getColumnProperty()}s[i];
// create children
#* create entity marco *#
#macro (createEntity $field)
// in create entity
protected void createEntity${util.getMethodByProperty($field.getProperty())}($field.getClassType() $field.getProperty()) {
## set every mant2one parent to the object ##
#foreach ($parent in $util.getManyToOne($field.getClassType()))
$parent.getClassType() $parent.getProperty() = ${field.getProperty()}.${util.getGetterMethodByProperty(${parent.getProperty()})}();
if ($parent.getProperty()!=null && ${parent.getProperty()}.getId()!=null) {
$parent.getProperty() = (${parent.getClassType()})${parent.getProperty()}.searchByKey();
## deal with one2one ##
#foreach (child in $util.getOneToOne($field.getClassType()))
$child.getClassType() $child.getProperty() = ${field.getProperty()}.${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($child.getProperty())}();
if ($child.getProperty().getId()!=null) {
## set every one2one child to the object ##
$child.getProperty() = (${child.getClassType()})${field.getProperty()}.${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($child.getProperty())}().searchByKey();
## clear the one2one children ##
## save the one2one children ##
#foreach ($child in $util.getOneToOne($field.getClassType()))
//create entity
protected void beforeSave${util.getMethodByProperty($field.getProperty())}($field.getClassType() $field.getProperty()) {
## may deal with the file upload operation and etc. ##
//before save entity
#foreach ($child in $util.getOneToOne($field.getClassType()))
protected void beforeSave${util.getMethodByProperty($child.getProperty())}($child.getClassType() $child.getProperty()){
## may deal with the file upload operation and etc. ##
//before save child
private final $field.getClassType() getEntity${util.getMethodByProperty($field.getProperty())}() {
return ($field.getClassType())this.httpServletRequest.getAttribute("$field.getProperty()");
public ActionForward doAction() throws Exception {
#* top level field contains hbm class and array type multi-records *#
#foreach ($field in $util.getTopLevelFields($form.getRefFields()))
#set ($formGetter = ${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($field.getProperty())})
$field.getClassType() $field.getProperty() = this.${formGetter}();
#if ($hbmclass == $field.getType())#* the hbm type of field *#
#elseif ($hbmarray == $field.getType())
#* second level field contains sub array *#
#foreach ($field in $util.getArrayLevelFields($form.getRefFields()))
${field.getClassType()}[] $field.getColumnProperty()= this.${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($field.getColumnProperty())}();
return this.getForward();
protected ActionForward getForward(){
return this.actionMapping.findForward("toadd");
#* get data from the form *#
#foreach ($field in $util.getTopLevelFields($form.getRefFields()))
#if ($hbmarray == $field.getType())
protected ${field.getClassType()}[] ${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($field.getProperty())}(){
DynaValidatorForm _form = (DynaValidatorForm) actionForm;
return (${field.getClassType()}[])_form.get("${field.getProperty()}");
}// array type getter
#elseif ($hbmclass == $field.getType())
protected $field.getClassType() ${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($field.getProperty())}(){
DynaValidatorForm _form = (DynaValidatorForm) actionForm;
return (${field.getClassType()})_form.get("${field.getProperty()}");
}// class type getter
#* get data from the form array *#
#foreach ($field in $util.getArrayLevelFields($form.getRefFields()))
protected ${field.getClassType()}[] ${util.getGetterMethodByProperty($field.getColumnProperty())}(){
DynaValidatorForm _form = (DynaValidatorForm) actionForm;
return (${field.getClassType()}[])_form.get("${field.getColumnProperty()}");
## create the top level methods ##
#foreach ($field in $util.getTopLevelFields($form.getRefFields()))
#if ($hbmclass == $field.getType())
// call create entity
#elseif ($hbmarray == $field.getType())
// call create children
## create the sub level methods ##
#foreach ($field in $util.getArrayLevelFields($form.getRefFields()))