
Man page of HAGRP

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
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Maintenance Commands hagrp(1M)


hagrp - perform VCS service group operations


hagrp -add group

hagrp -autoenable group -sys system

hagrp -clear group [-sys system]

hagrp -delete group

hagrp -dep [group(s)]

hagrp -disable group [-sys system]

hagrp -disableresources group

hagrp -display [group] [-attribute attribute(s)] [-

sys system(s)]

hagrp -enable group [-sys system]

hagrp -enableresources group

hagrp -flush group -sys system

hagrp -freeze group [-persistent]

hagrp -help [-modify | -link | -list]

hagrp -link parent_group child_group dependency

hagrp -list [conditional(s)]

hagrp -modify modify_options

hagrp -offline group -sys system

hagrp [-nopre] -online group -sys system

hagrp -resources group

hagrp -state group -sys system

hagrp -switch group -to system

hagrp -unfreeze group [-persistent]

hagrp -unlink parent_group child_group

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Maintenance Commands hagrp(1M)

hagrp -value group attr [system]




A service group is an instance of a computer service that is

made highly available with VCS. A group comprises one or

more resources of various resource types, such as disks,

volumes, or databases. Use the hagrp command to view infor-

mation about and manage each group.


-add group

Add a service group to the cluster.

-autoenable group -sys system

When VCS does not know the status of a given ser-

vice group on a given system, it marks that ser-

vice group as auto-disabled by setting the

AutoDisabled attribute to 1 for that system. This

can happen if VCS is not running on that system,

or if all the resources in the service group on

that system are not probed yet. A service group

cannot be onlined or failed over if it is auto-


If you want to override this behavior, you can use

the autoenable option to clear the AutoDisabled

flag for a service group on a system. For example,

"hagrp -autoenable foo -sys bar" will clear the

AutoDisabled flag for the service group foo on

system bar.

CAUTION: To bring a group online manually after

VCS has autodisabled it, make sure that the group

is not fully or partially active on any system

that has the AutoDisabled attribute set to 1 by

VCS. Specifically, verify that all resources that

may be corrupted by being active on multiple sys-

tems are brought down on the designated systems.

Then, clear the AutoDisabled attribute for each


# hagrp -autoenable service_group -sys system_name

-clear group [-sys system]

Clear all faulted, non-persistent resources in the

specified group by changing their state from

faulted to offline. If no system is specified, all

resources are cleared on all systems in the

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Maintenance Commands hagrp(1M)

group's SystemList. A message is printed if no

faulted, non-persistent resources exist.

-delete group

Delete a service group. The group must have no

resources. To delete resources, use the hares


-dep [group(s)]

Display dependencies between groups.

-disable group [-sys system]

Disable a service group. Actions such as onlining

and switching are not permitted on the group.

-disableresources group

Disable all resources in a service group. Agents

do not monitor the resources in the group.

-display [group] [-attribute attribute(s)] [-sys system(s)]

Display the attributes and their values for a

specified group (or all groups, if no group is


-enable group [-sys system]

Enable a service group.

-enableresources group

Enable all resources in a service group. Agents

monitor the resources in the group.

-flush group -sys system

Flush a service group and enable corrective

action. All resources in the group that are wait-

ing to go online automatically transition to not

waiting. Resources waiting to go offline remain in

that state. Failovers and switches in progress are


-freeze group [-persistent]

Freeze a service group (disables onlining and off-

lining and failover).

-help [-modify | -link | -list]

Display information about using hagrp. The -modify

option provides modify specific help; the -link

option provides link specific help; the -list

option provides list specific help.

-link parent_group child_group dependency

Specify dependencies between service groups. The

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Maintenance Commands hagrp(1M)

variable dependency is one of the following:

online global [ firm | soft ]

When VCS starts, the child group must be

online on some system in the cluster before

the parent group can come online.

With the dependency set to firm, if the child

group faults, the parent group must go off-

line until the child group fails over to

another system, at which time the parent can

return online. If VCS cannot bring the child

group online in the cluster, the parent group

remains offline.

With the dependency set to soft, if the child

group faults and fails over, the parent group

continues online. If VCS cannot bring the

child group online in the cluster, the parent

group remains online.

online local [ firm | soft ]

When VCS starts, the child group must be

online on the same system in the cluster

before the parent group can go online.

With the dependency set to firm, if the child

group faults, the parent group must go off-

line. If the child fails over, the parent

group comes back online on the same system as

the child. If VCS cannot bring the child

group online in the cluster, the parent group

remains offline.

With the dependency set to soft, if the child

group faults, the parent group continues to

run on the local system until the child fails

over to another system in the cluster, at

which time the parent group will fail over to

the same system as the child. If VCS cannot

bring the child group online in the cluster,

the parent group remains online.

online remote [ firm | soft ]

When VCS starts, the child must be online on

any other system in the cluster before the

parent can go online.

With the dependency set to firm, if the child

group faults, the parent group goes offline.

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Maintenance Commands hagrp(1M)

When the child group fails over to another

system in the cluster, the parent group comes

back online on a system other than the system

on which the child is online. If VCS cannot

bring the child group online in the cluster,

the parent group remains offline.

With the dependency set to soft, if the child

group faults, the parent group continues

online unless VCS attempts to fail over the

child group to the system on which the parent

group is running; in this case, the parent

group is taken offline, to be onlined else-

where. If the child group cannot go online

anywhere in the cluster, the parent stays


offline local

The child group must be offline on the same

system before the parent group can go online.

A group dependency tree may be at most three lev-

els deep, and each parent can have only one child.

Parallel parent groups dependent on parallel child

groups are not supported in online global or

online remote dependencies. The configuration of

parallel parent groups dependent on a failover

child group is not supported in online local


-list [conditional(s)]

Displays a list of groups whose values match

given conditional statement(s). Conditional state-

ments can take three forms: Attribute=Value,

Attribute!=Value, Attribute=~Value. Multiple con-

ditional statements imply AND logic. If no condi-

tional statement is specified, all groups in the

cluster are listed.

-modify modify_options

The -modify option lets you modify a service

group's attributes. You must make the configura-

tion read-write before modifying any attributes.

Some attributes, such as ProbesPending, are inter-

nal to VCS and cannot be modified. You can modify

any attribute that can be configured in main.cf.

Modifiable attributes can be of any type or dimen-

sion, and can be global or local to a system. Use

"hagrp -help -modify" to find out detailed syntax

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Maintenance Commands hagrp(1M)

to modify attributes of any dimension. Modifying

some attributes may have subtle implications. Look

at documentation on individual attribute for


-offline group -sys system

Stop a service group by taking its resources off-

line on the specified system.

-online [-nopre] group -sys system

Start a service group by bringing its resources

online. Resources that have their AutoStart attri-

bute set to zero (the default is one) are not

started by this command unless resources that have

AutoStart set to one depend on the resources. The

-nopre option can be used within a user-defined

PreOnline event trigger script to bring a service

group online without the executing the PreOnline

trigger again.

-resources group

List resources for a service group.

-state group -sys system

Display the current state of the specified group

on the specified system.

-switch group -to system

Switch a service group from the system on which it

is active to the specified system. This applies

only to failover groups (groups that have the

Parallel attribute set to zero).

-unfreeze group [-persistent]

Thaw a service group (reenables onlining, offlin-

ing, and failover).

-unlink parent_group child_group

Remove dependencies between two service groups.

Note that the dependency is not specified.

-value group attr [system]

The -value option provides the value of a single

group attribute. For example, "hagrp -value

groupX State sysb" displays the value of the State

attribute for group groupX on system sysb. The

system name must be specified for local attribute

values but not for global attribute values. The

-value option is used instead of the -display

option when one specific attribute value is needed

rather than a table of many attribute values.

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Maintenance Commands hagrp(1M)


To online group db_grp on system thor01, enter:

# hagrp -online db_grp -sys thor01


The VCS server may ignore some hagrp commands. For example,

VCS does not allow you to online a failover service group on

a system if the group is online elsewhere in the cluster, or

if the group is faulted on that system.



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