
How do I install MASM 611 and what do I need to do......

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
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If you are installing MASM from the provided CD in the text book you can do one of two options that are the most efficient. On the CD there are 5 directories that contain the contents for MASM 611 per disk (i.e. "MASM611 1," "MASM611 2,""MASM611 3," etc.). You need to take the contents of those directories and copy them to a single directory on your machine. Be sure to keep the directory structure within those disk directories intact when copying. In otherwords, in the CD directory "MASM611 1" there are several files and a "Bin" directory, when copying to the destination on your harddrive you must also copy the "Bin" directory and its contents to a "Bin" directory in the destination directory of your harddirve. Do this for all five disks. The other option is to copy each of these directories to seperate disks and run setup from the first disk. When you are done, goto the directory in which you copied (or the first disk to which you copied) and execute "Setup.exe." You will be asked several questions including the destination directory to which you would like to install MASM 611. I advise you to leave everything as default as it will make the process much easier. You will be asked a series of questions, you can just hit enter for all of them. At some point it will finish (if you chose the disk option, you will have to follow directions and change disks when it asks). You will know that you are finished when you have reached a menu that has numerous options, including "Exit." Choose "Exit." Now you need to configure your machine to run MASM 611.

There are two ways to do this, you can either edit your "Autoexec.bat" file located in the root directory of your machine or you can create a shortcut in MS Windows and specify a startup file for it. If you are running Windows 95 and up, I recommend that you choose the latter option. If you are running under earlier versions of windows (Windows for Worgroups 3.11 and under) or DOS then you will need to choose the former option. Windows 95 and up can be configured using either option. If you are using any other OS's then you need to figure it out on your own.

To configure the "Autoexec.bat" option you need to get to a command prompt and navigate to the root directory (refer above if you do not know how to do this). Type "Edit autoexec.bat" at the command prompt. There may be several lines in this file already, if this is the case find a line labelled something to the effect "PATH=....." where you are looking for a line starting with "Path." If you have such a line then at the end of it place the following text ";C:\MASM611\BIN;C:\MASM611\BINR" If you do not have this line you will have to add it your self by typing "PATH=%PATH%;C:\MASM611\BIN;C:\MASM\BINR;" Now you need to add the environment variable "INCLUDE" to this file as well. On a seperate line type the following "SET INCLUDE=C:\MASM611\INCLUDE" You are now done configuring your computer to run MASM611 and you will need to reboot in order for the changes to take effect.

If you are running Windows 95 and above you can ALSO configure it to run a seperate startup file everytime MASM 611 is executed. To do this, create a shortcut for "PWB.EXE" somewhere in your computer (i.e. your desktop). "PWB.EXE" can be found in the "C:\MASM611\BINR" directory (this may differ if you did not install MASM to the default directory). With this done, right click on the shortcut that you have just created and choose "PROPERTIES." You will be presented with a window containing several tab options at the top of it. Click on the "PROGRAM" tab. At this point you will see an "ADVANCED" button near the bottom of the window, click on it. You will be presented with another window containing two text boxes. The text input box with the label "Autoexec filename," is the one you will need to change. Place the following string in the input box "C:\MASM611\BINR\NEW-varS.BAT" and click "Ok", then click "Ok" on the window properties window. You have now configured your Windows OS to run MASM (there is NO need to reboot).

If you are running Visual Studio on your computer and you are modifying the "autoexec.bat," file then make sure that the path for MASM is located at the end of the path statement

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