

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-11-23
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


Application --------------------------------------------Fast Path


Software Installation and Maintenance -------------------install

Software License Management -----------------------------licenses

Devices -------------------------------------------------dev

System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage) --storage

Security and Users --------------------------------------security

Communications Applications and Services ----------------commo

Print Spooling ------------------------------------------spooler

Problem Determination -----------------------------------problem

Performance and Resource Scheduling----------------------performance

System Environments -------------------------------------system

Processes and Subsystems --------------------------------src

Software Installation and Maintenance


Fast path to menu: install

Task -------------------------------------------------Fast Path


Install and Update Software ---------------------------install_update

Install Software --------------------------------------install_latest

Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All) update_all

Install Software Bundle -------------------------------install_bundle

Update Software by Fix (APAR) -------------------------update_by_fix

Install and Update from ALL Available Software --------install_all

List Software and Related Information -----------------list_software

List Installed Software and Related Information -------list_installed

List Installed Software -------------------------------list_installed_sw

List Applied but Not Committed Software Updates -------list_applied_sw

Show Software Installation History --------------------show_history

Show Fix (APAR) Installation Status -------------------show_apar_stat

List Fileset Requisites -------------------------------list_requisites

List Fileset Dependents -------------------------------list_dependents

List Files Included in a Fileset ----------------------list_files

List Fileset Containing File --------------------------what_fileset

Show Installed License Agreements ---------------------installed_license

List Software on Media and Related Information --------list_media

List Filesets in a Bundle -----------------------------list_bundle

List Software on Installation Media -------------------list_media_sw

List Software Fixes (APARs) on Installation Media -----list_media_fixes

List Supplemental Fileset Information on Installation Media ------------------------------------------------------------------list_media_info

Show License Agreements on Installation Media -------- license_on_media

Software Maintenance and Utilities ----- ----- ----- --maintain_software

Commit Applied Software Updates(Remove Saved Files) - -commit

Reject Applied Software Updates(Use Previous Version) -reject

Remove Installed Software ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- remove

Copy Software to Hard Disk for Future Installation --- bffcreate

Check Software File Sizes After Installation ----- ----check_files

Verify Software Installation and Requisites ----- -----verify_install

System Backup Manager ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---backsys

Back Up the System ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- sysbackup

Back Up This System to Tape/File ----- ----- ----- ----mksysb

Create a Generic Backup CD ----- ----- ----- ----- --- mkcdgeneric

List Files in a System Image ----- ----- ----- ----- - lsmksysb

Restore Files in a System Image ----- ----- ----- -----restmksysb

Software License Management


Fast path to menu: licenses

Task ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- Fast Path


Manage Nodelocked Licenses ----- ----- --- -- --manage_nodelocked

Add Nodelocked License from a File ----- - -- - add_nodelocked_from_file

Add Nodelocked License from the Keyboard - - add_nodelocked_from_keyboard

Delete a Nodelocked License ----- ----- - --- --delete_nodelocked

Manage License Servers and License Databases -- manage_servers

Show Server Characteristics ----- ----- ----- show_server_characteristics

Manage Concurrent Use and Use Once Licenses ----manage_prod_licenses

Manage Vendor Information in License Databases -manage_vendors

Show License Usage on Servers -- -- -- -- -- -- show_server_status

Show License Usage Summary -- -- -- -- -- -- -- show_total_license_usage

Show Licenses Currently Being Used -- -- -- -- show_current_license_usage

Show License Information by Server -- -- -- -- -show_installed_licenses

Show Licenses Held by a Specific User -- -- -- -show_user_license_held

Show License Agreements -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- show_license_agree

Show Installed License Agreements -- -- -- -- - installed_license

Show License Agreements on Installation Media - license_on_media



Fast path to menu: dev

Task-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Fast Path

-------------------------------------------------------------------------Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL -- -cfgmgr

Printer/Plotter -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- printer

TTY -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- tty

PTY -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- pty

Console -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --console

Fixed Disk -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --disk

CD ROM Drive -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- cdrom

Read/Write Optical Drive -- -- -- -- -- -- -- rwopt

Diskette Drive -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -diskette

Tape Drive -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --tape

Communication -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --commodev

Graphic Displays -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --g_display

Graphic Input Devices -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- input

Low Function Terminal (LFT) -- -- -- -- -- -- lft

SCSI Initiator Device -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- scsiid

SCSI Adapter -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- scsia

Asynchronous I/O -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --aio

Multimedia -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --mm

List Devices -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- lsattr

Configure/Unconfigure Devices -- -- -- -- -- -devcfg

Unconfigure a Device -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -devcfg_ucfg

Configure a Defined Device -- -- -- -- -- -- -devcfg_cfg

Install Additional Device Software -- -- -- --devinst

PCI Hot Plug Manager -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -devdrpci

Unconfigure a Device -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -rmdev

Configure a Defined Device -- -- -- -- -- -- -mkdev

Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL -- -cfgmgr

ISA Adapters devisa

System Storage Management


Fast path to menu: storage

Task -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Fast Path


Logical Volume Manager -- -- -- -- -- -- -- lvm

Volume Groups -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- vg

List All Volume Groups -- -- -- -- -- -- -- lsvg2

Add a Volume Groups -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- mkvg

Set Characteristics of a Volume Group -- -- vgsc

List Contents of a Volume Group -- -- -- -- lsvg1

Remove a Volume Group -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -reducevg2

Activate a Volume Group -- -- -- -- -- -- --varyonvg

Deactivate a Volume Group -- -- -- -- -- -- varyoffvg

Import a Volume Group -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -importvg

Export a Volume Group -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -exportvg

Mirror a Volume Group -- -- -- - -- -- -- - mirrorvg

Unmirror a Volume Group -- -- -- - -- -- -- unmirrorvg

Synchronize LVM Mirrors -- -- -- - -- -- -- syncvg

Back Up a Volume Group -- -- -- - -- -- -- -vgbackup

Remake a Volume Group -- -- -- - -- -- -- - restvg

List Files in a Volume Group Backup -- -- --lsbackvg

Restore Files in a Volume Group Backup -- --restsavevg

Logical Volumes -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- lv

List All Logical Volumes by Volume Group -- lsvg

Add a Logical Volume -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -mklv

Set Characteristics of a Logical Volume -- -lvsc

Show Characteristics of a Logical Volume -- lslv

Remove a Logical Volume -- -- -- - -- -- -- rmlv

Copy a Logical Volume -- -- -- - -- -- -- - cplv

Physical Volumes -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -pv

Add a Disk -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - --makdsk

Change Characteristics of a Physical Volume --chpv

List Contents of a Physical Volume -- -- -- --lspv

Move Contents of a Physical Volume -- -- -- - migratepv

Paging Space pgsp

Add Another Paging Space -- -- -- - -- -- -- --mkps

Change/Show Characteristics of a Paging Space -chps

Remove a Paging Space -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- rmps

Activate a Paging Space -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -swapon

Deactivate a Paging Space -- -- -- - -- -- -- -swapoff

File Systems -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -fs

List All File Systems -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -lsfs

List All Mounted File Systems -- -- -- - -- -mount

Add/Change/Show/Delete File Systems -- -- -- manfs

Mount a File System -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -- mountfs

Mount a Group of File Systems -- -- -- - -- -mountg

Unmount a File System -- -- -- - -- -- -- - -umountfs

Unmount a Group of File Systems -- -- -- - --umountg

Verify a File System -- -- -- - -- -- -- - - fsck

Backup a File System -- -- -- - -- -- -- - --backfilesys

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