compress -c file.txt > file.Z Create a compressed file.
uuencode (infile) (extract-file-name) > (output file)
Converts a binary file to an ASCII file for transfer by modem or email
uudecode (encoded file)
Extracts a binary file from encoded file and calls it the extract-file-name
examples :-
uuencode maymap maymap > maymap.enc
uudecode maymap.enc
od -c /tmp Displays contents of the /tmp directory file
ls -i Lists files with their inode numbers
echo * Lists files, can be used if ls is corrupt/missing
chtz (timezone eg GMT0BST) Changes the timezone in /etc/environment file
chlang (language eg En_GB) Changes the language in /etc/environment file
ar -v -t (archive file) List contents of an archive
ar -v -x (archive file) Extracts the archive
ar -v -t /usr/lib/libC-r.a Lists contents of the libC_r.a library
find /source -print | cpio -pdm /target
Copying directories using cpio, creates /target/source directory.
dump -nTv (binary executable) Displays the contents of an executable file
dump -c Displays string information
dump -o Displays object file headers
dump -l Displays line numbers
dump -s Displays the text section
snap -ao /dev/rmt0 Create a snapshot onto tape
snap -ad (directory) Create a snapshot into a named directory other
than the default (/tmp/ibmsupt)
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d Disables desktop logins
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e Enables desktop logins
/var/dt/Xpid PID of the dtlogin process
lslicense Displays number of current user licenses
chlicense -u (number) Changes the number of user licenses
( ftp,rexec and rsh (without -i flag) do not need an AIX user license to be
able to access the system.

oslevel Returns operating system level
4 . 3 . 3 . 0 <--------- Preventive Maintenance Level
| | |
| | +----------------Modification
| +--------------------Release
oslevel -l Displays all filesets that are "downlevel"
whence (program) Returns full path of program
whereis (program) Returms full path of program
what (program) Displays identifying info from the executable
like version number, when compiled.
lslpp -L all list all installed software
lslpp -L (program set name) Check if software installed
lslpp -f Lists filesets vs packages
lslpp -ha Lists installation history of filesets
lslpp -w /usr/bin/swapon Lists the fileset that the file belongs to
lppchk -c Checks file checksums against SWVPD
lppchk -l Checks symbolic links against SWVPD
instfix -ik (fix number eg IX66617) Checks id fix is installed
instfix -ik 4330-02_AIX_ML
instfix -i | grep ML Displays all ML's installed
instfix -k IX38794 -d /dev/cd0 Installs a fix from cdrom
/usr/sbin/install_assist Smitty Installation Assistant
/usr/sys/inst.images/sys.bundles Software bundle files
alt_disk_install -c hdisk1 Clones a running rootvg onto hdisk1
alt_disk_install -w Wakes up alt vg
alt_disk_install -s Sends alt vg to sleep !
alt_disk_install -x Removes alt vg from disk
/usr/lpp/bosinst/blvset -d /dev/hdisk0 -p 4.2
Resets the pad string in the BLV to the correct AIX version. Needed if the
migration option is missing when installing.
installp -ad (device) (fileset) (level) Install apply and commit fileset
installp -pad (device) (fileset) (level) Preview install
installp -u (fileset) Remove fileset
installp -ld (device) List all software on device
installp -pad /dev/rmt0 X11.base
installp -C Cleans up after a premature cancel or interrupted installation.
/usr/share/lib/terminfo Directory with all support terminal info files.
tty Displays what the tty/pty number of the terminal is.
termdef reports the termtype setup in smit for the tty port
that termdef is run on.
chdev -l (device eg tty1) -a term=vt100 Sets tty to a vt100 terminal type
penable tty0 adds getty line into /etc/inittab for tty0 and starts getty
pdisable tty0 disables the getty line and disables getty
penable / pdisable -a option is for all
stty erase ^? Set backspace key for vt100 terminals
stty erase ^H Set backspace key for wyse50 terminals
lscons Displays the console device
chcons -a login=enable (device eg /dev/tty1) Changes the console device
lsdisp Display adapter device information
chdisp Change default display used by LFT subsystem
Create ttys on ports 0 to 7 on adapter sa2 :-
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
mkdev -c tty1 -t tty -s rs232 -p sa2 -w$i -a login=enable -a term=vt100
portmir -t /dev/tty0 Mirror current terminal onto /dev/tty0
portmir -o Turns off port mirroring
host (ip or hostname) Resolves a hostname / ip address
hostname Displays hostname
hostname (hostname) Sets the hostname until next reboot
lsdev -Cc if Lists all available/defined network interfaces
chdev -l (device name) -a hostname=(hostname) Changes hostname permanently
chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=thomas
ifconfig (device name) Displays network card settings
ifconfig (device name) up Turns on network card
chdev -l (device name) -a state=up Turns on network card
ifconfig (device name) down Turns off network card
ifconfig (device name) detach Removes the network card from the
network interface list
ifconfig en0 inet netmask up
ifconfig lo0 alias Create alias ip address for loopback
route (add/delete) (-net/-host) (destination) (gateway)
Adds or deletes routes to other networks or hosts, does not update
the ODM database and will be lost at reboot.
route add -net
chdev -l inet0 -a "net,-hopcount,1,-netmask,,,"
(destination) ( gateway

Adds route and adds entry into ODM, route survives a reboot,
route -rn Display route table
odmget -q "attribute=route" CuAt Displays routes in the ODM.
lsattr -EHl inet0 Displays routes set in ODM and hostname
odmget -q "name=inet0" CuAt Displays routes set in ODM and hostname
refresh -s inetd Refresh inetd after changes to inetd.conf
kill -1 (inetd PID) Refresh inetd after changes to inted.conf
netstat -i Displays interface statistics
entstat -d (ethernet adapter eg en0) Displays ethernet statistics
arp -a Displays ip to mac address table from arp cache
no -a Displays network options use -o to set individual options or
-d to set individual options to default.
no -o option=value (this value is reset at reboot)
no -o "ipfor