
FreeBSD 5.2-Release Note

王朝system·作者佚名  2006-11-23
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FreeBSD 5.2-Release Note當然除了以下之外還有,有興趣請自行查閱,此為泡泡自行的註釋網址: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/5.2R/relnotes-i386.html發布日期: 2004/01/09Userland Changesacpiconf(8) now supports a -i option to print battery information. 中譯: acpiconf 新增 -i 參數,用以顯示電源相關資訊.arp(8) now supports a -i option to limit the scope of the current operation to the ARP entries on a particular interface. This option applies to the display operations only.It should be useful on routers with numerous network interfaces. [MERGED]中譯: arp 新增 -i 參數,用來指定某一特定的介面.(對router來說比較有用)The atmconfig(8) program has been added for configuration of the ATM drivers and IP-over-ATMfunctionality.中譯: 新增 atmconifig 指令,用來設定ATM模式運作的設定檔.chroot(8) now allows the optional setting of a user, primary group, or group list to useinside the chroot environment via the -u, -g, and -G options respectively. [MERGED]中譯: chroot 允許設定某一使用者(-u),私人群組(-g),或是某些群組(-G)為單位設定.The default mode for the lost+found directory of fsck(8) is now 0700 instead of 01777. [MERGED] 中譯: 預設lost+found資料夾的 fsck 模式為 0700 而非 01777 .fsck_ffs(8) and newfs(8) now create a .snap directory in the root directory of each filesystem,with group operator. fsck_ffs(8),中譯: fsck_ffs 和 newfs 會在每一個檔案系統的最頂端,建立 .snap 資料夾mksnap_ffs(8), and dump(8) will write their filesystem snapshots to this directory.This change avoids locking access to the root directory of a filesystem during snapshotcreation and also helps non-root users create snapshots. 中譯: mksnap_ffs 和 dump 會將她們檔案系統的snapshot 寫到此資料夾.The ffsinfo(8) utility has been updated to understand UFS2 filesystems and has been re-enabled. 中譯: ffsinfo 更新為能夠了解UFS2檔案系統.ifconfig(8) now supports a staticarp option for an interface, which disables the sending ofARP requests for that interface.中譯: ifconifig 新增 staticarp 參數,用來取消某一介面送出arp的request.A fix in the initgroups(3) library function now causes logins to fail if the login processis unable to successfully set the process credentials to include all groups defined for a user.The current kernel limit is 16 groups; administrators may wish to check that users do nothave more than 16 groups defined, or they will be unable to log in.中譯: initgrops 函式的修正造成login 程序無法正常判斷某一使用者的群組, 會造成無法登入.目前kernel限制最多同時所屬16個群組,超過則會無法登入The ipfw(8) list and show commands now support ranges of rule numbers. [MERGED] 中譯: ifpw 中的 list 和 show 參數 已經支援 規則的數字範圍.ipfw(8) now supports a -n flag to test the syntax of commands without actually changinganything. [MERGED] 中譯: ipfw 新增 -n 參數,用來測試規則,而不作任何變動.kdump(1) now supports a -p option to display only the trace events corresponding to a specific process, as well as a new -E flag to display timestamps relative to thestart of the dump. 中譯: kdump新增 -p 參數,用來追溯某一process的事件.last(1) now supports a -n flag to limit the number of lines in its output report.中譯: last 新增 -n 參數,用來限制輸出的行數.The libcipher DES cryptography library has been removed. All of its functionality is provided by the libcrypto library, and all base systems programs that used libcipherhave been converted to use libcrypto instead. 中譯: libcipher DES密碼學函式已經被移除,所有相關功能已被 libceypto 函式取代.The locale(1) utility has been re-implemented and is now POSIX-compliant.A new -m option shows all available codesets. 中譯: locale 新增 -m 參數,用來顯示所有可獲得資訊.The mount(8) utility now supports to display the filesystem ID for each file systemin addition to the normal information when a -v flag is specified, and the umount(8)utility now accepts the filesystem ID as well as the usual device and path names.This allows to unambiguously specify which file system is to be unmounted even whentwo or more file systems share the same device and mount point names.中譯: mount 新增 -v 參數,用來顯示檔案分割區的檔案系統ID.The mount_nwfs(8), mount_portalfs(8), and mount_smbfs(8) utilities have been moved from /sbin to /usr/sbin. 中譯: 這些程式從 /sbin 搬移到 /usr/sbin .The nologin(8) program has been reimplemented in C (it was formerly a shell script). 中譯: nologin程式重新以C改寫.(原先是shell script)The rc.conf(5) variable ntpd_flags for ntpd(8) now includes -f /var/db/ntpd.drift by default. 中譯: rc.conf 關於ntpd部分,預設新增 -f /var/db/ntpd.drift .ps(1) and top(1) now support a -H flag to display all kernel-visible threads in each process. 中譯: ps 和 top 新增 -H 參數,用來顯示每一程序中 kernel-visible threads .repquota(8) now supports a -n flag to display users and groups numerically. 中譯: repquota 新增 -n 參數,用來以數字方式顯示使用者和群組.savecore(8) now supports a -C flag that merely indicates the existence or absenceof a coredump file. 中譯: savecore 新增 -C 參數,用來決定是否保留coredump的檔案.sysinstall(8) now gives the ability to select an alternate MTA during installation. Currently, exim and Postfix are supported.中譯: sysinstall 在安裝過程多了一個MTA選擇,目前除了sendmail 還有exim,Postfix.sysinstall(8) no longer supports system ``security profiles''; this feature has been replaced byindividual tuning knobs to enable and disable sshd(8) and set the system securelevels.中譯: sysinstall 不再有 security profiles 選項,取而代之的是 是否啟動sshd 及 設定系統安全層級.systat(1) now includes displays for IPv6 and ICMPv6 traffic. [MERGED] 中譯: systat 新增顯示 IPv6 和 ICMPv6 的流量.uname(1) now supports a -i flag to return the kernel identification.This name is also available via the kern.ident sysctl variable. 中譯: uname 新增 -i 參數.用來恢復 kernel identification. 也可以透過 sysctl 設定 kern.ident 取得A number of utilities available in /bin and /sbin are now available as a statically-linked``crunched'' binary that lives in /rescue. This functionality is similar to the/stand directory installed by sysinstall(8),but /rescue includes more functionality andis updated as part of buildworld/installworld operations.More details can be found in rescue(8).中譯: 在 /bin /sbin 可以取得的程式, 現在在 /rescure 也可以取得部份.Many executables in /bin and /sbin are now built using dynamic, rather than static linking.This feature brings support for loadable PAM and NSS modules to base system utilities locatedin those directories. It also reduces the storage requirements for the root filesystem due tothe use of shared libraries. This feature can be disabled in a buildworld by defining theMakefile variable NO_DYNAMICROOT. Note that statically-linked, crunched executables are available in the /rescue directory for use during system repair and recovery operations中譯: 以前 /bin 和 /sbin 的執行程式是固定的,改為動態.此特點可以透過 bulidworld 時, 定義 NO_DYNAMICROOT 取消.Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSDUsers with existing FreeBSD systems are highly encouraged to read the ``Early Adopter's Guide to FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE''.This document generally has the filenameEARLY.TXT on the distribution media, or any other place that the release notes can be found.It offers some notes on upgrading, but more importantly, also discusses some of the relativemerits of upgrading to FreeBSD 5.X versus running FreeBSD 4.X.中譯:若要升級的話,以前版本的使用者請閱讀"Early Adopter's Guide to FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE"文件. 該文件提供一些在升級時所需要注意的地方.此外更重要的是.... 與其他成功升級4.x 到 5.x 的使用者請益.Important: Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing up all data andconfiguration files. 中譯:請務必注意,*在升級FreeBSD之前*,請務必備份*所有資料及相關設定檔*!!

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