The following tool will scan the network for hosts using the vulnerable SSH version 3.0 that allows attackers to login to accounts without prompting for a user when their password is shorter than two characters.
For more information about this vulnerability, please see our previous post:
SSH Secure Shell 3.0.0 Allows Passwordless Logons
# A local SSH 3.0.0 vulnerability scanner for the
# SSH Short Password Login Vulnerability
# Note: You must have superuser access on the system to scan it.
# usage: ./
# Optional: -e turn off error
# -h specify a different /etc/shadow file
# (Options must come before host name)
# Written by hypoclear -
# This and all of my programs fall under my disclaimer, which
# can be found at:
use IO::Socket; use Getopt::Std;
die "\nusage: $0 \n\tOptional: -e turn off error\n\t\t -h specify a different /etc/shadow file\n\n" unless @ARGV > 0;
if (!defined $opt_h)
{ $opt_h = "/etc/shadow";
$out = &bannerGrab($ARGV[0],22);
sysread $out, $message,100;
close $out;
if (($message =~ /3.0.0/) || (defined $opt_e))
{ print "Running SSH 3.0.0, checking for vulnerabilities...\n\n";
open(SHADOW, "<$opt_h") || die "Cannot open $opt_h!\nNote: You must have superuser access to run this script.\n\n";
while( )
{ $name = $_;
$name =~ s/:.*$//;
$_ =~ s/^.*?\://;
$_ =~ s/:.*$//;
$name =~ s/\s//g; $_=~s/\s//g;
push(@lnnum,$cnt++); $cnt++;
foreach $hash (@hash)
{ @chars = split(//,$hash);
foreach $char (@chars)
{ $count++;
if ($count <= 2)
{ print "$name[$line]\t(line $lnnum[$line]) may be vulnerable!\n";
$vulnFlag = 1;
$count=0; $line++;
if ($vulnFlag != 1)
{ print "No accounts appear to be vulnerable.\n";
{ if (!defined $opt_e)
{ print "You are not running SSH 3.0.0.\n";
die "If you feel that this is an error run with the -e option.\n";
print "\n";
sub bannerGrab
{ $host = gethostbyname($_[0]) || warn "cannot connect to $ARGV[0]\n";
$port = getservbyport($_[1], 'tcp');
$haddr = sockaddr_in($_[1], $host);
socket(OUT, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) || warn "$!\n";
connect(OUT, $haddr) ;
return OUT;