以ROOT登录,并确认系统在维护状态 通过三种方式进入硬件/核心管理。 桌面:System Adminisfration->Hardware/Kernal Manager 通过命令行,启动系统管理菜单并选择“Hardware/Kernal Manager 直接用命令行:MKDEV TAPE
选择第一项:“CONFIGURE SCSI TAPE DRIVER” 选择第一项:“Install a Scsi Tape Device” 键入SCSI主适配器的字首,选择“h”列出所支持的适配器 键入主适配器号 如果中断和I/O地址正确,则对“CHANGE THESE PARAMETER?”提示符回答“N”, 如果不正确键入“Y”来修正。
键入设备所连接的SCSI总线 键入目标ID 键入驱动器的逻辑单元号 当提示后,更新SCSI配置 键入供应商提示串或用默认值 键入SCSI版本号,或用默认值 键入响应数据格式Response Data Format 选择磁带机驱动类型 键入新的引导串,或键入“q”采用默认值 查看配置检查是否正确。重新连接核心并重新引导所用的磁带驱动器 例:以LH3安装SCO5.0.4为例:安装磁带机:首先要确认硬件连接正确,在启动机器时,记住系统检测过程中提示的磁带机的SCSI ID号(缺省值为3)。进入UNIX系统,在系统维护状态(单用户状态)下配置磁带机,键入命令:mkdev tape屏幕显示:1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive2. Configure a different type of tape driveSelect an option or enter q to quit:选择1屏幕显示:SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program Install a SCSI Tape Drive Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Remove a SCSI Tape Drive Remove an Enhanced IDE tape Drive Change default Tape Drive View Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuratio Select an option or enter q to return to main menu:选择1屏幕显示:Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that support this device or Press <Return> for the default: ‘amird'Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit:输入slha,然后回车屏幕显示:Which ‘slha' SCSI host adapter support this device?Select 0-4, or enter q to quit:输入0,回车屏幕显示:What SCSI Bus is this device attached to?Press <Return> to use the default:0Select 0-n, or h for help, or q to quit:输入0,回车屏幕显示:What is the Target ID for this device?Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit:键入:3屏幕显示:What is the LUN of this device?Press <Return> to use the default:0Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit:输入0,回车屏幕显示:You are about to add the following SCSI device:HostAdapter AdapterType Device Number ID LUN BUSAlad stp 0 3 0 0Update SCSI configuration?(y/n)键入y屏幕显示:The SCSI configuration file has been updated.Updating system configuration …System files have been successfully updates.Configuring Tape Driver ...(Stp)Enter Vendor Identification string or press <Return> to use defaultOr enter q to return to main menu:键人Enter屏幕显示:Enter SCSI version that device is conformant to or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu:键入 Enter屏幕显示:Enter Response Data Format that device uses or press <Return> to use default or enter q to return to main menu:键入Enter屏幕显示:The following tape drive types are supported: Generic SCSI-1 / SCSI-2 Tape drive EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200 or 8500) IBM rebadged EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200) DAT drive (Compressing and non-Compressing) QIC Cartridge tape drive Please choose one of the above, press <Return> for default, or enter q to main menu:键入4屏幕显示:Tape Driver Successfully ConfiguredDefault special device have been created with the following links:/dev/xct0 linked to /dev/xStp0/dev/rct0 linked to /dev/rStp0 and /dev/rmt/0b/dev/nrct0 linked to /dev/nrStp0 and /dev/rmt/0bnIn /etc/default/boot:No current boot string.Enter New String, “rm” to remove string, or enter q to leave current string as is:键入:q,屏幕显示:SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program1.Install a SCSI Tape Drive2.Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive3.Remove a SCSI Tape Drive4.Remove an Enhanced IDE tape Drive5.Change default Tape Drive6.View Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configurationSelect an option or enter q to return to main menu键入q,屏幕显示:Tape Drive Configuration Program1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive2. Configure a different type of tape driveSelect an option or enter q to quit:键入q,屏幕显示:You must create a new kernel to effect the drive change you specified Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n)键入y,屏幕显示:Do you want this kernel to boot by default? (y/n)键入 y,屏幕显示:Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt? (y/n)键入 y安装完毕,重新引导系统,即可使用磁带机。常用的磁带机读写命令tar tvf /dev/rct0tar cvf /dev/rct0 directory _name or filenametar xvf /dev/rct0cpio –icuvdmB