

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

#!/usr/bin/wish -f

global countries is1 sc

wm title . "Eu Tool V0.0"

wm minsize . 50 50

frame .f -bg grey -bd 2;# to hold canvas and scrollbars

pack .f

frame .f.sub -bg red -bd 2 ;# to hold canvas

pack .f.sub -in .f

canvas .f.sub.c -relief sunken -width 15c -height 15c

pack .f.sub.c -in .f.sub -side left -fill y -padx 2

set w .f.sub.c

frame .info

pack .info

frame .info.sub1

pack .info.sub1 -padx 4 -pady 4 -ipadx 4 -ipady 4

set is1 .info.sub1

label $is1.labcountry -text "Country" -justify right

entry $is1.country -relief sunken -textvariable sc

pack $is1.labcountry $is1.country -side left -padx 4 -pady 3 -ipadx 2 -ipady 2

bind $is1.country <Return> {highLightCountry $w $sc}


# buttons


frame .b -bg grey

pack .b -fill x

button .b.quit -text Quit -command {exit 0}

button .b.clear -text Clear -command {clearCanvas .f.sub.c}

pack .b.quit .b.clear -side right -padx 4 -pady 4

$w create polygon 1.33039 0.57027 1.36029 0.59123 1.34591 0.50223 1.34591 0.44262 1.33314 0.41707 1.32797 0.37687 1.30972 0.35746 1.27992 0.3532 1.2565 0.33617 1.24296 0.32417 1.21179 0.32979 1.19902 0.34469 1.17347 0.34469 1.14416 0.36309 1.12876 0.34895 1.14792 0.34043 1.14154 0.31488 1.11386 0.31488 1.10109 0.29998 1.07054 0.29423 1.03341 0.29185 1.02019 0.32766 1.02019 0.34895 1.02861 0.38514 1.02861 0.41158 1.00742 0.39152 0.98251 0.38164 0.98251 0.4043 0.96484 0.39152 0.94359 0.41876 0.93879 0.48524 0.88614 0.51518 0.88614 0.60021 0.88852 0.64209 0.91374 0.65977 0.89988 0.68344 0.99688 0.72716 0.96694 0.81694 1.07471 0.82592 1.25673 0.82354 1.30943 0.73852 1.21301 0.62593 1.33039 0.57027 -fill green -tag germany

$w bind germany <Button-1> {showName Germany}

$w create polygon 0.88852 0.64209 0.91374 0.65977 0.89988 0.68344 0.86993 0.67863 0.88852 0.64209 -fill bisque4 -tag luxemburg

$w bind luxemburg <Button-1> {showName Luxemburg}

$w create polygon 1.07471 0.82592 1.25673 0.82354 1.30943 0.73852 1.34288 0.75019 1.37815 0.7365 1.407 0.71653 1.47287 0.73372 1.49383 0.78462 1.47272 0.80309 1.44708 0.80309 1.45028 0.83194 1.43395 0.86727 1.4038 0.88484 1.36853 0.87852 1.34449 0.90247 1.30046 0.89721 1.24831 0.88074 1.21782 0.85586 1.16335 0.85278 1.128 0.86965 1.0867 0.86067 1.07471 0.82592 -fill PeachPuff2 -tag austria

$w bind austria <Button-1> {showName Austria}

$w create polygon 0.94359 0.41876 0.93879 0.48524 0.88614 0.51518 0.88614 0.60021 0.83344 0.54989 0.7526 0.55649 0.78826 0.53219 0.81711 0.51936 0.8091 0.50333 0.81711 0.48249 0.83314 0.4841 0.85719 0.48249 0.81391 0.46486 0.8123 0.44402 0.82513 0.41998 0.85858 0.41876 0.94359 0.41876 -fill LemonChiffon1 -tag netherlands

$w bind netherlands <Button-1> {showName Netherlands}

$w create polygon 0.7526 0.55649 0.83344 0.54989 0.88614 0.60021 0.88852 0.64209 0.86993 0.67863 0.82833 0.65084 0.82994 0.61554 0.8091 0.62035 0.79948 0.64439 0.77864 0.64119 0.76843 0.608 0.7113 0.57265 0.72895 0.55783 0.7526 0.55649 -fill honeydew1 -tag belgium

$w bind belgium <Button-1> {showName Belgium}

$w create polygon 1.03341 0.29185 1.02069 0.26129 1.0011 0.24153 0.99344 0.20518 1.00786 0.17953 1.01245 0.13976 1.03672 0.11381 1.08481 0.10259 1.10084 0.08175 1.128 0.07808 1.1345 0.11221 1.10565 0.13305 1.10227 0.16311 1.11847 0.17793 1.14251 0.16992 1.14837 0.18824 1.12328 0.22121 1.07951 0.22954 1.0816 0.28052 1.07054 0.29423 1.03341 0.29185 -fill LavenderBlush1 -tag denmark

$w bind denmark <Button-1> {showName µ¤Âó}

$w create polygon 1.1345 0.23724 1.11366 0.24045 1.11045 0.25648 1.12488 0.2709 1.13129 0.28533 1.14412 0.27571 1.14893 0.25327 1.1345 0.23724 -fill LavenderBlush1 -tag fyn

$w bind fyn <Button-1> {showName Fyn}

$w create polygon 1.22587 0.20198 1.20182 0.21159 1.20022 0.22602 1.21465 0.23884 1.19862 0.24846 1.18259 0.23724 1.1874 0.22281 1.16976 0.20999 1.15854 0.23243 1.16335 0.26129 1.18099 0.27892 1.20022 0.27251 1.16656 0.30296 1.21304 0.28373 1.20984 0.2677 1.22747 0.26129 1.23388 0.23564 1.21946 0.2164 1.23709 0.20999 1.22587 0.20198 -fill LavenderBlush1 -tag sjaelland

$w bind sjaelland <Button-1> {showName Sjaelland}

$w create polygon 0.7113 0.57265 0.76843 0.608 0.77864 0.64119 0.79948 0.64439 0.8091 0.62035 0.82994 0.61554 0.82833 0.65084 0.86993 0.67863 0.89988 0.68344 0.99688 0.72716 0.96694 0.81694 0.93413 0.82874 0.91169 0.87183 0.88614 0.89721 0.88764 0.9153 0.90688 0.91183 0.9181 0.92972 0.93879 0.93433 0.94535 0.98102 0.92743 1.00315 0.94695 1.03552 0.97115 1.04193 0.97115 1.07444 0.89749 1.1253 0.78253 1.09298 0.73405 1.11632 0.73405 1.16902 0.65142 1.16664 0.62636 1.13811 0.58628 1.12689 0.55583 1.13212 0.51255 1.1186 0.51255 1.09002 0.4869 1.11059 0.46701 1.10438 0.47889 1.08842 0.49011 1.04834 0.51255 1.00346 0.51095 0.9698 0.49812 0.90408 0.49331 0.88965 0.47728 0.88804 0.45965 0.87682 0.45645 0.85759 0.47272 0.84689 0.45484 0.83515 0.43721 0.83996 0.41156 0.83675 0.41797 0.82553 0.40515 0.83194 0.36988 0.81751 0.34584 0.81591 0.33109 0.80558 0.32981 0.78866 0.31699 0.77584 0.31076 0.75468 0.3234 0.73897 0.34744 0.73737 0.36508 0.72614 0.38752 0.73416 0.41156 0.76141 0.4324 0.74378 0.46767 0.74378 0.48317 0.7523 0.48209 0.71492 0.46767 0.69248 0.4628 0.67625 0.49331 0.67004 0.51736 0.68287 0.57026 0.68126 0.59396 0.69003 0.60552 0.68126 0.5943 0.67325 0.60552 0.65401 0.64239 0.62195 0.66039 0.58881 0.7113 0.57265 -fill SlateBlue1 -tag france

$w bind france <Button-1> {showName France}

$w create polygon 0.96694 0.81694 0.93413 0.82874 0.91169 0.87183 0.88614 0.89721 0.88764 0.9153 0.90688 0.91183 0.9181 0.92972 0.93879 0.93433 0.98863 0.91156 0.99825 0.89125 1.03191 0.89927 1.0472 0.93433 1.08 0.89285 1.128 0.86965 1.0867 0.86067 1.07471 0.82592 0.96694 0.81694 -fill RoyalBlue1 -tag switzerland

$w bind switzerland <Button-1> {showName Switzerland}

$w create polygon 1.30046 0.96185 1.30046 0.89721 1.24831 0.88074 1.21782 0.85586 1.16335 0.85278 1.128 0.86965 1.08 0.89285 1.0472 0.93433 1.03191 0.89927 0.99825 0.89125 0.98863 0.91156 0.93879 0.93433 0.94535 0.98102 0.92743 1.00315 0.94695 1.03552 0.97115 1.04193 0.97115 1.07444 0.99504 1.07239 1.02229 1.05475 1.0406 1.0379 1.07038 1.04193 1.11526 1.05636 1.13771 1.08361 1.13931 1.11246 1.15534 1.1333 1.16934 1.16664 1.20182 1.1894 1.22907 1.21184 1.26915 1.22467 1.3509 1.27596 1.35891 1.28879 1.37174 1.28879 1.38616 1.2952 1.39097 1.30482 1.40861 1.30642 1.41662 1.33046 1.41983 1.36413 1.42944 1.38817 1.41983 1.40901 1.42624 1.42664 1.41181 1.44107 1.39739 1.42824 1.38136 1.43145 1.3525 1.44588 1.29319 1.44748 1.27556 1.45229 1.25793 1.45069 1.24991 1.46832 1.27075 1.47313 1.28037 1.46832 1.30762 1.49076 1.3493 1.5132 1.37975 1.53244 1.39739 1.52923 1.4054 1.5132 1.39739 1.49236 1.39578 1.4603 1.42784 1.43786 1.44387 1.44267 1.46311 1.42344 1.47433 1.39618 1.49383 1.3876 1.49677 1.37695 1.49517 1.3513 1.48395 1.33688 1.47112 1.32886 1.47112 1.31123 1.48395 1.2984 1.50478 1.30161 1.51921 1.31443 1.53364 1.31283 1.54806 1.32726 1.56987 1.33367 1.56987 1.31631 1.56089 1.2968 1.53524 1.28237 1.50959 1.27596 1.48074 1.25032 1.44067 1.23108 1.43105 1.21665 1.44067 1.20223 1.43105 1.19261 1.37013 1.18139 1.33006 1.14933 1.31243 1.12048 1.29319 1.0804 1.28037 1.06758 1.25953 1.06918 1.2451 1.05475 1.24831 1.03231 1.2451 1.01147 1.23228 0.98903 1.23869 0.96819 1.27235 0.9698 1.30046 0.96185 -fill SteelBlue1 -tag italy

$w bind italy <Button-1> {showName Italy}

$w create polygon 1.06557 1.12849 1.04794 1.1365 1.05275 1.15253 1.03672 1.16376 1.0271 1.18139 1.03031 1.20223 1.05275 1.22627 1.07038 1.23429 1.08481 1.21665 1.07359 1.20543 1.08641 1.17978 1.0832 1.13811 1.07198 1.10284 1.06557 1.12849 -fill SteelBlue1 -tag sardinia

$w bind sardinia <Button-1> {showName Sardinia}

$w create polygon 1.06076 1.24551 1.02389 1.26154 1.00786 1.25512 1.01588 1.2407 0.99985 1.25673 1.00786 1.26955 1.01909 1.28077 1.0271 1.31123 1.01588 1.33046 1.00786 1.31924 1.01428 1.34008 1.00786 1.36573 1.02389 1.38496 1.04794 1.38657 1.04794 1.37214 1.05916 1.37214 1.06878 1.37855 1.07679 1.36733 1.07519 1.34329 1.0832 1.31924 1.07679 1.2984 1.09282 1.2952 1.09282 1.27276 1.07359 1.2439 1.06076 1.24551 -fill SteelBlue1 -tag corsica

$w bind corsica <Button-1> {showName Corsica}

$w create polygon 0.73405 1.16902 0.65142 1.16664 0.62636 1.13811 0.58628 1.12689 0.55583 1.13212 0.51255 1.1186 0.51255 1.09002 0.4869 1.11059 0.46701 1.10438 0.44042 1.10765 0.41316 1.09803 0.33302 1.09002 0.26409 1.09322 0.21921 1.082 0.17913 1.07559 0.15509 1.08681 0.13585 1.09803 0.11341 1.09322 0.08776 1.10765 0.05988 1.13252 0.05731 1.15253 0.06532 1.17337 0.0783 1.18494 0.0783 1.19581 0.08502 1.20701 0.11982 1.19742 0.13265 1.21195 0.12143 1.22948 0.15348 1.2137 0.18875 1.21098 0.22753 1.21993 0.21528 1.24551 0.19196 1.26314 0.19148 1.2952 0.16586 1.34868 0.14066 1.3513 0.17432 1.39618 0.16474 1.41863 0.17753 1.45389 0.15348 1.47313 0.16344 1.50077 0.19837 1.5132 0.23203 1.53404 0.23684 1.55808 0.26942 1.57201 0.29615 1.56581 0.31218 1.54847 0.33943 1.54366 0.35866 1.54686 0.37149 1.53885 0.40355 1.53083 0.434 1.53244 0.45805 1.52603 0.49011 1.48916 0.50774 1.4587 0.543 1.43786 0.57667 1.40741 0.58468 1.38336 0.56545 1.38336 0.55423 1.36573 0.55904 1.34008 0.57506 1.31123 0.60552 1.27596 0.67765 1.2439 0.7017 1.23108 0.72735 1.19742 0.73405 1.16902 -fill LightSkyBlue1 -tag spain

$w bind spain <Button-1> {showName Spain}

$w create polygon 0.08502 1.20701 0.11982 1.19742 0.13265 1.21195 0.12143 1.22948 0.15348 1.2137 0.18875 1.21098 0.22753 1.21993 0.21528 1.24551 0.19196 1.26314 0.19148 1.2952 0.16586 1.34868 0.14066 1.3513 0.17432 1.39618 0.16474 1.41863 0.17753 1.45389 0.15348 1.47313 0.16344 1.50077 0.12784 1.5148 0.107 1.50704 0.08264 1.50975 0.06692 1.5132 0.06692 1.49717 0.08662 1.46992 0.0851 1.41992 0.05269 1.40376 0.04609 1.36573 0.05731 1.34649 0.05089 1.34329 0.0722 1.28558 0.08502 1.2070 -fill SlateGray2 -tag portugal

$w bind portugal <Button-1> {showName Portugal}

$w create polygon 0.29218 0.00863 0.32019 0.0 0.35225 0.00481 0.38271 0.0 0.39335 0.00621 0.38591 0.03847 0.36508 0.06893 0.34744 0.07214 0.35225 0.07855 0.33589 0.08944 0.35706 0.09618 0.43721 0.10259 0.434 0.12183 0.42439 0.15549 0.40355 0.18755 0.38676 0.20037 0.38676 0.21159 0.42118 0.21961 0.4742 0.24333 0.4869 0.2677 0.52698 0.30777 0.56224 0.34784 0.573 0.37687 0.55743 0.38151 0.5382 0.3783 0.51896 0.3783 0.54544 0.38644 0.57186 0.39593 0.58435 0.41876 0.56402 0.44632 0.57506 0.45204 0.61834 0.44402 0.65142 0.4601 0.63117 0.51936 0.59813 0.54513 0.60232 0.55463 0.62796 0.55302 0.63764 0.57027 0.56705 0.60913 0.49171 0.61073 0.42599 0.62035 0.38591 0.61233 0.36027 0.63317 0.33462 0.6492 0.30577 0.65081 0.28012 0.65561 0.25743 0.65349 0.26249 0.64439 0.28813 0.62997 0.30897 0.60111 0.33783 0.58028 0.37149 0.57867 0.38591 0.56104 0.40515 0.55302 0.42091 0.53135 0.37719 0.55231 0.33302 0.54501 0.29935 0.52257 0.28974 0.50494 0.34725 0.47146 0.3218 0.45204 0.33141 0.43441 0.31218 0.42158 0.32821 0.41196 0.33622 0.4296 0.36668 0.41677 0.40475 0.40682 0.40194 0.38311 0.4167 0.34693 0.39874 0.34784 0.38431 0.34784 0.36828 0.33182 0.37469 0.30617 0.39578 0.29185 0.3795 0.29014 0.36027 0.30617 0.33783 0.31098 0.29455 0.30617 0.28333 0.26609 0.29218 0.2158 0.24846 0.26191 0.24165 0.24045 0.26569 0.20037 0.27363 0.16548 0.24966 0.16831 0.2323 0.16072 0.24004 0.11381 0.20157 0.10419 0.20638 0.08817 0.22081 0.09458 0.21279 0.08175 0.22722 0.07694 0.24325 0.1074 0.24646 0.06733 0.29218 0.00863 -fill LightSteelBlue1 -tag gb

$w bind gb <Button-1> {showName "Great Britain"}

$w create polygon 0.216 0.02244 0.18875 0.03847 0.18394 0.07374 0.17432 0.10099 0.14707 0.13144 0.18394 0.109 0.19676 0.07053 0.22241 0.04008 0.216 0.02244 -fill LightSteelBlue1 -tag hebrides

$w bind hebrides <Button-1> {showName Hebrides}

$w create polygon 0.17432 0.27327 0.22081 0.27571 0.23363 0.29655 0.25287 0.30937 0.25768 0.33502 0.22753 0.36309 0.20592 0.32898 0.1449 0.34693 0.12155 0.32417 0.1497 0.29185 0.17432 0.27327 -fill LightCyan1 -tag nirelanda

$w bind nireland <Button-1> {showName "Northern Ireland"}

$w create polygon 0.22753 0.36309 0.20592 0.32898 0.1449 0.34693 0.12155 0.32417 0.1497 0.29185 0.12155 0.27807 0.10539 0.29495 0.10219 0.31098 0.08295 0.32701 0.09637 0.34272 0.07654 0.34624 0.06372 0.35586 0.04609 0.35265 0.02525 0.35105 0.01135 0.36547 0.02756 0.3783 0.02756 0.41158 0.0525 0.41677 0.07604 0.42056 0.03486 0.45524 0.03232 0.47146 0.04769 0.47146 0.08502 0.46248 0.04929 0.47769 0.02044 0.47929 0.0 0.4966 0.0 0.51135 0.03166 0.50814 0.03654 0.51995 0.01616 0.52417 0.01616 0.53853 0.04609 0.53219 0.07013 0.53379 0.15669 0.51295 0.19676 0.50974 0.21133 0.4966 0.22562 0.42799 0.21921 0.39914 0.22753 0.36309 -fill SpringGreen1 -tag eire

$w bind eire <Button-1> {showName Eire}

set countries {germany luxemburg austria netherlands belgium denmark fyn sjaelland france switzerland italy sardinia corsica spain portugal gb hebrides nireland eire}

foreach c $countries { $w scale $c 0 0 300 300 }

proc showName {c} {

global is1

$is1.country delete 0 end

$is1.country insert end $c


# given a country flash that in canvas

proc highLightCountry { w tn } {

set old_colour [lindex [$w itemconfig $tn -fill] 4]

$w itemconfigure $tn -fill yellow

after 5000 "$w itemconfigure $tn -fill $old_colour; bell"


proc clearCanvas {w} {

foreach id [$w find all] {$w delete $id }


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