这个是flash8帮助里面的文件,汉化了一部分,希望大家矮补充,把图片链接都作成了swf文件,在加载到主文件里面,这个实例里面运用了3个组件,分别是:CheckBox. ComboBox. NumericStepper.
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
// Declare two boolean variables that determine
// whether or not to use the corresponding filters.
// Initialize both to false.
var isDropShadow:Boolean = false;
var isBlur:Boolean = false;
// Declare some variables that specify the properties
// for the filters.
var dropShadowDistance:Number = 10;
var dropShadowAngle:Number = 40;
var dropShadowBlur:Number = 4;
var blurAmount:Number = 10;
// Add event listeners to the components.
imageCb.addEventListener("change", toggleImage);
dropShadowCh.addEventListener("click", toggleDropShadow);
dropShadowDistanceNs.addEventListener("change", updateDropShadowProperties);
dropShadowBlurNs.addEventListener("change", updateDropShadowProperties);
dropShadowAngleNs.addEventListener("change", updateDropShadowProperties);
blurCh.addEventListener("click", toggleBlur);
blurAmountNs.addEventListener("change", updateBlurProperties);
// Set the data provider of the image combobox. Use
// 加载的外部swf图片影片
imageCb.dataProvider = [{label: "Image 1", data: "http://media.163888.net/virtualdir1/2005/10/25/19/Flash/29659091551783.swf"},
{label: "Image 2", data: "http://media.163888.net/virtualdir1/2005/10/25/19/Flash/29659091858160.swf"},
{label: "Image 3", data: "http://media.163888.net/virtualdir1/2005/10/25/19/Flash/29659092104237.swf"}];
// Set properties of the components.
dropShadowCh.label = "阴影";
dropShadowDistanceNs.maximum = 50;
dropShadowDistanceNs.value = 10;
dropShadowAngleNs.maximum = 360;
dropShadowAngleNs.stepSize = 10;
dropShadowAngleNs.value = 40;
dropShadowBlurNs.value = 4;
blurCh.label = "模糊";
blurAmountNs.maximum = 20;
blurAmountNs.value = 10;
// Define a listener object to use with the
// MovieClipLoader object. When the image loads
// into the player, set the Loading Image label’s
// visibility to false.
var imageListener:Object = new Object();
imageListener.onLoadInit = function(clip:MovieClip):Void {
loadingImageLbl.visible = false;
// Make a movie clip in order to display the images.
// Nest a movie clip within that in order to load
// the images into the nested clip. The nested clip
// is necessary because once the image is loaded into
// the clip, you cannot apply filters to it. You can,
// however, apply filters to the parent clip.
this.createEmptyMovieClip("imageClip", 1);
imageClip.createEmptyMovieClip("nestedClip", 1);
// Place the movie clip.
imageClip._x = 155;
imageClip._y = 80;
// Define the MovieClipLoader instance.
var imageLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
// Load the image from the first combo box item into
// the nested clip.
imageLoader.loadClip(imageCb.value, imageClip.nestedClip);
// When the user selects a different image from
// the combo box, display the Loading Image label,
// and load the new image.
function toggleImage(event:Object):Void {
loadingImageLbl.visible = true;
imageLoader.loadClip(imageCb.value, imageClip.nestedClip);
// Set the value of isDropShadow to match the
// checked state of the check box.
function toggleDropShadow(event:Object):Void {
isDropShadow = event.target.selected;
// Set the value of isBlur to match the checked
// state of the check box.
function toggleBlur(event:Object):Void {
isBlur = event.target.selected;
// Set the property variables according to the
// numeric stepper values.
function updateDropShadowProperties(event:Object):Void {
dropShadowDistance = dropShadowDistanceNs.value;
dropShadowBlur = dropShadowBlurNs.value;
dropShadowAngle = dropShadowAngleNs.value;
// Set blurAmount according to the numeric stepper.
function updateBlurProperties(event:Object):Void {
blurAmount = blurAmountNs.value;
function setFilters():Void {
// Define a new array for the filters.
var filtersArr:Array = new Array();
// If isDropShadow is true, make a new
// DropShadowFilter object, and add it to the array.