
.NET Test Driven Development

王朝c#·作者佚名  2006-01-09
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Test Driven Development


Lessons Learned in Software Testing by Cem Kaner, James Bach, and Bret Pettichord.

Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# by the Pragmatic Programmers Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, the preview chapters (one, two) look good.

Managing the Testing Process by Rex Black – highly recommended by John Robbins.

Test Driven Development: A Practical Guide by Dave Astels, we've got this at work and it is very good although the examples are in Java.

Test Driven Development: By Example by Kent Beck. My comment: can we please move away from the stupid money example.

Test-Driven Development in Microsoft® .NET by James Newkirk, a developer on the NUnit project. Awesome book. (get all the code from the TDD workspace on GotDotNet)


csUnit - open source testing framework

NUnit - open source testing framework

mbUnit - unit testing similar to NUnit, from a Microsoft employee

.TEST - commercial automated unit testing software

HarnessIt - commercial testing framework

Unite.NET - commercial unit and integration test software

X-Unity - commercial testing framework

NUnitAddin - Visual Studio add-in, currently has command-line interface (I hear Jamie Cansdale is working on a GUI with red/green bars)

NUnitASP - test web sites by interacting programmatically with the controls on the web page. Now supports authentication as well as several other new features! Also see my NUnitAsp Tips and Best Practices.

NUnitForms - allows you to test Windows Forms in a manner similar to NUnitAsp (you get to interact with the form elements programmatically). It even includes a recorder application!

RUnit - runs NUnit test harnesses in ASP.NET.

TestRunner for NUnit - an NUnit add-in for Visual Studio .NET. See blog post.

VSNUnit - an NUnit add-in for Visual Studio .NET. See blog post.

Mock Objects






Web sites / columns

Applying Patterns to Software Testing - Brian Marick

Bret Pettichord's Publications on testing

Brian Marick's writings on software testing

Cem Kaner's articles on testing

James Bach's articles

ObjectMentor's Test Driven Development articles

TestDriven.com web site, general purpose portal that includes various languages, testing tools, and articles.

Test Driven Development Column Dave Astels

Test Driven Development Yahoo! group

Pages on the c2 wiki:



UnitTest - check out all the links at bottom


Benjamin Mitchell has an excellent XP and Agile category including lots of TDD

Brian Marick's blog is all about testing

James Newkirk, lead developer on NUnit and now Microsoft employee, has an excellent TDD blog.

Jay Kimble has a TDD category

Jens Winter has a TDD category

Jonathan Cogley has a TDD category

Jonathan de Halleux - the creator of mbUnit

Roy Osherove has a Test Driven category

Siva Rama Krishna has a blog devoted to software testing

Steve Eichert has a TDD category

See my Test Driven Development category

Unit Testing articles

Adventures in C#: Using NUnit - Ron Jeffries

Advanced Unit Testing: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Marc Clifton

An Initial Investigation of Test Driven Development in Industry - Laurie Williams and Boby George

Best Practices: Test Driven Development

Charles' Six Rules of Unit Testing - Charles Miller

Contractual Test Driven Development: Combining Test Driven Development and Design By Contract - Dave Chaplin

csUnit Tutorials - a group of related tutorials on csUnit, including one on how to port from NUnit

Developing Automated Tests using NUnit2 with VB.NET - Dave Chaplin

Effective Unit Testing - Tim Burns

Endo-Testing: Unit Testing with Mock Objects - Tim Mackinnon, Steve Freeman, Philip Craig

Debugging .NET with NUnit - Paul Kimmel

Fun with Unit Tests-Testing Abstract Classes - Roy Osherove

Interview: XP Pioneer Stumps for Test-Driven Development - Jon Udell on InfoWorld

Introduction to Test-driven Development with NUnit and the NUnit Add-in - Roy Osherove

An Introduction to Test-Driven Development (TDD) – code examples are in C# and Delphi using csUnit.

Download the PowerPoint (1043K)

Download the source code (90K)An Introduction to Test-Driven Development (TDD) using Visual Basic.net – code examples in VB.NET using csUnit.

Download the PowerPoint (1046K)

Download the source code for the demonstrations (211K)NUnitAsp article - Melwyn D'Souza and Sarvesh Damle

NUnit V.2 For People Who Can't Cook - Markus Kalina, not the latest version of NUnit

Perform Code Coverage Analysis with .NET to Ensure Thorough Application Testing - James McCaffrey

Putting Test Driven Development into Practice - Jimmy Nilsson

TDD with NUnit and C# - PowerPoint presentation by Jonathan Cogley

Test Driven Analysis and Design - Jason Gorman

Test Before You Leap Into Development - Jon Udell on InfoWorld

Test-Driven C# : Improve the Design and Flexibility of Your Project with Extreme Programming Techniques - Will Stott and James W. Newkirk

Test Driven Development - ObjectMentor's write-up on TDD

Test Driven Development - Scott Ambler, chap 11 of his Agile Database Techniques book

Test Driven Development and Acceptance Testing - James Grenning

Test-Driven Development, A Conversation with Martin Fowler, Part V - Bill Venners on Artima.com

Test Driven Development and Web Services - Peter Provost, uses NUnit

Test Driven Development in .NET - Peter Provost, uses NUnit

Test Driven Development in Enterprise Integration Projects - Gregor Hohpe and Wendy Istvanick

Test Driven Development using NUnit - Jason Gorman

Test First Guidelines - Sean Shubin

Testing ASP.NET Applications with NUnitASP and NUnit - Justin Gehtland

Testing for Programmers - Brian Marick, very very good!

Unit Testing and Test-First Development - on MSDN

Unit Testing Database Code - Richard Dallaway

Unit Testing in .NET - Charlie Poole, 79 PowerPoint slides

Unit Testing in .NET - Justin Gehtland

When Do You Stop Unit Testing? - Gordon Weakliem

Work Guidelines: Test Driven Development

Working backwards - James Newkirk, Robert C. Martin

Write Unit Tests - Nick Smith in Visual Studio Magazine

Writing Automated Browser Tests using NUnit and IE - Dave Chaplin



Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler – excellent

Refactoring Workbook by William Wake – very good

Refactoring to Patterns by Joshua Kerievesky – forthcoming book, see the web site


C# Refactoring Tool – $110 for 1-9 licenses, $99 for 10 or more

C# Refactory – $99 first license, $50 each additional, 30 for $549

dotEasy – currently free

FlyWheel – $449

Resharper – use a username and password of eapuser, pricing not set

Visual Studio – will include refactoring in the Whidbey release, due in 2005

Web Sites

Agile .NET Development – Refactoring - by Jason Gorman, C# tutorial on refactoring

Fowler Refactoring Example - by Dave Veeneman, a C# translation of the 'Starting Point' example in Chapter 1 of Fowler's Refactoring book

Refactoring Home page – a portal on refactoring maintained by Martin Fowler

Refactoring Yahoo! group

Refactoring with Martin Fowler – Artima interview by Bill Venners

The Process of Database Refactoring – by Scott Ambler

Refactoring Refactoring – article by Robert X. Cringely that questions refactoring

Pages on the c2 wiki:





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