JUnit Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests
Testing is not closely integrated with development. This prevents you from measuring the progress of development- you can't tell when something starts working or when something stops working. Using JUnit you can cheaply and incrementally build a test suite that will help you measure your progress, spot unintended side effects, and focus your development efforts.
The Problem
Every programmer knows they should write tests for their code. Few do. The universal response to "Why not?" is "I'm in too much of a hurry." This quickly becomes a vicious cycle- the more pressure you feel, the fewer tests you write. The fewer tests you write, the less productive you are and the less stable your code becomes. The less productive and accurate you are, the more pressure you feel.
Programmers burn out from just such cycles. Breaking out requires an outside influence. We found the outside influence we needed in a simple testing framework that lets us do a little testing that makes a big difference.
The best way to convince you of the value of writing your own tests would be to sit down with you and do a bit of development. Along the way, we would encounter new bugs, catch them with tests, fix them, have them come back, fix them again, and so on. You would see the value of the immediate feedback you get from writing and saving and rerunning your own unit tests.
Unfortunately, this is an article, not an office overlooking charming old-town Zürich, with the bustle of medieval commerce outside and the thump of techno from the record store downstairs, so we'll have to simulate the process of development. We'll write a simple program and its tests, and show you the results of running the tests. This way you can get a feel for the process we use and advocate without having to pay for our presence.
往往来说,测试和开发并不是紧密地集成在一起的,这会让妨碍你估量开发的进度-你不清楚一些东西什么时间开始工作或者停止工作。用Juint你可以创建一个简单的、增量式的测试集合,帮助你评估开发的进度,spot unintended side effects,集中精力进行你的开发。
当然,这里只是一篇文章,不是an office overlooking charming old-town Zürich, with the bustle of medieval commerce outside and the thump of techno from the record store downstairs,所以我们只能模仿开发的进行情况。会给出一些简单的程序和它的测试,并展示执行测试的结果。通过这样你可以明白一些我们用到的步骤,然后以后即使我们不说你也会提倡这样做。