有什么问题请到<a href='/bbs/forums.php?fid=21'>论坛</a>中发表<br>
<!-- http://www.webjx.com/js -->
<!-- bbs http://www.webjx.com/bbs-->
<!--加入到head代码 -->
<style type="text/css">
font: bold 12px Verdana;
line-height: 1.5;
background-color: #E1E1E1;
<script type="text/javascript">
var contacts=new Array()
//Specify text and corresponding email address.
//Use [at] and [dot] in place of "@" and "." for anti spam purpose:
contacts[0]=["Chris Timber", "chris[at]whatever[dot]com"]
contacts[1]=["John Doe", "johndoe[at]whatever2[dot]com"]
contacts[2]=["Jannet Low", "janet[at]whatever3[dot]com"]
contacts[3]=["Albert Good", "albertgood[at]whatever4[dot]com"]
//Specify caption text to display within SELECT menu. Only applicable if you're using the form option:
var dropmenucaption="CONTACT US FORM "
function displaycontact(emailarray, cssclass, displaymethod, extrainfo){
if (displaymethod=="text"){
document.write('<span class="' + cssclass + '">\n')
if (typeof emailarray[0]=="object"){ //if array passed consists of multiple elements
for (i=0; i<emailarray.length; i++){
var seperator=(i<emailarray.length-1)? extrainfo : ""
document.write('<a href="mailto:' + modifyemail(emailarray[i][1])+ '">'+ emailarray[i][0] + '</a>' + seperator)
else //else if it is a single array element
document.write('<a href="mailto:' + modifyemail(emailarray[1])+ '">'+ emailarray[0] + '</a>')
else if (displaymethod=="form"){
document.write('<select size="' + extrainfo + '" onChange="jumptooption(this)" class="' + cssclass + '">\n')
document.write('<option value="caption">' + dropmenucaption + '</option>\n')
for (i=0; i<emailarray.length; i++)
document.write('<option value="mailto:' + modifyemail(emailarray[i][1]) +'">' + emailarray[i][0] + ' </option>\n')
function modifyemail(emailitem){
var modified=emailitem.replace(/\[at]/gi, "@")
modified=modified.replace(/\[dot]/gi, ".")
return modified
function jumptooption(themenu){
if (themenu.options[themenu.selectedIndex].value !="caption")
//USAGE INSTRUCTION. displaycontact(1st paramter, "2nd paramter", "3rd paramter", "4th paramter")
//1st parameter: Input the name of the array containing the list of email addresses. To display one single email, input the corresponding array element.
//2nd parameter: Input the CSS Classname that is to be applied. Enter arbitrary name for none.
//3rd parameter: Input either "form" or "text." Former will display email in drop down menu. Later in plain text. Only "text" mode supports displaying of single email address!
//4th parameter: If in "form" mode, enter an integer to control the height of the <SELECT> tag. If "text" mode, enter any string to act as a divider between each email text. For example "|", "<br>" etc.
//SAMPLE USAGES (uncomment below to see)
//displaycontact(contacts, "textstyle", "text", " | ")
//displaycontact(contacts, "formstyle", "form", "1")
//displaycontact(contacts[2], "textstyle", "text", "")
<script type="text/javascript">
//display emails using dropdown menu with height of "1"
displaycontact(contacts, "formstyle", "form", "1")
//display emails using regular text links, separated by "<br>"
displaycontact(contacts, "textstyle", "text", "<br>")
//display the single email address contacts[2] from array
displaycontact(contacts[2], "textstyle", "text", "")
<p><font color=red>//网站:http://www.webjx.com</font></p>
[Ctrl+A 全部选择 提示:你可先修改部分代码,再按运行]