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// DotMenu
// provides cross-browser functionality
function getObjectRef(name) {
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// general functions to assist the script
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var el = getObjectRef(name);
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function getHeight(name) {
var el = getObjectRef(name);
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var el = getObjectRef(name);
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// Creates the menu objects
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sub.action = action;
this.subMenus[this.subMenus.length] = sub;
return sub;
this.expand = function() {
if(this.subMenus.length > 0) {
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if(this.parent) {
p = !this.parent.moving;
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p = p && ((this.parent.subMenus[i].state==0) || (this.parent.subMenus[i].state==this.parent.subMenus[i].subMenus.length)) && (this.parent.subMenus[i].moving==false);
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if((!this.parent || this.parent.state == this.parent.subMenus.length) && p) {
if(this.parent) this.collapseAll(this.name);
var diff = 360 / this.subMenus.length;
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this.moving = true;
this.subMenus[i].slide(this.subMenus[i].radius * cos(degToRad((diff*i)+this.startAngle)), this.subMenus[i].radius * sin(degToRad((diff*i)+this.startAngle)), this.name + ".subMenus[" + i + "].showCaption();" + this.name + ".moving=false;" + this.name + ".state+=1;");
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